
Author Topic: Hair Tourney: Group C  (Read 778 times)


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Hair Tourney: Group C
« on: June 29, 2014, 06:12:46 AM »
Group B results:

Team Silver vs. Team Blue
Team Silver vs. Team Teal
Team Silver vs. Team Purple
Team Silver vs. Team Pink

Team Blue vs. Team Teal
Team Blue vs. Team Purple (3-1)
Team Blue vs. Team Pink

Team Teal vs. Team Purple (3-1)
Team Teal vs. Team Pink (3-1)

Team Purple vs. Team Pink

Pink 4-0
Silver 2-2
Teal 2-2
Blue 1-3
Purple 1-3

The royal robot approached the throne room, bearing grim tidings.  "It's from the twin Khans of Aveh and Ferox.  They claim their follicle-removing nanobots are complete and will be dispensed into the atmosphere by satellite, destroying all hair, unless the 120 Golden Coins are handed over as ransom.  Your response, sire?"

The undisputed master of the castle paused, stroking his mustache.  He had only just returned from the latest kart race.  And now this...?  Still, clearly something must be done.

"Lord, we exist to serve you!  Our every breath is yours!  We would gladly die for the sake of a fingernail of yours!"  Before he could respond, one of the Mushroom Kingdom's obsequious knights had chipped in.  "Thy canst not allowth this insult to go unpunished, Sire," agreed another.  "We are ready."

With a jaunty doff of his royal hat, the King turned for the green pipe hidden behind the throne.  "Let's-a-go!"

Group C is a little weird since there's only 2 teams left.  They'll face our previous contestants.

Team Black: Mario (SMRPG), Wren (PS4), Lyon (S5), Cyan (FF6)
Team Bald: Basilio (FEA), Rude (FF7), Lenny (SH2), Shakhan (XG)

Team Brown - Guv (no call team) (DQ8), Lilka (WA2), Anastasia (SH2), Labrynthia (WAXF), Aeris (FF7)
Team Blond - Flonne (Dis1), Ziggy (XS), Borus (S3), Kornell (G3), Marle (CT)
Team Red - Maxim (L2), Eliwood (FE7), Id (XG), PC Heat (DDS), Karin (SH2)
Team Green - Clive (WA3), Gale (DDS), Demi (PS4), Nephenee (FEs)
Team Orange - Wakka (FFX), Rhys (FEs), Citrine (XS3), Alena (DQ4)

Team Silver - Setzer (FF6), Hope (FF13), Akihiko (P3), Pamela (MK), Micaiah (FE10)
Team Blue - Midboss (D1), Lucina (FEA), Yuki (G3), Ike (FEs)
Team Teal - Lenneth (VPs), Rune (PS4), Enna (MK2), Mia (GS)
Team Purple - Lyon (FE8), Liete (G1), Liza (Saga Frontier), Miang (XG)
Team Pink - Lightning (FF13), Rika (PS4), Nel (SO3), Seraphitia (XG)

Team Black vs. Team Bald

Team Black vs. Team Pink
Team Black vs. Team Green
Team Black vs. Team Teal
Team Black vs. Team Red
Team Black vs. Team Purple

Team Bald vs. Team Orange
Team Bald vs. Team Silver
Team Bald vs. Team Brown
Team Bald vs. Team Blue
Team Bald vs. Team Blond


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Re: Hair Tourney: Group C
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2014, 07:16:58 AM »
Per usual, let me dig up the stat-topic claimed speeds...  or copy/paste in the case of the earlier teams.

Lyon (1.17?), Wren (1.04) > Mario (.93) > Cyan (.76?)
Shakhan (1.31??) > Rude (Rude4 is "average", other forms "fast"?) > Basilio (1) > Lenny (.94 turn 1, 1.00 after)

Lilka (1.07) > Anastasia (.98) > Guv & Aeris .92 > Labby (.77)
Borus (really fast) > Iron Fist (1.02) > Flonne (1) > Ziggy? (~.98 XS3, ~.86 if XS1) > Kornell (.89) > Marle (.82)
Id (1.14, goes to 2.50 after), Karin (1.01) >  Eliwood / Heat (1) > Maxim (.86)
Demi (1.08) > Gale / Nephenee (1) >> Clive (goes last)
Alena (goes first) > Citrine (1.09) > Wakka (1.01, goes to 1.07 after) > Rhys (1)

Setzer (1.03) > Akihiko / Micaiah (1) > Hope (1?) > Pamela (.94)
Midboss / Lucina / Ike (1), Yuki (.94?)
Enna (1.04) > Rune (1.01) > Lenneth (1) > Mia (.83)
Liza (1.08) > Lyon (1) > Liete (~.79) > Miang (~.75)
Rika (1.28) > Seraphitia (1.14) > Nel (1) > Lightning (1?)


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Re: Hair Tourney: Group C
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2014, 09:41:08 PM »
So...  using the stat topic values, Lyon deals .89 PCHP MT magic damage (might be more with the harsher skill loadouts?) and Wren deals .58 physical MT damage (might be less if you use a non-existent 3-turn damage average?).  That's just gonna sweep some teams on the spot.

Flip side, dunno how people vote XG gear bosses, but I am inclined to harshly disrespect their speed after turn 1 due to the existence of the mighty Boost.  Yeah yeah other games have broken buffs too that cost even less than XG's fuel drain, but since XG 100% guarantees every character will have it, I'm more inclined to punish bosses for its existence.

Team Black vs. Team Bald - Shakhan survives the initial burst, is not soloing.

Team Black vs. Team Pink
I think Rika *must* try to ID Lyon, as things go to crap if she does something else.  On the bright side if it hits, even though Wren doesn't care about TP busting, Team Black is defanged enough that healing + Nel status carries.  If Rika misses her ID - which is more possible vs. the speedy Lyon - then Team Pink explodes for sure.  Anyway per Random, Rika got the vote over Tir, so.
Team Black vs. Team Green
If Demi uses Recover, the rest of her team gets swept, Mario & Cyan put pressure on, and Lyon kills her before she can use Medic Power to revive everyone.  So...  she uses Medic Power for .26 PCHP MT healing.  This means that Lyon/Wren's burst dealt ~1.20 PCHP total to everyone.  Demi & Gale are dead, but FE10 Neph might have barely survived, and maaaaaaybe  Clive?  Anyway, doesn't help, Neph Wrath's somebody out then gets slain by Cyan's ITE Dispatch or something.
EDIT: Oh right Demi has mech-only ID.  And then Gale gets a turn and Neph mops up survivors.  OUCH.  Nice catch, DragonKnight.
EDIT EDIT: Per Jo'ou, Demi gets OHKO'd anyway.  Oops.
Team Black vs. Team Teal - Blitz'd.
Team Black vs. Team Red - Kaboom.
Team Black vs. Team Purple
Lyon Twilight Runes everyone (killing Miang), Liza blows up Wren, Lyon smashes the poor-MDef Lyon (with magic triangle advantage, even, not that it's needed), Mario jumps on...  Liete, probably, Enclose is bad times.  Hmm..   Liza has 1.08 PCHP, took .89 from the Twilight Rune, can Cyan deal .19 PCHP with a regular physical attack?!  According to the stat topic, no!  FAIL.  Cyan CAN finish off Liza - if his rando-targeted Dispatch hits her rather than Lyon.  That said it might not matter if Cyan can finish off either?  Liza might not OHKO Mario through Ghost Medal and Lyon certainly doesn't, so think Team Black baaaaaaarely steals this one thanks to MARIO and CYAN.

