Author Topic: Wild ARMs 3 (Full)  (Read 5053 times)


  • Ara ara~
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Wild ARMs 3 (Full)
« on: August 27, 2008, 09:42:11 PM »
From OK

Alright, Wild ARMs 3 time. I'm going to get this out of the way right now:

There's been a lot of discussion on mediums. There are basically 3 main "schools" of thought here...

1) "Bare Minimum"
- Gallows gets Aqua Wisp
- Virginia, Jet and Clive circle jerk

2) "Plot Style"
- Gallows gets Aqua Wisp, Moon Spark, Cosmic Cog
- Virginia gets Fiery Rage
- Jet and Clive continue to circle jerk

3) "Elements"
- Gallows gets Aqua Wisp
- Virginia gets Fiery Rage
- Clive gets Terra Roar
- Jet gets Gale Claw

I'm posting set-ups with all 3 schools in mind. Argue over their legality all you want, I'm just posting what I've heard.

1a) Character Statistics:
HP - I wonder what these do?
FP - Characters are taken at level 63 ( Except Clive, who's only at 61 ), which gives them 63 FP.  Arcana cost a certain FP amount to use, but don't deplete the FP total. 
ATT - Physical attack strength
DEF - Physical defense strength
MAG - Magical attack strength
MGR - Magical defense strength
RFX - Speed
AIM - Accuracy
EVA - Evasion

1b)ARM Statistics:
SHT - Attack Power ( boosts ATT stat )
HIT - Accuracy ( boosts AIM stat )
BLT - Number of bullets available.  Each character has a certain amount of bullets for their ARM.  When they run out, they need to defend, which automatically replenishes all their bullets
WGT - Weight.  Each character has a certain weight for their ARM.  The lower the weight, the more Gatling hits they get in.  1 WGT = 1 FP used in Gatling, so 20 WGT would mean you need 20 FP for one Gatling hit.
CRT - Critical power.  This is an odd stat - Clive, with no upgrades, criticals a lot ( nearly 50%, from my testing ), so it's probably a base %, multiplied by the multiplier listed.  I assume, at least.  I'll check on critical rates later at Normal Luck ( which is what everyone was for those tests ). 

2) ARM Info: I did these with NO ARM upgraades.  I'll post ARM info for each character right here.  Scale it how you think they should upgrade them.  Note that ARM upgrades are done like in WA2; you can only upgrade your ARM 15 times, split between all categories:

2a) Virginia
SHT: +8
HIT: +16
BLT: 5
WGT: 20
CRT: x.2

Level 15 in Each Category:
SHT: +120
HIT: +256
BLT: 20
WGT: 5
CRT: x1.7

2b) Gallows
SHT: +16
HIT: +5
BLT: 3
WGT: 30
CRT: x.1

Level 15 in Each Category:
SHT: +260
HIT: +80
BLT: 18
WGT: 15
CRT: x1.6

2c) Jet
SHT: +15
HIT: +13
BLT: 4
WGT: 25
CRT: x.3

Level 15 in Each Category:
SHT: +240
HIT: +210
BLT: 19
WGT: 10
CRT: x1.8

2d) Clive
SHT: +19
HIT: +18
BLT: 2
WGT: 25
CRT: x.4

Level 15 in Each Category:
SHT: +300
HIT: +280
BLT: 17
WGT: 10
CRT: x1.9

3) FP build-up goes something like this:
12 FP for dodging an attack
6 FP for attacking physically
1 FP getting hit ( it does vary by the power of the attack, but I'm not sure by how much yet )

4) Note that the averages are slightly off, due to Clive being 61 instead of 63 ( still not sure how that happened ).  Once I feel like levelling him a little, he'll be put up there.  He'll probably be close to Virginia in MGR, gain 200+ HP, his physical will probably jump to 700 or so, etc.  It should change a couple things, but these should be fairly accurate for now.  All damages tested on Beatrice final ( right before Nega Filgaia in the Ark of Destiny ).

5) FP abilities are kind of 'meh' in this game.  Basically, each character only has one unique FP ability, accessible at 25 FP.  Here they are:
Virginia - Mystic: The usual Mystic as seen in the rest of the series
Gallows - Extension: Allows Gallows to multi-target his magic
Jet - Accelerator: Same old, same old
Clive - Lock-On: Doubles attack power, and makes the attack always hit unless target is literally immune to physical attacks

A) "Bare Minimum"

Virginia Maxwell
HP - 1899
FP - 63
ATT - 163
DEF - 159
MAG - 231
MGR - 213
RFX - 379
AIM - 254
EVA - 348

Shoot - 200
63 FP Gatling ( 3 FP Remains ) - 3x200 = 600
100 FP Gatling - 5x200 = 1000

Gallows Carradine
HP - 3284 ( 2986 without Aqua Wisp )
FP - 63
ATT - 209
DEF - 219
MAG - 427 ( 285 without Aqua Wisp )
MGR - 268
RFX - 207
AIM - 82
EVA - 139

Aqua Wisp Properties:
- Null Physical Attacks 25%
- Null Water and Ice Damage

Shoot - 301
63 FP Gatling ( 3 FP remains ) - 2x301 = 602
100 FP Gatling ( 10 FP Remains ) - 3x301 = 903
Pressure ( 10 FP ) - 910 Water Damage
Refrigerate ( 10 FP ) - 910 Ice Damage ( why games separate the two elements, I'll never know )
Heal ( 12 FP ) - 710 HP
63 FP Summon ( Aqua Wisp ) - 2079 Water Damage
100 FP Summon ( Aqua Wisp ) - 3300 Water Damage

Jet Enduro
HP - 2239
FP - 63
ATT - 196
DEF - 247
MAG - 146
MGR - 130
RFX - 264
AIM - 211
EVA - 277

Shoot - 275
63 FP Gatling ( 13 FP remains ) - 2x275 = 550
100 FP Gatling - 4x275 = 1100

Clive Winslet
HP - 2449
FP - 61
ATT - 238
DEF - 283
MAG - 208
MGR - 195
RFX - 113
AIM - 275
EVA - 220

Shoot - 650
61 FP Gatling ( 11 FP remains ) - 2x650 = 1300
100 FP Gatling - 4x650 = 2600
Lock-On ( uses 25 FP; Never missing physical attack with doubled ATT power ) - 1200

Averages ( Damages in [] are not included in the averages )

HP: 2468 w/Aqua Wisp; 2393 w/o Aqua Wisp
1a) Gallows w/Aqua Wisp - 3284
1b) Gallows Natural - 2986
2) Clive - 2449
3) Jet - 2239
4) Virginia - 1899

