
Author Topic: Planescape: Torment (Full)  (Read 2632 times)


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Planescape: Torment (Full)
« on: August 28, 2008, 12:19:29 AM »
PCs first, courtesy of Strago unless when noted.

A few notes, which have been changed quite a bit as of November 11th, 2004.

1) The Nameless One is in the topic now, as a pure Fighter with stats that I think are both reasonably balanced and reasonably reflective of how badass he is in-game. I did factor in all the stat boosts he gets from story/dialogue events. I don't think I've accidentally added anything that wouldn't be attainable without a higher starting WIS, say, but those are largely inconsequential to duelling abilities to begin with. I'm not adding him to the averages just yet (though I will add his info in that section as well), as people might take umbrage with a TNO who wasn't built with average stats across the board. Go ahead and give feedback.

2) I consider tattoos illegal these days, except for the few that are unique to TNO, which means things in the topic have changed since I first made it. If you allow them... well, I'm not going to list them all. That would be insane.

3) Everyone in the cast has average defense. There's simply nothing you can equate to a DEF stat in D&D. AC, or Armor Class, is evasion, because... well, that's what it is; this means everyone has some measure of it, though not all excel. I’m treating a 0 AC as an average amount of evasion; in other words, nothing a character with averagish accuracy couldn’t get past. In the same spirit, THAC0 is accuracy. 10 is average, lower is better, higher is worse.

4) I basically don't know what to do with Saving Throws, but my thought is either to ignore them completely or just make sure not to inflate how well they work in PCs favore. Using Save v. Spell as an MDef approximation is reasonable, as is using the others for resistance vs. certain statuses, but for the love of God do not take them literally. Too many spells and attacks in P:T and D&D in general ignore saves or enforce a penalty on them to assume that all attacks in the DL wouldn't have an approximation of that.

5) The cast has a critical hit rate of 5%, and crits do 2x damage, as per D&D rules. Some of them have equips and spells that boost it, though. I'll list all the pertinent damage numbers.

6) I'd say that Speed Factor, a value that is unique to every weapon/spell, should be used as DL speed for the PCs. It makes more sense than using DEX, since I'm 90% sure that DEX isn't even used to determine initiative in the darn game. So, a PC is as fast as whatever they're attacking with. Not too complicated or off-base.

7) Magic Resistance, which is listed as a percentage, is a flat % of magic evasion. Elemental and physical resistances, on the other hand, are damage reduction. Just so we're clear on that.

8) HP values used are the max possible given the levels I'm going by, taking into account the HP that they started at upon joining. If they look skewed at all, tha tis the reason why. It's the game's bias, not mine. ^_^

On with the show, starting with The Nameless One.

The Nameless One
"What can change the nature of a man?"
Level 20 Fighter   

STR: 25 (Base 23)
DEX: 18
CON: 24 (Base 22)
INT: 12 (Base 13)
WIS: 20 (Base 21)
CHA: 14

HP: 263
AC: 0 [-1] (-3 vs. Piercing)
THAC0: 1
Attacks per round: 3
To hit: +13 [+11]
Damage: +19

-Saving Throws-
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 0 (-1 vs. Paralyzation)
Rod/Staff/Wand: 2
Petrify/Polymorph: 1
Breath Weapon: 1
Spell: 3

Crushing: 10%

Celestial Fire (Hammer)
   3-18 Crushing
   +10 Fire Damage
   +10% Resistance to crushing attacks
                Speed 3
   5-12 Crushing
   +2 Crushing damage
   +1 Charisma
   +1 AC
                Speed 3

Deionarra’s Wedding Ring
   +3 to all Saving Throws
   +3 AC
   +3 AC vs. Piercing

Tattoo of the Lost Incarnation
   Increases rate of regeneration

Tattoo of Ravel’s Kiss
   -1 to Wisdom
   -1 to Intelligence
   +2 to Strength
   +2 to Constitution
   +1 to Save vs. Paralyzation

Average Damage:
   [29.5 phys (.95)] + [59 phys (.05)] x 3 attacks per round = 93 phys damage w/ “Reason”
   [29.5 phys (.95)] + [59 phys (.05)] + 10 fire x 3 attacks per round = 93 phys + 30 fire w/ Celestial Fire

Summary: Heavy/Godlike. Yeesh. Fewer unique equips than I recalled TNO possessing, but... just oodles of raw power. Ness-esque HP, extremely high damage, and with CON that high and his tattoo his regen might actually be worth something. I'm not sure. Get a load of those saving throws, too. Under a pretty reasonable interpretation I can see him being extremely hard to hit with non-100% status, and having solid MDef as well.


"Ignusss wishesss to burrrrn..."
Level 12 Mage 

STR: 13
INT: 19
WIS: 8
DEX: 16
CON: 20
CHR: 3

HP: 66
AC: 3
THAC0: 17
Attacks per round: 1
To hit: +0

-Saving Throws-
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 11
Rod/Staff/Wand: 7
Petrify/Polymorph: 9
Breath Weapon: 11
Spells: 8

Ignus' Fireball
1-3 Missile
2-8 Fire
Speed 5

I don't believe he has any DL-legal equipment, aside from his fireball.

