Author Topic: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1  (Read 2976 times)


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Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« on: March 18, 2008, 03:57:10 PM »

Hahahahaha! Welcome back, fools! I see you've decided to return once again to my lair... I hope that you will be able to retain your courage. It would be simply... shameful if you didn't have what it took! However... we have three new groups setting forth on a long road... Let's see what kind of fight they can put up.

[Team Monkey, El Cid and Fnorder's Matches]

Floor 1: An Introduction (The Beginning)

Battle #1: FF1 Garland and PC Bowser.

"I, Garland, will knock you all down!" "...What kind of insult is that, idiot?! You should say something like 'I, Lord Garland, will steal your princess!!"

Battle #2: Kwanda, Humphrey and Onix

"You won't get past us! Iron Wall Kwanda will stop you here!" "............yep." "ONIX ONIX!!"

Battle #3: Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi and Kelvena

"While I may not have my elite guards with me any longer... I, the great Euram Barrows, will put you out of your misery! Let us go, friends!"

Battle #4: Luna, Ricardo and Lucia

"I do not wish to fight you, but I have no choice. Please, run while you still can." "This shall be where I sing your dirge! Adios, amigos!"

Boss Battle, Battle #5: Lynx and PC Harle

"You're all fools to have entered this place. I won't let you get your grubby little hands on what awaits you at the bottom. Let's go, Harle."
"Oui oui monseur Lynx."

Team Fnorder | Raquel, Zozma, Claude, Aika, Mint
[Floor 1]
Team Fnorder vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team Fnorder vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey
Team Fnorder vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team Fnorder vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia
Team Fnorder vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle

Team Monkey | Tidus, Toadstool, Eileen, Pikachu, Monk
[Floor 1]
Team Monkey vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team Monkey vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey
Team Monkey vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team Monkey vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia
Team Monkey vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle

Team El Cid | Zerase, Emily, Bernadette, Rena, Mint
[Floor 1]
Team El Cid vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team El Cid vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey
Team El Cid vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team El Cid vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia
Team El Cid vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle

I'm trying out some different formatting because it got pretty tiresome to do it the old way. Hopefully this way still works out!


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2008, 05:19:58 PM »
None of these enemies look that dangerous, and every team has ample good healing except Fnorder's, who has the ability to make enemy PCs never move instead.

Blanket "everyone makes it" vote for now, will await any arguments to the contrary that pop up.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2008, 05:45:16 PM »
Also, I need you three to tell me whether you'd like your next floor to be Generic or New. (yes those are the choices)


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2008, 06:48:22 PM »
Team Fnorder | Raquel, Zozma, Claude, Aika, Mint
[Floor 1]
Team Fnorder vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser- Claude OHKOs everything here! Gooo Super space gun hype.
Team Fnorder vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey- Sharp pain is such cheese.
Team Fnorder vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena- See above. Raquel/Claude paste Kelvena, and that is that.
Team Fnorder vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia- Lucia and Ricardo can stop sharp pain, but goddamn is the offensive potential here suck. Claude+Raquel should be enough to kill Lucia, Ricardo can't do much by himself.
Team Fnorder vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle- Sharp pain handles Harle, Lynx dies as soon as Raquel gets 25 FP.

Team Monkey | Tidus, Toadstool, Eileen, Pikachu, Monk
[Floor 1]
Team Monkey vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team Monkey vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey- Onix no likely Brotherhood.
Team Monkey vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena- Should be easy enough.
Team Monkey vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia- Eileen/Pikachu/Tidus should be able to smash up Luna, Toadstool starts in on Ricardo. Should be in okay shape for the boss.
Team Monkey vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle- Should be able to kill Harle before turn two.I don't think Lynx can handle this by himself.

