Author Topic: Final Fantasy XII (Bosses/Temps)  (Read 2462 times)


  • Ara ara~
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Final Fantasy XII (Bosses/Temps)
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:18:15 PM »
From Fenrir

Well, Photocide hasn't posted in a month and I like those bosses. There will be story bosses, Gilgy and the zodiacs, unless I start going crazy.

Speed. The game uses the same charge system as FFX-2. Weapon types have different charge times. (CT) 30 seems to be the average for PCs, and every magic has a 30 charge time too.
However, magic and skills take more time than it looks like, since time still goes on during animations and skill animations are longer. Even things with extremely low CT can take some time, such as the 3 CT Remora Strike and it's long animation.
So I'll take that in consideration and will list for each move a % speed, compared to a party of two physical users and one black mage (most of the time). For example, a 100% speed move will be about as fast as your team, and a 200% speed move will be 2x as fast.
There is also a queue thing going on (physicals ignore the queue and are fired off instantly), but it doesn't matter in a duel.

Everyone can chain physicals, but usually the chance is low. The lower the HPs the higher the chance to chain (Sometimes you have enemies comboing half the time below 20% HPs), and when I list a % chance to combo it's at full HPs.

If an enemy has a "limit", like Remora strike or Flame Breath (unlocked at xx% HPs, but only one use), it'll cancel whatever he was charging to charge that instead.

Battle speed for this is set at default. Note that if a boss pulls some CT=0 crack, you can set battle speed as fastest to make him lose some time.

By default in the topic, non elemental attacks are physical, and elemental attacks are magical. So yeah, Fire 1, I won't bother saying "Fire / magical" but just "Fire".

Resistance to an element = Taking half damage. Weakness to an element = Taking double damage.

Bad statuses are (10 seconds ~= 2.5 turns):
Death: Death.
Petrify: Petrified 45 seconds after the status is used.
Stop: Stopped. Lasts 50-60 seconds.
Doom: Death 100 seconds after the status is used.
Confusion: Use physical attacks on completely random targets. Lasts 60-80 seconds, cancelled by physical attacks.
Sleep: Cannot act, everything does 150% damage. Lasts 35-50 seconds, cancelled by physical attacks.
Disease: Max HP goes down with attacks along with HP.
Reverse: Healing and damage are reversed. Lasts 10-14 seconds.
Slow: CT speed goes 2 times slower. (Affects physicals more than magic) Lasts 90-120 seconds.
Disable: Cannot act. Lasts 30-40 seconds.
Immobilize: Cannot move. Lasts 75-100 seconds.
Silence: Cannot use spells.
Blind: Accuracy for regular physicals reduced by 50%.
Poison: Lose 16% max HP per 10 second. lasts 75-100 seconds.
Oil: Fire does 3x damage.
Sap: Loses 10 HPs per second.

Good statuses:
Protect: Cuts physical damage by 25%. Lasts 60-90 seconds.
Shell: Cuts magical damage by 25%. Lasts 60-90 seconds.
Reflect: Reflect. Lasts 60-90 seconds.
Haste: CT bar fills 50% faster. Lasts 40-60 seconds
Bravery: Physical attack do 130% damage. Lasts 40-60 seconds
Faith: Attack magic does 130% damage. Healing does 150%. Status rate raised by 50%
Invisible: Cannot be targeted. Lasts 90-135 seconds
Regen: Character gets random healing (from 1 to character's level) every 1.5 seconds. Lasts 90-135 seconds
Float: Immune to trap. No effect on earth magic. Lasts 60-90 seconds.
Berserk: Characters is forced to attack. CT bar fills 100% faster, damage is increased by 50%. Lasts 45-70 seconds.
Bubble: Max HP is doubled. Lasts 60-90 seconds.

While most bosses are vulnerable to status, they all have high vit, the game's status resistance stat. They usually reduce status accuracy by around 30%.

Flying makes you immune to short range (Includes , undead makes you get damaged by healing spells (but for bosses, not life spells like Raise)

For the purpose of the topic, I fully explore areas and kill everything the first time I get there, but run from monsters when revisiting areas for hunts. Keeps levels at what they should be and I still get the benefits from doing the hunts.

I'm taking guest damage in the average since they tend to do intelligent stuff. However, if your whole party dies but they're still alive you get a gameover, so I'm not taking their durability in the average.

[size=18]Air Cutter Remora[/size]

HP: 2200
Damage taken from physicals: 70%
Damage taken from magic: 70%
Pretty terrible accuracy, around 60%. Just plain can't hit Basch.
Autoloses at 40% HPs.

