Author Topic: Revelations: Persona  (Read 3718 times)


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Revelations: Persona
« on: December 24, 2007, 08:29:06 PM »
Characters are taken at character and persona level 62, which is the level of the highest normal ultimate persona (i.e., non-Chris ultimate).  There are two levels used in the game, character and persona level.  Character level affects the character's base stats, like normal levels in any other game would, while persona level only affects what level persona the character can use.  These two do not need to be equal, although will usually be close.  Not that it really matters much for anyone except Chris (has 3 personas at levels above this, 66, 77, and 99).  For Naoya, whose stats are controlled by the player, I have built him completely average.

All equipment is...odd.  Guns, bullets, and armour are all storebought, while "melee" weapons are only found.  Melee weapons are entirely unique except in the case of Naoya and Ellen.  Naoya and Ellen begin with really shitty weapons, so starters aren't too helpful.  However, since Ellen is optional, you can arguably consider them some-what unique to Naoya, and screw Ellen out, or screw both of them out, or just let them both use whatever.  I'm defaulting to allowing both of them to use the commonly dropped/found items; if you allow neither of them to use any other weapons except starting ones, Naoya is NAKED (but is given a Rapier near the beginning) and Ellen starts with a Rapier (+25 Melee Attack, +10 Melee Accuracy, 1 Hit).  This really only affects Ellen's Deathbound and physical damage, as Naoya's ultimate is basically all magical.  All Guys are Equipped with Yaksha Helms, Armours, Gloves, and Boots; All Girls are equipped with Star Helms, Armours, Gloves, and Boots.  The only pieces of equipment listed in the character set-ups are the melee and gun weapons.  Silver Tip bullets are utilized in for the characters as default.  For the weapons, a "X Hit" means how many hits the weapon deals.  If it says 3-6, then the attack hits 3-6 times.
Listed personas are the character ultimates.  Every character with the exception of Chris has only 2 personas to choose from, starter and ultimate.  The starters are generally not worth it by the end of the game, but I will add them later (not that they usually will have a huge effect, but hey, why not be complete).

Exact Equipment specs:

Star Helm: +35 Defense, +13 Dodge, +2 Melee/Gun Accuracy, +1 Agility, +6 Luck
Star Armour: +66 Defense, +24 Dodge, +1 Melee/Gun Accuracy, +1 Agility, +1 Luck
Star Glove: +30 Defense, +16 Dodge, +1 Agility, +1 Luck
Star Boots: +36 Defense, +19 Dodge, +3 Melee/Gun Accuracy, +1 Gun Attack, +6 Agility, +1 Luck

Yaksha Mask: +33 Defense, +10 Dodge, +1 Melee/Gun Accuracy, +1 Vitality, +1 Technique
Yaksha Suit: +68 Defense, +22 Dodge, +1 Melee/Gun Accuracy, +6 Vitality, +1 Technique
Yaksha Hand: +30 Defense, +17 Dodge, +3 Melee/Gun Attack, +6 Melee/Gun Accuracy, +1 Vitality, +6 Technique
Yaksha Feet: +31 Defense, +12 Dodge, +1 Melee/Gun Accuracy, +1 Vitality, +1 Technique

Silver Tip: +49 Gun Attack, inflicts Terror status

HP: Hit Points, dur
SP: Spell Points, needed to use person skills; a Persona uses a set number of spell points for each skill in their skill list, no cost variation between skills
STR: Strength, physical attack power
VIT: Vitality, physical defense power
TEC: Technique, affects power and accuracy of physical attacks (both melee and gun)
AGI: Agility, accuracy, evade rate and action speed, as well as playing a role in defense
LUC: Luck, affects everything, particularly evasion and criticals

OMP: Offensive Magic Power, specific to the persona
DMP: Defensive Magic Power, specific to the persona

Oooookay.  Fun stuff.  Definition time!

Strong: X (where X is an element like Fire, or something more general like Physical, or even All) - This means approximately a 67% reduction to all attacks of that sort.

Weak: X - Think Strong: X, except you get hurt for 2/3 more damage.

Reflect: X - All attacks of that specific type get reflected. It does not, however, reflect positive magic, so it's more like Fendspell than a FF Reflect.  Note that this also applies to weapons that have that element attached to them.  If a Persona is Reflect: Magic, then ALL weapons with an elemental attribute will be reflected, UNLESS the weapon corresponds to their weakness (if there is one)

Absorb X: The Persona absorbs it, whether it be magic, an element, or even physical attacks. If a Persona absorbs magic, like Remy, they absorb ALL magic (including elemental weapons), EXCEPT for magic of their weakness.

