Author Topic: Megaman X Command Mission  (Read 15788 times)


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Megaman X Command Mission
« on: January 15, 2008, 11:54:37 PM »
Welcome to a redone MMXCM stat topic!  The one and only, at the moment >_> 

Many thanks to Meeple and NEB for doing a lot of work on things I haven't been able to check (bosses and Spider from NEB), clarifying things (Hyper Mode changes), and figuring out things I missed (different weapons and loads of other shit).  Now, on with the show!

MMXCM plays similarly to a BoF game, a bit of a mix of BoF3 and BoF5.  Speed is linear+a constant, defenses are divisional, and most else is self-explanatory.

Levels are taken at 41.  Yes, I know, it's not round and OMG NORMAL!  It's the level X hit after beating Ninetails, if you really want to know.  That, and 42 is a really badass number, and X doesn't deserve to be related to it in any way. 

I listed what I feel are the best weapons for each character under their default set-up.  In some cases (Cinnamon's Kitty Gloves), this is pretty ideal, but in others (*cough*ZERO*cough*X*COUGH*) they might want to switch it around a little.  I've listed all their possible weapons they might want to use, and made notes on some of the more common weapons they might want to use. 

I've listed starting and unique force metals for each character.  Typically, this is kind of worthless (OMG FEAR LUCKY GIRL!), but in some cases (X-Heart), this is a good thing.  Since people don't actually use armour, but add parts (OMG ROBOTZ!) to themselves, I'm going to list some common stuff like Water Guards and the like.  This works, for me, though your mileage may vary.  There are 10 subtanks in the game, totalling 1000% for healing.  Frankly, I don't allow them period, for anyone, since they're not unique, although you could argue that X gets 100%, since he does start the game solo with one in the inventory, but...Characters have sub-weapons and normal weapons.  For sub-weapons, I only allowed starters and uniques.  Granted, most of these suck complete ass, so it really doesn't matter.

For status-blockers and other stuff...anything here is either refinable or storebought.  Refined stuff is simple, nothing complicated or that uses rare items.  Note that the elemental resistances stack, but you cannot reduce an element more than 75%, or +5 resistance (hence why I listed both the Guards and Resists...depends on what you allow).  From NEB, here's a list of what each resistance level means:

0: 200% damage
1: 150% damage
2: 100% damage
3: 75% damage
4: 50% damage
5: 25% damage
6: Nulls
7: Absorbs

And a list of statuses, courtesy of NEB again:

Virus: 5% mHP damage per turn, kicks in after the target has acted.
Bind: Slow. Effective CTB-style, targets half as many turns as usual.
Frozen: Can not act. Cancelled by damage. I believe damage against a frozen target auto-criticals, meaning it acts as if the opponent has 0 Armour/Shield. I do know that all attacks have a 100% hit rate against a frozen target, even normally inaccurate ones.
Berserk: Use attack command randomly. There's a chance of said random attack being directed against one's own team (self included), I believe the chance is 50% but that's very much a guess. Cancelled by damage.
Blind: Nerfs accuracy. I think the loss is 50%, despite documentation suggesting otherwise. Also nerfs evade, no clue how much. I've never seen a blind PC evade anything, but PCs in this game tend to be only moderately evasive at best.
Instant Death: You know this.

And a list of the actual force metals that might be useful:

- Fire Guard: +1 to Fire
- Fire Resist: +2 to Fire
- Water Guard: +1 to Water
- Water Resist: +2 to Water
- Thunder Guard: +1 to Lightning
- Thunder Resist: +2 to Lightning
- Virus Block: Blocks virus status
- Bind Block: Blocks bind status
- Freeze Block: Blocks frozen status
- Berserk Block: Blocks berserk status
- Blind Block: Blocks blind status
- DOA Block: Blocks instant death status
- Firewall: Resists negative statuses ~50%
- Super Resist: Resists stat-downs ~50%

In addition, each character has a certain amount of "slots" for force metals.  There's also the erosion factor, but none of the store-bought or DL-legal metals should add up enough to cause any erosion for the characters, so I'm ignoring it now.
X, Axl - 4
Zero, Marino, Cinnamon - 3
Massimo - 2

Vital Statistics and What They Mean
WE: The amount of Weapon Energy a character starts with.  Characters gain 25% weapon energy each turn (more, if in Hyper Mode), and max out at 100%.  Action Triggers can only be used at 50% WE or higher.  Each character starts with a certain amount of WE, which is listed in their profiles.  Defending halves WE gain upon next turn, so characters would only gain 13 WE next turn.
Hyper Mode Activations: Number of turns a hyper mode can be activated
Power: A factor in how much damage you do
Armour: This is the defense against "close" attacks, such as Zero's sword, or Massimo's lance
Shield: This is defense against "shot" attacks, such as Axl or X's regular attack
Speed: Duh.  Equipment weight lowers speed, like in all other Capcom RPGs.
*Note: there are two numbers listed - in parentheses is the final stat with equipment, while the base stat is listed without parentheses; brackets are used for other potential set-ups

Should be most everything.  Should we begin?  I think so! 

LE: 4164
WE: 25%
Hyper Mode Activations: 6

Main Weapon: X-Buster MKIII - +110 Power, +30 Armour/Shield, 20 Weight
*Turbo Buster - +90 Power, +10 Armour/Shield, 0 Weight, damage increases with higher WE
**Fire/Ice/Thunder Buster MKIII - +80/83/81 Power, +23/23/25 Armour, +23/23/25 Shield, 13/16/16 Weight, Fire/Water/Lightning Elemental Attack
Sub-weapon 1: Micro-Missile - 40 Power (10 WE)
Sub-weapon 2: Micro-Missile - 40 Power (10 WE)
Force Metals: X-Heart (Revives upon death to 10% max HP; only once per fight)

Power: 200 (310)
Speed: 74 (54)
Armor: 136 (166)
Shield: 136 (166)
Attack: 1800
Sub-weapon 1: Micro-Missile - 105 (10 WE)
Sub-weapon 2: Micro-Missile - 105 (10 WE)
Action Trigger - Charge Shot: 1250 (50% WE) ----> 3400 (100% WE)
Hyper Modes
X-Fire: HP+50%, WE gain rises to 31%, Reduces all non-fixed damage by 50%, speed increases by 25%, basic physical becomes Fire Elemental

Attack: 2600 (4750 w/PCx1) {6925 w/PCx2}
Sub-Weapon 1 - Power Charge: Boosts power x1.5 on first use, x2.0 on second use (30 WE)
Sub-Weapon 2 - Shell Buster: 1400 (20 WE)
Action Trigger - Charge Collider: 9400 (50% WE) ----> 15000 (100% WE)

Ultimate Armour: WE gain rises to 35%, Reduces all non-fixed damage by 50%, speed increases by 50%, evade increases by 25%

Attack: 3900, ignores target defense
Sub-Weapon 1 - Impact Cannon: 1200, ignores target defense (20 WE)
Sub-Weapon 2 - Strike Bullet: 1200, ignores target defense (20 WE)
Action Trigger - Nova Strike: 11000 (50% WE) ----> 21000 (100% WE)

LE: 5028
WE: 15%
Hyper Mode Activations: 3

Main Weapon: Z-Rapier+ - +40 Power, +8 Armour, +4 Shield, 5 Weight, 3 Hits, 5% boost to evasion
*Z-Sabre+++ - +50 Power, +30 Armour, +25 Shield, 25 Weight, 2 Hits (This is for those of you who think the Z-Rapier+ should be deemed illegal because it's a dropped item; this should then be deemed his default weapon)
**Rei Ichimonji - +60 Power, +20 Armour, +25 Shield, 9 Weight, 2 Hits, Ignores Target Defenses but doesn't use the full Power stat (only hits with 40% of total power)
***Red Lotus Sabre - +80 Power, +0 Armour/Shield, 0 Weight, 3 Hits, Converts Armour, Shield and Speed into Power stat, Fire Elemental Attack
****Flame/Ice/Thunder Sabre+ - +82/85/83 Power, +22/22/23 Armour, +20/20/21 Shield, 18/18/20 Weight, Fire/Water/Lightning Elemental Attack
Sub-weapon 1: Heat Haze - Gives additional hits to Zero's basic attack, 1 extra hit per Heat Haze; the damage done with these extra hits is about 30% of his normal attack's damage (25 WE)
Sub-weapon 2: Heat Haze - Gives additional hits to Zero's basic attack, 1 extra hit per Heat Haze; the damage done with these extra hits is about 30% of his normal attack's damage (25 WE)
Force Metals: Zero Shift (All damage less than Zero's levelx5 is this case, all damage below 205 is negated)

Power: 230 (270)
Speed: 65 (60)
Armor: 121 (129)
Shield: 123 (127)
Attack: 4200 (6150 w/1 Heat Haze) {8100 w/2 Heat Hazes}
Attack w/Red Lotus Sabre: 9150 (12210 w/1 Heat Haze) {15270 w/2 Heat Hazes}
Action Trigger - Command Arts: Can Use Any of the following Command Arts within the time-limit (more WE = more time):
1) Zero Slash - 1000
2) Zero Breakthrough - 720, ignores target defense
3) Zero Dragon Slash - 1390, double damage to flying targets, with increased accuracy
4) Zero Wave Slash - Ranges from 650 to 2500 damage (average ~1250)
5) Zero Skull Crush - 2350, ignores target defense
Hyper Modes
Black Zero: WE gain rises to 31%, speed increases by 50%, +1 to fire element

Attack: 10050 (13230 w/1 Heat Haze) {16410 w/2 Heat Hazes}
Attack w/Red Lotus Sabre: 15420 (21300 w/1 Heat Haze) {27180 w/2 Heat Hazes}
Action Trigger - Command Arts: Can Use Any of the following Command Arts within the time-limit (more WE = more time):
1) Zero Slash - 2300
2) Zero Breakthrough - 1260, ignores target defense
3) Zero Dragon Slash - 3330, double damage to flying targets, with increased accuracy
4) Zero Wave Slash - Ranges from 1620 to 5300 damage (average ~2790)
5) Zero Skull Crush - 5200, ignores target defense

Absolute Zero: HP+50%, WE gain rises to 37%, speed increases 50%, +2 to water element, evade increases by 25%, all attacks are Water Elemental

Attack: 6000
Sub-Weapon 1 - Brutal Left: 3300 (20 WE)
Sub-Weapon 2 - Killer Right: 3300 (20 WE)
Action Trigger - Calamitous Arts: 18000 (50% WE) ----> 30000 (100% WE)

*A Note about Zero's Action Trigger: Command Arts (and Calamitous Arts, to an extent).  i.e., button combos.  I have absolutely no idea what to consider fair for these.  I originally thought, for Command Arts, that I would assume 6 arts at 50% WE, and 12 at 100% WE, but....that's honestly not perfectly reasonable, I guess (it's easy to get more or less, depending on skill).  So, what I did, is list each Command Art damage ---> the faster to execute ones are listed first, the longer ones listed last.  The stronger the weapon used, the more damage the Command Arts do, so if Zero is using Command Arts, he wants to use a single-hit weapon with high power (I think the Red Lotus Sabre's Shield/Armour/Speed conversion doesn't carry over, but I'm not sure).  Now, Calamitous Arts are a whole 'nother story...what you get to input is randomly generated.  Hence, I just listed what I got after a use of it.  Usually, he'll get one critical, and 2 chances to freeze the opponent on average (at ~20% chance to freeze each hit).  Like with Command Arts, Calamitous Arts are also not affected by hits, so he'd want to use a strong single-hit weapon with high power for these as well. 

