Author Topic: Star Ocean: The Last Hope  (Read 3821 times)

Dark Holy Elf

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Star Ocean: The Last Hope
« on: April 26, 2013, 07:04:45 AM »
Disclaimer #1: This stat topic was made using the North American XBox 360 version of the game. There may be some discrepencies with international.

Disclaimer #2: The stat topic will include the permanent PCs and (eventually) the final boss. I will not be including stats for the temp/NG+ PC, although if you read on you'll learn who the temp is. Read at your own risk, as usual.

Still to come:
-Rush Combos
-maybe some other stuff

Averages up top

One-turn damage: 30137 (kill point: 73541)
Three-turn damage (with Mindflare: 33193 (kill point: 82983)
HP (no HP boost): 17921
Def: 1094


SO4 damage formula is pretty simple, so let's start there.

Physical damage = (ATK*2-DEF)*(2/3)*Multiplier*Combo bonus
Magic damage = INT*Multiplier*Combo bonus

Stats and multipliers will of course be provided in the stats themselves.

Besides ATK, DEF, and INT, the game has four other core stats. HP and MP are obvious, working like most other games, although it bears mentioning that SO4 characters don't die when their MP hits zero unlike in the game's predecessor. The remaining two stats, HIT and GRD, govern accuracy and evasion. Evasion happens notably more often than it did in SO3, but I'm still not certain how much respect it deserves given that the real way to evade attacks remains by getting away from them, and there are a variety of situations where evasion via GRD won't work. Anyway, these stats only govern physical attacks... magic attacks will never be evaded via HIT/GRD.


Most skills can be levelled from 1 to 10 (a few are permanently at level 1). All skills discussed in this thread will be assumed to be max level. It's fairly easy for a PC to max all DL-relevant skills... possibly all skills period depending on how much party SP is amassed.

There are five types of skills in SO4:
-Skills which, once learned, are permanently in effect for the character. Most of these are field skills (such as Bacchus' mining ability) but notably include Chain Combos, which allows combos. It's the only DL relevant one and is considered for everyone because otherwise damage will look nothing like in-game.
-Passive battle skills. The PC can take set two of these, but they cost CP to do so. Many passive battle skills are universal, but some are semi-unique. The main relevant one usable by two PCs is Fast Cast, which is assumed. Critical Hit and Energy Shield have four legal users and are much more questionable. In-game there's a good chance you'll use HP Boost, which is universal but storebought and eats one of the two slots.
-Usable battle skills. These quick-acting abilities are activated from the menu. Most are usable by 3-5 PCs. The notable ones for duelling: 3 users = Focus, Mindflare. 4 = Convert. 5 = Berserk. Emergency Repairs is completely unique and pretty obviously legal.
-Symbols (spells). These can be cast from the menu. They each have casting times, which will be noted. Additionally, many attack spells can be set as chainable attacks in combos. Spells that can be used this way ALWAYS should (they resolve much more quickly), so only these reduced casting times will be noted.
-Special arts. Physical skills, essentially, they use MP and get turned off by silence. They can also be chained into combos.

Combos and CP

The Chain Combos skill book allows special arts and some attack spells to be chained one after another. There are three skills that are mapped to the left trigger, and three to the right. Skills can (and often should be) repeated. Attacks beyond the first receive a multiplier, the size of which depends on how far into the combo the skill is and the level of the Chain Combos skill. Up to six skills can be chained in this manner. At max level, the multipliers are 160%, 180%, 200%, 240%, and 280%.

All attacks set in this manner consume CP, which will be noted with the attack. At endgame levels, PCs have 19 CP to distribute between up to 6 attacks and two passive battle skills. Note that CP assignment can be changed mid-battle, should you allow that, though not mid-combo (for fairly obvious reasons).

Note that while six-part combos are possible in theory, the buildup of enemy Rush Mode makes them unlikely in practice. The way I played the game, I typically used three-part combos, as they can be easily used by simply using one trigger three times (allowing you to have two different ones without going to the Setup menu), and such combos are much more workable. I'll list damage with both three-part combos, which I'll personally use, and six-part ones for those interested. If you prefer to vote without combos at all, you can of course do that pretty easily too.

Rush Mode

PCs and enemies both have a Rush gauge, which is akin to a limit gauge. It begins each fight at 0, and is filled up in one of three ways:

1. Taking damage. The amount gained depends on the enemy attack, but is usually 15 per hit, or 5 per hit for attacks with lots of hits.

2. Dealing damage. The amount gained per hit depends on the attack used. Specifics will be noted with each attack.

3. Blindside charging. Up to 20 can be gained per blindside charge.

The gauge will begin to slowly decrease after a few seconds of not going up (i.e. not doing any of the three above things).

If the gauge reaches 100, the character can enter Rush Mode, which lasts approximately 10 seconds by default. Rush Mode raises the character's running speed by about 25%, and their critical hit rate significantly. It also makes them immune to interruptions; that is, enemy attacks will not disrupt theirs. During Rush Mode, the character's rush gauge will continuously decrease, and can not normally be increased by any of the above three methods. When it reaches 0, the mode ends.

Additionally, during Rush Mode, the PC can make use of Rush Combos. These need testing.


Unique to Star Ocean 4, blindsides are essentially an evade-and-counter mechanic. PCs can enter a stance called a blindside charge, during which he or she can not move or act, but his or her rush gauge will automatically go up. If an enemy attempts to attack the PC during this time, a timed hit will allow the PC to pull off a blindside, moving to behind the enemy. This both causes the enemy to lose track of the PC, and leaves them defenseless for a couple seconds, during which all attacks made against them are critical hits.

Blindside charging can not be done indefinitely; after a few seconds (when 20 rush gauge is accumulated), the stance will break and the PC will be stunned. However, the PC can end the stance, then begin it again shortly thereafter at no penalty.

In a duel against a presumably intelligent foe, blindsiding is of limited use, likely limited to countering called shots such as Kain's Jump.


BEAT (Battle Enhancement Attribute System) refers to one of two paths characters can level along. There are two systems, BEAT:S and BEAT:B. Each system can be levelled up for a character by having that character participate in battles, starting at Level 1 and reaching a maximum of Level 20. The exp value of the battles is not relevant to levelling BEAT, just the total number of battles fought. The number of battles required to reach each level, compared to the previous, is:

Level 2: 6
Level 3: 8 (14 total)
Level 4: 10 (24 total)
Level 5: 12 (36 total)

It takes (n^2 + 5*n) battles to reach Level n+1. Thus, it takes 456 battles to reach BEAT level 20 in one path. The PC can switch which path he or she is on at any time, and the battles used towards the other path are saved.

In BEAT:S (offensive), the character gains offensive stats and gains passive abilities related to blindsiding. The passive abilities gained are largely DL useless (as is blindsiding itself), so I won't list them here. The stat boosts certainly are useful, however, and depend on the current Beat Level (BLv). They are:

ATK is increased by BLv*5
INT is increased by BLv*5
HIT is increased by BLv*4 - 2

In BEAT:B (defensive), the character gains defensive stats and gains passive abilities related to Rush Mode. The stat boosts and passive abilities gained are as follows:

Max HP is increase by BLv % of current total
DEF is increased by BLv*5
GRD is increased by BLv*4 - 2

-Critical hit rate boost during Rush Mode is increased (requires BLv 1)
-Rush gauge increases are multiplied by 1.5 (requires BLv 5)
-MP cost -25% during Rush Mode (requires BLv 9)
-Rush gauge decrease rate down (requires BLv 13)
-Damage -5% in Rush Mode (BLv 17)
-Rush gauge can be increased during Rush Mode (BLv 20)

If a character switches between modes, all the stat boosts and passive abilities are (temporarily) lost, but they are restored if the character switches back to that mode. There is a also third mode, BEAT:N. Characters can not gain BEAT levels in this mode, but it can be set as an option. While in this mode, no progress can be made on either BEAT:B or BEAT:S; however, the character gains the stat boosts from both modes. The passive abilities are not carried over.

