
Author Topic: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition  (Read 5483 times)


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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2020, 05:53:01 PM »
 CmdrKing: Actually fuck it, rate phoenix wright games

Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies

Phoenix Wright
Athena Cykes
Apollo Justice

Trucy Wright
The Judge

Simon Blackquill

So we could rate the whole series at once but that'd be... overwhelming, and of course breaking it up gives people more openings to talk about particular favorite Case Characters.
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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2020, 06:41:57 PM »
Pretty awesome:
Simon Blackquill
Athena Cykes

Athena's a great character and ties into the main plotline with Simon & Aura and all, she has a great debut!  I particularly like that she is, on the sly, a character type that's been done a billion times in games but normally far more obtusely - the robot / child assassin / alien / clone / whatever that Doesn't Understand Emotions but has to learn about them.  The canny thing is that this is all in Athena's backstory, and modern Athena seems normal and well-adjusted, just via personal research and a computer assistant to get there (rather than some bland-yet-perfect teenage hero inspiring her with flattery), and she's turned a weakness into a strength.  It skips the really blatant scenes of "what is this strange feeling in my chest, is this sadness" melodrama.  I'm knocking her down from a particularly high rank largely because her own personal case, Case 3, is the weakest one in the game, and one that inexplicably refuses to respect her.  It's fine if she's the "rookie" who gets gulled by easy tricks, but while the narrative acts like she just made a Huge Blunder Haha Caught Again, it's invariably over stupid nonsensical shit she has no control over nor was particularly related to her, which is weird. 

Simon is basically the perfect non-Edgeworth villain for a PW game.  He's got multiple cool gimmicks (psychologist, bird, samurai weeb), he has a ridiculous melodramatic backstory wherein he's a prisoner, he has a heart of gold, and (given that he's played for sympathy not for evil) he seems to actually care about his witnesses committing mass perjury.  He's a great foil, and works well enough as a plot device for Case 5 too.

Phoenix Wright
Apollo Justice

Dual Destinies mostly got Phoenix right given what they had to work with from AJ: still a bit of a cocky screw-up, but also the badass experienced lawyer with a megatama.

Apollo has a weird rivalry with Phoenix where he blames him for getting blow'd up for reasons, but for the most part, DD also gets Apollo right, giving him case 2 letting his own gimmicks stand on their own.

Barely exists:
Trucy Wright
The Judge

Trucy's an amusing side character but she totally doesn't matter in Dual Destinies, which is fine by me considering the wacky state they left her plot in at the end of Apollo Justice (she's Apollo's sister, but her mother kept it a secret because ???).  Just some side flavor.

The Judge hardly counts as a character, he's more of a plot device.  To the extent he is a character, he straddles an awkward line of being "sympathetic" but also the enabler of whatever prosecutor shenanigans are afoot which doesn't really work, but also doesn't matter too much.  Probably best not to think too hard about him, as frankly the only way to "explain" the Judge is to say that he's senile, and that's maybe a little too dark for a mostly light-hearted game.

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2020, 11:29:00 PM »
Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies

Phoenix Wright - 7/10. He's decent in this game but he never retains the full glory of Original Trilogy Phoenix, but this is the closest he gets to it.
Athena Cykes - 8/10. My lovely little pumpkin. She needed more screentime and a little less time holding the idiot ball, but otherwise great.
Apollo Justice - 8.5/10. Apollo Justice has ended up being one of my series favorite characters, which is especially from SoJ but from his first two appearances as well.

Trucy Wright - 5/10. Not nearly as good as in AJ, sadly. Just not around enough.
The Judge - 5/10. I feel like the Judge needs to be retired as a gimmick, tbh.

Simon Blackquill - 9/10. Excellent character through and through. He is meticulous, ethical, and has no time for anyone else's bullshit. I thought he was gonna be lame based on his mechanic, but his plot turned out to be really interesting.

