
Author Topic: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)  (Read 6661 times)


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Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:13:12 PM »
From Pipe Dreamer, with Elf updates

This game getting its generics into the Not Ranked tournaments finally got me the motivation to get its stats in. The generics are taken at L40, against 25 Defense and M. Defense, with Faris's stat bonuses (+3 to Str and Mag, +2 to Agl and Vit) to prevent arbitrary inflation on either side.

About the Stats

HP is a function of Level and unequipped Vitality. MP is a function of Level and unequipped Magic.

Strength and Magic affect the characters' physical and magic multipliers. Due to the way the game works (only whole-number multipliers are used), small boosts to Strength and Magic are useless unless they carry a character past a multiplier benchmark. At level 40, one magic multiplier benchmark is 256 / 40 = 6.4 Magic, while one physical multiplier benchmark is 128 / 40 = 3.2 Strength.

Vitality's only use, besides affecting HP as aforementioned, is affecting how much HP a character recovers while under Regen status.

Agility affects the amount of time it takes for the ATB gauge to fill up. Unlike in the other FFs, in FF5 everyone's ATB gauge fills at the same rate. All Agility does is affect where the ATB gauge starts to fill. The gauge has 255 units, and at the beginning of every turn, (135 + Agility) units are automatically filled. It then fills at the same rate for every character until it reaches 255 and the character is allowed to act.

Attack influences how much damage the character does with the Fight command.

Defense and Magic Defense work subtractively.

Evade is very close to a literal percentage. Magic Evade generally only applies to status attacks in-game, since almost all straight damage spells are unblockable. Some may take this stat to simply mean status resistance in the DL. Magic Evade works multiplicatively, where HitRate% = Spell basehitrate * (100 - target MEvade)%.

About Equipment

While almost every job has a unique weapon of some kind, armor in FF5 falls quite cleanly into three classes: Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, and Robes. The only exception is Ribbons, which are unique to Dancers. Shields fall closely to the Heavy Armor category, except Blue Mages can also equip them. To save space, I have listed all potentially useful equipment in the section and will refer only to the armor type a character can equip in the character sections. Equipment I consider defaults are marked with an asterisk (*).

Heavy Armor
*Crystal Helmet [Defense +13]
Diamond Helmet [Defense +10, Magic Defense +2, Halve Lightning]
*Crystal Armor [Defense +20, Magic Defense +2]
*Gauntlet [Defense +6, Magic Defense +1]

Medium Armor
*Dark Hood [Defense +12, Magic Defense +2, Agility +2]
*Dark Suit [Defense +17, Magic Defense +2, Agility +1]
Diamond Plate [Defense +13, Magic Defense +2, Halve Lightning]
*Diamond Ring [Defense +4, Magic Defense +5, Magic Evade +5]
*Monk-only: Kaiser Knuckles [Defense +8, Strength +5, Brawl up]

*Circlet [Defense +10, Magic Defense +2, Magic Evade +5]
Lamia's Tiara [Defense +3, Magic Defence +7, Magic Evade +10, Magic +3, immunes Charm]
*Black Robe [Defense +14, Magic Defense +14, Magic Evade +20, Magic +5]
Bard's Clothes [Defense +6, Magic Defence +8, Magic Evade +17, immunes Silence]
Chemist-only: Angel Robe [Defense +10, Magic Defense +11, Magic Evade +25, Vitality +5, Nullify Poison, immunes Poison]
Gaia Gear [Defense +8, Magic Defense +10, Magic Evade +18, Strengthen Earth]
*Diamond Ring [Defense +4, Magic Defense +5, Magic Evade +5]

*Ribbon [Defense +12, Magic Defense +2, Magic Evade +5, Str, Mag, Vit, Agl +5, Immune to Dead, Stone, Toad, Poison, Darkness, Aging, Berserk, Mute]
*Rainbow Suit [Defense +18, Magic Defense +3, Magic Evade +4, immunes Charm]
*Red Shoes [Defense +11, Magic Defense +2, Magic Evade +3, immunes Charm]

*Crystal Shield [Defense +8, Evade +45]
Diamond Shield [Defense +6, Evade +35, Halve Lightning]

Hermes Sandals [Magic Defense +3, Magic Evade +5, Auto-Haste, immunes Stop, Paralysis, Slow, and Sleep]
Angel Ring [Defence +5, Magic Defence +10, Magic Evade +10, immunes Old and Zombie]

These last two aren't currently factored into the stat topic, possibly due to their price (although really you should be able to afford enough for your party). Notice that they actually give better defences than the assumed arm-slot items, in addition to their powers. Of course, "allowing" Hermes Sandals just makes Haste-using jobs (and Monk, who needs Brawl Up) worse in the DL, so up to you if you want to consider them.

About Terminology

When you change your character into a job in FF5, they will automatically have the Fight and Item commands and one specific ability of that job. This specific ability is locked and cannot be changed; they are marked with a double asterisk in the character listings. Some jobs learn additional abilities, which can be equipped into the character's blank ability slot. Abilities that (in my opinion) should be taking as default in these blank ability slots are marked with a single asterisk.

When I say that a move "pierces defense" (e.g. Flare), it means that defense is divided by 32 when calculating damage for that move. Since few enemies have over 32 defense in FF5, and the game rounds down all numbers, this is for all practical intents and purposes the same as ignoring defense. "Ignores defense" (e.g. X-Fight) means that the attack takes defense as 0 when calculating damage. Curiously, both defense-piercing and defense-ignoring attacks are still affected by Safe or Shell in FF5, though fixed-damage attacks such as Blow Fish and gravity attacks are not. Whether you take it as a property of these  attacks or as a property of FF5 Safe and Shell is up to you.

Instant death attack that "misses Heavy-types" bypass Instant Death immunity. Only monsters classed as Heavy-type (or monsters or PCs who were targets of the Dragon's Kiss mix) are immune to these attacks. I personally don't preserve this distinction in the DL, though of course your interpretation may vary.

I am unsure of what Mblock value to take as default, so only base hit rate is listed for status spells. You may wish to deduct a constant from these hit rates to arrive at true hit rates.


Weapon: Ragnarok (Defender)
Armor: Heavy Armor, (Shields)

HP 2071
MP 163
Str 50
Agl 28 (94%)
Vit 46
Mag 12

Attack 110 (99, if Defender; 140, if Ragnarok)
Defense 39 (47, if Shield)
M. Defense 3
Evade 0% (45%, if Shield; 25%, if Defender; 58.75%, if both)
M. Evade 0%
PDur 1.29 (1.51), MDur 1.03

(Note: Ragnarok is superior to Excalibur in every way, but most disallow it due to it being guarded by an optional superboss.)

Weapon Block: (Defender) 25% chance of evading all physical attacks. This check is made independent of Shield evasion; if Knight has both a Shield and a Defender equipped, his effective evade is 58.75%
Cover: Knight automatically takes all physical damage for party members below 1/8 max HP[/i]


**!Fight: 2890/2516/3910 physical damage (1445/1258/1955, if Shield)
**!Guard: All physicals nulled for next turn. Useful against VP fighters?

Safe [Defender itemcast]: Inflicts Safe. Safe halves all incoming physical damage.


Weapon: Fists
Armor: Medium Armor

HP 2900 (2231 without HP +30%)
Str 53 [+5]
Agl 28 [+3] (99%)
Vit 52
Mag 3

Attack 133
Defense 37
M. Defense 4
Evade 0%
M. Evade 0%
PDur 1.74, MDur 1.46 (1.37/1.14 without HP+30%)

Counter: 50% chance of countering physicals.


