
Author Topic: Record of Lodoss War (SNES)  (Read 950 times)


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Record of Lodoss War (SNES)
« on: January 13, 2018, 06:11:29 AM »
Record of Lodoss War (SNES):

Prototypical JRPG!

- Combat takes place on a 3x5 grid, where the PCs start at the bottom and enemies at the top. Creatures can move by 1 (sometimes 2) and take an action/cast a spell. Attacks are range 1 while spells/projectiles have unlimited range.

- Stats:
LP: This game's version of HP.
MP: Casts spells/use abilities with this.
AT: Attack power. AT - DF = Damage (heavily randomized)
DF: Defense power
Dodge: Evasion rate. Real evasion rate is higher than listed here.
Agility: Determines who goes first in battle. Actions are decided when a turn is taken, so this is only good for going first or reapplying status.
Magic: Not sure what this does. The game features a system where enemies/PCs can 'save' against a spell and take half damage or resist an effect. But this doesn't seem to correlate.

- Level taken as 77. Enemy AT assumed to be 325 in practice (higher than randoms, lower than final boss), enemy DF assumed to be 216.

- PCs can equip a weapon, Armor, Shield, and Accessory. Accessories are non-unique and most would want the "Move 2 spaces" one.

- Some enemies can resist PC spells for 50% damage or not being hit with status, but everything is ~100% vs. regular foes at endgame (and through most of the normal game).

- Averages up top:
HP:   331
DF:   255
Dodge:   11
Agility:   196.1667 (Stdev 69.8)
Damage: 379 (2.5x KO point of 948)

