Overpowered flame aligned boss out to splatter anyone stupid enough to get in his way? Check. A stupid ninja who picks fights with literally anything with a pulse in the arena? Check. A complete lack of common sense by all fighters involved? Cheeeeeeeeeeeck! Edge is past the post of even pretending to be reasonable and fight fairly in the arena, instead causing as much trouble as possible while attempting to steal win after win. A pair of strong heavies lay slain in his wake (somehow), victims of Edge's ability to win in spite of pretty much every thing in the universe being against him. Decus's fearsome magically aligned offense will give Edge pause, as there's no way to dodge the power of Explode. But! It's not the first time Edge has gone up against overwhelming fire magic and won. It just requires a brilliant plan and the help of three powerful allies and Kain... wait, this is a duel? <i>Crap.</i>