
Author Topic: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.  (Read 1077 times)


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Tharja: 22-19
Thief: 24-30
Cecil: 14-51

Odie- Soul Nomad's resident mage. Brutal offense but really hates thunder defense.
Dark Knight Cecil- I'm 99% sure that DKC is far better in the DL than Paladin Cecil, and that saddens me. Putting that to the test here.
Basilio- Higgs boson blues~

Odie (SN) vs Kary (FF1)
Odie vs Edge (FF4)
Odie vs Sabin (FF6)
Odie vs Yuffie (FF7)
Odie vs Edea (FF8)
Odie vs Garnet (FF9)
Odie vs Lightning (FF13)
Odie vs Ronnie (S1)
Odie vs Luc (S2)
Odie vs Borus (S3)
Odie vs Sigurd (S4)
Odie vs Mathias (S5)

Dark Knight Cecil (FF4) vs Kary (FF1)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Edge (FF4)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Sabin (FF6)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Yuffie (FF7)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Edea (FF8)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Garnet (FF9)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Lightning (FF13)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Ronnie (S1)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Luc (S2)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Borus (S3)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Sigurd (S4)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Mathias (S5)

Basilio (FE13) vs Kary (FF1)
Basilio vs Edge (FF4)
Basilio vs Sabin (FF6)
Basilio vs Yuffie (FF7)
Basilio vs Edea (FF8)
Basilio vs Garnet (FF9)
Basilio vs Lightning (FF13)
Basilio vs Ronnie (S1)
Basilio vs Luc (S2)
Basilio vs Borus (S3)
Basilio vs Sigurd (S4)
Basilio vs Mathias (S5)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 09:12:54 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2014, 09:32:06 PM »
Odie (SN) vsKary (FF1)- Hold at worst. Odie going second here is very bad.
Odie vs Edge (FF4)- Sleep should do it's thing at the worst. Thunder resistance is also an issue.
Odie vs Sabin (FF6)- Odie probably OHKOs. Even if he doesn't, typing screws Sabin over very badly.
Odie vs Yuffie (FF7)- Has a ranged physical. This is ugly.
Odie vs Edea (FF8)- Silence.
Odie vs Garnet (FF9)- Thunder defense.
Odie vs Lightning (FF13)- Light's healing is not cutting it here.
Odie vs Ronnie (S1)- Typing saves Odie here, I think.
Odie vs Luc (S2)- No idea.
Odie vs Borus (S3)
Odie vs Sigurd (S4)- Silent Lake.
Odie vs Mathias (S5)- Thunder defense.

Dark Knight Cecil (FF4) vs Kary (FF1)- Hold.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Edge (FF4)- Faster, ID's. I suppose it's possible Edge could dodge the ID effect turn one but eh.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Sabin (FF6)- Not 2HKOed at the worst.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Yuffie (FF7)- I think Yuffie wins this even if Cecil's def pushes her down to a 4HKO. Clear Tranquil just gives him all kinds of problems.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Edea (FF8)- Death.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Garnet (FF9)- ID.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Lightning (FF13)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Ronnie (S1)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Luc (S2)- See Edge.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Borus (S3)- Borus's evade and defense give Cecil fits, but Cecil himeslf is really tanky. I don't think Borus can outslug even if he gets lucky with the ID.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Sigurd (S4)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Mathias (S5)

Cecil: 9-3. He munched the middles, should've put in more ID protection.
Odie: 4-7. Bad field for him.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Random Consonant

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Re: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2014, 11:52:05 PM »
Odie (SN) vs Kary (FF1) - Hold
Odie vs Edge (FF4) - Status claws should suffice at worse.
Odie vs Sabin (FF6) - I'm sure Snow will inform us that Odie OHKOs without type match.  Type match just makes this ugly.
Odie vs Yuffie (FF7) - Think I'm on board with this for today.
Odie vs Garnet (FF9) - Lightning immunity
Odie vs Ronnie (S1) - On the other hand he definitely needs type match here.
Odie vs Luc (S2) - Leaning this way but I could be off.
Odie vs Borus (S3) - Laugh track.
Odie vs Sigurd (S4) - Ze lake.
Odie vs Mathias (S5) - Yeah I have my doubts that 40% lightning res is enough.  Mathias could try to play cute here but I'm not certain that won't end in anything other than lolhellthunder.

