Author Topic: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.  (Read 2090 times)


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It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« on: January 31, 2019, 01:50:22 AM »
Law questions. Would you support:

1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21.

2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling.

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders)

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house.

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate?

Wheel of morality:

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrant? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc.

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much?


8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it?

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means?



10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless?

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification?

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so?

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home?

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future?


15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next?

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers?

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite?

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be?

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard?

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself?
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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2019, 02:22:21 AM »
Law questions. Would you support:

1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21.

Hrm.  Probably not.

2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling.

Have you SEEN me rant about these indoctrination camps?  Fuckin' Quiverfull y'all.

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders)

Nah.  Just do vaccinations anyway.

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house.

off the cuff definitely.  There could be drawbacks I havne't looked into but... yeah.

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate?

Not phrased like that.  It might be more relevant to restrict how much housing a particular entity can own in a region?  You're asking a more specific question than this phrasing implies obviously but it's one of those issues where the broad strokes are seemingly obvious but the right implementation is tricky.

Wheel of morality:

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrant? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc.

There is no ethical employment under capitalism... but there are limits.

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much?

My medium term plans often involve cutting out most of my family beyond probably my sister (and that'll probably be cutting off then letting her back in unfortunately).  Damaged isn't the right wording, really, there's never been a true falling out, just... pick your battles.


8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it?

New York.  ~~~~~

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means?

Lemme know when we have teleporters.



10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless?

I'm not entirely sure if we have homeless.

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification?

I'm not sure how to avoid it honestly.  The concept of folks getting priced out of their homes and having to go to ever-shittier living environments is disgusting, but like... fuck, how do you prevent it without just saying "nope all our buildings can just crumble to dust and get shitty".  Well, aside from mass nationalization of housing but that is... a task.

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so?

Pipe dream.  I'd kinda like to live somewhere I don't need to, I legitimately kinda hate driving as an activity, but... *shrug*

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home?

I want to move away dammit.

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future?

I can't imagine that ever happening.


15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next?

Kingdom Hearts III JUST came out like... yesterday, so I'll just say that, close enough.

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers?

From your phrasing I assume you're more focused on scheduled watching?  I do catch one of TeamFourStar's streams (although it's on hiatus), and once in a while I binge through some show DVDs, but that's about it aside from stuff like AGDQ.

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite?

Not in years and years.

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be?

Well... I'm not in the ground, so...

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard?

Retirement is a pipe dream for anyone under 60.

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself?

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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2019, 02:30:09 AM »
1. Strongly oppose. If you're old enough to join the military or sign up for 100k plus in debt, you're old enough to smoke. Drinking age should also be lowered to 18.

2. Strongly oppose. Home schooling is a good thing; it gives students who struggle in the traditional classroom setting a fair chance. I'm completely fine with private schools at well. Things like religious instruction have no place in a public circulucum, but I have no problem with parents who are willing to pay twice (taxes and private school) in order to get the education they want.

3. Stongly support. I almost always try to favor the option that increases freedom. I make an exception for this as vaccines are safe and not taking them provides a huge health risk. You don't have a right to make others sick because you're too stupid to understand what a scam that vaccines cause autism study was. That moron who published the vaccines causes autism study should be summarily fired into the nearest volcano.

4. Oppose. I don't think it'll help with the problems in our government. Open to suggetsions on this one though.

5. Oppose. I was reading about Vancouver and some of the issues there with people from abroad buying houses there as a safe spot for their money, but eh. By and large I don't think it's a large enough issue in the US to merit any kind of law; especially IIRC it's something that that is handled at the state level here.

Wheel of morality:

6. If they pay me enough and I'm not committing a crime? I don't really care. You have to separate what you do from your personal beliefs.

7. There are a couple of distant cousins who I have had arguments over it, but largely not. I just try and avoid discussion with most people on the issues.


8. Went from VA Beach to West Virginia; it was a spur of the moment trip between changing jobs and was amazing. The New River Gorge area has some of the best scenery in the world.