DEF: 227
1) Clive - 283
2) Jet - 247
3) Gallows - 219
4) Virginia - 159

MGR: 202
1) Gallows - 268
2) Virginia - 213
3) Clive - 195
4) Jet - 130

RFX: 241
1) Virginia - 379
2) Jet - 264
3) Gallows - 207
4) Clive - 113

EVA: 246
1) Virginia - 348
2) Jet - 277
3) Clive - 220
4) Gallows - 139

Damage: 509 w/Gallows' Aqua Wisp Magic; 357 w/Gallows' Shoot
[ Gallows - 3300 ( 100 FP Aqua Wisp Summon ) ]
[ Gallows - 2079 ( 63 FP Aqua Wisp Summon ) ]
[ Clive - 2600 ( 100 FP Gatling ) ]
[ Clive - 1300 ( 61 FP Gatling ) ]
[ Clive - 1200 ( 25 FP Lock-On ) ]
[ Jet - 1100 ( 100 FP Gatling ) ]
[ Virginia - 1000 ( 100 FP Gatling ) ]
1) Gallows - 910 ( Pressue/Refrigerate )
[ Gallows - 903 ( 100 FP Gatling ) ]
2) Clive - 650 ( Shoot )
[ Gallows - 602 ( 63 FP Gatling ) ]
[ Virginia - 600 ( 63 FP Gatling ) ]
[ Jet - 550 ( 63 FP Gatling ) ]
[ Gallows - 301 ( Shoot ) ]
3) Jet - 275 ( Shoot )
4) Virginia - 200 ( Shoot )

B) "Plot Style"

Virginia Maxwell
HP - 1899
FP - 63
ATT - 240
DEF - 159
MAG - 231
MGR - 213
RFX - 379
AIM - 254
EVA - 348

Fiery Rage Properties:
- Critical Chance Increases 25%
- Null Fire Damage
- Immune to Poison Status

Shoot - 520
63 FP Gatling ( 3 FP remains ) - 1560
100 FP Gatling - 2600
Cremate ( 10 FP ) - 312 Fire magic damage
Devastate ( 20 FP ) - 1025 Non-elemental magic damage
Fragile ( 6 FP ) - Lowers target's DFP by 50%
63 FP Summon ( Fiery Rage ) - 1055 Fire damage
100 FP Summon ( Fiery Rage ) - 1515 Fire damage

Gallows Carradine
HP - 4180
FP - 63
ATT - 209
DEF - 262
MAG - 456
MGR - 428
RFX - 248
AIM - 82
EVA - 166

Aqua Wisp Properties:
- Null Physical Attacks 25%
- Null Water and Ice Damage

Moon Spark Properties:
- Immune to Sleep Status
- Null Darkness Damage

Cosmic Cog Properties:
- Null Fallen Status ( a GUTS effect, 25% of the time, though I need to check this some more )
- Defense Increases as HP Decreases

Shoot - 301
63 FP Gatling ( 3 FP remains ) - 2x301 = 602
100 FP Gatling ( 10 FP Remains ) - 3x301 = 903
Pressure ( 10 FP ) - 1050 Water damage
Refrigerate ( 10 FP ) - 1050 Ice damage
Heal ( 12 FP ) - 1015 HP
Banish ( 48 FP ) - Instant Death w/80% accuracy
Reset ( 100 FP ) - Begins the battle over again
Feeble Mind ( 16 FP ) - Lowers target's MGR by 50%
Sleep ( 32 FP ) - Sleep w/80% accuracy
Eraser ( 24 FP ) - Eliminates positive statuses
Grav ( 16 FP ) - Halves target's current HP
63 FP Summon ( Aqua Wisp ) - 2365 Water damage
63 FP Summon ( Cosmic Cog ) - Time Gate effect, Gallows gets 2 free actions
63 FP Summon ( Moon Spark ) - No Fucking's fairly random; any help would be appreciated
100 FP Summon ( Aqua Wisp ) - 4000 Water damage
100 FP Summon ( Cosmic Cog ) - Time Gate effect, Gallows gets 4 free actions
100 FP Summon ( Moon Spark ) - Once again, no clue

Jet Enduro
HP - 2239
FP - 63
ATT - 346
DEF - 247
MAG - 146
MGR - 130
RFX - 264
AIM - 211
EVA - 277

Shoot - 275
63 FP Gatling ( 13 FP remains ) - 2x275 = 550
100 FP Gatling - 4x275 = 1100

Clive Winslet
HP - 2449
FP - 61
ATT - 238
DEF - 283
MAG - 208
MGR - 195
RFX - 113
AIM - 275
EVA - 220

Shoot - 650
61 FP Gatling ( 11 FP remains ) - 2x650 = 1300
100 FP Gatling - 4x650 = 2600
Lock-On ( uses 25 FP; Never missing physical attack with doubled ATT power ) - 1200


HP: 2692
1) Gallows - 4180
2) Clive - 2449
3) Jet - 2239
4) Virginia - 1899

DEF: 238
1) Clive - 283
2) Gallows - 262
3) Jet - 247
4) Virginia - 159

MGR: 242
1) Gallows - 428
2) Virginia - 213
3) Clive - 195
4) Jet - 130

RFX: 251
1) Virginia - 379
2) Jet - 264
3) Gallows - 248
4) Clive - 113

EVA: 253
1) Virginia - 348
2) Jet - 277
3) Clive - 220
4) Gallows - 166

C) "Elements"

Virginia Maxwell
HP - 1899
FP - 63
ATT - 238
DEF - 159
MAG - 231
MGR - 213
RFX - 379
AIM - 254
EVA - 348

Fiery Rage Properties:
- Critical Chance Increases 25%
- Null Fire Damage
- Immune to Poison Status

Shoot - 520
63 FP Gatling ( 3 FP remains ) - 1560
100 FP Gatling - 2600
Cremate ( 10 FP ) - 312 Fire magic damage
Devastate ( 20 FP ) - 1025 Non-elemental magic damage
Fragile ( 6 FP ) - Lowers target's DFP by 50%

Gallows Carradine
HP - 3284
FP - 63
ATT - 339
DEF - 219
MAG - 427
MGR - 268
RFX - 207
AIM - 112
EVA - 139

Aqua Wisp Properties:
- Null Physical Attacks 25%
- Null Water and Ice Damage

Shoot - 301
63 FP Gatling ( 3 FP remains ) - 2x301 = 602
100 FP Gatling ( 10 FP Remains ) - 3x301 = 903
Pressure ( 10 FP ) - 910 Water Damage
Refrigerate ( 10 FP ) - 910 Ice Damage
Heal ( 12 FP ) - 710 HP
63 FP Summon ( Aqua Wisp ) - 2079 Water Damage
100 FP Summon ( Aqua Wisp ) - 3300 Water Damage

Jet Enduro
HP - 2239
FP - 63
ATT - 346
DEF - 247
MAG - 146
MGR - 130
RFX - 396
AIM - 211
EVA - 277

Gale Claw Properties:
- Counterattack Chance Increases 25%
- Null Wind and Thunder Damage