LE: 5459
WE: 20%
Hyper Mode Activations: 3

Main Weapon: Interceptor - +93 Power, +16 Armour, +14 Shield, 16 Weight, Randomly Causes Enemies to Miss their next turn
*Beast Lancer - +120 Power, +30 Armour/Shield, 20 Weight, Fire Elemental Attack, Deals 5% of Massimo's Max HP in damage whenever he does a basic physical
**Protect Lance Gamma - +72 Power, +33 Armour, +31 Shield, 32 Weight, Gives Resistance to Statuses
Sub-weapon 1: Power Charge: Boosts power x1.5 on first use, x2.0 on second use (30 WE)
Sub-weapon 2: Nothing
Force Metals: Massimo Plus (+1 Power/Armour/Shield/Speed, counterattack and Critical Rate Rises 25%), Water Guard (+1 to water element...for Massy, it now does normal damage instead of 50% more)

Power: 220 (340)
Speed: 57 (41)
Armor: 144 (160)
Shield: 114 (128)
Takes 50% more damage from Fire and Lightning attacks.

Attack: 2000 (3300 w/PCx1) {4600 w/PCx2}
Action Trigger - Berserk Charge: 6600 (50% WE) ----> 13900 (100% WE)
Hyper Mode
Glint Armour: HP+50%, WE gain rises to 37%, armour and shield increase 25%, +1 to water, fire and lightning elements

Attack: 3200 (4950 w/PCx1) {7400 w/PCx2}
Action Trigger - Berserk Charge: 9700 (50% WE) ----> 19950 (100% WE)

*A Note about Massimo's Action Trigger: At 50% WE, he can hit about 2 of the columns (but if you're good, you can get 3...I went with 2 for simplicity sake).  At 100%, he can get 3 easy (and 4's not hard to do either).  Frankly, I find the status effect column worthless, so here's what I assumed: at 50% WE, he hits Power and 100%, he hits the #Hits column as well. 

LE: 3656
WE: 32%
Hyper Mode Activations: 5

Main Weapon: Beam Sword - +62 Power, +23 Armour, +25 Shield, 18 Weight, 2 Hits
*Fire/Ice/Thunder Comet - +78 Power, +14 Armour, +16 Shield, 16 Weight,  5 Hits, Fire/Water/Lightning Elemental Attack {*Note: the 5 individual hits for these weapons combined are about as strong as one hit from the Beam Sword...they're useful if she's hitting a weakness, but not for normal fighting}
**Beam Chakram S - +22 Power, +4 Armour, +6 Shield, 4 Weight, 3 Hits
Sub-weapon 1: Get Zenny+ - Boosts Zenny gained from an enemy by 10% (7 WE)
Sub-weapon 2: Hawkeye - All attacks for the remained of the round have perfect accuracy (5 WE)
Force Metals: Fat Slicer (+10% evasion)

Power: 179 (241)
Speed: 86 (68)
Armor: 132 (155)
Shield: 131 (156)

Attack: 1980 (2220 with Beam Chakram S)
Action Trigger - Emotion Reels: Slots game with one of the following results (more WE = slower reel spinning = easier to hit):
1) Hyper Dive - 3100 (2690 with Beam Chakram S)
2) I'll Take That - 1280, steals items 100% (1030 with Beam Chakram S)
3) Your Life, Please - 1100, heals Marino for the same amount (970 with Beam Chakram S)
4) Scattered Flower - 2550, inflicts death status ~70% (1980 with Beam Chakram S)
5) Mirage Dive - 6100 (3820 with Beam Chakram S)
Hyper Mode
Quicksilver: HP+50%, Every action until Hyper Mode Cooldown is uninterrupted (well, in practice - theoretically, super-fast enemies can get turns in, since it's just a huge speed boost, but you'll only see this with Ninetails in-game if you let him get going), i.e., she gets the next 6 actions in a row

Attack: 2600 (3090 with Beam Chakram S)
Action Trigger - Emotion Reels: Slots game with one of the following results:
1) Hyper Dive - 3460 (2990 with Beam Chakram S)
2) I'll Take That - 1490, steals items 100% (1150 with Beam Chakram S)
3) Your Life, Please - 1500, heals Marino for the same amount (1200 with Beam Chakram S)
4) Scattered Flower - 2920, inflicts death status ~70% (2460 with Beam Chakram S)
5) Mirage Dive - 7350 (5050 with Beam Chakram S)

For the full six actions in Hyper Mode, her total damage (alternating Mirage Dive and her physical) is 29850 (24420 with Beam Chakram S).

*A Note about Marino's Action Trigger: Yes, it's a slots game.'s probably the easiest slots ever used in an RPG.  Nothing is stacked against you, and it's pretty easy to hit whatever you want. 

LE: 3329
WE: 10%
Hyper Mode Activations: 4

Main Weapon: Kitty Gloves - +16 Power, +18 Armour/Shield, 0 Weight, 5 Hits, Randomly lowers enemy Power, Armour, Shield and/or Speed by 25% (20% chance per hit that this effect will kick in)
*O Effector - +52 Power, +20 Armour/Shield, 4 Weight, Dispels positive statuses
**Head Hammer - +59 Power, +18 Armour/Shield, 4 Weight, Berserks target ~20%
Sub-weapon 1: Energy Field - Uses Cinnamon's WE to add 10% WE to her other two allies (20 WE)
Sub-weapon 2: Nothing
Force Metals: Lucky Girl (Increases Zenny gained by 10%)

Power: 160 (176)
Speed: 72 (72)
Armor: 149 (167)
Shield: 150 (168)
Takes 50% less damage from Fire, Water and Lightning attacks.

Attack: 2500
Action Trigger - Angelic Aid: 60% Healing (50% WE) ----> 110% (100% WE)
Hyper Mode
Iron Maiden: HP+50%

Attack: 5600
Action Trigger - Angelic Aid: 60% Healing (50% WE) ----> 110% (100% WE)

*A Note about Cinnamon's Action Trigger: You rotate a control stick around.  At 100% WE, you easily can get 100% healing.  Heck, I can get it at 85% or so.  I'd say that, at 50% she can get 60% healing, and at 90%, 100% healing.  Basically, her healing = WE% +10%.  Like all other action triggers, this varies based on skills and whether you've got Parkinson's or not.

LE: 3882
WE: 25%
Hyper Mode Activations: 2

Main Weapon: Manhunter - +90 Power, +20 Armour/Shield, 4 Weight, 75% critical rate vs. humans
*Ancient Gun - +100 Power, +20 Armour/Shield, 12 Weight, 75% critical rate vs. bosses
**Insect Killer - +85 Power, +18 Armour/Shield, 4 Weight, 75% critical rate vs. insects
***Beast Killer - +58 Power, +16 Armour/Shield, 4 Weight, 75% critical rate vs. beasts
****Noise Canceller - +45 Power, +13 Armour/Shield, 4 Weight, 75% critical rate vs. mechaniloids
*****Axl Bullets 3 - +60 Power, +18 Armor/Shield, 26 Weight, 2 Hits
******Auto Bullets - +30 Power, +10 Armour/Shield, 16 Weight, 8 Hits, "-30% accuracy" (for what it's worth, on average, 1-2 shots might miss, but it depends on enemy evasion a good deal - out of 10 attacks on Incentas 2 (80 total hits), only 10 hits total missed - I assume this could be a higher level thing)
Sub-weapon 1: Hunter Missile - 80 Power, +50% Accuracy (15 WE)
Sub-weapon 2: Cracker - 30 Power, inflicts Berserk status ~20% (15 WE)
Force Metals: Nothing

Power: 168 (258)
Speed: 88 (84)
Armor: 114 (134)
Shield: 145 (165)

Attack: 1300 (2000 with Auto Bullets, if every hit connects)
Sub-weapon 1: Hunter Missile - 225 (15 WE)
Sub-weapon 2: Cracker - 75, inflicts Berserk status ~20% (15 WE)
Action Trigger - DNA Change: Morph into any one of the following (more WE = more time):
1) Wild Jango - Deals from 3200 to 6400; lightning elemental
2) Silver Horn - 1800; water elemental
3) Mad Nautilus - Inflicts either virus, blind, berserk or bind status 100%
4) Mach Jentra - 1800; fire elemental
5) Incentas - 2600
6) Depth Dragoon - 2400; lightning elemental
7) Rafflesian - 2000; ignores target defense
8) Ninetails - 8991; ignores target defense
Hyper Mode
Stealth Mode: Speed decreases 25%, Impervious to everything (Including healing)

Attack: 3000 (4800 with Auto Bullets if all hits connect)
Sub-weapon 1: Hunter Missile - 225 (15 WE)
Sub-weapon 2: Cracker - 75, inflicts Berserk status ~20% (15 WE)
Action Trigger - DNA Change: Morph into any one of the following (more WE = more time):
1) Wild Jango - Deals from 6400 to 12800; lightning elemental
2) Silver Horn - 3200; water elemental
3) Mad Nautilus - Inflicts either virus, blind, berserk or bind status 100%
4) Mach Jentra - 3200; fire elemental
5) Incentas - 5900
6) Depth Dragoon - 4400; lightning elemental
7) Rafflesian - 2000; ignores target defense
8) Ninetails - 8991; ignores target defense


LE: 4253
1) Massimo - 5459
2) Zero - 5028
3) X - 4164
4) Axl - 3882
5) Marino - 3656
6) Cinnamon - 3329

Armour: 152
1) Cinnamon - 167
2) Massimo - 160
3) X - 166
4) Marino - 155
5) Axl - 134
6) Zero - 129

Shield: 152
1) Cinnamon - 168
2) X - 166
3) Axl - 165
4) Marino - 156
5) Massimo - 128
6) Zero - 127

Speed: 63
1) Axl - 84
2) Cinnamon - 72
3) Marino - 68
4) Zero - 60
5) X - 54
6) Massimo - 41

Damage: 2910
1) Zero - 6150
2) Massimo - 3300
3) Cinnamon - 2500
4) X - 2010
5) Marino - 1980
6) Axl - 1525
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 11:43:03 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Megaman X Command Mission
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2008, 11:55:53 PM »
CK asked, and Elfboy delivers! Two and a half years? What's that?

Okay, temp scaling for Spider. All PCs are Level 20, except Cinnamon who is Level 18 (Cinnamon joins at a large level disadvantage which is not reasonable to be entirely made up yet). Damage is taken against the Chapter 6 average of 50 Armour and 44 Shield. Mega Mantors (53 Def, 43 Shield) were used for the damage tests of the moves that I don't know the mechanics of, and also for crosschecking all my calculations.

Technically you can have Secret Shop weapons by now, but not only is it obscure this early, but the prices are o_O. I'm disregarding it.

Accessories: At this point, only 30% status resistance accessories are available legally (to Virus, Bind, Blind, Berserk, and Freeze). Nothing at all is available against ID.

"Good card, eh?"

LE: 2241
WE: 40%
Hyper Mode Activations: 2

Main weapon: Joker - +21 Power/Armour/Shield/Speed, 25% chance of two hits, 25% chance of MT, 25% chance of bonus zenny, 25% chance of bonus exp
*Ace of Clubs - +29 Power, +6 Armour, +7 Shield, 0 Weight, two hits at WE>=75
Force Metals: Bluff (Spider has a 100% chance to dodge the first evadable attack made against him each battle)

Power 90 (111) [119]
Speed 52 (73) [52]
Armour 54 (75) [60]
Shield 65 (86) [72]

Attack: 536, 25% chance of x2 = 1072 (also 25% chances physical being MT, of bonus Exp, and of bonus zenny. Non-overlapping, one will kick in each time)
Attack w/ Ace of Clubs: 600, 2 hits at 75+ WE (= 1200)
Sub-weapon 1 - Item Steal: Instant death to FF6 Merchants and Officers! (7 WE)
Sub-weapon 2 - Hunter Missile: 80x2 = 160 (15 WE)
Action trigger: Fortune Card - Plays a game of poker, with one extra draw. Game is rigged so you always get at least Pair, and you get better odds of "better" hands at higher WE.
1) Pair: 536x2 = 1072 [600x2 = 1200]
2) Two Pair: 536x2, 50% crit chance on second hit for 888 = 1248 [600, 952, 1376]
3) Tri Card: 536x3 = 1608. The hits are fire, ice, and lightning respectively. [600x3 = 1800]
4) Straight: 704 (crit) + 352x4 = 2112 [760 + 408x4 = 2392]
5) Flush: ~800 + chance of blind
6) Death House: ~800 + chance of ID (not 100%, i.e. too small to care about given DH's rarity)
7) Four Penalty: Attempts to lower Power, Speed, Armour, and Shield by 25% each. ~50% hit rate on each stat down?
8) Straight Flush: dunno
9) Royal Straight Flush: yeah no

Rough estimate on the average output of this move is 1300 [1450], varies slightly with WE.

Hyper Mode
Trickstar: Speed decreases 25%, impervious to everything (including healing)

Attack: 1256, 25% chances of varying effects as above, relevant one being x2 hits = 2512 [1320, x2 at 75+ WE = 2640]
Sub-weapon 1 - Item Steal: Instant death to FF6 Merchants and Officers! (7 WE)
Sub-weapon 2 - Hunter Missile: 105x2 = 210 (15 WE)
Action trigger: Fortune Card - See above.
1) Pair: 1256x2 = 2512 [1320x2 = 2640]
2) Two Pair: 1256x2, 50% crit chance on second hit for 1608 = 2688 [1320, 1672, 2816]
3) Tri Card: 1256x3 = 3768. The hits are fire, ice, and lightning respectively. [1320x3 = 3960]
4) Straight: 1280 (crit) + 928x4 = 4992 [1336 + 984x4 = 5272]
Plus (5) through (9) as above, with the relevant damage boost.

Rough estimate on the average output of this move is 3000 [3150], varies slightly with WE.

Comments: Spider's an odd fellow. His speed is really psycho (around 130% average... we should have known he was a villain!), and he's tanky. Bluff buys him an extra turn against most opponents to boot (MMXCM evade is very all-emcompassing, he dodges both physicals and "magic"). And then Stealth Mode means he's going to get off some nice damage. A different take on Axl, in effect (fears healers), but Bluff and the speed -> invincibility are hard to argue against as far as being dominant off the bat goes. He can drop a lot of speed (though remains above average) and a little durability for a bit more damage if he needs, and this is definitely a strategy worth noting. High Middle?

Now, for the rest! This will be cursory, as it exists only for scaling reasons.


Ice Buster mk2
LE 2117, WE 25%, Hypers 6
Pow 138, Spd 40, Arm 78, Shl 77
Auto-revives to 10% mHP when killed first time.

Attack: 752
Micro Missile: 85 (10 WE)
Micro Missile: 85 (10 WE)
AT Charge Shot: 544 (50% WE) ----> 1650 (100% WE)

Hyper Mode, X-Fire: 150% HP, WE gain of 31%, halves all damage, +25% speed, physicals become fire elemental
Attack: 1096
Attack, after Power Charge (30 WE): 1840
Shell Buster: 832 fire (20 WE)
HAT Charge Collider: 3320 (50% WE) ----> 6640 (100% WE)


LE 2462, WE 15%, Hypers 3
Pow 118, Spd 36, Arm 69, Shl 67

Attack: 544x2 = 1088 (1414 w/ Heat Haze, 1740 w/ Heat Haze x2)
Heat Haze: 30% damage boost to attack this turn (25 WE)
Heat Haze: 30% damage boost to attack this turn (25 WE)
AT Command Arts: 230x6 = 1380 (50% WE) ----> 230x12 = 2760 (100% WE)

Hyper Mode, Black Zero: WE gain of 31%, +50% speed, +1 to fire resist
Attack: 1408x2 = 2816 (3660 w/ Heat Haze, 4505 w/ Heat Haze x2)
HAT Command Arts: 740x6 = 4440 (50% WE) ----> 740x12 = 8880 (100% WE)


Massive Lance ß
LE 2824, WE 20%, Hypers 3
Pow 140, Spd 33, Arm 81, Shl 69
Counters physicals, around 50%?

Attack: 720
Attack, after Power Charge (30 WE): 1256
AT Berserk Charge: 2000

Hyper Mode, Glint Armour: 150% HP, WE gain of 37%, +25% armour/shield, +1 to all elements
Attack: 1136
Attack, after Power Charge (30 WE): 1824
HAT Berserk Charge: 3000


Beam Blade
LE 1734, WE 32%, Hypers 5
Pow 109, Spd 51, Arm 74, Shl 74
10% evade

Attack: 472x2 = 944
Hawkeye: Next attack is ITE (5 WE)
AT Hyper Dive: 1314 (also 70% ID on a different move)

Hyper Mode, Quicksilver: 150% HP, speed of OMGWTFHAX, though not as good as at endgame. Maybe 5-6x average?
Attack: 608x2 = 1216
HAT Hyper Dive: 1616 (also 70% ID on a different move)


Metal Boxer
LE 1418, WE 10%, Hypers 4
Pow 86, Spd 25, Arm 67, Shl 68
15% evade

Attack: 288x2 = 576
AT Angelic Aid: 40% Healing (50% WE) ----> 60% (75% WE), caps there at this point

Hyper Mode, Iron Maiden: 150% HP
Attack: 552x2 = 1104
HAT Angelic Aid: 40% Healing (50% WE) ----> 60% (75% WE), caps there at this point


Mettaur Crash
LE 1922, WE 25%, Hypers 2
Pow 122, Spd 57, Arm 65, Shl 78

Attack: 624
Hunter Missile: 160
Cracker: 60, 20% Berserk (15 WE)
AT Wild Jango: 1552 lightning (also other less damaging moves, and random status)

Hyper Mode, Stealth Mode: -25% speed, invincible!
Attack: 1280
Hunter Missile: 240 (15 WE)
Cracker: 80, 20% Berserk (15 WE)
HAT Wild Jango: 2864 lightning (also other less damaging moves, and random status)


LE: Massimo (2824) > Zero (2462) > Spider (2241) > X (2117) > Axl (1922) > Marino (1734) > Cinnamon (1418)
Average - 2102

Speed: Spider (73) > Axl (57) > Marino (51) > X (40) > Zero (36) > Massimo (32) > Cinnamon (25)
Average - 45

Armour: Massimo (81) > X (78) > Spider (75) > Marino (74) > Zero (69) > Cinnamon (67) > Axl (65)
Average - 73

Shield: Spider (86) > Axl (78) > X (77) > Marino (74) > Massimo (69) > Cinnamon (68) > Zero (67)
Average - 74

(assuming two average hits for Def calculation, higher durability = better)
Spider's melee durability: 109.2%
Spider's ranged durability: 124.4%
Spider's misc. durability: 106.6%

Three-turn damage average, using ATs last only due to lag reasons:
1. Zero 4837 (Attack, Attack, 100% WE Command Arts)
2. X 2944 (Attack, Attack, 100% WE Charge Collider)
3. Massimo 1987 (Attack, Power Charge Attack, Berserk Charge)
4. Spider 1940 (Twin Missile x3 (2 Hyper), Attack x2 (1 Hyper), Fortune Card)
5. Axl 1803 (Hunter Missile x3 (2 Hyper), Attack x2 (1 Hyper), Wild Jango)
6. Marino 1349 (Attack, Attack, Hyper Dive)
7. Cinnamon: 1104 (Attack, Attack, Attack)
Average: 2280
Kill point: 5700

Cinnamon is pretty happy the game didn't end after Chapter 6. <_<
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 05:59:54 PM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Megaman X Command Mission
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2008, 11:58:51 PM »
<From NEB>

Hell yes. I only stat topic the best.


MMXCM has two types of physical damage, Melee and Ranged. (It calls them Close and Shot, or C and S.) The Armour stat reduces melee damage, the Shield stat reduces ranged. There are some attacks that could be considered magical, i.e. they aren't affected by any forms of physical resistance, and have magic-like animations (such as fire or ice), I'll generally refer to them as such. Your call whether they would hit MDef or be ITD in the DL - they aren't affected by defences in-game, but MMXCM lacks an MDef stat.

About Hyper Mode Action Triggers (HATs): These moves require you to go into Hyper Mode (limited use), and have a 2x recoil time after use. I'm not sure what to do with damage averages here. My first thought was to take two attacks + one HAT, since you generally have enough Hyper Mode uses to do this for an entire battle (I suppose Spider and Axl don't) if you only use Hyper Mode for the Action Trigger. However the recoil associated makes this overrate damage, most likely. Do whatever you will.

Yay, I have actual core stats now! RPGclassics rules. Anyway, when I list speed's actual effect in practice, it is just that - its effect in practice. This is NOT the same as the literal ratio to numerical speed, as MMXCM speed isn't linear.

Statuses, since the main stat thread doesn't have 'em:

Virus: 5% mHP damage per turn, kicks in after the target has acted.
Bind: Slow. Effective CTB-style, targets half as many turns as usual.
Frozen: Can not act. Cancelled by damage. I believe damage against a frozen target auto-criticals, meaning it acts as if the opponent has 0 Armour/Shield. I do know that all attacks have a 100% hit rate against a frozen target, even normally inaccurate ones.
Berserk: Use attack command randomly. There's a chance of said random attack being directed against one's own team (self included), I believe the chance is 50% but that's very much a guess. Cancelled by damage.
Blind: Nerfs accuracy. I think the loss is 50%, despite documentation suggesting otherwise. Also nerfs evade, no clue how much. I've never seen a blind PC evade anything, but PCs in this game tend to be only moderately evasive at best.
Instant Death: You know this.

Some statuses wear off with time (I believe frozen/berserk/bind). The duration appears to be 8 turns total (regardless of who gets them).

Most bosses seem to have 10% evade vs. melee attacks. Now that I think about it, this could just be an inaccuracy on the part of certain melee PCs, like in BoF3-4.

Technicolour Robotic Ungulate Ruin Guardian HIPPOPRESSOR

HP: 5000
Armour: 20 + 33% weakness to melee (0.96x)
Shield: 8 (0.95x)
Speed: 40 (about 110% average)

Party averages (Lv 4, fights X and Zero): 870 HP, 26 Speed, 230 damage, ~900 HAT
Enemy averages: 15 Armour, 15 Shield

-At battle's start, Hippopressor reduces all Ranged damage by 75%.
-After he suffers 14 hits, Hippopressor's head is destroyed and the above damage reduction ceases to exist. He faces two PCs so I'd call this 7 hits in a duel.
-Hippopressor has a free initiative action (in addition to the fact that he'll go first due to speed, so yes, he doubleturns to start the battle), which can only be used on Shark Missile Charge.

Shark Missile Charge: Readies a Shark Missile. The Shark Missile will fire (destroying itself) after approximately two rounds, causing 500 fixed, non-typed damage. It can be destroyed before this - it has 500 HP, 2 in both defences (takes 1.59x average), and 67% evasion against Melee damage.

Heavy Flier: Deals damage equal to 25% of target's HP, MT, 50% hit rate.
Oral Machine Gun: 140 Ranged damage, dealt in approximately 8 hits. Disabled when the head is destroyed.
Hippo Particle Cannon: 180 Thunder? Ranged damage, inflicts Bind 33%. Enabled only when the head is destroyed.

Comments: He is a plotless, psychadelic robot hippo that attacks with shark missiles and fires a particle cannon out of the stump of his decapitated head, so you KNOW he's more badass then you. Anyway, he's a weirdass spoiler. It's all about the shark missiles - if the opponent has MT, mocking ensues (his non-missile damage is shockingly bad, even randoms are better). If the opponent is all ST, but is magical or long-range, then he or she can just kill the Shark Missile right before it goes off, so all the summoning does is cause doubleturns to come faster (which in turn means this fails hard against the speedy). If the foe is reliant on melee damage, though, the missile can't reasonably be killed before it fires, and suddenly that's a lot of damage to deal with.

Besides that, he spoils ranged physicals handilly, has decent if not stellar durability, and wishes he started headless against a lot of opponents since Hippo Particle Cannon is pretty badass for the speed-halving effect. Not much to say, probably some flavour of Middle.

Ultra Mobile Bobcat Reploid WILD JANGO
"You have a death wish?"

HP: 9000
Armour: 43 (0.64x)
Shield: 24 (0.89x)
Speed: 56 (about 115% average)
Takes 150% from Fire, Absorbs Thunder.

-The only melee damage you have at this point is a Hyper Mode, X-Fire. If you were to take its effects on a hypothetical melee PC at this point (like Zero or Marino), his Armour would just be ridiculous. I choose not to since that seems like an unreasonable inflation, and instead listed its effect on the Hyper Mode, the only time I'll do this.
-All of X's best damage is Fire elemental at this point, with the exception of Charge Collider, his HAT. Wild Jango doesn't like this, if you hold it against him.

Party averages (Lv 8, fights X and Spider): 1150 HP, 39 Speed, 260 damage, ~1200 HAT
Enemy averages: 23 Armour, 20 Shield

Attack: 160 Melee damage. Occasionally (15-20%?) criticals for a bit over double that.
Shock Nail: 220 Thunder Melee damage, inflicts Virus 70%.
Lightning Rod: 150 Thunder Ranged damage, lowers target's speed by 10% and raises Wild Jango's speed by 10%. The former effect happens about 80% of the time, the latter always happens until Jango's speed is capped. Caps at +/- 50%.
Ultra Thunder: 350 Thunder magic damage, MT.
Rolling Assault: Random Thunder Melee damage. Ranges from about 160 to about 600, average 380.

Comments: Because everyone loves a Star Wars reference. He's very durable (godly melee durability, in particular), he's fast, and he can use Lightning Rod to tilt the speed even further to his advantage. He lacks damage but Poison and the speed game make up for it - once he's doubling constantly his damage serves just fine. The real problem is his general lightning reliance - that physical scares nobody (well... it probably lets him outslug other lightning-reliant duellers). Heavy anyway. Anyone not lightning resistant will have trouble killing Jango before he starts just putting on too much pressure and destroying them in the lower divisions.

Super Heavy Cannon Reploid SILVER HORN
"Ready to be destroyed?"

HP: 17000
Armour: 44 (0.63x)
Shield: 42 (0.71x)
Speed: 88 (about 145% average)
Takes 150% from Thunder, Absorbs Water.

Party averages (Lv 11, fights X/Spider/Massimo): 1500 HP, 38 Speed, 310 damage, ~1600 HAT
Enemy averages: 26 Armour, 31 Shield

-He fights a really high-HP party (of the seven PCs, the three you have here rank #1/3/4), so you might respect his damage a bit more as a result.
-All his attacks I tag as "Water" are icy in animation, take that as you will.
-X's best weapon at this point is Lightning, but unlike against Jango this doesn't carry over to anything related to his Hyper Mode, so it's not quite as impressive a weakness.

Attack: 360 Water Ranged damage.
Cryogenics: 200 Water Ranged damage, inflicts Freeze 50%.
Tidal Wave: Deals damage equal to 50% of target's HP, MT, 50% hit rate. (Always hits against a frozen target, remember.)
Ultra Blizzard: 400 Water magic damage, MT.

Below half HP, he gains the following:
Liquid Coating: For the rest of the battle, Silver Horn has a 50% chance of quartering damage, except fixed damage (items).
Pressure Abyss: 720 Ranged damage. Is a critical hit, which means it is ITD and ITE.

Comments: He's got low 4HKO at full HP, high 3HKO when he's beaten up (a bit better if you scale him against a lower HP figure due to who he faces, granted). He's elementally reliant and his best status is 50%, and non-fatal. That sounds like the recipe for a Light boss, yet this guy is Godlike without much question. How does the game pull this off? Well, having over 5x PC physical durability (and not much worse raw HP) is a good start, as is the excellent speed. Dodging his limit phase is nearly impossible, at which point his durability spikes up yet again. The speed allows for some crazy combos against PCs... Pressure Abyss -> Cryogenics -> Tidal Wave -> Pressure Abyss = frozen corpse as often as not, and he can go for longer chains if necessary. Bosses, once again, just fear that deceptively brutal slugging.

Computational Humanoid Reploid with a Ph.D. in Kicking Your Ass DR. PSYCHE
"Perfect! You'll make a good specimen!"

HP: 12000
Armour: 46 (0.90x)
Shield: 40 (0.92x)
Speed: 74 (about 130% average)

Party averages (Lv 14, fights X/Spider/Massimo/Marino): 1700 HP, 40 Speed, 400 damage, ~1700 HAT
Enemy averages: 42 Armour, 36 Shield

Summon Needles: Summons three Needles. They get turns slightly before Dr. Psyche's next turn, and from there on are about ~90% average speed. Dr. Psyche must do this if there are no Needles in play. Anyway, Needles are OHKO-bait (400 HP, defences close enough to average), but have 50% melee evade.

Needle Shower: Sacrifices all Needles, each Needle hits three random targets, with each hit having a ~50% chance to attempt to modify any of the four core MMXCM stats (Power, Armour, Shield, Speed) by 10% in a random direction. Dr. Psyche is immune to the stat down effects. Quite possibly the worst attack ever.

Doom Blaster: 500 Ranged damage, dealt in 2 hits.

4th Dimension Slow: Random effect. Those I've seen (this might not be complete)...
-400 Ranged damage.
-500 Water magic damage, MT.
-200 Water Ranged damage, inflicts Freeze (2/3).
-80 Ranged damage, drains.
-300 Ranged damage, lowers Shield stat by 25% (uh, 1/1).

Needles can use the following:
Needle Vulcan: 450 Ranged damage, dealt in 3 hits.
Smokeout: 100 Ranged damage, inflicts Blind 50%.
Virus Attack: 100 Ranged damage, inflicts Virus 50%.
Stungun: 100 Thunder Ranged damage, inflicts Bind 50%.
Cryogenics: 100 Water Ranged damage, inflicts Freeze 33%.
Codebreaker: 100 Ranged damage, inflicts Instant Death... rarely.

When Dr. Psyche's HP is reduced to 0, he'll instantly transform into...

"You'll never beat my evolved form!"

HP: 10000
Armour: 30 (1.29x)
Shield: 36 (1.00x)
Speed: 68 (about 125% average)
Evade: 80% vs. melee

-Quarters all damage that isn't fixed. Yes.
-2/3 counter rate to any damage or attempt to damage him.

Attack: 450 Ranged damage. Also used as his counter.
Mad Cocktail: 50% chance of inflicting a single random status, MT. Statuses are Blind, Berserk, and Virus.
Mad Ecstasy: 1500 Ranged damge, dealt in 6 hits. Can unfocus to either two hits vs. three PCs or three hits vs. two. I think it's an even probability of all possible targetting combinations. In a duel, you know what happens. Disables Mad Nautilus' damage quartering and countering.
Close Core Bulkheads: Restore Mad Nautilus' damage quartering and countering. Always uses this after Mad Ecstasy, and is always accompanied by a normal attack immediately after on the same turn.

Comments: ... okay. First form varies a lot with how much free will you give the Needles. Obviously, all three focussing Needle Vulcan + a Doom Blaster on the same turn = disgusting. If they start using random status attacks, though, they'll suffer against the status immune (though the amount of whoring they'll build up against most PCs means they're no better off, really). MT largely owns this form, but he's pretty fast so it's far from a sure thing, and the good doctor needs only one good run with the Needles to make life miserable for his opponent. Buffing here is also extremely difficult.

Mad Nautilus pretty much kills anyone reliant on melee instantly, so that's a good start. His status attack isn't really good, but having 8x average durability with the quartering effect + counters + a near-OHKO finisher is. If you hold him to using Mad Ecstasy every 4 turns (never seen him go longer without in-game) I suppose he might get a bit worse but that's still a lot of damage and he's still a massive tank 75% of the time. Godlike regardless, Needle Shower makes him into a Fou-Lu slayer.

Reinforced Light Armour Aerial Reploid MACH JENTRA
"It is all for the ideal!"

HP: 28000
Armour: 50 (1.00x)
Shield: 70 (0.54x)
Speed: 40 (about 101% average)
Evade: 80% vs. melee, 10% vs. ranged
Takes 150% from Water, Absorbs Fire.

Party averages (Lv 17, fights everyone): 1800 HP, 39 Speed, 550 damage, ~2100 HAT
Enemy averages: 50 Armour, 44 Shield

-Mach Jentra begins the battle with a Preon Soldier and a Preon Tank at his side. I personally would ignore this in a DL-type setting.
-If you deal 1000 damage to Mach Jentra between any two of his turns, his evade disappears until his next turn. Nice if you can doubleturn him in a duel, since 1000 damage is easy to do. Note that this won't kick in mid-attack, e.g. if the first of Marino's two attacks does over 1000 damage, the second hit will still face evasion as usual.

Attack: 600 Melee damage.
Smash!: Random Melee damage. 200-1600, average 900.
Giga Fire: 750 Fire magic damage.
Flames of Gehenna: 950 Fire magic damage, MT.
Leak WE: Reduces WE by 50%, MT, 33% hit rate.
Super Hold Gum: Reduces Speed by 25%, MT, 33% hit rate.
Gentle Call: Summons two Preons. The Preons are randomly chosen from Preon Shielder, Preon Soldier, and Preon Tank. Can not be used if two Preons are alive, and will only summon one Preon if one Preon is alive (i.e. Jentra can't support more than two Preons at once).

Preon Shielder:
2800 HP, 60 Speed (about 120% average?)
73 Armour + 50% weakness to Melee (0.64x), 36 Shield (1.14x)
-Attack: 250 Ranged damage.
-Counter Shield: Quarters Ranged damage. This stance is broken if Preon Shielder suffers Melee damage, or if he uses Counter Shield.
-Force Shield: 650 Ranged damage. Used either at will and as a 100% counter to Ranged damage, requires Counter Shield to have been used immediately previous.

Preon Soldier:
3200 HP, 26 Speed (about 90% average?)
46 Armour (1.10x), 40 Shield (1.07x), 25% chance of quartering Ranged damage.
-Smash!: Random Melee damage. 100-900, average 500.
-Life Gain 25: Heals 25% of max HP. Tends to use this on Jentra. You don't like this.

Preon Tank:
2000 HP, 38 Speed (about 99% average)
45 Armour (1.13x), 40 Shield (1.07x), Takes 200% from Fire.
-Attack: 250 Melee damage.
-Flammable Oil: Fire resistance down, ITE. Think this adds -1 to your Fire resist, capping at 150% weakness (doesn't affect Massimo!) and lasts eight turns or until you are damaged by Fire. Far from certain, though. Anyway, this usually means you take 50% more Fire damage than usual.
Mega Fire: 350 Fire magic damage.

Comments: Okay, let's look at Mach Jentra himself. Owns melee evadeable damage, owns fire damage, so already he beats the crap out of a few notable duellers right there. Besides that, the usual awesome MMXCM boss durability + awesome Ranged defence, which is good since he's got that melee evade, so he will last a long time. He's the slowest boss in the game (still wins speed tiebreaks at least), but on the other hand he's damn near the only one with an unrestricted (low) 2HKO.

Now we bring in the Preons. They have some actual durability so weak MT won't do them in. It's still well sub-PC unless you don't scale them for some reason, though, so they can be OHKOed. Do remember that MMXCM summons act about 1/3 more quickly than normal. And you really don't want them acting regardless - Shielder's not too dangerous, though if you leave them alone they do damage you can't realy afford to add up... but Tank and Soldier are. Soldier will heal Jentra for roughly a bar of PCHP, and Tank will make Flames of Gehenna kick your ass if you don't resist fire. The Preons are a serious pain unless you have good MT off of good speed.

As usual for an MMXCM boss, his fights will take some thinking about since he's an oddball, but also as usual he's really damn overall good with a solid base design and a big bucket of spoiling piled on top. Godlike.

Maverick Maverick-Hunter SHADOW
"Take it like a man!"

HP: 28000
Armour: 0 + 20% damage reduction (1.49x)
Shield: 73 (0.60x)
Speed: 113 (about 180% average)

Party averages (Lv 19): 2100 HP, 41 Speed, 680 damage, ~2700 HAT
Enemy averages: 50 Armour, 44 Shield

Attack: 650 Melee damage.
Codebreaker: 300 Melee damage, inflicts Instant Death 20%.
Ultra Blizzard: 500 Ice magic damage, MT.
Fragmentation Cannon: Deals damage equal to 50% of target's HP, ITE.
Energy Charge: Charge turn for Pulverising Cannon. If Shadow sustains 1600 damage during this charge turn, the charge is interrupted. (This move would SUCK if he weren't good at doubleturning...)
Pulverising Cannon: Deals damage equal to 50% of target's HP, MT, ITE.

Fatal Attack: 950 Melee damage. Is a critical hit, which means it is ITD and ITE. Useable below 1/4 (?) HP only.

Comments: Has significant problems in-game due to AI (Energy Charge SPAM!), though I guess he's not supposed to be great since he's not a chapter boss. Anyway, actual AI = spamming Fragmentation Cannon -> finisher damage on one person off uber speed, which is pretty overwhelming honestly (3-2 + 3HKO = win). Has trouble against bosses, and should flat out lose to bosses with good melee physical attacks, and those are just too common. Kinda boring by the standards so far, but High Heavy anyway.

Eight-Limbed Freak INCENTAS
"Get what's coming to you!"

HP: 36000
Armour: 70 (0.69x)
Shield: 70 (0.67x)
Speed: 100 (about 160% average)
Initially takes 200% from Water, Absorbs Fire. I'm assuming this from his appearance, anyway - it's pretty much impossible to go before him to check.

Party averages (Lv 20): 2200 HP, 44 Speed, 750 damage, ~3000 HAT
Enemy averages: 50 Armour, 44 Shield

Element Shift: Switches his innate element to one of fire, water, or lightning. Incentas now absorbs that element. He is now weak to a new element according to the BoF5-6 element triangle: Fire > Thunder > Water > Fire. He takes neutral damage from the third element. This is a free action used at the start of his turn.
Asura Knuckle: 800 Ranged damage, dealt in 2 hits, MT.

All of Incentas' remaining attacks are elemental. He can only use elemental attacks of the same type as the element he is currently absorbing:
Ultra Fire, Ultra Blizzard, Ultra Thunder: 600 elemental magic damage, MT.
Giga Fire, Giga Blizzard, Giga Thunder: 1000 elemental magic damage.

Below half HP, he gains the following elemental attacks. Same restrictions apply as above:
Ultra Giga Fire, Ultra Giga Blizzard, Ultra Giga Thunder: 1000 elemental magic damage, MT.
Scorching Blaze, Eternal Glacier, Judgementh Thunder: 1250 elemental magic damage.

Comments: Element-shift boss. Shutting down an offensive element is never a bad thing, especially since most duellers don't have strong damage of multiple elements. The Silver Horn-like defences complement this element game well, too. Though, one weakness is that said game is a little restrictive on the element he can use (e.g. if he wants to wall someone like Rubicant, he's stuck using physicals). Insane durability/speed combo and decent damage make his division decision a no-brainer, of course: into Godlike he goes.

Musical Pig-Type Rebellion Cadre BOTOS
"Time for a little lesson in agony!"

HP: 40000
Armour: 70 (0.90x)
Shield: 65 (0.86x)
Speed: 80 (about 135% average)
Takes 150% from Water, 50% from Fire.

Party averages (Lv 22): 2400 HP, 44 Speed, 810 damage, ~3200 HAT
Enemy averages: 63 Armour, 52 Shield

Botos Trio: Summons Q-Bits, up to a maximum of two.

Botos requires two Q-Bits alive to use the following:
Battle Forte: Raises Power of Botos and his allies by 25%. Stacks to a maximum of 50%. See parentheses for how this affects his damage.
Battle Allegro: Raises Speed of Botos and his allies by 25%. Stacks to a maximum of 50%.
Battle Adante: Reduces Speed by 25%, MT, 50% hit rate.
Cradle Song: Reduces Armour/Shield by 25%, MT, 33% hit rate for each status independently.

-It's worth pointing out at this juncture that MMXCM stat downs don't work on bosses.

Botos requires at least one Q-Bit alive to use the following:
Attack: 800 (1300, 1800) Melee damage dealt in 2 hits.
Battle Rhapsody: 500 (625, 750) Ranged damage, MT, ITD.
Showtime: 750 (1100, 1450) Ranged damage, MT.

2000 HP, 100 Speed (about 160% average)
40 Armour (1.34x), 45 Shield (1.08x)
Takes 150% from Water, 75% from Fire, 80% evade vs. melee.
-Mega Fire: 400 Fire magic damage.
-Death Gravity: Deals damage equal to 50% of target's HP, 50% hit rate.
-Life Gain 25: Heals 25% of max HP. Can only be used if an ally is below 50% max HP.

Comments: Fun note about him, I basically steamrolled him when I fought him legit but when testing him he was X_X. In a duel, like in-game, he's all about KILLING THE SUMMONS A LOT. Q-Bits are more fragile than Preons unscaled and your damage is a lot higher, so killing them is easy, provided you have MT damage. Stopping them from getting turns, however, is not, since they get their first turns with greater than 2x average speed after the summoning. Granted, the Q-Bits themselves aren't too bad until they can start accessing their healing (and you might be able to blitz Botos so the limit healing doesn't become an issue, although it's tough), but the real issue is that every turn two of them are alive is a turn Botos can use one of his nasty buffing moves. Good MT is a headache for him, of course, since he won't be doing much besides summoning yet, but between the healing and speed and how damn good he is if you lack MT, he's... well, yet another obvious Godlike.

Laser Whip Aerial-Type Rebellion Cadre FERHAM
"Don't be shy. Step right up!"

HP: 50000
Armour: 84 (0.91x)
Shield: 74 (1.00x)
Speed: 116 (about 185% average)
Evade: 80% vs. melee
Takes 150% from Thunder, 50% from Water.

Party averages (Lv 24): 2700 HP, 42 Speed, 920 damage, ~3600 HAT
Enemy averages: 78 Armour, 74 Shield

Crimson Shade: Raises Ferham's physical damage by adding two, weaker hits to all her attacks. This effect is cancelled if Ferham ever sustains 1800 damage between two of her turns.
Attack: 600 (1000) Melee damage. Rarely (10%?) criticals for about 450 extra damage.
Bloody Snake: 600 (1000) Melee damage, MT.
Giga Blizzard: 900 Water magic damage.

Below half HP, she gains the following:
Sonic Blizzard: 600 (1000) Water Melee damage, MT, inflicts Freeze 33%. Freeze adds about 450 damage to her physicals.
Tera Blizzard: 1200 Water magic damage.

Comments: You knew the game was going to produce a true speedster boss sooner or later, so why not the rare token female reploid? Apart from getting her face stamped all over the turn gauge, she has a gimmick that translates well (melee? What's that?) and one that doesn't translate quite as well (Crimson Shade is actually a pain to break in-game since most of your party is melee and her turns split up yours). She can rely on the simple pressure her speed lets her apply against PCs, anyway. Crimson Shade -> attack forces the opponent to hit her while they'd rather be healing, so that's a nice strategy, and she hits both defences well. Below half HP, she can start spamming Sonic Blizzard, and freeze -> Crimson Shade -> more Sonic Blizzard spam is just horrific. She's lucky freeze is an unusual immunity, leaving mainly bosses, and the broken record here states that bosses fear someone very fast and durable who hits both defences. Godlike. Again.

Plasma Knight-Type Rebellion Cadre SCARFACE
"I have nothing to say. Fight."

HP: 42500
Armour: 75 (1.03x)
Shield: 75 (0.99x)
Speed: 76 (about 125% average)
Takes 150% from Fire, Absorbs Thunder.

Party averages (Lv 27): 3100 HP, 45 Speed, 1320 damage, ~5100 HAT
Enemy averages: 78 Armour, 74 Shield

-Calamitous Arts does 16000 (figure courtesy of Fenrir), which is about a 2x improvement on Zero's existing HAT, so I guess the HAT average would rise by about 1300. Take that as you will. It's rather annoying to have Absolute Zero at this point, though.

-Except for against the first hit of battle (obviously), Scarface quarters all damage of the attack type (Melee or Ranged) used to successfully damage him immediately previously. He also has a counter rate of 75% against such damage.

Attack: 500 Melee damage. Also used as his counter.
Plasma Array: 500 Thunder Ranged damage, MT, inflicts Bind 50%.
Plasma Ball: 950 Thunder Ranged damage. Is a critical hit, which means it is ITD and ITE.
Ultra Giga Thunder: 850 Thunder magic damage, MT.
Electro Breaker: 200 Thunder Ranged damage, drains, MT, 50% hit rate. Useable below 1/4 (?) HP only.

Comments: Best limit ever. Uh, besides that, anyone who uses physicals is in deep trouble unless they can mix up their range. He gets better if you see magic damage from other games as Ranged, but I don't think I do. He's a touch thunder reliant outside his counter game - against people who circumvent this, well... his HP is definitely lower than previous bosses, being not only a step down from Ferham but facing much higher damage. Still in the 2PCHP range under even the harshest scaling, though. Regardless, getting around his counters + lightning defence pretty much means you win. Guess he's only a Heavy! What the hell. A good one, though - Bind may steal him wins, and while the durability/speed combo is subpar by MMXCM standards, it's still pretty solid.

Better-than-Sigma Rebellion Leader EPSILON
"You will not defeat me!"

HP: 34500 + 43500 (two forms)
Armour: 84 (0.94x) -> 93 (0.85x)
Shield: 74 (1.00x) -> 90 (0.86x)
Speed: 82 (about 135% average)
Evade: 20% vs. melee, 10% vs. ranged

Party averages (Lv 28): 3200 HP, 46 Speed, 1350 damage, ~5200 HAT
Enemy averages: 78 Armour, 74 Shield

-Quarters all damage that isn't fixed 25% of the time.
-His first form survives at 0 HP, and can not be killed. However, Epsilon's only legal action, when he gets a turn in this state, is Omega Force.

Metacrush: Reduces target's HP to 1, ITE.
Ultra Giga Fire: 850 Fire magic damage, MT.
Ultra Giga Blizzard: 850 Water magic damage, MT.
Ultra Giga Thunder: 850 Thunder magic damage, MT.
Fatal Attack: 900 Melee damage. Is a critical hit, which means it is ITD and ITE.
Power Virus: 50% chance of inflicting Virus, MT.
Nova Impact: 1350 non-elemental magic damage, MT. Useable below 1/3 HP only in his first form, and always in his second form.

Omega Force: Shifts to his second form, and activates two special attributes. The first is that he now quarters all damage 100% of the time. The second is that he regens to full HP at the start of every turn. He also loses all of his attacks except Metacrush and Nova Impact (his two best anyway) in this form.

-The damage quartering effect is eliminated after Epsilon has sustained 10 hits. Note that he still quarters damage 25% of the time after this, as usual.
-The regen is eliminated after Epsilon has sustained 20 hits.
-Since he faces three PCs, it would be reasonable (and, I would argue, adviseable) to scale those numbers down to 3 and 7 respectively.

Comments: The big man himself. ITE HP->1 off that speed scares plenty, though it's literally his entire skillset worth noting, offensively. It's enough, mind. Nova Impact is only a 3HKO, so he'll want to fall back on his durability against anything that can't be HP->1'd. Fortunately, his durability rules. Yeah, we're talking about over 4PCHP, plus seven attacks which will most likely be completely useless (though if your offence is insane you might blitz past the regen. Maybe), plus random damage quartering to fuck over drain-whores and annoy everyone else. The only thing that holds him back is the high-tier haste-healers, who hand him his head if they don't run out of resources (even fast HP->1 fails against them compared to other PC-killing tricks). Besides them, I have to disagree with Fenrir's division assignment since ol' Epsilon seems damn near unbeatable in Heavy, damage be damned. The main villain avoids pulling a Vinsfeld and slides nicely into Godlike.

Electric Fish-Riding Crusader Reploid DEPTH DRAGOON
"The guilty shall be punished!"

HP: 64500
Armour: 152 (0.42x)
Shield: 162 (0.43x)
Speed: 110 (about 170% average)
Takes 150% from Thunder, Absorbs Fire.

Party averages (Lv 31): 3550 HP, 53 Speed, 1700 damage, ~7000/~9000 HAT
Enemy averages: 88 Armour, 80 Shield

-The two HAT averages are for Absolute Zero / no Absolute Zero. Ultimate Armour might also be worth consideration at this point, but I think Rafflesian (its guardian) would generally be considered superior to the final boss. And I don't have it, and Fenrir didn't have it, so I'm not sure what it would do at this point! Presumably would raise the HAT average by another 1500-2000 or so.

Destructive Blow: 550 (850, 1150) Melee damage, MT.
Thunder Clap: 550 (850, 1150) Thunder Ranged damage, cancel's the target's next turn 25% of the time.
Ultra Giga Thunder: 1000 (1100, 1200) Thunder magic damage, MT.
Thunder Brigade: 1100 (1700, 2300) Thunder Ranged damage, dealt in 3 hits, MT.
Hell Gravity: Deals damage equal to 50% of target's HP, MT, 50% hit rate.

Electromagnetic Field: 75% chance of inflicting Bind, MT.

Boost Power: Raises Power by 25%. Stacks to a maximum of 50%. See parentheses for how this affects his damage.
Boost Armour: Raises Armour (melee defence) by 25%. Stacks to a maximum of 50%. One use of this nulls average damage, two uses nulls almost everything except defence-piercing Action Triggers.
Boost Shield: Raises Shield (ranged defence) by 25%. Stacks to a maximum of 50%. One use of this nulls average damage, two uses nulls almost everything except defence-piercing Action Triggers.
Boost Speed: Raises Speed by 25%. Stacks to a maximum of 50%. After one use, Depth Dragoon's effective speed is approximately 250% average. After two uses, it is approximately 400% average.

Comments: Okay, let's start with what's bad about him. He's a bit fragile for an MMXCM boss against magic (fire in particular) and ITD. (Though still better than Scarface... still over 2x PC.) And his base damage certainly isn't impressive (4HKO), and gets much worse if you block lightning (7HKO!). What's good about him, then? EVERYTHING ELSE. He's physically immune for most purposes (great starting stats, buffs to invincibility), his damage post-buffing is pretty solid (2HKO), and his speed... what can be said? Boost Speed twice + Electromagnetic field = octoturns, at which point he can whore out his turn cancelling, not that he'll ever need to, since buffing his power and just owning the opponent works better anyway. I suppose you might be able to wall him somewhat with physical + lightning spoiling, and powerful mage bosses (especially those with fire) may be able blitz him, but otherwise... good grief. High Godlike. Bet you weren't expecting the plotless penultimate boss to be the game's best dueller, were you?

Backstabbing Anagram Man COLONEL REDIPS
"Foul mavericks! You will perish!"

HP: 51500
Armour: 146 (0.48x)
Shield: 133 (0.63x)
Speed: 80 (about 120% average)
Evade: 20% vs. melee, 10% vs. ranged

Party averages (Lv 31-32): 3600 HP, 54 Speed, 1750 damage, ~7000/~9000 HAT
Enemy averages: 88 Armour, 80 Shield

Attack: 1500 Ranged damage, dealt in 2 hits. Rarely (10%?), one of the two hits will critical for about 600 extra damage.
Ballistic: 1100 Melee damage, dealt in 2 hits, inflicts Instant Death 25%. (4/16)
Code Red: Summons Red Hubcaps, up to a maximum of two.
Defend: Redips quarters damage until his next turn. His next turn comes twice as quickly as normal.

Below half HP, he gains the following:
Vicious Assault: 2800 Fire Ranged damage, dealt in 8 hits, MT.

Red Hubcap:
4200 HP, 26 Speed (about 80% average)
100 Armour (0.89x), 100 Shield (0.86x)
60% evade vs. melee.
-Zapper: 500 Ranged damage, dealt in 3 hits, MT.
-Mega Fire, Mega Blizzard, Mega Thunder: 350 elemental magic damage. Useable below 3/4 HP only.
-Giga Fire, Giga Blizzard, Giga Thunder: 750 elemental magic damage. Useable below 1/2 HP only.
-Tera Fire, Tera Blizzard, Tera Thunder: 1050 elemental magic damage. Useable below 1/4 HP only.

Comments: He was much better when I didn't realise the Tera spells were limits.

Hmm, strange case. The HP is the lowest of any MMXCM boss except possibly Hippopressor, but his defences dictate he's still great against physicals, at least. Hubcaps are weak but he can whore out Defend with them around, and the two of them together do 4HKO, so he's got a good stalling game against those without MT. Offensively... he can try for that turn 4 ID, or go for straight damage. He's not great at the latter above half HP, but below, Vicious Assault is pretty kickass (if spoilable) damage. Doesn't feel like he has what it takes for Godlike overall (good magic or healers who can deal with both Assault and Ballistic take him out well enough), but not shabby by any means in Heavy.

Self-Styled Robot Deity GREAT REDIPS
"I will rule over all, for I am invincible!"

HP: 72500
Armour: 60 (1.24x)
Shield: 65 (1.10x)
Speed: 90 (about 135% average)

Party averages (Lv 32): 3650 HP, 54 Speed, 1800 damage, ~7200/~9200 HAT
Enemy averages: 88 Armour, 80 Shield

-Great Redips and Supra Force Metal L both have a free, first strike action at the start of the battle, with Great Redips' action coming first. So you can typically expect the turn order of the battle to go Redips -> SFML -> Redips -> PCs, to start things off. This first strike turn is unrestricted as far as I can tell, I have seen almost everything used for it.
-Great Redips quarters all damage while Supra Force Metal L is alive. Whether Supra Force Metal L should be considered at all is up for debate.
-If Supra Force Metal L is destroyed, it will return at the end of the eighth action anyone in the battle gets, counting the action that destroyed it as the first.

Attack: 400 Melee damage, MT.
Deus Ex Machina: 1200 Ranged damage, dealt in 3 hits, MT.
Deep Impact: 1500 Melee damage.
Codebreaker: 450 Melee damage, inflicts Instant Death 25%. (5/20)
Memento Mori: Attempts to inflict Poison, Blind, Freeze, Berserk, and Bind, at a 50% independent chance of each, MT. Freeze adds about 600 damage to his attacks.
Carpe Diem: Reduces WE to zero, MT.

Supra Force Metal L:
4600 HP, 50 Speed (about 95% average)
93 Armour (0.96x), 92 Shield (0.92x)
80% evade vs. melee.
-Mega Fire, Mega Blizzard, Mega Thunder: 1400 elemental magic damage.
-Format: Dispels all stat modifications on everyone.

Comments: If you allow Supra Force Metal L in full, then... well, read everything below, and add in "Redips instant double + SFM kills average before they get a turn", as well as add melee spoiling, though the SFM is OHKO-bait after scaling so that's likely about all it's good for. Still, this upgrade is enough to propel him to straight Godlike.

Anyway, without the SFM at his side, Redips' damage sucks, an unimpressive 3HKO to one defence (though allowing the moves if not the turns of SFM solves the latter problem). The first strike helps a lot, though, giving him a nice head start when combined with his good speed. His big selling point, though, is unquestionably Memento Mori. All the status ailments except Poison/Blind are pretty debilitating, and he can spam the move until all five are inflicted, which is absolutely crippling. Freeze + Bind ensures a triple against most when he defrosts them (quadruple against many), so yeah, splat. Getting something worthwhile out of Memento Mori is turn 1, to boot. So the status vulnerable really hate him.

Aside from that he's not really that great - HP's okay but not stellar, defence is below average. Still extremely good at what he does overall. Reminds me a lot of someone like Kato, though I guess he's a bit better, due to that first strike. Heavy/Godlike works, probably on the Godlike side of the line... but not certain.

Special thanks to Fenrir for pulling a lot of numbers on Epsilon and the final boss, making my life much easier. Also the image of Great Redips is his. The Botos image is provided by OK, who gets cookies for answering my desperate plea. Most of the other images I swiped from the Mega Man Knowledge Base. Raw stats are from RPGClassics, though I've confirmed most of them within a few points myself.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 08:07:42 AM by Dark Holy Elf »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


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Re: Megaman X Command Mission
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2008, 09:42:40 PM »
Ok, running some tests.  No, I'm not up to OK's level, but I don't think MMXCM factors level into anything anyway.  I did however twink PCs stats to look like that in the stat topics.  They aren't identical, but they are close enough anyway.

First off, OK left off an important weapon for Axl.  That being Axl Bullets 3.  Their stats are 60 Power, 18 Armor, 18 Shield, 26 Weight, 2 Hits.  Important cause they're Axl's best weapon for raw damage.  Worth noting, if you can't tell, that it comes with a noticeable -20 speed penalty. 

Next off, something OK doesn't note is that Ultimate Armor seems to have 100% Crit Rate with its basic physical.

Also, testing on Incenstas second fight, which is what OK claims to have tested on!

First off, X's Turbo Buster!

Turbo Buster does damage based on current WE.  Here are the values gotten at the respective WE.  All of these are gotten without hyper mode.

25 WE: 1500~
50 WE: 2000~
75 WE: 2000~
100 WE: 2400~
Charge Shot 50 WE: 1100~
Charge Shot 100 WE: 3350~

NOTE: My stats are SLIGHTLY lower than OKs, so I rounded up a bit (by slightly lower, I mean X is -2 in attack.)  So yeah, trying to compensate for the difference here.

0 WE generally doesn't exist in MMXCM unless you use Sub Weapons.  Given X has no reason to use Sub Weapons outside of Hyper Mode, or counters after using an Action Trigger, something X doesn't do (Counters, that is) didn't feel there was any point to listing it.
Anyway, seems like it works in intervals; I'd guess every 50 it gives a boost. Definitely wins outside of Hyper Mode since as we can see, at X's effective default WE, its already out damaging it!

What about damage values IN hyper mode?  Well, lets find out!
NOTE: I am listing the number of hits I got with Nova Strike, since OK didn't list how many he got.  OK, if you could list how many hits you had with Nova Strike, that'd be appreciated.

Ultimate Armor Physicals!
25 WE: 4600~
60 WE: 4600~
95 WE: 4600~

...yeah, doesn't seem like the WE thing carries over to Hyper Modes.  Pity.  Though, my damages here are higher than OKs.  OK, OOC, did you factor out X's crits in Ultimate Armor?  Cause he seems to have 100% rate while in Ultimate Armor, so his damage probably should be raised some (eyeballing, with X Buster MKIII, I'd wager he'd do about 5k damage.)

Anyway, Nova Strike time!
100 WE: 21000~ (104 Hits)

For sub weapons...
Strike Bullet: 1300~
Impact Cannon: 1100~

...yeah, don't think I need to grab lower WE values.  Nova Strike seems to be pretty linear based off hits, so you can adjust accordingly easily enough.  Anyway, damage doesn't seem largely different between Turbo Buster and X Buster MkIII, at least in Nova Strike.

Now for X-Fire! 
This is a pain to test cause of Incentas' Elemental Shifting and such; anytime he hits a weakness, I'll be asterisking that he hit a weakness and this is merely the value he did halved.

X Fire Physical: 2100~ (3500~ with Power Charge.  Yeah, I'm not sure how the math works on this one <_<)
Shell Buster: 1600~ (...why is this doing more?)
Charge Collider 100 WE: 13000 (you can deduce damage from there with lower values)

For some reason, Charge Collider lost 2000 damage while Nova Strike lost nothing.  My guess is I got more hits than OK on Nova Strike, and he's underestimating how damaging it really is. 

Due to all this, Turbo Buster should most definitely be X's default weapon.  The loss of durability is made up for the ability to go first often, and it complements the speed boost of Ultimate Armor further, while seemingly losing minimal damage.

Things to note that OK didn't get that are related to X!
Any of X's damage subweapons in any form can be used followed by him cancelling his full turn.  This lets his following turn come up twice as fast (same rate as defend).  Not overly useful, though, lets him possibly squeeze some extra damage out.  Note that unlike defend, this does *NOT* halve the WE Gains next round (probably cause using WE by definition balances this out by itself, is my guess.)

Next off, Massimo stuff!  Actually, just one thing I want to note:

Massimo can max out Crit, Hits, and Damage% at 70 WE.  Noteworthy since this means he can use Power Charge at 100, and get an even bigger damage boost.

Note that Power Charge only effects the first hit.  The way Berserk Charge works is the first hit does high damage, and the following hits (total of 11) do 1/10th that of the initial.  So this raises the damage by ROUGHLY 25% total.  Meaning he does close to 17500 normally at 100 WE, and just below 25k in Glint Armor.

The status, as was noted, is practically useless and Massimo should never really bother using that.

Now for Zero related stuff!

First off, for Command Arts, I confirm that 6 per 50 WE seems reasonable enough...for Zero Slash.
Zero can do about 5 Zero Dragon Slashes per 50 WE, which comes out as a little stronger.  Haven't played around with Zero Skull Crush, though, it should end up the best overall, given it needs to only be done at a 3 to 50 rate to outdo the other two I believe.  This means Black Zero's Command Arts do somewhere in the same ballpark of damage as Absolute Zero's Calamitous Arts.

The one weapon I wanted to test was Zero's damage in Action Triggers using weapons that were single hit, but stronger.   The weapon used here was the Ice Saber+, which seems to be Zero's strongest 1 Hit weapon that isn't the Red Lotus Saber (which is after game, so I don't think many people allow that.)  Note that the Lightning Saber+ and Fire Saber+ are very close in power to Ice Saber+, so if Zero needs to swap elements, he can with minimal damage loss.  Note that my attack is, again, slightly lower than OK's (this time by about 7 points), so these are estimates based on what I saw and then raised a bit.

Of course, being an elemental weapon and facing Incentas (DAMN YOU OK!), this is a bitch again, so yeah.

Normal Zero first!
Command Arts:
Zero Slash: 1150~
*Zero Breakthrough: 800~
Zero Dragon Slash: 1700

NOTE: Zero Wave Slash's damage is too random to bother testing, and I don't have Zero Skull Crush yet, so yeah, won't be getting damage values for those!

Now for Black Zero! Only bothering with Zero Dragon Slash at this point cause its the one move that actually matters (very rarely will Zero Breakthrough go up against defense score that makes it matter!)

*Black Zero Physical: 3000~ (...yeah, single hit physicals are made of lose and fail)
Black Zero Zero Dragon Slash: 2900~

...I think at this point, I can safely say weapons do jack shit for Command Arts, at least, that's what it seems.  Given the values are falling...very close to what OK got, in some cases lower, yeah.  Don't think its worth testing Absolute Zero, since that seems even LESS weapon dependent.
Basically, Zero never wants anything but Z Rapier+, and MAYBE Z Saber+++ if he needs the durability push, elemental concerns aside.

Now for Axl's physical with Axl Bullets 3!  The only thing that matters for this is his own physical, so we have only 2 simple values for this; his best Action Trigger, Ninetails, does set damage independent of stats, so we need not worry about that.

Usual disclaimer for how stats aren't identical, etc.

Physical: 2000~
Stealth Mode Physical: 4500~

Basically, raises Axl's damage by a significant amount.  He can as such do 22k~ damage in 3 turns.  Though, whether it should be default or not, hard to say; Axl does sacrifice a lot of speed for this extra damage push, and in the grand scheme of things, only gains 1500 damage during the Stealth Mode phase and such.
As such, given how useful going first for his strategy is, going to say its best not being his default, however, its still an option worth considering if he really needs that extra damage push.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 09:47:16 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Megaman X Command Mission
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2008, 01:00:51 PM »
I fervently object to any X hype.  Nonetheless, this is actually the next topic due for a huge update and revamp soon, so I'll post additional information once I get a chance.  For short reference:

Ultimate Armour: 111 hits - I alternated as best I could between the 3 different attacks, so that could be where the variance comes from.  As for the critical rate...uh...I never noticed it always criticalled <_<  The screen never flashed for me when I did it, and I took the numbers as I saw them.  Glitch?

Most of the ATs I took average hits from my roommate's ability to do it (since...I'd call him more casual than myself, which makes me think that's fairer and closer to the average ability of the average person at performing those skills).  Ended up mostly right on everything, in general.

Though...some of those variances sound odd.  I know I used stronger single hit weapons of the elemental variety for Zero's Command Arts, and was doing better with them than with the weaker, non-aligned multi-hit weapons.  The elemental effect probably did it, I guess...which only makes them better against elementally weak foes.  Yeah, that's probably it.  Or there's a hidden multiplier to everything based on number of hits, but Occam's Razor here.  Which is weird, since you'd think the higher power would affect it...probably something to check again to be sure.   
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory

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Re: Megaman X Command Mission
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2008, 07:53:33 AM »
Note about the mechanics in OK's post:

Speed isn't exactly linear + constant. It's close enough for a lot of moderate speed values and can be approximated well for DL values by assuming that constant is 60, but... effective speed is curved. If you get really high speeds, they actually work better than the above formula suggests. My best suggestion is to look at the boss stat notes for how things work in practice, since those numbers were tested pretty thoroughly, down to about a 5% error).

Defence isn't division, it's subtraction pretty cleanly. I -think- PC defences take off 5 damage per hit, while enemy defences take off 8 damage per hit, before resistances. Be wary of multipliers though. I'd assume an average enemy multiplier of 2. (EDIT: Nah, 3. It's between 2 and 3, probably... but there's something to be said for erring on the high side in a game where bosses tend to wear you down with either numbers, speed, or both.)
« Last Edit: September 06, 2011, 10:00:01 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

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Re: Megaman X Command Mission
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2008, 04:46:11 AM »
Okay. Here's a couple averages factoring in the average of the sum between the characters' Hyper Mode damage at 50% WE and OK's one-turn averages. One of them doesn't factor in Quicksilver's insane turn hax, the other does. Axl's figure comes from using Ninetails, since Wild Jango's figure seems erratic. This is mostly for my own reference.


1) Zero - 12075 [(6150+18000)/2]
2) Massimo - 6500 [(3300+9700)/2]
3) X - 6400 [(1800+11000)/2]
4) Axl - 5258 [(1525+8991)/2]
5) Marino - 4665 [(1980+7350)/2]
6) Cinnamon - 4050 [(2500+5600)/2]

AVERAGE: 6491.33


1) Marino - 15915 [(1980+29850/2]
2) Zero - 12075 [(6150+18000)/2]
3) Massimo - 6500 [(3300+9700)/2]
4) X - 6400 [(1800+11000)/2]
5) Axl - 5258 [(1525+8991)/2]
6) Cinnamon - 4050 [(2500+5600)/2]

AVERAGE: 8411.33

Averaging both averages (!?!?!), you get a figure of 7451.33 damage.
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Megaman X Command Mission
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2009, 07:15:23 PM »
Posting this only for my own reference, really.

Damage average only using moves that can be used 3+ turns in a row: 5256.67

And CTBSpeed = 2500+2*Speed+Speed^2/5 provides a decent estimate for speeds below 150 or so (i.e. don't use it for Depth Dragoon or Marino hax).

Kitty Gloves lower a random stat by 5%, not 25%.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 07:50:27 PM by Talaysen »

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Re: Megaman X Command Mission
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2009, 01:13:34 AM »
Effective speeds, assuming Tal's formula:

X (Turbo Buster): 106%
X-Fire: 124%
Ultimate Armour: 147%

X (X Buster Mk3): 93%
X-Fire: 108%
Ultimate Armour: 127%

Zero: 95%
Black Zero: 124%
Absolute Zero: 124%

Massimo: 83%

Marino (Beam Sword): 101%
Marino (Beam Chakram S): 112%
Quicksilver: ^____^

Cinnamon: 105%

Axl: 116%
Stealth Mode: 96%

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A different view of Averages
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2009, 10:16:35 PM »
Looking at the FF7 Stat topic, it included a list of Level 1 Limit Damage and an average therein, as well as the Non-Limit Damages.  For those who consider the former, I put this together.

Because of how WE works (25% recharge per turn, more with certain Hyper Modes) and how I use Action Triggers (Axl I feel safe enough with 60% but I would never use X's Charge Shot at less than 100%, No Auto-Crit except at 100%), I took a 12-Turn Average of attacks and Limits used only in the Standard Form (no Hyper Armor).  (Some characters would take 4 turns to get a satisfactory level of WE, while others need only 3.)

My Assumptions:
X - Turbo Buster per Mepple.  Charge Shot at 100%  (Buster III per OK is only 13 points less.)
Zero - Z Rapier+ per OK.  Tested both 1xHeat Haze per turn and No Heat Hazes and Command Arts at >=90%, the latter being 12 Zero Slashes (11 at 90%).  Using Command Arts at first Opportunity (65% for 8 and 50% for 6 Slashes) is also listed.
Massimo - Interceptor per OK; All non-Status Columns hit at 70%+.  I also tested Massy using Power Charge every turn he can and not using his limit at all.  Waste of time.
Marino - Beam Sword per OK; Slots engaged at WE>=75% using Mirage Dive.  Also included Beam Chakram S for comparison.
Cinnamon -  Kitty Gloves, Healing Turns removed.

As for Axl, there are 2 schools of thought.  There is NO way to get Ninetails until Postgame.  (Terra in FF6, by contrast, only needs Lv 99 to get Ultima Legally.)  So I put up Averages using both Ninetails and Incentas.  Both Summons were taken at 60% with the extra 15% WE used by Hunter Missle.  Main Weapon used was Axl Bullets at 75% Damage (6 out of 8 Bullets), though for most DL situations, Manhunter would be optimal with its 75% Crit rate vs Humanoids and so is listed.  (Assumed Crits increased damage by 75% per Elfboy's analysis on Ferham.)  If you think this should justify it being default, add 59 points to the damage average.

If you think that Axl can't Transform within 60%, then set to 75% and remove the Hunter Missiles.  This docks 75 points from Axl's values and 12 points from the damage average.

Also, if you think that Massimo needs to be 90%+ to hit all of the Non-Status Columns, then his value crashes by 992 points to 4975!  This also drops the Average by 165 points.

BTW, I beat Raflesan and got the Ultimate Armor (as well as the Absolute Zero) before I entered Epsilon's Base, so those three are definitely legit.

With Ninetails:

   Average   4042
1   Zero Heat Haze   6150
   Zero Command Arts   6067
2   Massimo   5967
   Zero Command Half   5267
   Axl Man vs Human   4426

3   Axl Auto   4072
   Axl Manhunter   3939
4   Marino Sword   3353
   Massimo Power Charge   3083
   Marino Chakram   2753

5   Cinnamon   2500
6   X - Turbo   2213

Using Incentas:

   Average   3687
1   Zero Heat Haze   6150
   Zero Command Arts   6067
2   Massimo   5967
   Zero Command Half   5267
3   Marino Sword   3353
   Massimo Power Charge   3083
   Marino Chakram   2753

4   Cinnamon   2500
   Axl Man vs Human   2296
5   X - Turbo   2213
6   Axl   1942
   Axl Manhunter   1808

Also, Zero Shift takes off 5x Zero's Level of damage (205 per OK).

Per OK's Non-Limit Average, that's 7% of AvgDam.

If you base off of Non-Hyper Limits and allow Ninetails, it's 5% AvgDam even.  If you don't allow Ninetails, it's 5.5%AD.

Finally, As you know, Marino's Quicksilver gives her 6 Consecutive Turns (The First 5 with Hyper Armor Bonuses) (except against speedsters like Alena.)  Using the Sword and taking the slots as above, she can dish out 24,480 Damage.  With the Chakram, it's still a respectable 21,590.  (Yeah.  Like X's Ultimate Armor at 100% is considered "Respectable".)  For the Damage Average Conventions:

OK's Non-Limits:  Sword: 8.41xAD :o ; Chakram: 7.42xAD
Limits with Ninetails:  Sword: 6.05xAD; Chakram: 5.34xAD
Limits excluding Ninetails:  Sword: 6.64xAD; Chakram: 5.85xAD

EDIT:  And if you go with OK's 50% Slot Usage combined with his Non-Limit Average... add 4650/2000 which means...  an Even 10xAD with the Sword!  and 8.1xAD with the Chakram.

No wonder the Bosses in this game need so much HP!

EDIT 3/4/9:  And this is with Axl using Wild Jango, as even his worst limit damage there is better than Incentas, if the foe is Lightning-Neutral.  (i.e. takes Normal Damage.  Any Resistance and it's back to Incentas.)

   Average   3810
1   Zero HH   6150
   Zero Command Arts   6067
2   Massimo   5967
3   Marino Sword   3353
   Massimo Power Charge   3083
   Axl vs Human   3029
   Marino Chakram   2753

4   Axl   2675
   Axl Manhunter   2542
5   Cinnamon   2500
6   X - Turbo   2213
   X - B3   2200

Here, Zero Shift is about 5.38% Avg. Dam.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2009, 05:02:41 PM by Sir Donald 3.2 »