9. Flying's quick but too expensive. A road trip where I'm not sitting on some godforsaken stretch of highway with 10 trillion other cars (Fuck you I-95) is ideal. I took the Acela train for DLC and that was great, minus the random train fire and the several hour delay.  (Sorry Sierra)



10. Right where I live no, but the surrounding areas do. I don't give money to the homeless. I've had some bad experiences with them, I don't want the hassle and risk.

11. Gentrification's a good thing. Oh no, property values are going on and areas are getting nicer. Yeah it can go way too far and I understand economic concerns, but neighborhoods change; nothing's static there.

12. No. I love owning a car. There's nothing like the freedom to get up when you want and just go. That isn't to say I dislike city life; I walk to work and can walk to a lot of the places I want to go. But the freedom to see what you want on your own schedule is priceless to me. I wouldn't want to move to say DC for this reason.

13. I'm about 3 hours away from home right now. Close enough for weekend trips, far enough to avoid drama. I'd consider moving back if the right job offer came along, mostly.

14. I am not, but I wouldn't mind owning a home. It's prohibitively expensive here though. Boo.


15. I'm super excited for Peace Talks. Butcher's working hard on it. Oh, for those that missed it: Christmas story set after Peace Talks. :_:

16. I watch sports and that's mostly it from TV. Oh! I did watch ducktails with my niece and enjoyed it, it's a pretty good remake.  I watch video streamers. Marbozir's my favorite, I also watch a lot of FF4:Free Enterprise as well.

17. I love board and card games. Can't pick a favorite but I do love Hearts.

Long term:

18. 10 years ago: Working part time in a library, starting to take college classes again. 5 years ago: moved back home after a job in LA didn't work out. I'm not sure if this is where I expected to be, but it works. Can't complain.

19. Yes and sort of. Depends on if I stick with the county long term.

20. That I seriously considered law school and only declined it because of debt. That and the whole talking to the same group of internet people for half of my life.

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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2019, 02:37:05 AM »
Law questions. Would you support:

1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21.
If you're old enough to go die in a war, you're old enough to exercise your right to be a moron and poison yourself.

2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling.
I'm a big believer in public schools but I still vote no to this. I think having a safety valve against a possible autocratic government forcing indoctrination of children is a good idea, although in practice this is probably a principled stand rather than a rational one since said authoritarian government would just eliminate home schooling then (or otherwise blacklist children who did it).

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders)
Jailed? That's definitely extreme. Maybe punish them financially in some way to soft discourage it (e.g. reduce/nullify tax breaks for said children), since really the goal of herd immunity is to get *enough* people immune. A few immoral freaks are fine.

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house.
Don't really care strongly about this one. I do favour term limits on the supreme court if it can't otherwise be depoliticized.

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate?
Don't feel strongly about this one. They're a pretty easy tax target I suppose. Do favour taxes on unoccupied houses, whatever the nationality of the owner.

Wheel of morality:

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrant? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc.
Yes. At the same time, I understand that not everyone has the financial privelege I have to say this confidently.

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much?
Not that I can think of, but then again I'm not friends with trollish alt-right stereotypes, and I feel like I can get along with everyone else politcally.


8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it?
Went to Oklahoma. It was relaxing aside from travel and we caught up with some people and ate some good food so that was nice, even if Oklahoma in winter isn't a place you go to for its own sake.

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means?
Depends on the distance. Usually fly just for speed reasons.


10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless?
There are homeless people in most cities. I've supported charities that support them in the past (not really currently doing so at the moment), almost never give them money personally.

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification?
It's an economic process which can have victims. Like a few other economic topics, I generally think conversations about how to reduce its damage to victims are practical and worth having, but trying to block the process entirely is foolhardy.

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so?
I don't drive and I feel like most times I accept rides from my family is for their sake rather than mine! Obviously I have occasional uses for a vehicle ('sup, moving things) and I'll happily drive/borrow from family then but I could survive those on car sharing / rentals easily if I needed to.