Aura Blackquill - 7.5/10. One of the series’ best mixed humor/serious characters for her role in both case 4 and case 5.
Bobby Fulbright - 8.5/10. Excellently written character for both humor and serious stuff, and ultimately goes in the book as one of my very favorite characters of his archetype in the series.
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DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #28 on: July 25, 2020, 09:01:32 PM »
Barinten: Well he's certainly a vile character.  Thing is, we already have Algus filling the role of ambitious, snobby, social climber and Argath gives a more effective performance.  And for the "parental figure concealing the fact he killed foster child's parent(s) because of something petty" role, his spiritual successor Stone from Xenogears is a higher class of villain.

Also during his scene with Vormav, when he realizes that Vormav is more than he appears, he runs for it like a cowardly rat.  Sensible choice logically but I like him even less because of that.  And why is he hanging around the castle for Rafa to find and confront him?  And he still tries to terrorize her like that bully on the low end of the totem pole who bullies the smallest kids and senior citizens?  There goes any respect I had for him for running like hell.  A rational wimpy coward would try to get far, far away from the demon in the castle.  Like on another continent.  Not hang around the castle to pick on someone smaller than him.

I did post this just to pick on him running away like a cowardly rat.  Even Izlude put up a fight, even if it proved futile.  You know what, 0/10.  Not because of him being irredeemable but he really feels unnecessary and I'm wishing for scene skip whenver he's on screen.

FF8 dream party:

Laguna: Now here's someone where I question what a 10/10 character would be for me.  He's a goofball with more heart than sense and it still works.  His bonding with Ellone is cute, more endearing than any scenes between the main cast even.  Though people may remember him more for talking a big game (and one other spoilerly detail that I'll try to avoid despite anyone reading this probably already knowing), he must have some kind of work ethic to be so widely published in Timber Maniacs.  Even though he talks big, he does put his ideals into action when it comes to the people important to him.

His role in the in-universe 'The Sorceress' Knight" also inspires Seifer's gunblade stance.  Neat bit of world-building.

9/10  I'm still hesitant to give him a perfect 10 rating and can't quite articulate why.  Let's ding him a point for being in the same game as Squall and Rinoa; sure that's good enough.

Kiros: Kiros is Laguna's level-headed friend who snarks at him when he does or says something stupid.  Despite this, he really does care about him and looks out for him.  That's all there is to Kiros and he doesn't need to be anything more.  And it's nice to have a black character whose skin color is never made into an issue or a stereotype.

9/10  Wasn't sure if 8 or 9 was a more suitable rating for him so coinflipped.

Ward:  Ward is cool.  Similar to Kiros, his bulk isn't made into an issue and he doesn't act like a dumb muscle stereotype.  He's actually quite articulate while he can still talk.  Then he loses his voice to plot whims and the game does almost nothing with that detail except oh hey, one less character to come up with dialogue for.  He remains a steadfast companion and still capable, if mostly plot-irrelevant.

7/10  Still better than most of the main cast at a glance


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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2020, 02:26:34 AM »
Haha I am easily distracted.  Let's do something that sorta lit a fire through the DL while everyone was locked down for weird reasons.

Atelier Ayesha: Alchemist of Dusk

Ayesha Altugle
Nio Altugle
Keithgriff Hazeldine

Regina Kurtis
Willbell Voll-Ersleid
Marion Quinn
Juris Gruden

As always feel free to add more, Ayesha has some solid side characters!
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2020, 08:35:36 AM »
In no particular order though I'll lean towards those characters with more succinct thoughts first.

Ayesha Altugle: Ayesha reaches and exceeds my nebulous threshold for a 10/10 character.  It's going to take several paragraphs to articulate my thoughts about her which I won't get to just yet.  My default state is to restrain myself from gushing about her so there's going to be some mental reprogramming to get words down.  I did want to note that one's enjoyment of the game will likely depend on how much one enjoys her as a character.  Between the character focus of Atelier in general, the encyclopedia entries written from her perspective, and even the text boxes when gathering (she enjoys playing with dirt), the game provides a full picture of what kind of person she is.  Her lack of gravitas resonates with me, perhaps because I share that lack of interest in personal glory.  Yes, she can be airheaded but what do you expect from someone whose only human interaction in the past 3 years before the game starts was Ernie and Regina.  Of course she's not going to be experienced in the ways of people and journeying.