Dark Knight Cecil (FF4) vs Kary (FF1)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Edge (FF4)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Sabin (FF6)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Yuffie (FF7)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Garnet (FF9)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Ronnie (S1)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Luc (S2)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Borus (S3)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Sigurd (S4)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Mathias (S5)

Basilio (FE13) vs Kary (FF1) - Yeah yeah hold
Basilio vs Edge (FF4) - I think.
Basilio vs Sabin (FF6) - Yeah at absolute worst a hand axe counter with a brave axe followup is fatal here.
Basilio vs Yuffie (FF7) - Basilio is below average party level aww yeah Conformer spoiling.  That said he should manage 2HKOing while avoiding a limit, and FF7's speed spread isn't so potent that he risks being doubled.
Basilio vs Garnet (FF9) - So hey guys how about that Basilio RES.
Basilio vs Ronnie (S1) - 2HKOs first.
Basilio vs Luc (S2) - Unfortunately for Luc, The Shredding is MT in S2 so even if he could double normally he still can't one-round.  This means Basilio gets to turn him into fine powder.
Basilio vs Borus (S3) - FE13 characters do not particularly care for facing down WTD.  Meanwhile Borus is a pretty tanky guy but I don't think he cares for Counter.  Seems like this needs elfmath, but this feels about right for now, since yeah Borus is more about the murdering than he is about the dodging.
Basilio vs Sigurd (S4) - Unless Siggy can actually achieve doubling through speedtweaking this is a bit of a stretch.
Basilio vs Mathias (S5) - Mathias hopes with all his impotent might that Funeral Wind is turn 1 against Basilio RES because I'm not sure he's durable enough to get a turn 2, and the urge to punt S5 Funeral Wind is strong, Wind/Cyclone in S5 such trash.  Buuut yeah Basilio RES is a thing.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 09:07:55 PM by Random Consonant »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2014, 07:29:42 PM »
Odie (SN) vs Kary (FF1) - Type matches be damned, Hold does Odie in.
Odie vs Edward "Edge" Geraldine (FF4) - I'm not so sure. Edge really loves having some Lightning resist equips, since type disadvantage on fists means he gets his ass OHKOed - and I think I also see Shurikens triggering counters. So, do I see Edge primarily as fist-typed or ranged-type? I think I'll tiebreak for the former (resistance doesn't save him from being 2HKOed and the disadvantage, both offensively and defensively, is pretty gross in that case). Certainly won't blame people voting the other way, though.
Odie vs Sabin Rene Figaro (FF6) - Good news: Odie doesn't OHKO Sabin at base. Bad news: he kinda overkills after you factor in type advantages.
Odie vs Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7) - Yuffie, however, I totally see as ranged. She borderline OHKOs Odie at base to me - after typing, she's probably landing something like 1.5x overkill. Tough luck!
Odie vs Edea Kramer (FF8) - Lots of status to choose from.
Odie vs Garnet Til Alexandros (FF9) - FF9 equipment nonsense.
Odie vs Claire "Lightning" Farron (FF13) - This is pretty gross. Type advantage means Light won't really 2HKO him regardless and a counter+Odie turn equal death. If she tries to stall (how the fuck, don't ask me), the limit eats her alive.
Odie vs Ronnie Bell (S1) - Dear god, OHKO. So many martial artists lining up for the slaughter in this pool.
Odie vs Luc (S2) - Offensive disadvantage means Odie misses a 2HKO and Luc avoids counters with The Shredding. Problem is Luc needs to 3HKO himself (healing means he's going to eat a Hellthunder string, and that OHKOs Luc regardless of typing), so let's see how this pans out... *mathmathmath.* Oh dear, even after type disadvantage, The Shredding is above average damage and Odie's not too special at taking magic outside typing (good RES, but tragic HP). Yeah, this works out for Luc.
Odie vs Borus Redrum (S3) - Laughlines.
Odie vs Sigurd (S4) - Noisy mountains -and- ranged damage.
Odie vs Mathias (S5) - Uh yeah not too sure the Lightning resistance works out too well, Mathias mdur ain't too hot and his damage looks especially putrid against type matching.