Team Bald vs. Team Orange
Lenny's petrify the only threat here, so Team Orange focuses him down, except their damage is actually rather bad.  I think they need Rhys damage in there to do it on turn 1, and Rhys / Basilio threat range split isn't clear...  neither are good.  So on second thought, Wakka Triple Fouls Basilio, and then Alena will get Petrified.  Wakka / Citrine damage is bad though...  matters a lot if Alena got a crit when she was hitting Lenny to see if they can finish Lenny off round 2 before he Petrifies Wakka.  Oh but wait, Wakka has Stoneward.  Okay, yeah, that's it for Team Bald, Shakhan & Rude fail forever vs. Wakka who out-drains their magical offense even if they take down Rhys.
Team Bald vs. Team Silver
Micaiah & Hope both have status-healing for Lenny...  although I guess Basilio can just smash Micaiah's face while Lenny tries to Petrify Hope?  Hope will stack some stone resistance, though, and Akihiko's offense debuffing, if it goes before Basilio, can save Micaiah.  Although maybe not, Rude can chip in some awful damage too.  So...  Hope can stall a bit then revive the fallen Micaiah, Lenny can try and Stone Hope...   hrmm, Team Silver actually has some serious problems getting in offense here, Setzer/Pamela damage is not gonna kill Lenny all that fast.  And Shakhan will start emitting some awful MT fire damage eventually as harassment which will tie up Pamela's turns on draining.  Maybe Akihiko's turn 2 Masakunda next gets in some crucial evasion?  But Team Silver can't wait forever before both Micaiah & Hope end up stoned / dead and then it's all downhill.  Hope needs to stay Medic, he can't afford to switch to Synergist and throw up Veil I don't think.  Open to arguments.
EDIT: Eh, leaning Team Bald, forgot that Hope can't get Petrify resistance.  Silver's offense is just too bad to kill Lenny quickly.
Team Bald vs. Team Brown
Lilka is target #1.  She fears both petrification and Basilio + Rude just smashing her.  Still, she can double-zap Basilio with magic (and eat a Bow counter).  Basilio kills Lilka, Rude does something.  Anastasia finishes off Basilio's awful RES with some of her magic.  Lenny petrifies Guv.  Labby revives Lilka.  Hmm - I forget how initiative worked in XF with revival, but if revived Lilka can get a turn in fast to de-stone Guv, they basically win on the spot.  If she doesn't....  not sure it matters, Basilio is dead, Anastasia is still loose, and Labby's revival restores 85% HP so lol at Rude working that down.
Team Bald vs. Team Blue - Lenny gets *smashed*, the rest of the team follows.
Team Bald vs. Team Blond
I guess if you see Marle as not blocking SH2 petrify this *might* be close but since petrify is rather blockable in SH2 itself I'm inclined to let it work for her.
EDIT: Or Basilio could just smash Marle's face in and revive-lock Kornell while Lenny stones the rest of the team.  That works too.

Team Black: 4-2
Team Bald: 2-4

Basilio's killer robots look like they've been foiled.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 03:18:37 AM by SnowFire »

Random Consonant

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Re: Hair Tourney: Group C
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2014, 09:53:38 PM »
Team Black vs. Team Bald - Lyon/Wren take out the non-Shakhan people easily enough as they likely don't survive Vermillion Sky/Positron Bolt to me, Shakhan can't really handle Team Black by himself.

Team Black vs. Team Green - I wasn't going to vote on this on the off-chance of Gale being relevent but looking at things I realize it doesn't matter.  Demi is slower than Lyon and only has ~0.77 magic durability before Barrier, thus getting horribly murdered.  Massively spoiled my ass.
Team Black vs. Team Teal - Yeah no dice here, Team Teal has no real way to prevent the MT murder.
Team Black vs. Team Red - Don't think Id manages to OHKO anyone, which again is seriously bad when you can't prevent the MT murder.
Team Black vs. Team Purple - e: oh dear Liza can't actually take out Wren, goooooodbye.

Team Bald vs. Team Blue - Lenny goes down easily enough, Basilio looks at the team and goes HELL NO, Shakan/Rude not really up to this.
Team Bald vs. Team Blond - Team Blond's chances are honestly kind of overrated here.  Seriously, Marle has sub-60% physical durability, Basilio one-rounds that, and while Borus is fast on the draw he's not OHKOing Lenny which means angry statues.  Kornell handling things isn't really happening when his remaining two teammates kind of suck.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 11:30:43 PM by Random Consonant »

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Hair Tourney: Group C
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2014, 11:44:37 PM »
Team Black vs. Team Bald