Shoot - 275
63 FP Gatling ( 13 FP remains ) - 2x275 = 550
100 FP Gatling - 4x275 = 1100
Vortex ( 10 FP ) - 165 Wind damage
Inspire ( 10 FP ) - 165 Lightning damage
Turbulence ( 12 FP ) - Increases EVA by 50%
Quicken ( 8 FP ) - Increases RFX by 50%
63 FP Summon ( Gale Claw ) - 555 Wind Damage
100 FP Summon ( Gale Claw ) - 910 Wind Damage

Clive Winslet
HP - 3183
FP - 61
ATT - 238
DEF - 424
MAG - 208
MGR - 195
RFX - 113
AIM - 275
EVA - 220

Terra Roar Properties:
- Null Earth Damage
- Null Disease Status
- Defender: Clive has a 25% chance of taking a physical hit for an ally

Shoot - 650
61 FP Gatling ( 11 FP remains ) - 2x650 = 1300
100 FP Gatling - 4x650 = 2600
Lock-On ( uses 25 FP; Never missing physical attack with doubled ATT power ) - 1200
Petrify ( 10 FP ) - 375 Earth Damage
Decelerate ( 8 FP ) - Lower's target's RFX by 50%
Protect ( 8 FP ) - Increases target's MGR by 50%
Shield ( 8 FP ) - Increases target's DEF by 50%
61 FP Summon ( Terra Roar ) - 990 Earth Damage
100 FP Summon ( Terra Roar ) - 1500 Earth Damage[/u]


HP: 2651
1) Gallows - 3284
2) Clive - 3183
3) Jet - 2239
4) Virginia - 1899

DEF: 262
1) Clive - 424
2) Jet - 247
3) Gallows - 219
4) Virginia - 159

MGR: 202
1) Gallows - 268
2) Virginia - 213
3) Clive - 195
4) Jet - 130

RFX: 284
1) Jet - 396
2) Virginia - 379
3) Gallows - 248
4) Clive - 113

EVA: 246
1) Virginia - 348
2) Jet - 277
3) Clive - 220
4) Gallows - 139


  • Ara ara~
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Re: Wild ARMs 3 (Full)
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 09:46:26 PM »

From OK

Boss Info:

HP - ~31000
Defense - Average
Magic Defense - Average

Dark Matter - 600 Dark Element Damage
Nightmare - 700 Non-elemental damage ( Defense-ignoring, it seems ), inflicts Sleep status 100%; this status can be relayered every round, effectively creating a "sleep-loop"
Feeble Mind - Lowers target's MGR by 50% ( does NOT affect Nightmare's damage )

From Meeple

Some information on Janus, the form with all the stat buffs anyway (from Fortune Gear).   Here's what I got from a brief testing:

Edit: Ah, screw it, this post is now reserved for all bosses I'm testnig and such.  So far, only Janus's Fortunre Gear form, and his Yggdrassil form, Leehalt's Yggdrassil form, as well as Malik's, and the 2 last Schrodenger (I think I'm spelling that wrong) fights.  Plan to get Lucied's (might be worth using over his shit WA1 and WA2 forms), Melody's stats, Malik and Leehalt's later form stats (if they help them), Siegfried's (who knows, might end up better than his WA1 form), and Asgard's Stats.

Janus (Ka Dingel Form):

Speed: Average (Slower than Jet, faster than Gallows)
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average

Heretic Stab: 45 damage, physical, evadable
Heal berry: Heals 300 HP (more than anything you can do at this time, nixing Force Abilities and MAYBE Clive's physical w/ Firey Rage), used only as a counter to magic, 100% chance.
Sniper Shark XR: 45 damage, used as a counter to physicals at about 33% chance
Multi Blast: 55 damage, physical, unevadable, Multi Target, used as a counter to physicals, at about 33% chance.
Rising Nova: 140 damage, Physical, unevadable.  Usuable only at HP =< 80% (this is a guess, he used it after 2 attacks on Virginia, though, when I stalled when his HP was full, he never used it once)

Special Power Up: At about 25% HP, all his moves do double damage.

Note: I'm taking a wild guess on his physical counter chances, though, he seems to favor Multi Blast over Sniper Shark XR.  So...yeah...

Note: Janus was tested in my Virginia SCC, so take EVERYTHING wiht a grain of salt.  All damages are done to Virginia, who has Aqua Whisp, and Terra Roar (only 2 mediums that boost anything defensive) on, at level 12.  With this set up, her HP is a touch lower than Clive's (when they were the same level at 9, she has 2 less HP, so...yeah)  Her HP is 445.
Her physical was doing 100~damage to him (Fiery Rage on, I think 2 levels of power on her), if your wondering how to take Heal Berry.  Her magic was a touch lower.  her criticals were doing over 300 (O_o)

Comments: This form is his anti Mage form.  Heal Berry makes that clear, though I can understand not scaling it up (due to how Heal Berry's don't get better at all.  Side note, he uses them as counters in a previous fight if you attack his allies)  Beyond that?  It just gets better as his HP goes down.  Counters are nice, he can't do much damage until Rising Nova though, even with the counters, though, at low HP, his damage becomes quite fierce.  This form is a decent Middle, I guess.

Party's average HP:  1088

Note: Janus starts off with lots of stat buffers, so I'm listing his damage initially, then his damage after he gets hit with Dispel or ilk.

Speed: Faster than Viriginia, heard his speed his close to 200
Evade: Great (Clive can actually miss him on not so rare occassion)
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: ???
He has auto Reflect on

Dark Spear: 250, physical
Proton Beam:  550, magical
Negative Rainbow: 450, MT, magical

After Dispel:
Speed: Average (usual after Jet, before Gallows, speed)
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average

Dark Spear: ??? (never used it on me)
Proton Beam: 250, magical
Negative Rainbow: 200, MT, Magical

Note: All of Janus' stat buffs, including Reflect, wear off naturally over the course of time.  Seems to happen around turn 4 or so.  So in long fights, he's going to be condemned to his less damage and abilities.

Comments: Well, Janus starts off with a bang, having immense speed, good magic damage (ESPECIALLY for a WA3 boss), and great evade, not to mention Auto Reflect to boot.  However, later in the fight, he...declines greatly.  His damage goes from Solid to Middle Bait (by boss standard), and everything he had that stood out no longer does.  Basically, he's not suited for long fights at all.  Solid Heavy, though.

Alright, now for Maya and Co's 3rd form (don't have stats on 2nd form, sorry)

Maya (Fighting Artist Form):
Average HP: 1346

Speed: A bit above average (went before Jet once)
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average

Pike Thruster: 150 physical
Phalanx:  350 damage, physical
Eagle Claw: 400 damage, physical, used only as a counter to magic

Comments: Pretty bad.  She has 3-4HKO damage with Phalanx, and...well, that's all she has.  Crappy, her Wonder Witch isn't much better mind, just uses Magic instead of physicals.

Average HP: 1346

Speed: Average
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average

Divide Shot: 50% Gravity, evadable (basically, a standard physical that does HP/2 instead of normal damage)
Meteor Drive: 203

Comments:  Divide Shot makes him interesting, but...Meteor Drive is worthless raw damage.  His previous form, which had confusion, is probably better.

