
Author Topic: Digital Devil Saga 1 (Full)  (Read 3476 times)


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Digital Devil Saga 1 (Full)
« on: August 27, 2008, 09:54:15 PM »
All data herein, unless otherwise note, is credited to Fenrir.


And now for the PCs. That took far too long, for a game that will probably never get in.

I gave everyone the mantras they get if they follow their initial paths, and didn't allow either ultimate mantras (Cost too damn much) or Dark Leader (The whole cast gets it). It goes like this:
Serph: Hunt and Ice.
Heat: Physical and Fire.
Argilla: Healing and Earth.
Gale: Death, Resurrection and Force.
Cielo: Expel and Electricity.

Serph's stat growths are entirely up to the player. Since Hunt skills arguably don't work on anyone in the DL, and since his physical skills aren't really excellent, I made him a tanky mage. Feel free to post other setups for Serph if you feel that they're more fit for duelling.
I didn't include him in the average since it reflects the cast far more; note that nothing else is special about Serph, so not putting him in the averages isn't unfair like not putting TNO in the P:T averages.

Every character has 8 skill slots, and can change them anytime outside of battle.
Every character can revert into their human forms, too. Human forms can only attack or change back to demon forms, don't have the strengths and weaknesses to elements/ailments of their demon forms, and are immune to Expel. Revert doesn't take a skill slot.
Skills in parenthesis are support skills, they work automatically.
Only skills that could potentially matter are listed. It's already too damn long.

Levels are 64 for everyone but Heat (63), who levels up slightly more slowly.
Damage tests were done against random enemies in the final dungeon.


HP: 562
MP: 660
Strength: 5
Vitality: 74
Magic: 99
Agility: 18
Luck: 16
Strong against Ice. Weak against Fire.

Attack: 76. Physical.

Bufudyne: 415. Ice. 12 MPs.
Mabufudyne: 362, MT. Ice. 32 MPs.
Hell Fang: 116. Physical. 89 HPs.
Mind Scream: 105. Inflicts Stun with a 0% hit rate! Physical. 134 HPs.
Frost Breath: 224 on average, random. Ice. 12 MPs.
(Ice Amp: Greatly increases Ice Attack damage.)
(Ice Boost: Increases Ice Attack damage)
(Ice Resist; Increases tolerance to ice attacks)

Bufu: 126. Ice. 3 MPs.
Bufula: 269. Ice. 6 MPs.
Mabufu: 91, MT. Ice. 8 MPs.
Mabufula: 249, MT. Ice. 16 MPs.
Venom Fang: 84, MT. Inflicts Poison with a 50% rate. Physical. 67 HPs.
Hell Thrust: 96. Physical. 67 HPs.
Devour: 45. Hunt. 67 HPs.
Consume: 75. Hunt. 84 HPs.
Feed Frenzy: 60. Hunt. 146 HPs.
Insatiable: 62. Hunt. 179 HPs.

Human form:
83. Petrifies an enemy with a 10% rate. (Dead End)
76. Charms an enemy with a 50% rate. (Charm Shot)

Comments: Ouch. The most versatile character in game is the least one in a duel. He can only win by spamming the slightly above average Bufudyne and hoping his tanky stats will allow him to survive. Light/Middle.


HP: 611 (470, without the Life skills considered)
MP: 372
Strength: 56
Vitality: 52
Magic: 28
Agility: 36
Luck: 38
Strong against Fire. Weak against Ice.

Attack: 120. Physical.

Executioner: 295. Physical. 117 HPs.
Power Charge: Next physical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.
Charm Slash: 180. Inflicts Charm with a 60% rate. Physical. 84 HPs.
(Quick Cure): Increases chances of recovering from status ailments each turn.
(Phys Resist) Halves physical attacks.
(Life Bonus): Raises Max HP by 10%.
(Life Gain): Raises Max HP by 20%.
(First Strike): Increases chances of acting first.
Agi: 79. Fire. 3 MPs.
Agilao: 177. Fire. 6 MPs.
Agidyne: 280. Fire. 12 MPs.
Maragi: 68, MT. Fire. 8 MPs.
Maragion: 125, MT. Fire. 16 MPs.
Maragidyne: 251, MT. Fire.  32 MPs.
Flame Breath: 140 on average, multi-hits. Fire. 12 MPs.

Poison Dart: 126 on average. Physical. 52 MPs.
Venom Claw: 157. Inflicts Poison with a 20% rate. Physical. 56 HPs.
Raving Slash: 162. Physical. Inflicts Panic with a 50% rate. 56 HPs.
Death Spray: 150 on average. /O Physical. 65 HPs.
Stun Needle: 150 on average. Inflicts Stun with a 60% rate. 70 HPs.
Mad Rush: 145 on average. Random. 70 HPs.
Double Slash: 155 on average. Random. 79 HPs.
Comatose: 180. Inflicts Sleep with a 40% rate. Physical. 79 HPs.
Sakura Rage: 247 on average, random. Inflicts Charm with a 10% rate. Physical. 108 HPs.
Power Wave: 165, MT. Physical. 98 HPs.
Death Blow: 165, MT. Inflicts Curse with a 60% rate. Physical. 103 HPs.
Chi Blast: 190, MT. Physical. 112 HPs.
Mute Blow: 265 at full HPs, gradually drops to around 200 minimum. Inflicts Mute with a 30% hit rate. Physical. 94 HPs.
Skull Cleave: 280 at full HPs, gradually drops to around 215 minimum. Physical. 98 HPs.
Demon Rage: 235 on average at full HPs, gradually drops to around 180 minimum. Physical. 122 HPs.
Vile Blade: 155 at full HPs, gradually drops to around 110 minimum. MT. Physical. 75 HPs.
Genocide: 230 at full HPs, gradually drops to around 180 minimum. MT. Physical. 126 HPs.
Gate of Hell: 260 at full HPs, gradually drops to around 215 minimum. MT. Inflicts stone with a 10% rate. Physical. 145 HPs.
Revelation: 220, MT. Inflicts Mute with a 30% rate. Physical. 136 HPs.
Devil Feast: ID. Hunt. 20%. 84 HPs.
Ingest: ID. Hunt. 30%. 103 HPs.
Great Feast: ID, MT. 20%. 159 HPs.

Taunt: Raises physical attacks (Effect of 2 Tarukaja) and lowers defense (Effect of 2 Rakundas), both physical and magical. Used on the enemies.

(Critical): Doubles Critical Rate.
(Counter): Randomly counters physical attacks. 150.
(Counterstrike): Randomly counters physical attacks. 191.
(High Counter): Randomly counters physical attacks.  217.
(Attack All): Normal attacks hits all enemies.
(Null Critical): Decreases chances of being critically hit.
(Close Call): OPB, revives after receiving a fatal blow and turns into the human form with 1 HP left.
(Fire Boost): Increases fire attack damage.
(Fire Amp): Greatly increases fire attack damage.

Human form:
35. Petrifies an enemy with a 10% rate. (Dead End)
30. Charms an enemy with a 50% rate. (Charm Shot)

Comments: Nasty. Anti physical, with an accurate charming move and Power Charge to take care of dealers. He's also the only DDS character who doesn't only depend on one element for damage. High Middle.


HP: 390
MP: 516
Strength: 36
Vitality: 31
Magic: 63
Agility: 41
Luck: 39
Strong against Earth. Weak against Force.

Attack: 103. Physical.

