
Author Topic: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Redemption Round!!!  (Read 885 times)


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The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Redemption Round!!!
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:53:04 AM »
Because folks getting eliminated and that's it is way too final, we randomly decided to bring some folks back!  So we took a look at who all of you wanted back, the favourite contenders that simply didn't have what it takes to move on.  then we threw all of that out and asked Hatbot who he wanted to see again!

So, without further ado, we bring to you the Redemption Round!

Event 71: Causing the Zombie Apocalypse
Any fool can survive a zombie apocalypse, but it takes a special kind of fool to cause one.  In this event, our contestants have their pick of how they cause the zombie apocalypse, whether it be by designing the zombie virus, running a corporation that causes it, or even just mucking about in black magicks best left alone.  Regardless, victory here is in achieving a zombie outbreak, and in how effective this outbreak is at dooming all like as we know it.

While it seems unlikely to anyone would ever doom western Europe to a shambling death in order to keep Swedes out of the NHL, if anyone was ever going to do that, it'd be Don Cherry!  While he's probably not a scientific genius, and all those allegations of black magic have gone nowhere, the guy does have a fair chunk of hockey and endorsement dollars to throw behind this.  Against this we have...  Arcanine.  Welcome back Arcanine!  While some pokemon are skilled enough in the dark arts and malicious enough to cause a zombie apocalypse, Arcanine is probably not one of them.  Since, y'know, his traits are the more canine ones of bravery and loyalty, and his few dark attacks are biting things real hard.

Event 72: Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
Some villains have a pathological need to get caught.  Either that, or they really do see crime as just a big game between themselves and their crime fighter of choice.  As such, they don't want to commit the perfect crime, but rather, want to leave a series of clever clues so that they show that their nemesis really is a dunce as they can't catch a crook even with hints.  Of course, this never ends well, but it never stops them from trying.  As usual, last one caught wins, but if neither of them get caught then the contestant who gives the more blatant clues wins.

Our first contestant is noted for surviving in the deep waters that is Westeros politics, for all that he's probably the least devious member of his family.  Jaime Lannister is known as the Kingslayer, but he survived killing a king, which is a notable achievement.  The question here is, can he manage to string along a proper crime fighter when his last caper involved him getting found out by Ned Stark?  Against this we have the political hero of the original trilogy, Princess Leia Organa.  She's not just a budding Jedi, she's also probably the smartest of the heros in the original trilogy, and as such, should be more than capable of eluding capture should she choose to take up a life of crime.

Event 73: Talking to Fish
Because events that Aquaman can win, should he ever be nominated, amuse me we have talking to fish.  In this event, whoever can best hold a conversation with a fish is the winner.

Fresh from his go-karting defeat, Matt Engarde is ready to win his way back into the tournament.  While he may not be able to talk to fish himself, he has access to some snazzy gadgets, an agent, and a fan club who'll probably be willing to help him.  Not only that, but he should be able to find some way to make some sort of tv worthy drama out of it, right?  His opponent, Vegeta is looking for redemption after losing yet another fight he should have won.  Sadly, his super saiyan fighting skills will not avail him when it comes to talking to fish (now killing fish?  That he can do).  Of course, he's got access to all sorts of alien tech, so maybe there is some sort of fish translator in the bunch.

Event 74: XCOM Budget Limbo
You're in charge of a shadowy multinational organization that is the only shield between your species, your civilization and the ultimate other, a bunch of extra-terrestrials that seem bent on abducting and performing all kinds of unethical experiments on the citizens of the world.  So naturally, your biggest concern is on convincing the nations who are a part of the coalition to keep on sending you cash, right?  This event puts our contestants in charge of X-Com, and they have the stated goal of keeping their funding.  It's not so much about saving the world, as it is on keeping the cash coming in so they can keep paying the scientists and soldiers and affording all those fancy plasma rifles they need to fight the aliens.