No Effect X: This Persona is unaffected by it, whether it's magic, a physical, etc.

Innate: If a Persona has an innate element (Earth, Fire, etc.), then it will take ~33% more damage from the opposing element, and reduce their innate element by ~33%.

Statuses are separated into Nerve (physical) and Mind (mental) statuses.  Most Persona statuses wear off after 3 rounds. Being attacked will not break Sleep, Charm, etc. The effects can be reapplied each round, and this also has the effect of strengthening the status, in most cases.  These status accuracy rates only change based on alignments and LUC. 

Charm (affected character will never hurt the person who charmed them, or their allies; the afflicted can heal enemies, attack allies, etc.)
Berserk (boosts physical damage by 2x, but can only use physical attacks)
Happy (skips turns doing nothing; at higher levels, both defenses drop to nothing)
Panic (completely and utterly random acts, generally similar to confusion status in other games)
Terror (affected runs attempts run away; damage taken increases as status level increases, up to 3x at max level)
Wildman (berserk, only that the afflicted casts magic instead of using physicals)
Guilt (can only use magic)
Unlucky (luck drops to nothing; at higher levels, characters cannot avoid attacks, and are completely 100% suceptible to Death, Petrify, Paralyze, Poison and Sickness)

Poison (1/16 HP damage per action, and lowers target's attack power by 25%; doesn't wear off)
Bind (character cannot act)
Shock (lightning elemental paralysis; characters become weaker to water/ice magic as the effects get worse, taking up to 3x damage at max level)
Frozen (cold elemental paralysis; character becomes weaker to lightning magic as the effects get worse, taking up to 3x damage at max level)
Closed (only close-range melee attacks can be used, ie, no guns or Personae can be used)
Sleep (typical sleep status; lowers both defenses and evade to nothing at higher levels)
Sick (1/8 HP damage per action, does not wear off in battle)
Blind (major decrease in accuracy and evasion; at higher levels nullifies magic casting abilities)
Stone (the usual stone status, doesn't wear off in battle; target also loses all evade, has lowered defense and is more susceptible to critical hits)
Cloaked (total physical immunity, cannot be nulled)
Attack Back (100% physical counter)
Puppet (cannot be targetted)
Mute (Personae are rendered unusable)
Paralyze (character cannot act, and the target loses 1/16 of their SP each round, as well as loses all evade; does not wear off in battle)

Naoya Toudou
HP: x
SP: x
STR: x
VIT: x
TEC: x
AGI: x
LUC: x

Close Knife: +110 Melee Attack, +44 Melee Accuracy, 1 Hit
Mini Gun: +20 Gun Attack, +59 Gun Accuracy, 4-6 Hits
*Bastard Gun: +29 Gun Attack, +63 Gun Accuracy, 3-5 Hits
**Dragos: +25 Gun Attack, +33 Gun Accuracy, 0-7 Hits

- 20 SP
- Absorb: Blast
- Weak: Physical
- Elemental Innate

Melee Power: x
Melee Accuracy: x
Gun Power: x
Gun Accuracy: x
OMP: x
DMP: x
Defense: x
Dodge: x

Melee Attack: x
Gun Attack: x

Blue Fire:
Boss Damage:

Mary Sonomura
HP: 398
SP: 612
STR: 44
VIT: 50
TEC: 60
AGI: 67
LUC: 55

Light Bow: +86 Melee Attack, +65 Melee Accuracy, +1 Defense, +3 Dodge, +1 Gun Accuracy, +3 Agility, 1 Hit
*Laser Bow: +16 Melee Attack, +48 Melee Accuracy, +3 Luck, 0-7 Hits (50 damage per hit)
**Close Bow: +13 Melee Attack, +40 Melee Accuracy, 1 Hit, AoE (48 damage, 10% chance to inflict Close Status)
***Bind Bow: +19 Melee Attack, +21 Melee Accuracy, 1-3 Hits (51 damage per hit, 10% chance per hit to inflict Bind Status)
Longbeard: +109 Gun Attack, +77 Gun Accuracy, 1 Hit
*Thunderer: +33 Gun Attack, +71 Gun Accuracy, 3 Hits (68 damage per hit, 5% critical rate)

- 20 SP
- Strong: Magic
- Holylight Innate

Melee Power: 172
Melee Accuracy: 171
Gun Power: 204
Gun Accuracy: 183
OMP: 217
DMP: 207
Defense: 258
Dodge: 171

Melee Attack: 95 physical bow damage, 5% critical rate
Gun Attack: 129 physical gun damage, 5% critical rate, 10% chance to inflict Terror status

