
Author Topic: Legend of Heroes: Trails 3rd  (Read 1915 times)


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Legend of Heroes: Trails 3rd
« on: December 21, 2020, 03:57:49 AM »
1. Level
Taken at Level 140

2. Equips
Weapons are the found in the final dungeon. There are Zemurian weapons with 400 better Attack, but you only get 4 max and you use all 16 PCs in the final dungeon. Anelace potentially has a special weapon obtained by taking her to beat an optional side fight (which is also the best fight in the game). I will be listing it, but I don’t personally consider it myself.

Every PC has armor/shoes that add 1250 Defense

3. Stats
Every point of Strength appears to increase damage by 3.35
Every point of Magic appears to increase damage by 4
Every point of Defense/ADF appears to cut damage by 2.75
Agility- Evasion! DL Levels are not useful (5% evasion for everyone). In game equips make this more useful.

Orbments and most stat boosts are based on the raw pre-equip stat. Hence at endgame with Action 4, Clock Up is about an 18% increase since it doesn’t effect the extra boost from Action 4.

If there is a dead tie in speed for the next turn, the most recent actor is the one that goes first

4. Accuracy
This is 95% for everyone. I think there’s a cap to hit rate (so no 100%) and enemies basically have the minimum level of evade.

5. CT/RT
All spells have a charge time and all moves have a recharge time. The standard recharge time is 100 CT; anything higher is slow and lower is fast. The total time after a spell until a PC can act again is the CT +RT (so 30 CT and 65 RT is slightly fast)

6. Enemy Stats
Enemy Defense- 2000
Enemy Mdef- 1000
Note that I’m taking enemy defense and mdef a little low. This is to better reflect in game where there are several equips that will make your numbers look a lot better (accessories are the big ones; you’ll have big attack/magic boosters early); since this adds the same amount to all moves, it makes S-Crafts slightly less centralized as well (which also reflects in game, not to mention that considering the 100 starting CP is based on the effect of in game accessories).

7. Starting CP
I am taking starting CP at 100. During much the game, you have access to some limited full CP restore for free and near the end, there are a bunch of Gladiator equips to help keep CP higher than say Trails in the Sky 1. Note that CP accessibility is somewhat worse in the final dungeon (so free CP refill, you may accidentally lock a Gladiator Equip on 1 PC when switching parties), but based on the rest of the game, 100 CP feels right.
8. Orbments
The big decision that comes in every Trails game! There tend to be a few different viewpoints:
--Based on the starting orbments (The plot/character centered concept, where this reflects how the character would equip themselves. There is often a level of consistency in Trails games-at least within the same sub-series).
--Based on the locked innate elements

There are also the consideration of orbments stat up beings included. For this game, I am saying yes (this doesn’t matter a lot since I’m allowing anyone to equip any orbment for the pure stats). Note that stat boost % only appear to work on base stats, so some aspects aren’t as potent as I initially thought.  Everyone will generally want an HP/Action orbment for stats, and likely Attack and/or Mind and Cast (I gave everyone cast). Defense and Shield lower attack stats and even PCs who have them don’t opt for them as a default(for all that Defense is often useful in game for getting the revival spells).

For the purpose of spell builds, I am taking a characters starting orbments and scaling them up to the L4 version  (there are 5 levels in game, but the jump to level 5 is fairly expensive and it just didn’t feel in reach considering you would need it for all 16 PCs. Part of this is that the Level 5 Fire orbment comes with a  spell that is much better than everything else damage wise and it didn’t make sense to have some PCs become the best DL mages solely due to starting with an Orbment that likely everyone will be using endgame anyways). The exceptions are Impede/EP Cut, which I’m limiting to level 2 unless a PC starts with better (3 already has the same cost as level 5 of most other boosts).

For Kevin and Ries, I am basing this on their initial layout prior to getting broken for plot reasons.

I am also allowing to PCs equip any storebought orbment of their locked type and have it count for both stats and spells.

9. Parsing out very bad in game perfect accuracy status spells that are commonly gotten
There are two very accessible 100% status spells that a lot of PCs can possibly get in the DL. These are 100% Mute from Anti-Sept (requires a piddly 3 in Dark) and 100% Confuse from Chaos Brand (7 in Mirage). This game has a lot of low durability enemies, which is to say that these spells are basically pointless in game and it doesn’t make sense to give the cast such wide access to the status (11 characters can get Anti-Sept and that becomes 14 if I allowed up to EP Cut 3). There is also Medium AoE Anti-Sept All, which Renne has as a default and several characters can opt for with Orbment switches (sometimes involving the lessening their magic, which is an in game trade you would never make)

I limit these to the characters who have locked element slots with sufficient element points (Kevin and Joshua for Mute, Ries and Olivier for Confuse)  or those who can get Anti-Sept All legally without incurring a downside (that’s Renne at default, plus Ries, Joshua, Richard and Schera as options). For the other characters, I am including the potential spells under the note of “Unlisted due to more questionable legality” at the bottom of their section.

10. Statuses
PCs have access to
Blind- Massive accuracy decrease (75% or 80%)
Faint- Paralysis/Don’t Act
Freeze- Paralysis/Don’t Act + ~10% MHP(?) Poison
Confuse- Limited to Basic Physicals; Will first target allies in range and if there no allies, target enemies. Maybe 25% chance (at least on the enemy side) of not doing anything. Only wears off with time.
Sleep- Standard sleep. Will be cancelled upon being attacked.
Mute- Can not use magic
Seal- Can not use physical techs; can still use basic physical

The game has storebought status blockers for
Poison, Freeze, Sleep, Blind, Seal, Petrify, Mute, Confuse, Faint and Instant Death
As well as combos of Freeze/Petrify, Sleep/Faint, Sleep/Confuse, Poison/Freeze and Poison/Blind

11. Status/Buff/Debuff Duration
Duration is also fairly long (~8-10 or so turns), but may have some random variance in duration and there doesn’t seem to be a clear pattern for when it wears off. I’d say just going with 8 turns works well  enough.

12. SCrafts
These are crafts that are ITE, take all your CP (with a minimum cost of 100 CP), can be used as a free turn, and if you have 200 CP, they do 25% more damage.

13. Penetrate
There are some techs with property, but I couldn’t figure out what it did. It certainly doesn’t make something ITE or ITD

14. Full list of Magic Spells
Will be in a later post. For PCs, I trimmed the spells I’m showing to make character sections more succinct.