LP:   382   (115%)   
MP:   210      
AT:   567      
DF:   268   (122.5%))
Dodge: 30      
Agility: 131 (-.68 stdev)   
Magic:   130      
Physical Durability: 141%      
Lawful Blade: 200 Attack         
Justice Coat: 70 Def, Regens 10% HP/turn         
Reflect Shield: 30 Dodge, 10% chance to reflect damage         
(Alternate Shield: Anti Fire, ½ fire damage, 20 Dodge)         
Attack:   351      (464 after Strongest)
Battle Cry (10): ~75% chance to cancel foes' next turn, MT      
Magic Ward (5):   Halves physical damage taken for the rest of the battle.      
Strongest (10):   Raises AT by 20% for the rest of the battle.      
Comments: Parns' physical durability, Evade, Reflection, Regen, and Magic Ward combine to make him a tough cookie to crack physically. Beyond that he can cast Strongest to get more damage. He's slow on turn 1 and he has little recourse against magic. Feels like an interesting enough Middle.   
LP:   300   (90.7%)
MP:   303      
AT:   414      
DF:   255   (99.8%)
Dodge:   20      
Agility: 200 (+0.04)   
Magic:   293      
Physical Durability: 90.5%      
Heavy Mace + 2: 120 AT         
Invincible: 50 Def, 10% chance to negate physical damage         
Anti Fire: 20 Dodge, ½ fire damage         
Attack:   198   (280 after Holy Weapon)   
Turn Undead (10):   Kills undead enemies.      
Holy Force (10)   50 magic damage to one      
Clear Mind (10)   Cures Confusion      
Bless (15):   All Allies AT+10%      
Detoxify (5): Removes poison from one ally      
Holy Weapon (10) +20% AT for one ally      
Remedy (10)   Removes abnormal status      
Sunshine (10):   Reduces def for all enemies?      
Full Heal (10):   Cures all LP and status      
Punish (40): 400 magic damage to all enemies.         
Comments: Etoh has lots of healing (~28 shots if he buffs his AT too). Beyond that, he has magic damage... and not much else.         
LP:   230   (69.5%)   
MP:   473   (143% compared to HP)   
AT:   235      
DF:   227   (71.3%)
Dodge:   0      
Agility: 129 (-0.7 Stdev)   [258 / +0.65 stdev after Quick]
Magic:   368      
Physical Durability:   ***   1.0187991569   (Accounting for taking hits from MP)
Dagger +1: 20 AT         
Harmless: 30 Def, damage taken is removed from MP instead of LP.         
Attack:   19   (66 after Strongest)   
Dispel (10):   Cancels field effects.      
Numb Cloud (8): Puts enemy to sleep, 50% chance of sleep wearing off at the end of every round.         
Spider Web (10): Puts enemy in a web (Can't move or take actions). 50% chance of wearing off at the end of every round.         
Magic Blast (10): 100 magic damage to one.         
Drain (5): Reduces target def         
Elec Bolt (15):   100 Lighting damage to a line      
Quick (5):   Increases speed for the rest of the battle, seems to be double speed      
Fireball (20)   200 Fire damage to a 2x2 area      
Omni Shield (10): Increases def by 20% for all party members.         
Shrivel (10):   Reduces target Def      
Elec Bind (25)   150 Lighning damage to a 2x2 area. Those squares take 150 damage at end of round for 3 turns      
Blizzard (30):   250 Ice damage to a 2x2 area      
Disintegrate (25):    100% Instant Death to endgame enemies vulnerable to it (many endgame enemies are boss rehashes that are immune to ID, but several are susceptible and it is amazing throughout the game)      
Meteostrike (30): 400 magic damage to a 3x3 area (on a 3x5 board!)         
Magic Ward (5):   Halves physical damage taken for the rest of the battle. (Does not stack with Omni Shield)      
Strongest (10):   Raises AT by 20% for the rest of the battle.      
Comments:100% ID is his selling point. He has other statuses (Sleep, Spider Web), but their function requires him to be faster than an enemy so he can reapply it if it wears off. Quick can help with that. Feels like a Middle/Heavy? Being slow on turn 1 is not good.         
LP:   470   (142%)   
MP:   131      
AT:   565      
DF:   260   (107%)
Dodge:   0      
Agility: 123 (-0.77 stdev)   
Magic:   130      
Physical Durability: 153%      
Maul+2:   180 AT, 2-handed (No Shield), can attack diagnoly.      
Regeneration: 50 Def, regens 10% HP at the end of every round         
Attack:   349      
Riot Attack (10): 349 Damage to all surrounding enemies.      
Comments: Low 3HKO with good physical durability and is slow to the draw. Regen + Pdur is a nasty combo for middling fighters so he makes Middle?         
LP:   300   (90.7%)   
MP:   237      
AT:   410      
DF:   265 (116%)
Dodge: 20      
Agility: 223 (+0.28 stdev)   
Magic: 293      
Physical Durability: 106%      
Silver Rapier:   120 AT      
Elven Mail:   60 DF      
Medium+2   20 Dodge      
Attack:   194   (317 after Fanaticism)   
FireBlast (10):   100 fire damage to a single target      
Silence (8):   100% Silence to one target      
Fire Shroud (10)   Creates a shroud for ~3 turns that halves fire/cold damage and makes nearby foes take ~50 damage at the end of a round.      
Snare (10):   Locks enemy in position. They can act but not move. 50% chance of wearing off at the end of a round.      
Blink (5):   Move anywhere on the field.      
Fire Column (20):   100 Fire damage to a single target. Foes remaining in that area take 100 damage at the end of a round for ~3 turns.      
Fanaticism (25): +30% AT, -20% DF         
Valk Lance (25): 350 Magic Lightning damage to one target         
Ice Column (25): 150 Magic damage, freezes target (50% chance of unfreezing at end of each round, failing to unfreeze takes ~75 damage). Works. On. Bosses.      
Firestorm (30):   200 Fire damage to a 2x2 area      
Vortex (25): 100% Instant Death to endgame enemies vulnerable to it (many endgame enemies are boss rehashes that are immune to ID, but several are susceptible and it is amazing throughout the game)      
Earthquake (40): 350 magic earth damage to a 3x3 area      
Summons: They suck and are OHKO'd by pretty much anything and do no damage. But they replace her on the field so may take a called shot for her or waste time for 10 MP.
Comments: Above average speed and has Instant Death is good. Ice Column works on bosses (barring sufficent magic/ice res) but requires her to be faster. Snare and Blink can give some melee immunity arguably (Snare if she is faster only). Fanaticism is really only good for extending her damage with an Ice Column run. Heavy with the ID alone, the rest is just extra.         
LP:   303   (92%)
MP:   251      
AT:   429      
DF:   256   (101%)
Dodge:   0      
Agility: 371 (+1.83 stdev)   
Magic: 141      
Physical Durability: 92.7%      
Heavy X-Bow +2   120 AT      
Hard Leather +2   40 DF      
Attack:   213 [426/turn with Fleetfoot]      
Fleetfoot (10):   Act and move twice in one turn (so gets 2x attacks/turn)      
Comments: A little bit above average damage (by attacking twice) and he tends to go first round one. Makes a Light/Middle borderliner?         

« Last Edit: January 13, 2018, 03:50:19 PM by Pyro »