**!Fight: 1188x2 physical damage, 8% crit rate (2926 per crit), average 2654
(without Kaiser Knuckles: 638x2, 1826 per crit, average 1466
**!Kick: 1155 physical damage to all enemies
(without Kaiser Knuckles: 605)
*HP +30%: Max HP up 30%
!Mantra: Heals 104 damage, lifts Blind and Poison
!BuildUp: 2376x2 physical damage, 8% crit rate (5852 per crit), average 5308, 0.5-turn charge time
(without Kaiser Knuckles: 1276x2, 3652 per crit, average 2932)


Weapon: Twin Lance
Armor: Medium Armor

HP 1593
Str 28
Agl 43 [+3] (118%)
Vit 28
Mag 20

Attack 61
Defense 33
M. Defense 9
Evade 0%
M. Evade 5%
PDur 0.89, MDur 0.87


**!Fight: 360 + 360 physical damage, total 720


Weapon: Dragoon Spear
Armor: Heavy Armor, Shields

HP 1939
Str 45
Agl 32 (99%)
Vit 41
Mag 14

Attack 119
Defense 47
M. Defense 3
Evade 45%
M. Evade 0%
PDur 1.42, MDur 0.96


**!Fight: 1504 physical damage
**!Jump: 3008 physical damage, one-turn charge time, ignores evade
*!Dragon Sword: Drains 120 HP and 80 MP. Magical.


Weapon: Hardened Dagger + Twin Lance
Armor: Medium Armor

HP 1620
Str 42
Agl 41 [+3] (115%)
Vit 29
Mag 16

Attack 170
Defense 33
M. Defense 9
Evade 25%
M. Evade 5%
PDur 0.91, MDur 0.88

Weapon Block: (Hardened) 25% chance of evading all physical attacks


**!Fight: 1110 + 540 + 540 physical damage, total 2190
**!Throw: Throws a weapon, shuriken, or scroll. Ignores evade, but not defense.

Fuuma: 5643 physical damage
Flame Scroll: 570 magical damage, fire-elemental
Water Scroll: 570 magical damage, water-elemental
Thunder Scroll: 570 magical damage, lightning-elemental

*!Image: Inflicts Image status on self. Image causes the next two physical attacks to miss. Note that this applies even to "unblockable" attacks such as X-Fight and Throw


Weapon: Masamune
Armor: Heavy Armor, Shields

HP 2045
Str 46
Agl 29 (95%)
Vit 45
Mag 14

Attack 107
Defense 47
M. Defense 3
Evade 58.75%
M. Evade 0%
PDur 1.50, MDur 1.02

Blade Grasp: 25% chance of evading all physical attacks. This check is made independent of Shield evasion; this effectively increases Samurai's evasion to 58.75%.
Initiative: (Masamune) Samurai gets a full ATB guage at the start of the battle


**!Fight: 1312 physical damage, 15% crit rate (3424), average 1629
**!GilToss: 3750 physical damage, spends 2000 * (number of targets) in Gil
*!Slash: Instant death, 85% base hit rate, misses Heavy-types, 0.5-turn charge time
!SwdSlap: Same as physical attack, except doesn't dispel Sleep, Confuse and Controlled status

Haste [Masamune itemcast]: Inflicts Haste. Haste doubles effective speed.


Weapon: Giant's Axe
Armor: Heavy Armor, Shields

HP 2204
Str 48
Agl 18 (85%)
Vit 51
Mag 3

Attack 91
Defense 47
M. Defense 3
Evade 45%
M. Evade 0%
PDur 1.62, MDur 1.09

Berserk: Attack is boosted by 50%


**!Fight: Randomly fluctates between 1054 and 3366 physical damage, average 2210


Weapon: Yoichi Bow
Armor: Medium Armor

HP 1567
Str 43 [+3]
Agl 39 [+6] (117%)
Vit 27
Mag 21

Attack 101
Defense 33
M. Defense 9
Evade 0%
M. Evade 5%
PDur 0.88, MDur 0.85


**!Fight: 1216 physical damage, 90% hit rate, 30% crit rate (3232), average 1639
**!Aim: 1290 physical damage, ignores evade, 30% crit rate (3232), average 1873
*!X-Fight: 808x4 physical damage, ignores evade and defense, 30% crit rate (1616 per crit), average 4202
!Animals: Randomly uses one of the following attacks. Roughly 2.5% chance of Mysidian Rabbit, even odds for the others.

Mysidian Rabbit: Wasted turn
Squirrel: 140 magical damage, misses floating targets
Nightingale: 357 healing to party, also cures Blind and Poison
Bee Swarm: Deals ([10... 100] - 25) * 7 damage.
Momonga: Inflicts Paralysis, unblockable.

Mystic Knight

Weapon: Enhancer
Armor: Heavy Armor, Shields

HP 1912
Str 41
Agl 41 (110%)
Vit 40
Mag 27 [+3]

Attack 102
Defense 47
M. Defense 3
Evade 45%
M. Evade 0%
PDur 1.40, MDur 0.95

MBarrier: If an attack knocks Mystic Knight below 1/8 max HP, he casts Shell as a counter.


**!Fight: 1078 physical damage
**!MgcSword: Mystic Knight takes one turn to cast magic on his sword, for the rest of the battle (or until another Sword magic is cast) his Fight command will have the listed effect.

Flare: 2744 physical damage, pierces defence
Drain: Drains 1078 damage
Psyche: Drains 1/4 of target's current MP
Break: 100% chance of inflicting Stone on target if Fight command hits.
Mute: 100% chance of inflicting Mute on target if Fight command hits.
Sleep: 100% chance of inflicting Sleep on target if Fight command hits.
Venom: 100% chance of inflicting Poison on target if Fight command hits.
Fire 3: Kill target instantly if weak to Fire. If target is weak to fire but Heavy-type, deal 5712 damage instead.
Ice 3: Kill target instantly if weak to Ice. If target is weak to ice but Heavy-type, deal 5712 damage instead.
Bolt 3: Kill target instantly if weak to Lightning. If target is weak to ice but Heavy-type, deal 5712 damage instead.
Holy: Kill target instantly if weak to Holy. If target is weak to ice but Heavy-type, deal 5712 damage instead.
Bio: Kill target instantly if weak to Poison. If target is weak to ice but Heavy-type, deal 5712 damage instead.

White Mage

Weapon: Sage's Staff (Morning Star)
Armor: Robes

HP 1540
MP 338
Str 20
Agl 28 (95%)
Vit 26
Mag 51 [+5]

Attack 50
Defense 28
M. Defense 21
Evade 0%
M. Evade 30%
PDur 0.80, MDur 1.05


**!Fight (Sage's Staff): 240 magic damage (4020 vs. undead)
**!Fight (Morning Star): Randomly fluctates from 152 to 552 damage, average 352
**!White: Silenceable magic. Subject to Reflect, with the exception of Dispel

Holy: (20 MP) 4032 magical damage, holy-elemental
Cure 3: (29 MP) Fully heals target. If multitargeted, heals 1080 to all targets.
Heal: (10 MP) Heals all status effects
Image: (6 MP) Inflicts Image. See Ninja section for details.
Wall: (15 MP) Inflicts Reflect. This wears off, but it lasts long enough (three-four turns?)
Safe: (3 MP) Inflicts Safe. Safe halves all incoming physical damage.
Shell: (5 MP) Inflicts Shell. Shell halves all incoming magical damage and halves incoming status odds. Curiously, this also applies to "defense-piercing" spells such as Flare. What you make of this is up to you.
Berserk: (8 MP) Inflicts Berserk. Unblockable.
Mute: (2 MP) Inflicts Mute, 75% base hit rate. Can wear off, though I'm not sure of duration.
Size: (5 MP) Inflicts Mini, 90% base hit rate. Mini drops defense to 0, Attack to 3 (practically, this means you won't be doing more than 1 damage to any endgame monster), and doubles evasion.
Charm: (4 MP) Inflicts Confuse, 75% base hit rate.
Dispel: (12 MP) Removes positive status from target.
Life 2: (50 MP) Revives with full HP.