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home?
My permanent address has been in Vancouver since I was 5.

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future?
No, and yes, definitely getting there. We'll see on the specifics.


15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next?
The next Fire Emblem. Always the next Fire Emblem.

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers?
No except for some sports (and we don't have cable, so we pretty much just get what comes on the over-the-air TV and free streams from our national broadcaster). No to the latter entirely and I dislike the culture that has grown up around it.

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite?
Does D&D count as a board game? Then definitely that. Otherwise there are some things I will play with friends if they push for it but rarely something I'll suggest myself, I definitely feel like I enjoy it less than most nerds.

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be?
2009... yeah, honestly, most everything about my life has taken a predictable trajectory since then. In a good way.

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard?
Teaching is sometimes stressful, but worry? Nah. It's a profession for which I can't see demand dropping even as the job market reshapes itself.

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself?
I didn't think I'd end up in teaching then, but I'd probably be even more surprised that I would marry someone I met from the internet.

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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2019, 02:43:06 AM »
Law questions. Would you support:

1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21.


2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling.

No. They should not in ANY WAY be assisted by the state though

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders)

No. I would prevent them from attending public schools though.

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house.

No. People can vote the fuckers out.

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate?


Wheel of morality:

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrant? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc.

Yes. Had the chance to apply to work at an oil company, I did not apply.

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much?

Yes and no. Most of the people who I disagree with politically in my family are dicks anyway. I've lost respect for a couple of friends over things like abortion, gay marriage, and Trump but nothing earth shaking.


8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it?

Went to Australia and hung out with people. It was a good time. Brisbane was touristy, Melbourne was full of Grefter. Went to NY a few weeks later too. OH FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT OKLAHOMA THAT WAS BARELY A VACATION GUYS

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means?

Don't really care


10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless?

Yes, go read about the downtown eastside of Vancouver if you are curious. I don't donate that often; I think most of that money will go to things that are self-destructive.

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification?

no strong opinion, but it is unavoidable as the population balloons

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so?

i don't have a car, i've been taking public transit for years. vancouver has 'car sharing' where you can use a car for a commute within the city, but i don't really use that either. public transit rules. i love reading on the bus.

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home?

NO AND NO. Oklahoma is a bag of dicks. Full of Trump supporters and asswipes who pretend to be nice people

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future?

Nope. Not sure. Might get a condo at some point if we decide to brave vancouver's housing


15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next?

next fire emblem for the switch

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers?

i watch football on sunday unless it's the patriots in the super bowl, then i have standards and better things to do with my time. i don't watch streams of things. i am too antsy to watch things. special no for youtube streamers, which seem to promote conformity in opinions in their viewers because people are incapable of forming their own views without daddy telling them how to think. now i understand r/thedonald better

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite?

i don't play any of them very often, but i love twilight struggle

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be?

i have never really had specific plans for the future at any point, so just assume that I am just generally winging everything

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard?

i think there is some money going into some pension plan or something, as far as i understand at least. otherwise see the last response

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself?

you moved to canada, you crazy motherfucker?
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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2019, 06:20:09 PM »
This post makes me very nostalgic for MySpace.

1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21. Changes nothing.

2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling. As much as I would DEARLY LOVE TO, knowing what some people use this power for, no. There are good reasons to do it. And forcing people to adhere to state education is icky on the face of it. We should have some sort of nationalized standardized ranked test, though, to... oh, wait. That would be too much like other successful countries.

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders) The crux is always "who decides what is medical need." No. But. Something else is required to make it clear that this isn't just a political stance they're taking.

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house. Yes. Though I'd love to encourage more meaningful internships/externships for freshmen Congress people. I don't want to lose the knowledge and experience. I do want to lose the entrenchment.

