
Author Topic: Tourney of Random CKs Week 2  (Read 815 times)


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Tourney of Random CKs Week 2
« on: February 04, 2013, 09:47:12 AM »
Event #8- The Alien Hoax

It is well established that, mathematically, there is probably life out there upon other planets.  While it is highly unlikely they would be any more successful in overcoming the harsh physics preventing interstellar travel than the natives of this planet, they could!  The job of our contestants therefore is not to convince people that aliens are real, since people already believe that.  Instead, they must convince at least 10,000 people that aliens have landed in one particular region, a small city and the surrounding countryside for example.  For purposes of fairness, no contestant is allowed to actually show themselves as part of the hoax in any way, mostly because the bulk of remaining contestants have magical powers, are actually space-faring, or in at least one case once had an alien probe dwelling in his ass.

The tropeoligic personification of Mary Sue is as always perfect, but is skill in the art of deception one possessed by a perfect being?  Meanwhilst, while Moiraine Sedai cannot simply give herself the guise of something alien and win instantly, as per the rules, hers is a lifetime spent mastering the art of manipulating people, and conducting a mass hoax is well within her skillset.

Event #9- The Faustian Outing

The tale of Faust, of a man trading his very soul for frivolous material gain, is among the deepest in western culture, roots travelling deeper than most can fathom.  Also as old then is putting Ol' Scratch back in his place; Faust turning the tables, to extract from the devil his prize yet giving nothing in return.  To make a deal with the devil... and win.  The winner of the contest shall be determined by who gets the most from the devil in exchange for the lowest cost.

Peach, a maiden possessing magics seemingly powered by love, may well have many tools to thwart demonic influence.  Of course, it's an open question what the Princess would even want, let alone how the devil might pervert her desires.

The Wold Eater Revya, feared across all the world as the Devourlord... ... ... well.  ... there's a good argument she is the devil.  And if she isn't, the resident devil is living in her head.  Of course, the traditional devil might be a bit wilier and have some tricks to get around the Devourlord's usual shenanigans.

Event #10- 4channing

The art of trolling takes many forms.  One of the most primal, and effective, is simply creating an image so disturbing that the target audience can only flee in terror or hurl in revulsion.  The image may be purely mental or an actual piece of art or image manipulation, so long as either of the desired outcomes is achieved. 

Both our contestants are uniquely suited to this challenge.  Eric Cartman, some sort of evil gremlin, and the Goddess Palutena, patron of Light and Trolling (or so I'm told.)  Since it seems guaranteed that both can complete the event, the winner will be judged by how many people they can successfully troll with a single image.

Event #11- Winning the Election

A single goal; become President of the United States.  For purposes of fairness, each contestant will be assumed to convincingly pass as a legal candidate (US Citizen, 35 years of age or older).  Beyond this, the path to the presidency is up to the contestant.  Winner will be judged as whoever becomes president quickest, which may well take decades as contestants appropriately build their credentials.  Or not, who knows.

Rose is a well known war hero, and possesses a quick wit and pragmatic demeanor well suited to politics.  She does however suffer a gender disadvantage, although how far this will impact her as the years advance is hard to tell.

Julius Belmont better resembles the presidents of old, rough and tumble men of action rather than educated and eloquent speakers, but perhaps he can work that to his advantage.

Event #12- Rock 'em Sock 'em Gears

Two contestants enter.  Then they enter mecha.  Then they try to steer the mecha into punching the other mech's head off.  Leaving the mech or otherwise directly interacting with the other contestant or their vehicle is strictly forbidden.

While Xanatos, being both from the modern era and familiar with similarly high-tech devices such as powered armor, has a crushing advantage, Delita's adaptability and will to succeed should not be underestimated.

Event #13- Walking the Rope

The classic circus event, walking a tightrope requires balance, fearlessness, grace, etc.  And the dice give us...

Tibarn, the Hawk King.  He can fly.  It's like cheating, except it's actually just cheating.
Leia Organa, Princess (adopted) of Alderaan.  The daughter of Darth Vader will have to put on one hell of a show to beat out the guy who literally cannot fail this event.

Event #14- Double Dash

Kart Racing is much beloved, so fuck it, let's indulge.  Each team will, as according to the rules of Double Dash, attempt to win two of three races, randomly selected from tracks throughout the Mario Kart series.
To be clear, they are not playing a video game, but actually driving/backing up karts.

The team of Erim and Xander is an interesting one, because Xander being saddled with the ancient god of destruction as a partner is amazingly familiar territory for him.  Plus he can actually drive a car, and presumably a kart.  Yuri and Honest Abe meanwhile have almost nothing in common, but both are quick thinkers well accustomed to teamwork, so their initial disadvantage might be small.

Short Form

8. The Alien Hoax-  Mary Sue (Omnipresent Fanfiction Trope) vs Moiraine Damodred (The Wheel of Time)
9. The Faustian Outing- Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros. Franchise) vs Devourlord (Soul Nomad & The World Eaters)
10. 4Channing- Eric Cartman (South Park) vs Palutena (Kid Icarus Uprising)
11. Winning the Election- Rose (Legend of Dragoon) vs Julius Belmont (Castlevania Series)
12. Rock 'em Sock 'em Gears- Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs David Xanatos (Gargoyles)
13. Walking the Rope- Tibarn (Fire Emblem Series) vs Leia Organa (Star Wars)
14. Double Dash- Erim (Lufia Series) and Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter) and Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Tourney of Random CKs Week 2
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2013, 01:37:45 PM »
Short Form

8. The Alien Hoax-  Mary Sue (Omnipresent Fanfiction Trope) vs Moiraine Damodred (The Wheel of Time)- An event about manipulation is made for the Aes Sedai.
9. The Faustian Outing- Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros. Franchise) vs Devourlord (Soul Nomad & The World Eaters)- The Devourlord basically eats the devil. Um yeah.
10. 4Channing- Eric Cartman (South Park) vs Palutena (Kid Icarus Uprising)- Eric Cartman was born for this event. To quote the creators, he is the garbage that is in everyone's soul. I can think of no better representation of 4chan than that.
11. Winning the Election- Rose (Legend of Dragoon) vs Julius Belmont (Castlevania Series)- Julius has the advantage of being from our world, so he knows politics.  Rose is going to be very difficult to elect besides for that- she has the history of being the black monster in her past. Her status as a mass murderer is going to kill any electability she has.
12. Rock 'em Sock 'em Gears- Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs David Xanatos (Gargoyles)- IIRC Xanatos even uses a mechanical suit at one point in the series.
13. Walking the Rope- Tibarn (Fire Emblem Series) vs Leia Organa (Star Wars)- About as far as a match that involves Julius and killing vampires.
14. Double Dash- Erim (Lufia Series) and Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter) and Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)- Xander has actually played video games. That is enough for me.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Tourney of Random CKs Week 2
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2013, 03:29:42 PM »
8. The Alien Hoax-  Mary Sue (Omnipresent Fanfiction Trope) vs Moiraine Damodred (The Wheel of Time)
9. The Faustian Outing- Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros. Franchise) vs Devourlord (Soul Nomad & The World Eaters) - Isn't... this basically kind-of-sort-of what SN is?
10. 4Channing- Eric Cartman (South Park) vs Palutena (Kid Icarus Uprising) - Cartman basically has all the makings of this.
11. Winning the Election- Rose (Legend of Dragoon) vs Julius Belmont (Castlevania Series) - Sure.
12. Rock 'em Sock 'em Gears- Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs David Xanatos (Gargoyles)
13. Walking the Rope- Tibarn (Fire Emblem Series) vs Leia Organa (Star Wars) - sure I guess
14. Double Dash- Erim (Lufia Series) and Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter) and Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia) - Well this contains the one person out of the four who is most likely to have actually driven something.


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Re: Tourney of Random CKs Week 2
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2013, 03:44:06 PM »
8. The Alien Hoax-  Mary Sue (Omnipresent Fanfiction Trope) vs Moiraine Damodred (The Wheel of Time)
This is the kind of thing that most Sue would spend pages upon pages angsting about.  I think most Sues aren't really much for extensive physical labor either as far as laying down the crop circles at night and the like.  Meanwhile Moiraine cheats with magic making it easy to have strange blinking lights and other unnatural crap.

9. The Faustian Outing- Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros. Franchise) vs Devourlord (Soul Nomad & The World Eaters)
If Devourlord wins, by definition Devourlord loses.  I don't see Devourlord intentionally losing a deal to win a tournament.

11. Winning the Election- Rose (Legend of Dragoon) vs Julius Belmont (Castlevania Series)
"10,000 year old mass murderer" is a hell of an October surprise, especially in a country less than 10,000 years old.  And oppo researchers WILL find it out.  Julius will probably do pretty well with the Christian vote, too, what with using holy crosses to kill monsters and all.

13. Walking the Rope- Tibarn (Fire Emblem Series) vs Leia Organa (Star Wars)
I'm pretty sure that if Tibarn uses his wings and Leia crosses unassisted, that's a win for Leia.  The question is if Leia actually can cross the tightrope - maybe it's too long, etc.  Anyway, the Force seems like the kind of thing that randomly comes in handy for situations like this, so let's go for the one that circus attenders would actually be interested in watching walk a tightrope rather than yawn.

14. Double Dash- Erim (Lufia Series) and Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter) and Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
Second banana to a goddess, probably arguing over who's driving and accidentally tossing items out the back in the middle of the witty banter...  yeah, this is Xander's kind of situation where he isn't a liability.