Shady Thousand:
Average HP: 1346

Speed: Average
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average
Weak vs. Water, Resists Fire and Ice

Baking Breath: 210, Fire elemental, magical
Blizzard Breath: 210, Non elemental, physical

Comments: Uh,  He resists Fire and Ice though! ...that's all he has going for him -_-;  Such puny bait, unless compared too...

Average HP: 1346

Speed: Average
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average

Homemade Blast: 120, physical

Comments: This guy makes Shady a Middle.  God, is he aweful, he's just there to piss you off, really.

Malik (Yggdrasil form):
Speed: Slower than Jet (w/ Wind Medium), faster than Gallows
Defense: Below Average
Magic Defense: Average
Party Average HP: 1736

Chaos Disorder: Causes Confusion, seems to be 100% success rate
Tri Injury: Adds Misery, Amnesia, and Disease status, apparently 100%
Eliminate Scanner: 300, magical
Annihilation: 350, Magical

Miscellaneous: Malik has perfect Evade.  Despite popular belief, said evade is NOT Special in any regards.  Its just perfect evade, nothing more.  Proof? Lock On smacks him perfectly fine, despite whta people have claimed in the past.   Mind, if he's hit with a speed lowering ability (Deccellerate, for example), then his Evade goes from perfect to standard WA Evade (meaning everyone hits him fine, sans Gallows, who has accurracy issues)

Comments: Well, he's got some good status, and the perfect evade can be a nuisance.  And to make matters worse, he can inflict a Silence like status to force people into taking him on Physically.  Disease is good for messing with healers who are silent immune, and confuse is just nice in general.  Sounds like a God Like, right?  Well, he would be, if it weren't for the absolute fatal flaw that he has utter shit for damage.  Look at it, he 5HKOs on a good day.  His HP is also pretty bad too, being just above 2000, and Clive can easily break 1200 at this point with Lock On.  Yeah, solid heavy, probably the best of the Prophets by far.

NOTE: Speaking from memory, so some of the names might be off

Leehalt (Yggdrasil form):
Speed: Usual Before Gallows, after Jet, speed
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average
Party's Average HP: 1736

Rule of Vengeance: Used as a counter only.  Does damage equal to exactly the amount you did to him.
Eliminate Scanner: 300, magical

Comments: Well, he's based enitrely on Counters.  Eliminate Scanner lets him beat those who would normally win an all out slugfest with him, since those extra damages can push his HP above thiers, persay.  Still has issues beating Healers though.  And yes, he CAN use Rule of Vengeance and Eliminate Scanner on the same turn

NOTE: I skipped Melody in this form, since she might get better (relativly, in terms of damage and such)

Janus (Yggdrasil form):
Speed: Typical Boss (After Jet and Virginia, before Gallows and Clive)
Defense: Good (takes about 2/3 - 1/2 the damage from physicals than others)
Magic Defense: Average
Party's HP: 1736

Dark Spear: 270 Physical
Negative Rainbow: 350, Magical, MT
Proton Beam: 450, Magical

Comments: *sigh* For his last form, this is very dissappointing.  If you allow his last form only, well, to be blunt, he's light bait.  He definatly wants his previous form with stat buffers, since that at least had good damage, and excellent speed, at the beginning of the fight.  This form...beyond its good defense, to be blunt, SUCKs.

Maya Schrodenger (Caging Tower Form):
Average HP: 2137

Speed: Average
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average

Calamity Jane: 800, Magical
ARW-752: 450, Physical
NOTE: The name appeared too fast for me to read it, the one time she used it, likely, this is wrong spelling

(yes, Calamity Jane appears to be magical.  Gallows took a good deal less from it than Clive did, and Jet took the most of anyone, and Virginia took about the same as Clive did.  Viriginia and Clive aren't far apart in MGR, while Jet has game worst by far, and Gallows has game best)

Comments: Her best form by far, and frankly, its nothing special.  Well, her damage is finally noticiable, and apparently she has gained something Magical in Calamity Jane.   Well, she can have fun in Middle, I guess.  Should be noted that unlike other Humanoid Bosses, especially ones with allies, her durability is good, at least for a WA3 boss.  Nothing amazing, but she doesn't quite die to a sneeze.  All the Schrodenger members are actually fairly durable by the game's standards (they own the Prophets badly, that's for sure)

Todd (Caging Tower form):
Average HP: 2137

Speed: Average
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average

Divide Shot: 50% Gravity, evadable (basically, a standard physical that does HP/2 instead of normal damage)
Black Fenrir: 400, Physical
Meteor Drive: 550
Healing Factor: Heals 300 HP

Miscellaneous: When Todd is hit with a Fire attack, his Hair is put on fire.  When this happens, he loses about 300 HP a turn (that's about equal to a Jet physical at this point)

Comments: Still crap.  Healing Factor is good for Variety I guess, and since his relative damage is better, Divide Shot makes him have effectivly around 3HKO damage, persay, though, he runs scared from good evade.  Seems like a middle bait to me.  Good write up fodder if his opponent has Fire too <_<  He wants his form with Confusion (which I don't have stats for, sorry), most likly.

Shady Thousand: (Caging Tower form)
Average HP: 2137

Speed: Average
Defense: Above Average
Magic Defense: Average
Weak vs. Water, Resists Fire and Ice

Baking Breath: 300,  magical, Fire elemental
Blizzard Breath: 350, physical
Note: Despite their names Blizzard Breath's name, its non elemental (Gallows had Full Frost Ward on, and he still took normal damage)

Note: Shady's damage seems to increase as there are less allies.  The above is when there are 2 alive (when all 4 are alive, they ALWAYS do Wild Bunch),  with one or none alive, the damage is around 550 for both.  Also, with less allies, his defense seems to go down too.

Comments: Depending on how you interpret won't matter, Shady SUCKS.  He's a crap character in all regards.  his damage is the same as Todd's, and unlike Todd, he doesn't have divide Shot saving his ass, and his durability is easily the worst of the Schrodengers. Say it with me: PUNY BAIT!  Easily the worst of the Schrodengers in everyway

Alfred (Caging Tower form):
Average HP: 2137

Speed: Average
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average

Homemade Blast: 200, physical

Comments: Wait, did I just say Shady was the worst of this bunch? Man what am I on, Alfred makes Shady look good enough for a good Heavy match with the likes of other solid heavy bosses such as Teepo, or Jecht.  His damage...well, to be blunt, it struggles to win slugfests with Evil Gaia.  Heck, you know what? He's worse than Evil Gaia in just about everyway.  Evil Gaia at least has (innaccurate) status, Amazing Speed, and good HP.  Alfred...has average speed, and only OK HP...well, fine, he beats Evil Gaia in defense, but still.  If there ever was a boss that makes Evil Gaia look good, and said boss wasn't from Valkyrie Profile (yes, Hrist, I'm looking at you), Alfred Shrodenger is that one.  Obviously, P. U. N. Y.!

