Author Topic: Shining Force  (Read 2211 times)


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Shining Force
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:00:55 PM »
Originally compiled by Gourry.

To compare with the Shining Force remake stats (and for those who have not/will not play the remake), here are character stats for the original. These are taken at 15/15 (reasonable enough, at least to me. I tend to promote on the Balbazak level, so that you aren't totally screwed by the stat hit after promotion). This may be high to some, but I feel they're reasonable enough. There may be a concern for people like Bleu and Adam, who come at nearly the end of the game, but end up with decent stats provided that they are levelled.

Everyone has the best storebought weapons for their class. Exceptions are Max (who is the only one who is able to use the Chaos Breaker), the dwarves (it is possible to get 2 Atlas Axes. One's in a chest, and the other's a drop), and Musashi and Hanzou (initial equips).

Note that characters often double-attack and critical (magic can also critical), so these damage figures are lower than they should be. I used a random robot enemy in Ramladu's stage as my test target.

Throwing the Averages up top for easy reading
HP: 48.7
Defense: 41.3
Agility 42.3
StdDev: 6.5
Three Turn Damage Average: 25.5 (26 with Better Dwarf Axes)
2.5 Kill Points: 63.75 (65)

Ranked Characters
HP: 55
MP: 10
Attack: 30 (70)
Defense: 49
Agility: 48

Physical: 40

Chaos Breaker: +40 ATK, casts Freeze 3
Freeze3: 16

HP: 36
MP: 54
Attack: 15 (33)
Defense: 37
Agility: 41
Guardian Staff: +18 ATK

Freeze 4: 44, 10 MP
Muddle: 50% Confuse (Makes target waste turn), 6 MP

Physical: 3

HP: 59
MP: 54
Attack: 33
Defense: 50
Agility: 45

Freeze4: 44, 10 MP
Muddle: 50% Confusion (Makes the target waste their turn), 6 MP
Desoul: 40% ID rate, 15 MP
Boost: +15 ATK, 15 MP

Physical: 3

HP: 61  
Attack: 31 (49)
Defense: 41
Agility: 44
Chrome Lance: +18 ATK

Physical: 19

HP: 34
MP: 59
Attack: 16 (34)
Defense: 34
Agility: 59
Guardian Staff: +18 ATK

Blaze 4: 36, 8 MP
Sleep: 30% Sleep, 6 MP
Dispel: 60% silence, 5 MP
Boost: Increases AT by 15, 15 MP

Physical: 4 (19)

Unranked Characters
HP: 58  
Attack: 51
Defense: 63
Agility: 38

Physical: 21

HP: 39
MP: 55
Attack: 16 (34)
Defense: 27
Agility: 46
Guardian Staff: +18 ATK

Physical: 4

Blaze 2: 9, 5 MP
Freeze 2: 11, 7 MP
Bolt 4: 56, 20 MP
Bolt 3: ~26, 15 MP
Desoul: 40% ID, 15 MP

HP: 41
Attack: 25 (45)
Defense: 37
Agility: 48
Broad Sword: +20 ATK

Physical: 15

HP: 42
MP: 21
Attack: 24 (42)
Defense: 34
Agility: 37
Chrome Lance: +18 ATK

Physical: 12

HP: 42 
Attack: 24 (44)
Defense: 36
Agility: 45
Broad Sword: +20 ATK

Physical: 14

HP: 67 
Attack: 58
Defense: 62
Agility: 39

Physical: 28

HP: 46  
Attack: 21 (56)
Defense: 32
Agility: 40
Buster Shot: +35 ATK

Physical: 26

HP: 47  
Attack: 30 (48)
Defense: 34
Agility: 50
Chrome Lance: +18 ATK

Physical: 18  

HP: 38  
Attack: 21 (56)
Defense: 31
Agility: 42
Buster Shot: +35 ATK

Physical: 26

HP: 52
MP: 32
Attack: 49
Defense: 37
Agility: 38

Physical: 19

Heal 4: Full healing, 20 MP
Heal 3: Heals 27 HP, 10 MP

HP: 50 
Attack: 30 (56) [63]
Defense: 50
Agility: 34
Great Axe: +26 ATK
Atlas Axe: +33 ATK

Physical: 26 (33)

