Author Topic: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C  (Read 976 times)


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The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:55:02 AM »
Round 2-C

Event 49: Calvinball
Other games can get boring or stale because they're always played the same.  But Calvinball is always different, which makes it the superior game.  Yup, Calvinball is a game of few rules, where the way you get points and how you win is made up on the fly each time, so victory can only be determined by quick wits and creativity.

We'll be starting this round off with a bit of Hulkmania.  And while Hulk Hogan is going to be a little hurt by the fact that WWE wrestling is kinda scripted, he is still a good entertainer.  Specifically, he's an entertainer who's used to working with a live crowd which requires being able to react to the crowd.  Against this we have someone who isn't any kind of entertainer at all, nor someone given to games in general.  However, Scrooge McDuck started from nothing and made himself a Multi-Kajillionaire on the basis of never backing down, a sharp wit, and an ability to roll with pretty much anything and go for the win.

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
If fiction has taught us anything, it is that man eating robots enslaving humanity for their own nefarious purposes is less a possibility and more an inevitability.  But it has also taught us that humanity is tenacious, and that a hero will rise up in order to liberate us from our robotic overlords.  So, let us see which of these heros will do the better job of saving humanity.

Lightning Farron has a name for the day when she will be called upon to save humanity.  And that name is Tuesday.  Because, seriously, that's about how often she's getting called upon to save people these days.  Needless to say, having twice gone up against divine threats, robotic overlords are probably a step down from her usual fights.  Her competition lacks her raw power as well as her experience, but he is known for being sneaky and for his ability to rally people.  Which is good, because this is one day Ferris Beuller won't be able to take off.  However, his ability to get away with shit at the highest tier, as well as his ability to get people to band together for his cause should give him a strong edge.  And, his one greatest asset over his opponent is his luck.  While Lightning seems to be unable to catch a break, Ferris Beuller seems to be made of horseshoes and four leaf clovers.

Event 51: Being Mysterious
As any hack knows, the key to popularity is being mysterious.  Well, and brooding.  But mostly mysteriousness!  Who cares if the mystery ever gets resolved so long as it exists in the first place.  So, what we're going for here is which character is going to be dealing with a party of protagonist types who know nothing about them, and whoever can manage to keep the mystery about themselves going longer is the winner!

Hailing from the many lands of Fire Emblem, Anna is an old pro at this event.  Despite showing up in all sorts of places across space and time, we only really know four things about her.  1) She can break the fourth wall, 2) She apparantly has a boyfriend, 3) She claims she has a lot of clones/sisters, kinda like Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, and 4) They all really like money.  And this is despite dealing with a good half dozen different parties.  Against this we actually have one of the better contenders in this event from the Potterverse.  Nope, not Dumbledore, though he'd be a pro.  Instead we have Luna Lovegood, everyone's favourite crazy person.  Or is she?  Her mysteriousness stems not from knowing very little about her, because she's more than happy to talk about herself and what she believes, but instead comes from not knowing how much of what she says is actual truth, and how much is craziness.  Especially since some of the crazy later turns out to be true.  Regardless, this will be a good fight.

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Y'know Scrooge McDuck, that guy who's currently in that event further up the screen?  Well, he's got this neat trick where he dives into a vault full of cash and swims in the thing like it's full of water.  I mean, when they remade his game, they gave you a vault just so you could dive into the thing and swim in gold coins.  Now, we're not asking anyone to dive in.  But we are asking our contestants to swim in that vault.  And whoever can swim in it the best, wins.

Our first contestant comes into this match with an odd advantage.  Darkwing Duck is best known for getting dangerous and engaging in spy or superheroic adventures.  But, he's also quite good at learning strange, but useful, skills.  In addition, he's only two degrees of separation from the master himself since his sidekick is none other than Launchpad McQuack, who is Scrooge's pilot.  All of which means, that if swimming in money is a skill that can be learned, instead of a superpower that Scrooge cannot share, then Darkwing Duck has a good chance to pick it up.  Against this, we have a competitor who is perhaps less good at learning skills, but also doesn't exist as someone who has some kind of comedic lightning rod attached to them either.  And Hello Kitty also is no slave to physics, meaning that she should have a chance to pull off the swimming in cash trick as well, and look strangely kawaii while doing so.

Team Match 5: Rock Band
A Rando Tourney staple, we've got four contestants on a side going up, each one taking a different instrument and then doing a set.  Whichever team can get the highest score on their set will also take the win.  And, of course, there are no safeties on, while a struggling member can be saved, once they go down a third time, they're done.  The member in question can try to avoid this by starting at a lower difficulty, but that also means less points, so a balance of daring and skill is required.  And remember, the four positions are Lead Guitar, Singer, Drummer, and Bass Guitar for the scrub.

