Author Topic: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B  (Read 1088 times)


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The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:33:54 PM »
Round 2-B

Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Sometimes, the threats facing the world are more than a single hero can handle, no matter how heroic they might be.  After all, while Superman is great at smashing things, he can't pull off the sneaky like Batman can.  Which brings us to the job at hand for this event, both of our contestants have to put together a superhero team capable of stopping mega-threats.

Gadget Hackwrench comes into this with a bit of an advantage.  Sure, none of them are really superheros as such, but the Rescue Rangers are a fully formed team off the bat, and they can probably get a good start with Disney's actual superheros, Gizmoduck and Darkwing Duck.  After that, Chip and Dale are actually pretty good at finding things out, and Gadget is great at building stuff that'd be useful at getting the word out.  Which is good, because she's got tough competition in Spider-Man.  Sure, the guy isn't part of any teams himself, but the guy is a pretty legit superhero by himself, and he's good with people.  He's also been part of teams such as the Avengers and hung out with the X-Men and depending on version even worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. once or twice, which means he's got connections in a world that sees team ups on a pretty regular basis.

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Gold.  Oil.  Maple Syrup.  What is the one thing that all three of these items have in common?  They are considered so valuable that nations hold on to strategic reserves of them.  Well, in the case of maple syrup, it's more like nation, singular.  And while plots to capture gold reserves or oil reserves are old hat, we're going north in order to raid the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Reserve!  First our competitors will have to make their way through the mysterious and exotic land of Quebec in order to reach the reserve, then they must make they way past the crack Mountie guard before making their way back to the border with as much of the liquid gold as they can carry.  Or, just make it at all.  Of course, if both contestants get caught, then the winner will be the one who can talk themselves into the lesser sentance.

With our first contestant, we have Twitch Raids Canada as a humble prayer is offered up to Lord Helix.  How well will this infiltration work with basically everything happening randomly?  Probably not well.  But on the other hand, they also probably won't get far enough to get a heavy sentance if they get caught either.  And if this is pulled off, it will be the biggest triumph of crowdsourced gaming yet.  Against this we have a lone speaker of the truthiness.  An eagle eyed reported, willing to brave Soviet Canuckistan in the name of Bald Eagles, Apple Pie, and the Maple Syrup Produces of the State of Vermont who are the innocent victims of the sinister Canadian Reserve.  Stephen Colbert takes to the field in order to stop this conspiracy once and for all.

Event 43: Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet
Anyone can excel at a sport.  Only the best can excel at sports that don't even exist yet.  As this event really speaks for itself, I'll jump straight to the contestants.

You know who can excel at sports that don't exist yet?  Time Travellers.  Stocke can use his time travelling ability in order to learn sports that don't exist yet, then go back in time in order to play them.  How can one possibly fight against that?  Well, by being one of the braver and more ridiculous Monty Python characters.  Sir Lancelotte the Brave is no stranger to strange things, and he'll be game to do just about anything.

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Barring some kind of feline abberation, cats take poorly to being bathed.  Really, incredibly, poorly.  In fact, the only people who tend to deal worse with baths than cats are the people who attempt to bathe them.  So, this fine contest presents two sucke... er, contestants with the job of giving a cat a bath without harming it or otherwise incapacitating it.

Our first contestant is one of the few people who might actually be able to get a cat to calm down enough to take a bath without bloodshed.  Mr. Rodgers is known for being able to get congress to shell out cash with calm words and a gentle demeanour, so how much harder can it be to calm a bathing cat?  Against this we have Samus, who was raised by bird people which probably isn't going to help.  On the other hand, she has nice thick futuristic armour, so hey, she's not gonna get hurt.

Event 45: Manliness Contest
It's hard to define exactly what manliness is, but much like the Supreme Courts definition of porn, who know it when you see it.  In this event, two contestants are going to be giving us their best take on manliness and the winner takes all.

Our first contestant comes into this with the advantage of actually being a man.  Of course, for most of us, being a man doesn't really mean you're manlier than anyone else.  I mean, just consider Rydia against Edward, where the former has to literally slap some sense into the latter, as a child.  But Rand Al'Thor does a bunch of manly things like conquoring nations, leading armies, and doing reckless stunts because he can't possibly get horrifically injured by them, right?  He also does some of the more positive stuff too.  I mean, he's no Perrin, but not everyone can be strapping blacksmiths whose muscles probably have smaller muscles.  Against this, we have Vin, who...  actually is pretty similar to Rand what with the whole badass fighter with powers beyond most who faces threats both mundane and divine.  This should be a pretty good match.

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
It's a really common tale at this point.  Somehow, doesn't really matter how, zombies show up and their growth rate is too fast for anyone to cope.  Society breaks down, and only ragtag groups of survivors are left.  There may be an acceptable end where a group can actually survive and thrive, or it may only be a question of how long you last before the last fading light of civilization falls.  Regardless, here the goal is simple, live the longest.  If both contestants live, then whoever prospers the most.  And living can be accomplished by personal skill at survival, or even just being good at finding and getting accepted in with a skilled group of survivors.