Teradyne: 384. Earth. 12 MPs.
Diarahan: Full Healing. 15 MPs.
(Null Charm): Nulls charm attacks.
(Null Panic): Nulls panic attacks.
(Null Mute): Nulls mute attacks.
(Null Nerve): Nulls nerve attacks. (Sleep/Stun)
(Earth Boost): Increases earth attack damage.
(Earth Amp): Greatly increases earth attack damage.
Tera: 116. Earth. 3 MPs.
Terazi: 222. Earth. 6 MPs.
Matera: 93, MT. Earth. 8 MPs.
Materazi: 216 , MT. Earth. 16 MPs.
Materadyne: 335, MT. Earth. 32 MPs.
Avalanche: 190 on average, multi-hits. Earth. 12 MPs.

Dia: Heals 110 HPs. 3 MPs.
Diarama: Heals 292 HPs. 7 MPs.
Media: Heals 83 HPs, MT. 10 MPs.
Mediarama: Heals 235 HPs, MT. 18 MPs.
Patra: Cures Charm/Sleep/Panic. 10 MPs.
Me Patra: Cures Charm/Sleep/Panic, MT. 15 MPs.
Closdi: Cures Mute. 5 MPs.
Posumidi: Cures Poison. 5 MPs.
Paralidi: Cures Stun. 5 MPs.
Petradi: Cures Stone: 5 MPs.
Cursedi: Cures Curse. 5 MPs.
Dream Haze: Sleep. 15%. 5 MPs.
Stun Sphere: Stun. 25%. 5 MPs.
Stun Wave: Stun, MT. 25%. 10 MPs.
Foul Breath: 50 on average, random. Inflicts Poison with a 50% rate. 8 MPs.
Tentarafoo: 120, MT. Inflicts Panic with a 40% rate. 24 MPs.
Sonic Wave: Panic. MT. 40%. 9 MPs.

(Null Poison): Nulls poison attacks.

Human form:
58. Petrifies an enemy with a 10% rate. (Dead End)
50. Charms an enemy with a 50% rate. (Charm Shot)

Comments: Straightforward mage, with good damage and full healing. Slightly below average Middle.


HP: 434
MP: 472
Strength: 48
Vitality: 42
Magic: 52
Agility: 42
Luck: 26
Strong against Force. Weak against Electricity.

Attack: 107. Physical.

Mamudoon: ID, MT. 80%. 25 MPs.
Zandyne: 351. Force. 12 MPs.
Mazandyne: 305, MT. Force. 32 MPs.
(Force Boost): Increases force elemental damage.
(Force Amp): Greatly increases force elemental damage.
(Death Resist): Halves ID odds.
Curse: Curse. 25%. 10 MPs.
Stone Gaze: Stone. 10%. 5 MPs.
Zan: 99. Force. 3 MPs.
Zanma: 200. Force. 6 MPs.
Mazan: 79, MT. Force. 8 MPs.
Mazanma: 185, MT. Force. 16 MPs.
Shock Wave: 170 on average, multi-hits. Force. 12 MPs.

Recarm: Revives with some HPs.
Samarecarm: Revives with full HPs.
Mudo: ID. 70%. 6 MPs.
Mudoon: ID. 30%. (Glitched?) 10 MPs.
Mamudo: ID, MT. 30%. 15 MPs.
Blood Curse: Curse, MT.. 15%. 15 MPs.

Human form:
54. Petrifies an enemy with a 10% rate. (Dead End)
46. Charms an enemy with a 50% rate. (Charm Shot)

Coments: Pure ID whore. Middle/Heavy.


HP: 406
MP: 432
Strength: 32
Vitality: 35
Magic: 42
Agility: 57
Luck: 45
Strong against Electricity. Weak against Ailments. (This does not include instant death and expel)

Attack: 109. Physical.

Cielo has ID, I don't have a save anymore but I'm assuming he has the same status rates as Gale:

Ziondyne: 323. Elec. 12 MPs.
Dormina: Sleep, MT. 45%. 9 MPs.
Calm Death: Kills sleeping enemies. 100%. 16 MPs.
Marin Karin: Charms. 75%. 5 MPs.
Mamudoon: ID, MT. 80%. 25 MPs.
(Death Resist): Halves ID odds.
(Elec Boost): Increases elec attack damage.
(Elec Amp): Greatly increases elec attack damage.
Zio: 83. Elec. 3 MPs.
Zionga: 179. Elec. 6 MPs.
Mazio: 64, MT. Elec. 8 MPs.
Mazionga: 165, MT. Elec. 16 MPs.
Maziondyne: 278, MT. Elec. 32 MPs.
Bolt Flare: 150 on average, multi-hits. Elec. 12 MPs.

Dekunda: Dispels stat-downs on the party. 10 MPs.
Dekaja: Dispels stat up spells on the opponents. 10 MPs.
Hama: Halves HPs. 85%. Expel. 6 MPs.
Hamaon: Reduces HPs by 2/3. 95%. Expel. 10 MPs.
Mahama: Halves HPs, MT. 50%. Expel. 15 MPs.
Mahamaon: Reduces HPs by 2/3, MT. 90%. Expel. 25 MPs.
Xanadu: 189, MT. Expel. 36 MPs.
Makajam: Mute. 35%. 4 MPs.
Makajamon: Mute. MT. 10%. 11 MPs.
Mudo: ID. 70%. 6 MPs.
Mudoon: ID. 30%. (Glitched?) 10 MPs.
Mamudo: ID, MT. 30%. 15 MPs.
Blood Curse: Curse, MT.. 15%. 15 MPs.
Pulinpa: Panic. 30%. 5 MPs.
Tarunda: Lowers physical attack, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.  12 MPs.
Sukunda: Lowers agility, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.  12 MPs.
Rakunda: Lowers defense, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. (Works for both physical and magical attacks) 12 MPs.
Makanda: Lowers magical attack, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. 12 MPs.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. 12 MPs.
Sukukaja: Raises agility, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. 12 MPs.
Rakukaja: Raises defense, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. (Works for both physical and magical attacks) 12 MPs.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. 12 MPs.

(Expel Resist): Halves expel odds or damage (in the case of Xanadu).

Human form:
50. Petrifies an enemy with a 10% rate. (Dead End)
43. Charms an enemy with a 50% rate. (Charm Shot)

Comments: A bunch of status including accurate instant death. Gale +, with a weakness to ailment. His stat game is just plain worthless, but dispels kind of help. Middle / Heavy.


(Serph:  415)
Argilla: 384
Gale: 351
Cielo: 323
Heat: 280
Average: 334

Heat: 611
(Serph: 562)
Gale: 434
Cielo: 406
Argilla: 390
Average: 460

(Serph: 74)
Heat: 52
Gale: 42
Cielo: 35
Argilla: 31
Average: 40

(Serph: 99)
Argilla: 63
Gale: 52
Cielo: 42
Heat: 28
Average: 46

Cielo: 57
Gale: 42
Argilla: 41
Heat: 36
(Serph: 18)
Average: 44

Cielo: 45
Argilla: 39
Heat: 38
Gale: 26
(Serph: 16)
Average: 37


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Re: Digital Devil Saga 1 (Full)
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 09:55:00 PM »
Rend, slaughter, devour your enemies!

You can use 3 characters in battle. I used Serph/Argilla/Gale when I could most of the time.