Team El Cid | Zerase, Emily, Bernadette, Rena, Mint
[Floor 1]
Team El Cid vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser- Zerase blows a spell charge to smash poor Bowser, Garland can't do shit.
Team El Cid vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey- ICE MAGIC VS ONIX OH GOD- rest of the team kinda sucks against magic, so Bern uses breath of ice while they slowly widdle them down.
Team El Cid vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena- Pound/heal. Shouldn't be too taxedon the resource front yet.
Team El Cid vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia- Um. I'm not sure here. Lucia and Ricardo can probably play a pretty good defensive game here with Luna in the mix, and I don't think Zerase can solo it without seriously draining her MP.
Team El Cid vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle- Thinking. Lynx has a 3HKO here (St though), but the team is so bad on damage that it may be enough. They also need to kill harle before she gets that second turn and can use Lunaheretic.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2008, 07:55:10 PM »
Team Fnorder | Raquel, Zozma, Claude, Aika, Mint
[Floor 1]

Team Fnorder vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser - SharpPain = lolbowser. That's that, and the mopping shouldn't take more than a turn.
Team Fnorder vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey - Aika resources for the rescue at this point? A physical team against these would have issues otherwise. On the other hand, uh, Zozma magic is actual damage at this point, which renders the point moot.
Team Fnorder vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena - That's a lot of lol. Eat Kelvena first, the others are trivial.
Team Fnorder vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia - SharpPain to the rescue -again-.
Team Fnorder vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle - Lynx sucks. Harle has the MDef to stave off a SharpPain, but that just means she gets bumrushed instead, since she takes two turns to Lunairetic.

Team Monkey | Tidus, Toadstool, Eileen, Pikachu, Monk
[Floor 1]
Team Monkey vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser - Bumrush Bowser. Bye.
Team Monkey vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey - This one takes a while, but the damage is so utterly horrible on the enemies' end that it hardly matters. Eileen's elemental here actually doesn't help, and she has like one-two charges of VoE as of now. This will change.
Team Monkey vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena - Did somebody mention VoE?
Team Monkey vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia - Nobody in the opposing end has revival, right? This means that just bumrushing individually works.
Team Monkey vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle - More "lol lynx+Harle gets bumrushed 'fore Lunairetic" action ensues.

Team El Cid | Zerase, Emily, Bernadette, Rena, Mint
[Floor 1]

Team El Cid vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser - Bowser doesn't get a turn.
Team El Cid vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey - Zerase is probably good enough here.
Team El Cid vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena - Emily pointed towards Kelvena. Kelvena exploded. The end.
Team El Cid vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia - Direct Emily Cannon to Ricardo, mop up and that's that.
Team El Cid vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle - Yeah, not seeing where the "horrible offense" in a team with Emily is coming from, quite frankly. She starts with like three swings without any pumping to her starting Swing level, and by this point, she should've raised a level or two on it. No HD yet, but that's not where the brunt of her damage comes from. Just pretty typical. Killing Harle in two turns isn't a big deal, then (Emily gets two turns before Lunairetic, so).
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2008, 11:04:12 PM »
Everybody makes it.

Mad Fnorder

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2008, 11:51:00 PM »
Monkey and Cid make it, no vote on my team, and NEW FLOOR, please!

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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2008, 12:08:54 AM »
All pass.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2008, 04:16:01 AM »
Team Fnorder | Raquel, Zozma, Claude, Aika, Mint
[Floor 1]
Team Fnorder vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser - Bowser eats Sharp Pain, everyone eats Raquel-sword.
Team Fnorder vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey - Slow fight.  Takes a while, but Sharp Pain keeps everyone immobile for the time--if it's even necessary.
Team Fnorder vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena - lol scrub squad
Team Fnorder vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia - Raquel's putting any one of them down in record time.  Claude helps if she doesn't.
Team Fnorder vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle - Uh, yeah.  Sharp Pain, I'm guessing, gives Harle hell.  Commence Raquel/Claude beatdown.

Team Monkey | Tidus, Toadstool, Eileen, Pikachu, Monk
[Floor 1]
Team Monkey vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser - Bowser gets ganged up on.  So does Garland.
Team Monkey vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey - lol low-damage scrubtanks.  Toadstool's healing helps there as well.
Team Monkey vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena - VoE?  Doesn't matter.  lol scrub squad.
Team Monkey vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia - Rushdown into beatdown.  Team gets blitzed one at a time.
Team Monkey vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle - More blitzing.  Ow, the blitzing.