Ayesha's devotion to her sister is very touching.  How many here would choose to trust the vague words the words of a rude stranger if it was your loved one who had gone missing, presumed dead?  There's a lot of material on their bond but I want to move on to other characters for now.

Nio Altugle: My thoughts about Nio are much more straightforward.  I like how the game paces revealing what kind of person she is.  At first, she's just someone to be rescued.  The first view of the sisters' relationship comes in a flashback.  When they finally get to converse, it feels like a momentous occasion; all right progress.  The game continues to show more parts of her personality as it progresses.  Their reunion scene feels more impactful because of building her personal profile beforehand.

  In the postgame, she gets her own subplot about wanting to grow up to be a bigger help.  Being a kid frustrates her.  In a neat bit of gameplay integration, her battle stats are closer to what a fragile 10 year old would have.  Cast-worst offense, low speed because she's not really combat trained at all.  Defense is surprisingly decent.  Cuteness must run in the Altugle family because she charms the friends Ayesha made on her journey.  Oh, and her observing "Wilbell has the pouty-pouts." just cracks me up.

Probably forgetting something but I do believe the game handles her well.  She's the more outgoing sister, it turns out.  It can feel like the game leans too hard on the "adorable little sister' role at times so 9/10 for this topic.

Tanya: Another easy character for me to discuss; she feels the most tacked on.  She's there to direct Ayesha to a key plot item, play the country mouse role, be another of Ayesha's female admireres, and that's about it.  Not the only one-note side character but the others have more interactions with other characters to bounce off of and show more sides of their personalities.  She just disappears from the plot after locating the plot item unless the player goes out of their way to visit her.  Her dream of visiting the city is cute enough but feels predictable.

5/10  Not a bad character but feels like the weakest cast member with little presence even when she's on the stage.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 03:05:29 AM by DragonKnight Zero »

Luther Lansfeld

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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2020, 04:36:23 PM »
Atelier Ayesha: Alchemist of Dusk

Ayesha Altugle - 8/10. Standard enjoyable, friendly JRPG protag without too much going on but is likeable and cute.
Nio Altugle - 6/10. Actually better than I was expecting because she has some conflict about her friends and sister moving on with their lives while she was stuck in statis. Well done plot point, but overall not tooo deep.
Keithgriff Hazeldine - 3/10. Really captures the punchable man feel. Not sure if intentional. His unnecessary secretiveness makes everything harder and seem to serve as some kind of game to him. I hate these types of characters.

Regina Kurtis - 4/10. Cute but not much going on.
Willbell Voll-Ersleid - 4/10. Cute but not much going.
Linca - 5.5/10. very cute and funny, and i love how she is learning to be human
Marion Quinn 7/10. I like that she's this down to earth diplomat who struggles with being a workaholic. Relatable at times.
Juris Gruden - 3/10. Barely has a character arc and it is very generic.

Ernie - 5/10. The only man who isn't trash. Finger wiggle ftw
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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2020, 12:14:20 AM »
Ayesha Altugle:  8/10. Ayesha is extremely likable and her personal journey is fun to watch. I think she lacks something that makes her truly compelling, but maxes out that likability.
Nio Altugle: 8/10. Hits the likability (ghooossst) and follows up with a tiny bit of relatable frustration after she gains her freedom. So glad she wasn't just a plot coupon.

Keithgriff Hazeldine: 5/10. He is certainly memorable and frustrating. But that seems to be what they were going cor, and he slowly becomes more likable.

Regina Kurtis: 6/10
Willbell Voll-Ersleid
Linca: 6/10 : likable enough for her archetype.
Marion Quinn: 7/10 frustrated competent female bureaucrat is an interesting archetype.
Juris Gruden: 4/10. Didn't do anything to make himself memorable to me. His sister....