Physical: 36. 85% speed
Remora Strike: 62, AoE, fire / physical. 130% speed. Can be used once at 80%, once at 60 and once at 50% HPs. If Remora was charging an attack, it'll cancel it to use that instead.

You have Reks and 4 guest PCs, one being Basch.
HPs: 133.
Average damage: 52 (78 for Reks, 126 for Basch, 18 for the others)

Comments: Mm. This is the case of SO3 Norton, Basch here is doing the Cliff and crushes him. Remora still fares decently thanks to that durability score, despite the crappy damage, speed and accuracy. High Light.

[size=18]Rogue Tomato[/size]

HP: 134
Damage taken from physicals: 65%
Damage taken from magic: 45%

Physical: 8. 100% speed
Flame Breath: 24. 180% speed. Usable below 40% HPs, OPB, fire.
Ram: 10. 200% speed. Physical.

HP: 129
Damage: 30 (Vaan)

Comments: Tanks magic, uber speed thanks to Ram. Very rogue. And a limit break.


HP: 3571
Damage taken from physicals: 75%, 100% in water
Damage taken from magic: 100%, 115% in water
Absorbs fire, weak to water
Vulnerable to slow and silence

Physical: 50, 30 in water. 85% speed
Kick: 69, 39 in water. 200% speed
Rush: 69, 39 in water. 200% speed
Fire: 93, unusable in water. 70% speed. Fire elemental
Bushfire: 93, MT, 50% chance to inflict poison. Usable below 80% HP and every 12 turns. In water, usable below 20% HP. Nearly instant speed (300%?). Fire / Physical.

Average HP: 219
Average Damage: 87. Balthier 94 (Mage Masher) Amalia 90 (Sword) Vaan 103 (Thunder) Fran 71 (Shortbow)

Comments: He's vulnerable to other statuses that you don't have access to at that point. You don't have access to water either but give me a break he's made of fire. Seriously now.
On each side of the battlefield there are 2 water filled areas and as you can see you can make a total mockery of him if you go there. Up to you whether you hold that against him or not. He can still sometimes teleport to a non water area to cast a Fire spell, though.
Anyway, he's alright. 4HKO from excellent speed (He can get pretty scary in game spamming Kick and Rush), great durability. And with a fire move that somehow inflicts poison. Heavy, maybe low godlike.


HP: 232
Damage taken from physicals: 115%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Begins battle with Protect cast.
Vulnerable to slow and blind

Physical: 11. 70% speed
Lunge: 11. 140% speed


HP: 158
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 105%
Vulnerable to slow and blind

Physical: 11. 70%
Lunge: 11. 140% speed


HP: 142
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 105%
Vulnerable to slow and blind

Physical: 11. 70% speed
Lunge: 11. 140% speed
Cure: Heals 50 HPs. 60% speed

Average HP: 196
Average damage: 55. Vaan 80 (Thunder) Balthier 30 (Physical)

Comments: I feel like I'm fighting the VP2 dogs again. You can also hold the knot of rusts you've just collected against them too. And the equipment you're missing!

[size=18]Mimic Queen[/size]

HP: 4073
Damage taken from physicals: 75%
Damage taken from magic: 110%
Vulnerable to slow, blind and silence
Weak to ice, absorbs thunder

Physical: 50. Thunder/Physical. 90% speed.
Thunder: 77. Thunder elemental. 75% speed.
Ground Shaker: 81, MT. Earth/Physical. Usable below 20% HPs three turns after Shockstorm, and every ten turns above 20% HPs if energy is between 20% and 49%. Nearly instant.
Shockstorm: 173, MT. Thunder. Usable below 20% HPs, and once above 20% HPs if energy is below 29%. Only once every ten turns, for each case. Nearly instant.
Breath of Life + Spawn: Recovers 5% max HPs and spawns a tiny battery. Only usable if there are less than three tiny batteries left, and above 20% HPs. 40% speed for the whole thing.

[size=16]Tiny Battery[/size]

HP: 120
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Vulnerable to every status.
Weak to ice, absorbs thunder
Killing a battery restores 2% energy.

Physical: 12. Thunder/Physical. 100% speed.
They can also suck energy instead. 1% every 2 PC turns per Tiny battery.