15. Averages up Top
HP: 24729
Average: 7307 (Kill Point: 18268)

HP: 23462 (20949)………….94.9%
EP: 736 (658)
STR: 2556 (1220)
DEF: 2275 (1102)…………….Cuts damage by 297 (-3% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1660 (1371)
ADF: 15
SPD: 99 (71)…………………….99%
DEX: 75 (40)
AGL: 28
MOV: 7 (3)
RNG: 9 (1)
Cherished Bow: 1200 Str, 8 Range, 125 Ats, 35 Dex
Action 4**/ EP 4/HP 4/Mind 4/Information/Cast 2
Action 4**/Attack 4*
Alternate Starters: Defense 4
-->Defense 4 would give Thelas, Crest, La Crest, Earth Guard, Earth Wall, Petrosphere, Stone Hammer, Stone Impact, Petrify Breath, Earth Lance, Titanic Roar
Water 16, Dark 16, Space 5, Mirage 10

Attack: 3062 Physical Damage, 100 RT

Sacrifice Arrow (65 CP): 40 CP to allies, AoE (M)
Crossgear Rage (20 CP): 3762 Physical Damage  + AT Delay, 92 RT
-->Delays enemy about ~80 RT (Against an equal speed enemy, spamming this got Kevin 6 turns before the enemy got their next turn. The 80 is a rough estimate, but not far off likely).
-->84.8%/96.2% delay factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Mortal Punishment (30 CP): 4412 AoE (M) Physical Damage, 100 RT
Gorgon Arrow (35 CP): 3062 Line (S) Physical Damage + 100% Petrify, 100 RT
-->50.5%/53.7% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Sacred Breath (30 CP): 5500 AoE (L) Healing + Status Recovery, 87 RT
Grail Sphere (S-Craft): Blocks 1 Attack (2 at 200 SP), AoE (L), 117 RT
Spear of Loa (S-Craft): 6562 MT Dark Physical Damage, 100 RT
Spear of Ur (S-Craft) : 8812 MT Space Physical Damage, 100 RT

Teara (20 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (40 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Tear-All (70 EP)- Full Healing, 14 CT, 115 RT
Curia (10 EP)- Status Healing, 9 CT, 70 RT
Clock Up Ex (30 EP)- Increases Effective Speed 35%, 23 CT, 70 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Clock Down (50 EP)- Enemy Effective Speed down 50%, AoE (M), 24 CT, 70 RT
-->Doesn’t effect speed until enemy takes next turn
-->91.4%/111.7% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Anti-Sept (20 EP)- 100% Silence, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->53.2%/63.8% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Blue Impact (40 EP)- 4690 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Blue Ascension (80 EP)- 5190 Water Magic, 30 CT, 65 RT
Soul Blur (10 EP)- 3890 Time Magic, 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/13.5% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Shadow Spear (40 EP)- 4190 Time Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Hell Gate (30 EP)- 4040 AoE (S) Time Magic + 20% Faint, 24 CT, 87 RT
Dark Matter (80 EP)- 4890 Space Magic, 30 CT, 80 RT
Ascension (10 EP)- 3890 Mirage Magic, 20 CT, 85 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Chaos Brand
Unlisted: Tear, La Curia, Clock Up, Aqua Bleed

HP: 24080 (21500)………….97.4%
EP: 618 (552)
STR: 2661 (1305)
DEF: 2184 (1004)…………….Cuts damage by 47 (-0.5% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1730 (1322)
ADF: 15
SPD: 99 (71)…………………….99%
DEX: 40
AGL: 28
MOV: 8 (4)
RNG: 4 (1)
Agnus Dei: 1200 Str, 250 Ats, 3 Range

EP 4**/HP 4/Mind 4/Attack  4/Evade 4
EP 4**/Action 4/Cast 2*
Alternates: Haze, Hit 4, Shield 4
-->Shield gives La Teara, La Tearal, Sylphen Wing, Air Strike, Aerial, Lightning
5 Dark, 5 Space, 8 Mirage, 16 Water, 8 Wind, 8 Fire
13 Dark, 5 Space, 8 Mirage, 8 Fire

Attack- 3314 Physical Damage

Holy Blessing (45 CP)- 50% Healing/Revival + 50 CP; Can not self target, 100 RT
Arc Fencer 2 (25 CP)- 3814 Physical Damage + Impede, 100 RT
Infinity Sparrows (30 CP)- 3634 AoE (L) Physical Damage, 117 RT
Heavely Strike (S-Craft)- 7814 MT Physical Damage, 117 RT

Teara (20 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (40 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Tear-All (70 EP)- Full Healing, 14 CT, 115 RT
La Teara (55 EP)- 6000 AoE (M) Healing, 12 CT, 100 RT
La Tearal (200 EP)- 12000 AoE (L) Healing, 15 CT, 120 RT
Curia (10 EP)- Status Healing, 9 CT, 70 RT
Forte (15 EP)- Increases physical damage by 1092 damage, 14 CT, 65 RT
Clock Up (10 EP)- Increase Effective Speed 18%, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Anti-Sept All (40 EP)- 100% AoE (M) Silence, 21 CT, 65 RT
-->If switching location of Attack 4/Action 4. Loses Forte/La Forte)
-->53.2%/74.5% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Chaos Brand (40 EP)- 100% Confuse, 17 CT, 78 RT
-->53.2%/63.8% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Blue Impact (40 EP)- 4970 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Blue Ascension (80 EP)- 5470 Water Magic, 30 CT, 65 RT
Diamond Dust (60 EP)- 4470 AoE (S) Water/Ice Magic + 20% Freeze, 32 CT, 70 RT
-->10.6%/12.3% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Napalm Breath (80 EP): 6170 Fire Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Flare Arrow (40 EP)- 5170 Fire Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Lightning (20 EP)- 4470 Line Wind/Lightning Magic + 20% Seal, 24 CT, 70 RT
-->10.6%/14.4% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Soul Blur (10 EP)- 4170 Time Magic, 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/13.5% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Shadow Spear (40 EP)- 4470 Time Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Dark Matter (80 EP)- 5170 Space Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Ascension (10 EP)- 4170 Mirage Magic, 20 CT, 85 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Anti-Sept
Unlisted: Tear, La Tear, La Curia, La Forte, Sylphen Guard, Sylphen Wing, Sylparion, Aqua Bleed, Fire Bolt, Fire Bolt EX, Spiral Flare, Air Strike, Aerial

HP: 28402 (25359)………….114.9%
EP: 457
STR: 2781 (1367)
DEF: 2217 (1040)…………….Cuts damage by 138 (-1.4% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 910 (979)
ADF: 75 (15)……………………Cuts by damage by 193 (-1.95% to 40% PC HP Damage)
SPD: 99 (71)…………………….99%
DEX: 40 (40 base, -20 and 20 cancel out)
AGL: 24 (28)
MOV: 8 (4)
RNG: 1

Attack 4**/Hit 4*/Shield 4
Attack 4**/Seal**/HP 4
Attack 4**/Action 4*/Cast 2*
Alternates: Defense 4, Move 3 (Get spells, not worth listing)
8 Fire, 8 Wind
8 Fire, 8 Water

Apocrypha- 1250 Str, -20 Dex (Makes accuracy 85% without Hit 4)
Hihiirokane Sword- 1150 Str

Attack- 3816 Physical Damage

Wild Rage 2- +150 CP, Agate takes 70% HP Damage, Can Kill Him, 100 RT
Flame Slash 3 (20 CP)- 4316 AoE (S) Physical Damage, 100 RT
Draguna Edge 3 (25 CP)- 4416 Physical Damage + Penetrate + Impede, Line, 125 RT
Spiral Edge (25 CP)- 4766 Physical Damage + 67 AT Delay, 133 RT
-->Against a same speed enemy with a 67 RT move, Agate basically went 1-1 over a long number of turns
Dragon Dive 2 (S-cract)- 8066 MT Physical Damage, 139 RT

