More boss stats! This covers every maingame boss except Leo, Lunn, Mauri, and Ghaleon. The first two because whatever @ solos, Mauri because plot fight, and Ghaleon because SSSC exists and everybody votes on that anyway. For everyone except Mauri we have decent notes already.
The speed of a Lunar 2 enemy depends on the action they are using on the current round. I've tried to document those. Lunar turn order is fairly non-random, but when speeds are close (within a few points?) one can leapfrog the other so that helps peg things down a bit.
I'm using Gilder's damage formulas to help me out here, although for the most part everything is checked in-game. Since I don't know enemy attack stats or multipliers or levels I'm just testing manually there, but fortunately Lunar damage isn't that random, so it's easy to peg down boss damage within a few points. Every boss appears to have a level within a very small difference of average party level, for what it’s worth.
For levels, I would aim to fight about half of the enemy formations, in theory, but in practice I end up fighting most of them since I suck at dodging fights.
Boss defences are calculated for their effect on relevant attacks compared to the average of the randoms in the most recent two dungeons. I use two instead of one to reduce the effects of any outlier enemies; it ended up with a smoother curve overall. The exception is Zophar, for whom I just used the final dungeon (which has more than enough enemies anyway).
Lunar EBC has an evasion, but (a) it only works on basic physicals, which are very weak from the PC side. I’m not testing boss evasion, as such, and I wouldn’t give it any credit if it exists. FWIW I don’t think I’ve seen any boss evade anyway. (b) Lunar EBC bosses only rarely seem to have a true “basic physical” (which requires the boss to move adjacent to the target first); the only one that clearly does (Guardian) has a massive Agility stat and I’ve never seen him miss. Short-range physicals will be noted; all other physicals don’t require the boss to move.
I'm ignoring Lucia for the most part. She's weird. Her AI is weird, her durability is weird (and enemies don't like to target her so it's difficult to figure out how weird).
GuardianHP 550 (1.88 PCHP, notably more to some views)
Def 45
MDef 20
Agility 40 (doesn't miss)
Party stats: Level 10, HP 75.5, Speed 33/19 (Hiro/Gwyn)
Damage to him:
Hiro's Poe Sword: 57
Gwyn's Attack: 10
(Gwyn can also use Fractured Armour to raise subsequent physical damage to him by ~7, fades with time)
Guardian's Might: Raises Atk by ~22 and Def by ~9 (same as Power Drive + Magic Barrier?). The effect fades a little after each round. Goes first.
Attack: 45-57 short-range physical damage. See note below. Usually goes between Hiro and Gwyn, rarely after Gwyn.
Hammertime: 37 GT short-range physical damage. See note below. (goes last)
The fading effect of his Attack buff makes it hard to peg down his damage for certain. He'll use Might on the first turn, then every few turns thereafter, so his damage is usually somewhat boosted by it.
Comments: Guardian is probably one of the best first bosses ever seen in an RPG. 2HKO with good durability, very nice. He's a bit one-dimensional and slightly below average speed, though. In-game he can fuck you up if you don't watch his actions and respect his ability to outspeed Gwyn's healing, and will likely run you out of MP so you'll have to dig into your Starlight supply.
PlantellaHP 1800 (2.78 PCHP)
Def 75 (to a 53 avg, cuts by 20%)
MDef 35 (to a 19 avg, cuts by 12%)
Takes 1.5x from Fire
Party stats: Level 16, HP 118, Speed 53/40/33 (Jean/Hiro/Ronfar) Atk 57/56/55, Def 56/58/49, MDef 35/37/35
Damage to average/her:
Poe Sword: 108/97
Ronfar's Anger Dice: 50/75
Jean's Moth Dance: 65/57
(Jean's Attack: 56/34)
Flytrap Crunch: 45 physical damage, inflicts Poison (goes before Hiro)
Seed Spray: 42 MT physical damage (goes before Ronfar)
Reveal Form: Enables the use of Root Spike for the rest of the battle. Most guides seem to agree this is a limit, maybe below 2/3 max HP?
