Ryu the Fourth is definately the most unassuming of the Ryus. Simple face, simple dress, simple dialogue. Underneith this calm and cool exterior lies a massive reservior of power. Six, count 'em, six dragon forms bristling with enough scaley destruction to lay waste to several worlds. Chief among them is the dreaded Kaiser Dragon, a force feared throughout Godlike due to it's massive punch and awesome power. He's also nothing like his counterpart Fou-Lu in personality, he fights not simply for the win but the spirit of the arena. With a Godlike title behind him, it's apparant that this differing mindset hasn't affected him any. Lulu packs a lot of tricks in her arsenal, but Ryu does as well. Ryu also hits harder, faster and has vastly more staying power than the young black mage. There will be no luck involved in this battle. Ryu will be in the finals this season faster than you can say pabpab!