The game uses a Press Turn system, it's a bit hard to explain, check a faq or play the game for a more detailed explanation. It should matter far less in a duel than in game, anyway. (Not that they have a good chance to be ranked, unfortunately) The only thing that could matter is that a character (PC or enemy) that does a critical attack or hits a weakness only uses half a turn and immediatly acts again. (Hitting a weakness again won't give him another turn, though)
You might not respect the durability bosses with elemental weaknesses much, since they can be hit more times per round in game. Your choice. (And again, this won't really matter)


HP: I'll let you guess what it does.

MP: Same.

Strength: Physical attack power.

Agility: Affects evade and hit rate.

Vitality: Affects HPs and physical defense.

Magic: Magical power and defense.

Luck: Affects critical rate, chances to be hit by a status, chance to recover from a status, and item drops (Cielo for Godlike)


- Poison: 20% max HP damage after every attack. Much lowered physical attack damage. Doesn't wear off.

- Mute: Can't cast spells. Draining moves do a lot more damage against muted characters. Doesn't wear off.

- Sleep: Can't act for a while. Enemies have a higher chance of getting criticals, and a critical wakes you up immediatly.

- Panic: Panicked characters can drop money, do a random action, attack an ally physically, do nothing or just follow the normal order. Wears off after a while.

- Charm: Do stuff that helps the enemy. Attack an ally physically, healing or stat boosting the enemy. A charmed character can't attack himself. Wears off after a while.

- Hunger: Hungry characters start attacking the other PCs physically or lose around 1/5 of their max HPs. This is cured in game by an NPC. (The NPC appears once per round) I would completely ignore that status in a duel. Full status protection doesn't help agains it.

- Curse: A cursed character takes the same amount of damage as he deals.  ID protection stops this.

- Bat: Physicals do 10% damage, magic does 50% damage, and you take 2x more damage from everything, 4x from wind. Basically you suck. Victims recovers after a while, the recovery rate depends on luck. (On average, it lasts 3 turns)

- Stun: Accuracy and evade become incredibly low. Defense is also lowered if that wasn't enough. Doesn't wear off.

- Stone: = Death, basically.

- Shocked: Every attack against an electrified character will do a critical hit. Has a low chance to be inflicted after using any electricity spell.

- Frozen: Every attack against a frozen character will do a critical hit, and have a chance to instantly kill the victim. A frozen character also loses all its resistances and immunities. Has a low chance to be inflicted after using any ice spell.


Physical: Physical.
Hunt: Semi-Physical. If a Hunt skill is used on an opponent, it will be devoured. Hunt skills don't work on bosses.
Bullet: Usually the same as physicals, but critical against humans and birds.
Fire: Fire.
Ice: Ice.
Earth: Earth.
Electricity: Lightning.
Force: Wind.
Almighty: Non-elemental.

All bosses are immune to Expel, Death and Status magic., unless otherwise mentioned.


HP: 600.
Can be statused. Weak against Ice. Immune to Fire.

Attack: 15. Physical.
Skewer: 17. Fire.
Fire Storm: 25, MT. Fire.
Void Ice: Immune against Ice attacks this round. Worthless.

Average HP: 66
Average damage: 29 (Hitting a weakness) / 23.

Comments: Mm. He's alright for a first boss, I guess. Pretty average. High Light.

[size=16]Bat 1[/size]

HP: 666
Immune to Earth. Incredible magical defense. (Takes ~7 from every spell)

Bat has two patterns. (Get used to this) At the beginning, he only uses normal attacks. However, after losing roughly 80 HPs, he uses Rage, a spell and Guard every round. If he gets his ass kicked 2 times by earth attacks, he'll use a "First phase attack" like HP thief instead of Guard. (Yes, he learns his lesson!)

First phase:
Attack: 23. Physical.
Raving Slash: 30, adds Panic. 65%.
HP Thief: 20, parasistic. Considered an ailment.

Second phase:
Rage: Gets 2 Half Turns. = Can act two more times. Can't be used more than once per turn.
Guard: Becomes weak against earth and immune to physicals, everything else does 1 damage. Bat needs to recast Guard every turn.
Spiral Edge: 35, MT. Physical.
Maragi: 14. Fire.
Mabufu: 14. Ice.

Average HP: 106
Average damage: 39

Comments: Bat is pretty damn good. Unrankable if you allow him to use Guard, even. (Can only be hit with earth!) If you don't, Rage and insane magical defense are still enough to put him in Godlike.


HP: 2000.

Hell Thrust: 37. Physical.
Whirlwind: 37, MT. Force.
Marin Karin: Charms. 70%.
Summon: Summons an Unicorn. Unlimited, but she can only have 2 Unicorns at the same time.
Seraph Lore: 78% HP reduction. Expel. It's a combo with an Unicorn. (Takes both Jinana's and the Unicorn's turn)

Hp: 400.
Can be statused.
Attack: 26. Physical.
Hama: Halves HPs. Expel. I'll check odds later, it should be around 50%.
Body Rush: 30. Physical. Unimpressive accuracy.
Seraph Lore: 78% HP reduction. Expel. See above.

Average HP: 165.
Average damage: 60.

Comments: Edit: Whoops, Expel doesn't work on humans, meaning she fails. Still Heavy thanks to Charm, and those Unicorns racking up the damage.

[size=16]Bat 2[/size]

HP: 666.
Immune to Earth. Incredible magical defense.

Bat always goes first and uses that combo:
Psycho Rage: Gets 4 Half Turns.
Summon: Summon a Baphomet.
Summon: The Baphomet summons another Baphomet.
Guard: Becomes weak against earth and immune to physicals, everything else does 1 damage. The effect stays, Bat doesn't need to cast it again.
After the two Baphomets die, he loses the Guard Protection and his skills change. Note, you can kill him before his second phase.

First phase (With the Baphomets):
Void Expel: Becomes immune to Expel attacks this round. MT.
Void Earth: Becomes immune to Earth attacks this round. MT.

Second Phase (Without the Baphomets):
Rage: Gets 2 Half Turns. = Can act two more times. Can't be used more than once per turn.
Attack: 50. Physical.
Spiral Edge: 40, MT. Physical.
Leech: 45, Parasitic. Almighty.
Physi Drain: Absorbs physicals this turn. Worthless.

Hp: 666
Weak against Expel. Immune to Fire and Death. Can be statused.
Attack: 30. Physical.
Stun Needle: 30.  Inflicts Stun with a ~50% hit rate.
Mudo: ID. Very low odds. (~20%)
Mudoon: ID. Low odds. (Probably around 30%)
Curse: Inflicts Curse. 65%.

Average HP: 165.
Average damage: 60.

Comments: Heavy. PC killing at its finest. Curse -completely- screws over non healers, and ID kills most people who lack damage. (=healers) Utterly pathetic against bosses. If you don't allow the Baphomets, he's a bad Light.

[size=16]Sea Mother[/size]

HP: ~300

Attack: 30. Physical.

Average HP: 228
Average damage: 67

Comments: Plot fight. Ignore it.


HP: Head: 1500
Body: 1100
The head is weak against Force and immune to Earth, Fire and Electricity. The body is weak against Fire, and immune to Force and Ice.