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate? Yes, with the caveat that I don't fully understand the implications of foreign ownership. But my lived experience says fuck all of these foreign billionaires buying up perfectly good housing in order to demolish it and construct legal shantytowns, or McMansions, or tolerating years of vacancy.

Wheel of morality

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrant? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc. I work in Marketing so you bet I fucking would. I can't even work for a company I don't like so I don't know how I could support and promote one I found morally objectionable.

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much? Off and on. My mother-in-law is a Trump supporter. Mostly we go on trying really hard to ignore each others' politics (mostly her ignoring mine since I post a LOT about politics on FB). I've definitely lost friends over moral disagreements. I won't apologize for it.

8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it? Uh... ... ... a sadly long time ago. Small child = no money, no time. Sad. I'm currently in the mode where I'm looking forward to using a PTO day so I can go see Endgame and such. So glamorous.

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means? With the childthing, the shortest possible travel time is preferred. Since I have to worry about work I also don't like losing vacation time to travel. Ignoring all that, though, I love to drive. I have fond memories of road trips.


10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless? Yes, and yes. I buy them meals sometimes. Sometimes I give them groceries they can use (pre-packaged snacks, bread and peanut butter). Sometimes I give them cash. Depends on what I have on me and how much of a rush I'm in.

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification? I live near Oakland, of course I do. It fucking sucks. It's easy to dismiss as a side-effect of progress but there are too many unnatural triggers making it way worse than it needs to be (artificially supporting certain types of business, landlords gouging out existing residents in order to take advantage of influx of monied new folk, etc.). I don't have an answer for it, but I certainly have strong opinions about it.

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so? No and no. I would try to use public transportation more but I'm frankly too protective of my time. Public transportation takes 2-3x longer, and it's a pain to carry anything with you. I walk whenever I can but it doesn't get me too far.

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home? Ish? I live near where my parents grew up/I spent time as a kid, and I'm still in my 'home state.' I like being where I am but I do miss being near family.

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future? No, I wish. And I'd love to but my options are 90% condos and I DO NOT want to get stuck sharing walls with neighbors and paying to own the privilege.

15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next? Game of Thrones, Endgame, I'm sure there's more but those are the ones at top of mind. I'm otherwise randomly browsing books so serendipity will have to fill in that blank for me.

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers? Not, like, cable TV. I have Netflix and Hulu and I watch shows that would have been/are modeled after TV shows. I don't watch streamers, but I do watch YouTubers in general, anything from sociopolitical video essays to speedruns.

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite? Not much anymore which is fucking tragic. I really like Euro-style strategy games (not the military or abstracts, but the politics and resource management) and wordplay games.

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be? Nah. I do have a kid, which is something I wanted to do, and I have a stable career, which is boring but great. I'm not doing cool things which was one of my primary criteria for life. But I'm not hating every moment, either, and I'm making enough money to have these idle philosophical problems.

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard? Retirement, yes. I don't know what I'm going to do about it. Similarly, I don't know what my PARENTS are going to do about it and that's a more immediate concern. Career-wise, I think I'm in the mode of giving up on it mattering much and I seek what I would have sought there elsewhere.

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself? I work in analytical marketing. I'm not writing, I haven't published anything, I didn't join the military, I'm not in a science career, I own a motorcycle. The thing I think would surprise younger me most of all, though, is that I'm still alive. Words cannot express how existentially distraught I was and how seriously I was considering/planning suicide. To think I'd make it another 15 years and not even feel like that any more? Laughable.
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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2019, 07:31:34 PM »
1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21.


2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling.

Banning home schooling, definitely no.  Restricting private schooling, too vague to answer.  Restricts in what ways, exactly?  I do think private schools need more restrictions in some area (religious curriculum, hiring) but it's a broad topic.

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders)

Yes to the spirit of the question, although "jailing parents" is an awkward phrasing and we have to discuss which vaccinations and etc.  But some vaccines, like measles, are a public health concern and should be mandated in some way.

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house.

