Author Topic: RPGVO 2024 Round 2: Are Realians worms? And two demon swordsmen square off. :)  (Read 1006 times)


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Odd Eye (ShF2) vs. Melfice (G2)
Barbariccia (FF4) vs. Nailah (FE10)
Velius (FFT) vs. Elyon (BoF5)
Tir McDohl (S1) vs. Chris Lightfellow (S3)


Ryuji Sakamoto (P5) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW)
Summoner (FF5) vs. Tidus (FFX)
Nel Zelpher (SO3) vs. Therion (OT)
Asellus (SaGa) vs. Celica (FE:SoV)


Tifa Lockhart (FF7) vs. Leehalt Alceste (WA3)
Amarant Coral (FF9) vs. Bowser (SMRPG)
Albel Nox (SO3) vs. MOMO (XSs)
Shulk (XBC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4)


Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF)
Cotton (SaGa) vs. Zhuzhen Liu (SH1)
Benedict (TriStrat) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos)
Boco (FFT) vs. Annette (FE3H)

Voting ends on Sunday, 8/11/24  EDIT: with apologies to Random for misgaming :).  Which game :) comes from is incredibly important and I should have doublechecked instead of making assumptions.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2024, 07:38:39 AM by 074 »
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.

Random Consonant

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excuse me i nommed wa4 kesaran pasaran this is very important (not that I can vote on that match since it involves Xenoblade but anyways)


Odd Eye (ShF2) vs. Melfice (G2)
Barbariccia (FF4) vs. Nailah (FE10) - ok who the fuck nommed barbie.  Regardless spin2win is too much here.
Tir McDohl (S1) vs. Chris Lightfellow (S3) - Silent Lake doesn't outspeed Tir.


Ryuji Sakamoto (P5) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW) - Nope.
Summoner (FF5) vs. Tidus (FFX)- e: oh right I guess Tidus would be able to get four QHs in with non-nerfed QH.
Asellus (SaGa) vs. Celica (FE:SoV)


Tifa Lockhart (FF7) vs. Leehalt Alceste (WA3)
Amarant Coral (FF9) vs. Bowser (SMRPG) - sure


Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF)- Rico bad.
Cotton (SaGa) vs. Zhuzhen Liu (SH1)
Benedict (TriStrat) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos) - Millich isn't pathetic or anything, just a bland e: 3HKO machine.  This is better than what Benedict is doing here.
Boco (FFT) vs. Annette (FE3H) - So unless I'm missing something Annette can just enforce a heal lock with Wind because that + a counter and Dust follow up will end Boco and since Wind has a 14% crit rate Dust will just kill anyways.  Boco *does* 2HKO Annette of the 0.62 physical durability but this doesn't actually matter since the bird can't safely attack ever.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2024, 05:32:08 PM by Random Consonant »

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Odd Eye (ShF2) vs. Melfice (G2) - Faster. 2HKOs.
Tir McDohl (S1) vs. Chris Lightfellow (S3) - Yeah, the faster one takes it all.

Ryuji Sakamoto (P5) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW) - Home run.
Summoner (FF5) vs. Tidus (FFX) - Tidus juuuuust misses a 3HKO on Summoner, so Catoblepas solves things.

Tifa Lockhart (FF7) vs. Leehalt Alceste (WA3) - Leehalt does not get to dodge a limit.
Amarant Coral (FF9) vs. Bowser (SMRPG) - Uh, Fear physicals do strap Amarant into a heal-lock that actually makes leeway against Amarant slowly. This said, Bowser has to reapply it periodically and that also means Amarant gets to make progress himself between recasts... and Amarant is faster. Alternatively, he can try to apply Countdown, which I don't think Bowser can stop in time. Yeah, this is not a short fight, but I guess it works like this.
Albel Nox (SO3) vs. MOMO Mizrahi (XSs) - I... actually think it doesn't matter which form MOMO takes? Albel damage is a thing, so XS1 runs Confuse rod, Star Lights and proceeds to 2HKO. XS3 eats Albel alive with Abyss Walker => Blood Dancer => smashy smashy. Even XS2 might have a shot with charging twice into a KO, which is just sad.

Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF) - I thought about Labby's accuracy busting, but tbh she just goes first and 2HKOs.
Cotton (SaGa) vs. Zhuzhen Liu (SH1) - Zhuzhen has enough time to land Paralysis and just win from there, Cotton offense is unsalvageable.
Boco (FFT) vs. Annette Fantine Dominic (FE3H) - uh doesn't Annette 2HKO Boco at base
« Last Edit: August 05, 2024, 04:18:14 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Odd Eye (ShF2) vs. Melfice (G2)
Barbariccia (FF4) vs. Nailah (FE10)
Velius (FFT) vs. Elyon (BoF5)- just a kneejerk that Elyon is a higher tier of Godlike
Tir McDohl (S1) vs. Chris Lightfellow (S3)- Yeah SL isn't *that* fast.


Ryuji Sakamoto (P5) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW)
Summoner (FF5) vs. Tidus (FFX)- *checks* this kinda comes down to how much I let FFX customize their armor for status buuuuuut I kinda remember Stoneproof being pretty hard?
Nel Zelpher (SO3) vs. Therion (OT)
Asellus (SaGa) vs. Celica (FE:SoV)- Does Celica make Heavy?  Huh.  She ain't no Asellus though.


Tifa Lockhart (FF7) vs. Leehalt Alceste (WA3)
Amarant Coral (FF9) vs. Bowser (SMRPG)- Bleh, I think?  Bowser's game is more geared for straight sluggers.
Albel Nox (SO3) vs. MOMO (XSs)
Shulk (XBC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4)- Shulk's crowd control and healing wouldn't necessarily be enough here even if he *could* spam it, which he can't.


Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF)- kneejerk
Cotton (SaGa) vs. Zhuzhen Liu (SH1)
Benedict (TriStrat) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos)- No vote.
Boco (FFT) vs. Annette (FE3H)- math could prove me wrong here, but at a glance, Annette doesn't really have much in the way of spike damage (Dust is only an extra 10 over Lightning Axe), and her steady damage is just barely average and has a chance to miss, so I think Boco can actually hold her off long enough.  If Dust got effective bonus against any monster class that'd change things but I think it's specifically against Dragons.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2024, 09:26:13 PM by Cmdr_King »
CK: She is the female you
Snow: Speaking of Sluts!

<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Barbariccia (FF4) vs. Nailah (FE10) - I'll try spinning! That's a good trick.

Ryuji Sakamoto (P5) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW) - Physical resistance isn't immunity. So Skull is still vulnerable to Grand Slam and doesn't OHKO even if you have some disrespect for the ID rate. Pretty open and shut.
Summoner (FF5) vs. Tidus (FFX) - EDIT: NEB math to the rescue. Tidus does get 4 swings at minimum (Sonic Steel + his natural guarantees it with QH) and that's just enough for the kill it seems.

Tifa Lockhart (FF7) vs. Leehalt Alceste (WA3) - Not Leehalt's fight. Tifa can even use one of those Crisis damage boosting weapons to really punch through Leehalt's durability. Having only 1 damaging attack means Leehalt is pretty impotent at damage manipulation it so Tifa will always Limit and that's obviously bad.
Amarant Coral (FF9) vs. Bowser (SMRPG) - Return Magic is cute, but Bowser can run a Fear blocker. However DOOM/COUNTDOWN exists (thanks Snow) and Amarant can turtle using CHAKRA of all things while that's going. Have a hard time seeing Bowser bust through that noise.
Albel Nox (SO3) vs. MOMO (XSs) - XS3 forms wins this for free because Abyss Walker makes MOMO untouchable. XS1 form...I'll trust Snow for this one. The main thing is that Albel drains MP too, but XS1 form has the double damage transformation and will opt for that instead to overpower.
Shulk (XBC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4) - Shulk's best argument is Speed, which gives him evade to tank through multiple attacks from :). Problem: He eventually has to attack (auto-attack even guarantees this) and his healing is too poor once the clones start piling up, so eventually he likely dies from the explosion damage. Also, while I normally don't want to argue much on positioning, here it matters because of Shulk's battle skills. And because :) spawns more and more :)s every turn, Shulk is going to have a tough time actually getting into the right position for damage bonuses, rendering arguments of a possible OHKO kinda moot.

Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF) - Labby manages to go first because Rico speed plot and 2HKOs with Lightning. Lols.
Boco (FFT) vs. Annette (FE3H) - I'll check the math on this one later, but general rule of thumb is that Boco is bad and should feel bad. Unless he can force a way to run Annette out of charges, my kneejerk is she has this.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 05:35:41 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Odd Eye (ShF2) vs. Melfice (G2): Full parts does this.
Barbariccia (FF4) vs. Nailah (FE10)
Velius (FFT) vs. Elyon (BoF5)
Tir McDohl (S1) vs. Chris Lightfellow (S3)


Ryuji Sakamoto (P5) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW)
Summoner (FF5) vs. Tidus (FFX): Sonic Steel Quick Hit swarm doesn't do the job I think.
Nel Zelpher (SO3) vs. Therion (OT): Freeze?
Asellus (SaGa) vs. Celica (FE:SoV)


Tifa Lockhart (FF7) vs. Leehalt Alceste (WA3): Limit
Amarant Coral (FF9) vs. Bowser (SMRPG)
Albel Nox (SO3) vs. MOMO (XSs)
Shulk (XBC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA4)


Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF)
Cotton (SaGa) vs. Zhuzhen Liu (SH1)
Benedict (TriStrat) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos)
Boco (FFT) vs. Annette (FE3H)


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Barbariccia (FF4) vs. Nailah (FE10)
I guess refight Valvalis isn't really Godlike.
Tir McDohl (S1) vs. Chris Lightfellow (S3)


Ryuji Sakamoto (P5) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW)
Ryuji can't win in a single turn.  Even worse, while there's a very questionable maybe ID blocking in P5 accessories, it's clearly Light / Bless elemental, and Curvy Hilda's ID is physical elemental.
Summoner (FF5) vs. Tidus (FFX)
I think I will kneejerk toward assuming a slightly higher FFX damage average than Elf.  Close one, though.
Nel Zelpher (SO3) vs. Therion (OT)
Assuming Nel's Freeze is turn 1.

Re CK: I'd say Echoes Celica is Heavy, sure.  She can unload 0.98 PCHP damage off Ragnarok Omega if she lives to get a turn which is a bit rough in Middle, and if you don't put her away in one turn but need to attack into her counters, she gets to throw a free Fire counter in before doing her best damage.  vs. stallers, she can probably double with 2x Excaliburs each with a 41% crit rate for 0.91 PCHP when nothing crits, but like 1.81 PCHP if a single Excalibur crits.  Usual problems vs. status that many FE duelers have once they hit Heavy, of course.


Tifa Lockhart (FF7) vs. Leehalt Alceste (WA3)
Albel Nox (SO3) vs. MOMO (XSs)
MOMO is really strong for Middle, yeah.


Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF)
Benedict (TriStrat) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos)
Boco (FFT) vs. Annette (FE3H)
Yeah, Boco has to pray none of Annette's Winds ever crits and she runs out while turtling like mad.  Unlikely.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 11:43:45 PM by SnowFire »

Dark Holy Elf

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Odd Eye (ShF2) vs. Melfice (G2): Sure, I'll bite.
Barbariccia (FF4) vs. Nailah (FE10): I think Nailah has a better shot here than others, her sky-high accuracy means she actually hits through spin pretty well. But... Weak is surely still turn 1, and if the followup poke also lands (which it should over half the time), Valvalis still takes this without much issue.
Velius (FFT) vs. Elyon (BoF5): Goes first, and certainly isn't killing in less than 2 turns, since he has gravity and can quarter Velius's HP on turn 1.
Tir McDohl (S1) vs. Chris Lightfellow (S3): Faster.


Summoner (FF5) vs. Tidus (FFX): Quick Hit x4 is 84% damage, Summoner has 0.78 pdur, and isn't getting a turn before Tidus's fourth.
Nel Zelpher (SO3) vs. Therion (OT): Therion can't kill anything before turn 3, Nel freezes him before that.
Asellus (SaGa) vs. Celica (FE:SoV): Goes first, 2HKOs, needs to dodge a counter since otherwise Celica 2HKOs first, but with all her nonsense she probably does.