Our first contestant can shoot energy beams from his hands and routinely beats up people who can destroy cars with their bare hands.  Yup, Akuma is probably not going to be taken down by zombies while he's awake.  And he's crap at playing nice with others, so he's not gonna have someone to watch his back.  On the other hand, I'm pretty sure he's some kind of demon, so who knows if he even needs to sleep.  Against him we have Lucille Ball, who is, uh...  not going to be so good at dealing with things herself.  But if she can find others, she will be infinitely better at getting help from them than Akuma would be.

Event 47: Duel Arcane
Any peasant can fight with a weapon.  Heck, there's a lot of fighting styles that exist mostly because they use peasant tools in order to kill since they couldn't use anything more lethal.  This is the more refined duel arcane, where only the mystical and the magical need apply.  It doesn't matter how you use it so long as it can apply under the moniker of arcane.

First up is someone with no magical power whatsoever.  However, Mirror B is known for his use of pokemon, and pokemon do pack a pretty mystical punch.  This means that he'll be limited to special attacks only, but that should be good enough.  Against this, we've got our Red Shirt squad, reporting for duty.  They've got a major advantage if you accept that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, at which point they might well be able to claim their phasers.  On the other hand, if you don't allow tech, then even phaserless red shirts are, surprisingly, not without recourse as the various Enterprises run into lots of unexplained phenomenon, lots of it deadly.  To Redshirts.  But if our Red Shirt brigade can have some survivors of their attempt to harness the power of the MacGuffins, and can turn it onto Mirror B, then they may well pull out the win.

Event 48: Winning a War
We've dealt with raising armies, but now we're dealing with how to not only use the armies, but using the resources to keep them running.  Yup, it's for us to have a war, with things like several objectives to aim for and lines of supply.  Whoever can either render the other side unable to fight or convince them to surrender first.

Mog comes into this without any knowledge of country sized matters, but he does have skill in small unit combat as his first appearance shows.  Aside from that, he probably won't be super good at this.  But, he will be sane, which will be a step up over his opponent, Queen Zeal.  But, Queen Zeal makes up for her insanity with three notable strengths.  First, she is legit royalty and wasn't always crazy, so she probably knows what you need to run a war properly.  Second, her kingdom flies, making it very hard to invade unless you can fly too.  Third, she is crazy, yes, but that craziness also means she won't surrender, period.  Of course, if you press her enough she probably will call upon the power of Lavos which will ruin everyone, but will ruin the folks with the flying kingdom more, so that's a kind of Phyrric win condition.

Quick Vote Form

Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Lord Helix (TPP) vs. Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert)

Event 43: Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet
Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG)

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn)

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy)

Event 47: Duel Arcane
Mirror B (Pokemon) vs. Red Shirts (Star Trek)

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT)


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2014, 10:42:02 PM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)- Slaughter. Gadget is the brains, not a leader type. Spiderman is Spiderman.

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus- Mr Rogers has a near infinite supply of patience. It's enough here.

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn)- Vin is completely awesome but she is most definitely feminine. Slaughter.

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lucille Ball (I love Lucy)- A lone wolf type who can throw energy projectiles is well suited to handling this.

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT)- Mog's a feisty type, but Zeal would have much more applicable military knowledge here I'd think.
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2014, 10:51:04 PM »
Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man): I'm sure there's some argument that he's too antisocial to recruit people or something but still c'mon. I'd be pretty surprised if there weren't some comic or other where he has done just that. (And it's not like Gadget is a social genius anyway.)

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Lord Helix (TPP) vs. Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert): Twitch attempting to raid anything would involve hours upon hours of staring at a computer screen and running into walls. Colbert... actually this whole plot reads like something he'd do with gusto.

Event 43: Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet
Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG): Don't exist yet, you say? While Stocke's range of time travelling isn't on the level of say a Chrono Trigger PC, he can still probably gain a serious leg-up here. But even with that thrown out, it doesn't take much to out-talent Sir Lancelot.

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus: For what it's worth I think they'd both be good at this. I just kneejerk vote for Samus having a presumably very high pain threshold and also being used to doing jobs she might not enjoy.

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn): Pass.

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy): EDIT: Eh sure, see Snowfire.

Event 47: Duel Arcane
Mirror B (Pokemon) vs. Red Shirts (Star Trek): Tragically, the red-shirts were swept away by an army of Ludicolos using Surf, serving as a lesson to the Star Trek cast (and our dear viewers) just how dangerous these strange aliens who can only say their own names are.

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT): Is immensely more qualified for this.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 02:13:49 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

Random Consonant

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2014, 11:13:38 PM »
Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)
Well he already has a leg up on Gadget by being one.

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Lord Helix (TPP) vs. Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert)
Syrup Scope?  Nah bro we don't need that.

Event 43: Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet
Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG)
I considered doing a butchered paraphrase from The Prince here but I decided against it.

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus
In the absolute worst case she has more than adequate protection against cat scratches, which probably tips a good match here.