No, and to people saying yes, go read about it in places that have instituted them.  This is one of those ideas that sounds great off the cuff, but works terribly in practice, because there aren't term limits on the support of lobby industries and elections turn into races to sell your soul to whoever can get you into office.  We're seeing some of the consequences of disposable politicians with Trump right now. 

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate?

Uh... the real estate market has a ton of problems that need to be addressed.  This one seems like a strangely narrow concern.  Is there some issue with rich foreigners buying up US real estate somewhere?  Not relevant to anywhere I've ever lived, that's for sure.  Here in Texas, such a law would be abused to seize property from already-suffering latinx communities, so that's a no I guess.

Wheel of morality:

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrant? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc.

Yes.  I would not work for such a company.

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much?

Yes, immensely, and more on the way. 


8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it?

DLcon Vancouver.  Tremendously enjoyed it.

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means?

Have you heard my stories about DLCon 1?  I'll fly from now on, thanks.



10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless?

Yes and yes.

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification?

Doesn't everyone?

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so?

No, you can't function here without access to a car.  It's hard for me to imagine living otherwise, at the very least having access to independent transportation as a safety mechanism.

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home?

I do, though I'd love to leave.

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future?

No and no.


15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next?

Hmm.  Most of the circles I'm really interested in had their big releases in 2018, or didn't announce anything, so there isn't anything super duper ultra exciting on my docket at this instant.  Sort of a quiet phase right now.  Nighthawks is chugging along I guess.  My expectations for 2019 are more along the lines of branching out and trying new things.

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers?

Jeopardy and Survivor, that's it for broadcast TV these days.  Twitch though?  Well that's kind of my thing now, I am a streamer and I follow like 500 people and have 3-5 streams up at almost all times.

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite?

Yes, though not as much as I'd like anymore.  Seven Wonders remains the tabletop game I will jump for in a heartbeat.

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be?

Planning 10 years ahead is anathema to my mental workings.  I didn't have anywhere I expected to be, except very vaguely.  So... sure.

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard?

Yes and no.  It's terrifying of course, but I burnt out on actively worrying about it long ago and just accepted that I'll never have money and always be existing on the sufferance of wealthy patrons.  Retirement doesn't exist anymore except for 1%ers.  Neither do stable careers.  The past six months in particular have been "Wheel of Capitalism, turn turn turn, which friend is abruptly laid off and freaking out about it this week?"  And that's for DL-ish friends who are relatively well off in industries like tech!

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself?

Gosh.  What wouldn't?  18 year old me was terrible.  Or, see the first reply.


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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2019, 08:45:14 PM »
Law questions. Would you support:

1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21.
Absolutely not. It would only be one more thing for young black people to be arrested for. Let's not pretend white kids would suffer any penalties beyond a stern talking to.

2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling.
Bans? No. See LD's answer, basically.

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders)
Jails? No. Penalizes in some way, sure. I also like Ciato's answer.

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house.
I like term limits as an idea, but I'd also like to see something in place to prevent the inevitable pivot straight from congress member to lobbyist as soon as the term limit hits.

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate?
Taxing the fuck out of houses kept deliberately vacant sounds like a better idea overall.

Wheel of morality:

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrant? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc.
Ahahahah me ever able to actually work, that's a good one. I would have issues with Jenna working for such a company, though.

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much?
With family, I have always been at least somewhat estranged due to political differences. After realizing I am in fact trans and as time goes on with the current establishment, I'm less and less tolerant of people who claim to be my friend but still vote for politicians who want to ban me from public bathrooms, prevent people like me from having access to the bastion of last resort for the desperate that is the US military, and generally treat me and those like me as a second class citizen at best.


8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it?
WorldCon back in August. Enjoy...yes? But it was also really heavy for me emotionally.

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means?
Depends on how far away I'm going.                                                                                 


10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless?
Yes. I give pocket change when I have it, and to the ones that are nice instead of following me around a parking lot harassing me for money.

