
Author Topic: Civ 5 theorycrafting  (Read 613 times)


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Civ 5 theorycrafting
« on: January 13, 2014, 03:06:39 AM »
Create your own custom civ!

See the title. I ran across a Wheel of Time mod for Civ The map mod is what it is. The Civ mod is interesting, though. It has two WoT civs, both of which are at least somewhat balanced.

Leader: Elayne Trakand
UA: Queen's writ: 25% less unhappines from number of cities, 25% faster border growth
UU: Queen's Guard (knight): Increased attack in domestic territory, decreased attack in foreign lands
UB: Foundry (Windmill): Extra production, and gives all siege units the Dragon promotion.

Leader: Perrin Aybara
UA: Master Blacksmith: Double iron, coal, and aluminum. Every city starts with a forge.
UU: Two River's Longbowman (Crossbowman): More expensive crossbowman with extra, attack, range, and sight.
UU: Wolfbrother (Pikeman): Increased movement anti-cavalry, with defensive bonuses in wooded areas.

Manetheren doesn't seem especially overpowered. Every city starting with a forge is nice. Wolfbrother is mostly unremarkable, the Longbowman are basically English Longbowman. Which makes sense, as Jordan clearly cribbed the Two Rivers Longbow from the English. The Andor one strikes me as better due to the happiness part, but I have no real feel for it otherwise.

I'm in the mood to theorycraft some for new Civ themes. Draw them from anywhere (Games, books, etc),. Three that have been bouncing around in my head are:


UA:  Ji'e'toh: 1/2 production time for military units, workers, and settlers, 2x production time for all other items. Move through Desert as if it was Road, +1 food from Desert tiles.

UU: Maidens of the Spear: Replaces Scouts. +2 Movement, upgrades to Composite Archer.

AI: Builds wide. The Aiel have no real cities and have to split up septs fairly often due to resource issues. They are in a state of near total military moblization, so they should be able to pump out troops quickly.

Highland Kingdom

UA: Sacrifice to the Beast Rune: Gain gold, culture, and science from razing a city. Half unhappiness for razing a city. Generate a free Great General upon researching Bronze Working.

UU: White Wolves. Replace Pikeman.  Higher attack than normal pikeman, start with Ranged Defense+1.
UU:  Luca Blight.+5% boost compared to a normal a great general. Replaces the Great General. Units in Luca's radius regenerate HP when killing another unit.

Aggressive, should be along the lines of Atilla.  Like Assyria, they benefit greatly from killing enemy cities, though not as much as they do.

ShinRa Inc

UA: Power of Midgar:  50% more science, gold, and culture generated in the capital city upon learning Electricty. Gain a free Spaceship factory in Midgar upon reaching the Information era.

UU: SOLDIER first class. Replaces Infantry. Starts with Blitz and March learned. 10% higher production/gold cost than normal infantry.
UU: Mako Reactor. Replaces Palace. Generates an extra +1 production and science over the default Palace. Generates +4 Uranium (Cannot be seen until Atomic Theory is learned)

AI: This is meant to be a back ended civ. The Palace is just a way for them to have something before lategame. AI should probably lean towards being taller, because that has the potential to be a serious freaking monster in the lategame.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2014, 03:38:40 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...