
Author Topic: Eternal Filena  (Read 1064 times)


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Eternal Filena
« on: December 03, 2017, 03:30:06 AM »
Eien no Filena      

SNES RPG that never made it to the West. Probably because lesbians.

- Stats:
HP: What you'd expect
TP: Used for skills
Atk: Damage
Def: Defense, I've attached the modifier where higher = better
Str: Component of Atk
Stm: Component of Def
Spd: How fast the ATB gauge fills up (NOT how fast moves charge). Included seconds to charge at min battle speed.
Skl: Related to accuracy. Evade theoretically but that is rare enough to not matter much.

- Skills in Eien no Filena are tied to weapons equipped. A PC can equip and freely cycle-through 3 weapons and when using those gets that access to that class of skills. Stats for weapons only matter if the PC is using it that turn.

- Turns in Eien no Filena are based upon a CTB gauge filling, selecting an attack, and then having a charge time for the attack. Recharge on the next ATB gauge will be the same.
For average speed, I used the best attack moves the PCs had access to.

- Row: PCs can select to be forward or back. Being back halves damage taken and recieved except for some PC moves which do full damage from back row.
Since mileage may vary on this, I will list damage values for the front row, (noting which moves ignore row) and include optional def values for the best row selections...
Best row selections would be: Filena->Back, Lila-> Back, Hunter->Forward, Nest->Forward.

- I included charge times by each move. Since few are likely to care much, I'm not formatting this very nicely.

- * I am putting a '*' by moves that are multi-hit as opposed to having a multiplier. For these moves, I already factored accuracy into the damage.

- Status notes:
Paralysis. This stops enemy turns until they take an attack... But HP-halving doesn't count as an attack and won't knock them out of it. So any PC except Hunter who inflicts Paralysis will win through spear skill HP-halving -> KO.
Confusion: I can't make out that this does... anything.
Freeze: Is Instant Death in a duel, otherwise like Paralysis (which is basically Instant Death ANYWAY).
Atk-Debuffing: Atk Debuffing is 20% and can stack to 90% damage reduction (20->40->60->80->90)...

HP:   5282.5   
Action Time: 16.55 (Jump Rays, Lunatic Act, and Bloody Stab) [This is for ATB charge + Attack Charge]
Damage: 1880 (2084 not factoring in accuracy for Lila/Hunter)
Filena:   Queen of Filosera   
HP:   6015 (113.9%)
TP:   710   
Atk:   669   
Def:   921   (116%)
Str:   239   
Stm:   237   
Spd:   218   (6.7 seconds)
Skl:   224   
Accuracy:   100.00%   
Phys Durability:   1.3208518694   
(Back Row Durability):   1.7330487459   
Crystal Sword: 230 Atk      
Medical Kit: 1Atk      
White Spear: 225 Atk      
Filena Shield: 185 Def      
Banded Bandana: 148 Def      
Filena Armor: 5 Atk, 241 Armor, 3 Skl      
Diamond Gauntlet: 45 Atk      
Alternate Equips:      
White spear: 225 Atk (allows Spear skills)      
Prism Necklace: Paralysis Immunity (-45 Atk)      
Goggles: Blind immunity (-45 Atk)      
Filena Sword: 255 Atk      
Neutralise (8): Cures poison      2
Recover X (20): Heals all HP to one      2
MiraCure (18): Recovers from any negative statuses      2
LifeAid X (30): Revives one ally with 1000 HP      2
Swords: 356   
F. Ripper (5):534   2.8
Accel Slash: (11): Claims to lower enemy hit-rate   534   3.2
BoltSlash (20): Electric damage, ignores row.   534   1.3
S. Return (12):712   4.6
ColdSlash (25): 50% chance to Inflict freeze on target, if attack hits.    534   7.1
Reverb S. (25):1780   7.3
Random S (30): Randomly distributed MT   1780   10.7
VacuumCut (50):MT 1424   8.6
Spears:   438   
Double Thrust (8):876   6.5
Triple Thrust (15):1314   10.6
HellishStb (15): Ignores evade. 25% chance to halve target's HP      12.7
Charge (10):1314   11.1
Drill (20): Lowers target hit-rate,1314   8.5
BloodyStb (20):2190   12.9
Pierce (25):1x Attack, 25% chance to Halve enemy HP.438   7.2
BoneCrush (20): Attack, 75% chance of Paralysis if it connects, 542   6
Weapon Crush (8): Ignores evade. 75% chance to permanently reduce target damage by 20% (Stacks 20->40->60->80->90%)      3.6
Lunatic Act (40): 1625   3.1
Crystal Weapons:   456   
White Ray (7):   Ignores Row, 684   4.4
Heavy Ray (30):   Ignores Row, 1140   7.5
Jump Ray (50): Ignores Row,   2280   9
ShowerRay (80): Ignores Row,MT 1824   13
Comments: Durable, damaging, lots of fast healing, fast status... Heavy.
Lila: Queen Consort of Filosera.      
HP:   4770 (90.3%)
TP:   769   
Atk:   498   
Def:   716   (90%)
Str:   146   
Stm:   151   
Spd:   175   (7.9 seconds)
Skl:   197   
Accuracy:   80.00%   
Front Row Durability:   81.2%   
(Back Row Durability):   107%   
Medical Kit: 1Atk      
Crystal Sword: 230 Atk      
White Spear: 225 Atk      
Gaia Shield: 123 Def      
Banded Bandana: 148 Def      
Combat Clothes: 226 Def      
Topaz Earring: 15 Atk, 22 Def      
Alternate Equips:      
Makhaira: 226 Atk, allows Sword skills      
Prism Necklace: Paralysis Immunity (-15 Atk, -22 Def)      
Goggles: Blind immunity (-15 Atk, -22 Def)      
Recover X (20): Heals all HP to one      2
Neutralise (8): Cures poison      2
MiraCure (18): Recovers from any negative statuses      2
Paralyse (8): 90% chance to inflict paralysis, ignores evade.    4.2
Vaccinate (10): Prevents Poison + Paralysis (+ other statuses?)      2
Swords:   253   
Accel Slash: (11): Lowers enemy hit-rate 379.5   3.2
BoltSlash (20): Row-ignoring Electric damage 379.5   1.3
*Reverb Slash (25): 1012   7.3
Random S (30): Unfocuses, 1012   10.7

