That - felt - GOOD! Finally smashing Seymour in for that embarrassment many seasons ago, False Althena steps confidently into the arena again this week against... a fisherman? Well, this should be entertaining. After all, Hiro was just this random geeky kid living with his grandfather in the middle of nowhere, and look what he managed with friends. Still, despite Miguel's potential, he won't get much steam against Althena's massive barrage of Ray spells and physical smashes; his HolyDragonSword is a cute move, but it's really all he has to go on, and frankly, with all Althena has going for her? That's just not going to be enough. Plus, Miguel's already a fairly old adult, which makes him the Leo of the group, and as such not anywhere near as effectual as Hiro, say. ...Mmm. Masked Miguel Mauled Massively by Masterful Magegoddess? That should make a good headline for the match's result!