In a duel, BEAT:N will likely be the preferred mode, unless a character plans to win a long, stalling match involving Rush Mode, in which case BEAT:B may be employed, trading offence for a more potent and accessable Rush Mode.

For determining DL Beat Level, I assumed that characters had a certain number of battles fought (based on when they joined the party) and allow them to choose their levels that result in optimum stats, which is usually some balance of the two modes, since each has diminishing returns to how the levelling of each works. In the case of an odd number being available, I gave the extra level to BEAT:B since the HP+DEF boost is generally slightly more potent than offence alone. The number of battles I assumed is as follows:

Edge: 700
Reimi: 690
Lymle: 630
Bacchus: 500
Meracle: 430
Myuria: 380
Sarah: 240
Arumat: 380-670 (taken as 525)

Arumat inherits the BEAT levels that have been built up by Faize. If Faize is used constantly from the time he joins, the highest number will be the relevant one. If Faize is benched immediately upon gaining five PCs, the minimum number will be the relevant one (i.e. Arumat's own battles + the ones in which Faize is effectively forced). I decided to split the difference for the purpose of the stat topic. As a data point, Faize is usually considered one of the weaker PCs (pure attack mage with no healing and relatively low INT), and although he does have one very potent spell. YMMV of course with how to deal with this.


The stat topic takes endgame level as 1.5 million exp, which is a nice round number and was roughly where my highest-level people ended up. It results in an endgame level of 63. However, some PCs join underlevelled, and if used equally, will never make the exp gap up (although the level gap does close, due to the exp curve). Lymle and Sarah both join about 10000 exp underlevelled, but by endgame this is so small a gap that they still hit Level 63. For Sarah the situation is a bit more problematic; she joins with a 168,000 exp deficit. Arumat, meanwhile, takes over his exp from Faize, so the situation with BEAT levels applies here too. If Faize is benched immediately, Arumat will join 260,000 exp down, while if Faize is never benched, Arumat will be up to speed. Again I will split the difference and treat Arumat as 130,000 exp down. The end result is that both Sarah and Arumat are only Level 61, a small disadvantage but one which bears noting.

This stat topic does not include moves gained during the aftergame, or at levels past the ones used in this topic. I may add those later, if there is interest.

I do not personally consider passive skills which are usable by four or more people. In-game you don't have enough of these to go around until late, and they all compete with HP Boost anyway. If there's significant interest I can add their effects. I don't think I consider HP Boost either, although its effect will be listed as a point of interest. Three figures will be shown for final HP: one without HP boost, one at half effect (Level 7, +4900 HP), and one at full effect (Level 10, +10000 HP). Finally, when noting 6-part combos, I'll assume a CP limit which is reduced by the use of HP Boost (2 CP), just because typically you will use some CP on passives and I wanted to reflect this. Fast Cast, the only clearly legal passive which is actually useful (i.e. not Steal or Pride), is also assumed for Lymle and Myuria, and it also costs 2 CP.

Of legal usable battle skills, I leave that up to the individual voter to decide (I'm still deciding where my own personal cutoff is). The most influential on the stat topic, however, is Mindflare. Unlike Focus, Enhance, and Enlighten (which have too small an effect), or Berserk (which comes with a colossal downside), Mindflare has a clear effect on a PC's three-turn average damage, giving up damage for one turn to double it for the next two. I definitely consider Mindflare's effect on the three-turn average, though if you do ban the skill, the average will drop.

The stat topic is taken against the average final dungeon enemy defence of 1306, which subtracts 2/3 that number off of base physical damage. Most tests for comboability were done against the last three enemies in the game: the Dark Clown, the Chaotic Cell, and the Dark Ape. The effect of PC defence is scaled against the final boss, who has above average ATK but not dramatically.

For equipment, well... with a small number of exceptions (which are excluded), every weapon and armour is either unique to one character or usable by at most three. This makes most things legal, provided it is possible to get more than one of the armours usable by 2 or more people (which is everyone's armours except those of Bacchus). The only thing I ended up banning was equipment created from Red Dragon Scales. These are a rare drop from a final dungeon enemy (I didn't get any) and you need six of them for everyone. Additionally, the equipment they make has better stats than any other equipment. If allowed, Edge and Arumat get fire absorption and significantly better defence, and Meracle's damage increases by a little over 50%. I don't find these advantages reflective of in-game (the Meracle weapon gained this way has +400 atk on the next best, which is NOT an advantage Meracle enjoys at any other point, maingame or aftergame).

You could also quibble with the colosseum equipment (five people want equipment from there, and it would take a lot of time to get everything) but I decided to allow it in no small part because the main thing it does is improve the durability of long-range characters, who frankly have far better durability than the DL represents them as having anyway. The one short-range character who benefits from this, Meracle, well, it's a makeup call for her being the most hurt by the call above.

I've ignored accessories; there are two types, wrist and neck, and PCs can equip one of each. Unlike weapons and armour these are all universal. Statusblockers occupy the neck slot. It so happens that they also grant the best (small) raw stats of any storebought neck accessories, so the cast can equip one (and only one) at no real penalty.

Status Effects

SO4 has the following status effects. Some are not usable by PCs, and hence less important to this stat topic, they will have less detailed descriptions.

-Poison: The character takes 1% HP damage every 2 seconds. This does not interrupt the character's actions.
-Stun: The character is briefly stunned, unable to move, act, or avoid attacks. Lasts a few seconds. If PC inflicts stun during a combo, he or she has time to immediately end the combo and begin a new one before the target recovers from stun. This is a strategy for a couple PCs.
-Freeze: Identical to Stun, but with one big difference. If a frozen target is hit with a non-ice attack (physical or magic), he or she dies immediately. Again, a PC inflicting freeze via combo will have time to drop the combo and use a fatal attack.
-Paralysis: Stun, with a far longer duration. (Not sure it even wears off with time.)
-Silence: Standard RPG silence, it affects both symbology and special arts. Permanent.
-Fog: The character no longer locks onto enemies and must aim manually.
-Curse: The character takes 1% MP damage every 3 seconds. Unlike poison, this damage also stuns the target briefly when it kicks in, making combos of significant length impossible outside Rush Mode.
-Pumpkin: The character is transformed into a pumpkin, which can move but not act in any way. Lasts ~30 seconds (not tested precisely). If applied, it removes all other status effects (positive and negative).
-Void: When this status is inflicted, all positive status is dispelled from the target, and the target becomes immune to positive status as long as Void persists. Lasts 60 seconds.

Positive status is a bit different. There are two types. The following are all stackable (meaning you can have more than one instance of the status active, and the effects stack additively). All last 60 seconds.
-Enhance: Raises ATK by 30% of base.
-Enlighten: Raises INT by 30% of base.
-Enshelter: Raises DEF by 30% of base.
-Angel Feather: Raises ATK, INT, HIT, GRD, and DEF, by 15% of base.
-Reflection: Raises all elemental resistances by 15% raw. (So if a character already has 40% fire resist, it becomes 55%.)
-Sacred Pain: Lowers all elemental resistances by 20% raw. (Yes, this one isn't really positive, but you'll see what I class it here in a moment.)

The second group never stacks (though they do stack with the above, when they affect the same stat), and last 30 seconds.
-Berserk: Raises ATK by 100% of base. Doubles all damage received (physical and otherwise).
-Mindflare: Raises INT by 100% of base. Triples all MP costs (even if INT is not used for the spell being cast).
-Focus: Raises critical hit rate by 20%.
-Convert: Converts 1.5% mHP into 2/3 that number in MP, twice a second. Will never kill the PC. Unlike the others, this has a slightly different duration: it lasts until it would be fatal, OR until the character's HP is healed. Due to the different scales or HP and MP (HP is way, way higher), this is extremely potent MP regeneration.
-Symbolic Weapon: Regular attacks cause the character to regain MP. Unlike the others on this list, lasts 60 seconds.

Now, for all the statuses above listed as positive (including Sacred Pain), there is a hard limit of four statuses per character. Multiple uses of stackable statuses each count individually towards this limit, so, for instance, a PC could have Mindflare, Convert, and two Enlightens active at once, but nothing more. If a fifth positive status is inflicted, the oldest one is immediately removed.

For status resistance, the PCs can equip a statusblocker which blocks one of the following:
Poison, Stun, Freeze, Paralysis, Silence, Pumpkin (transformation)

The stat hit which accompanies this is never more than 12 Def, i.e. not worth noting.


Speed in ARPGs is a tricky beast. I've tried to quantify it as best I can here. First of all, every PC has a running speed which is crucial for getting into position to safely attack the enemy. Running speeds are listed along with stats, and is the time it takes the PC to make a full circuit of the battlefield used in the indoor areas of the final dungeon (thus, lower times are better).

Secondly, moves take time to resolve. For any non-melee attack, the time listed is the time between pressing the button to confirm the attack (or support ability) and the ability dealing its first points of damage (stunning the enemy) or resolving its effect. Note that in the case of symbology, different PCs may have very different times to use the same spells, as base casting times (likely due to animation time) vary considerably. In general, Arumat ~= Edge > Myuria ~= Sarah > Lymle for casting time. When Fast Cast is considered for menu spells, the inequality becomes Myuria > Arumat ~= Edge ~= Lymle > Sarah.

For converting speed to a CTB system, I have adopted the following convention: first of all, relative running speed is used as a base, since it affects everything. Speed multipliers for individual moves are calculated by the charge time of the move, +0.8 seconds (to reflect the natural reaction time between moves), compared to the average charge time for the PCs' key attacking moves (which is 1.8 seconds, out of the five PCs whose primary offence is ranged). Melee moves are treated as average (although a few which are unusually slow are noted). You could see them as either faster or slower readilly enough. A list of resulting effective speeds under this interp will be given alongside the averages, after the entries for the individual PCs.

Unless otherwise noted, all spells are long range, and all physical attacks are short range (plenty of exceptions to the latter). Some attacks are also noted as medium range, which is definitely not melee but means the PC does have to move in moderately close to use it.

Durations for various effects are listed in seconds. If you take the view I do of three-turn combos, then I would estimate a turn at around 10 seconds, though it does vary by moves used of course.

Anyway, on with the PCs!
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 08:05:33 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2013, 07:06:11 AM »

Edge Maverick
"Now you'll see what I'm made of!"

Default equipment:
Arcana Sword: +750 Atk, MP costs -10% (final cost rounded up)
Ogre's Armour: +502 Def

Alternate equipment (% extra taken from physicals in brackets:
Duel Armour: +350 Def, +8% Def, 40% dark weakness, 10% resist to all other elements [+2%]
Flame Rune Mail: +302 Def, 40% fire resist, 20% ice weakness [+6%]
Earthrock Mail: +279 Def, 40% earth resist, 20% lightning weakness [+6%]
Bronto Armour: +144 Def, -20 Hit, 40% lightning resist, 20% wind resist, 20% earth weakness [+10%]
Aqua Mail: +84 Def, 40% ice resist, 20% fire weakness, 40% resistance to frozen [+12%]

Lv 63, BEAT Lv 17

HP 16000 -> 18720 / 24453 / 30420
MP 961
Atk 750 -> 1585 (base physical: 1243)
Int 244 -> 329
Def 567 -> 1154
Hit 240 -> 306
Grd 134 -> 200
Run speed 15 (112%)

Normal attack = 4101 = 3 hits, 330% (100+110+120), 9 rush

Special arts
Rising Blade = 4350 = 350%, 5 hits, 12 MP, 2 CP, 6 rush.
Stampede Slash = 5307 = 407-447%, 4-5 hits, 18 MP, 3 CP, 4-5 rush. Rapidly moves Edge towards his target as part of the attack.
Aura Spark = 3978 = 260%-380%, 2-4 hits, 21 MP, 3 CP, 8-16 rush. The first hit (200%) knocks the target away from further melee attacks, though the followup hits are long range.
Mystic Cross = 8079 = 600%-700%, 6-7 hits, 25 MP, 4 CP, 6-7 rush. This move airs the enemy (along with Edge) as it resolves, but finishes with the enemy and Edge both on the ground and at melee, and can be comboed with itself.
Cyclone Blade = 3915 = 105%-525%, 1-5 hits, 25 MP, 4 CP, 1-5 rush. Hits all enemies around Edge.

Chainable symbology
Radiant Lancer = 990 = 301% light magic, 9 hits, 14 MP, 2 CP, 12 rush. 1.9 seconds.

Menu symbology
Healing: Heals 40% of MHP + 100. 6 MP, 1.9 seconds.
Cure Condition: Heals status effects. 8 MP, 1.9 seconds.
Silence: Inflicts silence (no magic or special arts), small area of effect. 22 MP, 2.6 seconds. 45% hit rate. Permanent.
Symbolic Weapon: Inflicts a status which causes the target's basic physicals to restore MP. 17 MP, 2.4 seconds. On Edge, restores around 33 MP per hit (100 per attack string). Lasts 60 seconds.

Battle skills
Taunt: Draws enemy attention to user. Definitely useful, but can take multiple uses to work. 1 MP, 0.8 seconds.
Berserk: Doubles ATK (270% damage vs. avg enemy def), but doubles damage received. 8 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.
Convert: Puts user in a status which converts 1.5% MHP to 2/3 that raw number in MP, twice a second. 4 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts until it would kill the user (it will not do so), or until the user's HP is healed.

Notable 3-part combos
Best damage: Mystic Cross x3 = 35548, 75 MP, 19 rush
Possibly faster damage: Stampede Slash -> Mystic Cross x2 = 32776, 68 MP, 17 rush
Best ranged damage: Radiant Lancer -> Aura Spark x2 = 6061, 56 MP, 28 rush
Best magic, also best rush gain: Radiant Lancer x3 = 4356, 42 MP, 36 rush

Notable 6-part combos
Best damage: Rising Blade x3 -> Stampede Slash -> Mystic Cross x2 = 71765, 104 MP, 35 rush
Possibly faster damage: Stampede Slash -> Rising Blade x3 -> Mystic Cross x2 = 70808, 104 MP, 35 rush
Best ranged damage: Radiant Lancer -> Aura Spark x5 = 16801, 80 MP, 52 rush
Best magic, also best rush gain: Radiant Lancer x6 = 11484, 84 MP, 72 rush

Reimi Saionji
"Diligence, diligence!"

Default equipment:
Spirit Bow "Darkstalker": +685 Atk, +22 Int, dark element, +20% damage vs. undead
Darkblood Chainmail: +480 Def, +130 Grd, 2% regen per 12 seconds, nulls damage 25% of the time, 50% dark resist, 10% fire resist, 30% holy weakness

Alternate equipment (note that armours give up the damage nulling and regen):
(best non-dark weapon) Homing Arc: +594 Atk, +30 Hit, Hit+10% [12% damage cut]
Holy Chainmail: +592 Def, Def+8%, 50% holy resist, 30% dark weakness [6% less taken from physicals]
Earthcrest Guard: +389 Def, +4 Grd, 2% regen per 12 seconds, 40% earth resist, 10% wind weakness, 20% lightning weakness [+3%]
Volcanic Chainmail: +220 Def, 40% fire resist, 20% ice weakness [+7%]
Streaked Chainmail: +119 Def, 40% lightning resist, 20% earth weakness [+10%]
Blizzard Protector: +56 Def, 40% ice weakness, 20% fire weakness [+12%]

