
Author Topic: Return of the Hair Tourney: Stage 4 difficulty spike  (Read 694 times)

DragonKnight Zero

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Return of the Hair Tourney: Stage 4 difficulty spike
« on: October 01, 2018, 05:49:31 AM »
The red team and the brown team put up a tough fight before being knocked out.  Four teams left vying for the top of the heap.

Blond: Primm (SoM), Tidus (FFX), Alisa (ToCS), Sonya (Suiko1)
Black: Yuri Lowell (ToV), Zersae (Suiko5), Fang (FF13), Sancho (FM4)

Sancho has items that work on teammates.  Black also has the bad luck to be facing the undefeated team so winning this match won't knock them out of the running.

Silver: Lenneth (VP), Souji (Persona 4), Chris (Suiko3), Marcus (FE6)
Green: Elincia (FE10), Clive (WA3), Emeralda (XG), Terra (FF6)

Hassou Tobi banned.  Marcus is FE6 form only.

Depending on how things go, this may be the final round of the main tourney.  Got some bonus fights cooking so there will be at least one additional week of matches to vote on.

Short form

Blond vs Black
Silver vs Green

Bonus: Djinn special

  Despite the beating they took in last week's bonus match, the purple haired fighters still have fighting spirit running through them.  Ultros paying them helps too.  Anyways, they call up the pink team and offer to meet them for a friendly spar.  Interested in having a win, the pink haired fighters accept.

  Of course, the purple haired fighters left out the part about outnumbering them.  How convenient.  Unknown to them, a fifth pink hair fighter is coming along to cheer her contemporaries on and may decide to join them on the field when she becomes aware of the numbers difference.  It's all conjecture though.

Purple: Camilla (FE14), Neifirst (PS2), Lucca (CT), Meredy (ToE), Mia (FE9), Odd Eye (SF1)
Pink: Jess (MK), Arche (ToP), Et (MK2), Makalov (FE series)   Optional: Rika (PS4)

Bonus: Endurance round Advance

  A special challenge for the four teams that have been eliminated so they can see some more action.  All they have to do is defeat a pair of fighters.  How hard can it be?

  The dynamic duo of Shadow and Relm are the challengers.  They have been granted some gamebreaking setups though.

  Shadow comes equipped with Merit Award and Memento Ring.  With his equipment set of Lightbringer, Paladin Shield, Green Beret, and Force Armor he's got the mad ninja dodging skills.  (for those not familiar with FF6, that's perfect evasion and magic evade)  Just landing a hit on him is a challenge and his elemental resistance (absorb or null every element) is yet another hurdle for his opposition.  Even if someone gets a strike past his evasion, his defenses are decently solid. He also learned Esuna unlikely as it is he'll need it.  It's really just there to enable painful auto-criticals from Lightbringer.

  Relm comes into the arena being allowed the usage of a Magus Rod and Aegis Shield.  Her relics are locked to Memento Ring and White Cape.  Magic is mostly out against her 99 Magic Evade as she'll dodge over 75% of spells thrown her way.  She also lacks the evasion of her father but her equipment set still leaves her quite sturdy against physical assaults.  She also has been granted the use of the following magic:

Cure 2, Cure 3, Reraise, Bolt 3, Holy, Flare, Meteor, Flood, Hastega, Valor, Osmose

More than a match for a single team, the challenge is how many they can defeat in a continuous match.  When one team falls, the next steps up to continue the battle.  Shadow and Relm do not get their HP/MP/status restored between teams.  "Anything goes" clause is disabled for this specific match.  Other than the equipment and magic granted to the challengers, nothing outside normal dueling setups will be used.  Shadow is still limited to buyable and easily farmable throwing weapons.

As for team order, it's voters' choice.  Or you can use the sequence I rolled of Pink, Blue, Brown, Red

Vote is for number of teams that gamebreaker Shadow and Relm defeat before they fall.  If they fall, that is.

Hair color teams for convenient reference:
Pink: Jess (MK), Arche (ToP), Et (MK2), Makalov (FE series)
Blue: Rena (SO2), Rudy (WA1), Artea (Lufia 2), Magus (CT)
Brown: Lilka (WA2), Elc (AtL2), Towa (ToCS), Arnuad (WA4)
Red: Aurora (CoL), Millenia (Grandia 2), Jessica (DQ8), Agate (Trails series)

Rena still has that Mental Ring.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2018, 01:20:51 AM by DragonKnight Zero »


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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: Stage 4 difficulty spike
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2018, 07:52:47 AM »
Blond vs Black
I dunno what Black's argument is here.  Silver could definitely cheeze it out with the right conditions vs. Blond, but Black just packs it in.  gg to Blond, I think they safely win.

Silver vs Green
Silver is the #2 team, yup.  Absolute best is something like Emeralda & Elincia take out Lenneth, but surely Yu Megidolaon / Chris / Marcus damage take out Terra before she gets a turn, unless she blocks both Chris & Marcus or something.  Yu can solo from there with a phys-immune Persona, what's Emeralda going to do, use her 4-5HKO Ethers?