Mick can act two times per round. (One time for each body part, the head acts first) There's no main part; each one can survive without the other.
Dragon Quake: 40, MT. Earth. It's a combo between the head and the body
Attack: 39. Physical. Only usable by the body.
Zionga: ~25. Elec. Only usable if the head is alone.
Power Charge: Doubles the damage of the next attack. Only usable if the body is alone.
Dragon Thrash: Only usable by the head, and if both body parts are alive. Captures a PC, and absorbs 19 HPs after each time another PC acts. 100%.
Absorb: Absorbs 19 HPs from the captured PC. Only usable if there's a captured PC.
Reunite: Releases a captured PC. Used if the head was attacked.

After Reunite, Mick does this combo:
Psycho Rage: Gets 4 Half Turns. (= 4 actions)
Diarama: Heals 238 HPs. Can only be used on the head.
Rakukaja: Raises defense, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. (Works for both physical and magical attacks) 
Rakunda: Lowers defense, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. (Works for both physical and magical attacks) 
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
If Mick has already used those spells 4 times, he will use other attacks instead. (And you're pretty much dead at that point)

Average HP: 217.
Average damage: 117 (Hitting the head's weakness)/ 87.

Comments: Low Godlike. Dragon Thrash = Reno's Pyramid, this takes care of PCs finely. His damage isn't too good (6HKO, acting twice per turn) and his durability isn't too good, but if you let him have full AI control, he becomes quite capable of beating bosses.

[size=16]Bat 3[/size]

HP: 1300
Immune to Earth. Excellent magical defense.

Psycho Rage: Gets 4 Half Turns. (= 4 Actions) Can't be used more than once per turn.
Curse: Inflicts Curse. 50%.
Zanma: 39. Force.
Attack: 34. Physical.
Guard: Becomes weak against earth and immune to physicals, everything else does 1 damage. The effect doesn't stay, this time, and he has to recast it.
Wings of Hell: 35, MT. Force.
Power Charge: Next physical attack does 2 times the normal damage.
Spiral Edge: 104, MT. Cannot be used after Psycho Rage. Physical.
Zotzilaha Bane: 39, parasistic. Turns enemy into a bat with a perfect hit rate. Bats take 2X more damage from everything, and are very weak to Force. (Take 4 times more damage) Bats physical attacks suck (Single digit), and their magic is halved. The effect lasts 3 turns on average.

HP: 260.
Average damage: 83 (I think he has some magical resistances, which make magic worthless against him, and the average damage lower than against Mick)

Comments: Very similar to his first form in a duel, because of Guard. Godlike. Psycho Rage + Zoztilaha Bane + 3 Zanma overkill PCs. (What's with this game and PC killers?), and he has 2HKO damage for bosses. (Or alternatively, Bolt X level damage if you allow him full AI control)
Note that you might not respect his durability, since using Guard is asking for a quick death in game, at that point. (He eats 660 damage on the next turn)


Center Head: 2300
Right Head: 1700
Left Head: 1700
3 Actions/ turn. The right head acts first, then the center head, and finally the left head.
All 3 heads absorb Fire. The left head resists Electricity, Force, and Earth.
The right head has bad physical defense. The left head has good physical defense and bad magical defense.
There's no main body part, any head can survive without the others.

Right Head:
Ice Repel: Reflects Ice this round.
Tarukaja: Raises Attack Power, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Sukunda: Lowers Accuracy, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Rakunda: Lowers Defense, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Marakaja: Raises Magical Power, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Mamudo: ID, MT. ~ 15%.
Rend: 97. Physical. Can only be used if the right head is the only one alive.

Center Head:
Rend: 97. Physical.
Maragion: 33, MT. Fire.
Agilao: 44. Fire.
Attack: 70. Physical.
Power Charge: Next Physical attack does 2X the initial damage.
Psycho Rage: Gets 4 Half Turns. (= 4 Actions) Can't be used more than once per turn, can only be used when the center head is the only one alive.
Gate of Hell: 135, MT. Inflicts stone with a 10% rate. Physical. Can't be used more than once per turn, can only be used if the center head is the only one alive.

Left Head:
Diarama: Heals 250 HPs.
Mahama: Halves HPs, MT. 60%.
Rend: 97. Physical. Can only be used if the left head is the only one alive.

Pyriphlegeton: 104, MT. Fire. It's a combo between the 3 heads, so it spends all of his turns ans must be cast before one is spent.
Phlegeton: 70, MT. Fire. Combo between two heads.
Counterstrike: Center and Left heads counterattacks physical attacks roughly 50% of the time for 70 damage. Physical.

Average HP: 300
Average damage: 117

Comments: Mmm.... The stat boosters are good against anyone who lacks damage, the healing and HP halving help. The damage is unimpressive overall. Defensive boss, but the durability could be a bit better. High Middle.
He becomes better if you give him full AI control, and even better if you view him as one entity. He becomes a good Heavy or a Godlike, respectively.

Strago Comment: Well, I just made a fascinating discovery. In the event that Lupa is reduced to either just his Right or Left head, said head gains the ability to use Rend. Same damage as when the Center Head used it. Combined with the fact that Left and Right can combo and cast Phlegethon... yeah, he's definitely a Heavy now.

(Courtesy of NEB)
I'm bored.

aka random Brutes scrub #203

~3500 HP
Reflects Lightning. Absorbs Earth. Weak to Fire. Usual boss immunities.
Above average MDef, takes about 15-20% less than average? Def is a similar but I tested it less.

Faces ~300 HP and ~230 average damage with Dyne spells (to average defence). I'm Level ~44.

Two turns per round.

Attack - 60 phys damage. Also shatters (kills) a Petrified PC.
Teradyne - 80 earth magic damage
Materadyne - 80 earth magic damage, MT
Stone Gaze - Petrify. About 50%.
Gates of Hell - 100 phys damage, MT. Once Per Round. May well petrify with a low rate like Lupa's, but who really cares?
Psycho Rage - Useable below ~2000 HP (4/7) only. Once Per Round. Gains four half-turns.

High Counter - 90 phys damage, used as a counter to physicals. 2/2, i.e. pretty much untested.

Comments: Owns. He has lowish 2HKO damage to either defence and ~75% petrify at high HP, already pretty cool. Once he's beaten up the quinta-acting comes out to play and hey he overkills. About 2x PC duraility to take the hits too. Fears Fire a lot if you give opponents a doubleturn for hitting it (like in-game), otherwise it's not a big deal. Godlike. No clue why he's so much better than most of the tribal leaders.


First Phase: 1000
Second Phase: 3850

First Phase: He's invisible. You have to guess where he is (An NPC gives you hints), and MT spells don't work at all.
Attack: 80. Physical.
Bufudyne: 95. Ice.
Agydine: 95. Fire.
Teradyne: 95. Earth.
Ziodyne: 95. Electricity.
Zandyne: 95. Force.
Megidola: 90, MT. Almighty.

After losing 1000 HPs, a cutscene and then the second fight will begin.
Second Phase:
2 actions per turn.
Resist physical (Coupled with a good defense)
Attack: 45. Physical.
Chi Blast: 80. Noteworthy critical rate. (~30%)
Ziodyne: 95. Electricity.
Teradyne: 95. Earth.
Bufudyne: 95. Ice.
Agydine: 95. Fire.
Zandyne: 95. Force.
Megidola: 90, MT. Almighty.
Infinite Wind: 180, MT. Force.
Dekaja: Dispels status boosts on all opponents.
Hunger Wave: Inflicts hungry status, MT. 60%.