*MP +10%: Boosts max MP by 10%

Black Mage

Weapon: Fire/Ice/Thunder Rod
Armor: Robes

HP 1487
MP 429
Str 18
Agl 27 (94%)
Vit 24
Mag 57 [+5]

Attack 16
Defense 28
M. Defense 21
Evade 0%
M. Evade 30%
PDur 0.77, MDur 1.01


(Note: For the elemental spells, the first number refers to the damage without the corresponding elemental rod equipped, the second with.)

**!Fight: Randomly deals between 0 and 98 magical damage of the corresponding element
**!Black: Silenceable magic. Subject to Reflect, with the exception of Drain and Psyche.

Flare: (39 MP) 3302 magical damage, non-elemental, pierces defense
Fire 3: (25 MP) 2080/3276 magical damage, fire-elemental
Ice 3: (25 MP) 2080/3276 magical damage, ice-elemental
Bolt 3: (25 MP) 2080/3276 magical damage, lightning-elemental
Psych: (1 MP) Drains 25% of opponent's current MP if opponent's magic defense is below 8. Fails if opponent's magic defense is above 8.
Sleep: (3 MP) Inflicts Sleep, 90% base hit rate.
Toad: (8 MP) Inflicts Toad, 80% base hit rate. Toad drops Attack to 3, Defense and Evade to 0, and renders the target unable to cast any spells but Toad.
Break: (15 MP) Inflicts Stone, 75% base hit rate.
Doom: (29 MP) Inflicts instant death, 80% base hit rate.

*MP +30%: Boosts max MP by 30%

Time Mage

Weapon: Morning Star
Armor: Robes

HP 1460
MP 304
Str 22
Agl 29 (96%)
Vit 23
Mag 50 [+5]

Attack 50
Defense 28
M. Defense 21
Evade 0%
M. Evade 30%
PDur 0.76, MDur 0.99


**!Fight: Randomly fluctates from 152 to 552 damage, average 352
**!Dimen: Silenceable magic. Subject to Reflect, except the damage spells, Void, Reset, and Float.

Meteo: (42 MP) Deals 4 hits of non-elemental damage. Damage ranges from 350 to 2450. Average damage for entire attack is thus 5600. Each hit randomly targets an opponent, in a team setting. Max possible damage (matters due to Reset) is 9800.
Quarter: (18 MP) Deals 14/16 of opponent's current HP in damage, 99% base hit rate.
Quick: (77 MP) Immediately gives caster two free turns.
Haste: (5 MP) Inflicts Haste. Haste doubles effective speed.
Regen: (3 MP) Inflicts Regen. On Time Mage, this means 57 HP gained per turn.
Float: (10 MP) Inflicts Float. Float means immunity to ground-based attacks.
Reset: (1 MP) Restarts battle.
Slow: (3 MP) Inflicts Slow, 95% base hit rate. Slow halves effective speed.
Stop: (8 MP) Inflicts Stop, 90% base hit rate. Lasts 2 turns.
Old: (4 MP) Inflicts Old, 90% base hit rate. Old causes the target's Speed and Level to gradually decrease to 1. This affects magical damage but not physical damage.
X-Zone: (20 MP) Inflicts instant death, 50% base hit rate, misses Heavy types.
Void: (3 MP) Silent Lake effect, doesn't work on bosses.
Comet: (7 MP) Deals non-elemental magical damage ranging from 200 to 1400. Average is thus 800.
Haste 2: (15 MP) Multitarget version of Haste.
Slow 2: (9 MP) Multitarget version of Slow, 80% base hit rate.


Weapon: Air Knife or Fire/Ice/Thunder Rod
Armor: Robes

HP 1514
MP 338
Str 17
Agl 26 (93%)
Vit 25
Mag 59 [+5]

Attack 56 (16)
Defense 28
M. Defense 21
Evade 0%
M. Evade 30%
PDur 0.78, MDur 1.03


(Note: For the elemental summons, the first number refers to the damage without the corresponding element-booster [elemental rod, Gaia Gear, Air Lancet] equipped, the second with.)

**!Fight: 279 physical damage, wind-elemental
**!Summon: Silenceable magic. Ignore reflect.

Bahamut: (66 MP) 3150 magical damage, non-elemental, pierces defense.
Leviathan: (39 MP) 2380 magical damage, water-elemental
Syldra: (32 MP) 1960/3108 magical damage, wind-elemental
Phoenix: (99 MP) 1120/1848 magical damage, fire-elemental. Also revives a dead ally to full HP and MP.
Titan: (25 MP) 1190/1960 magical damage, earth-elemental. Misses floating targets.
Shoat: (33 MP) Inflicts stone, 99% base hit rate.
Remora: (2 MP) Inflicts paralysis, 100% base hit rate. Paralysis wears off, though I'm unsure of its duration.
Odin: (48 MP) 80% chance of True Edge, inflicting unblockable instant death. If True Edge roll fails or opponent is heavy-type, deal 3220 ITE physical damage instead.
Golem: (18 MP) Casts a shield that absorbs all incoming physical attacks. The shield will take 3000 damage before disappearing.
Carbunkle: (45 MP) Casts reflect on entire party. This wears off, but it lasts long enough (three-four turns?)

**!Call: Use a random summon, no MP cost

Blue Mage

Weapons: Air Lancet or Fire Rod
Armor: Robes, Shields, (Medium armor)

HP 1620
MP 301
Str 19
Agl 28 (95%)
Vit 29
Mag 49 [+5]

Attack 56 (16)
Defense 36
M. Defense 21
Evade 45%
M. Evade 30%
PDur 0.96, MDur 1.10


(Note: For the elemental spells, the first number refers to the damage without the corresponding element-booster [elemental rod, Air Lancet] equipped, the second with.)

**!Fight: 279 physical damage, wind-elemental
**!Blue: An eclectic mix of spells and abilities. Not silenceable, sometimes reflectable

Aero 3: (24 MP) 1380/2220 magical damage, wind elemental, reflectable
Blow Fish: (25 MP) 1000 damage, fixed, ignores defense
Mind Blast: (6 MP) 660 damage and inflicts Paralysis. The paralysis lasts slightly longer than one turn.
Missile: (7 MP) Deals damage equal to 75% target's current HP, 75% base hit rate
Vampire: (2 MP) Drains half of missing HP from target, 99% base hit rate. GBA version makes this "all missing HP" instead.
White Wind: (28 MP) Heals entire party by amount equal to current HP
Big Guard: (72 MP) Inflicts Safe, Shell, and Float on all allies. Reflectable.
Moon Flute: (3 MP) Inflicts Berserk on all allies
Death Claw: (21 MP) Reduces target HP to single digits and inflicts paralyze, 66% base hit rate, misses Heavy-types.
Time Slip: (9 MP) Inflicts Sleep and Old, 90% base hit rate
Frog Song: (5 MP) Inflicts Toad, 66% base hit rate
Tiny Song: (5 MP) Inflicts Mini, 66% base hit rate
Flash: (7 MP) Inflicts Blind, 75% base hit rate. Darkness quarters accuracy.
Guard off: (19 MP) Halves target's defense and M. defense, 80% base hit rate
Magic Hammer: (3 MP) Halves target's current MP, 75% base hit rate
Dark Shock: (27 MP) Halves target's level. This causes target's magic damage to be roughly halved. 66% base hit rate.
Condemn: (10 MP) Inflicts Count Down on target, unblockabe, misses Heavy-types. Note that enemies killed by Condemn do not give experience (though they still give AP). What you make of this is up to you.

