
Author Topic: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)  (Read 10297 times)


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Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« on: August 27, 2008, 10:44:42 PM »
From Gourry

These are all taken at level 46, because that was the level I beat Ghaleon. I use RPGP legal equipment (unique or storebought), and I only give characters accessories if someone gives them the item through plot (few instances of this, actually. The good accessories, like the Hell Ring are given to the party, and it's hard to tell who it is actually given to). Damage tests are done on Death Warriors in Althena's Tower. I would have done characters like Tempest and Luna, but that would probably require a GameShark (Correction: I can get their stats now. The stats in Lunar are fixed, as far as I know). The storebought accessories in this game aren't so bad, so I'd allow 1.

Permanent PCs
HP: 261
MP: 148
Attack: 103 (179)
Defense: 77 (159)
Agility: 81
Wisdom: 88
Magic En: 78 (98)
#Attack: 3 (4)
Range: 17
Luck: 18
Equipment: Althena's Sword, Dragon Armor, Dragon Shield, Dragon Helmet, Dragon Ring, Flame Ring (I don't know if there was a better plot accessory that could go here).
The Dragon Equipment halves elemental damage. Althena's Sword regenerates a portion of Alex's HP (10%, it seems).

Abilities and Spells
Attack Sequence- 280. 4 hits.
Sword Dance- 360
Explosion Staff- 220
Flash Cut- 180

Vigor 1- 71 ATK
Vigor 2 (yes, Vigor and other similar spells stack, but only twice)- 54 ATK
Vigor + Regular attack sequence- 440
Vigor + Sword Dance- ~530
Vigor + Explosion Staff- ~320 on who it's centered on. 270 or so on surroundings.
Vigor + Flash Cut- ~250
2 Vigors + Sword Dance- ~620
2 Vigors + Attack Sequence- 560

Red Dragon Anger- ~470.
Black Dragon Grief- sucks up all enemies. I wouldn't take this seriously in the RPGP.
Dragon Healing- Full healing + status healing. 40 MP.

Evaluation: Heavy. Alex is by far the best PC for Lunar. He has the best damage output in the game. He has healing, good magic damage (RDA), decent stats overall, and regeneration to boot. However, his healing and best damage are nasty MP hogs, so attrition isn't really his thing.

HP: 214
MP: 216
Attack: 81 (153)
Defense: 68 (135)
Agility: 90
Wisdom: 104 (120)
Magic En: 109
#Attack: 1
Range: 13
Luck: 9
Equipment: Starlight Bow, Sage's Robe, Stone Bracelet, Holy Bandanna, Mia's Bromide
Starlight Bow provides pretty unreliable instant death. It hasn't worked for me yet. This could be because the enemies in the last dungeon may be immune to it. They're immune to most of Nash's status spells.

Abilities and Spells
Attack Sequence- 65
ThunderBolt- ~240
ThunderBomb- 90
ThunderThrust- ~140

OK came through with Nash's statuses.
Sleep- 90%. Lasts 3-4 turns. Sleeping enemies take more damage when hit. It is probably a critical hit, but I can't check right now.
Silence- 90%. Target cannot cast spells.
Paralyze- 65%. Enemies cannot act?
Confuse- 70%. Confused enemies can heal the enemy, hit the enemy, wander around for their turn, etc.
Stone- 65%. Lunar Stone is a loss if it hits.

Evaluation: Middle/Heavy. He's just a very versatile status mage. Unfortunately, he's pretty much sunk against bosses, and he's 1HKO bait, mostly. He actually has decent damage output, which is contrary to what many people believe. Thunderbolt does good damage...

HP: 203
MP: 308
Attack: 72 (132)
Defense: 71 (139)
Agility: 69
Wisdom: 119 (185)
Magic En: 105
#Attack: 1
Range: 13
Luck: 14
Equipment: Dragon Cane, Aegis Robe, Spook Armlet, Phantom Ribbon
Mia can opt for a Wind Cane. In doing so, she sacrifices 50 points of Wisdom and attack (pfft) for 20 points of agility. This would make her the second fastest. 50 Points doesn't seem that significant. Flameria does 210 as opposed to 240 with the extra 50 points. Also, her Aegis Robe halves all magic damage (thanks to PsySlaver).

