Author Topic: RPGVO 2024 Round 7, Losers Quarter: Tifa Hits a Guy with Glasses.  (Read 215 times)


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RPGVO 2024 Round 7, Losers Quarter: Tifa Hits a Guy with Glasses.
« on: September 09, 2024, 06:34:42 AM »

Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Melfice (G2)
Velius (FFT) vs. Shania (SH:FtNW)


Asellus (SaGa) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW)
Geno (SMRPG) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF)


Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Tifa Lockhart (FF7)
Stocke (RH) vs. Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC)


Milich Oppenheimer (Suikos) vs. Annette Fantine Dominic (FE3H)
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Hubert von Vestra (FE3H)

Voting will be open through Sunday, 9/15/2024
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 7, Losers Quarter: Tifa Hits a Guy with Glasses.
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2024, 01:38:10 AM »

Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Melfice (G2)
Velius (FFT) vs. Shania (SH:FtNW)


Asellus (SaGa) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW)- I... mean I guess Hilda might have some sorta Pink Bat shenanigans or somesuch but not really seeing it.
Geno (SMRPG) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF)


Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Tifa Lockhart (FF7)- That 20% regen puts a real kink in Tifa's game, Machias shoudl be able to put in enough chip that he can either push her into limit before he's low enough for it to kill him or for his SCraft to finish her off when he does push her into Limit range.
Stocke (RH) vs. Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC)


Milich Oppenheimer (Suikos) vs. Annette Fantine Dominic (FE3H)
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Hubert von Vestra (FE3H)
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<NotMiki> I mean, we're talking life vs. liberty, with the pursuit of happiness providing color commentary.


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 7, Losers Quarter: Tifa Hits a Guy with Glasses.
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2024, 02:53:59 AM »
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Melfice (G2) - General kneejerk that Terra's durability can withstand Melfice's speed thanks to a combo of evade and defenses. Drain lets her put on the pressure and he's not immune to fire when she needs to swing big.
Velius (FFT) vs. Shania (SH:FtNW) - Lose Voice, Seal and Loss are all bad and Shania has no way of stopping all three at the same time with the way I treat blockers.

Geno (SMRPG) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF) - Good news for Clarissa - Soul Survivor stops Geno Whirl. Bad news for Clarissa, Geno goes first and can still do enough damage (like Harken) on Turn 1 to make her offense suck.

Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Tifa Lockhart (FF7) - Christ...this match is kind of painful. So Tifa can equip the Gem Ring, which stops Petrify, rendering Machias any easy way to win the fight...but her issue as noted earlier in the tournament is that once she gets her Limit, she is locked into using it. If she was like Red or Cloud and had some back up spell magic, I think this goes differently. But as is, she has no choice but to slam the Limit out and there's a good chance Mr. VSM can just tank it because Max Def Up Boost + Iron's 50% damage cut means he'll take very little raw damage. And Tifa has no way to bust out status or something to just cheese him out either. So Mr. VSM wins a very slow fight - one where he might actually consider POISON since it doesn't build Limit and adds more damage - through a combo of Saintly Force, poking and Earth Pulse Regen.

Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Hubert von Vestra (FE3H) - Goes first and 2HKOs and isn't OHKO'd in return.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2024, 03:02:07 AM by Tide »
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

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Random Consonant

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 7, Losers Quarter: Tifa Hits a Guy with Glasses.
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2024, 07:50:11 AM »

Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Melfice (G2) - Melfice shouldn't really be bringing anything relevent to bear here, I'd think.
Velius (FFT) vs. Shania (SH:FtNW) - Well it's not like SH3 can block confusion anyways (unless you treat panic as similar) and giving up the Dream Porter in particular seems like it'd be really bad even if the cast could. e: while I'm not happy with the confusion argument (love it when people recommend letting idiots spend turns swinging at empty air) it's true that it's not a 100% win for Velius and that may be enough.


Asellus (SaGa) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW) - Don't think so.
Geno (SMRPG) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF) - Yep.


Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Tifa Lockhart (FF7) - Honestly poison probably decides it.  Good lord.
Stocke (RH) vs. Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) - Repeat, nothing's really changed what I think about the match.  Like you people do realize that Dead Fencer OHKOs Jessica of the below average durablity and non-existant defense buffing no matter what, right?  And you do realize that half average damage physicals aren't exactly taxing Stocke of the 1.47 pdur and his 35 shots of *checks* 28.8% healing, right?  Like what are we even doing here, "user Snowfire?"