Melody (Ruins of Memory Form):
Average HP: 2203
Speed: Average (Slower than Jet, faster than Gallows)
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average
NOTE: In this form, I don't think Melody has the Barrier.  That, or her defenses suck so bad that with the barrier, all damage done to her ends up looking the same as average <_<

Eliminate Scanner: 500, magical
Venomous Blow: Adds Poison, 100%
Miscellenaneous: Whenever she takes damage, she counters with Venomous Blow.

Comments: Sucks.  Venomous Blow I guess turns her 4HKO into a 3HKO, still lacking in durability (all Prophets have this issue), and such.  Wishes she still had her barrier too.

Malik (Ruins of Memory form):
Average HP: 2203
Speed: Average (Jet > Him > Gallows)
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average

Disorder: Adds Confusion, high hit rate (not perfect)
Tri Injury: adds Amnesia, Misery, and Disease
Eliminate Scanner: 500, magical
Miscellaneous: Malik has perfect evade, as always, until his Speed is decreased, at which point, his evade is standard WA3 monster evade (IOWs everyone hits him fine, except Gallows)

Comments: Not much to say about Malik, the same mold as his previous forms.  Anti physical, Status whore, nothing resembling damage or actual durability (he died in 2 turns after I started attacking him), but hey, at least he's consistant, and that status and evade make him not a bad dueler, at least (can't say the same for Melody...)

I'm not gonna bother with Leehalt from here on in.  He's...exactly the same in every form (except the first time you fight all 3, where they all use nothing but Eliminate Scanner)

Note: All 3 Prophets fight together this time.  Take that as you will.

Average HP: 2203
Speed: Average
Defense: High (takes about half damage from physicals)
Magic Defense: Above average

Large Moon: 250, physical
Dark Destruction: 350, magical, dark elemental
Dark Lucied: Uhh...he used this move once on Gallows, and it did 0.  Anybody who knows what this move does, please tell
Lifedrain: 250 magical damage, heals Lucied for damage done

Comments: -_-  Lucied, even with 3 forms to choose from, can't get out of Light, despite all 3 forms being completely differnet.  Anyway, this form is his tank form, having good defensive stats, (bad) parasitic healing, and average speed.  Pity he envies the Prophets in damage.  He sucks, pretty much a rule for Lucied, is anybody REALLY suprised?

Malik (Cradle of Metagod form):
Average HP: 2732

Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average
Speed: Average

Eliminate Scanner: 600, magical
Disorder: Adds Confusion, 100% hit rate
Tri Injury: Adds Disease, Misery and Amnesia status, 100% hit rate

Miscellaneous:  Like all his other forms (Sans the first 3 prophet fight where they spam Eliminate Scanner), he has perfect evasion from all physicals, unless they have perfect accurracy or ignore evade (in WA3's case, that's Lock On only)  This can be dispelled by getting him hit with a speed stat down

Comments: Not much has changed about Malik here.  Still average speed, still low staying power, still bad damage, still good damage, and still perfect evade til hit with Slow...yeah, as far as Malik goes, he doesn't care how you scale really, his forms all end up the same in the end.

Melody (Cradle of Metagod form):
Average HP: 2732

Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average
Speed: Average

Eliminate Scanner: 700, magical
Venomous Strike: Adds poison, 100% hit rate, used as a counter

Miscellaneous: Melody's got a shield on that reduces all damage done to her by 300 (Similar to BoF5 Absolute defense)   Note that at this point, everyone breaks 300 with thier physical easily, and Clive does nearly 4 digits, so its not nearly as impress as it seemed originally.
Also. for what its worth, it decreases damage of each HIT, and damage reduction happens AFTER the critical hit multiplier, meaning one single hit big damage attack will do more than a multi hit attack of same damage.  Take that as you will.

Comments: This like her first one she had the barriers in, only worse, since now 300 shields aren't something all that impressive, and fairly easy to break.  Beats her other forms that have no barrier though with ease.  Mind, how you scale her barriers are up to you.  You could argue that cause originally its so hard to break, her earlier form gets that advantage that only strong attacks break the barrier...OR you could argue on the flip side that since the barriers NEVER change from chap 2 to end of chap 3, always staying at 300, that no scaling cna be applied.  Take that as you will.

Note: For what its worth, Malik and Melody fight together.  This matters for those who scale based on how many people you fight.

Leehalt (Deus Ex Machina form):
Average HP: 2789

Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Above Average
Speed: Average 2788

Eliminate Scanner: 500, magical
Rule of Vengeance: Does damage equal to the last attack used against him.  Used only as a counter.
NOTE: Rule Of Vengeance ONLY takes the last hit into account, so for example, Claude's Mirror Slice, lets say, does 2000 a hit, he'd only recieve 2000 SO2 damage, instead of about 20,000, since it ignores all the prior hits.

Comments: Not much to say here.  Like Malik, his forms show very little in the ways of Variety between them.  As always, he's reliant on his Rule of Vengeance to get things done.

Note: Leehalt comes with a Malik Clone and a Melody Clone, whom are pretty much identical in everyway to the real ones, just with a weaker eliminate scanner.  Matters for those who base characters off how many allies they have.

Average HP: 2788

Speed: Average
Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average

Proton Beam: 650, Magic damage
Sieg Impulse: seems to do utterly random damage.  I've seen it do 900 to Virginia on one shot, then 400 on the next shot.  Gallows was similar.  I know its not gravity, as Gallows took his higher damage when his HP was lower.
Teardrop: Full Healing, usable at will, once stolen from, can't use this anymore
Dark Spear Nemisis: 350, physical
Negative Rainbow: 400, magical, MT

Comments: Siegfried...well, Teardrop makes him a bitch to kill, though, his damage is pretty bad.  If you allow Tear Drop, he's formidable, and definatly better than his WA form.  If you don't...well, he's basically a worse version of Janus in everyway (funny, considering he owned Janus WITHOUT the Dark Spear)  Yeah...not much differnet than his WA1 form, besides Tear Drop, really.

Asgard (Deomondor Pillar Form):
Average HP: 2942

Defense: Average
Magic Defense: Average
Speed: Average

Barrier Knuckle: 1300, Physical
Wide Barrier: Instant Death, seems fairly accurrate, peg around 90% (seems I got him on a bad day when I first fought him)
Barrier Flood: 50% Gravity, 100% Success rate
Barirer Storm: Seems to do damage based off his HP.  Used early in the fight, saw damages as high as 1200, late in the fight, did about 250.
Note: I am not sure the above list is complete.  Worry not, I plan on facing him again (unlike the Prophets, and Janus, Asgard changes EVERY battle, so yeah, you can't just assume)

Comments: Asgard's good...but he's no God Like.  According to some, I'm a bit overleveled, so his damage is probably closer to 2HKO level.   Barrier Storm is good for early game offensive punches, and seems to be magical, and Barrier Flood is good for taking down HP Tanks.  Wide Barrier is his main claim to fame, though.  Its fairly reliable instant death, which is always useful, especially for gunning down annoying healers *looks at Riou*  He's also fairly durable, which is quite suprising considering the other plot bosses in this game.  in running for best boss dueler of the cast, with Janus (if you allow that one form) and Malik, IMHO.