Teara (20 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (40 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Napalm Breath (80 EP)- 3166 Fire Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Lightning (20 EP)- 1466 Line Wind/Lightning Magic + 20% Seal, 24 CT, 70 RT
-->10.6%/13.4% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers

Unlisted: Tear, Sylphen Guard, Sylphen Wing, Sylparion, Aqua Bleed, Blue Impact, Fire Bolt, Flare Arrow, Air Strike, Aerial, Lightning, Dark Matter

HP: 25932 (23154)………….104.9%
EP: 453
STR: 2643 (1244)
DEF: 2184 (1004)…………….Cuts damage by 47 (-0.5% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1102
ADF: 15
SPD: 99 (71) (104 w/ Jinu) (124 w/ Jinu+)…………………….99% (104% w/ Jinu)
DEX: 40
AGL: 28
MOV: 8 (4)
RNG: 1
Hakuryuu- 1250 Str
Jinu- 1000 Str, 50 Ats, 50 Adf, 25 Dex, 5 Agl, 5 Spd
-->Drops Physical Damage by 838 Points, Increases Magic Damage by 200
**Jinu+- 1600 Str, 150 Ats, 150 Adf, 100 Def, 25 Agl, 25 Spd
-->Increases Physical Damage by 1172, Increases Magic Damage by 600

Evade 4**/HP 4/EP Cut 2
Evade 4/Impede 3**/Cast 2*
Evade 4**/Action 4*
Evade 4**/Attack 4*
Alternates: Defense 4, Move 3
-->Get Earth Guard, Earth Lance, Petrify Breath
Wind 8, Water 8, 3 Space, 2 Dark, 2 Mirage
Wind 13

Attack- 3354 Physical Damage

Petal Dance (20 CP)- +50% Str and -30% Def to Base Stats, 83 RT
-->Increases Physical Damage by 2084, Takes extra 828 from Physicals
Fallen Leaves (35 CP)- 3354 Physical Damage + ~75? AT Delay, 100 RT
True Eight-Leaf Blitz (30 CP)- 4104 Physical Damage, 92 RT
True Swordwind Slash (20 CP)- 3954 Physical Damage, AoE (S), 100 RT
Whirlwind Dance (20 CP)- Suction Effect, AoE (L)
Supreme Piercing Wave (S-Craft)- 7354 Physical Damage, 117 RT

Teara (16 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (32 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Curia (8 EP)- Status Healing, 9 CT, 70 RT
Clock Up (8 EP)- Increase Effective Speed 18%, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Blue Impact (32 EP)- 2458 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Lightning (16 EP)- 1958 Line Wind/Lightning Magic + 20% Seal, 24 CT, 70 RT
-->10.6%/13.7% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Soul Blur (8 EP)- 1658 Time Magic, 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/12.9% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers

Unlisted: Tear, La Tear, Sylphen Guard, Sylphen Wing, Sylparion, Aqua Bleed, Air Strike, Aerial, Lightning, Asecnsion

HP: 24698 (22052)………….99.9%
EP: 526
STR: 2593 (1244)
DEF: 2161 (980).…………….Adds 16 damage (+0.2% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1370 (1224)
ADF: 15
SPD: 99 (104 w/ Force Flag)(71)…………………….99% (104% w/ Force Flag)
DEX: 50 (40)
AGL: 38 (28)
MOV: 8 (4)
RNG:  4 (1)
Amanomadra- 1200 Str, 10 Dex, 10 Agl, 3 Range
Force Flag- 1000 Str, 10 Dex, 10 Agl, 5 Speed, 3 Range
-->Drops Physical Damage by 670 Points

HP 4/Mind 4/EP Cut 3/Evade 4
HP 4/Attack 4/Action 4*/Cast 2*
Alternates: Heaven’s Eye (No Additional Spells)
16 Water, 5 Space, 3 Dark, 3 Mirage, 8 Wind
8 Water, 8 Fire

Attack- 3187 Physical Damage

Morale (20 CP)- 20% Str Up, AoE (M)
Supreme Hurricane (30 CP)- 3187 AoE (M) Physical Damage, 73 RT
Supreme Comet (20 CP)- 3937 Phyisical Damage + Penetrate, Line, 78 RT
Supreme Hard Break (25 CP)- 4387 Physical Damage + Impede, 73 RT
Taunt (20 CP)
True Wheel of Time (S-Craft)- 11187 ST Physical Damage, Heals Half Damage Done, 117 RT

Teara (14 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (28 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Tear-All (42 EP)- Full Healing, 14 CT, 115 RT
La Teara (38 EP)- 6000 AoE (M) Healing, 12 CT, 100 RT
La Tearal (140 EP)- 12000 AoE (L) Healing, 15 CT, 120 RT
Curia (7 EP)- Status Healing, 9 CT, 70 RT
Clock Up (7 EP)- Increase Effective Speed 18%, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Blue Impact (28 EP)- 3530 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Blue Ascension (56 EP)-4030 Water Magic, 30 CT, 65 CT
Diamond Dust (42 EP)- 3830 AoE (S) Water Magic, 20% Freeze, 32 CT, 70 CT
-->10.6%/12.3% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Flare Arrow (28 EP)- 3730 Fire Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Napalm Breath (56 EP)- 4730 Fire Magic, 24 CT, 70 CT
Soul Blur (7 EP)- 2730 Time Magic + 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/12.9% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Dark Matter (56 EP)- 3730 Space Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Anti-Sept
Unlisted: Tear, La Tear, La Curia, Sylphen Guard, Sylphen Wing, Sylparion, Aqua Bleed, Fire Bolt, Air Strike

HP: 20993 (18744)………….84.9%
EP: 568
STR: 2538 (1195)
DEF: 2138 (955).…………….Adds 80 damage (+0.8% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1370 (1224)
ADF: 15
SPD: 99 (71)…………………….99%
DEX: 65 (40)
AGL: 28
MOV: 7 (3)
RNG: 7 (1)
Akashic R- 1200 Str, 25 Dex, 6 Range
Defense 4, EP Cut 2, Poison, Attack 4, HP 4*, Action 4*, Mind 4*
(Room for Action, HP, Magic)

Poison**/EP Cut 2/Attack 4/HP 4*
Poison**/Action 4*/Mind 4*/Cast 2*
Alternates: Defense 4
-->Gives Earth Lance, Atlas Hammer
Earth 3, Space 3, Dark 2, Mirage 2, Fire 8

Attack- 3002 Physical Damage

Stampede (20 CP)- 3002 Physical Damage + Def Down 30% (Increases Physical Damage Done by 1650), 100 RT
-->86.8%/93.5% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Anchor Flail (20 CP)- 3002 Physical Damage + 100% Faint, 100 RT
-->50.5%/57.3% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Orbal Bomb (25 CP)- 3602 Physical Damage + Impede, AoE (M) , 117 RT
Bobcat 2 (S-Craft)- 7152 MT Damage

Earth Guard (8 EP)- Blocks next attack, 20 CT, 75 RT
Clock Up (8 EP)- Increase Effective Speed 18%, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Petrify Breath (24 EP)- 3030 Earth Magic + 20% Petrify, 20 CT, 68 RT
-->10.6%/10.5% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Flare Arrow (32 EP)- 3730 Fire Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Napalm Breath (64 EP): 4730 Fire Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Soul Blur (8 EP)- 2730 Time Magic + 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT

Unleashed: Fire Bolt, Stone Hammer, Stone Impact

HP: 27168 (24257)………….109.9%
EP: 582
STR: 2661 (1305)
DEF: 2105 (919).…………….Adds 170 damage (+1.7% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1508 (1347)
ADF: 15
SPD: 102 (73)……………………102%
DEX: 65 (40)
AGL: 53 (28)
MOV: 9 (5)
RNG: 1
Swallow Tails- 1200 Str, 25 Dex, 25 Agl

Action 4**/Mind 4/EP Cut 2/Cast 2**/EP 4
Action 4**/Attack 4*/HP 4*
Alternates: Evade 4
-->Gives La Tear, La Teara, Anti-Sept All, Air Strike, Aerial, Lightning, White Gehenna, Potentially Abyss Fall
Dark 18, Water 8, Space 8, Mirage 10

Attack- 3414 Physical Damage

Supreme Flicker (30 CP)- 4114 Physical Damage + Penetrate + ~55? AT Delay (Line), 100 RT
Supreme Cloak & Dagger (20 CP)- 3914 Physical Damage + 35% ID, 83 RT
-->17.7%/15.9% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Supreme Evil Eye (45 CP)- 3864 Physical Damage +50% Confuse + ~85? AT Delay, AoE (M) , 133 RT
-->Confuse is 25.3%/24.8% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Taunt- Focuses enemy attention on self
Supreme Dual Strike (20 CP)- 6828 Physical Damage (Over 2 Hits) + Poison, 100 RT
True Phantom Raid (S-Craft)- 7414 MT Physical Damage, 133 RT

Teara (16 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (32 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Curia (8 EP)- Status Healing, 9 CT, 70 RT
Clock Up Ex (24 EP)- Increases Effective Speed 35%, 23 CT, 70 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Anti-Sept (16 EP)- 100% Silence, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->53.2%/63.8% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Clock Down (40 EP)- Enemy Effective Speed down 50%, AoE (M), 24 CT, 70 RT
-->Doesn’t effect speed until enemy takes next turn
-->91.4%/111.7% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Blue Impact (32 EP)- 4082 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Soul Blur (8 EP)- 3282 Time Magic + 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/13.2% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Shadow Spear (32 EP)- 3582 Time Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Dark Matter (64 EP)- 4282 Space Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Ascension (8 EP)- 3282 Mirage Magic, 20 CT, 85 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Chaos Brand
Unlisted: Tear, La Curia, Sylphen Wing, Sylparion, Clock Up

HP: 25562 (22823)………….103.4%
EP: 592
STR: 2634 (1281)
DEF: 2206 (1028).…………….Cuts damage by 107 (-1.1% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1553 (1347)
ADF: 15
SPD: 100 (72)…………………….100%
DEX: 43
AGL: 53 (28)
MOV: 8 (4)
RNG: 1
Celeste Blue- 1200 Str, 45 Ats, 25 Agl

EP Cut 2**/Move 3**/Action 4/Attack 4/Mind 4*
EP Cut 2**/Cast 2*/HP 4*
Alternates: Hit 4, Range 2, Shield 4
-->Hit 4 gives Chaos Brand
-->Shield gives Forte, Sylphen Wing, Fire Bolt EX, Spiral Flare, Air Strike, Aerial, Lightning (depending on swap)
Space 8, Dark 10, Mirage 2, 8 Fire

Attack- 3324 Physical Damage

Attack Orders (20 CP)- +20% Str/10% Speed MT, 100 RT
Lazenreiter 2 (25 CP)- 4174 Physical Damage  + Impede, 92 RT
Mirageberg 2 (30 CP)- Negate 2 Attacks, Self Target, 33 RT
Pentagrammic Kleis (S-Craft)- 7324 AoE (L) PhysicalDamage, 100 RT

Clock Up (8 EP)- Increase Effective Speed 18%, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Clock Down (40 EP)- Enemy Effective Speed down 50%, AoE (M), 24 CT, 70 RT
-->Doesn’t effect speed until enemy takes next turn
-->91.4%/111.7% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Napalm Breath (64 EP):  5462 Fire Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Soul Blur (8 EP)- 3462 Time Magic + 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/13.2% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Shadow Spear (32 EP)- 3762 Time Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Dark Matter (64 EP)- 4462 Space Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Ascension (8 EP)- 3462 Mirage Magic, 20 CT, 85 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Anti-Sept

HP: 20993 (18744)………….84.9%
EP: 803
STR: 2346 (1146)
DEF: 2140 (890).…………….Adds 74 damage (+0.7% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1690 (1469)
ADF: 15
SPD: 99 (71)…………………….99%
DEX: 40
AGL: 53 (28)
MOV: 9 (5)
RNG: 1
Celeste Blue- 1200 Str, 45 Ats, 25 Agl

HP 4**/Cast 2*/EP Cut 2/EP 4/Mind 4**/Action 4*/Heal**
Alternates: Freeze, Shield 4
-->Shield gives La Teara, La Teara, LA Tearal, Sylphen Wing, Air Strike, Aerial, Lightning
19 Water, 10 Dark, 8 Space, 10 Mirage

Attack- 2359 Physical Damage

Kaempfer 2 (20 CP)- Str – 20%, Def – 30%, 108 RT
-->Cuts Physical Damage Done by ~1600 (16.2% of 40% PC HP Damage)
-->Increases Physical Damage Done by 1650
-->86.8%/87.5% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Sturm 3 (20 CP)- 2759 Physical Damage + Impede, 92 RT
Lichtkreis 3 (S-Craft)- 23000 AoE (L) Healing + Revival (+50% Def with 200 CP), 100 RT
Sanctus Nova- 8510 AoE (L) Magic Damage, 100 RT

Teara (16 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (32 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Tear-All (56 EP)- Full Healing, 14 CT, 115 RT
Curia (8 EP)- Status Healing, 9 CT, 70 RT
Clock Up Ex (24 EP)- Increases Effective Speed 35%, 23 CT, 70 RT
Clock Down (40 EP)- Enemy Effective Speed down 50%, AoE (M), 24 CT, 70 RT
-->Doesn’t effect speed until enemy takes next turn
-->91.4/111.7% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Blue Impact (32 EP)- 4810 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Blue Ascension (64 EP)- 5310 Water Magic, 30 CT, 65 RT
Soul Blur (8 EP)- 4010 Time Magic + 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/13.2% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Shadow Spear (32 EP)- 4310 Time Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Ascension (8 EP)- 4010 Mirage Magic, 20 CT, 85 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Anti-Sept, Chaos Brand
Unlisted: Tear, La Curia, Clock Up, Aqua Bleed

HP: 29637 (26462)………….119.8%
EP: 448
STR: 2768 (1356)
DEF: 2217 (1040)…………….Cuts damage by 138 (-1.4% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1234 (1102)
ADF: 15
SPD: 102 (73)…………………….102%
DEX: 40 (-20/20 cancel out)
AGL: 24 (28)
MOV: 8 (4)
RNG: 1
Apocrypha- 1250 Str, -20 Dex (Makes Accuracy 85% with No Hit 4)