HP: 41 
Attack: 36 (54)
Defense: 63
Agility: 34
Chrome Lance: +18 ATK

Physical: 24

HP: 53
MP: 30
Attack: 33 (58)
Defense: 49
Agility: 50
Doom Blade: +25 ATK, causes Desoul

Physical: 28 (44)

Sleep: 30% sleep, 6 MP
Dispel: 60% silence, 5 MP
Desoul: 40% ID, 15 MP
Shield: Nulls Magic. Lasts 1-3 rounds, 5 MP

HP: 56  
Attack: 29 (47)
Defense: 28
Agility: 44
Chrome Lance: +18 ATK

Physical: 17

HP: 43
MP: 47
Attack: 24 (50)
Defense: 41
Agility: 38
Holy Staff: +26 ATK

Heal4: Full Healing, 20 MP
Quick: Increases target's defense and speed by 10, 16 MP
Slow: Lowers an enemy's defense and speed by 10, 20 MP
Aura2: 15 MT Healing, 13 MP

Physical: 20

HP: 49  
Attack: 47
Defense: 35
Agility: 42
Chrome Lance: +18 ATK

Physical: 17

HP: 45
MP: 50
Attack: 20 (46)
Defense: 34
Agility: 52
Holy Staff: +26 ATK

Physical: 16

Detox: Cures Poison, 3 MP
Heal 4: Full Healing, 20 MP
Quick: Increases target's defense and speed by 10, 16 MP
Slow: Lowers an enemy's defense and speed by 10, 20 MP

HP: 46  
Attack: 35 (61) [68]
Defense: 56
Agility: 33
Great Axe: +26 ATK
Atlas Axe: +33 ATK

Physical: 31 (38)

HP: 46  
Attack: 29 (64)
Defense: 31
Agility: 42
Buster Shot: +35 ATK

Physical: 34  

HP: 67  
Attack: 35 (65)
Defense 58
Agility: 31
Katana: +30 ATK

Physical: 35  

HP: 43  
Attack: 32 (50)
Defense: 44
Agility: 35
Chrome Lance: +18 ATK

Physical: 20

HP: 43
MP: 53
Attack: 22 (48)
Defense: 23
Agility: 37
Holy Staff: +26 ATK

Physical: 18

Heal2: Heals 15 HP. 5 MP
Detox: Cures poison. 3 MP
Shield: Nulls magic. Lasts 1-3 turns. 5 MP
Aura4: Full Healing to everyone in Torasu's party. 18 MP

HP: 55  
Attack: 26 (44)
Defense: 36
Agility: 46
Chrome Lance: +18 ATK

Physical: 14    

HP: 57 
Attack: 61
Defense: 45
Agility: 49

Physical: 31

HP: Bleu = Musashi (67) > Mae (61) > Domingo (59) > Adam (58) > Zylo (57) > Ken (56) > Max = Vankar (55) > Hanzou (53) > Gong (52) > Gort (50) > Kokichi (49) > Earnest (47) > Diane = Lyle = Luke (46) > Lowe (45) > Khris = Torasu= Pelle (43) > Arthur = Balbaroy (42) > Amon = Guntz (41) > Alef (39) > Hans (38) > Anri (36) > Tao (34)
Average: 48.7

Defense: Adam = Guntz (63) > Bleu (62) > Musashi (58) > Luke (56) > Domingo = Gort (50) > Hanzou = Max (49) > Zylo (45) > Pelle (44) > Khris = Mae (41) > Amon = Anri = Gong (37) > Balbaroy = Vankar (36) > Kokichi (35) > Arthur = Earnest = Lowe = Tao (34) > Diane (32) > Hans = Lyle (31) > Ken (28) > Alef (27) > Torasu (23)
Average: 41.3

Agility: Tao (59) > Lowe (52) > Earnest = Hanzou (50) > Zylo (49) > Amon = Max (48) > Alef = Vankar (46) > Balbaroy = Domingo (45) > Ken = Mae (44) > Hans = Kokichi = Lyle (42) > Anri (41) > Diane (40) > Bleu (39) > Adam = Gong = Khris (38) > Arthur = Torasu (37) > Pelle (35) > Gort = Guntz (34) > Luke (33) > Musashi (31)
Average: 42.3
Std Dev: 6.5