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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #33 on: August 21, 2020, 07:36:50 PM »
Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies

Phoenix Wright - 7/10.  Dual Destinies does a good job of balancing the Phoenix we left at the end of Trials and Tribulations with the one we rejoined at the start of Apollo's game, but unfortunately that means he doesn't really have much to learn or advance during this story and that keeps him just... kinda there, enjoyable.
Athena Cykes - 8/10.  The most disappointing part of Spirit of Justice is how poorly Athena is utilized.  One good case!  Jeez.  Anyway Athena is adorable and you can see her grow and learn how to better think on her feet through the game and that's great.  I think the way they present her backstory is definitely more successful than prior protagonists, the traumatic aspect of it really comes out much better.
Apollo Justice - 7/10.  I feel like Apollo's shaken faith is a bit sudden all things considered?  But it's a good and necessary character beat for him, and I think he plays off the idea of different ideas of justice in a different way from Edgeworth in the second game which is cool.

Trucy Wright- 6/10.  We demand more Trucy screentime.  Infinite amounts!
The Judge- 4/10

Simon Blackquill- 8/10.  I've said before I think, but Simon is probably my favorite prosecutor as a prosecutor in the series.  He always feels like he's one step ahead of you not because he did anything untoward but because he's thinking about the problem from an angle you wouldn't initially think of, and he embodies the adversarial truth-seeking that the system is supposed to have better than any others.

Aura Blackquill- 7/10. Oh my god I forgot about Athena's lesbian other-mom!  She's antagonistic in a way that undermines her I think, but on the other hand I do love her audacity.
Bobby Fulbright- I find Bobby/[blahblahblah] hard to rate, but like... for context here the reveal that he's the killer in the last cast and his act as the Phantom is so impactful unto itself I actually FORGOT that he spent most of the game as the replacement Gumshoe!.  I honestly find him hard to talk about without a later appearance that hasn't happened yet?  Like... was it 100% act?  90%  85%?  It sounds like a minor thing but.
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #34 on: August 22, 2020, 03:28:31 AM »
More Atelier Ayesha:

Regina - One of Ayesha's few friends from before the start of the game and the main outside contact besides Ernie.  She's a woman succeeding in a man's field which is generally a plus to see.  She plays Ayesha's companion in the early going, aiding our cute, blond, naive', apothecary get her footing in the world outside her workshop.  In-universe, she's probably the one who made Ayesha's outfit, though the game does nothing to confirm or deny this.  Takes part in some hilarious scenes.  Her personal quest on not wanting to be a prospector forever I feel the localization handled it well given what they were working with.  There's some uncomfortable subtext for those with enough familiarity with Japanese expectations for women if you're looking for it.

8/10  Solid and fun but doesn't seem to have that special spark that I find in a 10/10 character.

Juris - Not a whole lot to his character and his personal quest is one of the most generic in the playbook.  He's in some hilarious scenes (such as the bug-eating one and when Regina and Ayesha use him as a dress-up doll) and his interactions with other characters save him from the pile of dullness.  To his credit, his attire does look suitable for hunting and battling which puts him above all the shirtless, muscle men out there in gaming.

6/10  Rating inflation in full effect if you want to call it that.  Tanya represents the low end of the scale and no one will be lower (though there may be some that equal it if I get around to typing them up).

Ayesha Altugle: Part 2 of who knows?

  Part of what makes Ayesha so compelling to me is that she barely appears like a main character at all.  Even other female leads.  She's not skilled with firearms and possessing nerve even in the face of the supernatural and/or freaky alien beings.  She doesn't kick ass with martial arts skills (and anyone trying to kick anything wearing those platform shoes of hers would likely fall over).  She's not gifted by gods to stand toe to toe with magical beings nor learned in arcane magics that put her on par with those same magical beings despite not having any natural talent with it.
  No, we have someone unmistakeably female with a girly-girl figure, in a frilly girly-girl outfit, who thinks girly-girl thoughts.  She's not using her innocent appearance to manipulate people around her, she's not some non-human being and what we see is a projected human appearance, nor does she have a more action-oriented secret identity.  The game sets her up as a lonely girl who makes medicine and doesn't have any special main character talents.  She gets flustered whenever someone compliments her looks (and with how pretty she is, that happens often), is easily scared by ghosts and the supernatural, and gets pushed around easily.  Apologizes almost as much as Vayne Aurellius.  On a superficial surface level, it seems like someone like her would be a disaster as a main character.  Regina, Wilbell, Linca, and Keithgriff (not Juris because he's dull without support characters) possess more of those intangible main character traits.