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification?
Once again, see Lady Door's answer.

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so?
I can't drive.

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home?
No and FUCK no. Rural North Carofuckinglina? As a trans woman? Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaano.

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future?


15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next?
I don't get excited for things until they actually exist.

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers?
TV, no. I do watch streams pretty frequently though.

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite?
Going to assume D&D qualifies here, so yes that. And that is also my favorite. And that is also what I spend most of my time prepping for or running/playing.

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be?
Yes and no. Many things are as I would have expected, many others are not.

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard?
I am a homemaker, but I do worry about jenna ever being able to retire. She probably won't be able to.

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself?
That I have a wife who has seen the worst of what goes on in my head and still loves me.
<%Laggy> we're open minded individuals here
<+RandomKesaranPasaran> are we
<%Laggy> no not really.

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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2019, 12:38:55 AM »
Law questions. Would you support:

1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21.
Hell no.  In fact, lower the drinking age to the same as the smoking age is now, there's no fucking reason to deny people alcohol but be able to send them out as cannon fodder.

2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling.
...Not so sure on the banning home schooling, but as someone who has survived attempted brainwashing at the hands of religious private schooling, I would be very, very much in favor of restrictions.  Even if it may come off as petty retaliation.

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders)
Make sure vaccines are available and affordable first.  I'm all for punishing antivaxxers but I see this as being leverageable against the poor.

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house.
The United States government has so much wrong with it that I won't go into my full rant here.  I feel this sort of law would not nearly be enough, however.

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate?
Erring on "no" on this one.

Wheel of morality:

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrant? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc.
Depends on if I had options.  I generally do not have options available considering how long it took me to find my current job.  Money is money when you've got no support structure.

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much?
No with regards to friends, at least not to my knowledge.  As for family, no more than the realization of possibly decades of abuse.


8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it?
what is a vacation?  is it something you eat?

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means?
Drive.  Flying terrifies me, I would rather stay on the ground.



10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless?
Let's be honest, I don't know of a place that doesn't have a homeless problem.  And sometimes pocket change, not much more than that.

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification?
Insofar as how it affects my options for moving, I'm not a fan of it.

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so?
No.  Frankly, having independent mobility is the only reason I've managed to get a job.  I suppose I could, but I'm finding I like having the ability to go.

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home?
I live where I grew up.  Not by choice.  Please let me escape from Ohio.

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future?
No, and no.  Houses are too expensive.


15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next?
Dunno.  EO:Nexus, I guess?  That comes out in less than a week.  Good times.

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers?
Not really anymore.  And no on the streamers.

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite?
I'd play D&D if I had anyone to play it with.

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be?
No and no.

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard?
I'm pretty sure I'll retire when I die.  I don't trust my financial chances.

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself?
18 year old me was too depressed for me to be able to surprise him.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2019, 01:33:37 AM »

1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21.
No. Based on my experience with this age group, there is no point whatsoever. They are just going to do it.

2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling.
No way

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders)
In my heart, yes, but I think ultimately no.

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house.

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate?

Wheel of morality:

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrant? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc.
I would, and did once. Never again...

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much?
I removed a bunch of people from Facebook, but to be honest I wasn't hanging with them anyway


8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it?
I went to Ireland for a wedding. It was boring because I spent the whole time watching my son while they prepped.

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means?



10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless?
Yes, big homeless problem here. I will give them my leftovers, but never cash.

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification?
Against all odds, I feel like it actually does improve areas of done in the right spots. Maybe it's just psychological.

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so?
Nope, not in South Carolina and with a child. I prefer having my car, I hate taking public transportation.

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home?

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future?
Yep, and buying another house in the next few years.


15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next?
Really hard to say because I basically never have energy to play games anymore and was never big on tv or film.

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers?
No, but I do watch lots of YouTube. I follow competitive Melee.

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite?
I am a top Dominion player. Bug me on Discord if you want to play.