From NEB

Boss testing. Will add some at random.

Malik Bendict

HP 8600 (pretty poor. PCish to slightly below to me)
Def 78 (below average)
MDef 194 (slightly above average)
Reflex 208 (slightly above average)
Aim 94 (doesn't matter)
Evade 162 (slightly above average)

Has perfect evasion unless he is hit by a Slow effect. Evade-ignoring attacks (Lock-On) hit him fine.

Average defences are around 150 for an enemy at this point.

Eliminate Scanner - 600 magic damage.
Disorder - Inflicts Confusion with perfect probability.
Tri-Injury - Inflicts Diseases (seals healing), Misery (essentially Silence), and Amnesia (useless) with perfect probability.

My average level: 43
My average HP: 2300

Comments: Ah, Malik. Straightforward, and extremely effective. Immunity to a damage type is nice, but he backs it up with two different status attacks which complement this immunity perfectly. Nice. Probably WA3's best boss dueller. Of course, if you get around his tricks, he fails.

Melody Vilente

HP 8200 (see Malik, minus a few points)
Def 68 (below average)
MDef 190 (slightly above average)
Reflex 198 (average)
Aim 92 (doesn't matter)
Evade 158 (slightly above average)

Her defensive stats don't matter much, the way her barrier works.

Melody has a barrier that absorbs 350 points of damage per hit she sustains. This is fairly significant even at this point... I personally see average damage rather arbitrarily around 900 or so, which means Melody totally nulls out about 15% average PC KO damage the way I scale.

Venom Strike - Counters any damage, 100%. Inflicts Poison with perfect probability.
Eliminate Scanner - 600 magic damage.

WA3 Poison takes off 20% max HP per turn.

My average level: 43
My average HP: 2300

Comments: Melody's barrier is great for shutting down certain types of Lights, and her free poison counters can certainly add up, since WA3 poison is non-fail. Like all the prophets she's built on tricks, and her tricks are probably the weakest in a duel (for all that they make her the tankiest prophet by far), but they still make her one heck of an odd spoiler boss.


HP 25000 (pretty good, about 2x PCHP to me)
Def 266 (above average)
MDef 220 (slightly above average)
Reflex 220 (slightly above average)
Aim 145 (sucks)
Evade 108 (negligible, Gallows was typically landing 6-7 shots)

Average enemy defences at this point are around 200, so Asgard's above average physically. Oh, and remember when I commented that Maya's accuracy was none too hot? She has better Aim than Asgard unscaled...

Barrier Knuckle - Never saw it hit. -_- He rarely uses it, it whiffed five times out of five when he did. Meep calls it 1300.
Barrier Flood - Gravity, half of current HP destroyed. MT.
Barrier Storm - I believe this is (Asgard's HP)/20 ITD damage, so it starts out at 1250 and decays to nothing. MT.
Wide Barrier - 60% chance of Instant Death (hit 12 times out of 20). MT.

Party average level: 46
Party average HP: 2450

Comments: Yeah, his ID has probably been overrated in the past (nowhere near perfect). It's good enough to get the job done, though, with his durability. He can win the odd slugfest, but he basically needs his target to have low evade, or he will struggle to finish them off (Barrier Storm gets really weak as he gets beaten up, and of course Flood can't finish anyone). All things considered a little disappointing, he may not be as high a Heavy as I had previously thought with those accuracy issues. Fortunately for him, the most common ID-immune targets (bosses) also tend to suck at dodging.


HP 28000 (see Asgard)
Def 185 (slightly below average)
MDef 177 (slightly below average)
Reflex 228 (average)
Aim 241 (doesn't matter)
Evade 182 (average for a WA3 enemy, noticeable mostly for Gallows)

Dark Matter - 250 Dark magic damage, reflectable. MT. Fails.
Nightmare - 750 magic damage. Inflicts Sleep with perfect probability. Badass animation. MT.
Feeble Mind - Halves target MDef. High hit rate but not perfect (80-90%?). Adds about 80 damage to her spells, fear WA3's defence stats. MT.

Sleep can not be relayered, but since it lasts around four turns on average anyway in addition to the turn it is applied in, this probably doesn't matter.

Party average level: 50
Party average HP: 2650

Comments: Huh, thought she was faster. Other than that... very straightforward. Defend Sleep or die to Nightmare. She has some durability so she can outslug the status-immune in Middle... maybe... if they don't heal. Yeah, she's basically all about Sleep.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 09:55:32 PM by Talaysen »


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Re: Wild ARMs 3 (Full)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 09:46:59 PM »
From Niu

And her eare numeric staes for bosses

Asgard 1:


hp 2600
atp 130
def 127
sor 25
mgr 103
hit 57
pry 66
res 96

Asgard 2:


hp 4500
atp 160
def 152
sor 28
mgr 116
hit 79
pry 72
res 108

Asgard 3:


hp 5600
atp 188
def 167
sor 128
mgr 137
hit 97
pry 88
res 130

Asgard 4:


hp 25000
atp 383
def 266
sor 392
mgr 220
hit 145
pry 108
res 220



hp 24000
atp 364
def 251
sor 363
mgr 203
hit 200
pry 158
res 207

Janus 7:


hp 3300
atp 132
def 89
sor 137
mgr 86
hit 96
pry 99
res 128

Janus 8:


hp 6800
atp 204
def 184
sor 210
mgr 121
hit 116
pry 127
res 186

Maya (first encounter):


hp 670
atp 46
def 48
sor 22
mgr 46
hit 51
pry 47
res 53

Maya (Witch Lady):

lv. 21

hp 1650
atp 38
def 86
sor 130
mgr 112
hit 50
pry 114
res 128

Maya (Grappler)


hp 2040
atp 165
def 152
sor 32
mgr 98
hit 147
pry 142
res 160

Maya (Lady Gunner)


hp 6000
atp 220
def 144
sor 194
mgr 134
hit 162
pry 138
res 168

Malik 2


hp 5200

atp 46
def 68
sor 210
mgr 141
hit 67
pry 118
res 138

Malik 3(team battle form):


hp 3800
Rest is same as Malik 1

Malik 4:


hp 8600
atp 60
def 78
sor 354
mgr 194
hit 94
pry 162
res 208

Malik 5:


hp 5800
at 45
def 68
sor 310
mgr 180
hit 227
pry 198
res 191

Milady 2:

Lv. 31

hp 4800
atp 45
def 58
sor 200
mgr 137
hit 65
pry 115
res 130

Milady 3(first team battle):

lv. 32

Hp: 3800
rest same as Milady 1

Milady 4:


hp 8200
atp 59
def 68
sor 344
mgr 190
hit 92
pry 158
res 198

Milday 5:


hp 5800
atp 45
def 58
sor 300
mgr 180
hit 227
pry 198
res 191

Richard 2:


hp 5600
atp 47
def 78
sor 220
mgr 144
hit 68
pry 121
res 134

Richard 3(the first team battle):


hp 3800
rest is same as Richard 2

Richard 4:


hp 9000
atp 61
def 88
sor 363
mgr 160
hit 96
pry 165
res 203

Richard 5:


hp 6000
atp 45
def 78
sor 320
mgr 180
hit 227
pry 198
res 191



hp 18000
atp 360
def 220
sor 310
mgr 240
hit 164
pry 165
res 204

I'll try to update the rest later

From NEB

Maya 4 damage stuff. Mostly because I want to try and figure out how enemy damage works, and I've seen her attacks far too damn often due to my failing.