  And yet, she's just so endearing and likeable.  It's a combination of things.  Cuteness helps.  But there's also that she does gain confidence as her journey progresses.  And her quiet determination and a willingness to face the unknown even with how easily she gets spooked.  (her distinct scared pose gets used a lot)  There's also her kind and tender heart; I think she's incapable of holding a grudge.  Her idealism is tempered with a willingness to acknowledge other points of view.  There's also her earnest enthusiasm and desire to do her best.  And that she grows without losing her innate personality.  Somehow that's more satisfying to me than someone who finds success after completely changing the person they are.

This is a good stopping point until I come up with more.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 02:49:05 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2020, 02:30:58 AM »
Atelier Ayesha: Alchemist of Dusk

Ayesha Altugle- 7/10?  Ayesha's modesty is very interesting to me, because it's endearing but also sometimes makes her seem gullible to the other characters around her.  But she has tons of that quiet determination vibe going on which is incredibly perfect for the story at hand.
Nio Altugle- 6/10.  Due to some quirks of how I ended up playing the game I got very little of Actually In the Party Nio.  But even just on the strength of that, Nio's pretty alright.
Keithgriff Hazeldine- 3/10.  I htink the main thing I like about Keithgriff is his attack animations.  Which doesn't count here!  Buuuuut he does move the plot.

Regina Kurtis- 4/10.  Cute and gay.
Willbell Voll-Ersleid- 5/10.  Cute and smart assed and probably gay.
Linca- 5/10.  I don't think her story arc concludes as interestingly as it should have, but I do appreciate stuffing a robot girl into this setting somehow.
Marion Quinn- 6/10.  I think Ciato has it.
Juris Gruden- 4/10.  Inoffensive mostly.
CK: She is the female you
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2020, 06:42:08 AM »
Moving on to some Atelier Ayesha characters that make appearances in the sequels...

Wilbell: In a sentence, not as charismatic as Marisa Kirisame.

To me, Wilbell comes off as that kid who tries to act like an adult, acting all experienced and knowledgeable while denying the kid inside them.  While in some ways, she does possess actual experience (such as an early scene during which she returns Ayesha's dropped wallet), underneath she still seems a kid on an emotional level.  True to that personality type, she tends to boast,  loves recognition and attention, gets pouty whenever she thinks someone's treating her like a child, and is scared of the dark and doesn't want to admit it.

Wilbell does share a number of traits with Marisa, more than I thought before I started typing this up.  Sure, there's the visual similarity of looking like kids playing dress-up in cute witch outfits.  Both tend to be selfishly motivated, they lean towards the extrovert side of the spectrum, and supposedly work hard off-screen.  This is about where the similarities end.  Marisa is estranged from her family.  Wilbell admires hers and seeks their approval.  Wilbell's work ethic is in doubt; even Ayesha picks up on never seeing her work hard.  Marisa delivers results even if her work ethic isn't shown.  Marisa was born an ordinary human with no innate magical talent.  Wilbell comes from a family for whom magical talent is innate (and thus she tends to slack since she didn't have to struggle for her magical abilities).  Though since her magic is a gift from god (or whatever passes for one in their world) Wilbell tends to be lazy about training, which displeases her teacher.

Wilbell does have a heart and a softer side.  Most of it only shows during her ending quest so one will see more of her bratty and scheming side (which is what comes to mind more readily for me).  Still a fun character but not someone I'd want around in real life.  8/10  Come to think of it, I don't recall seeing her being nice to anyone other than Ayesha.  Unless it's someone Ayesha introduced her to.  EDIT: Oh, Wilbell does pick up on Fred's crush and doesn't give it away.  Could be stretching the border of nice but eh, it counts for me.  I'm biased towards cute witch designs so rating inflation is in effect here.

Linca: Reminds me of a feminized Squall due to the way she holds her sword and her hair color.   When she's first introduced, she also shows about as much emotion as early game Squall.