6-6. Think this is pretty representative. Odie's a fascinatingly weird slugger due to the mix of offense and typings, and both his advantages (powerful offense, excellent triangle advantages, counters) and drawbacks (reliance on Thunder damage, exploding to ranged damage, somewhat problematic speed) managed to see play here.

Dark Knight Cecil Harvey (FF4) vs Kary (FF1) - Hold.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Edward "Edge" Geraldine (FF4) - EDIT: wait, he's faster? Welp.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Sabin Rene Figaro (FF6) - ID.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7) - EDIT: My mistake. Still, don't really see this panning out too well for him, he can't chip and risks landing Yuffie into a L3 as is.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Edea Kramer (FF8) - Death.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Garnet Til Alexandros (FF9) - ID.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Claire "Lightning" Farron (FF13) - More ID. Even against resistance, Cecil is faster and -will- live for three turns minimum.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Ronnie Bell (S1) - ID.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Luc (S2) - ID.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Borus (S3) - ID. Borus isn't even among the evasive Zexen Knights - no notable Repel levels, no Shield Protect and no Parry. That's more Chris and Percival's alley.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Sigurd (S4) - ID.
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Mathias (S5) - You know the drill.

9-3. Fast accurate ID makes you a Heavy regardless of whatever else you have. Without it, Cecil's a Middle, but we know how those things go.

Basilio (FE13) vs Kary (FF1) - Hold.
Basilio vs Edward "Edge" Geraldine (FF4) - At the absolute worst, Image spam and toss Fumas on doubles. Edge likely has the resources to make it work.
Basilio vs Sabin Rene Figaro (FF6) - I don't think Sabin doubles, and I see him triggering counters against Basilio. This gets -very- ugly -very- fast.
Basilio vs Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7) - Yuffie avoids counters, but gets 2HKOed and doesn't 2HKO back. Once again, don't think Bassie gets doubled here.
Basilio vs Edea Kramer (FF8) - Death.
Basilio vs Garnet Til Alexandros (FF9) - Blind is turn one and this already eases down on the pressure immensely. She doesn't 2HKO, so this is absolutely necessary.
Basilio vs Claire "Lightning" Farron (FF13) - Ouch. Light can even avoid counters, but Basilio deals too much damage.
Basilio vs Ronnie Bell (S1) - I suspect Ronnie doesn't even 2HKO Basilio. He might not 2HKO either, but he's faster.
Basilio vs Luc (S2) - Dear lord, Luc, 80% PC HP and sub-MUKUMUKU defense? I'm kneejerking a goddamn OHKO here.
Basilio vs Borus (S3) - Counter very likely tips this in Basilio's favor.
Basilio vs Sigurd (S4) - There's a pretty big split in slugging worth here.
Basilio vs Mathias (S5) - Yeah, I'm pretty sure Basilio res makes Funeral Wind turn one.

7-5. Feels Heavy enough, all things considered, and likely better than The Vaike. Being only two points below average AS rather than -five- saves his ass something fierce more often than not and that anti-physical slugfesting (running off from both counters and Counter) is rather scary. 'dat Res is awful against status, though, and this handed him his ass more than once in this pool.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 07:00:39 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2014, 09:26:30 PM »

Dark Knight Cecil Harvey vs Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7) - Cecil's damage looks pretty bad at Mt. Ordeals due to the abundance of mages. 1/3 average or something like that? Against the ID-immune, he's just hopeless. Yuffie 3HKOs him at worst and he 6HKOs back.