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be?
Not even close

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard?
I worry a lot. I have no retirement and no prospects of getting any for years. Grad school life whooo

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself?
I have a kid
« Last Edit: February 01, 2019, 01:42:50 AM by jsh357 »


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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2019, 06:00:59 PM »
Law questions. Would you support:

1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21.

2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling.
Private schools need to be better regulated but I wouldn't ban them.

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders)

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house.
Absolutely not.  A big reason lobbyists have so much power is congressional brain drain.  Not only do we need to not have term limits, we need to vastly expand Congress' employees so that the legislative branch can think for itself again.

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate?
Wow, absolutely not.  Why even consider such a thing?  If this is getting at Chinese/Russian oligarchs laundering money by buying up New York apartments with shell companies, the answer is to force such companies to disclose their owners all the way up the chain, not to ban purchases.

Wheel of morality:

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrant? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc.

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much?
Yup, as anyone who is friends with me on Facebook so you can judge for themselves.


8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it?
DLCon. was fun.

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means?
Depends on the circumstances.


10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless?
Yes, and yes but not all that often.

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification?

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so?
Yes, and No.  I lived in NYC for a number of years without a car, and when you do that, your city becomes your world.  Which is not the worst thing when it's NYC, but the alternative is better.

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home?

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future?
No, and hopefully but it's a few years off.


15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next?

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers?
TV I watch sports and The Daily Show/Colbert and that's really it.  I watch streamers all the time these days.

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite?
Not often.

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be?
More or less, yes

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard?
I'm happy where I am, but I need to prepare better for the long term.

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself?
That I cut my hair short.
Rocky: you do know what an A-bomb is, right?
Bullwinkle: A-bomb is what some people call our show!
Rocky: I don't think that's very funny...
Bullwinkle: Neither do they, apparently!

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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2019, 10:16:45 AM »
Select responses for now.  Maybe I'll get back to the others.

Hell no, no, no, no, no

Wheel of morality
6. Most definitely.  Working at a company I find objectionable is a path of last resort.

7. Not over politics, yet.  More likely to have lost friends over religious differences.  Likely to break it off first if someone in my life becomes too evangelical.

15: I started Ateler Ayesha recently enough to still be excited about it.

20. 18 year old me would not have imagined cosplaying, especially the characters I gravitate towards.  Would not have imagined it 5 years ago either.


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Re: It returns! Random questions with Super in 2019.
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2019, 02:55:47 AM »
Law questions. Would you support:

1. A law that raised the smoking and vaping age to 21.
Yes.  Absolutely from a health standpoint.  Damn kids don't understand vaping and how bad that shit is.  Smoking is on the drop in the US, but vaping has gotten stupidly popular.  Brain development is still occurring into the mid-late 20's.  And kids will still find a way to get them before 21, just like alcohol.  There is some evidence if I remember correctly that age increases help public health metrics, so this is a good idea.

2. A law that banned home schooling and restricted private schooling.
Probably not?  Although some of the horror stories I've heard and seen about these schoolings...the point being, home schooling places the kids at such a disadvantage that they don't really become part of society, effectively (hey, the world is connected, deal with it).  I generally think home schooling is such a damn disadvantage that it shouldn't be allowed (no parent will ever be capable of teaching everything kids need).  Private schooling I am ok with, but fucking burn all the charter schools to the ground (and if they're online only, banish them to fucking 4chan).  And standardize/regulate the damn private schools that remain.

3. A law that jailed parents who avoided/refused vaccinating their children without medical need (IE children with autoimmune disorders)
Absolutely not!  I wouldn't support jailing in this case...
Death penalty for not vaccinating children without a true medical reason.  These reasons are Goo King Sword rare, and that makes herd immunity actually effective.  Having seen 4 fucking measles cases in the last 4 years (with pretty gruesome outcomes) is 4 cases too many for a lifetime when it should be eradicated with ease.  Seeing the push from the idiots in states all over to have more conscientious objections is moronic and a fucking public health crisis. 