Disclaimer: It's late, and rereading this over again I ramble a lot. Still want to get these notes down while all the experience is fresh in my mind.

My average defence is 150. My level is 36-37, so I try to use FP around that area (seems fairest).

Her basic physical: ~350? She rarely uses it, and it misses reasonably often when she does. I assume her other two moves ignore evade, since they never miss and Maya's listed Accuracy's none too hot.
AW-RSTN87: ~700? damage
Calamity Jane: ~1500? damage. Huge variance... I've seen 1100-2200, though some of that's FP/Def.


Big one that comes to mind is this. Maya has 220 Attack. I have 150 average defence. Multipliers come before attack, and:

Calamity Jane = 10xAt - Def
AW-RSTN87: 5xAt - Def

Quoth Split Infinity:
Damage received decreases at 100/(FP+100).

This seems more correct than Meeple's claim in my experience; my Clive has over double my Virginia's defence, but Virginia with 100 FP is a tank and Clive with 0 FP typically dies to one Calamity Jane. I suspect WA3 defence fails at life, on that note.

Annnyway. Using the above, and plugging in 1/1.36 for damage, we get...

Calamity Jane: 1507 (2050 at 0 FP... which also sounds right)
AW-RSTN87: 698

Look familiar to you?

My guess is the weaker pistol might be 3xAt - Def = 375.

Needs much more testing before I'm confident in this.

Incidentally, Maya never uses Calamity Jane until she's taken... 1/3? damage. Then she uses it ~90% of the time.

My average HP is just under 1700. I don't have any Gold mediums, though.

Now, the question is why did Meep see such a low number? *shrug* Well, 100 FP, 200 Defence... still leaves her with 1000 damage, but 800 is within the +/-20% range that damage seems to have. Barely. I dunno, though. I've never seen Calamity Jane drop to three digits myself, not even against reasonably high-FP Clive, and surely my Clive is tankier than average, gold mediums or no. Regardless, this needs more testing.

NEXT THEORY: I've just gotten some screwy variance, and multipliers kick in after defence.

Using the PC formula, Maya's attack is 440 - 150 = 290.

Calamity Jane = (2At-Def)*7 = 2030 to 0 FP, 1492 to 36
AW-RSTN87 = (2At-Def)*3? = 639 (feels too low. Maybe 3.5, though non-round numbers would be weird)
Pistol = (2At-Def)*2? = 426 (too high?)

These numbers seem to fit much less well, other than Calamity Jane (highest I've seen CJ go is about 2200 against averagish defence... within random variance). Also, my Clive has 226 Def.

This suggests CJ would do only 1498 to him at 0 FP, even though I've seen far higher. I've also seen 1400+ to him at something like 40 FP (1000 predicted). Toss in the less round numbers, and I'm definitely siding with the first formula for now. The only thing this system might explain better is that it allows an 800 damage Calamity Jane to become more possible on someone rather tanky.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2008, 09:54:45 PM by Talaysen »


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Re: Wild ARMs 3 (Full)
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 09:51:48 PM »
From Meeple

Alright, been testing on some bosses, courtesy of Niu to give me thier defensive values, and have figured out some algorithms:

Physical Attacks:
Base Damage = Attack * 2 - Defense
Damage = Base Damage * (1 + FP/100)

For example, say Clive has 500 Attack, and the enemy has 200 defense, and he has 50 FP, his damage would be 1000 (Attack * 2) - 200 (enemies defense) = 800
Then it'd be 800 * (1 + 50/100) -> 800 * 1.5 = 1200 damage.

If attack is critical, then damage = Damage * 2

As far as I can tell, when only some of the damage gets through, its probably just straight division, so Gallows would do half damage if he got 4 hits in. for example.

If Attack has Valiant Status, then Damage = Damage + Max HP - Current HP.

If Defense Null PS kicks in, then Base Damage = Attack * 2 (this part was fairly obvious, granted)

If hitting weakness, refer to Magic below for damage changes

If Hyper status is in effect, then damage = damage * 2

Complex? Alright, lets use an example. Jet has 300 attack, hypothetically, and the enemy has 100 Defense. Assume the enemy has shit Evade so Jet always gets his hits in. Lets say he has 2k HP as well.

Jet's Listed Attack: 300
Jet's ACTUAL Attack: 600 (Attack * 2)
Jet's Damage to Enemy, nixing Random Variance, at 0 FP: 500 (Attack - Defense)
Jet's Damage at 50 FP: 750 (Damage * 1.5)
Jet's Damage at 100 FP (assume 100 FP from here on in): 1000 (Damage * 2)
Jet's Damage with Hyper: 2000
Jet's Damage on a Critical: 2000
Jet's damage on a critical with Hyper: 4000
Jet's damage after taking 1000 damage (meaning 1000/2000 HP) and Valiant cast: 2000 damage.
Jet's Damage at 1 HP w/ Valiant: 3999
Jet's damage at 1 HP w/ Valiant and Criticaling: 4999 (Damage * 2 + HP Loss)

More situations, yes, but I hope that makes things clearer.

I plan on testing Lock On's damage at some point. Dunno if it doubles the attack Multiplier or flat out damage.

Random variance seems to fall anywhere from 80% damage to 120% damage.

That said, this explains why Gatling's damage seems to vary a lot. The max Hit ones are all multi hit moves based off MAX FP. Meanwhile, the lower end onse are based off lower FP, thus less damage.

Mag * Multiplier - Mgr = Base damage
Damage = Base Damage * (1 + (FP/200))

If hitting weakness, damage = Damage * 2.
If you have Weakness PS, and hitting weakness, then Damage = Damage * (2 + PS Level/2)
If attack is hitting resistance, depends what level of resistance. I think PS Wards are linear damage reduction (haven't tested this fully), IOWs, level 1 is 25% Reduction, and goes on linearly til level 4 where its "No Effect" I'll test this further, mind.
Thus, 1 level of weakness is 2.5x damage, while 4 is 4x damage.