Spears:   325   
DblThrust (8): 520   6.5
TriThrust (15): 780   10.6
HellishStb (15): 25% chance to Halve target HP      12.7
Drill (20): Lowers target hit-rate   975   8.5
BloodyStb (20): 1300   12.9
Pierce (25): 25% chance to Halve enemy HP, attacks   325   7.2
Eye Gouge (5): Reduce target accuracy      3.6
Weapon Crush (8): 75% chance to permanently reduce target damage by 20% (Stacks 20->40->60->80->90%)      3.6
Crystal: 340   
White Ray (7): 510   4.4
Heavy Ray (30): 850   7.5
Jump Ray (50): 1700   9
ShowerRay (80):MT 1360   13
Comments: While she isn't very durable (not too frail from the back row), Lila has lots of fast healing and fast evade-ignoring status. A little debuffing too. Middle/Heavy. The fast status is a bit much for Middle.
Hunter: Royal pet.   
HP:   5129 (97.1%)
TP:   683   
Atk:   726   
Def:   822   (103%)
Str:   304   
Stm:   220   
Spd:   192   (7.3)
Skl:   178   
Accuracy: 85.00%   
Phys Durability: 100%   
(Durability accounting for Filena/Lila in Back Row): 65.4%   
Wolf claw: 226 Atk      
Lassie Helm: 243 Def      
Lassie Armour: 249 Def      
Kings Mane: 120 Str (180 Atk), 50 Stm (75 Def)      
Eye Gouge (5): Reduce target accuracy      3.6
BoneCrush (20): 75% chance of Paralysis (if attack hits)    689   6
Weapon Crush (8): Ignores evade. 75% chance to permanently reduce target damage by 20% (Stacks 20->40->60->80->90%)      3.6
Throat Crush (30): 1034   5
Lunatic Act (40): 2068   3.1
Wolf Claw: 525   
BoneCrush (20): 75% chance of Paralysis (if attack hits)   1050   8.6
Throat Crush (30): 1575   8
Lunatic Act (40): 3152   5.5
Comments: While his raw stats aren't impressive, Hunter's Lunatic Act is amazingly fast and damaging. With options like Bone Crush or unarmed Lunatic Act to help too. Decent Middle?
Nest: Writer and Rebel.      
HP: 5216 (98.7%)
TP: 595   
Atk: 539   
Def: 753 (94%)
Str: 194   
Stm: 172   
Spd: 108 (11.3 seconds)
Skl: 151   
Accuracy: 65.00%   
Phys Durability: 92.8%   
(Durability accounting for Filena/Lila in Back Row): 61.2%   
Aida Spear: 211 Atk      
Sento Sword: 240 Atk      
Kvelt Hammer: 240 Atk      
Gaia Shield: 123 Def      
Crystal Helm: 132 Def      
Lamelle Armour: 240 Def      
Diamond Gauntlet: 30 Str (45 Atk)      
Alternate Equips:      
Prism Necklace: Paralysis Immunity (-45 Atk)      
Goggles: Blind immunity (-45 Atk)      
Sword Skills: 301   
BoltSlash (20): Row-ignoring Electric damage 451.5   1.3
ColdSlash (25): 50% chance to Inflict freeze on target, if attack hits. Freeze is Instant Death in a duel.   451.5   7.1
*Reverb Slash (25): 978   1.3
*Random S (30): Randomly distributed MT 978.25   10.7
Spear Skills: 379   
DblThrust (8): 758   6.5
TriThrust (15): 1137   10.6
HellishStb (15): 25% chance to Halve target HP, ignores evade      12.7
Charge (10): 1137   11.1
Drill (20): Lowers target hit-rate 1137   8.5
*BloodyStb (20): 1231.75   12.9
Pierce (25): 25% chance to Halve enemy HP, attacks   379   7.2
Hammer Skills: 303   
*Chain Buster (15): 590.85   8.7
*Random Hammer (25): 5 hits, MT, unfocuses randomly   984.75   12.4
CrushBlow (15): 25% chance to halve target HP      11
PulseWave (30):1x hit, MT   303   8
Quake (40): 2x mult attack, MT   606   12
Unarmed Skills:      
BoneCrush (20): 75% chance of Paralysis (if attack hits)   431   6
Comments: His accuracy and speed are terible. Durability as well taking into account row. His only chance is to land BoneCrush which at 17.3 seconds is only... a little bit slow turn 2 status! Light.