Three Turn Damage Average
Damage (30 Defense): Alef (46) (56 in one shot)> Anri = Domingo (44) > Max (40) > (Luke with Better Axe 38) > Tao (36) > Musashi (35) > Lyle (34) > (Gort with Better Axe 33) > Luke = Zylo (31) > Bleu = Hanzou (28) > Diane = Gort = Hans (26) > Guntz (24) > Adam (21) > Khris = Pelle (20) > Gong = Mae (19) > Earnest = Torasu (18) > Ken = Kokichi (17) > Lowe (16) > Amon (15) > Balbaroy = Vankar (14) > Arthur (12)
Average: 25.5 (26 with The Better Dwarf Axes)
Kill Point: 63.75 (65)
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 09:23:33 AM by Dhyerwolf »
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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Lower levels
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 11:03:17 PM »
Same deal as the other topic, except I took 10/10 instead of 15/15. This should affect several things. Unarmed fighters make up for the lack of weapons through high strength stat growth, so they will get a hit in damage. Also, if you take these characters to the same standard as the other topic, several fighters cannot break single-digit damage (or, in some tragic cases, 1 damage). This makes me feel sad, even though it is hilarious in some instances (Gong).

Mages should benefit the most from this (I use the same spells for the curve), since the entire curve is lower than it used to be.

Musashi and Hanzou already start out as 10 promoted (effectively), so I didn't touch them. It feels alright to me to give them some levels, but for the purposes of this topic... yeah.

Averages up Top
HP: 35.6 (35.4 with Domingo Approx)
Def: 29.7 (29.4)
Agi: 30.7 (30.4)
StdDev: 7.7 (7.5)
Damage: 18.6 (Kill Point 46.5)

Ranked Characters
HP: 39
MP: 10
ATK: 24 (64)
DEF: 31
AGI: 44

Attack: 34
Freeze 3: 17

HP: 31
MP: 46
ATK: 11 (29)
DEF: 19
AGI: 34

Bolt4: 56, 20 MP
Fire 2: 9, 5 MP
Desoul: 40% ID, 15 MP

HP: 23
MP: 40
ATK: 11 (29)
DEF: 32
AGI: 31

Freeze 4: 44. 10 MP.
Muddle: 50% Confuse, 6 MP

HP: 32
MP: 0
ATK: 19 (39)
DEF: 27
AGI: 34

Attack: 9

HP: 48
MP: 0
ATK: 42
DEF: 43
AGI: 26

Attack: 12

HP: 35
MP: 27
ATK: 31
DEF: 24
AGI: 31

Heal 4: Full healing. 20 MP
Heal 3: Heals 27 HP. 10 MP

Attack: 1

Lv20 Domingo (Overlevelled?) (I’m putting approximations of his non-underlevelled stats in paranthesis)
HP: 53 (47)
MP: 54 (40)
ATK: 31 (Doesn’t matter!)
DEF: 50 (40)
AGI: 41 (35)

Freeze4: 44, 10 MP
Muddle: 50% Confusion (Makes the target waste their turn), 6 MP
Desoul: 40% ID rate, 15 MP
Boost: +15 ATK, 15 MP

HP: 34
MP: 0
ATK: 22 (55)
DEF: 34
AGI: 23

Attack: 25

HP: 33
MP: 0
ATK: 26 (44)
DEF: 47
AGI: 27 

Attack: 14

HP: 36
MP: 37
ATK: 13 (39)
DEF: 19
AGI: 45

Detox: Cures Poison, 3 MP
Heal 4: Full, 20 MP
Heal 3: Heals 27 HP, 10 MP
Quick: Increases target's defense and speed by 10, 16 MP
Slow: Lowers an enemy's defense and speed by 10, 20 MP

Attack: 9

HP: 49
MP: 0
ATK: 21 (39)
DEF: 32
AGI: 31 

Attack: 9

HP: 19
MP: 45
ATK: 11 (29)
DEF: 20
AGI: 54

Blaze 4: 36 fire damage, 8 MP
Sleep: 30%, 6 MP
Dispel: 60% Silence, 5 MP
Boost: +15 ATK, 15 MP

HP: 42
MP: 0
ATK: 48
DEF: 30
AGI: 31

Attack: 18

Unranked Characters
HP: 43
MP: 0
ATK: 37
DEF: 42
AGI: 29

Attack: 7

HP: 24
MP: 0
ATK: 17 (37)
DEF: 28
AGI: 30

Attack: 7

HP: 21
MP: 11
ATK: 11 (29)
DEF: 14
AGI: 16

Bolt 1: 12 damage. 8 MP.
Blaze 1: 7 damage. 2 MP.
Freeze 1: 9 damage. 3 MP.

HP: 30
MP: 0
ATK: 14 (49)
DEF: 22
AGI: 30 

Attack: 19

HP: 38
MP: 0
ATK: 23 (41)
DEF: 31
AGI: 30

HP: 19
MP: 0
ATK: 14 (49)
DEF: 21
AGI: 32 

Lv10 Hanzou
HP: 41
MP: 21
ATK: 26 (51)
DEF: 38
AGI: 37

Sleep- 30% Sleep, 6 MP
Dispel- 60% Silence, 5 MP
Desoul- 40% ID, 15 MP (Worthless here…)
Shield: Nulls Magic. Lasts 1-3 rounds, 5 MP

Attack: 21

HP: 42
MP: 0
ATK: 16 (34)
DEF: 15
AGI: 25

Attack: 4

HP: 30
MP: 34
ATK: 13 (39)
DEF: 34
AGI: 25

Heal4: Full Healing, 20 MP
Heal3: Heals 27 HP, 10 MP
Slow: -10 Defense, -10 Speed
Quick: +10 Defense, +10 Speed

Attack: 9

HP: 35
MP: 0
ATK: 24 (42)
DEF: 24
AGI: 28

Attack: 12

HP: 32
MP: 0
ATK: 22 (55)
DEF: 38
AGI: 25 

Attack: 25

HP: 33
MP: 0
ATK: 21 (56)
DEF: 21
AGI: 25

Attack: 26

Lv10 Musashi
HP: 50
MP: 0
ATK: 27 (57)
DEF: 40
AGI: 28

Attack: 27

HP: 38
MP: 0
ATK: 27 (45)
DEF: 36
AGI: 21

Attack: 15

HP: 35
MP: 41
ATK: 16 (42)
DEF: 18
AGI: 28 

Attack: 12

Heal2: Heals 15 HP. 5 MP
Detox: Cures poison. 3 MP
Shield: Nulls magic. Lasts 1-3 turns. 5 MP
Aura4: Full Healing to everyone in Torasu's party. 18 MP

HP: 48
MP: 0
ATK: 20 (38)
DEF: 28
AGI: 29 

Attack: 8

Domingo (53) > Musashi (50) > Mae (49) > Bleu = Vankar (48) > (Approx: Domingo 47) Adam (43) > Ken = Zylo (42) > Hanzou (41) > Max (39) > Earnest = Pelle (38) > Lowe (36) > Gong = Kokichi = Torasu (35) > Gort (34) > Guntz = Lyle (33) > Balbaroy = Luke (32) > Alef (31) > Diane = Khris (30) > Amon (24) > Anri (23) > Arthur (21) > Hans = Tao (19)
Average: 35.6 (35.4 with the Approximation)

Domingo (50) > Guntz (47) > Adam (45) > Bleu (43) > Musashi (40)= (Approx: Domingo 40)> Hanzou = Luke (38) > Pelle (36) > Gort = Khris (34) > Anri = Mae (32) > Earnest = Max (31) > Zylo (30) > Amon = Vankar (28) > Balbaroy (27) > Gong = Kokichi (24) > Diane (22) > Hans = Lyle (21) > Tao (20) > Alef = Lowe (19) > Torasu (18) > Ken (15) > Arthur (14)
Average: 29.7 (29.4 with the Approximation)

Tao (54) > Lowe (45) > Max (44) > Domingo (41) > Hanzou (37) > (Approx: Domingo 35) > Alef = Balbaroy (34) > Hans (32) > Anri = Gong = Mae = Zylo (31) > Amon = Diane = Earnest (30) > Adam = Vankar (29) > Kokichi = Musashi = Torasu (28) > Guntz (27) > Bleu (26) > Ken = Khris = Luke = Lyle (25) > Gort (23) > Pelle (21) > Arthur (16)
Average: 30.7 (30.4 with the Approximation)
StdDev: 7.7 (7.5)

Three Turn Average Damage (30 Defense): ((Alef (56))) > Anri = Domingo (44) > Alef (40) >Tao (36) > Max (34) > Musashi (27) > Lyle (26) > Gort = Luke (25) > Hanzou (21) > Diane = Hans (19) > Vankar = Zylo (18) > Pelle (15) > Guntz (14) > Arthur = Bleu = Kokichi = Torasu (12) > Earnest (11) > Balbaroy = Khris = Lowe = Mae (9) > Adam = Amon (7) > Ken (4) > Gong (1)
Average: 18.6 (Kill Point 46.5)

Yikes. If you take this curve literally, Alef's damage is insane.

Damage (20 Defense): ((Alef (56))) > Anri (44) = Domingo = Max (44) > Alef 40 > Musashi (37) > Lyle = Tao (36) > Gort = Luke (35) > Hanzou (31) > Diane = Hans (29) > Vankar = Zylo (28) > Pelle (25) > Guntz (24) > Bleu = Kokichi = Torasu (22) > Earnest (21) > Balbaroy = Khris = Lowe = Mae (19) > Adam = Amon (17) > Ken (14) > Arthur (12) > Gong (11)
Average: 26.8 (Kill Point 67)
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.


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« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 11:03:55 PM »
Originally compiled by Monkey.

Party average damage is based on damage to randoms in the boss’s fight. Boss defense is therefore compared to random defense. Boss physicals were allowed to hit average defense characters.

Big point: I’m factoring in the HP and defense of archers, mages and healers, despite the fact that the bosses have an extremely low chance of hitting them in-game. ShF’s PC durability spreads are enormous; at the time I’m writing this, Balbazak 3HKOs the likes of Mae and Pelle, while overkilling Diane almost twice over. So this stance of mine helps the boss damage quite a bit. If you base their damage only off of people they’ll get a chance to hit, it matters A LOT, especially for their physical damage.

Since this matters to some people, Chaos is the only boss that charges you in-game. The rest sit there and let you get the first strike.


35 HP
13 DEF (4 above average)
8 HP regen
Thirds fire

Physical: 15 damage
Freeze3: 16 damage

Party averages: 15 HP, 7 damage, 9 defense


Note: Most of my force is level 1/2 promoted at this point. (You lose stats on promotion in this game. The point of promoting is that it makes your growths a ton better.) This puts them in their midgame lag, inflating Elliot somewhat. Seeing levels differently in either direction will hurt him.

60 HP
17 DEF (3 above average)
Halves fire, neutrals ice

Physical: 16 damage

Party averages: 16.5 HP, 9 damage, 11 defense


65 HP
18 DEF (4 above average)
Takes 2/3rds from fire. Neutrals ice

Physical: 19 damage

Party averages: 18.5 HP, 11 damage, 13 defense


70 HP
30 DEF (10 above average)
Halves fire, Neutrals ice. Same old story.

Physical: 41 damage. Has accuracy problems. Maybe 75% hit rate?
Desoul: 0% ID (went 0/6 for me, can’t be bothered to keep testing)

Party averages: 24 HP, 12 damage, 19 defense


65 HP
30 DEF (10 above average)
Halves fire and ice. omg
16 HP regen.

Physical: 19 damage
Bolt2: 15 damage

Party averages: 27 HP, 16 damage, 23 defense (blame the damage spike on Tao getting Blaze 4)

Chaos (Here by demand of vile elves)

65 HP
35 DEF (6 above average)
Halves fire, ice and lightning
16 HP regen

50 ATK
Physical: 19 damage
Laser: 16 magic damage

Party averages: 32 HP, 18 damage, 28 defense


99 HP
40 defense (10 above average)
25 HP regen
Takes 2/3rds from all elements
Has marginal evade (Looks like about 25%)

Physical: 52 damage
Aura3: 25 healing

Party averages: 38 HP, 23 damage, 34 defense


170 HP
35 defense (5 above average)
Neutral to all elements
~25% evade

Physical: 3 damage
Demon Blaze: 25 magic damage

Party averages: 41 HP, 24 damage, 37 defense
"Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."
-Ponder Stibbons

[23:02] <Veryslightlymad> CK dreams about me starring in porno?
[23:02] <CmdrKing> Pretty sure.