Root Spike: 80 physical damage (goes before Ronfar). Can't be used initially.
Notes: Poison damages for 10% of the target's max HP at the end of each round, and can be fatal.
Comments: She wishes her solid 2HKO wasn't a limit of sorts, but she does have access to it for a long time, and she can put the pressure on with a reasonably speedy poison-inflicting attack until then. She’s very durable, albeit physically reliant. Solid
Magic Tester LX1(Lemina is pilotting it. Debatably legal form for her?!?)
HP 2700 (3.96 PCHP)
Def 90 (to a 59 avg, cuts by 26%)
MDef 5 (to a 37 avg, takes 29% extra)
Takes 1.5x from all elements? (Fire and Wind, at least)
Party stats: Level 18, HP 129, Speed 55/42/36, Atk 61/60/64, Def 60, MDef 38
Damage to average/it:
Hiro's Poe Sword: 114/98
(Hiro's Boomerang: 52/102)
(Hiro's Squall: 54/105)
Ronfar's Anger Dice: 51/76
Jean's Attack: 69/38
(Jean's Moth Dance: 66/82)
Attack: 53 short-range physical damage (same speed as Ronfar)
Bubbles: 24 physical damage, 67% chance of Sleep (slightly slower than Jean)
After taking 1000 damage (37%), the following move replaces Attack:
Jump: 60 physical damage (same speed as Ronfar)
After taking 2000 damage (74%), the following move replaces Jump:
Sonic Wave: 65 physical damage to a line (faster than Ronfar)
Note: Sleep is ended by any damage, but said damage will be boosted by 50%.
Comments: Man that's a lot of HP, though at least you can take it down with MP-efficient spells in-game (aw yeah Boomerang). Anyway Leminabot is pretty undamaging for a Lunar 2 boss, but it has a nasty trick. It can apply sleep at high speed then do 2HKO damage, and anyone slower than its sleep move can be locked down by this. Sleep's accuracy puts a damper on this strategy but it should still overwhelm most stallers vulnerable to it. Against the status-immune, the Magic Tester's kinda sluggish with average damage, but the durability (especially physical) will take it past most who can't heal.
Missing LinkHP 2700 (2.87 PCHP)
Def 65 (to a 62 avg, cuts by 2%)
MDef 40 (to a 25 avg, cuts by 7%)
Takes 1.5x from Fire, 0.33x from Ice
Party stats: Level 22, HP 147, Speed 63/49/40/31, Def 82, MDef 57
Damage to average/it:
Hiro's Poe Sword: 169/167
Ronfar's Attack: 53/52
Ronfar's Anger Dice: 53/80
Jean's Attack: 92/89
(Jean's Sleep Step: 85/77)
Lemina's Flame Shot: 116/163
(Lucia's Napalm Shot: ~85/78)
Punch: 94 physical damage. This has a chance to Poison, but it never kicked in for me and FAQs don't mention it, so probably very low. (goes after Hiro)
Avalanche: 70 MT magic damage. Probably ice, but no way to tell. (usually slower than Ronfar, but can go before him)
Ice Tornado: Invincibility for three turns! (goes before Jean) Can not act for any of those turns.
Comments: Ice Tornado is sooo bad. Otherwise he is mostly about a dick move of borderline 2HKO MT which is similar speed to your healer, which can be bad. (Giving Ronfar the Speed+2 dagger probably helps a lot.) Still there are various ways around that, including the regen the game gives you time to set up during Ice Tornado. In the DL, 2HKO off averagish speed and good durability, not too much to say. The first boss who isn't walled by high physical defence, too!
Flame FangHP 5000 (2.73 PCHP)
Def 80 (to a 98 avg, takes 3% extra)
MDef 80 (to a 57 avg, cuts by 11%)
Takes 0.33x from Fire (Could be weak to Ice, but you can't actually test this...)