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Re: Tourney of Random CKs Week 2
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2013, 03:56:43 PM »
8. The Alien Hoax-  Mary Sue (Omnipresent Fanfiction Trope) vs Moiraine Damodred (The Wheel of Time) - Don't remember her well enough to vote on a Royal Rumble, but I do remember that the Aes Sedai are basically god tier manipulators. And what do you know, this is all about manipulation.
9. The Faustian Outing- Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros. Franchise) vs Devourlord (Soul Nomad & The World Eaters) - So Devourlord is just Revya? Why the hell isn't it just called Revya, then? Oi. And yeah, Gig pulls something so Revya wins this.
10. 4Channing- Eric Cartman (South Park) vs Palutena (Kid Icarus Uprising) - Maybe he's more effective in South Park eps I haven't watched, but Cartman's never gotten more then rolled eyes and "people find this trash funny? really?" from me. Paultena could and would string a thread along making it seem innocuous and lowering peoples' guards before posting something that would shatter the mind.
11. Winning the Election- Rose (Legend of Dragoon) vs Julius Belmont (Castlevania Series) - Landslide. Rose has too many things going against here here. She's female, she's got a history full of nasty surprises, and she's entirely too blunt and bitchy to win over the public in speeches or debates.
12. Rock 'em Sock 'em Gears- Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs David Xanatos (Gargoyles) - Delita's normal advantage is his master level scheming ability, and the fact that push comes to shove he's actually really freaking strong in a fight on his own. He's up against a guy who makes his scheming look amateur and fighting ability has no real bearing on this. Also, Xanatos is highly familiar with tech. Delita could learn fast, but not enough. 
13. Walking the Rope- Tibarn (Fire Emblem Series) vs Leia Organa (Star Wars) - Assuming Tibarn actually walks it instead of just flying(he might uses wings to help balance, but not sure he'll even need that). He still likely has excellent balance, and no fear whatsoever of heights. And to use Snowfire's logic, if Leia uses force powers and Tibarn does it unaided, that would be a win for him.
14. Double Dash- Erim (Lufia Series) and Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter) and Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia) - Xander's kind of event, yeah.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Tourney of Random CKs Week 2
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2013, 06:07:41 PM »
Specifically Demon Path Revya, actually.
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: Tourney of Random CKs Week 2
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2013, 06:05:39 AM »
8. The Alien Hoax-  Mary Sue (Omnipresent Fanfiction Trope) vs Moiraine Damodred (The Wheel of Time)
It's not so much that I think Moiraine would be great at this -- more that I think Mary Sue would be absolutely terrible at this.

9. The Faustian Outing- Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros. Franchise) vs Devourlord (Soul Nomad & The World Eaters)
Pshaw. Peach is so sweet that not even ol' Beelzebub can resist her charms. All she has to do is bat her eyelashes and ask nicely and he'll give her whatever she wants.

10. 4Channing- Eric Cartman (South Park) vs Palutena (Kid Icarus Uprising)
Posting a picture all over 4chan takes time. Cartman can stay at home glued to the computer for days on end to spread his meme, but Palutena has shit to do. Palutena probably has the better meme overall, but since this is a contest of quantity instead of quality, Cartman takes it.

11. Winning the Election- Rose (Legend of Dragoon) vs Julius Belmont (Castlevania Series)
Yeah, Rose has a few too many skeletons in the closet to be able to pull this off.

12. Rock 'em Sock 'em Gears- Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs David Xanatos (Gargoyles)
Seems like he'd have a better understanding of how gears work. Also, "not losing" is kind of his thing.

13. Walking the Rope- Tibarn (Fire Emblem Series) vs Leia Organa (Star Wars)
I'm going to assume that this contest is being judged on who can walk across the tightrope the fastest and not who can fly across the distance the fastest, so if Tibarn's feet leave the rope and he takes flight, I'm gonna consider that a disqualification. Even though this is still something that he'd be good at, I'm gonna give it to Leia. The Force kinda tips things in her favor since she can use it to stay balanced the whole time. She may not be as strong in The Force as her brother, but the books have shown us that she's at least decently adept in it.

14. Double Dash- Erim (Lufia Series) and Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter) and Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
Xander knows how to drive and I'm sure Erim and Yuri could figure it out easily enough, but I can't really see Honest Abe getting the hang of these newfangled motorized carriages. Plus, since this is Double Dash, everybody has their own unique item/weapon to screw over the other players. I'm not feeling creative enough to try to think of everybody's items, but I will say that Erim's would probably reverse the opponents' steering wheel controls for a few seconds. That should be enough to send Yuri and Abe careening into a pool of water/lava/acid/gelatin/Orange Crush at an inopportune time.


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Re: Tourney of Random CKs Week 2
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2013, 08:43:43 PM »

8. The Alien Hoax-  Mary Sue (Omnipresent Fanfiction Trope) vs Moiraine Damodred (The Wheel of Time)- iiiii
9. The Faustian Outing- Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros. Franchise)- ii vs Devourlord (Soul Nomad & The World Eaters)- iii
10. 4Channing- Eric Cartman (South Park)- iii vs Palutena (Kid Icarus Uprising)- i
11. Winning the Election- Rose (Legend of Dragoon) vs Julius Belmont (Castlevania Series)- iiiii
12. Rock 'em Sock 'em Gears- Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics) vs David Xanatos (Gargoyles)- iii
13. Walking the Rope- Tibarn (Fire Emblem Series)- iii vs Leia Organa (Star Wars)- ii
14. Double Dash- Erim (Lufia Series) and Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)- iiiii vs Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter) and Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)

CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.