Edit: According to NEB, the Dragon Cane halves Fire/Ice while the Aegis Robe halves Wind Lightning

Abilities and Spells
Attack Sequence- 60
Power Drive + Attack Sequence- 85
2 Power Drive + Attack Sequence- 100
Flame Bomb- 220
Flame Circle- ~125
Flameria- 240
Ice Lance- 150
Ice Wall- 190
Blizzard- 110
Power Drive- 66 ATK
Power Drive 2- 26 ATK
Ice Shell- 69 DEF
Ice Shell 2- 28 DEF
Her Magic does good damage, but she's pretty slow. The Wind Cane will fix this, but only at a cost of 50 Wisdom points. She can up her offense (why would she do this?) or her defense (pretty safe, I guess). She's just not impressive in a duel, really.

Evaluation: Light. She's a run of the mill mage, who should ALWAYS OPT FOR THE WIND CANE! Ahem. Anyway, she'll get the first turn on most people, and she does fairly good damage. Against physical attackers, she should probably use Ice Shell, which improves her defense immensely (puts her above Alex by a fair margin).

HP: 251
MP: 104
Attack: 114 (184)
Defense: 71 (156)
Agility: 73
Wisdom: 80
Magic En: 59 (79)
#Attack: 3
Range: 17
Luck: 16
Equipment: Insane Sword, Insane Armor, Insane Shield, Insane Helmet
If Kyle needs a boost in Speed, he can use the Wind Sword, which is 10 points weaker than the Insane Sword.

Abilities and Spells
Attack Sequence- 240
Power Up 1- 55 ATK
Power Up 2- 71 ATK
Power Slash- 270
Sonic Riser- 210
Power Up + Attack Sequence- 330
Power Up + Power Slash- 380
Power Up + Power Sweep- 290
Power Up + Sonic Riser- 290
2 Power Up + Attack Sequence- ~400
2 Power Up + Power Slash- 500
Evaluation: Middle. Kyle's a normal fighter. He's inferior to Alex, but his damage output is still impressive. Unlike Alex, it takes him two rounds to get his best bonuses from Power Up (which he is not likely to get because of his low speed). He has bad Magic Defense, and he's pretty slow, but that's expected of fighters.

HP: 219
MP: 199
Attack: 100 (168)
Defense: 77 (144)
Agility: 83
Wisdom: 94
Magic En: 80 (102)
#Attack: 2
Range: 16
Luck: 15
Equipment- Holy Mace, Holy Clothes, Detonator Armlet, Fire Tiara
Jessica's Holy Mace allows her to regenerate a portion of her HP every turn (10%).

Abilities and Spells
Damage Sequence- 140
Miracle Litany- Heals All HP
Y'know what? That's all she's got. She has staying power, but no real offense to back it up.

Evaluation: High Light. I dunno. She's awfully hard to kill for a Light, but she doesn't have the offense to back herself up in Middle. Decent speed doesn't hurt, I guess.

For those who care about comparisons...
HP- Alex (261) > Kyle (251) > Jessica (219) > Nash (214) > Mia (203)
Average: 230

MP- Mia (308) > Nash (216) > Jessica (199) > Alex 148) > Kyle (104)

Attack- Kyle (184) > Alex (179) > Jessica (168) > Nash (153) > Mia (132)
Average: 163

Defense- Alex (159) > Kyle (156) > Jessica (144) > Mia (139) > Nash (135)
Average: 147

Agility- Nash (90) > Jessica (83) > Alex (81) > Kyle (73) > Mia (69)
Average: 79 (Standard Deviation of 8.3)

Wisdom- Mia (185) > Nash (120) > Jessica (94) > Alex (88) > Kyle (80)
Average: 113

Magic En- Nash (109) > Mia (105) > Jessica (102) > Alex (98)> Kyle (79)
Average: 98

Overall Damage output: Alex > Kyle > Mia > Nash > Jessica.

First Round Damage Output: Red Dragon Anger (470) > Power Slash (270) > Flameria/Thunderbolt (240) > Jessica's Physical (140)
Average: 272

With Sword Dance in place of RDA, the average is 250.

Late Battle Damage Outputs: Alex's 2 Vigors + Sword Dance (620) > 2 Power Up + Power Slash (500) > Thunderbolt/Flameria (240) > Jessica's Physical (140)
Average: 348

Temporary Characters
I included Ghaleon and Laike's stats for fun. Oh boy, now you can bask in their godly stats *rolls eyes*
Lv99 Ghaleon
HP: 440
MP: 500
Attack: 152 (206)
Defense: 124 (164)
Agility: 107 (127)
Wisdom: 182 (187)
Magic En: 201
#Attack: 2
Range: 15
Luck: 0
Inferno, Nitro Dagger, Tornado, Rock'N'Roll
Wind Cane, Wisdom Robe, Jewel Bracelet, Tri-Ring
The Tri-Ring prevents status changes, but I don't know the difference between this and the other status protecting accessories.

