
Author Topic: Proving Grounds Low Light: The Prophesized Concert  (Read 1318 times)


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Proving Grounds Low Light: The Prophesized Concert
« on: November 06, 2018, 11:55:38 PM »
Since Futurama's finished up, more newish blood.  We have two "responsible" sisters who are showed up by their irresponsible yet more powerful siblings, 2 different musicians (maybe 3 if you count fortune telling as a performance?), and the blessings of the bishop.

Nara/Meena (Dragon Quest IV) - The classic combo of terrible durability and bad damage.  Vote whichever form you like, although DQ4o Nara is Punier of course.
Lauren (Cosmic Star Heroine) - Will totally status you out with Confuse..  for 1 turn, and only if Lauren gives up her Hyper turn for it, the one turn she can emit something resembling damage.
Flora (Fire Emblem Fates) - Spoils mages.  Pity about the worse nearly everything else compared to her sister...
Performer (Bravely Second) - Much improved from BD...  mostly because there's only one place to go, and that was up, and Performer is still goddamn terrible.
Bishop (Bravely Second) - Lots of healing!  No damage whatsoever, but hey, healing.

Nara/Meena (Dragon Quest IV) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default)
Nara/Meena vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
Nara/Meena vs. Setzer (FF6)
Nara/Meena vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Nara/Meena vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3)
Nara/Meena vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II)
Nara/Meena vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Nara/Meena vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Nara/Meena vs. Guido (Grandia)
Nara/Meena vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Nara/Meena vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3)
Nara/Meena vs. Harley (FF4 The After Years)

Lauren (Cosmic Star Heroine) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default)
Lauren vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
Lauren vs. Setzer (FF6)
Lauren vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Lauren vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3)
Lauren vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II)
Lauren vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Lauren vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Lauren vs. Guido (Grandia)
Lauren vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Lauren vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3)
Lauren vs. Harley (FF4 The After Years)

Flora (FE Fates) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default)
Flora vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
Flora vs. Setzer (FF6)
Flora vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Flora vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3)
Flora vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II)
Flora vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Flora vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Flora vs. Guido (Grandia)
Flora vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Flora vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3)
Flora vs. Harley (FF4 The After Years)

Performer (Bravely Second) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default)
Performer vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
Performer vs. Setzer (FF6)
Performer vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Performer vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3)
Performer vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II)
Performer vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Performer vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Performer vs. Guido (Grandia)
Performer vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Performer vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3)
Performer vs. Harley (FF4 The After Years)

Bishop (Bravely Second) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default)
Bishop vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
Bishop vs. Setzer (FF6)
Bishop vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Bishop vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3)
Bishop vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II)
Bishop vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Bishop vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Bishop vs. Guido (Grandia)
Bishop vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Bishop vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3)
Bishop vs. Harley (FF4 The After Years)


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Re: Proving Grounds Low Light: The Prophesized Concert
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2018, 09:07:16 AM »
Nara/Meena (Dragon Quest IV) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default)- Abstain, depends entirely which form you vote on. NES loses,  DS wins.
Nara/Meena vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)- Kongol should go first turn 1 due to LoD mechanical wonkiness (IIRC someone said speed was less important on turn one?) Even if he doesn't, I don't think Meena 2HKOs him with wind magic. He easily 2HKOs back with ID attached so yeah no.
Nara/Meena vs. Setzer (FF6)- NOPE. Setzer not good but he's a cut above this field.
Nara/Meena vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)- On top of the speed advantage, Nanami resists wind.  Meena's eating a crit to the face sooner rather than later.
Nara/Meena vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3)- Meena can barely damage Nina due to wind defense and her physical is so pathetic that Blunt should shut it down nicely. Flipside is that Meena can't resist Thunder and is much slower so she's horribly heal locked.
Nara/Meena vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II)- Heal lock. Next!
Nara/Meena vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)- See White Mage.
Nara/Meena vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)- Should double offhand? Isadora's offense is pretty bad but Meena durability is a thing.
Nara/Meena vs. Guido (Grandia)- Guido's best damage is his physical and he had much less STR than Justin. He bad.
Nara/Meena vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)- Leon somehow worse than Guido.  He blocks wind and he still gets stomped by Meena. SO2 mages have trouble outdamaging Claude's *physical*, to give you an idea how bad they are on offense. Meena just goes for the physical smash route here. Her damage is good enough to outpace Leon's 'regen' if he goes that route and she has sleep to throw in the mix if for some reason she needs it.
Nara/Meena vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3)- Meena resists the breath attacks, I think that's enough.
Nara/Meena vs. Harley (FF4 The After Years)- Good lord, Meena's slower and can't stop a paralysis blitz. That is so sad.