Tifa Lockhart (FF7) vs. Leehalt Alceste (WA3): I have a lot of respect for Rule of Vengeance these days, so Tifa will probably die if she attacks. But she doesn't need to do that, she sits there until she gets a really good limit (L2 is enough, surely) and one-shots Leehalt.
Amarant Coral (FF9) vs. Bowser (SMRPG): Assuming Bowser goes for turn 1 Fear, Amarant kills in four attacks (one full + three halved). Bowser kills in three (Terrorize + Physical x 1.5 x 2). So that's a win unless Amarant can muscle out some extra damage/healing somewhere, perhaps in an attempt to wait out Fear. Chakra is a thought. In fact... yeah that probably works? Bowser does 13% to Amarant with Terrorize, and 37.3% (56% with fear) with his physical, while Amarant heals for 40%. So Terrorize + three physicals is 181%, while Chakra almost heals that... not quite, but enough that Bowser will miss with fear or run out of MP eventually. And... yeah Amarant can also apply regen on turn 1 to put a further dent, and as a bonus it gives him Auto-Life. This match is probably his.
Albel Nox (SO3) vs. MOMO (XSs): Not thinking about this too hard.


Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF): Barely faster, so she 2HKOs first. Though, with Rico's accuracy and Weapon Guard, Rico probably misses one of his first two attacks anyway.
Cotton (SaGa) vs. Zhuzhen Liu (SH1): Zhuzhen needs almost all of his MP to win this, I think, but win it he does.
Benedict (TriStrat) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos): Hey, Milich is distinctly a 3HKO machine, not a 4HKO machine! Benedict, meanwhile, might 4HKO on a good day, and Milich is tanky so this is not a good day.
Boco (FFT) vs. Annette (FE3H): Random's strategy makes sense: Annette can kill with Wind + Wind counter + Dust, so she heal-locks with Wind which criticals at some point. ... except that critical doesn't actually kill? But... Boco is below average FFT speed which means Annette will doubleturn him eventually, and when she does she can finally use melee attacks since she can endure a counter and 2HKO with Lightning Axe -> Dust.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.

DragonKnight Zero

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Summoner (FF5) vs. Tidus (FFX)

Summoner has poor physical defenses and won't be surviving many Tidus hits.

Tidus has ass for magical durability and isn't surviving many Summoner spells.

Tidus is faster...  Way, way, faster thanks to Quick Hit.  (going with Elf math on this)

Tifa Lockhart (FF7) vs. Leehalt Alceste (WA3)

  Tifa is on the lowest tier of cast HP (which isn't that much of a difference) and has no means of recovering from Rule of Vengeance counter damage.  What she does have is being able to burst through with a Limit since counter damage still charges the Limit bar.  And since Leehalt's direct offense his so low, I see her being able to trigger at least a L2 and maybe even L3 or L4.  I'm confident that one of her weapons also sets her attack strength just right that she doesn't need to wait but not inclined to math it out.


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Belated Match Results on account of being stuck in the Lands Between:


Odd Eye (ShF2) vs. Melfice (G2) |||||
Barbariccia (FF4) |||||| vs. Nailah (FE10)
Velius (FFT) vs. Elyon (BoF5) ||
Tir McDohl (S1) |||||| vs. Chris Lightfellow (S3)


Ryuji Sakamoto (P5) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW) ||||||
Summoner (FF5) |||| [TIEBREAKER] vs. Tidus (FFX) ||||
Nel Zelpher (SO3) |||| vs. Therion (OT)
Asellus (SaGa) ||| vs. Celica (FE:SoV)


Tifa Lockhart (FF7) |||||||| vs. Leehalt Alceste (WA3)
Amarant Coral (FF9) |||||| vs. Bowser (SMRPG)
Albel Nox (SO3) vs. MOMO Mizrahi (XSs) ||||||
Shulk (XBC) vs. Kesaran Pasaran (WA3) |||


Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Labyrinthia Wordsworth (WA:XF) |||||||
Cotton (SaGa) vs. Zhuzhen Liu (SH1) ||||
Benedict (TriStrat) vs. Millich Oppenheimer (Suikos) |||
Boco (FFT) | vs. Annette Fantine Dominic (FE3H) ||||||

Voting is now closed.  Losers move on to the Losers' Bracket Pools in Round 3, Winners advance to the Winners' Quarterfinals in Round 4.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.