Aah, what's an old fisherman to do? In his record setting ninth appearence in the DL, Miguel battles yet another ancient evil bent on destroying the world. <i>Yawn.</i> How.. typical. All Miguel wants to do is grab a win or two in between a nap and catching his dinner on the calm waters of the dead sea. While Miguel may have had to battle Serge and company, his powers are firmly holy elemental, just the thing a creature of evil like Deathevans fears. HolyDragonSword should burn a hole through Evans's demonic body with nary an effort. Even better is the poetic villian's reliance on status attacks and dispelling attacks, something that Miguel doesn't care a whit about. Once he's finished up this warmup, he'll do something important, like find where he placed his spare hat. A man can't fight or fish without a good hat.