Red Mage

Weapon: Enhancer or Fire/Ice/Thunder Rod
Armor: Robes, (Medium Armor)

HP 1381
MP 239
Str 35
Agl 32 (100%, fractionally below average)
Vit 20
Mag 34 [+5]

Attack 102
Defense 28
M. Defense 21
Evade 0%
M. Evade 30%
PDur 0.71, MDur 0.94


**!Fight: 924 physical damage
**!Red: Silenceable magic. Subject to Reflect.

Fire 2: (10 MP) 250/500 magical damage, fire-elemental
Ice 2: (10 MP) 250/500 magical damage, ice-elemental
Bolt 2: (10 MP) 250/500 magical damage, lightning-elemental
Cure 2: (9 MP) Heals 450 damage
Safe: Inflicts Safe. See White Mage section for details.
Sleep: (3 MP) Inflicts Sleep, 90% base hit rate.
Toad: (8 MP) Inflicts Toad, 80% base hit rate. See Black Mage section for details.
Mute: (2 MP) Inflicts Mute, 75% base hit rate. Can wear off, though I'm not sure of duration.
Size: (5 MP) Inflicts Mini, 90% base hit rate. See White Mage section for details.
Charm: (4 MP) Inflicts Confuse, 75% base hit rate.

*!X-Magic: Cast any two spells on the Red magic list in a row


Weapon: Flame Whip
Armor: Medium Armor

HP 1753
Str 40 [+2]
Agl 28 [+5] (101%)
Vit 34
Mag 23

Attack 82
Defense 33
M. Defense 9
Evade 0%
M. Evade 5%
PDur 0.98, MDur 0.96


**!Fight: 855 physical damage, 33% chance of casting Fire 3 for 1120 fire damage. Average damage is thus 1228
**!Catch/!Release: You can Catch a monster that's below 1/8 health, then Release it. The monster will do an attack. I'm not sure how people are going to treat this, but I'm listing a few useful ones anyway. All of these are OPB, of course.

Great Dragon: (Fight) 9999 physical damage, ignores evade (one hit calculated as 975 + 9100 ITD)
Giant Bird: (Wind) deals damage equal to 25% target's max HP. Cannot be blocked or immuned in-game.
Faerie Orc: (Cure 3) Full healing.
UndeadRusk: (Break) Inflicts Stone, 75% base hit rate
Bandersnatch: (Blaster) Even odds of inflicting Paralysis or instant death, unblockable

*Control: Takes control of enemy, 40% hit rate. Equipping a Coronet takes this up to 75%; but there's only one Coronet and all jobs can equip it.


Weapon: Morning Star
Armor: Robes

HP 1700
Str 29
Agl 30 (98%)
Vit 32
Mag 22 [+5]

Attack 50
Defense 28
M. Defense 21
Evade 0%
M. Evade 30%
PDur 0.88, MDur 1.15


**!Fight: Fluctates from 209 to 759 damage, average 484
**!Drink: Drink one of the following potions. All are store-bought. Note that Chemist can mimic all of these effects on other party members with Mixes, assuming you allow Category 2 materials (see below).

Protect Drink: Inflicts Safe. See White Mage section for details.
Speed Drink: Inflicts Haste. See Time Mage section for details.
Giant Drink: Doubles both max and current HP
Hero Drink: Adds 10 to level. This raises his Fight damage to [247... 897]
Power Drink: Supposedly adds 20 to Attack. Due to a bug, however, this has no effect on Chemist.

*!Mix: Mix two items together for a unique effect. I've broken Mixes down into four categories: Category 1 are Mixes that only use regular storeboughts. Category 2 are ones that use Turtle Shells and Dragon Fangs (common drops from fairly common enemies). Category 3 are ones that use Dark Matters (dropped by fairly rare enemies).

Category 1:

Water of Life: Inflicts Regen. On Chemist, this is 80 HP regained per round.
X-Potion: Full healing.
Half Elixir: Full MP healing.
Restorative: Heals Aging, Sleep, Paralyze, Charm, Berserk, Mute
Elemental Power: All magical elements up (1.5x damage)
Levitate: Inflicts Float.
Life Shield: Grants instant death immunity.
Resist Fire: Grants fire absorption
Resist Ice: Grants ice absorption
Resist Thunder: Grants lightning absorption
Kiss of Blessing: Inflicts Berserk, Image, and Haste. Ignores immunities to any of the statuses.
Resurrection: Revive with full HP and MP

Category 2:

Drain Kiss: Drains 1840 damage. 99% base hit rate.
Dragon Breath: Deals damage equal to caster's current HP, fire/ice/lightning-elemental
Holy Breath: Deals damage equal to caster's current HP, holy-elemental
Dragon Shield: Grants immunity to fire, ice, and lightning
Dragon Armor: Inflicts Reflect, Shell, Safe, Regen
Panacea: Heals all status ailments
Dark Sigh: Inflicts Blind and Confuse, unblockable
Failure: Deals damage equal to 25% target's current HP, also inflicts Charm, unblockable
Split Shell: Halves target's defense and M. defense, unblockable
Bacchus's Wine: Inflicts Berserk, unblockable
Dragon's Kiss: Turns target into a Dragon and a Heavy-type target.

Category 3:

Shadow Flare: 1940 magical damage, non-elemental, pierces defense
Dark Ether: Reduces target's current MP by 75%
Death Potion: Inflicts instant death, unblockable
Toad's Kiss: Inflicts Toad, unblockable
Dark Gas: Inflicts Blind, 99% base hit rate


Weapon: Rune Bell
Armor: Robes

HP 1646
MP 304
Str 31
Agl 29 (96%)
Vit 30
Mag 50 [+5]

Attack 55
Defense 28
M. Defense 21
Evade 0%
M. Evade 30%
PDur 0.78, MDur 1.03


**!Fight: 1372 physical damage (costs 5 MP; does 429 if not enough MP)
**!Terrain: Depends entirely what terrain you see in the DL... some good candidates:

-Overworld grassland: 25% Gust (384 wind), 25% Earthquake (1320 earth MT), 50% Wind Slash (1320 wind MT), average 1086

-Castle indoors (similar to an arena, maybe?): 25% Gust (384 wind), 25% Wind Slash (1320 wind MT), 50% Sonic Boom (75% cHP gravity): Kills average non-healer in 4 turns when combined with Rune Bell as finishing blow.

-Castle outdoors: 25% Twister (HP to single digits, 99% base hit rate), 25% Wind Slash (1320 wind MT), 50% Sonic Boom (75% cHP gravity): Fairly similar to the above overall, but slightly better. Probably a 3-turn kill on average (69% of landing gravity turn 1, which needs at most two more hits after).