Lv 63, BEAT Lv 17

HP 13165 -> 15403 / 21135 / 27103
MP 805
Atk 635 -> 1405 (base physical: 1003)
Int 156 -> 263
Def 502 -> 1067
Hit 249 -> 315
Grd 131 -> 327
Run speed 16 (105%)
*Reimi has an innate 10% resistance to all status
*All of Reimi's attacks are long range, unless otherwise noted

Normal attack = 2708 = 3 hits, 270% (80+90+100), 11 rush

Special arts
Sonic Thorn = 3169 = 316%, 4 hits (rarely 3 or 5), 12 MP, 2 CP, 4 rush. 2.6 seconds. Hits all enemies on a line. Difficult to use as a combo followup due to startup time + lack of tracking.
Seraphic Thunder = 3651 = 0-728% lightning, 0-7 hits (both dependent on enemy location and size), 18 MP, 3 CP, 0-7 rush. Hits all enemies around Reimi, but takes about 2 seconds to resolve, making it easily avoided or interrupted.
Crimson Squall = 4653 = 464%, 8 hits, 21 MP, 3 CP, 8 rush. 2.6 seconds. This attack's startup time is notably reduced as the non-first attack of a combo. It also tracks its target extremely well.
Chaotic Blossoms = 4072 = 377-435%, 9-11 hits, 25 MP, 3 CP, 9-11 rush. Melee. This attack knocks the target away from further melee attacks, but combos nicely into ranged attacks.
Hunter's Moon = 4213 = 420% (100%+8x40%), 9 hits, 25 MP, 4 CP, 9 rush. 2.6 seconds. This attack frees up Reimi for combo followups long before it finishes damaging the enemy, and for other actions shortly before (around 0.2 seconds?).
Crescent Wings = 4875 = 432-540%, 4-5 hits, 27 MP, 3 CP, 4-5 rush. 2.1 seconds. Hits all enemies on a line. Difficult to use as a combo followup due to startup time + lack of tracking.

Battle skills
Taunt: Draws enemy attention to user. Definitely useful, but can take multiple uses to work. 1 MP, 0.8 seconds.
Berserk: Doubles ATK (287% damage vs. average def enemy), but doubles damage received. 8 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.
Focus: Raises critical hit rate to 20% (+25% avg damage increase, ITD). 6 MP, 0.8 seconds. Critical hits ignore defence and have their power multiplied by about 120%. Lasts 30 seconds.

Notable 3-part combos
Best damage: Crescent Wings -> Crimson Squall x2 = 20695, 69 MP, 20 rush
Best rush gain: Hunter's Moon x3 = 18537, 75 MP, 27 rush

Notable 6-part combos
Best damage, also best rush gain: Sonic Thorn -> Crimson Squall x5 = 52491, 117 MP, 44 rush
Faster damage: Crescent Wings -> Crimson Squall x4 = 41168, 101 MP, 36 rush

Lymle Lemuri Phi
"Now I'm mad. Get 'em, doggie!"

Default equipment:
Wand of Resonance: +460 Atk, +512 Int, Int+7%, MP costs -10% (final cost rounded up)
Dark Elf's Robe: +501 Def, +20% Max HP, 40% dark resist, 20% holy weakness

Alternate equipment (note that all armours reduce HP by 17%):
Lustrous Robe: +473 Def, +8% Def, 40% holy resist, 20% dark weakness [1% less taken from physicals]
Earthen Robe: +341 Def, 40% earth resist, 10% wind/lightning weakness [+4%]
Feathered Robe: +10 Int, +157 Def, +40 Grd, 2% regen per 12 seconds, 40% wind resist, 10% lightning resist, 20% earth weakness [+9% taken from physicals, +1% damage dealt]
Flare Robe: +175 Def, 40% fire resist, 20% ice weakness [+9%]
Alchemist's Robe: +180 Def, 20% lightning resist, 10% fire/ice resist [+9%]
Aqua Robe: +42 Def, 40% ice resist, 20% fire weakness [+12%]

Lv 63, BEAT Lv 16

HP 10911 -> 15188 / 22009 / 29108
MP 1385
Atk 364 -> 904 (base physical: 335)
Int 360 -> 1019
Def 365 -> 946
Hit 180 -> 242
Grd 102 -> 164
Run speed 18 (94%)
*Lymle has an innate 20% resistance to freeze

Normal attack = 335 = 1 hit, 100%, 6 rush (long range variant adds 5 rush)

Chainable symbology
Fire Bolt = 3974 = 390% fire magic, 6 hits, 14 MP, 2 CP, 12 rush. 2.2 seconds.
Wind Blade = 2140 = 120-300% wind magic, 2-5 hits, 14 MP, 3 CP, 4-10 rush. 2.4 seconds. Hits all enemies on a line. Rather slow to reach its target. Difficult to use as a combo followup due to startup time + lack of tracking.
Tornado = 4137 = 348-464% wind magic, 6-8 hits, 16 MP, 5 CP, 12-16 rush. 2.4 seconds. Hits a short but relatively wide line. This attack's startup time is notably reduced as the non-first attack of a combo.
Lightning Blast = 4259 = 418% lightning magic, 11 hits, 14 MP, 3 CP, 22 rush. 2.2 seconds. Hits all enemies on a line, and travels instantaneously.

Special arts (magical)
Hatchet Reel = 5823 = 435-708% magic (3 hits of 28% non-elem + 9-16 hits of 39% fire, somewhat dependent on enemy size), 12-19 hits, 12 MP, 2 CP, 12-19 rush. 1.6 seconds, but requires close range. The first three hits are melee and knock the target back, the fire hits are range. Has an area of effect. When used in a combo against an enemy at range (e.g. in self-combo), only the fire hits connect, and generally ~1 less than normal.
Scorching Star = 6990 = 686% magic (2 hits of 10% non-elem + 9 hits of 74% fire), 11 hits, 21 MP, 3 CP, 11 rush. 1.6 seconds, but requires close range. All the Hatchet Reel disclaimers apply here as well; the attack has a slightly smaller AoE and less knockback (though definitely still present).
Hound Grenade = 6789 = 666% (1 non-elem + 1 fire), 2 hits, 27 MP, 4 CP, 4 rush. 2.1 seconds. Hits a fairly large area of effect. Unusually slow when used as a followup move in a combo, but the AoE makes it not bad at comboing despite this.
Spiral Fang = 2619 = 164-368% (28% non-elem + 2-5 hits of 68% fire), 3-6 hits 27 MP, 4 CP, 3-6 rush. 2.1 seconds. Hits the target and enemies behind it on a line.

Menu symbology (charge times reduced by passive ability Fast Cast)
Healing: Heals 40% of MHP + 100. 6 MP, 1.9 seconds.
Fairy Healing: Heals 35% of MHP + 100, MT. 18 MP, 2.3 seconds.
Explosion: 425% fire magic (=4331), 13 hits, 30 MP, 17 rush. 5.5 seconds (-_-). Hits a wide area.
Reflection: Positive status, raises target's elemental resistances by 15% raw. Stackable. 15 MP, 2.3 seconds. Lasts 60 seconds.
Silence: Inflicts silence (no magic or special arts), small area of effect. 22 MP, 2.6 seconds. 45% hit rate. Permanent.
Void: Inflicts void (buff immunity), small area of effect. 30 MP, 2.6 seconds. 100% hit rate. Lasts 60 seconds.

Battle skills
Hide: Draws enemy attention to user's allies. Definitely useful, but can take multiple uses to work. 1 MP, 0.8 seconds.
Mindflare: Doubles INT, but triples MP costs (even for spells which ignore INT). 8 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.

Notable 3-part combos
Best damage: Hound Grenade x3 = 29872, 81 MP, 12 rush
Best non-fire damage, also best rush: Lightning Blast x3 = 18740, 42 MP, 66 rush
Best wind damage: Tornado x3 = 18203, 48 MP, 42 rush

Notable 6-part combos
Best damage: Hatchet Reel x3 -> Scorching Star x3 = 64796, 99 MP, 65 rush
Best non-slow damage: Hound Grenade -> Hatchet Reel x4 -> Scorching Star = 59325, 96 MP, 62 rush
Best non-fire damage, also best rush: Lightning Blast x5 = 37479, 70 MP, 110 rush
Best wind damage: Tornado x3 = 18203, 48 MP, 42 rush (yes, unchanged!)