Party stats: Level 28 (Leo 35), HP 243 (Ronfar = 190), Speed 58/54/51 (Hiro/Leo/Ronfar), Def 135 (122 without Leo), MDef 56
Damage to average/it:
Hiro's Poe Sword: 238/247
Ronfar's Light Litany: 105/93
Leo's Flash Blade: 283/292
AVERAGE: 209 (172 without Leo)
Wing Spear: 160 physical damage (goes first)
Flame Bomb: 100 GT fire magic damage(goes after Hiro)
Burning Rain: 90 MT fire magic damage (goes last)
Comments: Leo juices the averages here a bit since he's overlevelled, but it doesn't matter much. Flame Fang's obviously the best boss so far DL-wise, since its best damage (which varies from quite good to extremely good depending on which HP average you use) is super-fast. No real tricks here, just hit hard with physicals or rely on 2-3HKO backup fire magic, backed up by the usual solid durability.
Low Godlike.
White FiendHP 4500 (2.86 PCHP)
Def 100 (to a 105 avg, takes 2% extra)
MDef 80 (to a 60 avg, cuts by 7%)
Takes 1.5x from Fire, 0.33x from Ice
Party stats: Level 32 (Hiro 33), HP 217, Speed 90/71/55/42 Def 132, MDef 74
Damage to average/him:
Hiro's Poe Sword: 276/278
Ronfar's Light Litany: 117/107
Jean' Attack: 107/112
Lemina's Ice Arrows: 219/70
(Lemina's Flame Shot: 155/217)
(Lucia's Napalm Shot: ~99/89)
Frost Breath: 63(-100?) MT ice magic damage, changes the field to Water (goes after Hiro).
Pentagram Aura: Raises White Fiend's Magic by 45 and MDef by 42 (goes first). The game calls this an Atk/Def buff, but it lies. Also, the turn White Fiend uses this, his MDef is treated as 99 instead.
Ice Coffin: 75-115 MT ice magic (goes after Ronfar)
Crystal Stasis: 90-130 ice magic damage, chance of sleep (1/4?) (goes after Jean)
-Sleep doesn't boost magic damage, but it is cancelled by it. Still, White Fiend can buff against a sleeping target, and a single sleep proc can cancel two turns against many opponents since the move is fast.
-Like Guardian, his damage is hard to track with the effect of his decaying Magic buff. The high-end number is roughly what the spells do the turn after using the buff. The low-end is a rough guess of what they should do unbuffed but I'm really not certain since the latter two spells are never used unbuffed. I'd guess they lose about 10 points of damage per turn...
-While using his buff, White Fiend cuts magic damage by an additional ~7%. The MDef buff cuts damage by a further ~15%, but this fades with time.
-The water field powers up all water/ice amage by 50%, and lowers Fire and Lightning damage by 10%. This makes those damage figures above much scarier, needless to say. It doesn't wear off.
Comments: Give the White Fiend a chance to power up and he has really brutal offence (~80% MT with buff and field, yikes). Lemina's dispel moves to the rescue; I didn't think to use them on my first playthrough and this guy was a monster. Fortunately for him, dispels aren't as common in the DL, so his strategy of buffing as needed then using the reasonably fast, sleep-inducing 2HKO is a good one. Unfortunately, ice resistance is
more common in the DL, and he can't do anything against that.
High Heavy, the elemental reliance keeps him fair in the division.