HP 4**/Mind 4/Action 4
HP 4**/EP Cut 2/*Hit 4
HP 4**/Cast 2*
HP 4**/Attack 4*
Water 16/Dark 8
Water 8/Space 8/Dark 2/Mirage 2

Attack- 3773 Physical Damage

Ragna Bind (20 CP)- 3773 Physical Damage + 50% Faint, 83.33 RT
-->25.3%/24.4% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Hound Gale 2 (35 CP)- 3873 AoE (M) Physical Damage, 100 RT
Blade Dancer 2 (30 CP)- 4623 Physical Damage + 20% Confuse, 117 RT
-->10.1%/8.3% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Mirage Edge (35 CP)- Impede + 100% Mute, 117 RT
-->50.5%/43.7% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
True Righteous Witness (S-Craft)- 8023 Physical Damage, 117 RT

Teara (16 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (32 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Tear-All (56 EP)- Full Healing, 14 CT, 115 RT
Curia (8 EP)- Status Healing, 9 CT, 70 RT
Clock Up Ex (24 EP)- Increases Effective Speed 35%, 23 CT, 70 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Blue Impact (32 EP)- 2986 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Blue Ascension (64 EP)- 3486 Water Magic
Soul Blur (8 EP)- 2186 Time Magic + 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/12.9% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Shadow Spear (32 EP)- 2486 Time Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Anti-Sept
Unlisted: Tear, Clock Up, Aqua Bleed, Soul Blur, Ascension,

HP: 22228 (19846)………….89.9%
EP: 899 (803)
STR: 2456 (1122)
DEF: 2047 (857).…………….Adds 330 damage (+3.3% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1645 (1469)
ADF: 15
SPD: 99 (71)…………………….99%
DEX: 65 (40)
AGL: 28
MOV: 7 (3)
RNG: 7 (1)
Akashic R- 1200 Str, 25 Dex, 6 Range

EP 4**/Attack 4/Evade 4/Cast 2*/HP 4*/Action 4*/Mind 4*
Alternates: Hit 4/Defense 4/Move 3
-->Defense gives Earth Guard, Earth Wall, Phantom Pain, Silent Cross, Stone Impact, Petrosphere, Petrify Cloud, Titanic Roar, Volcanic Roar, Meteo Fall
Fire 8, Mirage 16, Space 5, Dark 5

Attack- 2728 Physical Damage

Quick Draw 2 (20)- 2728 AoE (L) Physical Damage, 108 RT
Happy Trigger 3 (20 CP)- 5500 AoE (M) Healing, 66.67 RT
Sniper Shot (20 CP)- 3328 Physical Damage + Impede, 90 RT
Requiem Hearts 2 (S-Craft)- 7128 AoE (M) Physical Damage, 133 RT

Forte (15 EP)- Increases Physical Damage by 938, 14 CT, 65 RT
Clock Up (10 EP)- Increase Effective Speed 18%, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Chaos Brand (40 EP)- 100% Confuse, 17 CT, 78 RT
-->53.2%/63.8% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Flare Arrow (40 EP)- 4830 Fire Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Napalm Breath (80 EP)- 5830 Fire Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Lightning (20 EP)- 4130 Line Wind/Lightning Magic + 20% Seal, 24 CT, 70 RT
-->10.6%/14.4% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Soul Blur (10 EP)- 3830 Time Magic + 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/113.5% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Ascension (10 EP)- 3830 Mirage Magic, 20 CT, 85 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Anti-Sept
Unlisted: Fire Bolt, Fire Bolt EX, Spiral Flare, La Forte, Air Strike, Aerial, Sylphen Wing

HP: 19141 (17090)………….77.4%
EP: 803
STR: 2629 (1232)
DEF: 2115 (930).…………….Adds 143 damage (+1.4% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1731 (1506)
ADF: 15
SPD: 102 (73)…………………….102%
DEX: 40
AGL: 28
MOV: 7 (3)
RNG: 1
Crimson Scythe- 1250 Str

Sapphire Gem/Absorb/Attack 4/HP 4/Death/Action 4*/Cast 2*
-->Death gives 20% ID. I don’t think this stacks additively with any Death chance Renne already has (so the 50% ID Rennede because 60% ID and not 70% ID)
Alternates: Emerald Gem, Septium Vein
-->Can get Earth Guard, Sylphen Wing, Petrify Breath, Stone Impact, Earth Lance, Petrify Cloud (potentially), Lightning
22 Water, 8 Fire, 4 Wind, 8 Dark, 2 Space

Attack- 3307 Physical Damage, 20% ID
-->10.1%/10.2% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers

Blood Circle 2 (30 CP)- 3757 AoE (M) Physical Damage + 20% ID, 100 RT
Calamity Throw (25 CP)- 4157 Physical DAmage + 28% ID, Line, 83 RT
-->14.2%/14.7% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Rennede (S-Craft)- 5807 AoE (M) Physical Damage + 60% ID, AoE (M) , 117 RT
-->31.9%/32.3% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Pater Mater (S-Craft)- 7707 Line (L) Physical Damage + 20% ID, 150 RT

Teara (20 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (40 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Tear-All (70 EP)- Full Healing, 14 CT, 115 RT
Clock Up (10 EP)- Increase Effective Speed 18%, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Anti-Sept All (40 EP)- 100% AoE (M) Silence, 21 CT, 65 RT
-->53.2%/74.5% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Blue Impact (40 EP)- 4974 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Blue Ascension (80 EP)- 5474 Water Magic, 30 CT, 65 RT
Flare Arrow (40 EP)- 5174 Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Napalm Breath (80 EP): 6174 Fire Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Soul Blur (10 EP)- 4174 Time Magic + 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/12.9% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Shadow Spear (40 EP)- 4474 Time Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Anti-Sept
Unlisted: Tear, Aqua Bleed, Fire Bolt, Fire Bolt Ex, Spiral Flare

HP: 28032 (25029)………….113.4%
EP: 648
STR: 2754 (1343)
DEF: 2217 (1040).…………….Cuts damage by 138 (-1.4% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1535 (1371)
ADF: 15
SPD: 100 (72)…………………….100%
DEX: 44
AGL: 28
MOV: 9 (5)
RNG: 1
Hakuryuu- 1250 Str

**Attack 4/Action 4/EP Cut 4/Mind 4/Hit  4/Cast 2*
**Attack 4/HP 4*
Alternates: Evade 4
-->Would give Sylphen Guard, Forte, Fire Bolt EX, Spiral Flare, La Forte, Air Strike, Aerial, Lightning, Anti-Sept All, White Gehenna, Orbal Down
-->Anti-Sept All is 100% Silence or 53.2%/74.5% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
8 Water, 8 Fire, 13 Dark, 8 Space, 13 Mirage

Attack- 3726 Physical Damage

True Luminous Wheel (40 CP)- 4226 AoE (S) Physical Damage, 39 RT
True Luminous Ogre Slash (25 CP)- 4526 Physical Damage + 30% Faint, 22 RT
-->15.2%/12.6% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
True Luminous Divider (30 CP)- 4826 Physical Damage, 22 RT
Sakura Morning Moon (S-Craft)- 11726 Physical Damage, 92 RT