Zeus got knocked out because he couldn't job as well as the ultimate jobber, that's no dis.  Now he's got a gig that's more in tune with his skills.  After all, Zeus was top dog on Mount Olympus, how hard can X-Com be?  Of course, Zeus was top dog on Olympos because he was the biggest, baddest, and toughest of a fairly big host of divine beings.  Aside from that, he's kinda petty, and not all that great at actually doing beaureaucratic work.  I mean, even the folks who venerated him didn't really call him a people person.  The aliens will be stopped, but how much of that funding will make it through unscathed?  Against him we have Lightning who recently got knocked out for obsticle course failure.  Or, more accurately, for getting paired with an obsticle course failure.  She too is a leader, even if it's much smaller scale than Zeus.  However, she's much more detail oriented and way better at dealing with people as well as being practacle in her goals than Zeus.  Besides, this time it'll be interesting to see how she does at saving the world with beareaucracy.

Event 75: The Hundred Meter Dash
The hundred metre dash is pretty much the human equivalent of 0-60 for cars.  It's about how fast can you start, and how well can you keep it up over a short period of time.  Simple event, simple description.

Erim may be a goddess, but that didn't stop her from being taken out early when she failed to stop Instrumentality from happening.  Now she's back, and while she's never been much of a physical powerhouse, she is divinely powered and that should count for something.  Michael Carpenter was also knocked out first round, though now he's back into his wheelhouse.  He may just be a human, but he's peak condition human that's used to tearing around battlefields while lugging plate armour and a greatsword, and that's ignoring his day job as, well, as a carpenter.

Event 76: Duel
This event is also simple.  We've got an arena, two combatants enter, one fight leaves. 

Rita Mordio is a member of Brave Vesperia and a mage.  That's really all I know about her, but she's an rpg character, so you know she's baseline competant for mayhem.  Against her we have the one contestant who is not a returning member, but is instead brand new for this redemption week!  Aquaman!  Yup, dude shows up, Hatbot throws in the event that is made for him!  And...  he doesn't get it.  But, he is a member of the justice league!  That counts for something, right?

Event 77: Figuring Out How to Use Unknown Technology
Here's a piece of tech, you got no clue what it really is, or how to use it.  But the situation is looking pretty bad, grim even, and if you don't figure out how to use it, then the day ain't gonna be saved.  This even is about figuring out how to use that piece of tech, and whoever can do so first, wins.

Lakitu was doing great, and then he found himself on the wrong side of a fight from a Goddess and got knocked out.  Now he's up to showing what he can do with science.  Of course, while he does use some high tech stuff for his MKTV network, does he actually ever get shown as a scientific genius?  Against him we have Mohandas Ghandi who got knocked out for being stuck in a beauty contest with a vampire.  Which, really, isn't a knock, since Vampires are the sexy corpses.  Now he's got to show off that he's got a sharp mind, but he also comes into this with the fact that one of the big things you do in Civ is figure out how stuff works.  I mean, tech research is huge, and if you don't do it, you lose.  Of course, how long it takes to research stuff is a touch of an issue, so while he can do it, can he do it faster than Lakitu?

Event 78: Elvis Impersonation
In this event, we hail to the king, baby.  Yup, it's Elvis time!  And whoever can rock his jeans melting style the best can claim victory and return to the Rando Tourney!

Vin may have lost out because she wasn't enough of a man, but can she get back in by being the King?  While the Elvis style isn't hers, she has done acting and deep cover infiltration before, and I'm sure she's ready to show how she can overcome any challenge.  Against her, well...  Bowser's got a bone to pick, after the shame of being taken out in the first round over something as lame as Jogurt Herding.  But he can dig being the King, y'see.  And since he's got no problem with the neon style or being the biggest, baddest, ego in the room, the King of all Koopas is gonna show the Rando Tourney just how to rock it in some blue suede shoes.