Bacchus D-79
"All obstacles have been eliminated, Mr. Edge."

Default equipment:
Vulcan Discharger: +930 Atk, thunder element
Folklore Plate: +712 Def, +10% Max HP

Alternate equipment (note that all armours reduce HP by 9%):
(best non-lightning weapon) Dragoon Blaster: +621 Atk, +20% damage vs. demons [29% damage cut]
Thunderbolt Gear: +600 Def, +20% Def, 50% lightning resist, 10% wind resist, 20% earth weakness [6% less taken from physicals]
Volcanic Gear: +454 Def, 40% fire resist, 20% ice weakness [+8%]

Lv 63, BEAT Lv 14/15

HP 21127 -> 26726 / 32924 / 39376
MP 667
Atk 701 -> 1701 (base physical: 1397)
Int 133 -> 203
Def 845 -> 1632
Hit 241 -> 295
Grd 122 -> 180
Run speed 19 (89%)
*Bacchus has an innate 20% resistance to poison

Normal attack (short range) = 2515 = 180%, 2 rush, chance of Stun
Normal attack (long range) = 2096 = 150%, 3 rush, chance of Stun

Force Breaker = 5728 = 369-451%, 9-11 hits, 8 MP, 3 CP, 9-11 rush. 1 second, medium range, tracks its target well.
Galvanic Shock = 9849 = 658-752% lightning, 7-8 hits, 13 MP, 2 CP, 14-16 rush. 50% chance of Stun. 1.2 seconds and requires *very* close range, so it's a bit difficult to get started (melee Black Hole Sphere works best).
Irradiation = 6566 = 329-611%, 7-13 hits, 15 MP, 4 CP, 21-39 rush. 2.8 seconds, medium range. Doesn't combo well due to setup time. Hits a reasonably wide area, but enemies move out of it fairly often before then.
Termination = 4701 = 168-505%, 1-3 hits, 18 MP, 3 CP, 2-6 rush. 2 seconds, medium range, tracks well and hits all enemies on a line.
Black Hole Sphere = 5588 = 400%, 19 hits, 18 MP, 4 CP, 19 rush. Hits a huge area (arguably MT) centred around primary target, takes some time to travel to target but becomes as fast as most melee attacks at close range. Draws all enemies towards the centre of its effect radius.
Blessed Buster = 7460 = 534%, 6 hits, 19 MP, 5 CP, 6 rush. 1.2 seconds, medium range. Hits all enemies on a line.

Battle skills
Taunt: Draws enemy attention to user. Definitely useful, but can take multiple uses to work. 1 MP, 0.8 seconds.
Berserk: Doubles ATK (262% damage vs. avg enemy def), but doubles damage received. 8 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.
Scan Enemy: Reveals enemy elemental properties, HP (which remains viewable for rest of fight), and passive abilities. 1 MP, no charge or reaction time.
Convert: Puts user in a status which converts 1.5% MHP to 2/3 that raw number in MP, twice a second. 4 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts until it would kill the user (it will not do so), or until the user's HP is healed.
Emergency Repairs: Heals 55% of MHP, self only. 5 MP, 0.8 seconds.

Notable 3-part combos
Best damage: Black Hole Sphere -> Galvanic Shock x2 = 39075, 44 MP, 49 rush, 75% Stun
Best damage against stunned/immobile target: Galvanic Shock x3 = 43336, 39 MP, 45 rush, 87.5% Stun
Best non-lightning damage [Dragoon Blaster]: Blessed Buster x3 = ~23300, 57 MP, 18 rush
Best rush gain: Black Hole Sphere x3 = 24587, 54 MP, 57 rush

Notable 6-part combos
Best damage: Black Hole Sphere -> Galvanic Shock x5 = 109987, 83 MP, 94 rush, 96.9% Stun
Best damage against stunned/immobile target: Galvanic Shock x6 = 114248, 78 MP, 78 rush, 98.4% Stun
Best non-lightning damage [Dragoon Blaster]: Force Breaker x4 -> Blessed Buster = ~38700, 51 MP, 46 rush

Meracle Chamlotte
"Bunnies! They're fluffy, and round, and yummy-looking!"

Default equipment:
Dragon Claws: +610 Atk, +10% crit, +20% damage vs. demons
Darkblood Chainmail: +480 Def, +130 Grd, 2% regen per 12 seconds, nulls damage 25% of the time, 50% dark resist, 10% fire resist, 30% holy weakness

Alternate equipment (note that armours give up the damage nulling and regen):
Holy Chainmail: +592 Def, Def+8%, 50% holy resist, 30% dark weakness [6% less taken from physicals]
Earthcrest Guard: +389 Def, +4 Grd, 2% regen per 12 seconds, 40% earth resist, 10% wind weakness, 20% lightning weakness [+3%]
Volcanic Chainmail: +220 Def, 40% fire resist, 20% ice weakness [+7%]
Streaked Chainmail: +119 Def, 40% lightning resist, 20% earth weakness [+10%]
Blizzard Protector: +56 Def, 40% ice weakness, 20% fire weakness [+12%]

Lv 63, BEAT Lv 13

HP 14810 -> 16735 / 22272 / 28035
MP 707
Atk 964 -> 1639 (base physical: 1315, 1445 w/ crits)
Int 106 -> 171
Def 458 -> 1003
Hit 238 -> 288
Grd 143 -> 323
Run speed 15.5 (109%)

Note: Meracle's damage is listed with her crit rate factored in, since due to the multihit nature of SO4 the damage will tend to approach the crit-adjusted damage fairly reliably. If you want to know damage before crits, subtract 9% from the listed damage.

Normal attack = 4696 = 4 hits, 325% (60+70+65+130), 11 rush

Special arts
Ripper Pounce = 6828 = 448-497% (28% + 15 hits of 21% + two hits of 77%, the first two hits sometimes whiff), 18 hits, 12 MP, 2 CP, 22 rush. 30% chance of Stun.
Comet Impact = 9248 = 640%, 1 hit, 18 MP, 2 CP, 6 rush. 1.6 seconds and requires *very* close range. Knocks the target away from further melee attacks.
Acrobatic Vault = 5592 = 387%, 3 hits, 21 MP, 3 CP, 9 rush. This move airs the enemy (along with Meracle) as it resolves, but finishes with the enemy and Meracle both on the ground and at melee, and can be comboed.
Claws of Fury = 8359 = 526-631%, 18-23 hits, 25 MP, 5 CP, 19-24 rush. Low chance of Stun. Knocks the target away from further melee attacks.
Somersault Spike = 7247 = 355-648% (5-8 hits of 31% + 1-2 hits of 200%), 6-10 hits, 25 MP, 3 CP, 6-10 rush. 1 second and requires close range (more lenient than Comet Impact, though). This move briefly airs the enemy (along with Meracle) as it resolves, but finishes with the enemy and Meracle both on the ground and at melee, and can be comboed.
Drill Spike = 8092 = 448-672%, 4-6 hits, 27 MP, 3 CP, 4-6 rush. Starts at medium range (perfect after a Comet Impact or Claws of Fury). Hits all enemies on a line (which Meracle herself moves along). This move is a bit strange for comboing, as sometimes Meracle will use subsequent attacks in the wrong direction. This doesn't usually happen until it is used twice in a combo, though.

Battle skills
Taunt: Draws enemy attention to user. Definitely useful, but can take multiple uses to work. 1 MP, 0.8 seconds.
Berserk: Doubles ATK (254% damage vs. avg enemy def), but doubles damage received. 8 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.
Focus: Raises critical hit rate to 20% (+18% avg damage increase, ITD). 6 MP, 0.8 seconds. Critical hits ignore defence and have their power multiplied by about 120%. Lasts 30 seconds.