Evaluation: Ghaleon would be retarded to take this over his boss form.

Lv99 Laike
HP: 500
MP: 0
Attack: 121 (189)
Defense: 108 (160)
Agility: 112
Wisdom: 124
Magic En: 108
#Attack: 3
Range: 20
Luck: 8
Equipment: Master Sword, Holy Armor, Holy Shield, Holy Helmet, Fresh Ring, Healing Ring.
He has storebought equips. It's good to note that Kyle has comparable attack at level 46. Fresh Ring protects from certain statuses, and the Healing Ring allows him to regenerate (Thanks to PsySlaver for this info).

Evaluation: Heavy. Bleh. He's one dimensional as hell, but he does good damage when you get him. Also, 50 points of Lunar healing every round is pretty good. Note that he probably does just a bit above Kyle's attack sequence when it comes to raw damage, unscaled. However, he just kills stuff when he's around, and that's what I go by.

HP: 210
MP: 310
Attack: 74 (108)
Defense: 66 (90)
Agility: 73
Wisdom: 122
Magic En: 106
#Attack: 1
Range: 13
Luck: 16
Dream Cane, Magic Robe, Steel Armlet, Headband
Her Temptation Song works just as often as Nash's Sleep in my experience.
Cascade Song- 22 ATK, 26 DEF
Cascade Song- 28 ATK, 34 DEF
I can't get fair damage numbers right now. I'd have to test on different enemies. I think the monsters I tested on have above average defenses.

Evaluation: Light. Temptation Song/Cascade Song 2x seems like a fairly decent strategy in light. While her healing doesn't really hold up at this point, it's good enough to allow her to stay afloat in light.

HP: 229
MP: 120
Attack: 110 (170)
Defense: (86) 142
Agility: 90
Wisdom: 90
Magic En: 67
#Attack: 2
Range: 15
Luck: 13
Attack Sequence- 180
Flash Arrow- 200 target, 160 on surroundings
Flash Wind- Blows enemies away. Ignore.

Evaluation: Wow, Tempest has pretty respectable stats. If he had a better bow, he might have been able to keep up with Alex and Kyle... If the game gave him the equips of an endgame party member and an extra attack, I wouldn't mind having him in lieu of somebody else. Unfortunately, he still kinda sucks compared to the party, so he's probably a Light/Middle.

... And here he is... God himself: Ramus
HP: 85
MP: 0
Attack: 30 (50)
Defense: 20 (43)
Agility: 14
Wisdom: 18
Magic En: 23
#Attack: 1
Range: 10
Luck: 24
Battle Bow, Iron Armor, Iron Shield, Iron Helmet

Evaluation: OMG, OMG, OMG... He's so awesome ROFL. Why didn't he just fight Ghaleon alone, he really could've... with his 1 attack a round and his 50 point offense. OMG, he's like a King on Earth. Seriously, the Lunar damage algorithm seems to incorporate levels into it, which means that Ramus will do slightly higher damage than people think. It's still godawful damage, though.

Lv99 Data (nothing to do with the RPGP)
Lv99 Alex
HP: 525
MP: 340
Attack: 200 (266)
Defense: 150 (232)
Agility: 150
Wisdom: 170
Magic En: 150 (170)
#Attack: 5 (6)
Range: 25
Luck: 18

Lv99 Luna
HP: 427
MP: 557
Attack: 142
Defense: 128
Agility: 139
Wisdom: 228
Magic En: 201
#Attack: 1
Range: 18
Luck: 16

Lv99 Nash
HP: 440
MP: 400
Attack: 160 (232)
Defense: 130 (197)
Agility: 165
Wisdom: 200 (216)
Magic En: 190
#Attack: 3
Range: 18
Luck: 9

Lv99 Jessica
HP: 460
MP: 400
Attack: 190 (258)
Defense: 150 (217)
Agility: 150
Wisdom: 180
Magic En: 150 (172)
#Attack: 4
Range: 20
Luck: 15

Lv99 Kyle
HP: 555
MP: 200
Attack: 220 (290)
Defense: 160 (245)
Agility: 130
Wisdom: 150
Magic En: 115 (135)
#Attack: 5
Range: 20
Luck: 18

Lv99 Mia
HP: 420
MP: 555
Attack: 140 (200)
Defense: 135 (203)
Agility: 135
Wisdom: 225 (291)
Magic En: 200
#Attack: 3
Range: 20
Luck: 14

Lv99 Tempest
HP: 470
MP: 216
Attack: 200 (260)
Defense: 165 (221)
Agility: 165
Wisdom: 176
Magic En: 123
#Attack: 2
Range: 15
Luck: 13

Lunar Criticals do 30% more than normal attacks.