-Final stage of final dungeon: 25% Wind Slash (1320 wind MT), 25% Sonic Boom (75% cHP gravity), 50% Twister (HP to single digits, 99% base hit rate): Slightly better than the above.

-Final battle: 100% Wind Slash (1320 wind MT)


Weapon: Apollo Harp or Lamia Harp
Armor: Robes

HP 1301
Str 19
Agl 35 (103%)
Vit 17
Mag 37 [+5]

Attack 0
Defense 28
M. Defense 21
Evade 0%
M. Evade 30%
PDur 0.67, 0.88

**!Fight:(Apollo Harp) 500 magical damage (5750 vs. dragons and undead)
(Lamia Harp) Deals 3/16 of target's current HP in damage and inflicts confuse. 99% base hit rate.
**!Sing: Silenceable magic. Not subject to Reflect.

Charm Song: Inflicts confuse, 99% base hit rate. Note, harp damage does not lift confuse.
Love Song: Inflicts stop, 99% base hit rate. Lasts about 2.8 Bard turns.
Power Song: Gradually increases party's Strength. Bard cannot perform other actions while singing. Bard breaks out when hit by a physical.
Magic Song: Gradually increases party's Magic. Bard cannot perform other actions while singing. Bard breaks out when hit by a physical.
Speed Song: Gradually increases party's Agility. Bard cannot perform other actions while singing. Bard breaks out when hit by a physical.
Heroic Song: Gradually increases party's level. Bard cannot perform other actions while singing. Bard breaks out when hit by a physical.

*!Hide: Becomes untargetable by any attacks. Cannot do anything while Hiding except use Show. Note that due to a bug, Hiding characters will still be untargetable after they use Show. This effect lasts until the enemy uses a spell or special attack on the character. This means the Bard can technically become totally invincible to pure fighters in the DL. However, using this in a fight where it is possible to run causes Bard to run, so its legality is questionable. What you make of this is up to you.


Weapon: Man Eater [Str, Agl, Vit, Mag +2]
Armor: Ribbons, (Medium Armor)

HP 1275
Str 32 [+7]
Agl 32 [+7] (108%)
Vit 16 [+7]
Mag 21 [+7]

Attack 89
Defense 41
M. Defense 7
Evade 0%
M. Evade 12%
PDur 0.83, MDur 0.67

Dancer's damage will be listed for humanoids, i.e. those hit by Man Eater's damage bonus.

**!Fight: 2492 physical damage
**!Dance: Randomly use one of the following attacks. Sword Dance is 50%, the other two are 25%

Sword Dance: 9968 physical damage, ignores evade and defense
Mystery Waltz: Drains MP. This fails to break MDef, against the values I'm using -_-
Jitterbug Duet: Drains 280 HP

*!Flirt: Cancels target's next action. 100% base hit rate.



1. Monk, 2900
2. Berserker, 2204
3. Knight, 2071
4. Samurai, 2045
5. Dragoon, 1939
6. Mystic Knight, 1912
7. Mediator, 1753
8. Chemist, 1700
9. Geomancer, 1646
10t. Ninja, 1620
10t. Blue Mage, 1620
12. Thief, 1593
13. Hunter, 1567
14. White Mage, 1540
15. Summoner, 1514
16. Black Mage, 1487
17. Time Mage, 1460
18. Red Mage, 1381
19. Bard, 1301
20. Dancer, 1275

Average 1726


Note that Mystic Knight's 3-turn damage is used because his damage-dealing strategy will always involve a turn-1 Flare Sword. Other 3-turn options are listed in square brackets.

1. Ninja, 5643
2. Time Mage, 5600 [7467, using 3-turn, 1 Quick + 4 Meteors]
3. Dancer, 4984
4. Archer, 4202
5. White Mage, 4032
6. Samurai, 3750
7. Black Mage, 3302
8. Summoner, 3220
9. Knight, 2890
10. Monk, 2654
11. Blue Mage, 2280
12. Berserker, 2210
13. Mystic Knight, 1829 (3-turn)
14. Dragoon, 1504
(Monk, no Kaiser Knuckles: 1456)
15. Geomancer, 1372
16. Mediator, 1228 [4152, using 3-turn and Release Great Dragon]
17. Red Mage, 1000
18. Thief, 720
19. Bard, 500
20. Chemist, 484

Average: 2670
With 3-turn Mediator/Time Mage damage: 2909
Without Kaiser Knuckles: 2610
Without Kaiser Knuckles, but with 3-turn Mediator/Time Mage damage: 2849

Effective speed (thanks to Tai for factoring in equipment weight)

Thief: 118%
Hunter: 117%
Ninja: 115%
Mystic Knight: 110%
Dancer: 108%
Bard: 103%
Mediator: 101%
Red Mage: 100%
Monk: 99%
Dragoon: 99%
Chemist: 98%
Time Mage: 96%
Geomancer: 96%
White Mage: 95%
Blue Mage: 95%
Samurai: 95%
Black Mage: 94%
Knight: 94%
Summoner: 93%
Berserker: 85%

Physical durability (higher is better)

Monk: 1.74
Berserker: 1.62
(Shield Knight: 1.51)
Samurai: 1.5
Dragoon: 1.42
Mystic Knight: 1.4
Knight: 1.29
Mediator: 0.98
Blue Mage: 0.96
Ninja: 0.91
Thief: 0.89
Chemist: 0.88
Hunter: 0.88
Geomancer: 0.85
Dancer: 0.83
White Mage: 0.8
Summoner: 0.78
Black Mage: 0.77
Time Mage: 0.76
Red Mage: 0.71
Bard: 0.67

Magical durability (higher is better)

Monk: 1.46
Chemist: 1.15
Geomancer: 1.12
Blue Mage: 1.1
Berserker: 1.09
White Mage: 1.05
Summoner: 1.03
Knight: 1.03
Samurai: 1.02
Black Mage: 1.01
Time Mage: 0.99
Mediator: 0.96
Dragoon: 0.96
Mystic Knight: 0.95
Red Mage: 0.94
Bard: 0.88
Ninja: 0.88
Thief: 0.87
Hunter: 0.85
Dancer: 0.67

Physical evade

Samurai: 59%
Berserker, Dragoon, Mystic Knight, Blue Mage: 45%
(Shield Knight: 45%)
Ninja: 25%
Everyone else: 0%

Average 13.2%

M. evade (status evade)

Chemist, Geomancer, Blue Mage, White Mage, Summoner, Black Mage, Time Mage, Red Mage, Bard: 30%
Dancer: 12%
Mediator, Ninja, Thief, Hunter: 5%
Monk, Berserker, Knight, Samurai, Dragoon, Mystic Knight: 0%

Average: 15.1%
« Last Edit: April 22, 2021, 02:17:23 PM by Dark Holy Elf »


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Re: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2010, 03:36:20 AM »
From Tai

Agl average, factoring in EQ weight.
AVG: 166.1

Thief: 180
Ninja: 178
Hunter: 176
Mystic Knight: 174
Dancer: 173
Bard: 169
Mediator: 167
Red Mage: 166
Dragoon: 165
Monk: 165
Chemist: 164
Geomancer: 163
Time Mage: 163
Samurai: 162
Blue Mage: 162
White Mage: 162
Knight: 161
Black Mage: 161
Summoner: 160
Berserker: 151

In effect, anyone who uses shields drops two, anyone who doesn't drops one. No one stays the same AGI.

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2010, 02:45:38 PM »
Possible equipment options:

Berserkers have the option of Doom Scythes which are a fairly common drop/steal.  It offers 48 less ATK than the Giant's Axe, but has a 33% of casting Doom upon contact with an enemy.

