Author Topic: Mini Pokemon Tourney: Andy-beautiful bracket  (Read 608 times)


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Mini Pokemon Tourney: Andy-beautiful bracket
« on: July 11, 2016, 07:52:58 AM »
Since everyone's talking Pokemon with Pokemon Go out, and in celebration of Andy finishing up Gen2...  I present: some brackets of Pokemon battles, featuring only the greatest Pokemon as ranked by our one and only AndrewRogue.  That's right, only 5/5 Pokemon allowed here, in pods of Fivemon.  5.

Strict randomization was used to create the pods.  Ignoring stuff like DL ranks, since Pokemon typing can make Lights surprisingly competitive with Middles anyway, if things line up right.  Anyway, if you want to be lazy, just pick the winner, or list the Pokemon in ranked order; if you're hardcore, I've included the full match lists as well.

Also, Bulbasaur & Vulpix are omitted, because they already have a further-evo'd part of the line ranked 5/5 already.  Sorry!

Short form:

Pod 1:
Espeon, Mew, Magnemite, Shuckle, Zubat

Pod 2:
Flareon, Vaporeon, Dragonair, Ninetales, Swinub

Pod 3:
Lapras, Parasect, Umbreon, Ivysaur, Misdreavus

Sandshrew, Mankey

Long form:

Espeon vs. Mew
Espeon vs. Magnemite
Espeon vs. Shuckle
Espeon vs. Zubat

Mew vs. Magnemite
Mew vs. Shuckle
Mew vs. Zubat

Magnemite vs. Shuckle
Magnemite vs. Zubat

Shuckle vs. Zubat


Flareon vs. Vaporeon
Flareon vs. Dragonair
Flareon vs. Ninetales
Flareon vs. Swinub

Vaporeon vs. Dragonair
Vaporeon vs. Ninetales
Vaporeon vs. Swinub

Dragonair vs. Ninetales
Dragonair vs. Swinub

Ninetales vs. Swinub


Lapras vs. Parasect
Lapras vs. Umbreon
Lapras vs. Ivysaur
Lapras vs. Misdreavus

Parasect vs. Umbreon
Parasect vs. Ivysaur
Parasect vs. Misdreavus

Umbreon vs. Ivysaur
Umbreon vs. Misdreavus

Ivysaur vs. Misdreavus


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Re: Mini Pokemon Tourney: Andy-beautiful bracket
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2016, 11:09:44 AM »
Espeon vs. Mew - Well, Mew's matches will be easy at least.
Espeon vs. Magnemite - Decent fight due to Magnemite's speed and the neutral type advantages, but I think Espeon being fully evolved is probably going to sink Magnemite, who can't even play a status game due to Espeon's Magic Bounce.
Espeon vs. Shuckle - Ugh, why you do this. Match takes forever if Shuckle turtles (...) but Espeon should win it. Not sure if Shuckle has some weird trick I'm forgetting that would let him overpower Espeon, and DoT statuses won't work due to Magic Bounce again, so I think turtling is literally just stalling the inevitable here.
Espeon vs. Zubat - I mean, Zubat not being fully evolved means this is the likely outcome anyway, but dat Magic Bounce ruins Zu's annoying status game again.

Mew vs. Magnemite
Mew vs. Shuckle
Mew vs. Zubat

Magnemite vs. Shuckle - Probably? I feel like Thunderwave ruins Shuckle's day.
Magnemite vs. Zubat - And Thunder vs Flying~

Shuckle vs. Zubat - Fuck I need to check what Shuckle can do because my kneejerk is that it hates status and even Zubat can erk out a win against a perpetually confused opponent.


Flareon vs. Vaporeon - Tough draw, Flareon
Flareon vs. Dragonair - Closer, but I think Dragon Dance -> anything will KO faster than Flareon
Flareon vs. Ninetales - *throws hands up in disgust*
Flareon vs. Swinub - Type advantage!

Vaporeon vs. Dragonair - Close match, but Vaporeon can Ice Beam and I think that cinches it.
Vaporeon vs. Ninetales - Obviously
Vaporeon vs. Swinub - Fully evolved vs NFE

Dragonair vs. Ninetales - Shit, Sunny Day Fire Blasts probably swings this in Ninetales' favor even with Fire-type res on Dragonair's side? Think Ninetales is notably faster too, meaning they probably trade hits and Dragonair goes down first.
Dragonair vs. Swinub - STAB Ice Beam and neither is Fully Evolved but Dragonair is one stage above Swinub and I'm too lazy to math.