Meena: 3-7. Bad.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 09:10:49 AM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Proving Grounds Low Light: The Prophesized Concert
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2018, 11:46:44 PM »
Nara/Meena (Dragon Quest IV) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default) - Ew.
Nara/Meena vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon) - Meena is about -0.5 SD below average and assuming LoD speed is half as effective turn 1 that shouldn't be slow enough for Kongol to outspeed even with my take on SDs.  And Kaswoosh does look like it 2HKOs at base (dragoon form would be a nice idea if the offense wasn't crap) so no dice.
Nara/Meena vs. Setzer (FF6) - Sure.
Nara/Meena vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2) - Yeah that's a 3-2 turnsplit under my views right there so Meena doesn't have a whole lot of breathing room.
Nara/Meena vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3) - I guess?  Nina doesn't manage the heal lock to me but Blunt + Robe of Wind just makes trying to accomplish anything so miserable.
Nara/Meena vs. Dancer (FF Tactics) - Surely not Dancer.
Nara/Meena vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7) - Speed was Isadora's one good stat so iron sword probably lets her double here and... yeah that looks like it does heal lock.
Nara/Meena vs. Guido (Grandia) - Surely not Guido
Nara/Meena vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2) - SURELY NOT LEON
Nara/Meena vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3) - Not respecting Shady damage enough for this.

Flora (FE Fates) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default) -  Above average magical durability and Tomebreaker.
Flora vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon) - On top of everything else, knives have WTD against axes.  Because that's really what you want against Kongol when you're frail, undamaging, and probably not fast enough to double.
Flora vs. Setzer (FF6) - Doubles and 3HKOs.  Ranged counters and Icy Blood not likely to be of enough help here.
Flora vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2) - Nope.
Flora vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3) - This could be off, but Flora's offense is probably bad enough at base Blunt matters yet again here, and cutting its chance of landing by -10% isn't really gonna help enough.  Nina can just beat her to death with a staff once she's done trashing attack without fear, I think.
Flora vs. Dancer (FF Tactics) - Being -6 AS to average is really great.
Flora vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7) - On the subject of being -6 AS to average, it also lets Isadora one-round with a silver sword. 
Flora vs. Guido (Grandia) - Well Flora goes first this time, so that's nice.  Anyways Guido doesn't quite 3HKO so I think an opening silver dagger to the face should keep Flora from getting doubled long enough to leverage the counter advantage.
Flora vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2) - Surely not Leon.
Flora vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3) - Counters and doubles offset, and again not respecting Shady damage.


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Re: Proving Grounds Low Light: The Prophesized Concert
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2018, 12:28:09 AM »
Nara/Meena (Dragon Quest IV) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default)
4x Holies do .61 PCHP to me.  That's a turn 1 KO to DQ4NES.  Presumably DQ4DS Meena elementally buffs up and outlasts?
Nara/Meena vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
I'll buy Random's hype, the wind weakness means Nara's damage is mysteriously okay, and Kongol should outspeed nothing ever.
Nara/Meena vs. Setzer (FF6)
Classic healer busting.
Nara/Meena vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Nanami might not always heal-lock due to damage variance, but barring Nara getting super-lucky with Sleep, it's not gonna help.
Nara/Meena vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II)
Heallock until a double.
Nara/Meena vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Dancer might also heal-lock.  Fail.
Nara/Meena vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Nara/Meena vs. Guido (Grandia)
I think Guido heal-locks while immuning Sleep.  Fail.
Nara/Meena vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Surely can handle Leon's damage.
Nara/Meena vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3)
Surely can handle this damage, right?  Right?

Since some of Lauren's moves are le garbage in-game due to stealing Style/Hyper gague/etc. from more useful teammates, I'm inclined to be pretty strict about damage averages & the like with her.  (I'd be inclined to be generous for others due to some crazy YOLO strats being in the damage average, but not when you are one of the people using a crazy strat.)