So far, I've got the following:
Heal: 1 (-_-)
Elementals (Cremate, Dark Matter, Inspire, etc.): 2
Devastate: 4 (wow)
Life Drain: 3 (I haven't tested this much, so it could be wrong)
Eliminate Scanner: 4

For oddball spells (Marginize, Dark Lucied, etc.) I have no clue, haven't tested them much yet.

Summon Damage!
Summons are literally one step, yay!
Damage = Magic * Multiplier * FP/100

Yes, Summons are ITD. If hitting weakness, follow rules of magic for damage increasing and such.

The Multipliers for Basic Elemenatls (Dark Destruction, Assault Tide, etc.) is 7. For Phantasmic Heart (Zephyr's Summon), its 14. Will start working on figuring out Lucky Hand' least, an attempt to figure out the basis behidn HOW he works

And another interesting fact!
True Defensive stats of WA3 aren't the listed value, those are the base values. They're actually:
Stat + Stat * FP/100
IOWs, if Clive has 300 defense, and has 80 FP, his true defensive stat is...
300 + (300 * 80/100) = 540.
Same applies for MGR, mind.

This, along with the whole FP matters for damage aspect, explains a lot as to why FP growth was butchered in WA3. It also explains why damage seems so utterly random at times.

As far as Defensive status', they're just damage = damage/2.

For the negative defense status (Fragile and Feeblemind), it seems to lower the value to just above 50% the STAT's value. Mind, when I say Just above, I mean its like 54% (so 100 Mgr would be lowered to 54) and not exactly 50%.


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Re: Wild ARMs 3 (Full)
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2008, 09:52:26 PM »
From NEB

Wellll... here are some damage figures for the WA3 cast with tinkered ARMs. I'm using Meep's formulae for these, assuming 200 average defences (they fit with OK's numbers and seem to be roughly average by FAQs). I'm also basing assessments on the three-turn averages, which seems fairest.

Virginia (15 Shot)

Base physical: 350
At 63 FP: 570 (Gatling 1710)
At 69 FP: 591 (Gatling 1773)
At 75 FP: 612 (Gatling 1836)
At 100 FP: 700 (Gatling 3500)
Three-turn average: 999

Mystic: 1000 HP healing for 25 FP with Potion Berries, I suppose. This doesn't strike me as too useful in general, as soon as she starts burning FP her damage tanks. Some might not allow it anyway.

Comments: Bleh. Her damage is pretty bad. In practice, if she fights someone she can evade it will rise fairly rapidly, I suppose (12 FP for a dodge). She can tinker with her ARM a bit to get stronger Gatlings (two shot for two Weight = 2240 on turn 3, for instance, and she can get a 200-points stronger Gatling on turn 1). Light, which seems ridiculous based on in-game, but so it goes. Mystic helps... against almost nothing, but it's there. For me, anyway.

Jet (14 Shot, 1 Bullet)

Base physical: 632
At 63 FP: 1030 (Gatling 2060)
At 69 FP: 1068 (Gatling 2136)
At 75 FP: 1106 (Gatling 3318)
At 100 FP: 1264 (Gatling 5056)
Three-turn average: 1805

Accelerator apparently raises his physical damage by 25%, he can't use it with Gatling and of course it consumes 25 FP.

Comments: Yes, he belongs in Light. Still, looks scarier than Virginia, doesn't he? He can't really tinker with his ARM as much, though, since he lacks that weight freedom and is just barely getting a three-hit Gatling on turn 3 as is. Lacks her evasion and is status-bait, too.... hard to say who is better (or worse, rather).

Gallows (ARM fails at life, I'm just giving it 15 Hit so it might actually connect. It would STILL have accuracy issues even so, mind.)

Base physical: 218
At 63 FP: 355 (Gatling 710)
At 69 FP: 368 (Gatling 736)
At 75 FP: 381 (Gatling 762)
At 100 FP: 436 (Gatling 1308)

Gallows much prefers to use his Schturdark-granted magic (Water and Ice spells, Water summon):

Magic at 0 FP: 654
At 63 FP: 1066
At 100 FP: 1308
Summon at 63 FP: 1952
Summon at 100 FP: 3216
Three-turn average: 1522

Heal at 63 FP: 693
Analyse: Instant win

Comments: HEAL. It's around 22% of his max, and gets better the higher his FP goes! Other than that, his damage is fairly similar to Jet's, really, albeit of a different type. Miiight be low Middle.

If you don't give him Schturdark, he gets much, much worse.

Clive (14 Shot, 1 Bullet)

Base physical: 802
Attack at 38 FP: 1106 (Lock-On 2212)
Attack at 44 FP: 1154 (Lock-On 2308)
Attack at 63 FP: 1307 (Lock-On 2614)
Attack at 69 FP: 1355 (Lock-On 2710)
Attack at 75 FP: 1403 (Lock-On 2816, Gatling 4209)
Attack at 100 FP: 1604 (Lock-On 3208, Gatling 5288)
Three-turn average: 2108

Trade 4 shot for weight, Gatling at 63 FP: 3188

Trade 3 shot for 2 weight and 1 bullet, Attack at 63 FP: 1121
Gatling at 69 FP: 3488

Comments: Wow, someone competent. Clive 2HKOs with Lock-On, and he can pull it off twice in a row. Alternatively, he gets to 75+ FP, and can OHKO with Gatling. Other options include 80% PCHP on turn 1 (nice, can score OHKOs on the fragile), or 87% on turn 2. Still too slow for Heavy, mind, but actually can get the job done as a strong Middle. Easily the best PC of the cast.


Overall three-turn average: 1606

Final comments: Yes, WA3 PCs can tinker with their setups a bit, but overall this is roughly how they'll look. No real surprises, I think, but it's nice to have the numbers on paper.

I may post numbers for the elemental setups if there's interest. The interp that loads Gallows up with multiple mediums while everyone else gets nothing can burn in hell, though. <_<

EDIT: Speed SDs for the cast:
Virginia: +1.24
Jet: +0.22
Gallows: -0.31
Clive: -1.15
« Last Edit: October 08, 2024, 02:49:57 AM by Dark Holy Elf »

Glen Veil

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Re: Wild ARMs 3 (Full)
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2012, 05:36:35 PM »
Did a small amount of testing on Moon Spark's sleep for potential dungeon purposes and leaving here for future reference.  Tested on a midgame file on various monsters using both Virginia and Jet, which character didn't seem to make a difference.

Ballon: 0/6
Orc Warrior: 0/5
Oak Shaman/Warrior 10/10
Unknown: 4/4
Thunderdrake: 3/6

Enemies seem to have different resistance to the status, with it generally being immune or always susceptible, with a few having 50% resistance.


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Re: Wild ARMs 3 (Full)
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2012, 06:16:05 AM »
Enemy status appears to be in increments in 25%. It's worth noting that none of those monsters appear to actually be immune to Sleep per FAQs (Makes average of these enemies kind of hover in the 50% area at least midgame. Looks worse at endgame).
...into the nightfall.