Team Black vs. Team Pink
Rika Eliminates Lyon.  Burst Rocket + Ultra Jump + Positron Bolt?  Naw, Rika has too may options and isn't stupid (and might live through that offense anyways)
Team Black vs. Team Green
Massively spoiled.  Wren and Demi can take each other out in one shot.  Demi is faster.  Gale does horrible things with MT death.  Clive and Neph take out anyone still standing (if anyone at all)  If Lyon is strong enough to off Gale or Demi, I'll flip my vote since it's a slaughter if Gale dies before getting a turn.
Edit stuff: Lyon is cleanly faster and getting something off.  If, and only if, one chooses to apply less of a damage penalty for high powered magic (Demi takes 1.2x-ish average from a Chaz Megid) she'll barely live.  Using a straight 1.3 multiplier means she splatters and Wren gets to murder Gale.  Leaving vote as is because it's funnier though I do see the reasoning for Black to have this.
Team Black vs. Team Teal
What can Enna do that comes out before Positron Bolt?
Team Black vs. Team Red
Knock out 3 out of 5 and Wren can solo the physically oriented Red.  5 out of 5 works too.
Team Black vs. Team Purple
Twilight Rune, Liza murders Wren, Lyon nukes Lyon, Ultra Jump, one round kill.  If Wren survives DSC, he'll end things faster but it funnier for Mario and Cyan to carry home the trophy.

Team Bald vs. Team Orange
Team Bald vs. Team Silver
Team Bald vs. Team Brown
Team Bald vs. Team Blue
Team Bald vs. Team Blond
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 07:16:05 AM by DragonKnight Zero »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Hair Tourney: Group C
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2014, 02:07:37 PM »
Team Black vs. Team Bald - Two above average speed MT blitzers in a team? Welp, this gonna be a doozy. Team Bald universally fails to get a turn here.

Team Black vs. Team Pink - The only fight Team Black actually can't handle. Rika Eliminats Lyon stat and Lightning/Nel patch up the party as best as they can after Wren unleashes some MT for pressure. This should ensure Mario and Cyan can't kill Rika, who then gets another turn to ID someone or actually properly patch up the party. Seraphita's likely dying here, but she's pretty much irrelevant for this fight.
Team Black vs. Team Green - Dragon Knight's strategy sounds pretty cute to throw a wrench into Team Black's game, but there's just a little problem: Lyon's faster than Demi with proper skill loadout and OHKOs her pretty flat (Demi's mdur before Barrier is kinda awful). Team Green doesn't get to see a turn.
Team Black vs. Team Teal - MT murder.
Team Black vs. Team Red - MT murder.
Team Black vs. Team Purple - More MT murder. Liza's faster than Wren, but not Lyon, and she can't even OHKO Wren of the nearly 2x PC HP against physicals.

Team Bald vs. Team Orange - Team Bald is very ill-suited to deal with the status whoring+offense here. Triple Foul makes Basilio suck and Lenny can't hope to land petrify against him either. Rhys is also a problem, since he'll just heal anyone statused and must die stat, and with Alena's offense in the fray, Lenny himself's very unlikely to see a second turn.
Team Bald vs. Team Silver - Only Shakhan can even -touch- Pamela out of team Bald's entourage, which means she has a lot of impunity to play the status/HP manipulation game here. MT draining also eases up on the possible need to heal. I'm pretty sure I see Akihiko winning average tiebreaks due to the way P3 works to boot, and Hope's another PC who must go down immediately unless Team Bald wants to get outstalled. Matarunda does pretty bad things to enemy offense here. I think they -do- need to bumrush Lenny, since he can stone individual team members, but they need to act very fast, since even just Lenny dying means trouble in tow for Bald.
Team Bald vs. Team Brown - Well, Lilka has to go down first and Lenny provides. Basilio+Shakhan aren't enough to do it, so they likely maim Labby or Ana, I guess? And... uh, I think this pretty much spells game over for team Brown, Guv and Aeris just kinda can't make waves here - Euthanasia has enough chances to land useless crap on Basilio to make this sorta problematic if she stays alive (Labby likely shouldn't be left alone, since she has revival) and they can't really kill Lenny in a single turn without focusing all their efforts. I dunno.
Team Bald vs. Team Blue - Basilio sucks against most of the team, who effortlessly smashes Lenny to a pulp and things just go waaaaaaaaaay downhill. Counters make any possible leeway really difficult to make here.
Team Bald vs. Team Blond - Basilio OHKOs Marle? Okay goodbye.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 01:42:40 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....