Lauren (Cosmic Star Heroine) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default)
WM needs 7 Holies to kill, so can heal twice or so.  If you let CSH confuse force WM to waste MP, I guess this might be doable, but Lauren's damage is so bad that I think that a mere 2 heals is enough.  Doesn't help that Lauren's wind magic hits the wrong defensive stat. WM might have to wait 1 extra turn if she'd give Lauren a desperation-Hyper turn for Desperate Stab, but she just does that then.
Lauren vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
Even with Hypers hitting wind weakness and magic defense, Lauren's damage is just so pathetic I don't think it matters.  Going desperate screws up her take-another-turn moves too after Kongol finishes 2HKOing Lauren.  She could fish for Confuse but it'd be at the cost of losing all her damage.  No.
Lauren vs. Setzer (FF6)
Lauren vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Lauren vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II)
The good news is that MOMO is frail enough to be killed in 3 turns, the bad news is she's faster and 3HKOs first.
Lauren vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Dancer 4HKOs or so…  can Lauren make something happen in 3 turns?  No, Lauren can't even KO Dancer's cruddy durability in 3 turns.  Sheesh.
Lauren vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Isadora a little less frail than I recall, Lauren isn't killing in 3 turns here either, but she might win if she did since she probably evades counters.
Lauren vs. Guido (Grandia)
Lauren once more misses a 3RKO and Guido is status-immune.
Lauren vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Okay, I think Lauren can hustle this one out at least.
Lauren vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3)
And this?  Please?

Flora (FE Fates) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default)
Mage.  While it takes awhile, WM can't really kill here.
Flora vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
Not a mage, weapon triangle disadvantage for extra despair.
Flora vs. Setzer (FF6)
ITD is actually bad vs. Flora - but it hardly matters, and Setzer opens with a double for extra insult.
Flora vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Not a mage, and also easily doubles even after the speed debuff.  Even Super Flora with 2x HP would probably lose.
Flora vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II)
Flora vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Flora kills in 4 attacks, baking in the debuffing, but can't stop Dancer's double even with a speed debuff.  Can Dancer kill in 4 attacks?  Yeah, pretty easy, she probably does it in 3 attacks if she needs to.
Flora vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
I think Isadora will still double with a Silver Lance, even despite the weight hit, and avoid WTA woes, and that's that.
Flora vs. Guido (Grandia)
Guido 4HKOs, but gets Speed debuffed so doesn't double.  He isn't surviving 7x Flora attacks.
Flora vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Flora vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3)
Flora can surely outslug this at least.  I hope.

Dancer / Guido / Isadora all ended up around the same durability, a little surprising.  Anyway, massive failure detected, not too surprising.

Nara: 3-7
Lauren: 2-8
Flora: 4-6


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Re: Proving Grounds Low Light: The Prophesized Concert
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2018, 12:31:07 AM »
Nara/Meena (Dragon Quest IV) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default): More healing. Sleep evens out speed.
Nara/Meena vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
Nara/Meena vs. Setzer (FF6): FF6 can't block sleep?
Nara/Meena vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Nara/Meena vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3): Nina.
Nara/Meena vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II): 2HKOs first?
Nara/Meena vs. Dancer (FF Tactics): Fullhealing.
Nara/Meena vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Nara/Meena vs. Guido (Grandia)
Nara/Meena vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Nara/Meena vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3)

Healing and sleep is pretty good.

Lauren (Cosmic Star Heroine) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default): Just wins a damage race.
Lauren vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon): Plenty of time to kill her.
Lauren vs. Setzer (FF6)
Lauren vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Lauren vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3): Nina durability.
Lauren vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II): Seals the deal with Desperation.
Lauren vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Lauren vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Lauren vs. Guido (Grandia)
Lauren vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Lauren vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3): Somehow wins a damage war?

Performer (Bravely Second) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default): Buffs defenses, tanks forever.
Performer vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
Performer vs. Setzer (FF6): ITD and status!
Performer vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Performer vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3): Nina's magic will be tinking.
Performer vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II): Momo's reliance on Magic bites her.
Performer vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Performer vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Performer vs. Guido (Grandia)
Performer vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2): Mdef.
Performer vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3): Buffed defenses.

Bishop (Bravely Second) vs. White Mage (Bravely Default): Less reliant on MP.... gods.
Bishop vs. Kongol (Legend of Dragoon)
Bishop vs. Setzer (FF6)
Bishop vs. Nanami (Suikoden 2)
Bishop vs. Nina (Breath of Fire 3): Blunt -> tinking?
Bishop vs. MOMO (Xenosaga II): Not magic damage.
Bishop vs. Dancer (FF Tactics)
Bishop vs. Isadora (Fire Emblem 7)
Bishop vs. Guido (Grandia)
Bishop vs. Leon (Star Ocean 2)
Bishop vs. Shady Thousand (Wild Arms 3): Healing is enough with that damage.
Bishop vs. Harley (FF4 The After Years)