Zuwha? No. Porom and Tellah have zero offense at that point. Cecil doesn't hit a 2HKO but he's above average deamage.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2014, 09:43:00 PM »
Doesn't Tellah have at least Virus? That's almost four-digit damage. Palom also learns Fira in time for Milon. EDIT: in all honesty, even assuming Tellah's damage is at best double Porom's, Cecil damage just before he turns Paladin is pretty bad (barely 4HKOs average), Palom's L2s kinda rip the damage curve a new one.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 09:48:05 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2014, 09:53:54 PM »
Tellah's best damage is elemental 1's. From my notes:

1. Palom: 476 (Fira/Thundara/Blizzara)
2. Cecil: 258 (Physical). Cecil's physical is dark elemental and inflicts ID with a high probability of success.
3. Tellah: 83 (Fire/Thunder/Blizzard)
4. Porom: 34 (Physical)

He has has a couple of decent support spells but he doesn't have any attack spells worth a damn at that point. Porom's offense is a thing, as you can see from that.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2014, 09:55:38 PM »
Oh, I just got it. I looked at the wrong numbers: Meeple's notes are before -Cagnazzo-.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2014, 12:56:49 AM »
What everyone else said about DK Cecil, looks good to me.

Basilio (FE13) vs Kary (FF1)
Basilio vs Edge (FF4)
Basilio vs Sabin (FF6)
Interesting.  Sabin barely doubles, but barely misses the 2HKO with ITD Bum Rush (.62 PCHP to 1.29 raw HP).  And Sabin dies to Brave Axe + Counter, so close but no cigar.  (If Sabin hypothetically did 2HKO, I'd kneejerk Bum Rush as "range 1-2" so that Sabin can pick if it's melee or ranged, it is a psuedo-magic attack after all and magic is range 1-2 in FE....  that'd give the match to him.)
Basilio vs Yuffie (FF7)
Silver Axe +1 -> Brave Axe
Basilio vs Edea (FF8)
Basilio vs Garnet (FF9) - Not sure why Jo'ou is worried and thinks Blind is needed (though that'll work), Garnet is faster and can heal into a double to finish a 3HKO, or uses 2x Odin, or goes for other status.  She has lots of ways to win this fight.
Basilio vs Lightning (FF13)
Basilio vs Luc (S2)
Basilio vs Borus (S3)
Basilio vs Mathias (S5)
Yeah yeah Basilio's RES is awful but status doesn't really exist in FEA, and Mathias is slower, so it really does need to be turn 1.  Funeral Wind being so bad in-game means I'm happy to kneejerk against here.


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Re: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2014, 07:47:55 AM »
Odie (SN) vs Kary (FF1): Pretty close. I think Odie has a 2HKO despite the lightning defence, if barely, and Kary only has a 2HKO due to typing... but I think Hold is still turn 1, Odie res not actually that special.
Odie vs Edge (FF4): With lightning resistance Edge is only 3HKOed, but Odie is still problematic despite sleep vulnerability. (Edge is absolutely a bandit/thief-type to me, his use of fists is obscura.) Edge has a 4HKO after type matchup... so yeah, think he does have this. Again not a bad fight though.
Odie vs Sabin (FF6): Typing makes this one ugly.
Odie vs Yuffie (FF7): Yuffie's a bandit/throwing knife type to me, not an archer or gunner or bomb-user. So the type matchup goes the other way as far as I'm concerned. Splat.
Odie vs Edea (FF8): Odie not a fan of status really.
Odie vs Garnet (FF9): FF9 equipment.
Odie vs Lightning (FF13): Odie has a better limit.
Odie vs Ronnie (S1): Martial artists: it's what's for dinner.
Odie vs Luc (S2): Luc has a 2HKO and is faster... and it's full MT so yeah no counters.
Odie vs Borus (S3): Swordsman who doesn't resist lightning? Welp.
Odie vs Sigurd (S4): Silent lake! Again I see him with a typing disadvantage, but I don't think it matters, Sigurd should still 4HKO at worst and that's enough.
Odie vs Mathias (S5): Faster, Funeral Wind should still be turn 2.