Mediators get the Beastkill whip, which offers 10 less ATK than the Flame whip and loses the randomcasting Fire3, but gains a chance of paralyzing an enemy 50% of the time.  If you allow it, there's also the Dragon Whip/Whisker, which does the same thing as the Beastkill whip, but has 20 more ATK than said Beastkill whip (which means 10 more ATK than the Flame Whip and still no randomcast Fire3) and deals some bonus damage to dragons.

If you do not consider Back Row, then Thieves and Ninjas might want to consider Double Lances instead of Rising Suns - they offer 10 less ATK AND are considered a Rare Steal, but are still fairly easy to come across.  The bonus is that each Double Lance offers two hits to an enemy instead of one.

If anyone can figure out how !Terrain works, the Geomancer may want to opt for the Rune Bell, which offers 10 less ATK, but has a bevy of elemental damage bonuses.  For a further 10 ATK penalty, there's also the Earth Bell, which boosts the power of Earth Spells and has a 25% chance of casting Quake.

Thieves can get the unique Thief Glove on their accessory slot for 4 more DEF.  Small, yes, but every little bit helps, yes?

All classes can equip the Kaiser, but supposedly the Monk benefits from it the most, since it specifically boosts the power of !Kick and Brawl.

Other oddities:

If equipped, Knights can use the Defender to itemcast Armor/Protect.
If equipped, Samurais can use the Masamune to itemcast Haste.

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 09:53:20 PM »
If you do not consider Back Row, then Thieves and Ninjas might want to consider Double Lances instead of Rising Suns - they offer 10 less ATK AND are considered a Rare Steal, but are still fairly easy to come across.  The bonus is that each Double Lance offers two hits to an enemy instead of one.

Twin Lances are storebought, so they should probably be the weapon of choice for Thief, and the second weapon for Ninja (not that the latter cares due to Throw outdamaging it).

Enhancers are something I'd personally find legal for Mystic Knight and Red Mage. There are two in the game and the other two classes that can use them have no interest in them. Well... there's an argument that Blue Mage could use it against a magic-immune or to conserve MP, but even in that case you can get more as rare steals, and allowing Enhancers keeps anyone from using a weapon from the first half of the game, always a plus.

On a similar "nobody else actually cares about this" note, White Mage has the Sage Staff, a weapon whose only notable feature is strengthening holy attacks (and itemcasting Life). White Mage is the only staff user with a holy attack that can be strengthened (Chemist has one, but it does CHP-based damage and ignores strengthening).

Ranger/Hunter/Archer should probably have Yoichi Bow as a default over Artemis. While it has -10 ATK and -10 Hit (on a class with Aim/Rapidfire), it more than makes up for this with +3 Strength, +3 Agility, and a 30% crit rate. The stat boost alone ups Rapidfire's damage in this case due to roundoff with the listed setup (to 3232), but factor in the 30% crit rate and we're talking 4201 damage off speed which is now 1 above ninja's.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 10:03:13 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2011, 03:30:16 AM »
Sage's Staff actually has one more notable feature, although it's pretty much DL irrelevant: a massive, massive damage boost vs the undead. I forget the exact multiple, but it's somewhere around the range of 6x-8x, which makes it very useful in the deep sea trench for challenge games that lack really good MT or holy elemental damage.

There's also some more useful storebought gear not listed in the first post. Offhand, Bard's Robe provides immunity to Silence for instance and Lamia's Tiara provides immunity to confusion. I'll need to review the algorithms faq in detail to remember what else exists.

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2011, 08:50:34 AM »
Redid the stat topic with a bunch of stuff, but in particular there are now way more averages. Yay!

To calculate the effectiveness of defences, I used enemy attack multipliers. Most enemies in the final dungeon have an attack multiplier of 12, so each point of Defence is assumed to cut 12 off of physicals. Magic is all over the place: about half of magic-using enemies have a magic mult of 4, one freaky outlier has 17, bosses range from 4 to 15 except one freak with 99, and the Meteor spell has a fixed multiplier of 14. I decided to use 9 because not only is it about the average, but some memorable individual examples (Catastrophe's Earthquake spam, Neo Exdeath magic part) have this figure.

Also, a note: Average MEvade in the final dungeon is 32. This is a huge spike up from previous dungeons; second to last dungeon has an average of 16, for instance. Up to you how you want to take this. All status hit rates listed as "Base hit rate" in the stat thread should be multiplied by (100 - MEvade).

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2011, 10:52:13 AM »
Rough assessment of the cast as duellers, for tournament purposes:

Knight: Slugger with above average 3HKO damage and decent physical durability. Against fighters who lack healing or buffing, he may want to switch to a shield, which more than doubles his effective physical durability. He can further stack on Defender and its Safe casting, so he's really good at beating up the pure fighters that plague Light. Unimpressive in Middle, though. Low Middle.

Monk: Complete tank with average damage. Alternately, he can drop his durability to merely "good" (especially against physicals) in exchange for easily killing average in 2.5 turns, and getting the frail in 1.5. Counters help against physical types. Middle. (If you ban Kaiser Knuckles, damage falls by close to half, and is Light with the same trade available.)

Thief: Oh god. Twin Lance helped him out but not much. 10HKO damage! Speed at least! Pretty much Alfred Schroedinger if he were status-bait, which is to say, cast-worst dueller. Low Light.

Dragoon: Kain who tanks physicals much better due to FF5 shields being pretty badass, but without fire/ice resist. Winning trade overall but still has problems. High Light.

Ninja: High 2HKO damage off good speed, and Image to spoil singlehit physical types. High Heavy.

Samurai: Harshly antiphysical, first strike (not as good as FFX, but good enough to avoid being instant doubled quickly usually... unsure exactly), 2HKOs with money (ITE though defence-subject), Haste for fights which need 3 turns and healer-busting. Also has some sluggish turn 2 ID (turn 3 in practice due to charge times). Heavy.

Berserker: Borderline 3-4HKO off game-worst speed. Still, pdur will let her outslug some pure fighters, and she has a turn ~5 ID option if she tanks her damage badly. High Light, she's a lot like Kongol.

Hunter: Solid ITD/ITE 2HKO damage off good speed. Durability could be a touch better, but this is still a hard offence to deal with, so Heavy, if obviously worse than Ninja and Samurai.

Mystic Knight: Buff on turn 1, kill on turn 2 if the foe is vulnerable to stone or sleep or mute (and fears the latter). Speed helps here. If status is out and the target lacks an elemental weakness, then it's ITD 3HKO instead which probably won't scare much. Spoiled by great evade, but very tough against physicals herself (don't worry, last class I'll say this for!). Middle of some flavour.

White Mage: Status tricks are... probably turn 2 (Mini is frequently immuned, which doesn't help my respect there!). Still, good with that turn: Image spoils physicals, Shell makes it hard to 2HKO with magic. 2HKO damage and a decent buff/healing game. High Middle.

Black Mage: Sleep borders on turn 1, has other backup statuses or just-shy-of-2HKO damage. Durability's not awful though still 2HKOed by average physicals and slightly slow, so there's a problem there. Low Middle.

Time Mage: Wins if she gets a turn unless the target is magic immune. No, seriously. Quick/X-Zone/Reset kills anyone vulnerable to ID, Quick/Stop/Reset is a good backup, Quick/Meteor (maxed)/Reset or Meteor deals an insane 2.3PCHP damage. Speed/pdur combo holds this back but not enough, I think. Low Godlike.