Thanks to OblivionKnight for Nash's status data. I still need the % for the ID effect for his bow. It doesn't seem to work in the last dungeon.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 09:16:08 AM by Dhyerwolf »


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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 10:45:28 PM »

From Gourry

HP: 185/8325
Attack: 4/180
Defense: 3/135
Agility: 1/45
Wisdom: 4/180
Magic Endurance: 2/90

Shoot Lancer- ~220 (235 to Nash)
Cross Bridge- 130-160 (160 to crappy defense characters like Nash)
Flare Strike- 160-180 (magic defense based)
Arch Flare- ~150 Fire Damage
Flame Bird- Encases her opponent
Kyle broke out in two rounds.
Mia broke out in five (I think) rounds.
Nash broke out in four rounds.

Kyle has 112 base Attack
Mia has 70 base Attack
Nash has 79 Base Attack

I was level 45 when I tested her.

Party Damage (not useful for RPGP purposes. Just out of curiousity, since I know her defense and magic defense values).
Alex- Sword Dance- 200
Explosion Staff- 130
Flash Cut- 80
RDA- 210 (halved)

Thunderbolt- 190

Flame Bomb- 75 (halved. 90 with Dragon Cane)
Flame Circle- 30 (halved)
Flameria- ~90 (halved)
Ice Lance- 215 (doubled)
Ice Wall- 304 (doubled)
Blizzard- 125 (doubled)

If you allow her the Sleep Curse (I don't), sleeping enemies receive double normal damage. A Shoot Lancer and sleeping character = dead.

Attack: 4/184
Defense: 3/138
Agility: 1/46
Wisdom: 4/184
Magic Endurance: 2/92

Chaos Wave- 120-160 Fire Damage?
Aura Shot- 100-140 Magic Damage
Sonic Boom- 130-180 Magic Damage. Causes Petrify with a good rate.
Physical Attack- 80-90. Attacks twice.

Attack: 5/230
Defense: 3/138
Agility: 1/46
Wisdom: 3/138
Magic Endurance: 2/92

Here are Ghaleon's attacks and attack combos:

1. Inferno, Nitro Dagger, Tornado, and Rock and Roll all do around 70-100 damage. Naturally, they're magic based.
2. Siphon Soul- Steals 70 HP. Magic defense based, I think.
3. Physical Attack- 80-100 (100 to lower defense characters) Damage. Attacks twice.
4. Worm Crush- Area damage. 70-80. Physical based.
5. Fate Storm- Instant Death.
6. Chaos Shield- Raises a shield that takes 1000 HP. Cannot be recharged.
7. Hell Wave- 80-120. Magic Based.

The ranges are based on high end/low end defensed characters. Hell Wave will do 80 to characters with more magic defense, and 120 to those with low magic defense.

Attack Combos
1. Siphon Soul
Physical Attack

2. Inferno
Nitro Dagger

3. Tornado
Worm Crush

4. Fate Storm
Chaos Shield

5. Hell Wave
Rock and Roll

6. Physical Attack

Meep may have more on Ghaleon's attack patterns, so I may ask him to fill in the gaps sometime. Thanks to Meep for Worm Crush damage.

From Meeple

From Meeplelard

Ghaleon you say? Ok, I'll fill in some gaps:
Gourry already listed damage so I'm not gonna list that.

For People who do NOT allow AI for Bosses, this is how GhaleoN works:
Here are all of his Combos:
Tornado + Worm Crush: 5 out of the last 6 fights against him, he opend with this, so chances are w/out AI, he's using this first turn. The only time he did not, he used...

Inferno + Nitro Dagger: Somehting about this combo he doesn't like, maybe that its totally elementally reliant, making it do less damage. Anyway, he an use this whenever like the above, he just uses it Rarely.
Syphon Soul + Physical (or as I call it, Double Bitch Slap): He likes this move a lot. He even used it 2x in a row many times fighting him. In game I can see why he likes it, otherwise...meh.

