
Author Topic: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!  (Read 2248 times)

Mad Fnorder

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RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« on: April 08, 2008, 04:37:22 AM »
Hello, and welcome back to RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3!

We start our weekly report with breaking news. Recent arguments over potential Aim-bot usage by Star Ocean 3 characters, taking advantage of their virtual status, has caused an uproar among the league. Star Ocean 3 representative Maria Traydor claimed they were "Perfectly legitimate User Interface Mods" that did not violate the Dueling League Terms of Service. In a stunning response today, The Draft League Board of Directors moved to suspend all Star Ocean 3 characters until the  charges are settled. As a result, Nel has been replaced on Team Namagomi by vampire Keith Valentine, while Team Clear Tranquil had a number of empty lockers this week, with Fayt, Peppita, and Roger being replaced by Shadow, Eiko, and Porom. More on this subject as the news breaks.

In other league news, 3/8 players have requested a change to CT drop on death. If the majority chimes in in favor of removing this effect, it will be in place for the tournament to follow starting next week.

Now, to the results!

Team Magic Dance vs. Team Unoriginal
(Worker 8[FFT]/Tengaar[S2]/Cleo[S1]) vs. (Geno[SMRPG]/Noa[LoL]/Colette[ToS])
Robot battles continued this week in the Blue Division! Team Unoriginal sent out doll warrior Geno against Suikoden's Cleo. This match was all about single, devastating blows, as Geno blew Cleo out of the arena and consciousness with Geno Whirl. When faced with Worker 8 with its full cooking protocols engaged (and chef's hat), he chose to withdraw in favor of Colette, perhaps hoping her predilection for property damage would work on the metallic Juggernaut. However, Worker 8's Canning Protocol: Compress knocked Colette out in a single blow. When Geno returned to the battlefield, he apparently qualified for Follow-Up Garnish Protocol Alpha, and was Compressed as well despite a defensive Geno Boost. Upon seeing this sort of slaughter, Noa reported locked herself in the arena bathroom and refused to come out until well after dinnertime. Tengaar, impressed with her robotic ally, has reported been forcing Hix into cooking classes. Match to Team Magic Dance, (2-0)

Team Namagomi vs. Team Shock Therapy
(Nel[SO3]/Caina[WA2]/Vinsfeld[WA2]) vs.(Gau[FF6]/Sceptile[PKMN]/Pikachu[PKMN])
We unfortunately have no live footage from this match, viewers. The fight, as a promotional tie in due to Pikachu's sponsorship of Team Shock Therapy, was due to be held upon the famous Spear Pillar of Sinnoh. Unfortunately, the strange time-space manipulation in the area caused a never-ending series of technical problems. The fight was delayed practically beyond our air deadline, though our reporters say that Nel, in an attempt to evade members of the Board of Directors enforcement squads concerning this week's Suspension, employed some Star Ocean-style Item Creation for the classic ninja tactic of, "Eat this and we'll call it a draw." Both Gau and Sceptile heartily agreed before Nel fled the scene. Draw Game!

Blasty/Stabby/Damp vs. Team Yakumo
(Artea[L2]/Kornell[G3]/Lani[FF9]) vs. (Lyon[S5]/Beowulf[FFT]/Gijimu[S2])
This week's match opened Light to Light- Champion and now Upgrader Lani vs. ex-champ and Upgrader Gijimu. Gijimu's opening Double Beat nearly took Lani apart in a single blow- Except that it was slow enough to be sandwiched between a pair of Blizzaras. Next up was Royal Bodyguard Lyon, who was too slow to avoid a touch of frostbite herself before knocking out Lani with Silent Afterglow. Elf Artea continued the team strategy of "Never-ending Homogenous Magical Onslaught" by Zapping Lyon, and getting the jump on Beowulf. Attempting to stop the bleeding (Though, to be honest, it was entirely ice and electrical burns), Beowulf attempted to lock out Artea's ability to fight with Don't Act. Unfortunately, the technique missed, and his Aegis Shield did not guard from the finishing Zap. Kornell was reportedly still in the team's locker room, trying to figure out exactly where he fit into this week's plan. Match to Blasty/Stabby/Damp, (2-0)

