Author Topic: Loki > Arc  (Read 466 times)


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Loki > Arc
« on: June 07, 2008, 01:33:26 AM »
What does it mean to be brave?

Does it mean facing your fate without flinching, even if that fate is death for yourself and your beloved? Does it mean standing up in the face of adversity and persevering until the end? Does it mean facing injustice and adamantly drawing the line between right and wrong even as the entire world opposes you? Regenerating MP from a unique equip like the Brave Crest? Or is bravery being roasted, frozen, electrocuted, and hit with a surprisingly powerful cloud of poison before you can so much as draw your sword?

For Arc, it's that last one. Whoever thought cowards never win hasn't met Loki and his Dragon Orb. Boom.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 01:35:00 AM by Dark Holy Elf »