4. Term limits on congress? Something along the lines of two terms for the senate, six terms for the house.
Yes and no.  Don't know how much, but I think 2/6 is pretty decent (12 years is a solidly long time...then you can run for the other one and make it 24, then do whatever, so it's a solid career).  New blood is important (although experience and leadership are good too!).  On the other hand, I think there are a lot of other issues to work on first (corruption, lobbying, etc.), and if you fix those, this probably doesn't matter.  Supreme court is another one to consider, and that to me is more important (but again, if you fix other things...I think it doesn't matter)

5. A law that restricts the ability of non US citizens from buying real estate?
Eh, no?  I can see the arguments for this one, but it doesn't feel right at all.  SO many other things to consider and work on here before even thinking about this option.

Wheel of morality:

6. Would you have any objection to working for a company that did things you found to be morally abhorrent? IE tobacco company, a weapons maker, oil company, a payday lender etc.
Well, I don't do this now, so I guess the answer is yes?

7. Have political or moral disagreements damaged relationships with your family and friends in the past few years? If so, how much?
My one brother in law has some...interesting political viewpoints that I could see causing an issue down the line (his views on homosexuality in particular are pretty abhorrent; wonder how he felt when most of my wedding party was gay?), but we generally don't bring this up.  So in practice, no, but hypothetically, yes.


8. What's the last vacation you had? Did you enjoy it?
Business trip down to Roanoke, VA.  I did, especially since I didn't pay for it :)

9.  When you travel, do you prefer to fly, drive, or go by some other means?
Depends - I do like driving, and I drove the 6 hours to Roanoke.  I'll be in...NY probably in October (have to see what my schedule looks like), Las Vegas in December, and those are just a little too far to drive.  Anything around the 8 hour drive mark I like to drive, after that it's a little annoying and I fly (I'd prefer fast train travel, but there aren't enough of them).



10. Does where you live have a homeless problem? Do you ever give money to the homeless?
It has a problem, but not as much as other cities (just on the basis of being smaller and more decentralized).  I don't give money directly, no.

11. Do you have a strong opinion on gentrification?
No?  I'm a strong believe in some strong central government work to help make affordable housing, but some upscaling I think is good.  Just not pricing people out of their homes.

12. Could you live without a car/rides from family? Would you want to move to an area where you could give up your car if so?
I wish I could live without a car!  Again, would kill for a train or something else public so my work commute wasn't 1.5 hours one way.

13. Do you live close to where you grew up? If not, do you want to move back home?
Hell no to both.  Central PA is not a place I belong in anymore.  Trying to get my parents out of there too.

14. Are you currently a homeowner? If not, do you plan on buying a home in the forseeable future?
3 year house anniversary at the end of April!


15. What book/game/TV show/movie are you excited for next?
A lot, but right now, the hype is for Avengers: Endgame.

16. Do you watch TV? Do you watch any video streamers?
Yes.  A lot of it is recorded on DVR or Netflix, etc. 

17. Do you play any board or card games? If so, what is your favorite?
Tons of board games, but just not able to play any recently (need people for those!)

Long term:

18. Look at back at your life 10 years and 5 years ago. Are you where you expected to be?
To avoid a long diatribe here - about so, yes.  The work-life balance could be better, but that's partially because of where I live in relation to where I work.  Hopefully full professor promotion in 5 more years.  Have a house, married, etc. 

19. Do you worry about retirement/career stuff long term much? Are you happy with where you are in this regard?
To an extent, but I've been working to take care of that with retirement, savings, etc.  I'm happy so far, especially after 30 more years of savings.

20. What is one thing currently about you that would surprise the 18 year old version of yourself?
A lot that could be said here.  I suppose what surprises me most is that I'm not really surprised.  I still see who I was to an extent, and while I have a lot more hard-earned wisdom about things, the 18-year old me would probably still be surprised at the stupid mistakes 35-year old me is making.
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory