More comments~
-Albert... is again a case of taking a decent enough Middle and buffing him significantly, which is problematic. Because he still retains a big weakness to magic (1.2 mdur, but the raw stat is bad, which especially matters for status) it maaay be okay, but... checking the gauntlet, he easily beats Cloud (can dodge a L3, laughs at everything else) and Lyn (just... way too much pdur, and him 2HKOing should make up for the evasion), but I think he does lose to the other three? Still, uh, he beats Demi if you allow Defend since she's so undamaging against him, and has a case against Beowulf if you let him start with dragoon gauge (because Drain might miss against his boosted MDef).
-Rena's damage means she's unlikely to be a game-breaker. Tanky of course, but not ludicrously so, and can run out of resources. (I think post-Protect she cuts physicals by about 75%?)
-Lemina now has "speed as fast TB speed gets" and thirds physicals. Brutal slugger, but still not great durability against magic or status of course, and has resource limits. So she does probably lose to Beowulf and Rydia, but beats Lyn/Cloud. Demi... yeah, she beats her too I think, Dispel to remove Barriers and she 2HKOs, and hell she all but regens off Demi's damage. So this is probably a bit overbalanced. Both thirding physicals and first strike speed are huge buffs, so she should probably have only one.
-Knight's a weird tank, with fairly ludicrous evade and the potential to lower whatever damage type he faces with Protect/Shell, and the same Punch Arts as non-Power Sleeve Monk. He has loads of options and can KO in four turns with Secret Fist or try to turtle with Chakra (which is shockingly legit on his durability). Low offence will cost him against Rydia and Beowulf (man they beat almost everyone), but the evade is probably too much for Lyn he and outlast Demi with Power Break+Chakra. Cloud he can outlast, power break a lot and block ID. So a bit too strong. I'm not sure what to point at that needs a nerf. Removing the knight swords and mantles may make the build feasable... Knight and Monk individually are already Middles, so again, combining them is probably all the buffs they need.
-Ramza has so many options! But being stuck in Ubersquire does limit his game a bit.
Against Beowulf: Ramza is going to try to break his weapon, which wrecks him entirely. I suspect he can do that, since HEAL protects him from Blind and no other non-petrify status scares him -that- much. Good fight.
Against Rydia: Ramza can 2HKO Rydia and an Aegis Shield will ward off her status for a turn. Doesn't even need his skills from other classes for this one!
Against Demi: I think Demi will grind him down. If Ramza could simultenously heal AND use breaks, he might take this, but I don't think Scream + white magic healing will be enough... could be argued.
Against Lyn: His best hope is to Scream until he isn't doubled, then turtle from there using Item or something like it. This probably depends on views a lot.
Against Cloud: Scream/Item lets him dodge any limits he wants.
That's probably slightly too strong, not a single match he clearly loses and I favour him in around 3. It's a shame because I really like this build. I suspect removing Item (or perhaps a harsh limit on his item supply) would make it fine, although that's obviously arbitrary.