Summoner: Golem's probably better than Image (works on ITE, usually lasts longer), Carbuncle complements it as a shutdown trick, turn 1 ID and stone. Pretty nice though the usual speed/durability of all the FF5 mages. Heavy.

Blue Mage: Oh look, a mage who doesn't fear physicals! Tanks pretty well with shield/Mighty Guard/either White Wind or Vampire, has a variety of statuses (bordering on turn 1 in the case of Time Slip), paralysis spam will on average beat those who aren't heavy-typed (so most PCs who are vulnerable?). Lots of tricks, enough for Heavy despite damage that really could be better, I think.

Red Mage: Well, dualcast makes her one of the best status-slingers, which is good because the damage is atrocious and none of the other stats are good. Decent healing at least. Middle.

Mediator: 1.5x ITE, near-ITD overkill. Not much else to say. It's less crazy than Time Mage offence but on the other hand, barely above average speed and better pdur. Low Godlike.

Chemist: Well it really depends what you allow, doesn't it? Even the most restricted version has a crazy defensive game once it gets going (haste/heal, double HP, halve physical, ID immunity) though lacks a way to put people away besides maybe Kiss of Blessing (but 3x opponent physical bruising undoes most of her work). High Middle. Category 2 brings in nasty status, unreliable draining, and anti-magic buffing, so High Heavy (really good with that one turn, though not auto-win). Category 3 just rounds out the status options a little (100% death and toad) but probably doesn't ultimately change much.

Geomancer: Overworld grassland interp is the worst one, leaving her with low 5HKO damage. Ick. Castle and final dungeon interps give her a 3-4 turn win against the gravity-vulnerable but still generally healer-bait and extra bad against gravity-immunes. Light.

Bard: Depends on if you let Hide beat pure fighters (I don't). Pretty terrible otherwise, atrocious damage basically ensures a bad run with status before she beats most anyone. Bad pdur to boot. Low Light.

Dancer: Overkill damage, but it's turn 2. Status immune in the meantime, but terrible mdur. Decent speed. I dunno. High Middle.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 01:09:50 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2013, 06:48:23 PM »
The following is a list of how much defence and magic defence affect PC-side attacks in FF5. Listed is each DL-relevant attack and how much damage each point of FF5 defence subtracts from it. So for instance, if Knight encounters 10 more Def than the that topic assumed figure (25), her damage is reduced by 340 if using Two-Handed, or 170 if not.

This list is provided without any real suggestion of how to interpret in the DL. Personally I intend to mostly ignore it. The exceptions I will draw attention to are the pseudo-ITD attacks (axes, Flare Sword, morning stars) which quarter the target defence and thus are far less affected by it than normal, and Zeninage, the attack which prompted me to make this list because it is far more affected by defence than normal. Meteor is also notably more MDef-subject than average if all the meteors strike one target.

For calculating averages, I used only attacks which were the class' best spammable damage in their default setup (so for instance, Time Mage physicals aren't counted). I also ignored attacks which were fully ITD (Rapidfire, Man-Eater) or divided target defence by 32 (Flare). I've starred the attacks I used to create the average. It's up to you how you want to use this, if at all.

Physical attacks

**Knight's !Fight two-handed: 34
Knight's !Fight, shield: 17
**Monk's !Fight: 11 per swing = 22 (ignoring crits)
Monk's !Focus: 22 per swing = 44 (ignoring crits)
**Thief's !Fight: 10 per swing = 20
**Dragoon's !Fight: 16
Dragoon's !Jump: 32
Ninja's !Fight: 15 per swing = 45
**Ninja's !Throw: 27
Samurai's !Fight: 16
**Samurai's !Zeninage: 150 (!)
**Berserker's !Fight: 4.25
Ranger's !Fight: 16
(Ranger's !Rapidfire: 0)
**Mystic Knight's !Fight: 14
Mystic Knight's !Fight, Flare Sword: 3.5
Time Mage's !Fight: 2
Summoner's !Fight: 9
Blue Mage's !Fight or Goblin Punch: 9
**Red Mage's !Fight: 12
**Beastmaster's !Fight: 15
Beastmaster's Great Dragon: 13 (pseudo-ITD due to attack's immense power)
**Chemist's !Fight: 2.75
**Geomancer's !Fight: 7
(Dancer's !Fight or Sword Dance, vs. humans: 0)
Dancer's !Fight, vs. non-humans: 14
Dancer's Sword Dance, vs. non-humans: 28 (50% of the time)

No physical attack: White Mage, Black Mage, Bard (even their weapons deal magic damage)

Average of the 12 starred attacks: 27.00
Average of the above, without Zeninage: 15.98

Magical attacks

**White Mage's Holy: 12
(Black Mage's Flare: ~0.4, divides target MDef by 32)
**Black Mage's !Black (Flare aside): 13
Time Mage's Comet: 8
**Time Mage's Meteor: 14 per hit = 56
**Summoner's !Summon: 14
**Blue Mage's Aeroga: 12
Red Mage's !Red: 10
**Bard's !Fight: 10

Average of the 6 starred attacks: 19.5

Also note to self: Geomancer's physical, Bahamut, and all strengthened elemental attacks have errors in their listed damage, correct at some point. edit: all fixed
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 12:56:52 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2013, 07:43:33 PM »
A more useful measure might be what fraction of an attack's damage is lost for every extra point of target defense.  For example Knight's Fight is 34 dmg/point, and Thief's fight is 20 dmg/point, but in percentage terms Knight loses 1.18% of damage per point of defense, while Thief loses 2.78% of damage per point of defense. This means that defense has a stronger affect on durability vs. the thief.

Knight           1.176
Monk           0.926
Thief                   2.778
Dragoon           1.064
Ninja           0.478
Samurai           4.000
Berserker           0.192
Mknight           1.299
Red Mage           1.299
Beastmaster   1.754
Chemist           0.568
Geomancer   0.510
Average:           1.337
White Mage   0.298
Black Mage   0.417
Time Mage   1.000
Summoner   0.400
Blue Mage   0.580
Bard Fight   2.000
Average:   0.782

« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 12:58:53 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2013, 01:00:56 AM »
Okay, corrected the damage figures. Basically there were a few errors in the original topic with regards to how some things worked which I caught (with a mea culpa for both Mystic Knight and Geomancer as those were errors introduced by my previous modifications to the stat thread). If you're curious, here are the classes whose optimum damage was affected, and by how much:

Summoner -280 (Mega Flre is not ITD; Gungnir is new optimum damage)
Blue Mage +210 (strengthened elements are 1.5x attack, not 1.5x damage)
Mystic Knight -56 (Flare Spellblade is partially ITD, not fully ITD)
Geomancer +532 (Rune Chime is partially ITD)
Red Mage +76 (strengthened elements are 1.5x attack, not 1.5x damage)
Average: +24

In addition to this Black Mage and Summoner's elemental damage (which aren't their optimum) are updated to their correct values, higher than they were before (Syldra is now just behind Bahamut and -aga spells are now just behind Flare). Holy was already correctly calculated.

Also, Monk's non-Kaiser Knuckles damage has been added. I'm not sure if I consider Kaiser Knuckles in the DL, but regardless the figure without them is valuable in case Monk needs to equip a status-blocking accessory.