Average HP: 323
Average damage:
First form: 150
Second form: 114

Comments: Uhhhh.... Well, the first form shouldn't really be considered, but he doesn't care. Same with Hunger Wave. Insane defenses (Blame the lack of really good magic in SMT games), insane damage. Well, he does rely on Wind... But Wind resistance doesn't come that often.  I've never seen him use Infinite Wind two times in a row, but even if you don't allow him to, his damage is near OHKO. Godlike.

Next two bosses courtesy of NEB
"Got milk?"

~5000 HP
Absorbs Ice. Strong vs. physicals. Weak to Fire. Usual boss immunities.

Above average MDef. Takes much less from spells than Varin, less than Catoblepas did too probably. Maybe a 20-25% reduction? Takes about 70% less than average from physicals.

Faces ~340 HP and ~240 average damage. I'm Level ~48.

Two turns per round.

Attack - 55 phys damage. Always used vs. a frozen character if she faces one, where it criticals for about 80 and grants her an extra half turn (once).
Hima Alaya - 160 ice magic damage, MT. Inflicts Freeze with ~60% chance. Won't be used against a party of ice immunes.
Sonic Wave - Inflicts Panic, MT, ~30%.
Megidola - 90 magic damage, MT
Maziodyne - 90 lightning magic damage, MT. If it's like the PC version it has a low chance of Shock.
Dekaja - Dispels stat ups, MT. Only used if it will do anything useful.
Dekunda - Dispels stat downs, self. Same disclaimer as Dekaja.

-Everything relevant can be doubled, although to actually see Hima Alaya x2 in-game it needs to fail to freeze everyone at once.
-Remember that Freeze doesn't actually deprive the target of turns in this game. All it's good for is allowing a couple of critical physicals after it's used (in fairness, these crits do ignore evade and damage resistance, though not defence).

Comments: Mmm yeah, pretty badass too, actually (in-game as well, good AI + nearly all MT). Near OHKO to average with either Hima Alaya x2 or Hima Alaya + physical x2 (the latter is very common in-game). Decent durability, especially physical. Panic's a nice option, as is dispel on a double, DQ8-style. Godlike, dislikes ice defence and fire offence, but otherwise too overall good.

Probably much worse if you've done sidequests.

I've now stat topiced the two bosses I've found best in the game so far. Why did Fenrir bother with all those losers and not these two? Stupid plot.

Giant Fucking Bird

~3000 HP
Nulls Ice, Earth, and Wind. Halves Fire and Lightning. Usual boss immunities.

Mauled by magic (50-60% extra - this largely cancels his fire/lightning resist). Unremarkable Defence.

Faces ~400 HP and ~270 average damage. Level 55.

Three turns per round.

Attack - 60 phys damage
Power Wave - Uh, probably similar damage to the physical, MT. Never saw it without Power Charge
Power Charge - Next physical does 2.5x damage
Mind Charge - Next damaging magic does 2.5x damage
Megidola - 80 magic damage MT
Zandyne - 80 Wind magic damage
Mabufudyne - 70 Ice magic damage MT
Dekaja - Dispels stat ups, MT. Only used if it will do anything useful.
Dekunda - Dispels stat downs, self. Same disclaimer as Dekaja.
Mahamaon - Reduces current HP by 2/3, MT. Only used it once and I didn't note the hit rate. Fails vs. humans.

Comments: More solid 2HKO goodness to both defences and great elemental resists (he needs them with that MDef). He can buff up to have a really killer turn (borderline OHKO). Also Dispel on a triple wins. Durability is a huge step back from the previous bosses. Heavy

[size=18]Jenna Angel[/size]

First and second form.
HP: 4000
She starts in her first form, switches to her second after losing 1000 HPs, switches back to her first after losing 1000 HPs again, then switches back again to her second form again.
Damage isn't carried over, and the switch doesn't cost an action. (If you do 6547591 damage to her on the first turn, she will switch to her second form and immediatly act. That second form will have 1000 HPs. (Or 3000 HPs, depends on how you view it))

First form:
Attack: 80, Physical.
Vaikunta: 114, Almighty. Inflicts stone with a 20% hit rate.
Sukukaja: Raises accuracy/evade, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Rakukaja: Raises defense, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. (Works for both physical and magical attacks)
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Debilitate: Lowers defense, physical attack, magical attack, accuracy/evade, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Hunger Wave: Inflicts hungry status, MT. 50%.
Vanity: Inflicts one random statuses, MT. 65% chance to inflict one. (You can't be inflicted with more than one status in this game) Can be Poison, Charm, Panic, Mute, Sleep. Almighty.

Second form:
Attack: 80. Physical.
Bhairava: 744. Almighty.
Dekaja: Dispel status boosts on all opponents.
Executioner: 200. ST. Physical.
Mazandyne: 85, MT. Force.
Maragydine: 85, MT. Fire.
Maziodyne: 85, MT. Electricity.
Mabufudyne: 85, MT. Ice.
Materadyne: 85, MT. Earth.
Genocide: 141, MT. Physical.

Party: Average HP: 445
Average damage: 253

Third form:
12000 HPs.
Each orb: 460 HPs
Good physical defense. Takes pathetic damage from Almighty.
Comes with 6 elemental cores. There are 5 cores for each basic element and a gold one that reflect physical damage. Each one can cast a ST spell of its element for 70 damage (or a MT spell for roughly 35 damage).
She automatically invokes another core at the beginning of every turn without wasting an action. (That new core doesn't act this turn, though) She reflects the element of every living core, and every core reflects its own element.

Vanity: Inflicts one random statuses, MT. 65% chance to inflict one. (You can't be inflicted with more than one status in this game) Can be Poison, Charm, Panic, Mute, Sleep. Almighty.
Dekunda: Dispels stat boosters on self.
Dekaja: Dispels stat boosters on all opponents.
Dekunda: Dispels stat busts, MT.
Blood Curse: Inflicts Curse, MT. 10%.
Hunger Wave: Inflicts hungry status, MT. 50%.
Reincarnate: 310, Almighty. Combo between the main part and two orbs.
Physical: 91. MT.

Average HP: 445.
Average damage: 481.

Comments: The first and second form have utterly pathetic durability. Due to their nature, they can, however, use Bhairava 2 times in any fight. Godlike. She would probably be hated a lot.
Final form... If you allow the cores, she's a Godlike for sheer protection alone. The cores protect her from everything. (Not Almighty/Non elemental, but she greatly reduces that kind of damage) You need to have either ITD ot two different MTs spell to even touch her. If you don't, she's pathetic, and have to rely entirely on status and 6HKO damage to win her matches. Decent durability, though. Middle.

Taishyr Notes: Bhairava runs off Jenna's STR and hits defense.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 10:06:27 PM by Taishyr »


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Re: Digital Devil Saga 1 (Full)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 09:56:26 PM »
(This post courtesy of OK)

Random other stuff.  Included here is: Average Serph Build ( teh awesomeness! ), and some more optional bosses, as well as required bosses that should never be ranked.

[size=16]Renaissance Man Serph[/size]
"I'm too sexy for my shirt!"
HP: 438
MP: 436
Strength: 43
Vitality: 43
Magic: 43
Agility: 43
Luck: 43
Strong against Ice. Weak against Fire.

Attack: 109. Physical.