Milich Oppenheimer (Suikos) vs. Annette Fantine Dominic (FE3H) - Repeat, absolutely nothing's changed what I think about the match.
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Hubert von Vestra (FE3H) - The world's slowest man should, by all rights, be eating it to Banshee even if by some miracle he isn't three-rounded by Miasma.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2024, 09:31:07 PM by Random Consonant »

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 7, Losers Quarter: Tifa Hits a Guy with Glasses.
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2024, 05:48:43 PM »

Velius (FFT) vs. Shania (SH:FtNW) - Shania drops the Flare Brooch so she can equip both a Zodiac Bracelet and Cosmic Bracelet.  It's been explained to me that FFT Confusion doesn't actually help with stopping Shania from killing Velius.


Asellus (SaGa) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW) - Hilda really wishes she could access good magical damage, healing, and Energy Charge all at once.

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 7, Losers Quarter: Tifa Hits a Guy with Glasses.
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2024, 03:08:37 AM »

Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Melfice (G2): As long as she keeps Melfice below a 2HKO via her def I think she's fine? May need to give up speed to block silence (I forget how accurate his was) but that shouldn't get Melfice to tripleturn territory I don't think.
Velius (FFT) vs. Shania (SH:FtNW): Yeah FFT confuse is pretty bad in a duel. To the point where "let the boss confuse you" is in fact how several SSCCs get through fights, because a confused FFT PC will just keep attacking. The one risk is that Shania uses Cure Plus on Velius but the odds of that are pretty low compared to how many attacking moves she has, and Velius absolutely does not have the durability to live long enough for Shania to run out of SP.


Asellus (SaGa) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW): "Don't try to kill Asellus with melee physicals" is a good rule of thumb. She takes a bit of a hit to block Death but I think she probably still manages.
Geno (SMRPG) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF): Second match in a row where Clarissa gets outsped. That said, because she's faster than Geno after turn 1, she might be still able to do something with Rob Turn? Geno does 51% to Clarissa with his physical. Clarissa uses Sacrifice, Rob Turn, (Geno turn stolen), then two more actions which can be either Sacrifice or Howling Shot (they're almost identical damage) and that's... like... 99.9% to Geno or so (I'm not convinced I didn't make a rounding error somewhere). But... WAIT. Clarissa has Throw Block, which despite its name, has a 40% chance to null projectiles. So physicals are out: the chance of the 60% hit landing AND Clarissa missing an early Rob Turn is too low. Geno could use Geno Flash instead, which only does 47% to Clarissa, and now Clarissa has enough damage left in the tank that she can win with just one Rob Turn.


Stocke (RH) vs. Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC): Y'all have fun with this one, I'm out.


Milich Oppenheimer (Suikos) vs. Annette Fantine Dominic (FE3H): Repeat.
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Hubert von Vestra (FE3H): Rico's reign of terror comes to an end. As mentioned, Banshee wrecks him even if he were to win the slugfest otherwise.

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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 7, Losers Quarter: Tifa Hits a Guy with Glasses.
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2024, 03:38:05 PM »
Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Melfice (G2)
Velius (FFT) vs. Shania (SH:FtNW)
I'm down for saying Shania doesn't have to totally offload her accessories.


Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Tifa Lockhart (FF7)
Poison in ToCS2 hype, I see.
Stocke (RH) vs. Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC)
I'll buy the argument, Random.  Nobody was sure if they could recall whether Paralysis stopped Mana Bursts but I don't think it does, so no need for stat hits for blocking.


Milich Oppenheimer (Suikos) vs. Annette Fantine Dominic (FE3H)
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Hubert von Vestra (FE3H)


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 7, Losers Quarter: Tifa Hits a Guy with Glasses.
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2024, 08:43:14 PM »

Terra Branford (FF6) vs. Melfice (G2)
Velius (FFT) vs. Shania (SH:FtNW)


Asellus (SaGa) vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW)
Geno (SMRPG) vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF)


Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) vs. Tifa Lockhart (FF7)
Stocke (RH) vs. Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC)


Milich Oppenheimer (Suikos)
vs. Annette Fantine Dominic (FE3H)
Ricardo Banderas (XG) vs. Hubert von Vestra (FE3H)


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Re: RPGVO 2024 Round 7, Losers Quarter: Tifa Hits a Guy with Glasses.
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2024, 12:00:19 PM »
Match Results:


Terra Branford (FF6) |||||| vs. Melfice (G2)
Velius (FFT) ||| vs. Shania (SH:FtNW) ||||


Asellus (SaGa) ||||| vs. Hildegarde Valentine (SH:FtNW)
Geno (SMRPG) |||| vs. Clarissa Arwin (WA:XF) |


Machias Regnitz (ToCS2) ||||| vs. Tifa Lockhart (FF7)
Stocke (RH) ||| vs. Jessica de Alkirk (L:SSSC) |


Milich Oppenheimer (Suikos) || vs. Annette Fantine Dominic (FE3H) |||
Ricardo Banderas (XG) | vs. Hubert von Vestra (FE3H) |||||

Losers are eliminated, while winners move onto Round 8.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.