Cure All: Heals 226 HP, MT
Revive: Revives target with 25% MHP
Heal: Heals 462 HP
Elixer All: Full healing, MT
Holy White: 324 magical light damage, AoE
Blue Fire: 370 magical fire damage, AoE

Nate Nanjo
HP: 522
SP: 499
STR: 60
VIT: 65
TEC: 49
AGI: 71
LUC: 85

Exorsword: +46 Melee Attack, +71 Melee Accuracy, +4 Technique, +2 Gun Attack, +4 Gun Accuracy, +2 Dodge, 4-6 Hits
Pulse Gun: +37 Gun Attack, +61 Gun Accuracy, 2-4 Hits

- 20 SP
- Reflect: Magic
- Weak: Spear
- Holylight Innate

Melee Power: 140
Melee Accuracy: 172
Gun Power: 127
Gun Accuracy: 172
OMP: 229
DMP: 199
Defense: 265
Dodge: 173

Melee Attack: 88 physical sword damage per hit, 50% critical rate per hit, 35% chance per hit to inflict Terror Status
Gun Attack: 78 physical gun damage per hit, 50% critical rate per hit, 25% chance per hit to inflict Terror status

Sleep Song: 90% chance of inflicting sleep, MT
Love Whip: 245 physical whip damage, 15% critical rate, 70% chance of inflicting charm, AoE
Elixer: Full healing
Magic Wall: Reflects next negative spell targeted at the recipient, MT
Light All: 444 magical light damage, deals 10% of target's CHP at the end of each round (including initial round) and cannot kill the target; to targets weak to light, it deals 50% MHP each round and can kill the target; this can also be applied as a 50% MHP regen effect to those who absorb Light, MT
Kill Punch: 365 physical tackle damage, 40% critical rate, 50% chance of inflicting Terror status

Mark Inaba
HP: 651
SP: 506
STR: 76
VIT: 55
TEC: 70
AGI: 48
LUC: 51

Holy Axe: +181 Melee Attack, +60 Melee Accuracy, +3 Agility, +1 Gun Attack, +2 Gun Accuracy, +2 Defense, +3 Dodge, 1 Hit
Pendragon: +80 Gun Attack, +70 Gun Accuracy, 1 Hit

- 20 SP
- Reflect: Ray
- Weak: Spirit (light and dark)
- Physical Innate

Melee Power: 304
Melee Accuracy: 164
Gun Power: 176
Gun Accuracy: 176
OMP: 224
DMP: 184
Defense: 244
Dodge: 152

Melee Attack: 210 physical axe damage, 10% critical rate (critical deals 3x damage instead of 2x)
Gun Attack: 98 physical gun damage, 10% critical rate, 10% chance to inflict Terror status, AoE

Bone Crush: 255 physical tackle damage, 20% critical rate (critical deals 3x damage instead of 2x)
Eternity: 358 magical dark damage, AoE
Gale Wind: 308 magical wind damage, AoE
Kill Punch: 395 physical tackle damage, 15% critical rate, 25% chance of inflicting Terror Status
Sonic: 396 magical sonic damage, AoE

Brad Uesegi
HP: x
SP: x
STR: x
VIT: x
TEC: x
AGI: x
LUC: x

spear: x
Mini Gun: +20 Gun Attack, +59 Gun Accuracy, 4-6 Hits
*Bastard Gun: +29 Gun Attack, +63 Gun Accuracy, 3-5 Hits
**Dragos: +25 Gun Attack, +33 Gun Accuracy, 0-7 Hits

JUSTICE Darkside
- 20 SP
- Reflect: Ray
- Weak: Spirit (light and dark)
- Physical Innate

Melee Power: x
Melee Accuracy: x
Gun Power: x
Gun Accuracy: x
OMP: x
DMP: x
Defense: x
Dodge: x

Melee Attack: x
Gun Attack: x

Death Kick:
Sonic Wave:
Gravity All:

Alana Ayase
HP: x
SP: x
STR: x
VIT: x
TEC: x
AGI: x
LUC: x

whip: x
Longbeard: +109 Gun Attack, +77 Gun Accuracy, 1 Hit

- 20 SP
- Reflect: Tremor (earth)
- Weak: Physical
- Elemental Innate

Melee Power: x
Melee Accuracy: x
Gun Power: x
Gun Accuracy: x
OMP: x
DMP: x
Defense: x
Dodge: x

Melee Attack: x
Gun Attack: x

Quake All
Gishin All
Mystery Hit
Holy Bound

Ellen Kirishima
HP: 533
SP: 498
STR: 60
VIT: 40
TEC: 64
AGI: 74
LUC: 52

Close Knife: +110 Melee Attack, +44 Melee Accuracy, 1 Hit
Pulse Gun: +37 Gun Attack, +61 Gun Accuracy, 2-4 Hits