Teara (20 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT (30 CT w/o Cast 2)
Tearal (40 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT (35 CT w/o Cast 2)
Curia (10 EP)- Status Healing, 9 CT, 70 RT (30 CT w/o Cast 2)
Clock Up (6 EP)- Increase Effective Speed 18%, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Clock Down (30 EP)- Enemy Effective Speed down 50%, AoE (M), 24 CT, 70 RT
-->Doesn’t effect speed until enemy takes next turn
-->13.3%/12.9% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
-->91.4/111.7% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Blue Impact (24 EP)- 4190 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Flare Arrow (24 EP)- 4390 Fire Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Napalm Breath (48 EP): 5390 Fire Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Soul Blur (6 EP)- 3390 Time Magic + 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/12.9% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Shadow Spear (24 EP)- 3690 Time Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Dark Matter (48 EP)- 4390 Space Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Ascension (6 EP)- 3390 Mirage Magic, 20 CT, 85 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Anti-Sept, Chaos Brand
Unlisted: Tear, La Curia, Clock Up, Aqua Bleed, Fire Bolt

HP: 25932 (23154)………….104.9%
EP: 668
STR: 2538 (1195)
DEF: 2139 (956).…………….Adds 77 damage (+0.8% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1543 (1347)
ADF: 50 (15)
SPD: 99 (71)…………………….99%
DEX: 50 (40)
AGL: 32 (28)
MOV: 9 (5)
RNG: 5 (1)
Gorgon’s Treasure- 1200 Str, 35 Ats, 35 Adf, 10 Dex, 4 Range


Evade 4**/Mind 4/Action 4/Sleep**/Attack 4/Cast 2*
Evade 4**/HP 4*
Alternates: EP 4 (8 Mirage, 5 Space, 5 Dark)
-->Adds La Teara, Curia, La Curia, Forte, La Forte, Chaos Brand, Clock Up EX, Clock Down, Anti-Sept All, Aerial, Lightning, White Gehenna, Ascension (sometimes depending on what is subbed out)
-->Anti-Sept All is 100% Silence or 53.2%/74.5% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
8 Water, 8 Fire, 11 Wind, 8 Dark

Attack- 3002 Physical Damage, 10% Sleep, 100 RT

Heaven’s Kiss (20)- Allies get turns immediately, AoE (M)
Fox Tail (30 CP)- 3002 Physical Damage + High Chance of Stealing Item, 10% Sleep, 17 RT
Sylphen Whip 3 (20 CP)- 3702 AoE (M) Physical Damage, 10% Sleep, 100 RT
Bind Whip 3 (20 CP)- 3702 Physical Damage + Impede, 10% Sleep, 100 RT
Judgment Card 2 (S-Craft)- 7502 AoE (M) Physical Damage + 100% chance of either Freeze, Confuse, Death or Blind, 10% Sleep, 150 RT
-->53.2%/60% chance of status factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
-->5.3%/4.6% chance of Sleep

Unlisted: Tear, Sylphen Guard, Sylphen Wing, Sylparion, Aqua Bleed, Fire Bolt
Teara (20 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (40 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Clock Up (10 EP)- Increase Effective Speed 18%, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Blue Impact (40 EP)- 4222 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Flare Arrow (40 EP)- 4422 Fire Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Napalm Breath (80 EP)-  5422 Fire Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT
Air Strike (10 EP)- 3422 Wind Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Soul Blur (10 EP)- 3422 Time Magic + 25% Faint, 20 CT, 85 RT
-->13.3%/13.2% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Shadow Spear (40 EP)- 3722 Time Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Anti-Sept
Unlisted: Tear, Sylphen Wing, Sylparion, Aqua Bleed, Fire Bolt

HP: 17288 (15436)………….69.9%
EP: 482
STR: 2593 (1244)
DEF: 2047 (857).…………….Adds 330 damage (+3.3% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 1370 (1224)
ADF: 15
SPD: 99 (71)…………………….99%
DEX: 40
AGL: 28
MOV: 6 (2)
RNG: 6 (1)
Vritra-han- 1200 Str, 5 Range

EP Cut 2**/Attack 4/Move 3**/HP 4
EP Cut 2**/Action*/Cast 2*
EP Cut 2**/Mind*
Alternates: Range, Strike (Gets Dark Matter)
Space 3, Dark 2, Mirage 2, Fire 8, Water 8

Attack- 3187 Physical Damage

Smoke Cannon 2 (30 CP)- 3437 AoE (L) Physical Damage + 100% Blind, 100 RT
-->50.5%/67.7% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Vital Cannon 3 (30 CP)- 8000 AoE (L) Healing + Stat Down/Status Curing, 89 RT
Orbal Gear (20 CP)- +100% MHP/CHP, +50% Speed, +20% Str/Def, Prevents use of Artes and changes usable Crafts to starred items (No S-Craft), 17 RT
-->Unlike other buffs of 20% Str, this 20%+ gets str from equipment
-->Immunes Some Statuses (Faint, Freeze), but not Seal, Confuse, Blind or ID. I’d take down the dividing line of immuning statuses that take away ability to make any actions.
-->Cuts Physical Damage Taken by 1125
*Attack- 5621 Physical Damage, 100 RT
*Bullet Barrage (10 CP)- 5271 AoE (M) Physical Damage, 100 RT
*Smoke Missiles (10 CP)- 5271 AoE (S) Physical Damage +100%  Blind, 100 RT
-->50.5%/81.2% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
*Charge (10 CP)-5921 Physical Damage + 100% Faint, 100 RT
-->50.5%/75.8% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Satellite Beam 2 (S-Craft)- 7187 AoE (M) Physical Damage, 133 RT

Teara (16 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (32 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Clock Up (8 EP)- Increase Effective Speed 18%, 17 CT, 68 RT
-->Doesn’t effect the RT from the casting
Blue Impact (32 EP)- 2946 Water Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Flare Arrow (32 EP)- 3146 Fire Magic, 20 CT, 68 RT
Napalm Breath (64 EP)- 4146 Fire Magic, 24 CT, 70 RT

Unlisted due to more questionable legality: Anti-Sept
Unlisted: Tear, Aqua Bleed, Fire Bolt, Soul Blur, Ascension

HP: 32107 (28667)………….129.8%
EP: 502
STR: 2753 (1342)
DEF: 2275 (1102).…………….Cuts damage by 297 (-3% to 40% PC HP Damage)
ATS: 734
ADF: 15
SPD: 104 (71)…………………….104%
DEX: 60 (40)
AGL: 28
MOV: 8 (4)
RNG: 1
Acalanatha- 1250 Str, 20 Dex, 5 Speed

Mute **/HP 4/EP Cut 2
Mute **/Empty Earth/Cast 2*
Mute **/Action 4*
Mute **/Attack 4*
Alternates: Defense  4, Move 3
-->Defense 4 would give Thelas
Earth 3/Water 8/Space 3/Mirage 2/Dark 2