Notable 3-part combos
Best damage: Drill Spike -> Comet Impact -> Drill Spike = 37454, 72 MP, 16 rush
Stunfishing, also best rush gain: Ripper Pounce x3 = 30008, 36 MP, 66 rush, 65.7% Stun

Notable 6-part combos
Best damage: Ripper Pounce x4 -> Drill Spike -> Comet Impact = 89014, 93 MP, 99 rush, 76% Stun
Stunfishing, also best rush gain: Ripper Pounce x6 = 79205, 72 MP, 132 rush, 88.2% Stun

Myuria Tionysus
"Talk about all show and no go, huh?"

Default equipment:
Calamity Staff: +576 Atk, +642 Int, +3% Int, MP costs -10% (final cost rounded up)
Dark Elf's Robe: +501 Def, +20% Max HP, 40% dark resist, 20% holy weakness

Alternate equipment (note that all armours reduce HP by 17%):
Lustrous Robe: +473 Def, +8% Def, 40% holy resist, 20% dark weakness [1% less taken from physicals]
Earthen Robe: +341 Def, 40% earth resist, 10% wind/lightning weakness [+4%]
Feathered Robe: +10 Int, +157 Def, +40 Grd, 2% regen per 12 seconds, 40% wind resist, 10% lightning resist, 20% earth weakness [+9% taken from physicals, +1% damage dealt]
Flare Robe: +175 Def, 40% fire resist, 20% ice weakness [+9%]
Alchemist's Robe: +180 Def, 20% lightning resist, 10% fire/ice resist [+9%]
Aqua Robe: +42 Def, 40% ice resist, 20% fire weakness [+12%]

Lv 63, BEAT Lv 12/13

HP 11532 -> 15637 / 22281 / 29197
MP 1497
Atk 420 -> 1056 (base physical: 537)
Int 372 -> 1106
Def 353 -> 909
Hit 182 -> 228
Grd 102 -> 152
Run speed 17 (99%)

Normal attack = 1611 = 3 hits, 300%, 17 rush
Normal attack (MP drain version) = 1074 = 2 hits, 200%, 12 rush. Drains ~70 MP per hit from the target.

Chainable symbology
Ice Needles = 5884 = 532% ice magic, 9 hits, 14 MP, 2 CP, 9 rush. 1.5 seconds. 20% chance of Freeze. Very long range, tracks its target well.
Deep Freeze = 3108 = 281% ice magic, 9 hits, 16 MP, 4 CP, 16 rush. 2.2 seconds. 50% chance of Freeze. Hits an area of effect. This attack frees up Myuria for combo followups long before it finishes damaging the enemy, and for other actions shortly before (around 0.2 seconds?).
Lightning Blast = 4623 = 418% lightning magic, 11 hits, 14 MP, 3 CP, 22 rush. 1.5 seconds. Hits all enemies on a line, and travels instantaneously.
Thunder Flare = 4136 = 374% lightning magic, 8 hits, 16 MP, 4 CP, 16 rush. 2.5 seconds. Hits a wide area of effect. Damage is dealt out rather slowly but stuns as it does. This attack's startup time is notably reduced as the non-first attack of a combo.
Shadow Needles = 3716 = 252-420% dark magic, 6-10 hits, 14 MP, 2 CP, 12-20 rush. 3 seconds. Difficult to use as a combo followup due to startup time.

Menu symbology (charge times reduced by passive ability Fast Cast)
Healing: Heals 40% of MHP + 100. 6 MP, 1.4 seconds.
Fairy Healing: Heals 35% of MHP + 100, MT. 18 MP, 1.6 seconds.
Restoration: Revives to 40% of MHP. 25 MP, 2.1 seconds.
Arctic Impact: 380% ice magic (=4203), 4 hits, 30 MP, 25 rush. 3 seconds.
Dark Devourer: 256-416% dark magic (=3716), 8-13 hits, 30 MP, 8-13 rush. 3 seconds. Hits all enemies on a line.
Enlighten: Positive status, raises target's INT by 30% of base. Stackable. 16 MP, 1.8 seconds. Lasts 60 seconds.
Reflection: Positive status, raises target's elemental resistances by 15% raw. Stackable. 15 MP, 1.8 seconds. Lasts 60 seconds.
Void: Inflicts void (buff immunity), small area of effect. 30 MP, 2.1 seconds. 100% hit rate. Lasts 60 seconds.

Battle skills
Hide: Draws enemy attention to user's allies. Definitely useful, but can take multiple uses to work. 1 MP, 0.8 seconds.
Convert: Puts user in a status which converts 1.5% MHP to 2/3 that raw number in MP, twice a second. 4 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts until it would kill the user (it will not do so), or until the user's HP is healed.
Mindflare: Doubles INT, but triples MP costs (even for spells which ignore INT). 8 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.

Notable 3-part combos
Best damage: Ice Needles x3 = 25890, 42 MP, 27 rush, 48.8% Freeze
Freezefishing: Ice Needles -> Deep Freeze x2 = 16451, 46 MP, 41 rush, 80% Freeze
Best non-ice damage, also best rush: Lightning Blast x3 = 20341, 42 MP, 66 rush
Best dark damage: Ice Needles -> Thunder Flare -> Shadow Needles = 19190 (6689 of this dark), 44 MP, 39 rush

Notable 6-part combos
Best damage: Ice Needles x6 = 68254, 84 MP, 54 rush, 73.8% Freeze
Freezefishing: Ice Needles -> Deep Freeze x3 = 22667, 62 MP, 57 rush, 90% Freeze
Best non-ice damage, also best rush: Lightning Blast x5 = 40682, 70 MP, 110 rush
Best dark damage: Ice Needles x4 -> Thunder Flare -> Shadow Needles = 57989 (10405 of this dark), 86 MP, 66 rush

Sarah Jerand
"I feel like I'm walking on air!"

Default equipment:
Sacred Spear: +860 Atk, +604 Int, light element
Dark Elf's Robe: +501 Def, +20% Max HP, 40% dark resist, 20% holy weakness

Alternate equipment (note that all armours reduce HP by 17%):
Sea Serpent Harpoon: +740 Atk, +465 Int, ice element, physicals have a 10% chance of freeze per 2-hit combo [15% damage cut]
Lustrous Robe: +473 Def, +8% Def, 40% holy resist, 20% dark weakness [1% less taken from physicals]
Earthen Robe: +341 Def, 40% earth resist, 10% wind/lightning weakness [+4%]
Feathered Robe: +10 Int, +157 Def, +40 Grd, 2% regen per 12 seconds, 40% wind resist, 10% lightning resist, 20% earth weakness [+9% taken from physicals, +1% damage dealt]
Flare Robe: +175 Def, 40% fire resist, 20% ice weakness [+9%]
Alchemist's Robe: +180 Def, 20% lightning resist, 10% fire/ice resist [+9%]
Aqua Robe: +42 Def, 40% ice resist, 20% fire weakness [+12%]

Lv 61, BEAT Lv 9/10

HP 11683 -> 15421 / 21889 / 28622
MP 1283
Atk 498 -> 1394 (basic physical: 988)
Int 308 -> 957
Def 332 -> 883
Hit 198 -> 232
Grd 92 -> 130
Run speed 19 (89%)

Normal attack = 1976 = 2 hits, 200%, 6 rush. Airs target.

Chainable symbology
Wind Blade = 2010 = 120-300% wind magic, 2-5 hits, 14 MP, 3 CP, 4-10 rush. 1.8 seconds. Hits all enemies on a line. Rather slow to reach its target. Difficult to use as a combo followup due to startup time + lack of tracking.
Blast Hurricane = 3905 = 408%, 8 hits, 19 MP, 4 CP, 16 rush. 1.8 seconds. Hits all enemies on a line, and travels instantaneously.
Lightning Blast = 4000 = 418% lightning magic, 11 hits, 14 MP, 3 CP, 22 rush. 1.5 seconds. Hits all enemies on a line, and travels instantaneously.
Radiant Lancer = 2881 = 301% light magic, 9 hits, 14 MP, 2 CP, 12 rush. 2.2 seconds.
Aurora Rings = 2239 = 156-312%, 3-6 hit, 16 MP, 4 CP, 6-12 rush. 3 seconds. Hits an area of effect, but the attack locks on long before it resolves so enemies sometimes walk out of it.

Menu symbology
Healing: Heals 40% of MHP + 100. 6 MP, 2.2 seconds.
Ex Healing: Heals 80% of MHP + 1000, 10 MP, 2.4 seconds.
Fairy Healing: Heals 35% of MHP + 100, MT. 18 MP, 2.4 seconds.
Fairy Light: Heals 60% of MHP + 500, MT. 30 MP, 3 seconds.
Cure Condition: Heals status effects. 8 MP, 2.2 seconds.
Restoration: Revives to 40% of MHP. 25 MP, 2.8 seconds.
Enhance: Positive status, raises target's ATK by 30% of base (damage by 56% of base, for Sarah). Stackable. 18 MP, 2.6 seconds. Lasts 60 seconds.
Angel Feather: Positive status, raises target's ATK, INT, HIT, GRD, and DEF by 15% of base. Stackable. 14 MP, 2.8 seconds. Lasts 60 seconds.
Enshelter: Positive status, raises target's DEF by 30% of base. Stackable. 16 MP, 2.8 seconds. Lasts 60 seconds.
Sacred Pain: Negative status, lowers target's elemental resistances by 20% raw. Stackable. 17 MP, 2.6 seconds. Lasts 60 seconds.

Battle skills
Hide: Draws enemy attention to user's allies. Definitely useful, but can take multiple uses to work. 1 MP, 0.8 seconds.
Focus: Raises critical hit rate to 20% (+4% avg damage increase). 6 MP, 0.8 seconds. Critical hits ignore defence (only for physicals) and have their power multiplied by about 120%. Lasts 30 seconds.
Mindflare: Doubles INT, but triples MP costs (even for spells which ignore INT). 8 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.

Notable 3-part combos
Best damage, also best rush gain: Lightning Blast x3 = 17600, 42 MP, 66 rush
Best non-lightning damage: Blast Hurricane x3 = 17182, 57 MP, 48 rush
Best light damage: Radiant Lancer x3 = 12676, 42 MP, 36 rush

Notable 6-part combos
Best damage, also best rush gain: Radiant Lancer -> Lightning Blast x5 = 45281, 84 MP, 122 rush
Best non-lightning damage: Radiant Lancer x4 -> Blast Hurricane x2 = 38744, 94 MP, 80 rush
Best light damage: Radiant Lancer x6 = 33419, 84 MP, 72 rush
Best wind damage: Wind Blade x3 -> Blast Hurricane x2 = 26026, 80 MP, 53 rush

Arumat P. Thanatos
"Amateurs! Throwing their lives away for nothing!"

Default equipment:
Quadplex Scythe: +920 Atk, +7% Atk, -20 Def, +50 Hit, +20% damage vs. birds
Ogre's Armour: +502 Def

Alternate equipment (% extra taken from physicals in brackets:
Duel Armour: +350 Def, +8% Def, 40% dark weakness, 10% resist to all other elements [+2%]
Flame Rune Mail: +302 Def, 40% fire resist, 20% ice weakness [+6%]
Earthrock Mail: +279 Def, 40% earth resist, 20% lightning weakness [+6%]
Bronto Armour: +144 Def, -20 Hit, 40% lightning resist, 20% wind resist, 20% earth weakness [+10%]
Aqua Mail: +84 Def, 40% ice resist, 20% fire weakness, 40% resistance to frozen [+12%]

Lv 61, BEAT Lv 14/15

HP 16990 -> 19538 / 25174 / 31039
MP 1058
Atk 915 -> 2038 (base physical: 1847)
Int 250 -> 320
Def 430 -> 987
Hit 306 -> 410
Grd 133 -> 191
Run speed 15.5 (109%)

Normal attack = 6003 = 4 hits, 325% (85+90+50+100), 19 rush

Special arts
Unholy Maelstrom = 6280 = 340%, 2 hits, 12 MP, 3 CP, 4 rush. Hits a small area of effect.
Nether Strike = 7495 = 406% fire, 7 hits, 18 MP, 2 CP, 14 rush. 1.8 seconds, long range. Airs target briefly. Combos well after itself and Earth Glaive, less so Fire Bolt.
Diabolic Edge = 7425 = 402%, 5 hits, 21 MP, 4 CP, 10 rush. Hits an area of effect.
Bloodstorm Revolution = 6030 = 284-369%, 7-9 hits, 25 MP, 4 CP, 7-9 rush. Hits an area of effect, airs targets slightly until attack ends.

Chainable symbology
Earth Glaive = 832 = 260% earth magic, 1 hit 14 MP, 3 CP, 9 rush. 1.2 seconds. Airs target briefly.
Stone Rain = 1376 = 430% 10 hits, 16 MP, 4 CP, 10 rush. 1.8 seconds. Hits an area of effect.
Fire Bolt = 1248 = 390% fire magic, 6 hits, 14 MP, 2 CP, 12 rush. 1.2 seconds.

Menu symbology
Explosion: 425% fire magic (=1360), 13 hits, 30 MP, 17 rush. 5.5 seconds (-_-). Hits a wide area.

Battle skills
Taunt: Draws enemy attention to user. Definitely useful, but can take multiple uses to work. 1 MP, 0.8 seconds.
Berserk: Doubles ATK (247% damage vs. avg enemy def), but doubles damage received. 8 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds.
Scan Enemy: Reveals enemy elemental properties, HP (which remains viewable for rest of fight), and passive abilities. 1 MP, no charge or reaction time.
Convert: Puts user in a status which converts 1.5% MHP to 2/3 that raw number in MP, twice a second. 4 MP, 0.8 seconds. Lasts until it would kill the user (it will not do so), or until the user's HP is healed.

Notable 3-part combos
Best damage, also best rush gain: Nether Strike x3 = 34958, 54 MP, 42 rush
Faster damage: Earth Glaive -> Nether Strike x2 = 26315, 46 MP, 37 rush
Best non-fire damage: Diabolic Edge x3 = 32760, 63 MP, 30 rush
Best magic damage: Stone Rain x3 = 6054, 48 MP, 30 rush

Notable 6-part combos
Best damage, also best rush gain: Nether Strike x6 = 86942, 108 MP, 84 rush
Faster damage: Earth Glaive -> Nether Strike x5 = 80279, 100 MP, 79 rush
Best non-fire damage: Unholy Maelstrom x3 -> Diabolic Edge x2 = 60302, 78 MP, 32 rush
Best magic damage:  Fire Bolt x4 -> Stone Rain x2 = 15142, 88 MP, 68 rush
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 07:27:30 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2013, 07:07:21 AM »
Stat comparisons

One-turn damage:
Bacchus 39075 > Meracle 37454 > Edge 35548 > Arumat 34958 > Lymle 29872 > Myuria 25890 > Reimi 20695 > Sarah 17600
Average: 30137 (kill point: 73541)

Three-turn damage (with Mindflare):
Lymle 39829 > Bacchus 39075 > Meracle 37454 > Edge 35548 > Arumat 34958 > Myuria 34520 > Sarah 23466 > Reimi 20695
Average: 33193 (kill point: 82983)

HP (no HP Boost):
Bacchus 26726 > Arumat 19538 > Edge 18720 > Meracle 16735 > Myuria 15637 > Sarah 15421 > Reimi 15403 > Lymle 15188
Average: 17921

