Ah, the classic battle of brains vs. brawn. Red Wizard has pored over arcane tomes to better optimize his build and carefully select the exactly correct assortment of spells. Ace makes wisecracks about Red Wizard's lack of success with the ladies and hits people with Sai while pretending to be a ninja. This can't be let to stand, of course. Luckily, Ace is only marginally better as a fighter than he is as an author, as his poor choice in Runes comes back to haunt him. Meanwhile, the Wizard has a better plan. He's going to throw away his wonderful collection of magics, and just spam RUSE/Blink/SpellThatMakesEvadeableFighterLose to make it so Ace can't possibly hit him. After about 2 castings of it, Ace will need an act of God to hit him, and 3 will be pretty much perfect evade. Let the INT-maxers prevail!