Quick Vote Form:

Event 71: Causing the Zombie Apocalypse
Don Cherry vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)

Event 72: Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones) vs. Princess Leia (Star Wars)

Event 73: Talking to Fish
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) vs. Vegeta (DBZ)

Event 74: XCOM Budget Limbo
Zeus (Mythology) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)

Event 75: The Hundred Meter Dash
Erim (Lufias) vs. Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)

Event 76: Duel
Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) vs. Aquaman (Aquaman)

Event 77: Figuring Out How to Use Unknown Technology
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)

Event 78: Elvis Impersonation
Vin Venture (Mistborn) vs. Bowser
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 05:07:24 AM by Excal »

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Redemption Round!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2014, 05:12:54 AM »
Event 71: Causing the Zombie Apocalypse
Don Cherry vs. Arcanine (Pokemon): Neither's precisely good at this, but yeah I can't rule out Don Cherry knowingly introducing some deadly virus to Russia. Arcanine not only lacks the ability, but the personality too.

Event 72: Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones) vs. Princess Leia (Star Wars): Leia's clever and this seems like something she'd enjoy doing well enough. Jaime seems far less likely to decide he has time for this shit.

Event 73: Talking to Fish
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) vs. Vegeta (DBZ): Unless someone wants to argue me that Vegeta has access to the tech needed for this, I'm gonna give this to Engarde for filming a goofy live action TV show and convincing his millions of fans (including the judges) that he is talking to fish.

Event 74: XCOM Budget Limbo
Zeus (Mythology) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII): Zeus kept all his fellow Greek gods in line pretty damn well, which is impressive given their personalities. I think he can show both show the results against the aliens and cow any flaky nations into paying. Lightning seems like she'd be more likely to punch the council representative in the face.

Event 75: The Hundred Meter Dash
Erim (Lufias) vs. Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files): Nope.

Event 76: Duel
Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) vs. Aquaman: blah blah blah something painful.

Event 77: Figuring Out How to Use Unknown Technology
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series): This is, uh, kinda what Civ leaders DO. Hell, they even discover unknown technology in ruins and are instantly able to use it.

Event 78: Elvis Impersonation
Vin Venture (Mistborn) vs. Bowser: Disguises... aren't actually something Mistborn magic powers can do. Vin -does- have experience disguising herself, but singing or the arts in general are something she has no interest in. Bowser can kinda do a bit of everything, including magic to change his own form, and he's already The King.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Redemption Round!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2014, 10:24:36 PM »
Event 71: Causing the Zombie Apocalypse
Don Cherry vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)  - Well Arcanine might be a *result* of the Zombie Apocaylpse, I don't think he's contagious.

Event 72: Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones) vs. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Hmm.  Both are decent here.  Problem is both are pretty direct - droid saying "I did it come to Alderan if you want to find the TRUTH" or the like, and Jaime doesn't really talk about his secrets except with people he sorta trusts, and then he just tells them, but proximity to Tyrion & Cersei surely gives him an idea of how to do this.  Could be argued.

Event 73: Talking to Fish
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) vs. Vegeta (DBZ)
Is an actor who will pretend to talk to fish at least, and hire Phoenix Wright & Shelly to dress up as a giant swordfish or something to talk to, because no job is too low for Phoenix.

Event 74: XCOM Budget Limbo
Zeus (Mythology) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)
Both of these are pretty bad fundraisers, more suited for threatening the politicians rather than charming them.  I could see Zeus at least enjoying collecting his 'tribute' and his 'due', while Lightning would treat the task as a total chore.  Plus Zeus has a certain raw charisma that Lightning probably lacks, so yeah.

Event 75: The Hundred Meter Dash
Erim (Lufias) vs. Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)
Erim usually isn't particularly fast in battle, and I want to say Lufia has the stereotypical prissy little girl traits?  Not a good endorsement here.

Event 76: Duel
Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) vs. Aquaman (Aquaman)
It's Aquaman.