Attack- 3723 Physical Damage

True Distend (20 CP)- Base Attack+Def up 60%, 78 RT
-->Increases Physical Damage Done by 2697
-->Cuts Physical Damage by an additional 1818 (18.4% of 40% PC HP Damage)
Supreme Composure (20 CP)- 13000 Healing + Status Healing, 100 RT
Supreme Smite (30 CP)- 4623 Physical Damage + 50% Confuse, 100 RT
-->25.3%/22.1% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers
Supreme Thunder God Kick (35 CP)- 4623 AoE (S) Physical Damage, 100 RT
Taunt (20 CP)- Focuses enemy attention on self
True Wrath of Genbu (S-Craft)- 8123 AoE (M) Damage, 133 RT

Teara (16 EP)- 6000 Healing, 9 CT, 90 RT
Tearal (32 EP)- 12000 Healing, 11 CT, 105 RT
Curia (8 EP)- Status Healing, 9 CT, 70 RT
Earth Guard (8 EP)- Blocks next attack, 20 CT, 75 RT
Petrify Breath (24 EP)- 486 Earth Magic + 20% Petrify, 20 CT, 68 RT
-->10.6%/9.8% factoring all enemies and factoring modifiers

Unlisted: Tear, Stone Hammer, Aqua Bleed, Blue Impact, Ascension (No Damage Spells break 1000 damage)

« Last Edit: December 21, 2020, 04:15:10 AM by Dhyerwolf »
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Re: Legend of Heroes: Trails 3rd
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2020, 04:15:48 AM »
1 Richard- True Luminous Ogre Slash x 4, Attack, True Luminous Divider- 8885
2 Estelle- NB x 2, Supreme Comet, True Wheel of Time- 8194
3 Zin- True Distend, Attack x 2, True Wrath of Genbu- 7887 (6431 w/o Buffing)
4 Reis- NB x 2, ATtack, Heavenly Strike- 7823
5 Renne- NB x 2, Attack, Pater Mater- 7787
6 Kevin- BA x 2, Crossgear Rage, Spear of Ur- 7651
7 Joshua- Dark Matter x 2, Supreme Dual Strike, True Phantom Raid- 7602
8 Olivier- NB x 2, Sniper Shot, Requiem Hearts, 7372
9 Schera- NB x 2, Bind Whip, Judgment Card- 7349
10 Kloe- BA x 2, Sturm, Sanctus Nova- 7296
11 Julia- NB x 2, Attack, Pentagrammic Kleis- 7191
12 Agate- Attack x 2, Flame Slash, Dragon Drive- 6671
13 Josette- NB x 2, Anchor Flail, Bobcat- 6538
14 Mueller- Attack x 3, True Righteous Witness- 6447
15 Tita- NB x 2, Attack, Satellite Beam- 6220 (Barely outdamages Orbal Gear in 3 turns)
16 Anelace- Attack x2 , True Swordwind Slash, Supreme Piercing Wave- 6005 (6771 w/ Petal Dance, but lowers defense)
Average: 7307 (Kill Point: 18268)

1. Zin 32107 (129.8%)
2. Mueller 29637 (119.8%)
3. Agate 28402 (114.9%)
4. Richard 28032 (113.4%)
5. Joshua 27168 (109.9%)
6. Anelace 25932 (104.9%)
6. Scherazard 25932 (104.9%)
8. Julia 25562 (103.4%)
9. Estelle 24698 (99.9%)
10. Ries 24080 (97.4%)
11. Kevin 23462 (94.9%)
12. Oliver 22228 (89.9%)
13. Josette 20993 (84.9%)
13. Kloe 20993 (84.9%)
15. Renne 19141 (77.4%)
16. Tita 17288 (69.9%)
Average: 24729

1. Zin 104
2. Joshua = Mueller = Renne 102
5. Julia = Richard 100
7. Agate = Anelace = Estelle = Josette = Kloe = Kevin  = Olivier Ries = Scherazard = Tita 99
Average: 100

1. Agate 2781
2. Zin 2753
3. Mueller 2768
4. Richard 2754
5. Joshua 2661
6. Ries 2661
7. Anelace 2643
8. Julia 2634
9. Renne 2629
10. Estelle 2593
11. Tita 2593
12. Kevin 2556
13. Josette 2538
14. Scherazard 2538
15. Olivier 2456
16. Kloe 2346
Average: 2619

1. Renne 1731
2. Ries 1730
3. Kloe 1690
4. Kevin 1660
5. Olivier 1645
6. Julia 1553
7. Scherazard 1543
8. Richard 1535
9. Joshua 1508
10. Estelle 1370
10. Josette 1370
10. Tita 1370
13. Mueller 1234
14. Anelace 1102
15. Agate 910
16. Zin 734
Average: 1418

1. Kevin- 2275; Cuts damage by 297 (-3% to 40% PC HP Damage)
1. Zin- 2275; Cuts damage by 297 (-3% to 40% PC HP Damage)
3. Agate- 2217; Cuts damage by 138 (-1.4% to 40% PC HP Damage)
3. Mueller- 2217; Cuts damage by 138 (-1.4% to 40% PC HP Damage)
3. Richard- 2217; Cuts damage by 138 (-1.4% to 40% PC HP Damage)
6. Julia- 2206; Cuts damage by 107 (-1.1% to 40% PC HP Damage)
7. Anelace- 2184; Cuts damage by 47 (-0.5% to 40% PC HP Damage)
7. Ries- 2184; Cuts damage by 47 (-0.5% to 40% PC HP Damage)
9. Estelle- 2161; Adds 16 damage (+0.2% to 40% PC HP Damage)
10. Kloe- 2140; Adds 74 damage (+0.7% to 40% PC HP Damage)
11. Scherazard- 2139; Adds 77 damage (+0.8% to 40% PC HP Damage)
12. Josette- 2138; Adds 80 damage (+0.8% to 40% PC HP Damage)
13. Renne- 2115; Adds 143 damage (+1.4% to 40% PC HP Damage)
14. Joshua- 2105; Adds 170 damage (+1.7% to 40% PC HP Damage)
15. Olivier- 2047; Adds 330 damage (+3.3% to 40% PC HP Damage)
15. Tita- 2047; Adds 330 damage (+3.3% to 40% PC HP Damage)
Average: 2167 (5959 Raw Reduction)

1. Oliver 899
2. Kloe 803
2. Renne 803
4. Kevin 736
5. Scherazard 668
6. Richard 648
7. Ries 618
8. Julia 592
9. Joshua 582
10. Josette 568
11. Estelle 526
12. Zin 502
13. Tita 482
14. Agate 457
15. Anelace 453
16. Mueller 448
Average: 612
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Re: Legend of Heroes: Trails 3rd
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2020, 04:17:07 AM »
80000 HP
3450 Str
2485 Def……………..Cuts physicals by 1150
0 Ats
1528 Adf……………..Cuts magic by 1432
120 Speed…………..110% Speed
Good Accuracy (90% Accuracy against an in-game setup that had 40% evade on average in game)
Immune to Status, Stat Downs and Delay