Hell Wave + Rock N Roll: Rock N Roll, despite popular belief, is NOT elemental. I equipped that ring on Kyle which Halves ALL elemental Damage, and Mia's Aegis Robe does the same, and NO Halving Took place. The only advantage IN GAME it has over Hell Wave is it hits everyone, where Hell Wave hits 3 people on Average (like Worm Crush, its based off Position) This is his main non elemental Combo. Makes sense, based on how he attacks. This is his Non Elememtanl Combo, Syphon Soul + Physical is Miscellaneous, Inferno + Nitro Dagger is Elemental, and Tornado + Worm Crush just work well together (Gets your Team bunched up so Worm Crush hits them harder)

Physical: He Rarely does this, but meh, he sometimes attacks with his Phhysicals Alone. This proves that he can NOT use 2 Physicals in a row (4 hits), since he does NOT use an attack after it. AI or not, I consider this rules, therefore, he can't use Physicals x2 w/ AI. Note that this is his Strongest attack in general.

Fate Storm + Chaos Shield: Probably his most famous combo. While the other abiliteis he uses totally random, THIS he uses at set times. He first uses it on Turn 4, and then 5 turns after taht, meaning TUrn 9, Turn 14, Turn 19, etc. We all know what this does otherwise. HOWEVER, should the Chaos Shield STILL be up when he's about to use this, the Combo is replaced by...

Fate Storm + Physicals: This is evidence that Ghaleon can NOT recharge the Chaos Shield, leaving him with an Invincible Barrier against thse who double Turn him yet can't break down the shield (or Triple TUrn, in Luca's Case...) Chaos Shield is still hadny thoguh, as damgae is NOT Carried over from the Break Down to his HP, so if he has 1 HP of Chaos Shield left, even something as strong as Zophar's Fate Storm will be totally blocked by the Chaos Shield.

Ok, now for his NON Attack schpiels:
First off, speed. a slug. Probably the only person who can't double Turn Dekar in God Like. Yes, THAT slow. We all know this though, so its nothing new, we've know it to be his down fall, and that's his main issue.

Defensivly, this is what I got from Characters. Refer to Gourry's List for damage on an average Enemy to compare:
NOTE: Haven't tested Sword Dance and Power Slash w/ot full power ups, nor have I tested fully powered Attack Sequences..
Physical: 50 damage
Physical After Vigor: 200 damage
Sword Dance w/ 2 Vigors: 460 to 500 damage (damage Varied a bit)
Red Dragon Anger: 400

NOTE: No Criticals taken into account. However, understand taht Kyle's Insane Sword seems to give him, as the name would imply, an Insane Ciritcal hit Rate. Alex can't seem t pull them off at all, while Kyle is getting them at least 40% of the time.
Attack Sequence: 36
Physical After Power up: 150
Power Up x2 + Power Slash: 340 to 380 (Damage seemed to Vary a bit too)

Lightning Bolt: 180

Dragon Rod Flameria (don't have Wind Cane): 200

Physical: 2 (!!!!!!)

Conclusion: Ghaleon's Defense is SICK. He lowers physical damage by A LOT! His Magic Defense, thoguh, isn't as sickening, but its still fairly nice, as he's taking less than average damage from Mia and Nash. Ghaleon is quite obviously a Defensive Boss, as his Offenses leave something to be Desired, but he has great HP (take about an average of Half hour to beat him), Defense, solid Magic Defense, and of course, Chaos Shield. Syphon Soul's damage is probably the 2nd worst Parasitic Healing in a Duel setting (worst being Anna's Fanbi)

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2008, 05:49:33 AM »
Mia's Fire/Ice resistance comes from her Dragon Rod (which she loses if she wants to be fast). Only Wind/Lightning is from her robe, contrary to what the topic says.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2009, 07:58:15 AM »
From Tai!

Lunar SSSC Luna temp stats! Taken right before she leaves. Team is Alex/Luna/Nash; Jessica has an argument for being in these averages, since she was in the team just previously in the last dungeon. However, I both am not inclined to take this since you may very well level up on your way back to Vane, and also can't because I don't have a save point there so nyah. Really, just makes Luna's damage look worse and her durability and speed look a bit better; Jessica's not that great during that first dungeon.

Of note:

Sleep: Opponent does not act. Woken up by any damage or from 2-4 turns after sleep is inflicted. Can be reapplied. Waking up a sleeping opponent with a physical deals 2x damage.