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Re: Hair Tourney: Group C
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2014, 10:57:44 PM »
For what it's worth I definitely disagree on giving XG bosses a penalty due to Boost. Yes, they face Boost and Boost is good. They also face some of the most limited healing of any RPG, if we're going to talk about hard-to-quantify skillset differences. In practice Shakhan isn't very "fast" for his listed 131% speed, but he's also immensely "damaging" compared to his DL-listed 5HKO - Ignas Storm is a far more horrifying move to be hit by than, say, Daos' or Erim's MTM 2HKOing Dark Fry. If you're going to do something to bake in the former you should probably do something about the latter, too. Personally I just take the numbers literally. It also doesn't matter at all this week I don't think...

Team Black vs. Team Bald: Lyon and Wren kick ass, take names.

Team Black vs. Team Pink: Yeah, I think a missed Eliminate will cost Pink the match here, but eh Lyon isn't so fast that I'd worry too much about that, Rika's probably still seeing accuracy north of 80 here.
Team Black vs. Team Green: If Lyon outspeeds Demi she OHKOs her making the Demi/Wren thing moot. But if Demi goes first... Sparks Wren, then Lyon goes and smashes faces, OHKOing Demi and hurting the rest. I actually am... rather unsure green can win from here? Green has no remaining healing and are all one hit from death, Mario has MT and isn't dying to anything save maybe Gale's ID, which isn't turn 1. If Lyon DOES outspeed Demi this is so very, very ugly.
Team Black vs. Team Teal: I guess Enna might barely get a turn.
Team Black vs. Team Red: I don't see Id one-rounding Lyon even if he does go first.
Team Black vs. Team Purple: DSC doesn't OHKO Wren anyway, Wren is kind of a badass.

Team Bald vs. Team Orange: Wakka statuses Basilio, Lenny has to petrify Rhys or Rhys just heals it, Alena I think has the needed smashing.
Team Bald vs. Team Silver: Unsure. Well... Hope can't block stone or anything remotely likely stone so I'm fine with saying Lenny takes care of him while Basilio kills Micaiah? That's pretty bad for team silver although Pamela's annoying to put down at the end. No Akihiko so I'll abstain.
Team Bald vs. Team Brown: Basilio mdur is actually fine due to that HP. Lilka and Shakhan target... someone. Shakhan hurts Lilka so she heals as to not die to Basilio? Basilio + Rude can kill her anyway, do so. Ana statuses out Basilio probably? Lenny stones Guv, Aeris whatever, Labby revives Lilka. I think brown has this with both its reviers intact and Basilio gone.
Team Bald vs. Team Blue: Basilio doesn't like this team much, they smash Lenny.
Team Bald vs. Team Blond: Basilio can take out Marle in one round, so the usual for this team. Lenny can stone Borus, and isn't likely to die before doing the same to Ziggy. Even if he barely does, that still leaves a Basilio who has Counter against both remaining most competent opponents, and Shakhan's going to last a long time and wear the team down. That seems hard to recover from.

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Re: Hair Tourney: Group C
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2014, 03:13:17 AM »
Closing this tomorrow.  Get your votes/edits in now (like I should sit down and look at Bald v. Silver again...  bad me.)

DHE: Well, I'd definitely see Lilka as doubling Basilio (he's nearly doubled by average in the stat topic, Lilka in Pyro's new stat topic is deifnitely above average), and Pyro's stat topic gives Lilka decent damage, and your stat topic gives Basilio 1.05 MDur IIRC?  So he's on his last legs after a double-tap from Lilka to me, so Ana's magic should finish him off.

Fair enough point that XG gear bosses face limited healing.  I suppose I've made my peace with different scales of PC healing not being reflected so directly for bosses but less so for speed when the speed buffs/debuffs are very powerful.  Still, it's a good argument to throw the XG gear bosses a bone somehow.

Interesting point on Demi getting OHKO'd outright by Lyon.  Looks like a second edit is in order.

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Re: Hair Tourney: Group C
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2014, 03:18:50 AM »
Well, in practice all it means is that Basilio dies to Anastasia's turn, which I agree on anyway for what it's worth. (Euthanasia has a 75% chance to wreck him at minimum.)

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.