Brigitte 'Rosie' Starks (Valkyria Chronicles) vs Super Soldier (Wild ARMs 4)
Super Soldier's sword is claimed to be ITD, but 2x swords is barely a OHKO, and Rosie is allegedly above-average durability strictly on HP, so she can survive the instant double turn. But then Tide's notes say that Blocker works just fine against guns, so uh I guess Grenade is the closest equivalent to Comet Strike. And Grenade does ~.30 PCHP. Super Soldier's HP is pretty awful, but that bad? And... wtf, yes, it is. Looking at the damage notes, Super Soldier is effortlessly one-rounded if everything hits and has like .25 PCHP, so somehow Grenade hype takes the day.
Andre (Shadow Hearts: Covenant) vs Melody Vilente (Wild ARMs 3)