Ninetales vs. Swinub - Type advantage and evolution stage advantage!


Lapras vs. Parasect - Type advantage probably good enough. Also IIRC I think Parasect gets Spore so 100% sleep probably sweeps this field unless someone has the sleep immunity ability.
Lapras vs. Umbreon - Close match! Think Umbreon is bulky enough to tank Lapras' Surfs.
Lapras vs. Ivysaur - Ivysaur has...type advantage? Maybe? I think Lapras might be able to Ice Beam a NFE Ivysaur
Lapras vs. Misdreavus - No type advantage, but I think Lapras can end this ghost before it sets up anything scary.

Parasect vs. Umbreon - Spore
Parasect vs. Ivysaur - Spore? I think newer gens might make other Grass-types immune to Spore so Ivy has an argument
Parasect vs. Misdreavus - Spore unless I'm misremembering Misdreavus' ability

Umbreon vs. Ivysaur - vs NFE
Umbreon vs. Misdreavus - Dark handles Ghost

Ivysaur vs. Misdreavus - Kneejerk, could be argued.


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Re: Mini Pokemon Tourney: Andy-beautiful bracket
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2016, 03:32:58 AM »
Espeon vs. Mew - Well, Mew's matches are easy.  Especially near mirrors.
Espeon vs. Magnemite - NFEs go home.
Espeon vs. Shuckle - This is actually rather close if Espeon brings the proper tools... but it struggles to deal with Encore.
Espeon vs. Zubat - NFEs go home.

vs. Magnemite - NFEs go home.
Mew vs. Shuckle - Taunt, GG, QQ, no re
Mew vs. Zubat - NFEs go home.

Magnemite vs. Shuckle - NFEs go home.
Magnemite vs. Zubat - This is sad.

Shuckle vs. Zubat - NFEs go home.


Flareon vs. Vaporeon - Hello, yes
Flareon vs. Dragonair - Hello, yes
Flareon vs. Ninetales - Hello, yes
Flareon vs. Swinub - Goodbye, no

Vaporeon vs. Dragonair - Had to think about this one.  Is Ice Beam enough against Eviolite before Dragon Dance takes over? ... no, not unless a lucky Freeze lands.
Vaporeon vs. Ninetales - Less close.
Vaporeon vs. Swinub - Go home.

Dragonair vs. Ninetales - Closest match.  Both fling status and then struggle to KO.  Think it goes this way though. 
Dragonair vs. Swinub- NFE go home

Ninetales vs. Swinub - NFE go home


Lapras vs. Parasect - STAB Ice off reasonable SA you say, *splat*
Lapras vs. Umbreon - Hello, yes, it's Horn Drill/Sheer Cold/Fissure.  Lapras learns all three!  Cheesy, but effective and not stoppable by Taunt.
Lapras vs. Ivysaur - NFE get out.  Eviolite not anywhere near good enough here.
Lapras vs. Misdreavus - Like Ivysaur, I'm kneejerking this as just not good enough.

Parasect vs. Umbreon - Umby has to Taunt or die, then dies anyway to X-Scissor off... 95 attack, what?!  I didn't realize Parasect hit that hard, wow.
Parasect vs. Ivysaur - No Spore, and Ivy's Sludge Bomb should outmuscle.
Parasect vs. Misdreavus - It's hard, but Taunt/Willowisp/Pain Split should suffice here.

Umbreon vs. Ivysaur - I really don't know.  These matches are sad.  Umbreon can never afford to miss a Taunt though and has trouble killing, despite NFE.
Umbreon vs. Misdreavus - Thank goodness, finally someone is faster than Umbreon.

Ivysaur vs. Misdreavus - Wins slugfest is my kneejerk.


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Re: Mini Pokemon Tourney: Andy-beautiful bracket
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2016, 08:57:52 AM »
I'm too tired to actually think this out, but assuming you allow custom movesets for individual matches and moves only naturally learned by the Pokemon or its evo, I thiiiiiiiiiiink Flareon may be able to win vs Ninetails, because that match is stupid as shit.

You do something incredibly stupid like a pool consisting of only Takedown and Last Resort for Flareon. Ninetails runs Extrasensory, Confuse Ray, Baby Doll Eyes, Whatever. Things get stupid. I'm too tired to math this.

A similar set may be capable of beating Dragonair as well. Edit: actually no. I think full attack ev dragonair may ohko?

*Living the Dream*
« Last Edit: July 12, 2016, 09:17:10 AM by AndrewRogue »