Blue FiendHP 5000 (2.32 PCHP)
Def 120 (average)
MDef 40 (to a 85 avg, takes 15% extra)
Takes 1.5x from Fire and Lightning, 0.33x from Ice
Party stats: Level 36, HP 243, Speed 99/77/61/46, Def 149, MDef 80
Damage to average/him:
Hiro's Poe Sword: 279/279
Ronfar's Light Litany: 126/148
Jean's Blue Dragon Palm: 343/343
(Jean's Dopple Dance: 167/167 over 3 turns)
Lemina's Ice Arrows: 238/87
(Lemina's Flame Shot: 166/282)
(Lucia's Napalm Shot: 100/122)
Rain Tsunami: 145 MT water magic damage, changes the field to Water (goes after Ronfar)
Silencing Wave: 90 GT water magic damage, ~50% (4/8) silence (similar speed to Lemina/Lucia)
Cyclone: 120 MT physical damage (goes after Ronfar)
Pentagram Heal: Heals for 1260, i.e. 25% of Blue Fiend's Max HP (goes after Jean)
Notes: Yes, Jean's damage just tripled while everyone else's stayed about the same. Anyway, the Water field works the same way in this fight as the previous. Silence seals off all techs both magic and physical if that means anything to you. The healing is only used once every five turns in-game if you want to hold him to that.
Comments: Rain Tsunami is a MT low 2HKO that becomes a high 2HKO after the first, which is obviously nasty. And the healing... well, if you allow it to be spammed, it walls anyone with sub-2HKO damage entirely. He also has a respectable backup physicals unlike his white kin, and silence is a nice option. His only real failings are mediocre speed on his offensive moves, and lower than normal durability for a Lunar EBC boss (although it's still pretty good). Still yeah, he can swing some flavour of
Godlike depending on your take on his healing.
BorganHP 4200 (1.71 PCHP)
Def 180 (to a 141 avg, cuts by 5%)
MDef 120 (to a 81 avg, cuts by 10%)
PC damage: ~281. See Black Fiend, below. You gain a couple levels but enemy defences rise slightly, these effects roughly cancel. No new weapons or spells are gained between them (whereas Hiro/Jean both have weapon upgrades after Blue Fiend, and Lemina gains storebought Wisdom-boosting crests).
I didn't get precise notes since Fenrir already got 'em; my level/HP/damage taken were the same. My PC damage was a fair bit higher though, so see above. I'm probably using more offensive twinkery on Hiro/Jean/Lemina (and I don't factor in Lucia). Scale as you will, I'm just being consistent with the rest of my notes, here.

Anyway, here are Fenrir's notes, taken against 264 average HP:
Black Wave: 90 magical damage, hits a group. 65-70% chance of inflicting sleep (It worked 27 times out of 40)
Black Tornado: 155 magical damage. MT.
Distortion: Drains 95 MP. Slower than Lucia.
Dark Mirror: Creates a shield that absorbs 750 HP. Faster than Jean. (200 speed!)
-I believe his MP drain steals one half of the target's max MP, with some randomness of course. It took much less from Hiro than Ronfar, and I highly doubt it's physical...
-I didn't formally test his sleep, but it had some horrible hit rate for me (1/something).
Heavy regardless, as much as he is harmless in-game. 2HKO damage to either HP or MP is solid. He's Garan trading magic immunity and stronger MP busting for more damage/durability and a better status option, and I have to think that's a winning trade.
Black FiendHP 5000 (2.03 PCHP)
Def 450 (to a 147 avg, cuts by 42%, or 81% after resistance)
MDef 0 (to a 89 avg, takes 22% extra)
Takes 0.33x from physicals (after Def is factored in)
Party stats: Level 41, HP 279, MP 190, Speed 108/80/66/51, Def 170, MDef 87
Damage to average/her:
Hiro's Poe Sword: 330/59
(Hiro's Cross-Boomerang: 135/179)
Ronfar's Shining Litany: 122/166
(Ronfar's Attack: 93/1)
(Ronfar's Anger Dice: 60/60)
Jean's Blue Dragon Palm: 395/81
(Jean's Soul Kiss: 92/136)
Lemina's Ice Arrows: 276/321
(Lucia's Napalm Shot: 114/158)
(All regular physical attacks to 1 damage per swing to Black Fiend!)
Lightning Wings: ~40 MT magical MP damage (goes first)
Colour Breath: 190 GT magic damage (slightly slower than Ronfar, 62 speed?)
Black Shock: 120 MT magic damage, 10/16 paralysis (slightly slower than Ronfar, 62 speed?)
Buzzsaw: 230 magic, lowish (not well-tested) chance of Sleep, possibly Charm as well? (goes after Jean)
-Colour Breath hits an unusually large AoE; my initial setup involved one PC in the centre and one in each corner of the battlefield, and Black Fiend was able to hit all five by targetting the centre! Don’t do what I do, kids.
-Paralysis is nasty; no actions for you (also +50% physical damage received, but that’s not relevant here). Its duration is random. It seems to always persist after the round it is applied, and then have a 25% chance to end after any subsequent round, so the target will lose 5 turns on average (6 if they're slower). Yikes.
Comments: Don't try to kill her with physicals, and be immune to paralysis (preferably sleep too) or prepare to lose. Past that, the Black Fiend has some mediocre MP-draining and some really solid/speedy non-elemental magical offence. The raw HP is the lowest of any major EBC boss (still better than all the disc 2 humans of course) but it suffices to outslug most Heavy mages unless they themselves spoil magic right back.
Low Godlike.
Red FiendHP 11000 (4.06 PCHP)
Def 100 (to a 188 avg, takes 15% extra)
MDef 0 (to a 114 avg, takes 19% extra)
Takes 1.5x from Ice, 0.33x from Fire
Party stats: Level 45, HP 306, Speed 106/89/72/55, Def 200, MDef 94
Damage to average/her:
Hiro's Poe Sword: 347/391
Ronfar's Attack: 166/254
(Ronfar's Shining Litany: 121/178)
Jean's Blue Dragon Palm: 434/478
(Jean's Dopple Dance: 203/247 over 3 turns)
Lemina's Ice Arrows: 293/525
(Lucia's Atomic Burn: 163/220)
Firey Rage: 270 MT fire magic damage, changes field to fire (goes last)
Flamebreath: 190 fire magic damage to a line (goes after Ronfar)
Pentagram Aura: Raises Atk by ~60 and Mag by ~30. As usual, this fades with each turn (a notable amount of the effect is gone even after turn 1). This raises the damage of the appropriate moves by approximately the amount of the stat, before field multipliers. (goes first)
Inferno Tackle: 160 fire physical damage (goes after Jean)
Notes: I'm not completely certain Inferno Tackle is physical, especially since I can't recall any other elemental physical in Lunar (EDIT: found an enemy in the final dungeon with another). But it fits the numbers I have. As for the fire field, you should know roughly how the it works by now: this one is +50% fire damage, -10% ice and wind damage.
Comments: Every use of Firey Rage beyond the first is MT overkill; you can slow it down without fire resistance, but not really stop it from being nasty. Fire immunity would be another matter, of course, and any DL opponents with that can enjoy a free win. But if they don't have that... yikes. That's a crazy amount of damage and durability, even if the speed on the money move is awful. I imagine Inferno Tackle will do more damage over time by many views, after an initial Firey Rage to set the field up.
Fake Althena (the DL tends to call her False Althena)
HP 10000 (3.46 PCHP)
Def 10 (to a 191 avg, takes 30% extra)
MDef 10 (to a 104 avg, takes 15% extra)
Party stats: Level 47, HP 321, Speed 109/92/72/57, Def 212, MDef 100
Damage to average/her:
Hiro’s Poe Sword: 355/445
Ronfar’s Attack: 179/360
(Ronfar’s Shining Litany: 142/187)
Jean’s Blue Dragon Palm: 473/557
(Jean’s Dopple Dance: 224/315 over 3 turns)
Lemina’s Ice Arrows: 312/359
(Lucia’s Atomic Burn: 177/224)
Prayer: Defence +6. Increases her physical durability by 1%! (goes after Hiro)
Staff Throw: 230 MT physical damage (goes after Ronfar)
Stinger: 90 physical damage, inflicts Deadly Poison (goes after Ronfar)
Five Orbs: 220 magic damage (goes last)
Ray: 500 lightning magic damage to a (wide) line. (goes first)
Notes: Deadly Poison takes off 20% MHP damage at the end of each round, and can be fatal. It’s blocked by the same blockers as Poison and might well be the same status with a different number attached for all I know.
Comments: Everyone knows about her by now. Ray is crazy good; it hits half the field and if she hits someone who she hit last round they’ll die even if they resist lightning. In the DL, holy crap at that speed/damage combo. Lightning resistance makes her far more reasonable but she still has two flavours of solid 2HKO backup, and nice HP.
Godlike and can champ in the right field, as we’ve seen.
Zophar Form 1
HP 16000 (2.39 PCHP)
Def 300 (to a 210 avg, cuts by 10%)
MDef ~140* (to a 114 avg, cuts by 2%)
Party stats: Level 51, HP 370, **Spd 119/99/77/72/62 (Jean/Hiro/Ronfar/Leo/Lemina), Def 223, MDef 102
*Note: Zophar’s listed MDef stat at RPGClassics is 180, but this doesn’t fit the numbers from my testing at all. I had similar problems with his second form. All MDef figures for Zophar are estimates, as such, but fortunately Catastrophe is so strong that his exact MDef isn’t too important.
**Note: With the Goddess Crest obtained after defeating False Althena, it is possible to greatly power up one other crest. I’ve chosen to use this on the speed-boosting crest, which causes the person with both to gain first strike. If you want to scale this against Zophar (and Ghaleon) in some way, feel free. This mechanic does require some experimentation within the equipment menu to learn about. Note that if you don’t use the Goddess Crest in this way you might use it to juice up some other stat by 50. (e.g. 355 more damage from Triple Sword!)
Damage to average/him:
Hiro’s Triple Sword: 1478/1343
Ronfar’s Attack: 174/84
(Ronfar’s Shining Litany: 152/139)
Jean’s Blue Dragon Palm: 482/437
(Jean’s Slam Dance: 451/406 over 3 turns, dispellable)
Lemina’s Catastrophe: 988/975
Leo’s Soul Blade: 699/654
Explosive Rain: 215 MT magic damage (goes last)
Ghost Aura: 215 magic damage, ~60% silence (goes last)
Crackle: 265 GT magic damage (goes after Leo)
Light Beams: 315 magic damage (similar speed to Ronfar)
Notes: When this battle ends, any dead PCs are revived to 1 HP and all statuses are removed (as is normal at the end of Lunar EBC battles), and the game proceeds immediately to the next form.
Comments: All magic and a bit sluggish, with no tricks beyond a questionable-accuracy silence. This will never threaten you in-game. Still, he hits pretty hard and can sap some resources which are better saved for the next form. This entry is probably not DL relevant.
Zophar Form 2A
There are five targets in this battle: Zophar and four hands: two “real”, closest to his body and two “fake”, closer to the PCs. In this phase, only the fake hands can act or take damage. However, Zophar’s main body and two real hands are still legal targets, and will draw attacks from Slam Dance, cause Catastrophe to unfocus, etc. The battle lasts six rounds, ending in a loss for the PCs if they are wiped out but otherwise can not end before then, even if the two near hands are destroyed. Note that the near hands act using Lucia’s spells, obviously absorbing her energy (which is also implied to be why the rest of Zophar is invincible). This phase should probably be ignored for DL purposes.
Near hand skillset (each living near hand gets one action per round)
Plasma Rain: 75 MT magic damage (goes first)
Napalm Shot: 140 magic damage (goes first)
Lightning Bomb: 100 GT magic damage (goes first)
Note: Just like Lucia’s versions, the above are not fire/lightning elemental, despite the names.
Zophar Form 2B
After the six rounds of the previous phase are up, Lucia will escape from Zophar and will fully heal the party’s HP and MP, as well as (unfortunately) removing any positive status on them. Any damage dealt to Zophar’s fake hands remains, and if they are already dead, they stay dead. This battle is won when Zophar’s main body is destroyed; all hands are optional targets. Each living part acts once per round, as you might expect.
Main bodyHP 17000 (2.54 PCHP)
Def 280 (cuts by 8%)
MDef ~150 (cuts by 3%)
See form 1 for PC stats and damage. Form 2’s defences are slightly different, of course (and vary by part), but the overall damage is very much in the same area, outside the effects of type resistances and weaknesses which are listed. Average HP is 370 if you don’t want to go looking up for that.
Status Ball: 95 physical damage, even probability of Poison, Sleep, Silence, Paralyse, and Charm. Always tries to add one of the above statuses, and will only fail due to immunity. (goes first)
Asphyxiate: 190 physical damage (goes first)
Acid Orb: 135 magic damage (goes first)
The following unlock once one of Zophar’s real arms is destroyed. I think lowering him below a certain HP threshold also unlocks them, but I didn’t test this.
Dispel All: Removes all positive status, hits everyone on the field. Probably gets rid of field effects too. (goes first)
Fate Storm: 7300 (!!!) magic damage (goes last)
Gold Flash: 295 physical damage (goes last)
Meteor Swarm: 220 MT magic damage (goes last)
Real left handHP 6000 (0.90 PCHP)
Def 280 (cuts by 8%)
MDef ~150 (cuts by 3%, or 68% after resistance)
Takes 0.33x from all magic
Healing: Heals slightly over 20% of target’s max HP (goes after Hiro)
HP Drain: 260 magic damage, heals self and all allies by amount of damage dealt, does not unfocus (goes after Hiro)
MP Drain: ~130 MP damage, restores own and all allies’ MP by amount of damage dealt, does not unfocus; seems to be untyped? (goes after Hiro)
Blue Pillar: 360 magic damage (goes after Hiro)
Dispel: Removes positive status from one target (goes after Hiro)
Real right handHP 7000 (1.05 PCHP)
Def 280 (cuts by 8%, or 69% after resistance)
MDef ~150 (cuts by 3%, or takes 45% extra after weakness)
Takes 1.5x from all magic, 0.33x from all physicals
Tempest, Pyro Pillar, Ice Wall, Rock Riot, Thunder Bomb: 285 GT elemental damage (goes last)
(The elements are, respectively: wind, fire, ice, earth, lightning.)
Fake hands (x2)
HP ~7500 (1.12 PCHP). The most reliable resource I have for boss HP is silent on the exact number, but it’s close to this. Might be 8000. Remember that they can be damaged/destroyed during Form 2A, so you may not want to consider them at all.
Def 250 (cuts by 5%)
MDef ~130 (cuts by 1%)
Force Palm: 145 physical damage (goes after Hiro)
-Charm is not undone by damage, and causes the target to use a one-hit physical against random allies. If it wears off with time I haven’t seen it. I’m not sure what it does when the target has no allies,, probably causes them to do nothing? I’ll test this later.
-Note that being under one EBC status makes you immune to all the rest. It’s actually a good thing to be hit by poison in this battle, especially since Zophar’s is the non-deadly, 10% version.
Comments: It’s Zophar; he has rightly earned a reputation as one of the nastiest final bosses in an RPG and one of the RPGDL’s top duellers. He can swing a bit with interpretation: whether you allow his arms (and which ones), whether you allow the arms’ skillsets if you don’t, the unlock point of his “limit” moves, and the interaction of Fate Storm and death immunity. But he’s always nasty: the combination of Status Ball, Blue Pillar, and Fate Storm ensures this, and if you give him 3-5 turns a round at the start of the fight he just gets better. Contrary to popular belief he even has some physical damage in there, enough to handle the likes of Wugui and Worker 8 at least.
High Godlike.