Our first team is coming into this without any notable contenders.  Sure, Caesar, Don Cherry, AND Profiteur are all good with words in different ways, but it's unlikely that any of them are the singing type.  And none come with a musical pedigree, though Caesar, having been raised as a noble, might have some training that would be worthwhile here.  Oddly enough, their best competitor will probably be Ryu whose reaction speed should be the highest of the bunch of them.  That said, with the exception of Profiteur, they're all also pragmatic, and so they shouldn't need to worry about bombing out, going instead of a difficulty level that should ensure a finish.  But will it be enough?

Let's cue up the music, this event has been won.  Because no one in this contest can sing like Gaston!  No lyrics will pose him a challenge, five stars will surely be his!  The question is, will anyone else on his team be able to drag him down?  Excellen is known for her speed, and given that's mostly piloting a mech, being able to handle a guitar or the drums should be a cinch for her.  And Roy Mustang is competant and pragmatic.  So, while he won't be a huge asset, he's smart enough to realise his team is strong and he just needs to stay out of the way.  Which leaves us with the problem: Dahlia Hawthorne.  She can go either way, she is smart.  She is ambitious.  And, she likes being 'rescued' by others.  There are two ways this might play out.  She might be smart, realize that Gaston can take this thing with his singing chops, and let her team carry her.  Or, she might get hung up on the rescue mechanic, go on a difficulty level she can't back up, and need to get rescued too often, or at a time when no one can rescue her, and tank the team.  She's the sorta character who can go either way, and which way she goes is the way the team will go.

Quick VOte Form

Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)}


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2014, 07:10:12 AM »
Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)- Scrooge is pretty good about getting people to outsmart themselves.  This'll probably be one of the best rounds of Calvinball these tourneys have ever seen, but Scrooge is better in the long game and both are too good at the event for it to not be a long game.

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller- Lightning is very, very good at this event.  She's got experience.  However, I think both contestants are capable of completing the event.  Ferris is a top notch motivator and skilled in the ways of the machine.  The difference is that Lightning tends to solve her problems by soloing them with swords and getting herself mostly killed in the process.  Ferris meanwhile will probably actually survive his uprising.  Without a built in tiebreak for "both can do this", I'm going to use "will actually live to see the post-Robot world" as that tiebreak.

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)- This comes down to two entirely different schools of mysterious.  Luna actually tells you a great deal about herself.  But it's couched in so much bullshit you might miss what's real.  Anna, meanwhile, doesn't tell you jack shit, and distracts you from the matter with her amazing deals which are also a cover for her taking all kinds of advantage of you.  On the whole, for an event on a limited time frame, I'm giving more points to Anna's style.

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty- I want to see this episode.

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)} OH WHAT A GUUUUUYYY

CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2014, 07:35:37 AM »
Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)
From what little I know of Ducktales, this would be more a Huey/Dewy/Louie thing that Scrooge would get frustrated by, and Hulk is fairly good at this event.  But abstain for now since CK is apparently hyping Scrooge as good enough anyway.

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller
Fun fact: According to the Internet, the FF13 Ultimania claims that the L'Cie are actually giant robots or something.  Considering that this plot point is so obscure it doesn't show up in the voluminous help text dumps in FF13, I'm not inclined to give it THAT much credit, but still.

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Weirdly enough, I think the time scale would help Luna, if anything.  You might eventually learn something about Luna over years of friendship.  You can get *married* to Anna and still know not a lot.  The DLC episodes feature more Annas being unhelpful about why exactly all their sisters are so similar, so we humans still don't really know what's going on.

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty
This is inherently adorable.  Very much up Hello Kitty's alley.

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)}

The Gaston / Dahlia romance is going down in *flames* after about a week or so, but hey, that'll be after they've already won.  (More seriously: Gaston is actively good here, is a character in a musical, everyone else is roughly equivalent.)

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2014, 08:01:59 AM »
Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney): Scrooge seems like he'd be good at this, yeah. But... man if WWE doesn't read like a script of a possible Calvinball game. Good fight, will leave it in the hands of people who are really knowledgeable of the characters instead of kinda.

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller: Yeah the fal'cie do look kindof mechanical, but even aside from that you're just one small adjective away from something she's already done. Bueller strikes me as bad at this.