AC Bonuses
Slashing: -2
Piercing: -2
Crushing: -2
Missile: -2

Normal Fire: 125%
Magic Fire: 125%
Electricity: 100%
Acid: 100%
Slashing Attacks: 25%
Piercing Attacks: 25%
Crushing Attacks: 25%
Missile Attacks: 25%

5 level 1 spells
5 level 2 spells
5 level 3 spells
5 level 4 spells
5 level 5 spells
2 level 6 spells

First Level
Tongues of Flame: 5 Missiles that do 2-5 magical fire damage. Speed 1.
Seeking Flames: Gives all enemies within a 50 ft. redius a -1 to Attacks and -1 to saving throws. Speed 1.

Second Level
Infernal Orb: 1-6 damage, along with a -1 penalty to the enemy's Stregnth and Dex for 10 seconds. Accuracy is the user's base hit with a +3 bonus. Speed 1.
Ignus' Terror: Causes all non-undead creatures within a 30 foot radius of the target point to flee in terror from the area, if they fail their saving throw at a -1 penalty. Speed 2.

Third Level
Infernal Shield: Works on caster only. Creates a fiery shield that bestows a 150% Normal Fire Resistance and 150% Magical Fire Resistance. The spell expires after... 55 seconds. I'm not quite sure how useful this is for him, since he already has 125% in both. OMG IM MORE IMMUNE TO FIRE THAN BEFORE! It may be possible that fire magic heals him at this point, but I haven't tested it. Speed 3.
Fiery Rain: 10 Meteors fall on a single target. Each missile that hits inflicts 1-2 points of blunt damage and 1-4 points of fire damage. Speed 3.

Fourth Level
Elemental Strike: Creates a globe of elemental energy that does 2-8 damage. This always hits, regardless of the saving throw. It then explodes for damage equal to 1/level of the caster if the target does not make the saving throw. If the target makes the saving throw, this additional damage is negated. At level 12, Ignus can create 2 missiles (he's just one level short of getting another). Speed 4.

Average Damage:
Suckass Physical: [2 phys x (.95)] + [4 phys x (.05)] + 5 fire = 7 damage w/ Ignus' Fireball
Tongues of Flame: 3.5 magical fire x 5 = 17.5
Fiery Rain: 10*(1.5 + 2.5) = 40
Elemental Strike: 2*(5 + 12) = 34

Summary: Light. So very Light. Utter crap HP that is not saved by his minor damage reduction against physicals, below average damage, an utter lack of variety in spells. Yeah. Beats pure fire mages and has decent speed. I guess.

The tormented Githzerai warrior mage, and follower of the way of Zerthimon. *Know* that he will own you.
Level 10 Fighter/Level 11 Mage

STR: 18
DEX: 18
CON: 18
INT: 13
WIS: 13
CHA: 13

HP: 111
AC: -5
THAC0: 11
Attacks per round: 2
To hit: -1 (+3 w/ Power of One)
Damage: +6 (+12 w/ Power of One)

-Saving Throws-
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 8
Rod/Staff/Wand: 7
Petrify/Polymorph: 9
Breath Weapon: 9
Spell: 8

Dak’kon’s Zerth Blade (“Chained Blade”)
   - 6 AC
   5-20 Slashing
   Doubles 1st & 2nd Level Mage spells
                Speed 6

Dak’kon’s Zerth Armor - AC 5

6 lvl 1 slots
6 lvl 2 slots
4 lvl 3 slots

First Level
Reign of Anger: Launches 5 energy bolts of 3-6 damage each. Speed 1.
Vilquar’s Eye: Enemy makes save vs. Spell at –1 penalty. On failure, receives –4 penalty to AC and THAC0. Speed 1.

Second Level
Power of One: Boost STR 1d8 + 1 points. Cannot go past 21. Speed 2.

Third Level
Balance in All Things: Self-targeted. Enemy takes damage equal to their own attack when they strike Dak’kon, magically or physically. Lasts for 3 enemy attacks, or 55 seconds, which is 9 rounds. Speed 3.
Zerthimon’s Focus: Increases Dak’kon’s critical hit rate by ~20%. Speed 3.

Average Damage:
   [18.5 phys (.95)] + [37 phys (.05)] x 2 attacks per round = 39 phys damage w/ Chained Blade
                [18.5 phys (.75)] + [37 phys (.25)] x 2 attacks per round = 46 phys damage w/ Chained Blade & Zerthimon's Focus
                [24.5 phys (.95)] + [49 phys (.05)] x 2 attacks per round = 52 phys damage w/ Chained Blade & Power of One
                [24.5 phys (.75)] + [49 phys (.25)] x 2 attacks per round = 62 phys damage w/ Chained Blade & Zerthimon's Focus & Power of One
   4.5 magical x 5 bolts = 22 magical damage w/ Reign of Anger

Summary: A good Middle, I think. Game low AC, 2nd in the cast for HP, magic defense a bit above average, decent damage with his sword, and some nice tricks with his spells. Balance in All Things can be particularly nasty, and his damage is great if he has time to buff.