Event 77: Figuring Out How to Use Unknown Technology
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)
Oh hey look what's at the end of the tech tree - "Future Tech," any number of 'em.  Gandhi literally can legally learn unknown technologies to us right now.

Event 78: Elvis Impersonation
Vin Venture (Mistborn) vs. Bowser
Good impersonation is less about looks and more about attitude.  Vin has several personas to draw on, but none really fit 'entertainer'.  While Bowser is considerably greener & spikier than Elvis, he can definitely sell Fat Elvis and as Elecman points out, is The King.  I want to say he grabs a microphone at least once or twice for impromptu singing/shouting, so.

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Redemption Round!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2014, 11:21:18 PM »
Event 71: Causing the Zombie Apocalypse
Don Cherry vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)
w e l p

Event 72: Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones) vs. Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Yeah I can't really see Jaime being even remotely decent at this.

Event 73: Talking to Fish
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) vs. Vegeta (DBZ)

Event 74: XCOM Budget Limbo
Zeus (Mythology) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)

Event 75: The Hundred Meter Dash
Erim (Lufias) vs. Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)
Erim's never been particularly speedy.

Event 76: Duel
Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) vs. Aquaman (Aquaman)
blah blah blah

Event 77: Figuring Out How to Use Unknown Technology
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)
Hello godstomp.

Event 78: Elvis Impersonation
Vin Venture (Mistborn) vs. Bowser


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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Redemption Round!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2014, 03:40:27 AM »
Quick Vote Form:

Event 74: XCOM Budget Limbo
Zeus (Mythology) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)

Event 75: The Hundred Meter Dash
Erim (Lufias) vs. Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)- Fuck a footrace, one hit from Amoracchius and Erim is dog food.

Event 76: Duel
Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) vs.Aquaman (Aquaman)- Going to disagree with the crowd here. If Aquaman can get close, Rita is dead. I think he can manage that.

Event 77: Figuring Out How to Use Unknown Technology
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)

Event 78: Elvis Impersonation
Vin Venture (Mistborn) vs. Bowser
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Redemption Round!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2014, 05:31:31 AM »
Event 76: Duel
Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) vs.Aquaman (Aquaman): What's Rita's famous move?  Tidal Wave!  What's Aquaman King of?  The Seas!  Which are water.  Tidal Wave is also water so Aquaman beats Tidal Wave.  Other spells?  No one uses Rita's other spells.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: The Royal Canadian Rando Tourney Redemption Round!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2014, 05:41:49 AM »
Event 71: Causing the Zombie Apocalypse
Don Cherry vs. Arcanine (Pokemon)
No vote, don't care.

Event 72: Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones) vs. Princess Leia (Star Wars)

Event 73: Talking to Fish
Matt Engarde (AA: Justice for All) vs. Vegeta (DBZ)
Works for me.

Event 74: XCOM Budget Limbo
Zeus (Mythology) vs. Lightning Farron (FFXIII)
  Well, stopping alien missions, recovering lots of alien tech, and maximizing alien casualties while minimizing XCOM casualties is what keeps funding nations happy.  Zeus has the greater unfair advantage even if Hades refuses to be a crony and allow the buffed up soldier to leave the underworld after being blown up by a blaster bomb.  God level powers come in handy for stuffing alien infiltration, which tends to be the main reason funding nations leave when performing well.

Event 75: The Hundred Meter Dash
Erim (Lufias) vs. Michael Carpenter (Dresden Files)

Event 76: Duel
Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) vs. Aquaman (Aquaman)
Maybe Aquaman can get Phoenix Wright to advocate for him.

Event 77: Figuring Out How to Use Unknown Technology
Lakitu (SMW) vs. Mohandas Ghandi (Civ series)
Yep, so onesided.

Event 78: Elvis Impersonation
Vin Venture (Mistborn) vs. Bowser
  See Snowfire.  Probably doesn't matter that the Koopalings' names all reference musicians and/or entertainers.