Author Topic: Season 10 Week 6 NR missing comments  (Read 1051 times)


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Season 10 Week 6 NR missing comments
« on: June 29, 2008, 04:50:52 AM »
Atma weapon>Romeo

Adell>Guard Daos
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 02:56:51 AM by Tonfa »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...


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Re: Season 10 Week 6 NR missing comments
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2008, 05:06:00 PM »
Naesala > Godo

"So wait, Naesala challenged Godo to a war between Kilvas and Wutai to determine this match?" said Ike to Soren, puzzling over the situation.

"Yes, that would appear to be case.  I'm surprised Godo actually accepted such a stupid request." Soren replied.

"So...who holds the advantage?" said Ike.

"Kilvas.  There...isn't any question.  Yes, Wutai has an army of Ninjas...but remember its a country that is still recovering losses from a war several years back.  Kilvas, meanwhile, not only has geographical advantages, but the mountains normally protecting Wutai are useless against the Raven clan.  Then there's also the fact that Kilvas is going to be fighting at full strength..."

" basically, Godo just accepted a request to a war he has absolutely no chance of winning, against a country he knows nothing about, and someone he has no reason to hate...if he's the leader of their country, I'm sure I don't want to know what their citizens are like..." Ike said, sighing.
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Season 10 Week 6 NR missing comments
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2008, 09:27:45 PM »
Elvis > Ash

It was a warm, sunny day. A day as beautiful as any other. Peering upwards to the sky was Ash, He Who Died Once. He was a Phantom, a warrior that haunted the land of the living with but a single goal: To protect Marona. Since then, that goal's shifted a little, and day upon day, Ash would find himself duking it out in the RPGDL. His goal? To reach the Championships and attain that title of "Godlike" some day. Prestige. Heh. What a strange thing to aim for after one's demise.

There was another who stared at the sky. It was Elvis. Elvis, however, spend no time bothering to think why he was in the RPGDL. Instead, he wondered about the world around him, and about how Carol would be doing. Surely she'd be hurt, having been beaten earlier. Aah, poor Carol, he was such a failure of a father...

Well, backstories and such don't matter much to the common audience. When Elvis and Ash faced eachother in the arena, most spectators didn't care about Ash's (un)life, nor about Elvis's history. All they cared for was the battle that was to be.

Elvis was the one to open the fight, roaring as he pushed out a Hydro Pressure against Ash. Though the Phantom did his best, the damage from Elvis's attack left a formidable dent in his endurance. He'd have to do this quick.

"For her sake, I will not fail," mumbled Ash to himself, rushing forward. Fist met with Elvis's face, and for a while the spectators were treated to a fair deal of martial prowess from Ash himself. The Phantom punched and kicked with all his fury and might, while Elvis did naught but defend against the onslaught. Until...

"Variance Attack!" Elvis's voice stormed over the arena, as he unleashed an attack of tremendous power. Coupled with the Hydro Pressure from earlier, the Phantom that faced the attack knew he was done for. He'd done his best...

He failed. His best hadn't been good enough.


Ash still wasn't sure what'd led to this odd chain of events. As soon as Variance Attack knocked the Phantom to within an inch of his health, Elvis simply requested Ash forfeited. Of course, the Phantom took this deal up when he heard Marona yelling from the side that it was "Alright" and he'd "done his best, that's enough!"... But still, why didn't Elvis just finish it?

And what the hell did he mean by, "We both have a lovely daughter to look after" anyway?!


Onix > Tink

Tink used Spiked Bat! ... But it wasn't very effective.

Onix used Roar! Wild Tink ran away! (and was promptly disqualified for leaving the arena)


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Re: Season 10 Week 6 NR missing comments
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2008, 02:44:20 AM »
This battle progressed in the following steps:

1) Persephone casts Quicken on herself. Firkraag roars loudly to intimidate opponent
2) Persephone prepares Gattling Gun. Firkraag breathes fire!
3) Persephone is done preparing, unloads Gattling Gun. Firkraag has a Deer in a headlight moment and pauses midattack

MORAL OF THIS STORY: Breathing fire and roaring loudly are good ways to intimidate friends and enemies, but it's hard to argue with a barrage of lead to the face.

Akihiko > Lilina

Akihiko should have seen it coming. He thought he had studied his opponent's patterns well enough, every attack and every angle. Of course, the one thing he didn't really think about when he was in the fight now comes back to bite him.

" were lucky that ice magic in their world is very uncommon", Mitsuru commented as she watched a replay of Akihiko's fight with Lilina, "She hits quite hard. You would've been in a lot more trouble if she had access to one of those".

"Believe me, those spells she threw at me still stung. Thankfully Caeser and I had the tools to keep going. It was pretty close."

"So whatever happened after the battle?"

"Eh, not much. We shook hands, she acknowledged my strength and seemed to really admired me. I didn't think much else beyond that", Akihiko replied, "I'm looking much more forward for the final match."

He had a confident look in his eyes, ready for almost anything.

"Hey! Akihiko-san!" Junpei greeted as he walked through the dorm doors, "I heard you won your battle! Way to go!"

"Yeah...", he replied. His enthusiasm from before nearly died down as he saw the smirk on the teenager's face. Usually when that happened, it meant there was trouble or trouble to be brewing.

"Oh! And I heard you apparantly got yourself a new fan club. You know that girl that you ended up defeating? Well she ended up starting a club for you. I don't think some of her friends were too happy, they mentioned something about bringing an army to fight a grey or silver haired boy. But nothing you haven't heard, right? ....Uh...Akihiko-san? Are you alright, you look kind of pale..."

Mitsuru immediately cut in, "Akihiko, I strongly suggest you lay low in the dorm for the next few days. Also, Iori, if anybody asks you about Akihiko's hair color, make sure you say silver. Hopefully they will target the wrong silver haired person. There's enough of those around here for them to mistakenly attack someone else."

"Yeah, I'll do that. If anybody needs me, I'll be out during the Dark Hour only."

"Eh..what? Am I missing something here? Mitsuru-senpai, don't tell me Akihiko-san is afraid of his fan girls"

"He is now."
<napalmman> In Suikoden I, In Chinchirorin, what is it called when you roll three of the same number?
<@Claude> yahtzee

<Dreamboum> Everyone is learning new speedgames!
<Dreamboum> A bright future awaits us gentlemens
<Pitted> I'm learning league of legends
<Dreamboum> go fuck yourself


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Re: Season 10 Week 6 NR missing comments
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2008, 01:57:22 PM »
I need to get back into the swing of writing comments.

Adell > Guard Daos

There's one thing playing Lufia: The Legend Returns teaches us. 

No, this isn't how to have a seizure while marveling at stupidity.

There is a supreme being greater than the Sinistrals, and its name is Zalback.  Even Guard Daos fears the mighty fire crab.  Now, Adell may not be a crab, but he is pretty big on fire. 

Well, perhaps Lufia did teach us about stupidity on the part of villains.  Ever seen Lufia 1's Guard Daos run away from battle?  Combined with Lufia 3's sheer stupidity, I think we have a winner here. 

Atma > Romeo

Despite Romeo's obvious advantages over Atma (wings are the obvious indicator of a superior boss), there's one thing Romeo didn't count on.  Unfortunately, 3D flight effects don't translate well to 2D games.  Flying into the air to perform Bloody Sin caused Romeo to instead fly off the Floating Continent and into the world of Final Fantasy Seven.  Sephiroth's currently having a mental breakdown that there's another angel in his world crimping his style.

Jesus, those were cheesy. 
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory