Author Topic: Breath of Fire 3 (PCs)  (Read 3931 times)


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Breath of Fire 3 (PCs)
« on: August 27, 2008, 05:29:08 PM »

Same old thread as last time, only some equipment options have been changed since the "optimal" choices tended to murder Agility and such. Stats are taken at Level 40 with best equipment choices allowed by the majority of us.

Main Characters



HP: 227
AP: 154
Power: 246 (144)
Defense: 250 (100)
Agility: 36 (49)
Intelligence: 130 (125)


Seeking Sword (102 Power, 5 Defense, 5 Intelligence, 2 Weight)
Dragon Armor (73 Defense, 6 Weight)
Dragon Helm (30 Defense, 2 Weight, Absorbs Fire)
Dragon Shield (42 Defense, 3 Weight, Absorbs Fire)
Shaman's Ring (AP Cost -25%)


Attack- 146 Damage (Physical)
Bonebreak (0 AP)- 738 ITD damage (Physical).
Accession (*)- Turn into a Dragon

Restore (9 AP)- Fully recover all HP
Protect (1 AP)- Defense +20%, can stack up to +100%
Barrier (3 AP)- Halves magic damage for three rounds
Remedy (5 AP)- Cures all status ailments

*Each dragon costs a different amount of AP, and drains half the initial AP cost per round.



HP: 203
AP: 68
Power: 232 (119)
Defense: 206 (92)
Agility: 69 (67)
Intelligence: 95 (95)


Lifestealer (108 Power, 1 Weight, Chance of Instant Death)
Burglar's Garb (64 Defense, 5 Agility0 Weight)
Sun Mask(22 Defense, 1 Weight, Fire Resistance)
Spiked Gauntlets (28 Defense, 5 Power, 1 Weight)


Attack- 132 Damage (Physical, Chance of Instant Death)
Mjollnir (10 AP)- 170 Damage (Magic, Lightning)
Death (5 AP)- Instantly kill target. 60% Hit Rate
Weretiger (0 AP)- Becomes a Weretiger.

Silence (2AP)- Inflicts Silence status on target. 75% Hit Rate
Slow (1 AP)- Target loses 50% Agility. 80% Hit Rate
Speed (2 AP)- +50% Agility, can stack up to +100%.



HP: 152
AP: 224
Power: 152 (72)
Defense: 181 (70)
Agility: 44 (55)
Intelligence: 163 (153)


Ouroborus (80 Power, 10 Intelligence, 5 Weight)
Diana's Dress (72 Defense, 4 Weight)
Silver Tiara (23 Defense, 1 Weight)
Protectors (16 Defense, 50% Status Resistance)


Attack- 52 Damage (Physical)
Mjollnir (10 AP)- 225 Damage (Magic, Lightning)
Sirocco (12 AP)- 135 Damage to all targets (Magic, Fire/Wind)
Blizzard (10 AP) - 115 Damage to all targets (Magic, Ice)

Blunt (1 AP)- Target loses 20% Power. 80% Hit Rate
Weaken (1 AP)- Target loses 20% Defense. 80% Hit Rate
Drain (3 AP)- Steal HP from one target
Absorb (0 AP)- Steal AP from one target



HP: 194
AP: 143
Power: 314 (116)
Defense: 212 (83)
Agility: 33 (42)
Intelligence: 190 (185)


Atomic Bomb (198 Power, 1 Weight)
Diana's Dress (72 Defense, 4 Weight)
Silver Tiara (23 Defense, 1 Weight)
Mind Shield (34 Defense, 5 Intelligence, 3 Weight)


Attack- 214 Damage (Physical)
Ragnarok (12 AP)- 225 Damage to all targets (Magic, Earth)

Might (4 AP)- Power +25%, can stack up to +100%
Protect (2 AP)- Defense +20%, can stack up to +100%
Speed (2 AP)- Agility +50%, can stack up to +100%
Restore (12 AP)- Fully recover all HP
Remedy (7 AP)- Cures all status ailments
Confuse (2 AP)- Inflicts Confuse status on target. 75% Hit Rate
Sleep (3 AP)- Inflicts Sleep status on target. 60% Hit Rate
Silence (2 AP)- Inflicts Silence status on target. 75% Hit Rate



HP: 333
AP: 122
Power: 238 (155)
Defense: 212 (122)
Agility: 18 (25)
Intelligence: 41 (41)


Death Claws (73 Power, 1 Weight, Chance of Instant Death)
Amber Breastplate (45 Defense, 4 Weight)
Tiger Cap (17 Defense, 5 Power, 1 Weight)
Spiked Gauntlets (28 Defense, 5 Power, 1 Weight)


Attack- 138 Damage, 276 Critcal, 207 average (Physical, Chance of Instant Death)
Ice Breath (4 AP)- 111 (33% cHP) Damage to all targets (Breath, Ice)
Fire Breath (4 AP)- 111 (33% cHP) Damage to all targets (Breath, Fire)

Rejuvinate (7 AP)- Recover 20% (60) HP
Purifty (4 AP)- Heals Poison status
Dream Breath (3 AP)- Inflicts Sleep status on all targets. 75% Hit Rate
Venom Breath (3 AP)- Inflicts Poison status on all targets. 75% Hit Rate
*50% Counter attack rate
*50% Critical Hit rate
*Recovers 5% (17) HP per round



HP: 270
AP: 29
Power: 330 (170)
Defense: 257 (129)
Agility: 8 (35)
Intelligence: 68 (63)


Beast Spear (150 Power, 12 Weight, Drains User's HP)
Royal Armor (72 Defense, 8 Weight)
Sun Mask (22 Defense, 1 Weight, Fire Resist)
Mind Shield (34 Defense, 5 Intelligence, 3 Weight)
Titan's Belt (10 Power)


Attack- 230 Damage (Physical)
Pyrokinesis (1 AP)- 230 Damage (Physical, Fire)
Gambit (0 AP)- 460 Damage, 50% Hit Rate (Physical)
Inferno (10 AP)- 60 Damage to all targets (Magic, Fire)

Dragon Forms/Weretiger

Golden Kaiser (IRT Kaiser)


HP: 681
Power: 534
Defense: 450
Agility: 85


Attack- 434 Damage (Physical)
Bonebreak (0 AP)- 1602 ITD damage (Physical).

Restore (9 AP)- Fully recover all HP
Protect (1 AP)- Defense +20%, can stack up to +100%
Barrier (3 AP)- Halves magic damage for three rounds
Remedy (5 AP)- Cures all status ailments

Kaiser Breath (0 AP)- 681 (chP) Damage to all targets (Breath)
Howling (0 AP)- Inflicts Confusion status on all targets. 90% Hit Rate



HP: 203
Power: 584 (476)
Defense: 206 (92)
Agility: 69 (67)
Intelligence: 95 (95)


Attack- 484 Damage (Physical)


The first average listed is the Geometric Mean, which I believe is a more accurate representation in this game. The number in paranthesis next to it is the arithmetic mean. Transformations and Once-Per-Battle techniques are not included in the average, but are listed in the scale to show their relative power.

Average: 222 (229)

(Golden Kaiser: 681)
1- Peco: 333
2- Garr: 270
3- Ryu: 227
4- Rei: 203
5- Momo: 194
6- Nina: 152

Average: 244 (252)

(Weretiger: 584)
(Golden Kaiser: 534)
1- Garr: 330
2- Momo: 314
3- Ryu: 246
4- Peco: 238
5- Rei: 232
6- Nina: 152

Average: 218 (219)

(Golden Kaiser: 450)
1- Garr: 257
2- Ryu: 250
3- Peco/Momo: 212
5- Rei: 206
6- Nina: 181

Average: 28 (34)

(Golden Kaiser: 85)
1- Rei: 69
2- Nina: 44
3- Ryu: 36
4- Momo: 33
5- Peco: 18
6- Garr: 8

Average: 101 (114)

1- Momo: 190
2- Nina: 163
3- Ryu: 130
4- Rei: 95
5- Garr: 68
6- Peco: 41

Average: 197 (200)

(Golden Kaiser, Bonebreak: 1602)
(Ryu, Bonebreak: 738)
(Golden Kaiser, Kaiserbreath: 681)
(Weretiger, Attack: 484)
1- Garr, Physical: 230
2- Momo/Nina, Ragnarok/Mjollnir: 225
4- Peco, Physical: 207
5- Rei, Mjollnir: 170
6- Ryu, Physical: 146

Three Turn Average
Ryu: Transform (0) + IRT Bonebreak (1602) + IRT physical (434) = 678
Rei: Transform (0) +2x Weretiger physical (484*2) = 322
Nina: 3x Mjollnir (225*3) = 225
Momo: 3x Ragnarok (225*3) = 225
Garr: 3x physical (230*3) = 230
Peco: 3x physical (207*3) = 207

Average: 314.5
« Last Edit: May 19, 2009, 12:18:26 AM by Dhyerwolf »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Breath of Fire 3 (PCs)
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 05:32:02 PM »
Status info added by myself!

Blind: Character's hit rate is halved, standard Blind
Relevant in the DL for: Momo, she has a weapon that causes Blind, IIRC, which could be handy at times for gunning down fighters. I think Myria's "Venom" might cause Blind as one of its many status effects

Poison: Character loses 1/10th of thier Current HP, note that said damage is NOT Lethal (IOWs, 1 HP characters take 0 damage from poison, wow, a move Jogurt can live throgh! <_<)
Relevant in the DL for: Peco. Poison Breath. Well, and Ryu in some of his dragon forms (Any dragon with Shadow gene properties, including Tiamat) Note that Myria also uses this status, for boss relevance

Sleep: Character can't act for 2-3 turns, or until hit with a physical attack, Breath's and Magic do not. Waking someone up also cancels thier next turn. Good news for Peco and Momo, who both have sleep, and Magic or Breath attacks to work with as well.
Relevant in the DL for: Peco and Momo. Dream Breath and Sleep respectivly. Well, ok, Myrmidon with Frost Strike too, not that it should ever come up <.<

Confuse: Character does nothing but physical attacks to any target on the field not including themselves (meaning in the DL, its effectivly worthless on pure fighters like Dekar) Undone the same way as sleep (Time or physical attacks), though, I think Magic undoes confuse too, but unsure.
Relevant in the DL for: Ryu in Kaiser form (Howling), Momo (Confuse) as far as PCs go. Myria (Venom) and Teepo (Howling) use it too as a side note for relevance for Bosses.

*Silence: Character can't cast Magic attacks. As far as Magic attacks go, its basically only raw magic, so things like Garr's Pyrokinisis, Ryu's Accession and Bonebreak, and Peco's Breath's don't get affected.
Relevant in the DL for: Rei. He has Silence. I think Momo does too, but too lasy to look.

Paralyze: Character can't act until they are killed + resurrected, or someone heals them from a status. Basically, this means you lose if your hit with this, regardless, the game itself even calls it a game over.
Relevant in the DL for: Ryu's Myrmidon Form using Bolt Strike, randomly causes Paralyze...and that's about it. Oh wait, Myria has Evil Eye, so Go her!

Instant Death: Character dies, regardless of HP, if this hits. We all know what it does, but just listing it for completition purposes
Relevant in the DL for: Ryu with some of his dragon forms (Shadow Breath from Shadow gene and Tiamat, Death from Shadow + Eldritch combo), as well as Rei with his spell "Death" SHould be noted that both Characters have instant Death weapons (Ryu has Hidden Dagger, Rei has Lifestealer), as does Nina (Hidden Dagger, god only knows why she can use it, and not Rei), and Peco (Death Claws) As far as bosses go...Myria uses this spell too, heh. Oh, Garr has Instant Death vs. Undead with Kyrie, if you want, I can see someone stretching that into Instant Death vs. anybody weak to holy (Rose, CC Black Innate, etc.), though, I'm not sure I agree (Nina 4's though, I'd definatly let it work that way, given if your weak to holy, it hits you)

*Personally, I treat all silence status' the same, since in that case, its the ATTACKS definition whether it can be silenced or not. So said moves can still be used under any characters silence status, IMHO. Keep in mind, this doesn't count for things that act like Silence, but aren't silence (in games with a silence status, I mean), ie FF series Frog status comes to mind, and perhaps Suikoden 2/3 Silent Lake

MORE STUFF BY ME! This time, its about equipment and elemental nonsense, etc.

Ok, with the new hidden stat FAQ out in BoF3, I felt I should redo equips, we go!

First off, BoF3 is like BoF4, in that it uses the number system, and like BoF4, it uses 2 as default. So unless said otherwise, the character has a 2 in that element. The elements in BoF3 are:

What does each element do? Well, the first 5 are just types of damage, self explanatory. Holy is also a type of damage, BUT it includes healing into the mix. Mind, unlike the other elements, Holy starts off at 5. Below 5 means you heal less/take more from Holy, and vice versa for higher.
Death includes Instant Death attacks (duh?), gravity, and parasitic attacks (like Leech Life, for example, falls under both categories (its gravity bsaed parasitic healing)
Status is basically any Status effect. This does NOT include Instant Death OR Stat downs
Psionics are Stat lowerers, and AP Damage (Depress is the only non Gravity/Parasitic AP damage attack in the game, and its considered a Psionic)
Following up on that, there's what each number means. Well, basically, for all elements besides Holy, the list looks like this. Percentage for the first 5 are damage dealt, and for the last 3 are hit rates (or in the case of Psionics, AP damage in some respects)
Note: This does NOT mean a status has that exact hit rate, it means that if it naturally has 70% hit rate, and goes against someone with a 4 in Status, lets say, then the attack has 35% chance of hitting.

0 = 200%
1 = 150%
2 = 100%
3 = 75%
4 = 50%
5 = 25%
6 = 0%
7 = Absorbs 100% (and no, that does not mean Power Down now raises the stat, it just means it as negative hit rate <_<)

For Holy, its...

0 = Healing damages (100%), Holy element does 200% damage
1 = Healing nulled, 180% Holy damage
2 = 25% Healing, 160% Holy damage
3 = 50% Healing, 140% Holy damage
4 = 75% Healing, 120% Holy Damage
5 = 100% healing, 100% Holy damage
6 = 150% Healing, 50% Holy damage
7 = 200% Healing, 0% Holy damage

There is also 2 terms you might see, these mean the following:
Dragon Slayer = 2x damage vs. Reptiles. This seems to include Amphibians in game, for some reason
Demon Slayer = 2x damage vs. Demons. IIRC, I *THINK* this includes undead enemies, but not certain

Now, lastly, there's the regards of equipment being allowed and such...well, here's a list of questionable equipment. If its not listed here, then the armor is Storebought (in a non fairy shop) or unique and not unreasonable to get:
NOTE: Just because I list the weapon/armor doesn't mean I think its neccessarily legal, its just for those that do
Holy Avenger: This weapon is shared by Ryu and Rei. Its dropped 100% of the time by an enemy, however, that enemy is the Arch Mage. Arch Mage's are Optional Extra Difficult Random encounters, so this might make people reconsider its validity.
GooKingSword: Ah, yes, the infamous sword. Its unique to Ryu, but...the weapon itself has people shouting nightmares about finding it, given how hard it is. Legal or not, up to you
Hidden Dagger: This weapon is for Ryu and Nina only (wtf Rei can't use it is beyond me), and is the Fairy Village.
Blizzard Mail: Belongs to Ryu, Rei, and Garr, and is Storebought in the Fairy Village. Again, fairy items allowed or not, up to you
Silver Tiara: Helmet for Momo and Nina, found in a chest. While there is only one technically, you can get another by Copying it at the Copy Shop in the Fairy Village, and its not all that hard to do so to boot. note that this helmet is actually significant (you'll find out why)
Diana's Dress: I believe this is a rare drop by an enemy, and it belongs to Nina and Momo, and thanks to Copy Shop, getting a 2nd isn't all unreasonable. Mind, UNLIKE the Silver Tiara, despite its nifty special affect, its not as big a deal, due to the existance of the Holy Robe (basically, Diana's Dress with marginally worse defense)
Dragon Fangs: Like the GKS, this weapon is unique to one character, this time Peco, but its also got people saying how hard it is to get (Despite the enemy who drops it being fairly common, odd that)
Rufad's Spear: This complicated. Basically, its a unique equip to Garr only. However, its a random drop from an enemy...that enemy being a Beserker. Beserker's are just as rare as Arch Mage's in the Container Yard, and arguably harder. Worse yet, unlike Arch Mage's, these guys drop the Rufad's Spear at like a 1/16 rate (compared to Arch Mage's perfect/near perfect rate) This is in all likly hood the hardest weapon to get in BoF3, due to the enemy you face, how rare he is (rarer than a Goo King), and how its NOT dropped 100% of the time.

Anyway...onto the equipment!

Hidden Stats:
Critical hit rate: 5%
Reprisal: 12%
Dodge: 8%
Accurracy: 100%

Ashura Sword: 50 Power, 3 weight, +3 to Death
Dragon Blade: 130 Power, 4 weight, Fire elemental, Dragon Slayer, Casts Fire Blast when item cast
Holy Avenger: 125 Power, 4 Weight, Holy elemental, Demon Slayer, casts Might when Item cast
Royal Sword: 158 Power, 8 Weight, Electric Elemental, casts Lightning when Item cast
Goo King Sword: 180 Power, 4 Weight
Seeking Sword: 110 Power, 2 Weight, adds +5 to Intelligence and Defense
Hidden Dagger: 51 Power, 1 weight, randomly inflicts Instant Death

Dragon Shield: 42 defense, 3 weight, sets Fire to 7
Spiked Gauntlet: 28 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power
Protectors: 16 defense, 1 weight, +2 to Status
Mind Shield: 34 Defense, 3 weight, +5 to Intelligence, +2 to Psionics, item casts Drain

Dragon Helm: 30 defense, 2 weight, sets Fire to 7
Tiger Cap: 17 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power

Dragon Armor: 73 defense, 6 weight, sets Fire to 7
Force Armor: 65 defense, 6 weight, Sets Psionics to 7
Blizzard Mail: 51 defense, 8 weight, +2 to Ice
Manly Clothes: 10 defense, 3 weight, Revives person at full health once, then breaks

Hidden Stats:
Critical hit rate: 5%
Reprisal: 6%
Dodge: 25%
Accurracy: 100%

Holy Avenger: 125 Power, 4 Weight, Holy elemental, Demon Slayer, casts Might when Item cast
Life Stealer: 110 Power, 1 Weight, +3 to Death, randomly inflicts Instant Death

Spiked Gauntlet: 28 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power
Protectors: 16 defense, 1 weight, +2 to Status
Mind Shield: 34 Defense, 3 weight, +5 to Intelligence, +2 to Psionics, item casts Drain

Tiger Cap: 17 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power
Sun Mask: 22 defense, 1 weight, +2 to Fire

Force Armor: 65 defense, 6 weight, Sets Psionics to 7
Blizzard Mail: 51 defense, 8 weight, +2 to Ice
Royal Armor: 72 Defense, 8 weight
Burglar's Garb: 64 defense, 0 weight, +5 to Agility
Manly Clothes: 10 defense, 3 weight, Revives person at full health once, then breaks

Critical hit rate: 3%
Reprisal: 0%
Dodge: 12%
Accurracy: 100%
Nina has an innate 3 in Wind

Ouroboros: 80 power, 5 Weight, Adds +10 to Intelligence, +1 to Status, and +1 to Death, Item casts "Raise"
Hidden Dagger: 51 Power, 1 weight, randomly inflicts Instant Death
Laquer Staff: 50 power, 3 weight, item casts Silence

Spiked Gauntlet: 28 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power
Protectors: 16 defense, 1 weight, +2 to Status

Tiger Cap: 17 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power
Silver Tiara: 23 defense, 1 weight, +2 to Status, Death, and Psionics

Diana's Dress: 72 defense, 4 weight, +2 to Status, Psionics, and Death
Holy Robe: 62 defense, 3 weight, +2 to Status, Psionics, and Death (listed only for those who don't allow Diana's dress)
Robe of Wind: 41 defense, 0 weight, +2 to Electricity and Wind, +4 to Earth, Item casts Speed
Phantom Dress: 45 defense, 3 weight, -3 to Holy, Status Death and Psionics to 7

Hidden Stats:
Critical hit rate: 0%
Reprisal: 0%
Dodge: 4%
Accurracy: 70% (This…would explain her accuracy issues)

Note: All of Momo's weapons have 1 weight
Atomic Bomb: 198 Power
Sleep Shells: 80 Power, randomly inflicts Sleep
Flash Shells: 96 Power, randomly inflicts Blind
Gas Shells: 118 Power, random inflicts Confuse
Homing Bomb: 78 power, raises her accuracy to 100% (No, not perfect, just means she doesn't miss 0 evade enemies 30% of the time like she did before)
Ghost Buster: 155 power, Holy Elemental

Spiked Gauntlet: 28 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power
Protectors: 16 defense, 1 weight, +2 to Status
Mind Shield: 34 Defense, 3 weight, +5 to Intelligence, +2 to Psionics, item casts Drain

Tiger Cap: 17 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power
Silver Tiara: 23 defense, 1 weight, +2 to Status, Death, and Psionics

Diana's Dress: 72 defense, 4 weight, +2 to Status, Psionics, and Death
Holy Robe: 62 defense, 3 weight, +2 to Status, Psionics, and Death (listed only for those who don't allow Diana's dress)
Force Armor: 65 defense, 6 weight, Sets Psionics to 7
Phantom Dress: 45 defense, 3 weight, -3 to Holy, Status Death and Psionics to 7

Critical hit rate: 30%
Reprisal: 50%
Dodge: 0%
Accurracy: 90%
Peco has an innate 4 in Death

Dragon Fangs: 85 Power, 1 weight, Dragon Slayer
Death Claws: 73 Power, 1 weight, Random chance of Instant Death

Spiked Gauntlet: 28 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power
Protectors: 16 defense, 1 weight, +2 to Status

Tiger Cap: 17 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power

Amber breastplate: 45 defense, 4 weight

Critical hit rate: 8%
Reprisal: 16%
Dodge: 4%
Accurracy: 90%
Garr has innate 4 in Fire

Beast Spear: 150 Power, 15 weight, Drains 5% of his MHP each turn. This damage can NOT be lethal
Dragon Spear: 110 Power, 6 weight, Dragon Slayer
Rufad's Spear: 108 Power, 2 weight, Holy elemental, item casts Shield
Aries Spear: 88 Power, 4 weight, Demon Slayer
Gungnir: 99 Power, 10 weight, raises Accurracy to 100% (like Momo, this just means 100% hit rate vs. 0 evade)

Spiked Gauntlet: 28 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power
Protectors: 16 defense, 1 weight, +2 to Status
Mind Shield: 34 Defense, 3 weight, +5 to Intelligence, +2 to Psionics, item casts Drain
Giant Shield: 45 defense, 5 weight

Tiger Cap: 17 defense, 1 weight, +5 to Power
Sun Mask: 22 defense, 1 weight, +2 to Fire

Gideon's Garb: 82 defense, 10 weight, +10 to Power
Force Armor: 65 defense, 6 weight, Sets Psionics to 7
Manly Clothes: 10 defense, 3 weight, Revives person at full health once, then breaks

« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 03:35:42 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Breath of Fire 3 (PCs)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 05:35:22 PM »
Bonebreak related stuff by Sage:

Random note:

After a odd argument between Meeple and Super, I did some random Bonebreak testing.


One: Bonebreak can miss. Ryu under Blind with it missed all the time(Call it 25% hit rate.). In IRT, he hit over 50% of the time. (Which probably means IRT has a basic accuracy boost. Or I've got weird luck. Whatever.)

Two: Either Bonebreak is not ITD, or defense up spells are absolute damage reduction in BoF3. Either way, they lowered it's damage.

Three: You can counter Bonebreak. (This is what I was testing for, if you're wondering. Don't ask.) Granted, nothing much lives through it, but if it misses, it can be countered, anyhow, doubt it's different if it hits.

Four: I don't have a damn clue what Bonebreak's multipliers are. It did about 4x damage with a Bent Sword as my normal physical, in no dragon form. 3x, with the GooKingSword, and 2x as IRT Kaiser with a Bent Sword.

At this rate, I'm thinking it might be some kind of outside bonus to the damage that's partially boosted by Strength, but in case you can't tell, this translates to "I do not have a damn clue how it works.".

More damage average stuff by Monkey!

Here's a 3 turn average, to avoid the complete factoring out of Rei/Ryu being able to go apeshit after turn 1. I'm not factoring in Kaiserbreath because that's pretty much NEVER going to do full damage.

Ryu: Transform (0) + IRT Bonebreak (1602) + IRT physical (434) = 678
Rei: Transform (0) +2x Weretiger physical (484*2) = 322
Nina: 3x Mjollnir (225*3) = 225
Momo: 3x Ragnarok (225*3) = 225
Garr: 3x physical (230*3) = 230
Peco: 3x physical (207*3) = 207

Average: 314.5
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A