Team Clear Tranquil vs. Team Onion Knights
(Fayt[SO3]/Peppita[SO3]/Shana[LoD]) vs. (Ho-oh[PKMN]/Belenus[VP]/Celine Jules[SO2])
This week's most epic match began with swordsman Fayt facing down Legendary Bird Ho-oh. An opening Sacred Fire struck the first blow, but the Pokemon was sent fleeing for the sidelines after a single blow of Fayt's Ice Blade combination striking weakness. In his place came Einherjar Belenus, who despite his deceased nature took no additional damage from Fayt's Divine Blade, enduring and eventually surpassing Fayt with a devastating Extreme Void. Out came young dancer Peppita, who proceeded to… prance around oddly. Apparently Belenus was just as confused by this turn of events, as he proceeded to stare at his sword hilt until taken out with a swift boot to the head. Sorceress Celine proceeded to bombard the battlefield with Meteor Swarm, but was taken in by the madness-inducing cheer of Peppita's choreography. Unfortunately, while her dancing drew Celine into a bewildered state, Peppita's  physical blows knocked her out of it. The two traded assaults like this, but Peppita's healing dance proved to be enough to survive the slugfest. However, her healing was for naught as another blazing Sacred Fire was enough to blow her clear out of the arena. Wounded, the Golden Firebird faced the Silver Dragoon, Shana. However, her opening blow barely scraped feathers, much less drew blood, and Ho-oh quickly Recovered. This gap in time, however, gave her enough time to unlock her Dragoon Transformation on the next round, as she prepared her strongest attack, White Silver Dragon. Ho-oh answered the challenge by charging for a Sky Attack of his own. When the smoke cleared, it was Shana that struck first- but Ho-oh who was left standing. Match to Team Onion Knights, (1-0)

This weeks standings show a bit of movement- Team Onion Knights climbs out of the basement, while Team Magic Dance looks to run away with the Blue division title, barring a clean sweep by Unoriginal. If a tiebreak remains at the bottom of the Blue Division after this week, it will be broken by the ultimate arbiter of love and justice- Hatbot.

Blue Division
Namagomi, Taishyr, Unoriginal, Excal
1.(2-0, 4 Left) Team Magic Dance (Run by Excal): Worker 8, Eirika, Alma, Tengaar, Cleo, Rafa
2.(1-1, 1 Left) Team Unoriginal: Geno, Presea, Noa, Ayne, Collette, Taya
3t.(0-1-1)Team Namagomi: Keith Valentine, Geddoe, Sara (BoF1), Caina, Vinsfeld Rhamadanthus, Ruprecht
3t.(0-1-1)Team Shock Therapy(Run by Taishyr): Gau, Sharon( Legaia 2), Sceptile, Robo, Pikachu, Fu So Ya

Ryu5 Division
Snowfire, Yakumo, Clear Tranquil, Captain K.
1.(2-0, 4 Left) Blasty/Stabby/Damp(run by Snowfire): Artea, Millenia, Kornell, Margulis, Lani, Bernadette
2.(1-1, 2 Left)Team Yakumo: Maya Amano, Lyon, Beowulf, Florina, Jean (BoF2), Gijimu
3.(1-1, 1 Left)Team Onion Knights (Run by Captain K.): Ho-oh, Selan, Kyle(S5), Belenus, Celine Jules, Peco
4.(0-2)Team Clear Tranquil: Feena, Shadow, Eiko, Yulie, Porom, Shana

This week's Matchups:

Edit Note Due to this week's late posting, match deadlines are extended through to April 16th (Next Wednesday). Get 'em in by them!

Team Magic Dance v. Team Shock Therapy
Team Unoriginal v. Team Namagomi

Team Clear Tranquil v. Blasty Stabby Damp
Team Yakumo v. Team Onion Knights

Unused Character Alert List: Use 'em or take standing penalties!
(The penalty being a series of painful blows with a claw hammer. You decide if it's really worth it.)

Team Magic Dance: CLEAR!
Team Unoriginal: Presea, Ayne
Team Namagomi: Geddoe, Sara
Team Shock Therapy: Fu So Ya

Blasty/Stabby/Damp: Millenia, Bernadette
Team Yakumo: Florina
Team Clear Tranquil: Porom (Roger Replacement)
Team Onion Knights: Selan

Final Note- My apologies if I forgot any team name changes this week- PM them to me and I'll switch them right away.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 11:59:45 PM by Mad Fnorder »

Clear Tranquil

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2008, 12:45:25 PM »
Haha awesme *cheers for Fnorder*

Friday ok for you Snow Fire? >_>
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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2008, 01:43:59 AM »
Don't have AIM Nama, so how do you want to set this up?


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2008, 01:50:13 PM »
One of two ways...

1: We could ask one of the refs to act as a go-between for AIM and IRC.  This would probably be frustrating as hell, but it would work...

2: I managed to finally get a notice out to the IRCops on Dejatoons after figuring out what the fuck happened.  If they don't fix the issue (I was apparently randomly shunned for no real reason), I swear, I'm going to kill them.  But I might be able to get back on IRC channels again!

Maybe.  Fucking cocksucker IRCops bastards.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2008, 06:43:02 PM »
So, what's everyone's opinion on the CT switch on death bit?  Doesn't look like we've got answers from everyone yet.  Even if you don't like the idea, would you say so just so we're sure you even saw the question, please?  I'm one of the three in favor of the incoming character keeping the accumulated CT on a death but not on a switch.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2008, 11:06:17 PM »
Ah, right, responding to that. Tai, eternal ditz (along with Sage?).

Uh... okay. Frankly? I'm missing precisely how it would change the situation, anyway. My impression of the system is that it would not influence things, but I... might be wrong? Mrf. Could someone explain for the me?


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2008, 11:27:19 PM »
Basically, as it stands now, if a character dies and the replacement is slower than the person who killed them, the killer will get a double that turn, no matter how close the character that got killed was to getting their turn.

If we change it, then if a character is a little slower but the character that died had some CT built up, then there's a chance the slower character will get a turn before the one that got the kill. 

Now, if this were turn based, I'd prefer the first, but when characters can naturally get doubles and such already in CTB, giving the fast characters that extra edge feels like overkill to me.  That's just my opinion, though.

For an example on how this could effect a match, I'll use my match vs. Snowfire.  I led with Gijimu against Lani, and when Gijimu died, Lyon came in.  Lyon is slower than Lani, so Lani got a free hit in on Lyon before I could hit her and finish her off.  If Lyon had kept the CT that Gijimu had accumulated, Lyon would have gone first and been able to kill Lani before losing 3/4 of her HP.  The person who got the kill still has a bit of an advantage in this case since we both lose our lights on the same turn, but now their middle/heavy gets the first shot at mine.  As it was, though, both her light and her heavy got a shot in.  It makes a difference, it's up to you whether it's a good difference or not.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2008, 11:43:48 PM »
Nama: All else fails, Option 1 is still viable.  Sometime tonight, perhaps?

On CT switching:  I'm fine either way.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2008, 01:31:07 AM »
So... you're saying... CT should transfer on death so as to avoid killer doubleturning issues. Do I understand this correctly? (Not sure if I agree, yes, still thinking. Just want to confirm.)


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2008, 02:24:55 AM »
Perhaps.  I might be distracted with work, but I can try.

And I'd like the change to the CT issue, personally.
<+Nama-EmblemOfFire> ...Have the GhebFE guy and the ostian princess guy collaborate.
 <@Elecman> Seems reasonable.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2008, 07:58:01 AM »
Tai, from what I understand, the issue in question is that faster characters not only have the ability to double-turn and generally blitz their slower foes as is.  But there's also the fact that, if they manage to kill, and the replacement is slower than them, then they get the free shot regardless.

And, I have to agree that making that change seems necessary.  As an example, Geno is in this tournament.  Now, I don't know if anyone has a team without ID resistance.  But, if he opens against a team without ID protection, or with someone who is ludicrously fast, then they can get swept without ever getting a turn.  Whereas if the CT is kept, then the second contender will (assuming average speed) get an action off, and possibly be able to deal with Geno.


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2008, 08:12:13 AM »
Okay, so I was reading correctly? Good. I'm a bit sick/tired right now, so I'm wanting to be as of the sure of my statements as I can be.

Change the rule, then, yeah. While it carries its own problems, I think it's better balanced to expectations to have the changed variant of the rule. Unless someone can point out a flaw with the variant rule?


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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2008, 11:37:16 AM »
Out of curiosity, can that accumulated CT work -against- the incoming fighter who's following his/her dead teammate?

Like... if someone uses a skill that slows them down after an attack or something? (Chris's Phoenix Rune, maybe?) Does the CT penalty carry over to the incoming fighter now upon the formerly penalized (though now dead) fighter?



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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2008, 03:17:25 PM »
Like... if someone uses a skill that slows them down after an attack or something? (Chris's Phoenix Rune, maybe?) Does the CT penalty carry over to the incoming fighter now upon the formerly penalized (though now dead) fighter?

Chris's Phoenix Rune causes a speed penalty, not a CT penalty, so in that case, no.

Mad Fnorder

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Re: RPGmon Classic Draft League, Week 3- Still More Fighting!
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2008, 03:39:55 AM »
This week's deadline has passed, but I am swamped at the moment. Update coming soon, but I will say two things-

1) Enough people are in favor of the new CT rule that it will be put into place for the tournament. REPEAT ON DEATH, THE NEW CHARACTER WILL RETAIN THE ACCUMULATED CT OF THE DEAD CHARACTER. This may change strategies (Subbing in a light to get splattered but build CT for a slower heavy), so both players and refs need to keep this in mind.

2) Namagomi, due to missing two matches so far because of communications issues, I have to ask if you're willing to find a proxy to run your team for you in case the problems continue.

More to come when I have time to dig through my logs.