Author Topic: FE9 Ranking Discussion  (Read 4885 times)


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Re: FE9 Ranking Discussion
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2008, 11:16:28 PM »
that Res of his could be 0 or 50 for all the difference it makes in-game.

What? No love for Naesala's magic attack hype!?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 11:25:06 PM by Cryo »

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Re: FE9 Ranking Discussion
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2008, 04:57:38 PM »
Covered in chat, but Vortex can't pierce Goddess Protection, as that's a property of Naesala's beak. (Just like Ike using the Sonic Sword or Runesword can't do damage, as that's a property of Ragnell.)

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Re: FE9 Ranking Discussion
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2008, 05:02:04 PM »
You'll even notice that every character who can break Goddess Protect has a unique weapon by PC standards (the Royals all have different weapons, before someone thinks otherwise, as they are clearly superior versions of said weapon at that; compare Tibarn's Beak to Janaff/Ulki's, for example.)

It was theorized that it was every S Class Weapon can do it, but think this was disproven.  Ditto to the "Any Laguz can break it!" for that matter.  Its literally just 6 PCs who can ever hurt him, 3 of which are available at a given time (and one is always Ike w/ Ragnell)
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[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

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Re: FE9 Ranking Discussion
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2008, 05:41:57 PM »
Have I weighed in here yet?  I swear, my mind is going daily.

Anyway, with regards to Ashy - honestly, I don't think people are going to view him as unbeatable.  I've always been big on plot - he's too damn important to not have. 

As for breaking the shield - I had always thought just assuming a unique weapon/spell/something would pierce it and hit him normally.  His defenses are good, but perfectly pierceable - Ike does...10 damage to him with capped STR?  He only has 60 HP, and with Naesala/Tibarn/Giffca and Ena/Nasir, he falls fast.  Most people won't consider his durability good, especially when heal+counter works great in-game.  Most characters have a unique something that I'd see piercing it, so...not unbeatable by any means.  I give his barrier the same treatment I give others. 

Now, if we're just looking to rank one of each class, which was tossed about?

Titania (Oscar, Kieran, Makalov, Astrid, Geoffrey)
Gatrie (Brom, Tauroneo)
Soren (Ilyana, Tormod, Calil, Bastian)
Mia (Zihark, Stefan, Lucia)
Ena (Nasir)
Tibarn (Janaff, Ulki)

The first listed is the one I'd go with, though in cases with /, I could see the other person.  Ena and Nasir I could see both being ranked - one is forced (Ena the boss) and Nasir is considered canon for FE10.  Characters with completely unique classes are on here (Naesala, Giffca, Reyson, Largo, Elincia, etc.), so they're on that list by default.  The first/most plot-important character/one with most interest in each class is how I made this list. 
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

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[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
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Re: FE9 Ranking Discussion
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2008, 07:42:14 PM »
Going strictly based on "one per class" feels a bit too lenient.  Ok, yes, there's a case for ranking Mordecai, but I can't see ranking Mordecai above Lethe, since they both have the same amount of plot, and all that (and then Ranulf beats both of them in plot pretty handedly, especially when you consider FE10.)

I think its easier to mesh all Laguz into one category, since really, the only true difference about them in the DL is their weaknesses.  They're all one dimensional with a niche (transformation aspect), and frankly, they aren't very interesting at that, ranking more than one feels meh.

In general, equating Laguz to Beorc just doesn't sit well with me.  Feels like we should limit ourselves to one Laguz (Ranulf works) that isn't a Royal (of the Royals, as seems to be popular consensus, Tibarn's a good rank, Naesala's worse, but still not a bad one, and no one care about Giffca.) 

So...yeah, when saying "class representative" I was referring solely to Beorc.  The "one per class" aspect was merely tossed in cause it stops some of the FE Dueler Syndrom.  Largo would be an exception as I can't see myself ranking him at all, despite the unique class.  Forgettable character, and to rank him over Callil would be awkward, and Callil's not exactly a good idea at that.
Other Exception is Oscar/Titania for Paladins.  Paladins are the most common class in the game (6 total), followed by Sages (5), and then Swordmasters (4).  So by ranking two of them, it reflects this aspect!  Though, real reason would be that Titania is one of the primary plot figures, and Oscar's one of the most widely used characters (gotten in the first chapter, and solid the whole way through unless you are RNG screwed), and has a decent number of scenes in the first 1/3rd of the game.

So what was the point of all this rambling? I don't know.  Mostly just thinking that "from a class that isn't ranked!" is not a reason to rank someone based on that alone, HOWEVER, it does add a point to their favor.

Of the Beorc who are popular for ranking so far? Greil Mercs barring Titania/Oscar which I covered all are different classes...well, Shinon/Rolf, but Shinon quits, therefor doesn't count as a Greil Merc until the next game (<_<; ).  Elincia is a completely unique class on a character with oodles of plot (probably the 2nd most important character in the game beside Ike?  At least for PCs anyway), Jill/Marcia/Nephenee/Mia are all widely used characters who, again, as a point in their favor, represent their classes well.

...yeah, my point about "unique, unrepresented class" was mostly that its a point in their favor, not the only reason to rank someone.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A