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter): Is much more actively mysterious.

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty: There's a slim chance that swimming in money is a skill which Disney ducks can learn, but I definitely associate it with Scrooge and only Scrooge. Beyond that I can see Hello Kitty doing this a bit more easily just intuitively, and hell, she certainly has enough money that she could swim in it, if her ridiculously successful merchandising is any indication.

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)}: This is a reasonably clear win for the second team even if Gaston were average at this (I can't see Ryu or Profiteur being competent at this at all, and Cherry's only good if camp wins you points). As it is he turns it into a curbstomp.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2014, 05:19:29 PM »
Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller
Wasn't this FF13 plot or something.

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Luna is mostly just weird.

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)}
Yeah there's no real reason to believe that Gaston is working with active hinderances here.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2014, 05:41:34 PM »
Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)}
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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2014, 03:12:51 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)- Hulk's great at the athletic side, but Scrooge strikes me as so much smarter and more creative. That's important in Calvinball.

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2014, 09:20:15 AM »
Quick VOte Form

Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)
A good match, but this event plays to a lot of Scrooge's strengths.

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller
After the "Help Bueller Free Humanity" campaign surprises everyone by managing to overthrow our overlords, Bueller gets disqualified when Principle Rooney shows damning evidence that Ferris Bueller was actually living it up at the Gold Saucer the entire time with his girlfriend and that the entire campaign wasn't even started by Bueller, but instead by some folks who heard a rumour that Ferris was totally going to start a rebel army.

Of course, despite Lighting getting the win, none of this will stop people from still giving Bueller the credit.

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

This is a case of quality over quantity.  Namely, a mystery where there is an answer is, I feel, better than a mystery where there is no answer.

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty

Scrooge's big thing is that, much like the American Dream, anyone should be able to do what he does if they're clever, resourceful, and determined enough.  Which, oddly enough, should apply to swimming in money as well.  And when Darkwing Duck comes across some crazy or off the wall situation he seems to have some strange technique learned from some far off corner of the world which is super helpful.  So, I suspect if he had to, he could actually swim in money.

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)}

Yeah...  I can't see Dahlia tanking the team.  And Gaston is top notch at this even, and thus wins.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2014, 09:21:35 AM »
Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney) - Scrooge buys out the judge(s). Wins it easily. 

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller - Lightning has this problem of only ever being able to do what the Robotic Overlords want anyway, so... not sure how much I trust her, especially given the lack of motivation she has to do so. Ferris, on the other hand, is a free spirit who managed to cure someone of their Stockholm Syndrome-ish relationship with their dad AND their depression, and that only took one day. Plus he's just too smooth to be caught.

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter) - Luna is just kind of odd, and unique. She's really not that mysterious at all. Especially not when her competition is a family that is identical across every single point in time and space and across every universe and dimension and there can be up to 20 of them at a time that is not a healthy thing that is not a "family resemblance" that is bullshit how do you do this.

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty - You know she has more practice at this than Darkwing Duck.

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)} - I really have a hard time seeing 3 incredibly strong personalities not just shove Dahlia onto Bass and force her to play easy. Gaston has the pipes, Excellen would be great for drums (mecha piloting takes great coordination with your whole body, not just the arms, after all! Would actually come in very handy), and Roy would probably just play Medium on Lead Guitar, ready to incinerate Dahlia in a flash if she throws the match. And no, Roy would not be subtle about this. He may be pragmatic, but he's also incredibly competitive, and would want to win. I mean, his crew would rag on him forever if he lost to freaking Profiteur.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-C
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2014, 08:07:46 AM »
Event 49: Calvinball
Hulk Hogan (Wrestling) vs. Scrooge McDuck (Disney)

Event 50: Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
Lightning Farron (FFXIII) vs. Ferris Beuller
Abstain though I can picture Ferris successfully sabotaging Lightning's efforts somehow.

Event 51: Being Mysterious
Anna (FE Series) vs. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

Event 52: Swimming in Money
Darkwing Duck vs. Hello Kitty
  I can recall another instance of swimming in money and that is in a live action + special effects film.  So species advantage and Disney cronyism is go.

Team Match 5: Rock Band
{Ryu (Street Fighter 2), Erutus Profiteur (BD), Don Cherry, Julius Caesar (Shakespear)} vs. {Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Excellen Browning (SRW:OG), Dahlia Hawthorne (AA: Trials and Tribulations), Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)}
Gaston being Disney tier tilts this in a sea of average and musically untalented.  I concur with Magetastica's analysis of the winning team's approach.