Team El Cid | Zerase, Emily, Bernadette, Rena, Mint
[Floor 1]
Team El Cid vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser - Zerase and Emily make Bowser go splat.  lol garland.
Team El Cid vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey - Zerase and healers vs. damageless tanks.
Team El Cid vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena - Ow.  Scrub squad manages to get some hits in due to lack of MT outside of...Breath of Ice?  Though...Emily splatters Kelvena across the floor.  Rest of team fails.
Team El Cid vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia - Splattered.  By.  Emily.
Team El Cid vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle - More of Harle getting smashed in by fast physical fighters.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2008, 05:13:20 AM »
Everyone passes.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2008, 09:59:52 AM »
Not voting on my team, others pass.

Also, New floor is go.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2008, 03:12:25 AM »
I don't see any reason why anyone should fail.

All pass.
* Infinite_Ko_Loop is now known as Ko-CidisnotaPrincess
<Nephrite> That is depressing.
<CmdrKing> I know.  Cid would makea  great princess.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2008, 06:56:18 PM »
Team Fnorder | Raquel, Zozma, Claude, Aika, Mint
[Floor 1]
Team Fnorder vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowse
Team Fnorder vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey
Team Fnorder vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team Fnorder vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia
Team Fnorder vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle-The team is still good on resources by this point, so they can handle Harle and Lynx just fine.

Team Monkey | Tidus, Toadstool, Eileen, Pikachu, Monk
[Floor 1]
Team Monkey vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team Monkey vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey-Water physicals make Onix cry.
Team Monkey vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team Monkey vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia
Team Monkey vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle-hmm, Thunder Wave will stop Harle dead in her tracks as it slows her so bad, and screws with her ability to gain element levels, that she becomes a non-issue. Tidus and Monk, along with Pika's follow up damage, can either wipe out Harley if she's manageing to gain enough elements through pokepara to be a threat, or just splatter Lynx and then move on to Harle.

Team El Cid | Zerase, Emily, Bernadette, Rena, Mint
[Floor 1]
Team El Cid vs. FF1 Garland and PC Bowser
Team El Cid vs. Kwanda, Onix, Humphrey-They don't need to use any Magic on Onix at all for me. I see Emily's physicals as Fighting type, which does the job juuuuust fine.
Team El Cid vs. Jogurt, Ramus, Euram Barrows, Big Joe, Gobi, Kelvena
Team El Cid vs. Luna, Ricardo, Lucia
Team El Cid vs. Viper Manor Lynx and PC Harle-I'm...a little unsure here. Zerase's had to burn alot of charges, as has Bern. Emily's physicals aren't that uber yet either. Tentative vote for team Cid...actually, no. Emily can 2HKO Harley just fine, and she gets 2 turns before Harle does. That means Mint and Rena just heal away Lynx's damage until Em's done pounding Harle, then Em's attention turns to him. Zerase's nearly dead weight at this point, but they have enough healing to win a slugfest even if Em's the only damage getting done. Non-tentative vote for team Cid then.

ALSO, Neph, can I please request that you not use yellow text in the opening posts anymore? I'm not using a dark background, so couldn't see it until I highlighted it to see if somethig was there(as the gap between Kwanda and Onix looked sucpicious).
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2008, 07:19:50 PM »
ALSO, Neph, can I please request that you not use yellow text in the opening posts anymore? I'm not using a dark background, so couldn't see it until I highlighted it to see if somethig was there(as the gap between Kwanda and Onix looked sucpicious).

Erm... it isn't yellow, it's Beige but is that the color you're talking about? I can try and use black, maybe? What color does the default color on your version of the forums look like?


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2008, 09:02:14 PM »
Everyone makes it.
<Niu> If I ever see that Langfadood, i'll strangle him on sight
<Gourry> What, for making the game three times better?
<Gourry> And playable, at that?
<Niu> that lose the whole point of of L2!!!


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2008, 11:39:50 PM »
Yeah, that's the color. And yellow or beige, it's still unseeable on a light background.

My default text is black, so that should show up just fine. Might be unreadable for other folks with dark backgrounds though. What about purple or something?
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

<Tide|NukicommentatoroptionforF> Hatbot is a pacifist


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2008, 11:50:33 PM »
I have an idea for what to do, I'll try it in the next update and see how it works.


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Re: Nyarlathotep's Dungeon, The Return: Week 1
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2008, 12:36:01 AM »
... See Gate, his analysis pretty much breaks down the one problem area I saw Cid's team having.

All three pass. Next time I'll do a more indepth analysis. Also, new floor!

(what do you mean I can't vote on that.)