L:SSSC stat boosts cap when the new score is 175% of base, I believe; they cannot boost beyond 75% higher than normal.

Level 17
HP: 90
MP: 137
Attack: 70
Defense: 54
Agility: 37
Wisdom: 62
Magic En: 54
Luck: 16
Dream Cane/Magic Robe/Steel Armlet/Headband

Physical: 20 damage, may cause Sleep (10%?). Hard to test.
Cascade Song'd Physical: 28 damage.
2x Cascade Song'd Physical: 43 damage.

Dream Rod: Itemcasts ST Sleep, very high chance (90%?). Hard to test. It rarely misses, but it can do so.
Healing Song: Heals 40 HP, ST. 4 MP. Note that this seems relatively set; this is what it did at the beginning of the game, as well.
Tranquil song: Heals 40 HP, MT. 15 MP.
Purity Song: Removes status, ST. 4 MP.
Temptation Song: Sleep status, MT... 80% chance? It tends to be very accurate on things not immune to it, I think my chosen monster (Antorions) resist it more than most... 8 MP.
Cascade Song: Boosts Attack and Defense stats by 33% each cast (round down to nearest integer).  Can be applied to a character twice; the second casting works off the results of the first cast, and not the base stats. ST, 10 MP.
Escape Song: Removes enemies from the battle, no EXP/Gold gained. Likely illegal in a DL setting. 10 MP.

Of note is that Luna dodges about 25% of attacks. Nash is about 33%, Alex never dodges.

Opinion: Survives a hit, Sleeps the opponent, buffs twice. Now she's got pretty good damage, nice defense, magic doesn't do much to her anyway. Sleep -> Physical will leave a definite mark. Low Middle, can't play with the big boys there but her sleep->buff game is good enough to give her a shot.

Stat comparison:

Alex: L17
HP: 96
MP: 51
Attack: 77
Defense: 67
Agility: 42
Wisdom: 42
Magic Endurance: 43
Luck: 18
Saber/Chain Mail/Silver Shield/Iron Helmet

Physical: 44.
Sword Dance: 79, ST, 6 MP
Explosion Staff: 50 damage, GT, 9 MP
Vigor: Improves Attack by 50% or so. Damage goes insane. 10 MP.

Nash: L15 (He leaves the team for a dungeon and comes back underleveled; the next two dungeons don't correct this at all so I'm inclined to keep him at this point.)

HP: 81
MP: 82
Attack: 62
Defense: 57
Agility: 47
Wisdom: 50
Magic Endurance: 47
Luck: 9
Fire Cane/Magic Robe/Silver Bracelet/Fruity Bandanna/Mia's Bromide I

Physical: 20, fire element.
Fire Cane: Itemcast, 39 damage, fire element, ST.
Thunder Bomb: 39.
Confusion, Magic Box, Stone: See his endgame rates. They're about the same, as far as I can tell.


Alex (Sword Dance): 79
**Alex (Physical): 44** -- Arguably he wants to conserve MP against most things. Your call, here.
-- Luna (2 Cascade Songs'd Physical): 43
Nash (Thunder Bomb): 39
-- Luna (1 Cascade Song'd Physical): 28
Luna (Physical): 20

Average: 46
Average w/o Sword Dance: 34

Average damage dealt by Antorions:
Nash: 44
Luna: 32
-- Luna w/ 1 Cascade Song: 27
Alex: 24
-- Luna w/ 2 Cascade Songs: 15

Average: 33

HP: Alex (96) > Luna (90) > Nash (81)
Average: 89

MP: Luna (137) > Nash (82) > Alex (51)
Average: 90

Attack: Alex (77) > Luna (70) > Nash (62)
Average: 69.6

Defense: Alex (67) > Nash (57) > Luna (54)
Average: 59

Agility: Alex (47) > Nash (42) > Luna (37)
Average: 42

Wisdom: Luna (62) > Nash (50) > Alex (42)
Average: 51

Magic Endurance: Luna (54) > Nash (47) > Alex (43)
Average: 48
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2013, 04:52:16 AM »
Some notes on Royce and Xenobia, more or less Dungeon-related.

Shoot Lancer-
Cross Bridge- Hits a line on the screen.
Flare Strike- Hits one target, fire elemental magic damage.
Arch Flare- - Full screen MT attack.
Flame Bird- Encases her opponent

This might be obvious, but she halves Fire and takes I think double from Ice.