Rune Chime quartering the target's defence was a fact I missed right up until I started putting these updates together. It not only gives the class notably more damage (watch out, a low 5HKO!) but it means that their damage is much less affected by def than I thought, so I updated my and Pyro's number for that class. (In theory Pyro's list is now slightly inaccurate for everything else I updated numbers for but the effect should be subtle and I am too lazy to change it.)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 01:02:39 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Final Fantasy V (Jobs)
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2016, 08:08:17 PM »
FF5a jobs! No necromancer here, because it's gained way into the aftergame, which presents its own host of problems. Maybe later.

Random interp stuff:
-By including these jobs, some formerly unique weapons (Excalibur, for instance) are no longer unique. I'm not holding that against the old jobs, but I am holding it against the new jobs.
-These jobs are gained after the fourth tablet, so there's a case to take them at less than max Job Level, unlike every other job. You can save Phoenix Tower, and the 100 ABP-per-fight Magic Urns, until after you get these jobs, though, so I'm still taking them at max JL.
-I'm not recalculating the averages. For the most part, the new jobs don't change the averages too much... they'd lower HP slightly and raise damage/speed slightly, but it's really not a big deal.


Weapon: Morning Star
Armour: Robes

HP 1434
MP 349
Str 18
Agl 26 (94%)
Vit 22
Mag 62 [+5]

Attack 50
Defense 28
M. Defense 21
Evade 0%
M. Evade 30%
PDur 0.74, MDur 0.97

**!Fight: 308 piercing physical damage, 90% hit rate
**!Condemn: Places a 10-count timer on the target. When the timer resolves, a random effect is chosen from the following list: Cura, Esuna, Fira, Blizarra, Thundara, Stop, Toad, instant death. These attacks have guaranteed accuracy and will fail only due to status immunity (except death); the countdown can not be set against Heavy targets. The damage is negligible (350), the only purpose of this is to fish for toad/death.

*!Predict: Various effects depending on the last digits of the caster's current MP and target's current HP. Unfortunately, if the last digit of Oracle's MP is 9 (as it is by default at Level 40), then the attack used is self-destructive and will do poison damage to the Oracle equal to 477 * (the last digit of her HP + 1), i.e. it will almost surely kill her unless said digit is zero or 1. Now, once this is survived, Oracle's MP will change, and she can use other predictions! Here's the combo I'd usually recommend, note that it has to be used in this order:
Pestilence (3 MP): 477*(last digit of target's HP + 1) to all allies, poison magic. Yuck.
Healing Wind (3 MP): Heals and restores most status from party. ~80% chance of full healing, ~10% chance of 1/3 and 2/3 healing (roughly) respectively.
Starfall (3 MP): ~250 magic damage to own team, 1897 to enemies, small unknown chance of instant death to both
Cleansing (3 MP): ~3712 magic damage to all enemies
Blessing (7 MP): Heals the party. ~80% chance of full healing, ~10% chance of 44% and 88% respectively.
At this point, the cycle can be looped back to Cleansing, Blessing, repeat until out of MP.

Each Predict effect has a 4-second timer attached, the HP is checked when the prediction is started (so at least Oracle can know what it is...). This takes about a round to resolve (two rounds if you treat everyone as hasted... Oracle hopes you don't!). Oracle still gains ATB while this is going on, however.

Comments: Well it's either 20HKO physicals, or a really ugly death sentence clone, or a difficult-to-set-up (but potentially match-winning once it is set up!) prediction chain. None of these options are good. Pretty much every one of these strategies requires Oracle to survive at least 10 hits, good luck with that. Puny.


Weapon: Enhancer
Armour: Medium, (Robes,) Shields

HP 1275
MP 197
Str 32
Agl 32 [+3] (104%)
Vit 16
Mag 21 [+3]

Attack 102
Defense 41
M. Defense 9
Evade 45%
M. Evade 5%
PDur 0.83, 0.70

**!Fight: 924 physical damage

**!Open Fire: Deals ITE physical damage to one target.
41% chance: 900 damage, 100% chance of Blind
24% chance: 900 damage, 100% chance of Poison
23% chance: 1500 damage, 100% chance of Confuse
12% chance: 1900 damage, 100% chance of Death
Average damage is 1158

*!Combine: Mix together an ammo type with another item to create a MT, ITD magic attack.
Normal Cannon: 2100 damage
Flame Cannon: 2200 fire damage
Water Cannon: 2200 water damage
Spark Cannon: 2200 lightning damage
Quake Cannon: 2150 earth damage
Divine Cannon: 2250 holy damage
Power Cannon: 2000 damage, 75% chance of Berserk
Vulner Cannon: 2000 damage, 75% chance of halving target's defences.
Silver Cannon: 2000 damage, 75% chance of Old
Mini Cannon: 1750 damage, 75% chance of Mini
Needle Cannon: 3000 fixed damage

There are weaker versions of these options which do less damage, as little as 400, should chipping be necessary.

Additionally, there are the following effects which I don't allow:
Killer Cannon: 2150 damage, 2x damage vs. humans. Requires a Fuma Shuriken, which is extremely expensive (and no longer unique like they were to Ninja). Between that and how few enemies are human, I'm not comfortable hyping this.
Slow Cannon: 2000 damage, 75% chance of Slow. Requires a Turtle Shell.
Dragon Cannon: 2150 damage, 2x damage vs. dragons. Requires a Dragon Fang.
Chaos Shot: 700 damage, 75% chance of Confuse. Requires a Dark Matter.
Chaos Burst: 1450 damage, 75% chance of Poison. Requires a Dark Matter.
Chaos Cannon: 1850 damage, 75% chance of Death. Requires a Dark Matter.
Dark Cannon: 2000 damage, 75% chance of Blind. Requires an Ash (though only Cannoneer has a use for them, only a small, finite number exist in the game!).

Comments: 3HKO off decent enough stats, the real power lies in the fact that she can simultaneously add status: mini for fighters and berserk for mages are particularly potent. Durability could be better, certainly vulnerable to being blitzed out by faster mages. Middle/Heavy


Weapon: Rune Axe*
Armour: Medium, Heavy, Shields (Dark Hood, Crystal Armour, Diamond Ring assumed)

*Gladiator can use a variety of different weapons: knives, swords, knight swords, lances, axes, and bows. However, the few of these which would actually outdamage the Rune Axe are unique to other jobs. Rune Axe, if you're curious, is of no value to Berserker, the only other job which can use it, because of Berserker's game-worst Mag.

HP 1620
MP 163
Str 53
Agl 41 [+2] (115%)
Vit 29
Mag 12

Attack 71+10
Defense 44
M. Defense 9
Evade 45%
M. Evade 5%
PDur 1.12, MDur 0.88

**!Fight: 1650 piercing physical damage, 90% hit rate, costs 5 MP. If out of MP, damage drops to 1170 instead.
**!Finisher: 25% chance of doing nothing. 25% chance of using a physical attack which does twice the normal damage (costs 5 MP; unlike normal critical hits, this is not ITD). 50% chance of doing 9999 elemental damage to the target. Average damage is 5825, or 5742 factoring in accuracy.
*!Bladeblitz: MT physical at 75% normal damage (costs 5 MP). Still subject to row normally, except...
*Long Range: Gladiator's attacks ignore range/row

The element of Finisher is based on the crystal the character using it is tied to (Bartz = wind, Lenna = water, Faris = fire, or earth). For obvious reasons this can't hit weakness, but it can hit resistance. Not sure what happens if the element is halved, this requires very specific equipment to test. (since FF5 enemies don't half elements)

Comments: Kills anyone who doesn't resist his/her element on turn 2, good speed and physical durability. Wretched if the element is nulled. Heavy.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.