Bufudyne: 330. Ice. 12 MPs.
Mabufudyne: 281, MT. Ice. 32 MPs.
Hell Fang: 165. Physical. 70 HPs.
Mind Scream: 147. Inflicts Stun with a 10% hit rate. Physical. 134 HPs.
Venom Fang: 130, MT. Inflicts Poison with a 50% rate. Physical. 52 HPs.
(Ice Amp: Greatly increases Ice Attack damage.)
(Ice Boost: Increases Ice Attack damage)
(Ice Resist: Increases tolerance to ice attacks)
Frost Breath: 153 on average, random. Ice. 12 MPs.
Hell Thrust: 142. Physical. 52 HPs.

Human form:
83. Petrifies an enemy with a 10% rate. (Dead End)
76. Charms an enemy with a 50% rate. (Charm Shot)

Comments: I think it was Sage who said that "If a character's stats are controlled by the player, the only way to build him is average in all".  I don't necessarily agree in most cases ( if there's some basis as to what they should be built, like Maya in P2, then that can be used ), but I think it's probably how I view Serph.  Average Serph...well, has better status resistance and better physical damage, as well as more agility than magic-tank Serph.  Unfortunately, he loses the damage from Bufudyne, and his statuses suck.  Go Light, I suppose.

Required, yet unrankable bosses:

[size=16]Dragon Ananta[/size]
"You shall not pass!"

HP: 5500

7 Actions per turn
Attack: 53. Physical.
Sonic Wave: Panic, MT. 30%
Stun Wave: Stun, MT. 30%
Dream Haze: Sleep. 30%
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Power Charge: Next physical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.

Average Level: 65
Average HP: ~463
Average damage: ~450-500 ( double-boosted -dyne spells )

Comments: 7's a good thing she doesn't have any real damage.  It's all physical, but 7 shots of it, combined with both Tarukaja and Power Charge make it very nice.  Durability is...average, I guess.  She's very likely to get a status off with 7 attempts at it, which helps.  Mmmm...Low Heavy

Completely optional bosses:

[size=16]Demon King Frost[/size]
"Ice, ice, baby!"

( This is assuming he's fought immediately after clearing Coordinate 136 )

HP: 4200
Absorbs Ice, Immune to Fire, Bad Status, Curse and Hama, Strong to Physical.

3 Actions per turn
Attack: 100. Physical.
Power Wave: 100, MT. Physical.
Frost Rush: 150. Physical.
Megido: 90, MT. Almighty
Celestial Gift: Summons a Demon Jack Frost. 

Demon Jack Frost
HP: 400

Attack: 50. Physical.
Bufula: 65. Ice.
Mabufula: 50, MT. Ice.

Average Level: 30
Average HP: ~220
Average damage: ~100 ( Single-boosted Ziodyne/Teradyne/Zandyne )

Comments: Ouch.  Very, very nasty ( assuming you fight him early ).  Damage is insane, defenses are great...all-around awesome.  Better off not summoning the Jack Frost Demons, though.  Still...pain.  Godlike

[size=16]Dragon Orochi[/size]
"I give good head!"

HP: 8000
Immune to all except Ice, Electricity and Almighty

8 Actions per turn
Attack: 75. Physical.
Agidyne: 90. Fire.
Bufudyne: 90. Ice.
Zandyne: 90. Force.
Teradyne: 90. Earth.
Ziodyne: 90. Electricity.
Mad Rush: 90 on average, multi-hits. Physical.

Average Level: 68
Average HP: ~472
Average damage: ~300 ( double-boosted Bufudynes ), ~400 ( Last Word )

Comments: 8 actions...720 damage either via magic or physical.  Pretty impressive.  I'm not 100% sure on the HP, but it should be accurate.  Excellent defenses, as well.  Apparently, he also has MP Absorb, Megidolaon, Makakaja, Mind Charge, Power Charge and Tarukaja as well as the mute and poison statuses ( probably via Revelation or some such physical tech ), though I've never coaxed them out of him.  Now, one little thing: his MP total is abysmal.  He will run out after several consecutive rounds of -dyne spells.  So...I'll have to see if I can coax those other spells out of him.  MP Drain should steal ~30 MP, while Megidolaon should deal about 120-150 damage.  Godlike either way.

[size=16]Fiend Beelzebub ( Human Form )[/size]
"Baby, the other other white meat!"

HP: 6000
Reflects Death and Hama, Immune to Ice, Electricity, Force, Earth and Bad Status

2 Actions per turn
Attack: 86. Physical.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Mazionga: 70, MT. Electified ~30%.
Mahamaon: Reduces HPs by 2/3, MT. 90%. Expel.
Mamudoon: ID, MT. 80%.
Mind Scream: 140. Stun ~10%. Physical.
Megidolaon: 180, MT. Almighty.

Average Level: 68
Average HP: ~472
Average damage: ~220-~260 ( double-boosted Agidynes )

Comments: Eh...great overall defenses.  Boosters make his damage better, at least, and Mamudoon and Mahamaon are neat tricks, I guess.  Eh...Low Heavy.  At least his fly form should be much better.

[size=16]Flying Heavens Suzaku[/size]
"We didn't start the fire!"

HP: 6700
Drains Fire, Immune to Physical, Electricity, Force, Earth, Death, Hama and Bad Status

3 Actions per turn
Suzaku has 2 distinct patterns: if your characters are vulnerable to fire, she'll focus on using Makakaja and fire attacks.  If they are immune to fire, she'll go for Tarukaja and physical attacks.  She'll start using low level attacks, and after taking damage, she'll start to use the stronger ones.  I personally view this as an AI issue.
Attack: 66. Physical.
Power Wave: 95, MT. Physical.
Bloodbath: 135, MT. Physical.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Agi: 26. Fire.
Maragi: 19, MT. Fire.
Agilao: 58. Fire.
Maragion: 51, MT. Fire.
Agidyne: 100. Fire.
Maragidyne: 90, MT. Fire.
HP Drain: Fully drains a target of their max HP.  Almighty.  This requires one round of charging before use, and is only available below half life.  The damage can be boosted above a character's max HP via Makakaja ( and will still heal Suzaku for that amount, even if the character didn't have that much health ).  This skill can be used in either "mode" of attack. 

Average Level: 69
Average HP: ~480
Average damage: ~160-~200 ( double-boosted Bufudynes ), ~250 ( Last Word )

Comments: Interestingly solid.  Durability is good, especially backed up by the resistances.  Damage...well, fire is common, but the physical is very solid, and HP Drain...murders things, though what it actually works on is a mystery, since this is a cracked out version of the normal skill..  With 3 actions a round plus the boosters, Suzaku is a very horrifying Heavy.

[size=16]Beast Byakko[/size]
"I bet Arche fucks like a tiger!"

HP: 6200
Drains Force, Strong to Physical, Immune to Death, Hama and Bad Status

3 Actions per turn
Byakko alternates each round.  Every odd-numbered round, he'll use physical attacks and support.  Every even-numbered round, he'll switch to the magic end.  Also like Suzaku, Byakko gains stronger attacks as he takes damage.  Again, I see this as AI I ignore.
Attack: 99. Physical.
Body Rush: 122. Physical.
Skull Cleave: 174. Physical.
Executioner: 193. Physical.
Counter: 148. Physical. Activates around 50% of the time after being hit with a physical attack.
Power Charge: Next physical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.
Zanma: 81. Force.
Mazanma: 64, MT. Force.
Shockwave: 88 on average, multi-hits. Force.
Zandyne: 111. Force.
Mazandyne: 99, MT. Force.
Rage: Gets 2 Half Turns. = Can act two more times. Can't be used more than once per turn.  Only usable below half HP.