Purple vs. Pink
I'll let Djinn chime in on this.  Pink should probably win with Rika on her side and probably lose without is my kneejerk


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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: Stage 4 difficulty spike
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2018, 08:23:12 AM »
Leaning Pink with Rika. Rika is fast, can buff all her teammates Evasion (against a nearly almost all evasion team), Lucca can be sniped before she acts. Meredy...can cause a few issues (MT OPB Pain), but Jessica can likely neurtralize that.
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Random Consonant

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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: Stage 4 difficulty spike
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2018, 09:12:03 AM »
Blond: Primm (SoM), Tidus (FFX), Alisa (ToCS), Sonya (Suiko1)
Black: Yuri Lowell (ToV), Zersae (Suiko5), Fang (FF13), Sancho (FM4)


Silver: Lenneth (VP), Souji (Persona 4), Chris (Suiko3), Marcus (FE6)
Green: Elincia (FE10), Clive (WA3), Emeralda (XG), Terra (FF6)

I mean I really doubt Megidolaon/Chris physical/Marcus physical works to take out Terra before she gets a turn because Almighty attacks are sort of ass but it's not like Team Silver lacks for options here (honestly Yu probably just hits Elincia with Debilitate so she can't kill anyone by herself and Lenneth murders Terra what with her being faster and all.  Or Die For Me but that does run into Elincia's massive luck stat.  Whatever, y'all get the idea).

Purple: Camilla (FE14), Neifirst (PS2), Lucca (CT), Meredy (ToE), Mia (FE9), Odd Eye (SF1)
Pink: Jess (MK), Arche (ToP), Et (MK2), Makalov (FE series)   Optional: Rika (PS4)

Saner is too much for Team Purple, too many people who ram into it even under the least charitable views and the people who don't are gonna die too fast.  Team Pink loses without Rika but that's not really a surprise.

Endurance Match:

Oh misread the event.  Anyways Shadow/Relm pretty much just walk over everyone regardless, don't think the order matters much here  (Weakener is a cute trick but it wears off and no one can really capitalize on it what with all the Mblock going around).  Elfboy does raise a point about Team Blue being able to troll a bit with two revivers but that requires me to see Rudy as having anything ITE to view it as anything other than a mild nuisance and that's just not happening based off of WA1o.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2018, 01:28:11 AM by Random Consonant »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: Stage 4 difficulty spike
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2018, 12:57:13 AM »
Blond vs Black
Silver vs Green

Blond vs Silver was the finals, yep.

Pink/Purple is decided by Rika pretty clearly, Pink with her > Purple > Pink without her.

Relm/Shadow generally are nearly impossible for the teams to kill, but oddly I think the biggest challenge for them comes from Blue. Relm/Shadow don't have any way to gun down multiple enemies at once (they combine for a bit past PCHP between them), so Rena/Artea can revive each other until one of them runs out of resources. Rudy probably ignores evade with some stuff, enough to harry Relm/Shadow in the meantime and make them burn resources doing gross things like healing... actually nah, they just keep killing Rudy and make Artea/Rena run out of MP reviving him instead. That... probably works? Requires a generous budget for thrown weapons but eh sure.

Everyone else just gets wrecked. Magic Burst sucks here even if it's seen as ITE for some reason (which I wouldn't agree with, it's normal magic mechanically), Relm halves it and has high MDef.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: Stage 4 difficulty spike
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2018, 01:14:10 AM »
For the endurance match, it's all four teams in a row vs. Shadow and Relm.  Those two are the ones facing an endurance fight.  Doesn't seem fair does it?   ;D

Blond vs Black: Tidus in a team match, ha ha ha.  And Hasted Primm status havoc.  Fang has her own skillset for undoing Tidus speed hax and Sancho can cure status so black isn't completely doomed from the first Slowga landing but they're already behind in the race.  (also doesn't help that Sancho himself has no defense against being set on fire)

Silver vs Green: Silent Lake screws Terra over badly but maybe not the best idea with Elincia in play.  Team Silver is still very dangerous.  Green did well in recovering from a first round loss but I think they're punching way past their weight class here.  Silver will gang up on Terra and dismantle from there.  Even if one is generous and allows Emeralda to live long enough to build a Combo, taking out one opponent won't be decisive enough.

Bonus: Abstain

Endurance: Relm reduces physical damage by about 35% and magical damage by about 45%.  Shadow's actual defenses are less special being just slightly below average against physical damage that gets past his evasion (ha ha), and only 167 M. Def to Relm's 193.  Four average damage physicals are just enough to KO Relm from full health.

It's probably best for brown to go first since Towa sticking elemental weakness will persist.  Pink may be able to heal lock Relm for a while (until her 37 evade kicks in) but lack anything to deal with Shadow.  Blue can stall for a long time if Rena lives long enough to get key buffs up but unless Rudy has something decisive, they're not getting any offense in.  Good god, they can stall for a very long time though.  Red, oh hey the rest of Jessica's skillset will see use since Magic Burst just fizzles against all the magic evade and elemental resistance.

All four  If red goes first, and see Jessica and Agate living long enough for Jessica to buff Agate into overkill range, than maybe.  Not seeing that though, would be funny if Green Beret's +12.5% HP was the deciding factor.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 03:40:31 AM by DragonKnight Zero »

DragonKnight Zero

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Re: Return of the Hair Tourney: Stage 4 difficulty spike
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2018, 03:43:49 AM »

Blond vs Black
Silver vs Green

A one-sided slaughter

Bonus: Pink with Rika wins against Purple but loses without in a unanimous decision.

Endurance: Overpowered Relm and Shadow stomp all their challengers.

Next set will be up in a few hours.