I second Grefter's nomination. Just downloaded the ROM real fast and it looks like X-COM the SRPG; in other words, it's fractactical squad combat where you move your guy up to the alien guy and select Aimed Burst for 11 AP or something and then you kill him and it's sweet, but your guys level up in ways that are familiar to the RPG (not in the arbitrary "rank up" system of X-COM itself) and it plays like your basic SRPG with a straight shot through missions rather than having any other kind of management going on in between fights. I somehow doubt that the PLOT AND CAST!! are going to win awards, from what I've seen so far, but the gameplay has promise just for being what it is, really, and we can mock the rest just fine.
Not exactly saying we should all go try it out real quick before deciding, I think it's fun if people come in surprised, but this doesn't seem to be moving and so I want to put out the call for, like, an actual list of players who would take a turn in a succession game of Rebel Star: Tactical Command. It's on the GBA! If you've played anything with AP before, it's not gonna be a shock to the system! If you haven't, it's not hard anyway! The list doesn't need to be in order, we can figure that out once we have the list, but still. I'll start us off with people who seem to be going along with it so far.
1. Grefter
2. Super
3. Otter
4. ?
I don't actually know how many missions are in the game; how many missions each of us gets will depend on both the total number of missions and the number of people playing, obviously. Maybe Grefter can fill me in on that? Either way, we definitely want as many as we can possibly get, here; it's not much fun if one person has it for too long, although I guess an exception can be made for the start of the game (maybe someone could just get all the training stages out of the way at a shot?). I'm also gonna totally call out OK right here, because he's already gotten all LP-ish about X-COM and this would be a light, easy version of that, with just the fun shooting of things! How can he refuse?