Chaos Wave- Hits all targets, is non-elemental.
Aura Shot- Can hit up to three people. Possibly all five if positioned in the middle.
Sonic Boom- Hits a wide line. Probably can't hit all five.
Physical Attack- Just hits two single targets.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2013, 06:25:37 AM »
Xenobia's physical can hit the same person twice, and IIRC it always does unless the target of the first hit dies. Shot Lancer is ST.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2013, 06:38:08 AM » It seems like her physical prefers to hit two different people, at least the two or so times she uses it in this video. Not really sure I'd hold her to that, though.

EDIT: Oh and Xenobia has no magic resistance or weakness like Royce.


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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2013, 08:44:39 PM »
Uber brief, rough Ramus stats to use for those of us who don't like Ramus w/ ancient equipment against endgame characters.

I didn't actually replay Lunar, but just from looking at an LP briefly...  lvl. 14 might be a tad overlevel for the Water Dragon (Ramus got nothing from some level-ups already, you can definitely do that boss at lvl. 13), but whatever.  There's also Nash, who isn't with you for the Meribia Sewers dungeon but was in the party earlier and rejoins shortly and helps make a larger, more sensible cast size to average against.  Requires eyeballing him up to Level 14 for a fair comparison, though.  Also, I'm not 100% sure the Battle Bow is Ramus's best for the DL, but if so the damage drop compared to a sword is light, and it's MUCH BETTER in-game because you don't want Ramus on the front-line.

Also, Taishyr's L17 Alex numbers seem a little low compared to the LP, not sure what's up with that.  e.g. Explosion Staff hitting weakness in the video does 110 damage, which implies it does 55 damage at base at lvl. 14, while Tai has L17 Explosion Staff doing 50...  maybe weakness doubling is applied after-damage?

Level 14 stats:
Alex: 85
Ramus: 85
Luna: 78
Nash: 76?  (64 at lvl. 11)
Avg: 81 (83 ignoring Nash)

Defense: Slightly bad but not noticeably so.  (Alex is a bit tanky, everyone else not.)

Speed: Terrible, goes last.

Alex: 75?  (unbuffed Sword Dance guessing from Taishyr's numbers, but OK's numbers seem to indicate SD is way better, and so does the video (even given that it's never used without Vigor, so...)
Luna: 20 (Battle Bow smack)
Ramus: 20 (Battle Bow smack)
Nash: 37? (Thunder Bomb)
Average: 38 (also 38 not including Nash)

Note that a long-term average would see Alex & Luna's long-term damage shoot up thanks to buffs, *but* Alex has MP woes if you don't throw expensive Star Lights at him.  Also note that while Ramus only fights 2 bosses, Lunar bosses have subtractive defense, so Luna / Ramus unbuffed damage plunges from 20-> ~11 or so vs. the Water Dragon, while Alex's Sword Dances are not much affected.

So in short: Ramus has 1.05 PCHP, but slightly bad defense, so he's basically average durability.  He deals .21 PCHP damage per bow shot but fears high defense.  He is dang slow.  Low Light, but the durability saves him from true Puny, although he might still be Puny if you have a low TB speed floor and see him as handing out double-turns left & right.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 04:19:08 PM by SnowFire »


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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2013, 11:59:13 AM »
I was actually thinking of helping with this - wanted to test things on the game again.  I have Ramus stats up to level 12.  Here's how they fill out (rest of the party at 12...may be considered a little low overall, but...).  Level 12 is significant because after that Ramus GAINS NO STATS AT ALL, so going higher only hurts him.  Thus, level is VERY important for Ramus...12 may not be puny!  Note that his TSS form is a lot better (I think...I'd have to look into it)!!!!!  I don't include Nash here because he...doesn't really fight the last fight (Water Dragon) with the party. 

Average physical defense for enemies in the Meribia Sewer is about 22 (16 if you toss out the outliers who have over twice the defense of the other enemies), magical defense is 26 (23 taking out the enemy with twice the magical defense of every other enemy.  I'll use the actual, total average defenses here.  It really only matters for Alex's magic and everyone's physicals, since Alex is the only one who has damage outside of his physical!  I'm doing these damages entirely from extrapolation, so they are probably not 100% correct.