The fiery fiendling sneakthief.
Level 10 Fighter/Level 12 Thief

(Quantities in parantheses denote values for Punch Daggers of Shar)

STR: 14
DEX: 19 (Base 18)
CON: 16
INT: 11
WIS: 9
CHA: 13

HP: 112 (97)
AC: -3
THAC0: 11
Attacks per round: 2
To hit: +5 (+1)
Damage: +3

-Saving Throws-
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 8 (6)
Rod/Staff/Wand: 10 (8)
Petrify/Polymorph: 9 (7)
Breath Weapon: 9 (7)
Spell: 5 (3)

Normal Cold: 50%
Normal Fire: 5%
Magical Fire: 5%
Magic: 66% (100%)
Slashing: 25%
Piercing: 25%
Crushing: 25%
Missile: 25%

Mark of the Savant
   3-18 Piercing
   THAC0 +4
   +2 AC
   +1 DEX
   +15 to base HP
   Speed 2
Punch Daggers of Shar
   1-4 Piercing
   +2 to all Saving Throws
   35% Magic Resistance
   Speed 2

Serpent Ring
   33% Magic Resistance
   +2 Save vs. Spells
   Immunity to Poison

Serpent Ring
   33% Magic Resistance
   +2 Save vs. Spells
   Immunity to Poison

Spider Bracelet
   25% Resistance to Physicals
   +10 to base HP
   -1 to Intelligence
   -1 to Wisdom

Jerkin of the Brazen Rogue – AC 4, THAC0 +1

Damage x4 on a successful Backstab. Whether anyone considers this or not is up to them. I don’t, personally, given how difficult it would be to hide from an openly hostile foe in an Arena setting.

Average Damage:
   [13.5 phys (.95)] + [27 phys (.05)] x 2 attacks per round = 28 phys damage w/ Mark of the Savant
   [5.5 phys (.95)] + [11 phys (.05)] x 2 attacks per round = 12 phys w/ Punch Daggers of Shar
Summary: Light, but not a bad one. Definitely fast, and depending on her weapon of choice she's either a decent slugger, a status whore, or a competent anti-mage. Somewhat tankier than her HP indicates, as well, thanks to the Spider Bracelet. The damage just isn’t there, though. Especially if she goes for the Punch Daggers of Shar, mages will barely be able to touch her… but her damage becomes stupidly bad. Being the only thief in the cast means she’s got some great equipment options, and those really help her out.


"I think therefore I am, I think."
Level 12 Fighter

STR: 18
DEX: 17
CON: 18
INT: 14
WIS: 8
CHA: 8

HP: 123 HP
AC: -1
THAC0: 7
Attacks per round: 2
To hit: +4
Damage: +9

-Saving Throws-
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 7
Rod/Staff/Wand: 9
Petrify/Polymorph: 8
Breath Weapon: 8
Spell: 10


Nordom's Crossbows
+1 THAC0
Speed 10

+2 Damage
+15% chance of Critical Hit
+1 Luck

Bolts of Wincing
2-9 Piercing
2-9 Slashing Damage on Impact
Increases Chance of Critical Hits (+5%)
+1 THAC0

Average Damage:
[14.5 phys (.75)] + [29 phys (.25)] + 5.5 phys x 2 attacks per round = 47 slashing damage w/ Bolts of Wincing

Summary: Light. Above average damage, pretty bad speed, good accuracy, good durability, alright save, and a real lack of anything special about him. Aside from his writeup fodder, of course, which is grand.


  • Guest
Re: Planescape: Torment (Full)
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 12:20:42 AM »
The disembodied spirit of a lawful Mercykiller now inhabiting his rusty armor.
Level 11 Fighter   

STR: 18/51
DEX: 13
CON: 18
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

HP: 114
AC: 2 (0 vs. Piercing/Missile)
THAC0: 10
Attacks per round: 2.5
To hit: +5
Damage: +6

-Saving Throws-
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 7
Rod/Staff/Wand: 9
Petrify/Polymorph: 8
Breath Weapon: 8
Spell: 10

Normal Cold: 100%
Magical Cold: 100%
Acid: 100%
Magic: 100%
Piercing: 50%
Missile: 50%

Final Judgment
   5-15 Slashing
   1-6 Fire
Butcherer of Innocents
                3-10 Slashing
                Transfers Hit Points from Target to Wielder
                +2 Slashing Damage

Vhailor’s Mercykiller Armor – AC 2

Average Damage:
   [16 phys + 3.5 fire (.95)] + [32 phys + 3.5 fire (.05)] x 2.5 attacks per round = 42 phys + 9 fire w/ Final Judgment
                [14 phys (.95)] + [28 phys (.05)] x 2.5 attacks per round = 37 phys w/ Butcherer of Innocents

Summary: Either Middle or Heavy. Meh AC and saves, but good HP stores, damage almost as high as Dak'kon's, and solid accuracy. Not to mention his complete immunity to magic. Reducing piercing and ranged attacks by 1/2 can't hurt, either, even though those types of physical damage are fairly rare. The parasitic healing option with Butcher of Innocents is also pretty nice.

As far as breaking equipment goes... I'd say Vhailor is immune to it. Either it doesn't affect him or it functions as ID, and I don't think it should be the latter. In my mind, the extent to which Vhailor's will possesses his axe and armor equates to the power of a legendary weapon, which most of us consider unbreakable. *shrugs*


The fast-talking, quick-floating, foul-mouthed skull.
Level 12 Fighter   

STR: 16
DEX: 18
CON: 18
INT: 13
WIS: 9
CHA: 6

HP: 139
AC: 0 (-2 vs. Piercing/Slashing/Missile)
THAC0: 9
Attacks per round: 3
To hit: -1 (-4 w/ Fire Drake Teeth/Teeth of the Viper)
Damage: +6

-Saving Throws-
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 7
Rod/Staff/Wand: 8
Petrify/Polymorph: 9
Breath Weapon: 9
Spell: 10

Normal Cold: 100%
Magical Cold: 100%
Poison: 100%
Slashing: 75%
Piercing: 75%
Crushing: 75%
Missile: 75%

Ingress’ Teeth
   1-6 Crushing/Piercing
   +3 Crushing/Piercing
   Each of the three hits in Morte's attack sequence has a 33% chance to stun for one round. There is no save. Effective 70.4% chance to stun with a full attack sequence.
Fire Drake Teeth
   1-6 Slashing
   3-8 Fire
   Immunity to Fire
Teeth of the Viper
                2-7 Piercing
                Immunity to Poison
                Poisons target. Details on poison fortchcoming.

Litany of Curses: Speed Factor 1, Target recieves Save vs. Spells at heavy penalty, if save is failed, Target gets a -2 penalty to THAC0, AC, and Damage, and is forced to attack Morte with melee attacks for the duration of the effect. No limit to uses. Lasts 60 seconds, which is 10 rounds.
Skull Mob: Speed Factor 1, 1-4 piercing damage x level. 3 uses.

Average Damage:
   [12.5 phys (.95)] + [25 phys (.05)] x 3 attacks per round = 39 phys damage w/ Ingress’ Teeth
   [10 phys (.95)] + [20 phys (.05)] + 5.5 fire x 3 attacks per round = 31 phys + 16 fire w/ Fire Drake Teeth
                [10.5 phys (.95)] + [21 phys (.05] x 3 attacks per round = 33 phys damage w/ Teeth of the Viper
   2.5 phys x 12 = 30 non-typed Evade/Defense-ignoring damage w/ Skull Mob

Summary: Heavy. Morte defines the term “tank,” really. The game’s highest HP by a good margin, some critical element nullings, and 75% reduction on all physical attacks. Litany of Curses casts very quickly, and is essentially a mage-raper. Not to mention that his speed factor is above average. Bit of a status whore, too, as an effective stunlock shouldn't be out of the question with Ingress' Teeth.

An aside regarding Ingress' Teeth. Their stun has a flat 1/3 chance of activating in-game, and unlike most similar effects there is no Saving Throw 'gainst it. It is still possible to be immune to its effects, however. I take this to mean it ignores partial status resistance and/or MDef, while getting shut out by status/stun immunity. Feel free to make your own calls, but I like mine.


A Succubus that has "Fallen" from evil. Godless Cleric.
Level 13 Cleric

STR: 13
DEX: 16
CON: 16
INT: 16
WIS: 19 (Base 16)
CHA: 19 (Talk about writeup fodder. Mrrowr.)

HP: 78
AC: 0
THAC0: 12
Attacks per round: 2
To hit: +0
Damage: +0

-Saving Throws- (Note she gets -1 to all from her Earring, her base is 1 higher than listed here)
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 4
Rod/Staff/Wand: 8
Petrify/Polymorph: 7
Breath Weapon: 10
Spell: 9

Normal Fire: 100%
Magical Fire: 50%
Normal Cold: 50%
Magical Cold: 50%
Electricity: 100%
Magic: 60% (5% comes from earring, 25% from bracelet, 30% base)

Fall-From-Grace's Touch
1-3 Slashing

Bodice of the Godless Priestess
AC 5
3 bonus 1st Level spells
2 bonus 2nd Level spells

Fall-From-Grace's Earrings
+1 to all Saves
+5% Magic Resistance

Bell's Shield
+3 WIS
+25% Magic Resistance
1 bonus spell of every level

12 (8) Level 1 Slots
11 (7) Level 2 Slots
7 (6) Level 3 Slots
5 (4) Level 4 Slots
3 (2) Level 5 Slots
3 (2) Level 6 Slots

First Level
Blessing: +1 to allies saves and attack rolls for 6 rounds. Speed 1.
Curse: -1 to enemies saves and attack roles for 6 rounds. Speed 1.
Detect Evil: Detects evil enemies for 60 rounds. Speed 1.
Halo of Lesser Revelation: Gives the enemies +2 penalty on their AC. Causes a glow around invisible creatures. Lasts 12 rounds. Speed 1.
Protection from Evil: Gives target -2 AC and +2 bonus to saves from evil attackers for 28 rounds. Speed 1.
Cure Light Wounds: Heals 8 HP (11% mHP for Grace). Speed 1.

Second Level
Aid: Grants target +1 to Hit and Saves and grants 1D8 HP that can go beyond normal Max HP for 28 rounds. Speed 1.
Spiritual Hammer: 18 - 44 Blundgeoning damage at a THAC0 of 10, Save vs Spell for half damage. Speed 1.
Cure Moderate Wounds: Heals 11 HP (15% mHP for Grace). Speed 2.

Third Level
Call Lightning: 15 - 120 Electrical damage within a 10 foot radius, Save vs Spell for half damage, has friendly fire. Grace is immune to Lightning, however. Speed 3.
Flamewalk: Gives target +2 Save vs. fire attacks and cuts all fire damage in half for 28 rounds. Stacks with Grace's innate resistance. Speed 3.
Prayer: +1 to allies' saves and attack rolls and gives enemies -1 to saves and attack rolls for 13 rounds. Speed 1.
Speak with Dead - Lets you talk with a dead person.
Remove Curse - Unequips cursed items.

Fourth Level
Cure Serious Wounds: Heals 17 HP (22% mHP for Grace). Speed 4.

Fifth Level
Cure Critical Wounds: Heals 27 HP (35% mHP for Grace). Speed 8.
Raise Dead - Brings target creature back to life with 1D4 HP. Speed 5.

Sixth Level
Heal - Fully restores HP and removes blindness and disease. Speed 6.

Entropic Touch - Transfer 1-10 HP from Fall-From-Grace to the Target. Cannot heal more HP than FFG has. 1 charge, useless. Speed 1.
Kiss - Drain 1-10 HP from target to Fall-From-Grace, cannot drain beyond the amount FFS is healed. 10 charges. Speed 1.

-Average Damage-
For attacking, average of 4 Slashing damage a round (1-3 x2)
Blessed Hammer - Average of 31 Blunt Damage before saving throws made.
Call Lightning - 68 Electrical damage before saving throws made. Your mileage on its accuracy may vary, I have no problems hitting what I want, but others may not. 10 Foot radius lets her cast it on herself and hit everything around her if that helps.

Summary: A good Light, is my current thinking on FFG. 60% M.Evade, elemental nulling/resistances, clear 2HKO magic damage, good speed factor on her spells, and a (small) amount of healing. Her low HP is a hindrance, though.


(TNO: 263)
1. Morte: 139
2. Nordom: 123
3. Vhailor: 114
4. Annah: 112
5. Dak'kon: 111
6. Fall-from-Grace: 78
7. Ignus: 66
Average: 106 (126 w/ TNO)

-Durability Ratings for Easy Reference-
(TNO: 2.09 [w/ 118 as average])
1. Morte: 1.31
2. Nordom: 1.16
3. Vhailor: 1.08
4.Annah: 1.06 (0.92 w/ Punch Daggers of Shar)
5. Dak'kon: 1.05
6. Fall-from-Grace: 0.74
7. Ignus: 0.62

So, this is basically how speed is determined in P:T. Each weapon and spell has its own speed factor, so I'm listing them and taking the average here. I think it's a much better way to figure out DL speed than using Dexterity. Lower is better, mind you, and they go from 1-10.

1. Annah: 2
(TNO: 3)
2a. Ignus: 3
2b. Fall-from-Grace: 3 (1 w/ Spiritual Hammer)
4. Morte: 4 (2 w/ Teeth of the Viper)
5. Dak'kon: 6
6. Vhailor: 6 (10 w/ Final Judgment)
7. Nordom: 10
Average: 5 (5 w/ TNO)

-First Turn Damage-
(TNO: 123 physical)
1. Fall-from-Grace: 68 magic
2. Nordom: 47 physical
3. Ignus: 40 magic
4. Morte: 39 physical
5. Dak'kon: 39 physical
6. Vhailor: 37 physical
7. Annah: 28 physical
Average: 43 (53 w/ TNO)

FFG's listed damage is now Call Lightning; despite my initial beliefs, it is fairly quick and not innacurate. For the others, I chose what are probably their best dueling weapons: Ingress' Teeth for Morte, Butcherer of Innocents for Vhailor, and Assassin's Knuckles for Annah (the increased speed along with variety of statuses makes it her best duelling weapon against anyone not status-immune).

-Big ol' Damage List-
(TNO's Celestial Fire physical - 123 (2.32x average))
(TNO's "Reason" physical - 93 (1.75x average))
1. FFG's Call Lightning - 68 (1.58x average)
2. Dak'kon's Power of One'd & Zerthimon's Focus'd physical - 62 (1.44x average)
3. Dak'kon's Power of One'd physical - 52 (1.21x average)
4. Vhailor's Final Judgement physical - 51 (1.19x average)
5a. Morte's Fire Drake Teeth physical - 47 (1.09x average)
5b. Nordom's Bolts of Wincing physical - 47 (1.09x average)
6. Dak'kon's Zerthimon's Focus'd physical - 46 (1.07x average)
7. Ignus' Fiery Rain - 40 (.93x average)
8a. Dak'kon's regular Chained Blade physical - 39 (.91x average)
8b. Morte's Ingress' Teeth physical - 39 (.91x average)
9. Vhailor's Butcherer of Innocents physical - 37 (.86x average)
10. Ignus' Elemental Strike - 34 (.83x average)
11. Morte's Teeth of the Viper physical - 33 (.79x average)
12. FFG's Blessed Hammer - 31 (.72x average)
13. Morte's Skull Mob - 30 (.70x average)
14. Annah's Mark of the Savant physical - 28 (.65x average)
15. Dak'kon's Reign of Anger - 22 (.51x average)
16. Ignus' Tongues of Flame - 18 (.42x average)
17. Annah's Punch Daggers of Shar physical - 12 (.28x average)
18. Ignus' Fireball physical - 7 (.16x average)
19. FFG's physical - 4 (.09x average)


  • Guest
Re: Planescape: Torment (Full)
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 12:21:26 AM »
Boss notes courtesy Monkeyfinger.

Looks like ranking time is coming up. I dunno what's gonna happen with this game, but just in case it makes a run and gets ranked, I'm gonna make this.

There's 5 people I'm gonna list stuff for: Ravel, Trias, TTO, Boss Ignus and Boss Vhailor. Strago, you are free to copy the suff for the latter 2 into your topic. If anyone would like stats for anyone else, say so. Let's roll.

SPELLS! Here, I will list all spells that apply to this discussion. Rather than describing them right when I list them for the charachters, I'll post the descriptions here, then just list the names under the charachters.

A note on AC modifications: Depsite the whole "the lower the better thing", +'s to AC are bonuses, -'s are penalties.

In case you're unfamiliar with the XdY damage notation (used for both spells and weapons), it means you roll X dice that have Y sides to determine damage.

Poison: 3d8 poison damage unless target saves against poison.
Blindness: Blinds target unless it saves against spells. Blindless gives -4 to hit and -4 penalty to AC.
Tongues of Flame: 5d4+5 fire damage spread over 5 hits. No save.
Seeking Flames: Enemy gets -1 to hit, damage and saves. Lasts 30 seconds.

Black-Barbed Curse: 4d4 piercing damage. No save.
Black-Barbed Shield: +2 AC bonus. Whenever opponent hits caster with a melee attack, it takes 1d6 damage. BBS lasts 10-30 seconds.
Infernal Orb: Hurled at the enemy using caster's THAC0, with a +3 bonus. If it hits, 1d6 fire damage, and -1 to Strength and Dexterity for 10 seconds.
Ignus's Terror: Enemy flees in terror unless he makes a save vs. spells at a -1 penalty. Lasts 30 seconds.

Cloak of Warding: Absorbs 3-12 points of damage + 1 per caster level. Once it takes this much, or once 5*Caster level seconds have past, it shatters. Excess damage does "trample." (So if the cloak has 3 points left, and caster's hit with a 5 damage attack, (s)he takes 2).
Vampiric Touch: Deals 1d6 damage per 2 caster levels. No save. That damage is added to caster's HP total. This can go over the caster's max HP. So If caster has 60/70 HP and VP's for 30, he now has 90/70.
Ball lightning: Creates up to 4 balls of lightning. Damage per ball varies depending on number of balls.
1 ball: 4d12 each.
2 balls: 5d4 each.
3 balls: 2d6 each.
4 balls: 2d4 each
Ax of Torment: 1d8 damage, and randomly does any of these 8 effects:
1) Additional 1d8 damage
2) Additional 2d8 damage
3) 5-15 seconds of paralysis, no save
4) 5d8 fire damage
5) 6d8 ice damage
6) Randomly teleported 100 yards away
7) Pertification, no save
8) 8d8 non-typed (See: G. dragon) damage

Successful save vs. spells nullfies base damage, but not random effect.
Elysium's Tears: 10d2 crushing damage and 10d4 fire damage, all spread out over 10 hits.
Fiery Rain: Same as Elysium's Tears.
Infernal Shield: Gives 150% Fire/Magical fire resistance. Lasts 5 seconds per caster level.

Blacksphere: 1d4 dmage + 1 per caster level. If opponent fails a save vs. spells, he's held for 10 seconds. Save doesn't nullify damage.
Improved Strength: 1d4+4 bonus to Strength. Lasts 5 seconds per caster level.
Force Missiles: Fires a number of missiles equal to 1 + ((Caster level-7)/2), rounded down, max 7 missiles. Each missile does 2d4 damage + 1 per caster level, no save. (The in-game description says that the +1 per caster level damage can be negated by a save vs. spells. THIS IS NOT THE CASE.)
Elemental Strike: Same as force missiles, except damage is fire elemental.

Cloudkill: 1d10 damage. 100% ID to summoned creatures (Hi Yuna!) and all targets level 3 or lower. Level 4 or 5 targets must make a save vs. poison at -4 penalty or be ID'ed.
Cone of Cold: 1d4+1 damage per caster level, for a max of 10d4+10 damage (caps at level 10).
Fire and Ice: 3d6 fire damage and 3d6 ice damage. Save vs. spell halves damge (seperate save for each elemental hit).
Desert Hell: 4d10 damage. Save vs. spells halves damage.

Heal: Fully heals all HP and negative status effects.
Globe of Invulnerability: Makes caster immune to all spells that are Level 4 or lower. Lasts 5 seconds per caster level.
Anti-Magic Shell: Makes caster immune to magic and unable to cast magic. Can be dispelled. lasts 5 minutes. Solo rules. You suck.
Chain Lightning Storm: 7d10 eveltrical damage, halved by a successful save vs. spells.

Acid Storm: Deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level every 5 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds. (The in-game description of the spell says you can save to halve the damage. Again, BULLSHIT.)
Bladestorm: Must roll to hit with THAC0 of 11. If successful, 1d8 damage per caster level, plus an addtional 2d10 on a natural roll of 20.
Guardian Mantle: All physical attacks made against caster are nullfied unless attacker saves vs. spell at -4 penalty. Lasts 50 seconds + 5 seconds per caster level. Dispels all of caster's other positive buffs when cast. More positive buffs can't be cast until GM expires or is dispelled.

Deathbolt: ID unless target saves vs. death (not spell. FUCK YOU, in-game description.). Even if save is successful, 10d6 damage.
Power Word: Blind: Blinds target for a duration that depends how much HP they have left. No save.
100+HP: Immune
51-100HP: 16-40 seconds
26-50HP: 80-200 seconds
1-25HP: 160-400 seconds
Meteor Storm Bombardemnt: 10d12 damage. Save vs. spell halves it.
Ignus's fury: 10d10 fire damage + 1 per caster level. Save vs. spells halves.

Elysium's Fires: 40d4 damage spread out over 8 hits. Save vs. spells halves damage; opponent rolls a seperate save for each individual hit.
Conflagration: 2d6 damage every 5 seconds. Lasts 50 seconds. No save.

Now, the actual bosses.


CLASS: Lv. 16 Cleric/Lv. 17 Mage

DEX: 13
CON: 23
INT: 23
WIS: 21
CHA: 9

HP: 87

AC: -4

THAC0: 13 base

WEAPON: Ravel's Fingernail: 2d6+1 slashing damage, 3d4 poison damage (no save), +1 THAC0, -3 to target's poison save on hit.

Attacks Per Round (APR): 1

SPELLS: Poison (5 shots)
Blindness (3 shots)
Black-Barbed Curse (5 shots)
Black-Barbed Shield (2 shots)
Cloak of Warding (1 shot)
Vampiric Touch (5 shots)
Blacksphere (5 shots)
Heal (2 shots)
Acid storm (3 shots)

SAVES: Death/Poison/Paralysis: 8
Rod/Staff/Wands: 10
Petrify/Polymorph: 9
Breath: 9
Spells: 11

RESISTANCES: Fire/Magic Fire: 50%
Cold/Magic Cold: 100%
Slashing: 50%
Crushing: 50%
Piercing: 50%
Missile: 50%
Magic: 50%

Trias: Now, there's 3 forms of this guy. When you reach the area he's the boss of, if you just take him on immediately, you face his most powerful form. There are certain deeds you can do in said area. If you do enough of them right, the strength of his form drops.

Weak Trias:

CLASS: Lv. 18 mage

DEX: 17
CON: 16
INT: 13
WIS: 13
CHA: 13

HP: 190

AC: -4

THAC0: 10 base

WEAPON: Celestial Fire: 3d6 slashing damage, 10 fire damage, +10 resistance to slashing attacks, +2 AC bonus, +2 THAC0 bonus.

APR: 2

SPELLS: Ax of Torment (1 shot)
Elysium's Tears (1 shot)
Ball Lightnnig (2 shots)
Improved Strength (2 shots)
Force Missiles (2 shots)
Cloudkill (2 shots)
Cone of Cold (1 shot)
Globe of Invulnerability (1 shot)
Antimagic Shell (1 shot)
Chain Lightning Storm (1 shot)
Bladestorm (2 shots)

SAVES: Death/Paralysis/Poison: 1
Wand/Staff/Rod: 11
Petrify/Polymorph: 10
Breath: 10
Spells: 12

RESISTANCES: Fire/Magic Fire: 85%
Cold/Magic Cold: 85%
Electricity: 85%
Slashing: 0
Crushing: 25%
Piercing: 0
Missile: 0
Magic: 35%
Immune to berzerk and paralysis.

Medium Trias:

CLASS: Lv. 18 mage

STATS: Same as other forms.

HP: 208

AC: -4

THAC0: 9 base

WEAPON: Same as other forms.

APR: 3

SPELLS: Ax of Torment (1 shot)
Elysium's Tears (1 shot)
Ball Lightnnig (2 shots)
Improved Strength (2 shots)
Force Missiles (2 shots)
Cloudkill (2 shots)
Cone of Cold (2 shots)
Globe of Invulnerability (1 shot)
Antimagic Shell (1 shot)
Chain Lightning Storm (1 shot)
Bladestorm (2 shots)
Deathbolt (1 shot)
Power word: Blind (1 shot)

SAVES: Death/Paralysis/Poison: 2
Wand/Staff/Rod: 10
Petrify/Polymorph: 9
Breath: 9
Spells: 11

RESISTANCES: Fire/Magic Fire: 90%
Cold/Magic Cold: 90%
Electricity: 90%
Slashing: 0
Crushing: 25%
Piercing: 0
Missile: 0
Magic: 35%
Immune to berzerk, paralysis, non-enchanted weapons and +1 weapons.

Strong Trias:

CLASS: Lv. 18 mage

STATS: Same as other forms.

HP: 230

AC: -5

THAC0: 8 base

WEAPON: Same as other forms.

APR: 3

SPELLS: Ax of Torment (1 shot)
Elysium's Tears (1 shot)
Ball Lightnnig (2 shots)
Improved Strength (2 shots)
Force Missiles (2 shots)
Cloudkill (2 shots)
Cone of Cold (2 shots)
Globe of Invulnerability (1 shot)
Antimagic Shell (1 shot)
Chain Lightning Storm (1 shot)
Bladestorm (2 shots)
Deathbolt (1 shot)
Power Word: Blind (1 shot)
Elysium's Fires (1 shot)

SAVES: Death/Paralysis/Poison: 2
Wand/Staff/Rod: 9
Breath: 8
Spells: 10

RESISTANCES: Fire/Magic Fire: 100%
Cold/Magic Cold: 100%
Electricity: 100%
Slashing: 0
Crushing: 25%
Piercing: 0
Missile: 0
Magic: 40%
Immune to berzerk, paralysis, non-enchanted weapons and +1 weapons.

The Transcendant One : He has 5 forms. Which you face depends on TNO's level. I'm listing the one that yopu face if TNO's level falls between 19 and 34, since it is hard for him not to fall in that range at endgame assuming you used the Bronze Sphere.

CLASS: Lv. 25 Cleric/Lv. 25 Mage

DEX: 18
CON: 14
INT: 25
WIS: 25
CHA: 25

HP: 350

AC: -4

THAC0: 4 base

WEAPON: Claws: 4d10 slashing damage

APR: 1

SPELLS: Poison (20 shots)
Elysium's Tears (15 shots)
Force Missiles (13 shots)
Fire and Ice (10 shots)
Antimagic Shell (6 shots)
Guardian Mantle (5 shots)
Meteor Storm Bomardment (3 shots)
Power Word: Blind (2 shots)
Conflagration (3 shots)

SAVES: Death/Paralysis/Poison: Immune
Wand/Staff/Rod: 4
Petrify/Polymorph: 4
Breath: 4
Spells: 4

RESISTANCES: Fire/Magical fire: 100%
Cold/Magical Cold: 75%
Electricity: 35%
Acid: 75%
Slashing: 55%
Crushing: 55%
Piercing: 55%
Missile: 55%
Magic: 30%
Immune to berzerk, non-enchanted weapons and +1 weapons.

Boss Vhailor: The fight with him is a duel with TNO. I don't scale him any different for it, but I know some people do. He's a split path boss; you have to face either him or Boss Ignus, but you can't face both.

CLASS: Lv. 9 Fighter

DEX: 16
CON: 18
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

HP: 250

AC: -5 base, +2 bonus to piercing and missile

THAC0: 12

WEAPON: Final Judgment: 5d3 slashing, 1d6 fire, +3 THAC0, 2x damage to chaotic characters.

APR: 7 (O_O)


SAVES: Death/Paralysis/Poison: 8
Wand/Staff/Rod: 10
Petrify/Polymorph: 9
Breath: 9
Spells: 11

RESISTANCES: Cold/Magic Cold: 100%
Acid: 100%
Crushing: 100%
Missile: 50%
Magic: 100%

Boss Ignus: Another duel with TNO.

CLASS: Lv. 18 Mage

DEX: 16
CON: 20
INT: 19
WIS: 8
CHA: 3

HP: 128

AC: 0 base, +2 bonus against everything (so effectively -2)

THAC0: 10 base

WEAPON: Ignus's Fireball: 1d3 Missile, 2d8 Fire

APR: 1

SPELLS: Tongues of Flame (5 shots)
Seeking flames (known, but not memorized)
Infernal Orb (5 shots)
Ignus's Terror (known, but not memorized)
Infernal Shield (5 shots)
Fiery Rain (known, but not memorized)
Elemental Strike (5 shots)
Desert Hell (5 shots)
Ignus's Fury (2 shots)

SAVES: Death/Paralysis/Poison: 3
Wand/Staff/Rod: 5
Petrify/Polymorph: 5
Breath: 5
Spells: 8

RESISTANCES:Fire/Magic Fire: 125% (25% absorption)
Cold/Magic Cold: 50% weakness
Electricity: 100%
Acid: 100%
Slashing: 50%
Crushing: 50%
Piercing: 50%
Missile: 50%


  • Guest
Re: Planescape: Torment (Full)
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 12:22:59 AM »
Other notes:

Uno said:
Had to look these up, as I couldn't remember the specifics myself (I have got to play Torment again one of these days).

Litany of Curses: Casting Time 1, Target recieves Save vs. Spells*, if save is failed, Target gets a -2 penalty to THAC0, AC, and Damage, and is forced to attack Morte with melee attacks for the duration of the effect(Which is a good thing considering his resistances). I don't think theres a use limit.

*There are several points in the game where the skill can be powered up to increase the difficulty of the save, I'm not sure of the exact amount, but it's significant. (Off the top of my head, powerups are getting into an argument with a prostitute, telling the foreman exactly what his AWOL worker said, asking the old couple at the Pawn Shop about anything other than what they have in stock, getting into an insult war at the Brothel, and freeing the mage from his petrification[counts double, it *is* the Ultimate Curse, after all])

Skull Mob: Casting Time 1, No Save/Ignores Magic Resistance, deals 1-4 piercing damage per level, 3 times per day.

Grefter: alt PC stats.

A rogue Modron with some mad duel weilding crossbow skills. "I think therefore I am, I think."
Level 12 Fighter

STR: 18
DEX: 17
CON: 17
INT: 19
WIS: 8
CHA: 8

HP: 124 HP (going with your HP strago)
AC: -1 
THAC0: 9 (base Thac0, not after all equipment).
Attacks per round: 2
To hit: +4
Damage: +9 (these are the correct values, both bonusses show equipment bonus also)

-Saving Throws-
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 7
Rod/Staff/Wand: 9
Petrify/Polymorph: 8
Breath Weapon: 8
Spell: 10


Nordom's Crossbows
+1 Thac0
+2 Damage
+15% chance of Critical Hit (lands criticals on a roll of 17 - 20 or 1/5)
+1 Luck (not sure i think it works like BG1 and 2)

Damage: 2-5 Piercing
THAC0: +1 (unlimited amount of ammo if its an issue for anyone)

Damage: 2-5 Crushing
Enchanted: +1
Special: Causes Stunning (10 shots into medium threat constructs yeilded no stunning, more testing needed with more bolts, if it has a save its a fucken shit one)
THAC0: +1

Damage: 2-9 Piercing
Enchanted: +1
   2-9 Slashing Damage on Impact
   Increases Chance of Critical Hits
THAC0: +1

(Minor Artifacts)
Damage: 4-8 Piercing
Enchanted: +2
THAC0: +4
(only useful against a good dodger i spose, but they are there.

Average Damage:
Standard Bolts - 3.5+9 =12.5 x2 attacks = 25 damage a round without criticals accounted for.   to lazy and late for that maths.

Bolts of Wincing -  i leave this for you to work with strago, since i havent got any on me ATM.  that and i don't feel like seeing if critical hits mutliply the slashing damage or not  ;P

Kessek the Devourer - 5+9 = 14 x2 attacks = 28 a round without criticals accounted for.

Summary:  dunno, will let strago comment rather than myself.

yeah all ammo info was copied from save game editor (which lists in game descriptions), so no testing done yet, but i am to lazy to alt-tab between 640 and 1024 every 5 seconds just for item descriptions.