Average Level: 69
Average HP: ~480
Average damage: ~230-~260 ( double-boosted Agidynes ), ~300 ( Last Word )

Comments: Now this is awesome.  Highly capable in any mode, magical or physical, with awesome damage and some great support spells.  Not as defensively durable as Suzaku, but still not un-durable by any means.  And at half life...yuck.  Rage+Power Charge+Executionerx3 hurts alot.  And even then, the Body Rushx3 is still a very solid option.  High Heavy.

[size=16]Dragon Genbu[/size]
"Slow and steady wins the race!"

HP: 6600
Drains Earth, Very Strong to Physical, Immune to Death, Hama and Bad Status

3 Actions per turn
Like all the other Saint Beasts, Genbu starts using weak attacks, then progresses to stronger ones.  As the battle presses on, he takes on a distinct initial pattern: Magic Repel always heads his press turns, with Rage used with it when he's below 50% HP.  Again, I see this as mostly AI.
Attack: 70. Physical.
Mad Rush: 106 on average, multi-hits. Physical.
Gate of Hell: 131, Stone ~10%. Physical.
Blood Bath: 140. Physical.
Power Charge: Next physical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.
Tera: 42. Earth.
Matera: 30, MT. Earth.
Terazi: 89. Earth.
Materazi: 63, MT. Earth.
Avalanche: 93 on average, multi-hits. Earth.
Teradyne: 115. Earth.
Materadyne: 92, MT. Earth.
Magic Repel: Reflects next magic spell back at the caster.
Rage: Gets 2 Half Turns. = Can act two more times. Can't be used more than once per turn.  Only usable below half HP.

Average Level: 69
Average HP: ~480
Average damage: ~240-~270 ( double-boosted Agidynes ), ~320 ( Last Word )

Comments: Mmm...Byakko with less damage, basically, except with magic immunity.  Probably Low Godlike.

[size=16]Dragon Seiryu[/size]
"Hit me baby one more time!"

HP: 6000
Drains Ice, Strong to Physical, Immune to Death, Hama and Bad Status

3 Actions per turn
Seiryu, unlike the rest of the Saint Beasts, follows a 100% pattern.  He will start by casting 2 Makakajas and a Mind Charge first round.  Next action, he'll use Mabufudyne followed by Revelation.  Next round after that, he'll use Diax2+Debilitate, then repeat the whole cycle over again.  Later, he'll add a Tarukajax2+Power Charge into the mix.
Attack: 70. Physical.
Mabufudyne: 188, MT. Ice.
Revelation: 135, MT. Physical. Inflicts Mute ~60%.
Dia: Heals 128 HPs.
Debilitate: Lowers agility, magic attack, physical attack and physical/magical defense.  Stackable 4 times.  Works on bosses.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.
Power Charge: Next physical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.

Average Level: 69
Average HP: ~480
Average damage: ~240-~270 ( double-boosted Agidynes ), ~320 ( Last Word )

Comments: The most different of the Saint Beasts, by far.  His opening combo really does hurt ( the Mabufudyne alone does around 450 damage to everyone ), and his actually respectable, since he can cast it several times in a row.  Unfortunately, despite having far more variety, he ends up having less, because he only has 2 damage moves, one a common element, the other a defendable status.  Also, durability is the worst of the Saint Beasts.  Heavy.

[size=16]Fiend Beelzebub ( Fly Form )[/size]
"Oh, well, never was there ever, a cat so clever as Magical Mr. Mephistopholes!  Hehehehehehehe!"

HP: 12000
Reflects Death and Hama, Immune to Ice, Electricity, Force, Earth and Bad Status

2 Actions per turn
Attack: 200. Physical.  This criticals around 50% of the time.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Maziodyne: 100, MT. Electified ~30%.
Mazandyne: 100, MT. Force.
Mahamaon: Reduces HPs by 2/3, MT. 90%. Expel.
Mamudoon: ID, MT. 80%.
Mind Scream: 160. Stun ~10%. Physical.
Megidolaon: 200, MT. Almighty.
Funeral Procession of the Flies of Death: 400, MT. Almighty. Inflicts 100% ID on all hit by this spell.  Used once HP < 50%.

Average Level: 70
Average HP: ~492
Average damage: ~210-~240 ( double-boosted Agidynes ), ~280 ( Last Word )

Comments: Yep, far better than human form.  Much better durability, and far better damage.  His physical and Megidolaon heal-lock most, and once Funeral Procession of the Flies of Death ( called Death Flies in-game ) kicks in, you die.  Godlike.

[size=16]Flying Heavens Metatron[/size]
"So a priest, a rabbi and Bill Clinton walk into a bar..."

HP: 17200
Reflects Death and Hama

2 Actions per turn
Attack: 87. Physical. 
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.
Mahamaon: Reduces HPs by 2/3, MT. 90%. Expel.
Maragidyne: 130, MT. Fire.
Revelation: 150, MT. Physical. Inflicts Mute ~60%.
Megidolaon: 160, MT. Almighty.
Divine Fire of the Sinai: 360 on average, multi-hits. Almighty. Can only be used when below 50% HP.

Average Level: 75
Average HP: ~516
Average damage: ~260-~300 ( double-boosted Bufudynes ), ~310 ( Last Word )

Comments: Mmmm...Solid durability, at least.  The large HP count is very respectable, and he has no weaknesses to exploit.  Just...the damage lacks.  His best is 4HKO before Divine Fire of the Sinai ( luckily, this is a kill in 2 rounds ), though the mute status is respectable.  With Divine Fire of the Sinai...he barely kills average.  Granted, with Mind Charge and Makakaja, he does start to look a little better.  Worse than Beelzebub, but a Low Godlike.

[size=16]Dragon Kohryu[/size]
"I like big butts and I cannot lie!"

HP: 22500
Varies ( always immune to Death and Hama )

2 Actions per turn
Has Initiative
Kohryu shifts phases.  He has several phases: Neutral, Fire, Earth, Force, Ice, Offense and Defense.  He can switch at will whenever he wants without costing an action.  Below I'll dictate exactly what each phase can do.

All Phases.
Attack: 220. Physical.

Neutral Phase. ( halves damage from physicals and elements )
Megidolaon: 200, MT. Almighty.
Mahamaon: Reduces HPs by 2/3, MT. 90%. Expel.
Mamudoon: ID, MT. 80%.
Tarunda: Lowers physical and magical attack, stackable 4 times, MT. Works on bosses.
Dekaja: Dispels -kaja spells, MT.
Dekunda: Dispels -unda spells, MT.
Power Charge: Next physical attack/skill does 2.5x initial damage.
Celestial Ray: 380, MT. Almighty. Inflicts a random status 100%.

Fire Phase. ( absorbs fire, quarters all other damage )
Maragidyne: 150, MT. Fire.
Makanda: Lowers magical attack, stackable 4 times, MT. Works on bosses.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack/skill does 2.5x initial damage.

Ice Phase. ( absorbs ice, quarters all other damage )
Mabufudyne: 150, MT. Ice.
Makanda: Lowers magical attack, stackable 4 times, MT. Works on bosses.
Sukunda: Lowers agility, stackable 4 times, MT. Works on bosses.

Force Phase. ( absorbs force, quarters all other damage )
Mazandyne: 150, MT. Force.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.