Dark Knight Cecil (FF4) vs Kary (FF1)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Edge (FF4): Faster than Edge you say? Well sure I'll bite. He may survive one sleep blitz anyway...
Dark Knight Cecil vs Sabin (FF6): Death.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Yuffie (FF7): If Yuffie blocks death, she is slower than Cecil for sure. To make matters worse Cecil may 2HKO without seeing Clear Tranquil, and certainly does if you don't scale FF7 limits.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Edea (FF8): Oh look, death.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Garnet (FF9): Death.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Lightning (FF13): Lightning can resist death but only resist and she seriously risks getting outslugged that way.
Dark Knight Cecil vs Ronnie (S1)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Luc (S2)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Borus (S3)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Sigurd (S4)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Mathias (S5): Well that's a long run of PCs with neither decent evade nor ID protection.

Basilio (FE13) vs Kary (FF1): Straightforward.
Basilio vs Edge (FF4): Have to think so at least, Image + Fumas on doubles seems safe. I don't think he wants to go for sleep claws, because on off chance they fail, Edge explodes.
Basilio vs Sabin (FF6): Seems straightforward.
Basilio vs Yuffie (FF7): Can chip-2HKO and can easily tank Yuffie's non-limit damage.
Basilio vs Edea (FF8): Death.
Basilio vs Garnet (FF9): Isn't OHKOed, so Odin takes this among other ways.
Basilio vs Lightning (FF13): Think Basilio damage is too high for Lightning's healing, and he kills in one less turn.
Basilio vs Ronnie (S1): Faster, just manages a 2HKO.
Basilio vs Luc (S2): OHKOs.
Basilio vs Borus (S3): Have to think Counter being ITD tilts this. Borus probably only 3HKOs and that's really bad.
Basilio vs Sigurd (S4): Hand Axe means Sigurd can't make progress ever.
Basilio vs Mathias (S5): Basilio res not bad enough to make Funeral Wind turn 1 to me. It would be if he were FE6-10!

Cecil 10-2. A bit lucky but not really. Fast turn 1 ID is easily Heavy and not bad at it. Having decent stats past that is just icing...
Basilio 8-4. Heavy. Has his spoilers but hits hard. He's a lot like Odie in some ways... a decent slugger who seriously spoils some types and hates status. Ends up more complete than Odie because he doesn't worry about elemental resistance bullshit.
Odie 5-7. Borderliner! Typing determines a lot of his matches, but I think turn 1 status is a bigger issue. At least, unlike FE, he counters status to me... but that only helps when it's turn 2. And that lightning defence issue sucks, part of me wants to treat him as non-elemental but that probably doesn't fly (maybe the limit at least? Didn't come up here). Great slugger otherwise though.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

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Re: Proving Grounds M/H 3: Cecil wants to class change in the DL.
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2014, 08:38:29 PM »
Odie (SN) vs Kary (FF1)
Odie vs Edge (FF4)
Odie vs Sabin (FF6)
Odie vs Yuffie (FF7)
Odie vs Edea (FF8)
Odie vs Garnet (FF9)
Odie vs Lightning (FF13)
Odie vs Ronnie (S1)
Odie vs Luc (S2)
Odie vs Borus (S3)
Odie vs Sigurd (S4)
Odie vs Mathias (S5)

Dark Knight Cecil (FF4) vs Kary (FF1)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Edge (FF4)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Sabin (FF6)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Yuffie (FF7)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Edea (FF8)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Garnet (FF9)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Lightning (FF13)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Ronnie (S1)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Luc (S2)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Borus (S3)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Sigurd (S4)
Dark Knight Cecil vs Mathias (S5)

Basilio (FE13) vs Kary (FF1)
Basilio vs Edge (FF4)
Basilio vs Sabin (FF6)
Basilio vs Yuffie (FF7)
Basilio vs Edea (FF8)
Basilio vs Garnet (FF9)
Basilio vs Lightning (FF13)
Basilio vs Ronnie (S1)
Basilio vs Luc (S2)
Basilio vs Borus (S3)
Basilio vs Sigurd (S4)
Basilio vs Mathias (S5)
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