Pragmatic Linca is an entertaining character.  She'd get along well with Juris, both are similarly not picky about where their nourishment comes from.  It's established quickly she doesn't care for her feminine appearance and would prefer something more practical for combat.  Given free reign, she'd probably look much like a genderbent Squall, complete with short haircut and durable attire.

Her character arc is somewhat generic by jRPG standards but is handled with the charm the game possess so comes off better than it would in Final Fantasy or some other big name work.  Even though her visual design and personality remind me of Squall, her character arc has more in common with Steiner.  Both start out content to follow orders and fight and grow to consciously choose something to stand for.

8/10  I boosted her rating a bit because during a conversation with her, the player learns what Ayesha values in friendship.

Keithgriff:  Keith got the game's allotment of conventional badass traits.  He's got the longcoat (black of course), the grouchy and cynical attitude, the mustache, the cigarettes, and so on.  On a surface level, he's the most like a main character and would be right at home in something gritty like Monster Hunter.  Heck, if we were to show someone the opening scene and the person didn't know the game's title and what it was about, they might even assume he's the main character.

But this is an Atelier game where cute and girly-girl are the norm and in this environment, he's a freak.

  I found him compelling as a character.  Perhaps it's because I'm more like him than I care to admit.  If Ayesha represents the kind of person I'd like to become, Keithgriff represents the kind of person I am at the present.  I'm not as inclined towards gratuitous insults as he is and I don't act as some self-proclaimed judge, jury, and executioner who decides who is worthy of using alchemy.  I do tend to gravitate towards a gruff manner, especially online.  I don't feel obligated to answer every question people ask of me, especially if they're asking me something that they could discover by putting in a bit of effort themselves (or I feel they're being pushy or whiny about it).  I also share the inclination to play off my helpful moments as self-interest.

  There is a scene in the game where the player can learn he was at one time just as eager and idealistic as Ayesha.  Surprise.  My fan theory is that young Kieth looked like a cross between Ernie and Ernest from Star Ocean 2 (without the 3rd eye of course).  A neat touch is that as his Friendship increases, he becomes less grumpy when you talk to him to recruit him (or not).

  Hmm, 7/10  Compelling isn't synonomous with liking the character on a personal level.  I do respect that he gives Ayesha just enough info for her to reach the next step with her own efforts.  Success does feel more rewarding if one worked for it.  If it wasn't for the put-downs and insults to Ayesha, I could find him respectable, maybe even likeable.  But she's so likeable and endearing it just doesn't make sense to be mean to her the way he does.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2020, 12:50:13 AM by DragonKnight Zero »

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Re: Rate the Characters: The World is on Fire Edition
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2020, 04:34:13 AM »
Merchants of Dusk

Erine: Ernie feels like that main merchant character of the game.  He plays a role of protective mother hen to Ayesha, most noticeably when Ranum is trying to get too romantic (read: creepy) with Ayesha.  His sidequests reveal a lot about him and his values.  Also amusing is his insecurity about his level of masculinity.  Ayesha comments on him being like a mother and he gets all uncomfortable; it's entertaining.  Really, it's OK; there's nothing wrong to fix.  Fun quirk though.

   In the Arland games, there are scenes where Primary Merchant Character gets drunk and gropes the Lead Character.  Ernie is too classy for that nonsense and doesn't engage in any of that.  Plus, it would be really creepy to do to someone who he considers family in all but blood.

8/10  Well rounded, multi-faceted side character

Marietta: More responsible than Harry and snarks at him constantly.  Likes to tease Ayesha and get her flustered (and sometimes others).  Completely oblivious to Fred's attraction to her.  There's not that much else to Marietta.  Oh, she's attracted to Keithgriff.  Which isn't that unbelievable as he seems to only be insulting towards Ayesha so Marietta wouldn't have seen that side of him.

7/10  Game does well creating a fun character from a small number of traits.

While Fred, Odelia, Kyle, Nanaca, and Ranum could fall under the merchant category since you can buy stuff from them, I don't feel like writing about them right now.