Earth Phase. ( absorbs earth, quarters all other damage )
Materadyne: 150, MT. Earth.
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT, stackable 4 times. Works on bosses.
Mind Charge: Next magical attack/skill does 2.5X the normal damage.

Offense Phase. ( takes 2.5x damage from all attacks )
Megidolaon: 200, MT. Almighty.
Celestial Ray: 380, MT. Almighty. Inflicts a random status 100%.

Defense Phase. ( immune to everything )

Average Level: 75
Average HP: ~516
Average damage: ~60 in the neutral phase; ~10 in elemental phases; ~800 in offensive phase

Comments: Covers every base very well.  Damage could be better, but the defensive game is insane enough as is.  Godlike.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 09:59:19 PM by Taishyr »


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Re: Digital Devil Saga 1 (Full)
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 09:58:55 PM »
Optional Boss - Demifiend (Fenrir)

Anyway, I felt like finishing the topic. All of those stats are taken against a team without any resistance, and with maxed stats. The critical rates, and damage of physical attacks can be roughly halved by equipping the right skills. Up to you to take them into account or not. The PC team had the best defense possible; 99 in Vitality and Magic, and 999 in HPs.

The Demi Fiend hass 2 Press Turns, and each of his monsters has one.
The fight begins with Girimehkala and Cu Chulainn already summoned.
Note: Criticals do roughly 50% more damage, and in short give allow them one more action per turn.

[size=16]Demi Fiend[/size]

HP: 18000
Immune to everything but Earth, Gun and Almighty.

Gaea's Rage: 8000-12000, Almighty. Used directly after one of his teammates use Dormina, or spammed if any character has a skill that can null a kind of attack.
Xeros Beat: 240, MT. Physical. 50% Critical rate. inflicts Stun with a 60% rate.
Javelin Rain: 210, MT. Physical. 25% Critical rate. Inflicts Silence with a 60% rate.
Heat Wave: 210, MT. Physical. 50% Critical rate.
Attack: 200. Physical.
Summon: Summons another monster, used immediatly after one of his allies dies. (Gaea's Rage has priority over Summon, though) He summons them in that order: Pixie - Arahabaki - Titania - Parvati - Cu Chulainn - Girimehkala - Pixie - etc. He has an endless supply of demons.

ALL of his allies have:
Mediarahan: Full Healing. MT. OPB, used after the Demi Fiend loses 9000 HPs.
Recarmdra: Sacrifice to fully restores the HPs and MPs of everyone. Used if one of the allies manages to survive for 29 turns.
Dekaja: Dispels status boosts on all opponents.
Dekunda: Dispels stat-downs on the party.

[size=14]Cu Chulainn[/size]

HP: 3000
Strong against Physicals/ice/Elec/Force. Immune to Expel/Death. Weak against Poison/Nerve.

Taunt: Raises physical attacks (Effect of 2 Tarukaja) and lowers defense (Effect of 2 Rakundas), both physical and magical. Used on everyone. Stackable 2 times.
Skull Cleave: 140. Physical.
Sakura Rage: 80, MT. Physical.
Bloodbath: 140, MT. Physical.
Revelation: 140, MT. Physical.
Never saw his statuses with Revelation/Sakura Rage hit.


HP: 3500
Absorbs Physicals.

Mamudoon: ID, MT. 30%.
Demon Rage: 180 on average, random. Physical.


HP: 1700
Strong against Elec and Death. Immune to Expel and Death.

Dormina: Sleep, 15%. MT. OPB, used immediatly after being summoned.
Maziodyne: 60, MT. Elec.
Megidolaeon: 90, MT. Almighty.
Inflicts one random statuses, MT. 65% chance to inflict one. (You can't be inflicted with more than one status in this game) Can be Poison, Charm, Panic, Mute, Sleep. Almighty.
Diarama: Heals 367 HPs.


HP: 3500
Immune to everything but Ice, almighty and Expel.
Weak against Ice.

Gate of Hell: 140, MT. Physical. Inflicts Stone... But getting to that point without Death Resist is hellish, so I don't know the odds. Probably around 10-20%.
Blood Curse: Inflicts Curse. See above, I don't know the exact rate. Probably lowish, too.
Ragnarok: 150, Almighty. MT. Lowers defense. Stackable 3 times.
Debilitate: Lowers defense, physical attack, magical attack, accuracy/evade, MT. Stackable 3 times.


HP: 2000
Strong against Earth. Immune to Fire/Ice/Elec/Force. Weak against Ailments.

Sukunda: Lowers Accuracy, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Rakunda: Lowers defense, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. (Works for both physical and magical attacks)
Mabufudyne: 60, MT. Ice.
Maragydine: 65, MT. Fire.


HP: 1800
Reflects Expel. Immune to Force, charm, mute. Weak against Ice.

Dormina: Sleep, 10%. MT. OPB, used immediatly after being summoned.
Tarukaja: Raises physical attack, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. 12 MPs.
Sukukaja: Raises accuracy/evade, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Rakukaja: Raises defense, MT, stackable 3 times. Works on bosses. (Works for both physical and magical attacks)
Makakaja: Raises magical attack, MT. Stackable 3 times. Works on bosses.
Mahamaon: Reduces HPs by 2/3, MT. 50%. Expel.
Mediarama: Heals 306 HPs. MT.

Average HP: 999
Average damage: 350

Side Notes (Fenrir)

Three questions:

1) So what does Taunt do exactly?
2x Tarukaja and 2x Rakunda, so -2 phys/mag defense and +2 physical attack to the enemies. (and only the enemies)

2) How much do Serph's vitality and magic affect his defenses exactly compared to average?
I don't have the DDS1 endgame save anymore. I took the DDS2 save instead, and thanks to rings I can get nearly the same stats.

Assuming DDS1 and 2 have the same defense mechanics (After some DDS1 tests, it seems that they do):
Serph takes 90% damage from physicals compared to average.
Serph takes 55% damage from magic compared to average. (tank)

I did those mdef tests with both Seraph and SP magic ring Argilla and had the same results, so this isn't a special hidden magic resistance Seraph has.

3) Stat boosts tests?
I got some pretty random results. I had 3x Tarukaja 3x Rakunda physicals do 380 damage in one fight on average and 420 in another on average, and on the same enemy, so I believe that stat boosts don't raise damage by a fixed amount but have some variable element.

So anyway, roughly:

DDS1 stat boosts are as good as in Nocturne. You can stack 4 of them max.
4x Rakunda = 2x physical damage
4x Tarukaja = 2x physical damage
4x Rakunda + 4x Tarukaja = 4x physical damage.

DDS2 stat boosts are a lot worse. You can stack 3 of them max.
3x Rakunda + 3x Tarukaja = Slightly more than 2x physical damage.

I prefer not to do Suku tests (headache), but I assume they reflect that too.

Jenna needed Eternal Zero.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 10:07:04 PM by Taishyr »

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Digital Devil Saga 1 (Full)
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2009, 09:23:06 PM »
Since I take Serph as Fenrir's build makes him, I don't agree with excluding Serph from the averages, and... even if you do, this average is useful for Serph himself.

Serph:  415
Argilla: 384
Gale: 351
Cielo: 323
Heat: 280
Average: 351

Heat: 611
Serph: 562
Gale: 434
Cielo: 406
Argilla: 390
Average: 481

Whatever @ other averages, they hardly ever matter.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2009, 11:04:17 PM by Dark Holy Elf »

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.