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn)

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy)

Event 47: Duel Arcane
Mirror B (Pokemon) vs. Red Shirts (Star Trek)

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT)
Has an actual army, for starters.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 11:16:22 PM by Random Consonant »


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2014, 11:42:03 PM »
Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Lord Helix (TPP) vs. Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert)
I'd argue that Lord Helix is pretty good at this - the Mounties, despite winning repeatedly, will all eventually fall to Twitch's incredible 24/7 persistence - Colbert is basically perfect.  Praise Flareon.

Event 43: Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet
Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG)

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus
I'm pretty sure Mr. Rogers can convince the cats to bathe themselves.  Somehow.

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn)
Does not get into fancy dresses in each book and moon over men who rejected him.  Additionally, doesn't Rand have a harem of like 3 different wives later in the books?  While slightly questionable, seems pretty conventionally 'manly'.

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy)
Going against the crowd here, though I see the Akuma argument.  Akuma seems to be about doing manly stupid things like finding the best surviving zombie hunter in the world and challenging him to a duel to test his power.  Lucy warps reality near her slightly and would attempt to turn this into something like Shaun of the Dead, hiding among zombies she'd decorate with licorice mustaches or something, while zombie Fred & Ethel would unwittingly lead the other zombies to their doom with bad advice.

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT)
Edgar, probably, but not Mog.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2014, 03:20:02 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Lord Helix (TPP) vs. Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert)

Event 43: Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet
Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG)

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn)

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy)

Event 47: Duel Arcane
Mirror B (Pokemon) vs. Red Shirts (Star Trek)

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT)
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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2014, 08:08:59 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Lord Helix (TPP) vs. Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert)

Event 43: Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet
Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG)

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn)

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy)

Event 47: Duel Arcane
Mirror B (Pokemon) vs. Red Shirts (Star Trek)

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT)
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2014, 06:35:52 AM »
Quick Vote Form

Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)
Spider Man is kinda champ level at this event.

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Lord Helix (TPP) vs. Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert)
Also champ level.

Event 43: Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet
Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG)
Even without the time travel, he's pretty good at improvising.

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus
One of the few people I could see getting a cat to consent to be bathed.

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn)
This is a tough one, going to tie break to the one what is a guy.

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy)
If Lucille could get to other survivors, she might have a chance.  But I don't see her living that long.

Event 47: Duel Arcane
Mirror B (Pokemon) vs. Red Shirts (Star Trek)
Red Shirts and mystical stuff never mix well.  They take themselves out just trying to qualify.

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT)
Yeah...  not close.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2014, 01:01:28 AM »
Even if it's too late to count, commentary.

Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man)
Better at recruiting.  Gadget strikes me more as the recruited.

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Lord Helix (TPP) vs. Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert)

Event 43: Excelling at Sports That Don't Even Exist Yet
Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Sir Lancelotte the Brave (MP&tHG)

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus
Cat no understand people speak.  Samus wins through brute force.  Though I can see Rogers having a much more calming presence.  Still going with initial kneejerk.

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn)

Event 46: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse
Akuma (Street Fighter) vs. Lucille Ball (I Love Lucy)
Lucy encountering Horse Wiener Zombie won't end well.  For Akuma, this event is training; see his Pocket Fighter ending.

Event 47: Duel Arcane
Mirror B (Pokemon) vs. Red Shirts (Star Trek)
Marisa Terra

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT)
Dalton betraying her amuses me but no, he'd mess that up somehow.


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Round 2-B
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2014, 09:02:49 AM »
Event 41: Forming a Superhero League
Gadget Hackwrench (Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers) vs. Spider-Man (Spider Man) - Spider-Man is technically part of a superhero league already. It's just... nobody really cares about him. He never gets a sidekick, and is usually acting as a sidekick, if he's even remembered. Gadget, on the other hand, is awesome, and part of a crew where everyone has a voice and wherein they inspire hope in others. Gadget could easily form a superhero league while Spider-Man is busy signing autographs for his fans that are too dumb to avoid falling rocks. >_>

Event 42: Raiding the Great Maple Syrup Reserve
Lord Helix (TPP) vs. Stephen Colbert (Stephen Colbert) - Lord Helix would decimate the reserve in its entirety before getting to the "raiding" part. Stephen Colbert, on the other hand, has already begun raiding it. Few know about this, however. Shhhhhhhh.

Event 44: Cat Bathing
Mr. Rogers (Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood) vs. Samus - Mr. Rogers doing a nice everyday activity. Easy victory.

Event 45: Manliness Contest
Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time) vs. Vin Venture (Mistborn) - Has man-bits, is brooding CONSTANTLY, never talks about his emotions and instead relies on telepathy to communicate anything important to his various wives, is too stubborn for his own good, shoulders all responsibility ever, etc. Rand is kind of the incarnation of "manliness."

Event 47: Duel Arcane
Mirror B (Pokemon) vs. Red Shirts (Star Trek) - Given a Duel Arcane is still a duel, the red shirts would lose easily. They always lose 1/mission, and so therefore, by red shirt law, one must die in the duel.

Event 48: Winning a War
Mog (FF6) vs. Queen Zeal (CT) - Really kind of a stomp. As crazy as she is, she actually has an efficient kingdom running where people are capable of such great feats of magic and wonder that nobody has ever, in all of history, been able to get back to where her civilization ended up. Y'know, before the whole Lavos thing.