JUDGMENT St. Michael
- 20 SP
- Reflect: Magic
- Weak: Spear
- Holylight Innate

Melee Power: 214
Melee Accuracy: 158
Gun Power: 136
Gun Accuracy: 175
OMP: 233
DMP: 208
Defense: 252
Dodge: 180

Melee Attack: 103 physical sword damage, 10% critical rate
Gun Attack: 62 physical gun damage per hit, 10% critical rate per hit, 10% chance to inflict Terror status

Deathbound: 200 physical sword damage, 10% critical rate, AoE
STRup: Doubles physical damage and critical damage (4x instead of 2x), MT
Light All: 486 magical light damage, deals 10% of target's CHP at the end of each round (including initial round) and cannot kill the target; to targets weak to light, it deals 50% MHP each round and can kill the target; this can also be applied as a 50% MHP regen effect to those who absorb Light, MT
Para Eyes: 60% chance of inflicting paralyze
POW Return: Dispels all positive statuses, MT
Physi Wall: Reflects next negative physical attack, MT

Chris Kido
HP: x
SP: x
STR: x
VIT: x
TEC: x
AGI: x
LUC: x

fist: x
Pulse Gun: +37 Gun Attack, +61 Gun Accuracy, 2-4 Hits

- 20 SP
- No Effect: Spirit (light and dark)
- Evildark Innate

Melee Power: x
Melee Accuracy: x
Gun Power: x
Gun Accuracy: x
OMP: x
DMP: x
Defense: x
Dodge: x

Melee Attack: x
Gun Attack: x

Curse All
Magic Seal
Petri Eyes
Kill Punch


HP: xx
1) Mark - 651
2) Ellen - 533
3) Nate - 522
4) Mary - 398

Defense: xx
1) Nate - 265
2) Mary - 258
3) Ellen - 252
4) Mark - 244

DMP: xx
1) Ellen - 208
2) Mary - 207
3) Nate - 199
4) Mark - 184

AGI: x
1) Ellen - 74
2) Nate - 71
3) Mary - 67
4) Mark - 48

Damage: xxx
1) Ellen - 486 (Light All)
2) Nate - 444 (Light All)
3) Mark - 396 (Sonic)
4) Mary - 370 (Blue Fire)

Since the only quest technically available is SEBEC in the US release of the game, Yuki is a complete temp.  These are her stats taken right before she leaves SEBEC for good, right before returning to the school.  Levels are taken at 11, with maxed rank starting personas.  The party is set at this point, with no shops or anything else (no guns yet), so there aren't too many options or confounding factors right now.  Everyone is equipped with a Uniform (+8 Defense, +2 Dodge) and Cloth Shoes (+2 Defense, +2 Dodge).  Ellen starts with a Gauntlet (+2 Defense, +1 Dodge).  No other equipment is buyable at this time.  Only Mark, Ellen, and Yuki have weapons.

Yukino Mayuzumi
HP: 109
SP: 100
STR: 18
VIT: 18
TEC: 17
AGI: 14
LUC: 15

Razor: +5 Melee Attack, +10 Melee Accuracy, 1 Hit, AoE

- 20 SP
- Absorb: Fire
- Weak: Spirit (light and dark)
- Physical Innate

Melee Power: 33
Melee Accuracy: 37
OMP: 75
DMP: 75
Defense: 37
Dodge: 29

Melee Attack: 27 physical sword damage, 10% critical rate, AoE

Blast: 67 magical nuclear/heat damage
Cure: Heals 90 HP
Flash: 67 magical flash damage
Red Fire: 134 magical fire damage, AoE
Blastmore: 160 magical nuclear/heat damage


HP: 108
1) Mark - 126
2) Yuki - 109
3) Naoya - 104
4) Ellen - 101
5) Nate - 99

SP: 97
1) Yuki - 100
2) Nate - 99
3) Naoya - 98
4) Ellen - 95
5) Mark - 91

STR: 18
1) Mark - 20
2) Naoya - 19
3) Yuki - 18
4) Nate - 17
5) Ellen - 17

VIT: 16
1) Nate - 19
2) Yuki - 18
3) Mark - 17
4) Naoya - 15
5) Ellen - 13

TEC: 15
1) Yuki - 17
2) Nate - 16
3) Mark - 15
4) Ellen - 14
5) Naoya - 13

LUC: 15
1) Mark - 16
2) Ellen - 16
3) Naoya - 16
4) Yuki - 15
5) Nate - 14

OMP: 73
1) Naoya - 86
2) Ellen - 77
3) Yuki - 75
4) Mark - 68
5) Nate - 60

Defense: 37
1) Yuki - 37
2) Ellen - 37
3) Nate - 37
4) Naoya - 36
5) Mark - 36

Dodge: 31
1) Ellen - 36
2) Naoya - 32
3) Mark - 29
4) Yuki - 29
5) Nate - 27

Melee Power: 38
1) Mark - 52
2) Ellen - 51
3) Yuki - 33
4) Naoya - 27
5) Nate - 27