HP: 78   
MP: 40
Attack: 40 (61)   
Defense: 31 (55)   
Agility: 35   
Wisdom: 34
Magic Endurance: 31
#Attacks: 2
Range: 13
Luck: 18

Broad Sword: +21 Attack
Iron Helmet: +5 Defense
Iron Armour: +13 Defense
Iron Shield: +5 Defense
Flame Ring: +1 Defense

Attack Sequence: 78 physical damage over 2 hits

Sword Dance (6 MP): 117 physical damage
Explosion Staff (9 MP): 56 fire-ish physical damage
Vigour (10 MP): Raises attack; maximum increase is 125% of BASE attack, it seems; first cast increases by 75%, second cast by 50%; effectively increases physical damage by 50% with each cast (or close enough)

HP: 70   
MP: 107
Attack: 29 (49)   
Defense: 27 (38)   
Agility: 31   
Wisdom: 52
Magic Endurance: 45
#Attacks: 1
Range: 11
Luck: 16

Battle Bow: +20 Attack
Headband: +3 Defense
Leather Clothes: +7 Defense
Iron Armlet: +1 Defense

Attack Sequence: 27 physical damage

Healing Song: Heals
Purity Song: Cure status
Temptation Song: Sexy
Cascade Song (10 MP): Raises attack and defense; maximum increase is 125% of BASE attack, it seems; first cast increases by 75%, second cast by 50%; effectively increases physical damage by 50% with each cast (or close enough)
Tranquil Song: Sleepy
Escape Song: RUN AWAY

HP: 85   
MP: 0
Attack: 30 (50)   
Defense: 20 (43)   
Agility: 14
Wisdom: 18
Magic Endurance: 23
#Attacks: 1
Range: 11
Luck: 24

Battle Bow: +20 Attack
Iron Helmet: +5 Defense
Iron Armour: +13 Defense
Iron Shield: +5 Defense

Attack Sequence: 28 physical damage

HP: 77
Defense: 45
Agility: 24
Magic Endurance: 33
Damage: 57 (using Sword Dance, as Alex can use it 6 times before running out of MP)

Assessment: Ramus probably isn't Puny, more of a low Light, like this.  HOWEVER!  If you take levels higher, scale him vs. Nash, etc, he ends up...looking worse.  Even 2 levels makes a huge difference.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2013, 04:39:06 PM »
Thanks guys, those look great, and square up with my memory well. I personally never saw Ramus fail to gain HP so my levels were probably closer to OK's and I'll be using those. Based on OK's notes, Ramus is -1.14 SD speed (gets even slower with Nash factored in of course), 110% PCHP, 1.04 physical durability, 0.83 magical durability.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2013, 03:50:01 PM »


Wait AGREE with my levels?
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2013, 04:37:54 PM »
Level 12 for that boss does sound pretty much exactly right.
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[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2013, 10:50:05 PM »
I seem to recall getting a single empty Ramus level-up, but this was with maybe ~2 battles left with him, so I'm totally fine with taking him at level 12 myself.  I only used L14 because that's what the LP had, and the LPer apparently took two trips through the Meribia Sewers.  (Which is not totally unreasonable considering how fast you can blow Alex's MP on Explosion Staff.)

That said, something weird is still up, in OK's numbers or Taishyr's Luna figures or both.  I can only presume Taishyr tested against a boss for why his damage figures are so low (L12 Alex was doing more than 50 base damage w/ Explosion Staff with a worse weapon...).  Still, even given that OK used a lower defense for Luna / Ramus arrow shots (the LP clearly shows 'em doing 20 to some enemies, and 11-12 to the Water Dragon), is Alex's Sword Dance really that high?  It's just so weird that L12 Alex hugely outdamages L17 Alex.  That said, now knowing for sure that Taishyr's numbers are low, I'm pretty sure my guesstimated L14 Alex damage is wrong, and should be higher...  which makes sense, L14 Ramus should be even less damaging.  Oh well.  Next time someone actually replays the game, please sanity check actual Alex Sword Dance numbers!  (And maybe L12 Nash Thunder Bomb damage for fun, too.)

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2013, 12:03:03 AM »
Lunar randoms are far from uniform on defence, so significant variation depending on what you use as a test subject is to be expected. Fortunately the relative values don't change too much.

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Re: Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (Full)
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2013, 10:10:56 PM »
As I mentioned, that was extrapolation.  One thing that will affect it is the # of attacks - I am fairly certain that plays a role in Sword Dance damage.  117 is probably an overestimate (although I know you can hit ~200 on Saline Slimer due to weakness a few levels this may not be too off), but there's no way Luna or Ramus will break average damage either way.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory