Author Topic: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon  (Read 2073 times)


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Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
« on: December 06, 2008, 07:47:40 PM »
It's JeiganJagen time!

This topic is based on the names from the EU version.  If NoA changes them again, I will mutter explicatives under my breath while editing them later.

Stat explanations; note that there are some changes compared to previous FE games.

HP = Don't lose all of these unless you want some words of wisdom from Emiya Shirou.
Strength = +1 physical damage.  In addition, for each point that weapon weight exceeds this by, subtract one point of AS.
Magic = +1 magic damage, including Thunder Swords and Thunderbolts.
Skill = +1 Hit and +0.5 Critical.
Speed = +1 to Attack Speed (AS), with each point of AS worth +1 Evade.  Note that no characters lose any AS on their default weapons.
Luck = +0.5 Hit, +0.5 Evade, and +1 Critical Evade.  Note that every single enemy in this game has zero luck aside from recruitable PCs, without fail.
Defense = -1 physical damage taken.
Resistance = -1 magic damage taken.  Hugely imbalanced distribution here, as almost nobody besides the mages get any actual resistance growth.
Overall = Sum of all stats, with HP halved.  Value somewhat questionable since not all stats are made equal, but it works as a very rough guide to overall stat totals.
Hit = Weapon hit rate + Skill + Luck/2 + Weapon rank bonus (if applicable).  Swordmasters get a +10 boost and Snipers +5.  Subtract whatever you deem fair for enemy evade to get the effective DL hit rate against an average PC.
Crit = Weapon critical rate + Skill/2.  Berserkers get a +10 boost and Snipers +5.  I haven't included this in the spreadsheet, as crit rates are incredibly marginal with default weapons and killers are nerfed in this game.
Evade = AS + Luck/2; this is exactly half the value it would be in FE6-10.  Those of you familiar with Fire Emblem's 2 RN hit system will realize just how screwed the cast are here.
Evade% = Effective evade rate against an enemy with 100 accuracy, which is reasonably averagish for endgame opponents (even bosses).
Damage = Strength/Magic (whichever is appropriate) + Weapon might + Weapon rank bonus (if applicable) - target Defense/Resistance.  For this stat topic, I've assumed 10 defense and 5 resistance.

PC levels... these I have some uncertainty about, and would appreciate feedback from people who play this game, especially on Ballisticians/Maneketes/Elice.

Promotable PCs get 20/10, with one exception mentioned below.  Gato gets */17, his starting level.
Marth and the Thieves get 28.  Their exp gain rate above level 20 is lower by a noticable amount than their promoted counterparts' rates, so they get slightly fewer levels.
Ballisticians get 20, as they have limited weaponry up until Chapter 22 and clearly get less exp opportunities than conventional characters.  Mine got to level 24, but I spent 18K forging a Pachyderm weapon which just barely netted him a lot of OHKOs, so his level feels inflated.
Maneketes get 15, which I'll freely admit is a guess; I didn't use any of them except the one who joins for the last map.  They have finite weapon charges and gain exp at the same rate as an unpromoted unit, unlike Fa and Myrrh, so a lower level is clearly in order.  How much I'm not really sure, though; guesstimating that Nagi's starting level of 15 works.
Elice joins at level 10 unpromoted with 2-3 chapters left, depending on whether you hit 24x.  That's just completely unreasonable to ask for equal levels, even accounting for how fast staff users gain exp.  Taking her at 20/1 for this topic, which feels a bit generous.

All PCs were taken in their default classes.  The Pegasus Knights are assumed to promote to Dracoknights, not Falcon Knights, as the Elysian Whip needed for the latter is Wifi Store only and restricted to three per game, with four default Peg Knights.


Weapon Ranks

Weapon Ranks run from E to A in this game, no S or SS rank.  There are stat bonuses for equipping a weapon with C rank or above, much more meaningful than the +5 Hit and Crit for a S rank in previous game.  They are as follows:

C Rank (Sword): +1 Power
B Rank (Sword): +2 Power
A Rank (Sword): +3 Power
C Rank (Axe): +5 Hit
B Rank (Axe): +10 Hit
A Rank (Axe): +15 Hit
C Rank (Lance/Bow/Tome): +1 Power
B Rank (Lance/Bow/Tome): +1 Power, +5 Hit
A Rank (Lance/Bow/Tome): +2 Power, +5 Hit

These bonuses do not stack; that is, an A rank in Sword yields +3 total Power, not +6.  For this topic, I've assumed most characters get an A in their primary weapon and a C in their secondary, or A in both for Paladins.  Prepromotes who join early get A ranks in both weapons, those who join later are assumed to have an A in whichever is higher (i.e. Axes for Samson).  Ellis is again an exception, due to her rediculously late joining time she's stuck with only an E in Tomes.  Ballisticians and Maneketes do not have weapon ranks.

Weapon Triangle

The game follows the usual Sword > Axe > Lance > Sword triangle.  The weapon triangle is potentially asymmetric in this game, as it depends on weapon rank.  Specifically:

+/- 5 Hit if your weapon rank is E or D.
+/- 10 Hit if your weapon rank is C, B, or A.

In addition, you lose any weapon rank bonuses you might have if you lose the triangle.  There is no magic triangle in this game.


DL-legal weapons are listed below.  Note that the Wifi store was disregarded for this; not everyone can access them, the selection varies based on day, and the most noticable items there, the Brave Weapons, are limited to 3 per game, despite everybody wanting them.  Non-storebought starting equips listed below everything else of the type, for those who allow them.

For forging, I've capped the cost at 4500, as they can skyrocket to insane values if you keep pushing the stats up.  All storebought weapons have their cost listed for the sake of forging; you can see the potential benefits and costs at Serenes Forest.  For the listed forged weapons, I put all leftover money into extra hit, as it's more useful than extra crit without a high base to work off; that's why the hit stats look irregular.

All weapons are range 1 unless specificed otherwise.  Also, I'm omitting weight from everything but the tomes since only mages have low enough strength to actually lose AS with anything.

Swords (Used by Lord, Paladin, Swordmaster, Hero, Thief, Horseman)
Iron Sword - Rank E, 5 MT, 100 Hit, 40 Uses, 400 Cost
Steel Sword - Rank D, 8 MT, 90 Hit, 35 Uses, 875 Cost
Killing Edge - Rank C, 8 MT, 90 Hit, 20 Crit, 20 Uses, 1500 Cost
Silver Sword - Rank B, 12 MT, 100 Hit, 20 Uses, 2000 Cost
Levin Sword - Rank C, 6 MT, 90 Hit, Range 1-2, 20 Uses, 1600 Cost, Deals magic damage
Rapier - Rank E, 5 MT, 100 Hit, 10 Crit, 28 Uses, 1120 Uses, MTx3 against Horseback/Armored units, Marth only
Wyrmslayer - Rank C, 7 MT, 80 Hit, 15 Uses, 1200 Cost, MTx3 against Mamkutes
Armorslayer - Rank C, 7 MT, 80 Hit, 20 Uses, 1000 Cost, MTx3 against Armored units
Falchion - E rank, 12 MT, 100 Hit, MTx3 against Mamkutes and Medeus, Heals 10 HP when used as an item, Marth only
Forged Silver Sword - Rank B, 14 MT, 102 Hit, 20 Uses

Lances (Used by Paladin, Dracoknight, General)
Iron Lance - Rank E, 6 MT, 90 Hit, 40 Uses, 480 Cost
Steel Lance - Rank D, 9 MT, 80 Hit, 35 Uses, 980 Cost
Killer Lance - Rank C, 9 MT, 80 Hit, 20 Crit, 20 Uses, 1800 Cost
Silver Lance - Rank B, 13 MT, 90 Hit, 20 Uses, 2200 Cost
Javelin - Rank D, 7 MT, 70 Hit, Range 1-2, 30 Uses, 750 Cost
Wing Spear - Rank E, 8 MT, 90 Hit, 10 Crit, 28 Uses, 1120 Cost, Effective against Horseback/Armored Units, Shiida only
Knightslayer - Rank C, 8 MT, 70 Hit, 20 Uses, 1200 Cost, MTx3 against Horseback units
Dragonpike - Rank C, 8 MT, 70 Hit, 15 Uses, 1350 Cost, MTx3 against Mamkutes
Forged Silver Lance - Rank B, 15 MT, 90 Hit, 20 uses
Forged Javelin - Rank D, 11 MT, 75 Hit, Range 1-2, 30 Uses (trading MT for extra hit also possible)

Axes (Used by Warrior, Berserker, Hero, Dracoknight)
Iron Axe - Rank E, 7 MT, 80 Hit, 40 Uses, 320 Cost
Steel Axe - Rank D, 10 MT, 70 Hit, 35 Uses, 700 Cost
Killer Axe - Rank C, 10 MT, 70 Hit, 20 Crit, 20 Uses, 1400 Cost
Silver Axe - Rank B, 14 MT, 80 Hit, 20 Uses, 1600 Cost
Hand Axe - Rank D, 8 MT, 60 Hit, Range 1-2, 30 Uses, 540 Cost
Hammer - Rank C, 9 MT, 60 Hit, 20 Uses, 1100 Cost, MTx3 against Armored units
Forged Silver Axe - Rank B, 16 MT, 86 Hit, 20 Uses
Forged Hand Axe - 13 MT, 62 Hit, Range 1-2, 30 Uses (trading MT for extra hit also possible)
Devil Axe - Rank D, 17 MT, 100 Hit, 25 Uses, May damage user, Ymir's starting weapon
Hauteclere - Rank A, 18 MT, 80 Hit, 20 Uses, Heals 10 HP when used as an item, Minerva's starting weapon

Bows (Used by Sniper, Horseman, Warrior, General)
Iron Bow - Rank E, 5 MT, 90 Hit, Range 2, 40 Uses, 440 Cost
Steel Bow - Rank D, 8 MT, 80 Hit, Range 2, 35 Uses, 770 Cost
Killer Bow - Rank C, 8 MT, 80 Hit, Range 2, 20 Crit, 20 Uses, 1600 Cost
Silver Bow - Rank B, 12 MT, 90 Hit, Range 2, 20 Uses, 2200 Cost
Forged Silver Bow - Rank B, 14 MT, 91 Hit, 20 Uses

All bows get MTx3 against Flying units, of course.

Tomes (Used by Sage, Bishop, Sorceror)
Fire - Rank E, 5 MT, 100 Hit, Range 1-2, 1 WT, 25 Uses, 300 Worth
Thunder - Rank E, 6 MT, 90 Hit, Range 1-2, 2 WT, 21 Uses, 420 Worth
Blizzard - Rank D, 7 MT, 80 Hit, 5 Crit, Range 1-2, 2 WT, 23 Uses, 690 Worth
Elfire - Rank D, 9 MT, 80 Hit, Range 1-2, 3 WT, 18 Uses, 1260 Worth
Bolganone - Rank C, 12 MT, 70 Hit, Range 1-2, 4 WT, 13 Uses, 1690 Worth
Forged Fire (Bishops) - Rank E, 12 MT, 105 Hit, Range 1-2, 1 WT, 25 Uses
Forged Bolganone (Sorcerors) - Rank C, 13 MT, 71 Hit, Range 1-2, 2 WT, 13 Uses
Forged Bolganone (Sages) - Rank C, 14 MT, 71 Hit, Range 1-2, 3 WT, 13 Uses

Excalibur - Rank B, 13 MT, 100 Hit, 20 Crit, Range 1-2, 1 WT, 33 Uses, MTx3 against Flying units, Males only, Marich's starting weapon
Aura - Rank B, 18 MT, 90 Hit, Range 1-2, 1 WT, Range 1-2, 1 WT, 25 Uses, Females only, Linde's starting weapon
Thoron - Rank C, 13 MT, 100 Hit, 10 Crit, Range 1-2, 4 WT, 21 Uses, Gotoh's starting weapon
Swarm - Rank B, 6 MT, 70 Hit, Range 3-10, 5 WT, 5 Uses, Gotoh's starting weapon

Bishops only have 1 Strength and low enough speed that they can't really afford any AS loss, so I opted for the best forged 1 WT tome - which curiously enough turned out to be the basic Fire tome.  Sages have 3 Strength, which is just enough for a forged +2 MT/-1 WT Bolganone.  Etzel gets a +1 MT/-2 WT Bolganone as his best no AS loss tome.

Firearms (Used by Ballistician)
Arrowspate - 12 MT, 80 Hit, Range 3-10, 20 Uses, 1000 Worth, MTx3 against Flying units
Stonehoist - 15 MT, 50 Hit, Range 3-10, 40 Uses, 1200 Worth
Hoistflamme - 12 MT, 90 Hit, Range 3-10, 20 Uses, 1000 Worth
Forged Hoistflamme - 15 MT, 97 Hit, Range 3-10, 20 Uses
Thunderbolt - 10 MT, 80 Hit, Rnage 3-10, 10 Uses, MTx3 against Shooters, Beck's starting weapon

Stonehoist is the strongest storebought weapon but 50 accuracy is way too pathetic, so I used Hoistflamme instead for default weapon.

Dragonstones (Used by Manekete)
Firestone - 15 MT, 85 Hit, 30 Uses, Strength +8, Skill +4, Speed +4, Defense +9, Resistance +4
Divinestone - 18 MT, 100 Hit, 30 Uses, Strength +10, Skill +7, Speed +4, Defense +15, Resistance +11, MTx3 against Mamkutes and Medeus, Tiki/Nagi only

There are two Firestones in the game, both chest/village items, both can be used by any Mamkute.  Technically Bantu has none to start with, but he's stated to have dropped his and you get one on the map before he joins, so it's clearly meant to be his.  Tiki and Nagi both start with a Divinestone.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 11:02:40 PM by hinode »