PC Averages
HP: ~21400 (Including Water Gem for +15% HP)
Attack: ~2300
ATS: ~1200 (Can add 2400 Magic Damage in exchange for 5% of Speed)
Def: ~1700
Speed: 109 (63 Base; Including Onyx Gem for +50% Speed, +15 from Equips)
Magic Damage: 5000 w/ Napalm Breath (Slightly Slower than Average w/ Cast 2), 4000 w/ Flare Napalm (Slightly Faster than Average w/ Cast 2)
Physical Damage: ~2000 Damage at Base
S-Craft: Physical + ~5000 (A little over 4000 usually, but Kevin’s current +3650 and Richard’s current +8000 are locked party members)
Three Turn Average: ~5500

Attack- ~6800 Physical Damage
Lightning Flash- ~6800 Physical Damage (M? AoE?), Fast RT (Lower than 67)
Armor Rend- ~6800 Physical Damage + 67 AT Delay, Line, Fast RT (Lower than 67)
-->I saw Cassius Armor Rend + Hundred Blows x 2 against a 121 speed Richard
Hundred Blows- ~6800 Physical Damage, Fast RT (Lower than 67)
Qilingong- Str and Speed up for ~8 Turns, Very Fast RT (~50?)
-->Increases Physical Damage ~3500
-->Speed increase could be 50%; Varying RT makes it hard to tell
Phoenix Wave- (S-Craft)- ~14500 MT? Physical Damage, Slow RT
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Re: Legend of Heroes: Trails 3rd
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2020, 04:17:46 AM »
Stone Hammer, Stone Impact, Aqua Bleed, Fire Bolt, Fire Bolt EX, Air Strike, Aerial, Soul Blur, Energy Drain, Death Scream, Ascension, Silver Thorn
L2 (+150 over L1)
Titanic Roar, Aero Storm, Hell Gate, White Gehenna, Abyss Fall
L3 (+300 over L1)
Petrify Breath, Petrify Cloud, Diamond Dust, Cocytus, Lightning, Grand Stream, Gale Lance, Shadow Spear
L4 (+600 over L1)
Arc Prominence, Calamitous Blast
L5 (+800 over L1)
Blue Impact, Plasma Wave, Lost Mobius
L6 (+1000 over L1)
Earth Lance, Atlas Hammer, Geo Catastrophe, Flare Arrow, Spiral Flare, Dark Matter
L7 (+1300 over L1)
Blue Ascension, Meteo Fall, Ragna Blast
L8 (+1700 over L1)
Dark Matter EX
L9 (+2000 over L1)
Napalm Breath, Volcanic Rave
L10 (+3300 over L1)
Cyclone Napalm, Devastation Blast

Tear: 8 CT, 85 RT (25 CT w/o Cast 2)
Teara: 9 CT, 90 RT (30 CT w/o Cast 2)
Tearal: 11 CT, 105 RT (35 CT w/o Cast 2)
Tear-all: 14 CT, 115 RT (45 CT w/o Cast 2)
La Tear: 9 CT, 87 RT (30 CT w/o Cast 2)
La Teara: 12 CT, 100 RT (40 CT w/o Cast 2)
La Tearal: 15 CT, 120 RT (50 CT w/o Cast 2)
La Tear-All: 20 CT, 135 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Thelas: 9 CT, 70 RT (30 CT w/o Cast 2)
Athelas: 15 CT, 90 RT (50 CT w/o Cast 2)
Curia: 9 CT, 70 RT (30 CT w/o Cast 2)
La Curia: 15 CT, 83 RT (50 CT w/o Cast 2)
Earth Guard: 20 CT, 75 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Earth Wall: 34 CT, 76 RT (114 CT w/o Cast 2)
Gaia Shield: 47 CT, 112 RT (155 CT w/o Cast 2)
Crest: 14 CT, 65 RT (45 CT w/o Cast 2)
La Crest: 26 CT, 70 RT (85 CT w/o Cast 2)
Forte: 14 CT, 65 RT (45 CT w/o Cast 2)
La Forte: 26 CT, 70 RT (85 CT w/o Cast 2)
Sylphen Guard: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Sylphen Wing: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Sylpharion: 24 CT, 70 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Clock Up: 17 CT, 68 RT (55 CT w/o Cast 2)
Clock Up EX: 23 CT, 70 RT (75 CT w/o Cast 2)
A-Crest: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Genesic Barrier: 30 CT, 100 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Saint: 24 CT, 70 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Zodiac: 30 CT, 65 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Petrosphere: 23 CT,65 RT (75 CT w/o Cast 2)
Anti-Sept: 17 CT, 68 RT (55 CT w/o Cast 2)
Anti-Sept All: 21 CT, 65 RT (70 CT w/o Cast 2)
Clock Down: 24 CT, 70 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Orbal Down: 27 CT, 70 RT (90 CT w/o Cast 2)
Enfeeble: 30 CT, 133 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Arch Drain: 30 CT, 100 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Chaos Brand: 17 CT, 78 RT (55 CT w/o Cast 2)
Phantom Pain: 21 CT, 65 RT (70 CT w/o Cast 2)
Silent Cross: 27 CT, 85 RT (90 CT w/o Cast 2)
Stone Hammer: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Earth Lance: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Petrify Breath: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Stone Impact: 24 CT, 70 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Petrify Cloud: 30 CT, 68 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Atlas Hammer: 30 CT, 65 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Titanic Roar: 30 CT, 65 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Geo Catastophe: 35 CT, 62 RT (118 CT w/o Cast 2)
Aqua Bleed: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Blue Impact: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Blue Ascension: 30 CT, 65 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Diamond Dust: 32 CT, 70 RT (105 CT w/o Cast 2)
Cocytus: 48 CT, 73 RT (160 CT w/o Cast 2)
Fire Bolt: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Flare Arrow: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Fire Bolt EX: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Cyclone Napalm: 35 CT, 67 RT (118 CT w/o Cast 2)
Napalm Breath: 24 CT, 70 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Spiral Flare: 24 CT, 70 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Meteo Fall: 30 CT, 65 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Volcanic Rave: 30 CT, 65 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Arc Prominence: 39 CT, 70 RT (130 CT w/o Cast 2)
Air Strike: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Aerial: 24 CT, 70 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Lightning: 24 CT, 70 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Plasma Wave: 27 CT, 70 RT (90 CT w/o Cast 2)
Gale Lance: 27 CT, 85 RT(90 CT w/o Cast 2)
Aero Storm: 30 CT, 65 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Ragna Blast: 32 CT, 70 RT (105 CT w/o Cast 2)
Grand Stream: 35 CT 62 RT (118 CT w/o Cast 2)
Soul Blur: 20 CT, 85 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Shadow Spear: 20 CT, 68 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Hell Gate: 24 CT, 87 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Energy Drain: 24 CT, 70 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Death Scream: 30 CT, 80 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
White Gehenna: 30 CT, 65 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Abyss Fall: 35 CT, 62 RT (118 CT w/o Cast 2)
Calamitous Blast: 30 CT, 65 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Dark Matter: 24 CT, 70 RT (80 CT w/o Cast 2)
Lost Mobius: 30 CT, 85 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Dark Matter EX: 30 CT, 80 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Ascension: 20 CT, 85 RT (65 CT w/o Cast 2)
Silver Thorn: 30 CT, 100 RT (100 CT w/o Cast 2)
Devastation Blast: 83 CT, Didn’t check RT (275 CT w/o Cast 2)
...into the nightfall.