Melee Accuracy: 32
1) Ellen - 38
2) Yuki - 37
3) Mark - 33
4) Naoya - 26
5) Nate - 25

DMP: 76
1) Nate - 90
2) Ellen - 89
3) Yuki - 75
4) Naoya - 67
5) Mark - 58

AGI: 16
1) Ellen - 20
2) Naoya - 18
3) Mark - 14
4) Yuki - 14
5) Nate - 12

Damage: 122
1) Yuki - 175 (Blastmore)
2) Mark - 139 (Rapid Fall)
3) Ellen - 112 (Sonar)
4) Nate - 96 (Holy White)
5) Naoya - 89 (Wind)
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 12:42:29 AM by OblivionKnight »
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory


  • Boom! Big reveal: I'm a pickle. What do you think about that?
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Re: Revelations: Persona
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2007, 08:30:27 PM »
From Neph.

I recently got to Guido in my Persona playthrough, so here are some stats on him.

Guido Kandori:

HP: 2000~
Slower than the whole party

Absorbs Darkness
Weak to Holy
Strong against All other Elements


Defend: Reduces all damage taken by 50%

Bind: MT Paralysis, 50% Hit rate
Eternity: 65~ Darkness Damage
AirSlice: 90 Wind/Physical Damage
Death: I'd probably venture a 50/50 shot, but he never cast it on anyone who wasn't immune, so I have no idea.
Ceaseheal: Renders Target unable to be healed

Damage to him:

Nate's Holywhite: 200~300
Everything else: Around 80-95

After losing all his health, Guido is absorbed by the power of his Persona, Massacre (aka: Nyarlathotep in the Japanese version) and becomes...

Super Guido (God Kandori)

HP: 5500~

Seems to be about average speed.

Absorbs Holy
Weak to Darkness

Defend: Reduces all damage taken by 50%

Physical: 75~ Damage
Triple Hit: 3 Hits of 60~80 damage
HolyWord: 85~ Holy Damage, Group MT
Lighting: 150 Damage, Full MT
Hell Eyes: Death, I'd imagine it's 50% as well.
Crazyvoice: Confusion, 100% Group MT (3 Turns)

Damage to him:

Nate's Force: 400~
Mark's Judgement: 600~
Mary's Eternity: 350~

And here's Pandora! I'm sure everyone cares.

HP:  Around 3500

Speed: Faster than Mark, slower than everyone else.


Devil Smile: Paralysis
Glacier: 250 Ice Damage, chance to freeze target.
Para Needle: 135~ MT Physical damage (Chance to Paralyze?)

Physical After STR Up: 50 (...)

Main's Bossdamage: 485
Chris's Killpunch: 45
Mary's HolyWhite: 162
Mark's Sonic: 194
Nate's Lovewhip: 57

Pandora 2:

HP: 13,000~

Speed: Varies a lot, have seen her go first and last.

She can transform between 'red hair' and 'blue hair' Pandora, which give different abilities and resistances.

(Red hair)

Absorbs: Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth
Reflect: Ice

(Blue Hair)

Strong Against All?


(Red Hair)
GlacierAll: 150 Ice Damage, MT, chance to freeze
WingFlap: 36 Damage?
CeaseHeal: Prevents healing from affecting the target.
B-Storm: 170 Non-Elemental (physical?) Damage, random status.

(Blue Hair)
AllGuard: Nullifies attacks for one round.
Symphony: Inflicts Bad Luck.
Heal: 338 Healing
STR Drop: Lowers Strength by 1/2? (I don't know. OK?)
Def Up: Increases Defense
POW Return: Dispels positive buffs on enemies, MT

Main's BossDamage: 622
Nate's Lovewhip: 91, 15 to Blue Hair
Mark's Bonecrush: 277, 50 to Blue Hair
Mary's HolyWhite: 304 to Red Hair, 64 to Blue Hair
[11:53] <+Meeple_Gorath> me reading, that's a good one

[19:26] * +Terra_Condor looks up. Star Wars Football, what?
[19:27] <+Terra_Condor> Han Kicks First?
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Vader intercepts.
[19:27] <%Grefter-game> Touchdown and Alderaan explodes in the victory