Relative HP / Magic durability:
Bacchus 1.49 > Arumat 1.09 > Edge 1.04 > Meracle 0.93 > Myuria 0.87 > Sarah 0.86 > Reimi 0.86 > Lymle 0.85

Bacchus 1632 > Edge 1246 > Reimi 1067 > Arumat 1066 > Meracle 1003 > Lymle 946 > Myuria 909 > Sarah 883
Average: 1094

Relative physical durability:
Bacchus 1.75 > Edge 1.09 > Arumat 1.08 > Meracle 0.91 > Reimi 0.85 > Myuria 0.83 > Lymle 0.81 > Sarah 0.81

Speed with optimum damage (using 1.8 seconds charge time as average, adjusting all moves upwards by +0.8 seconds for animation/recharge time, melee assumed as average, multiplied by run speed)
(Arumat, Earth Glaive/Fire Bolt 142%)
1t. Edge, melee attacks 112%
1t. Myuria, Ice Needles/Lightning Blast 112%
3t. Arumat, any physical 109%
3t. Meracle, melee attacks 109%
5. Sarah, Lightning Blast 101%
6. Reimi, Crescent Wings 94%
7. Bacchus, melee 89%
8. Lymle, Hound Grenade 84%
(Reimi, Sonic Wings/Crimson Squall 80%)

Speed with notable support abilities:
Edge, Healing/Cure Condition 108%
Edge, Silence 86%
Lymle, Healing 91%
Lymle, Fairy Healing/Reflection 79%
Lymle, Silence/Void 72%
Bacchus, Emergency Repairs 145%
Myuria, Healing 117%
Myuria, Fairy Healing 107%
Myuria, Enlighten/Reflection 99%
Myuria, Restoration/Void 89%
Sarah, Healing/Cure Condition 77%
Sarah, Ex Healing/Fairy Healing 72%
Sarah, Enhance/Sacred Pain 68%
Sarah, Restoration/Enshelter 64%
Sarah, Fairy Light 61%

All usable battle skills happen at 162.5% of character's base speed.


Only one boss that I'm going to bother with. Don't look at the 1-point text or click the image link unless you enjoy spoilers!

Satanail (aka Faize Sheifa Beleth)
(Click for image)
"Never... never utter that name again!"

~3.6 million HP
2340 Atk, 1270 Def (takes ~2% extra from physicals)
Weak (+50%) to light, strong (-50%? Didn't test) to dark
Immune to all status except stun, resistant to stun
Possesses the No Guard ability, so can't be locked down.

I have taken PC Def to be 1080, since it results in rounder numbers (and this will be close to the average). Satanail's base physical damage is thus 2400. HP faced is... difficult to say, really depends on levels and HP Boost and all that. Anything from 15k to 29k is reasonable! I strongly encourage others to play the game and judge this one for themselves.

At the battle's start, Satanail is protected by four jewels, each of which has ~180k HP (equal to 5% of his total). He is completely invulnerable while any jewels are alive, but one of the jewels will be vulnerable to attack. He holds this in front of him, so only attacks from the front are effective. Before each attack, he can, as a free action, rotate the jewels such that a new one is vulnerable; the jewel available determines what attacks he can use. He can not attack without a jewel in front of him unless all four are destroyed.

All attacks are physical except where noted.

Attacks that require a specific jewel
(Red) Jewel of Incineration: 5 x 620 = 3600, long range. Likely fire?
(Yellow) Jewel of Calamity: 5 x 720 = 3600, cloud that tracks a single target well. Inflicts pumpkin, stun, silence, poison, paralysis, freeze, curse, or fog. Averages 2 statuses per combo, so possibly a 25% chance of each? Very nasty.
(Green) Jewel of Indignation: 5 x 504 = 2520, hits a large AoE and pulls the target towards Satanail.
(Violet) Jewel of Nothingness: 5 x 1008 = 5040, inflicts Void 100%.

Attacks that can always be used
Phantom sword: 7200, hits a line-shaped AoE in front of Satanail.
Claw uppercut: 2 x 2400 = 4800, knocks target into the air. Can chain this into Phantom sword for 12000 total.
Billowing Destruction 3 hits, about 6720 total, hits everyone around Satanail and knocks targets into the air.
Plasma Cyclone: 9 x 640 = 5760, lightning magic. Hits a very large AoE near caster.

Attacks unlocked once all jewels are destroyed
Hand rush + phantom sword = 3-4 hits of 1920 + 7200 = ~13920.
Claw uppercut + aerial terror = 2 x 2400 + 5 x 1560 = 12600. This is ALWAYS comboed into something else, either phantom sword (19800, always works), or into itself (probably works around 50% of the time, but claw/aerial/claw/aerial/sword does 32400).
Extinction: 6250 magic. Hits a small area of effect.
Void: Inflicts Void, small area of effect, 100%.

At this point, Satanail starts aggressively comboing with Plasma Cyclone; he can chain it into other Plasma Cyclones, or Void, or the dreaded claw/aerial/sword combo. I've seen Plasma Cyclone x3, but otherwise I've only seen Plasma Cyclone plus one other attack (flipside, those are quite common). Plasma Cyclone into claw/aerial/sword = 25560.

Attacks unlocked once 25% of boss' HP is depleted
Divine Wave: 8400 magic. The damage travels in a fast-moving wave away from Satanail, no range limit. However, there are holes in the wave you can dodge through (or just hope it misses, it doesn't seem to track).

Attacks unlocked once 50% of boss' HP is depleted
Dawn of the Cosmos: 13 x 1200 = 15600, hits a huge area of effect centred around Satanail, knocks targets away somewhat. Evil, evil rush gain, (11 per hit... yeah). Depending on where the target is he may be able to catch them in a combo of some sort after this.

Most of Satanail's other attacks have fairly moderate rush gain, I didn't test it extensively. He seems to need ~4 attacks in general to hit rush mode (less if the PCs pile on damage of course). Rush mode comes with a crit mode boost (30%?), his crits deal ~56% more damage to average defence (and are ITD).

Comments: He's really good, best of the SO finals in a duel without much question. Jewel of Calamity is good enough to murder PCs even if he'll probably only get one shot off scaled HP. Beyond that, just... lots and lots of physical damage, with some respectable lightning backup. Gets up to at minimum a very high 2HKO very quickly (probably a OHKO) with gambles to get even more damage an option. Spoil status, physicals, and preferably lightning, and you're in good shape. HP is something you'll have to play the game to judge but... yeah, it's good. Reminds me an awful lot of Profound Darkness: dispel, great physicals, monstrous HP, and a holy weakness. Has some ups (faster, more status) and downs (isn't ITE, magic is less good) but same general area probably, so High Godlike. Whee.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 08:04:29 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2013, 12:29:02 PM »
Holy crap, you really did it. Mad props.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2013, 03:02:02 AM »
It's a lot easier to do than it sounds since SO4 tells you a lot of this info in-game, so it's really just a lot of combo testing.  Why it hasn't been done til now...well...

In my case?  Doing stat topics on anything that requires a PS360Wii and actual in-game stuff (as in, can't just reference random docs ala FE10) is not feasible!  That's just for ME, others have their own reasons of course, etc.

That said, it was by no means a lultastic stat topic as it required legitimate work, so he of course deserves props for that. 
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2013, 03:59:52 AM »
Just for the record a number of the multipliers the game tells you are reported incorrectly. Mostly it's because the game has a lot of attacks which vary a lot in hit count by circumstance (you can see some of them easily enough) and the game seems to err too far in one direction, though in a small number of cases the game just seems to be completely off (e.g. Hound Grenade is 666%, it is always 666%, the game reports it as 490 for some reason). So yeah, the damage testing involved was quite significant!

edit: added some notes on status effects, and on equipment used in the topic. More updates still to come.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 11:01:55 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2013, 08:06:03 AM »
Added a few more status notes. Also posted the promised boss.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.