Average HP: 311
Average damage: 115. Vaan 124 (Fire) Basch 115 (Sword) Fran 89 (Longsword) Balthier 130 (Oaken Stick Of Doom)

Comments: You fight a mimic queen and 4 Tiny batteries. Depending on how well you did in the dungeon, your starting energy could be anywhere from 0 to 100%, it should definitely start high though. (60-100%) It doesn't really matter anyway, unless you don't want to attack the tiny batteries at all. (And you should, Spawn + Breath of Life is a horrible move) Energy is just an outside stat that only matters for this dungeon.
Well, the boss is a bit interesting. Its attacks are pathetic, but considering how durable he is and how you want to kill the tiny batteries, this adds up. Spoiled easily but heavy, Serph owns him though.

[size=20]Judge Master Ghis[/size]

HP: 4120
Damage taken from physicals: 85%
Damage taken from magic: 110%
Vulnerable to slow, sleep and blind.
Autoloses at 20% HPs

Attack: 50. 120%. 14% chance to combo up to 4 hits, 5% chance to inflict Blind.
Aero: 180, Aoe. 75% speed. Usable once at 80% HPs, once at 60%, and once at 40%. Wind elemental.
Protect: Reduces physical damage by 25%. ~70% speed.
Kick: 50. 160% speed.
Lunge: 50. 160% speed.
Greater Barrier: Reduces all damage taken by 30%, and gives both Protect and Shell. 100% speed, usable below 60% HPs.

Average HP: 436
Average damage: 198. Vaan 320 (Dark) Fran 120 (Stick) Balthier 160 (Assassin's dagger)

Comments: Serious business.
Ghis fights with three Imperial Swordsmen, who have 615 HPs and just mostly do 35 damage physicals.
He isn't too impressive, contrary to what you'd think. The damage he can do is really low most of the time (His limits are just high 3HKO), even though he can start comboing a fair amount at low HPs. Speaking of HPs, he'd like more of them to carry out his defensive game successfully.  In game he's there to kick your ass if you try to rush him, as Aero is likely to target all your characters. Middle.


HP: 6754
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 115%
Weak to dark, absorbs holy.
Vulnerable to sleep, disease, silence, blind, sap.

Attack: 150. 200% speed after Enrage. 10% chance to combo up to 4 hits. 4% chance to inflict sleep. Only 55 damage, 90% speed if you use berries on him.
Enrage: Physicals now have 0 CT. Cancelled if you use berries on him, you have to do some sidequest to get those. OPB, always used immediatly.
Lunge: Didn't see much. ~70, 120% speed (lag). Only usable if you use berries on him.

Average HP: 710
Average damage: 276. Vaan 207 (Cypress Stick) Vossler 253 (Sword) Balthier 223 (Fists) Ashe 420 (Dark)

Comments: By that time your "reserve characters quickenings" should begin to do real damage (even if you don't know the board well), you could pull some 5000-6000 damage thanks to just them. However you shouldn't be that used to the game at that point so I'm not holding that against him. Berries practically skip him and he's not unbeatable otherwise so I'm not really holding them either against him. So, very little damage, but dished fast. Flying makes him immune to short range, and he's durable. Totally one dimensional but heavy.

[size=18]Demon Wall[/size]

HP: 10332
Damage taken from physicals: 60%
Damage taken from magic: 10%
Vulnerable to slow, blind and oil.
Weak to holy.
Ignores the status resistance stat (vitality), but not the status lowering effect of Shell.
Autowins after 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Attack: 105. 17% chance to combo up to 4 hits. 105% speed.
Blindga: 72% chance to inflict blind, MT. 50% speed, 100% speed after Chain Magick.
Silence: 77% chance to inflict silence. 50% speed, 100% after Chain Magick.
Sleep: 82% chance to inflict sleep. 50% speed, 100% after Chain Magick.
Telega: 100% chance to inflict X-Zone. (Character disappears entirely from that battle) 2PB, Usable below 50% HPs. 50% speed after Chain Magick.
Doom: 77% chance to inflict doom. 50% speed, 100% after Chain Magick.
Annul: Perfect MP bust. 70% speed after Chain Magick.
Chain Magick: CT=0 for magic. OPB, usable below 50% HPs. 50% speed.

Average HP: 710
Average damage: 276. Vaan 207 (Cypress Stick) Vossler 253 (Sword) Balthier 223 (Fists) Ashe 420 (Dark)

Comments: This is the second Demon Wall you fight. Slow as hell, but he doesn't care. High magic defense doesn't stop those statuses at all. Blind, Silence, Sleep, MP busting, with those he's insured he's going to crush his target like all good Demon Walls do. Or he can just Telega the Nina4est of his opponents. Heavy.

[size=20]Belias The Gigas/Velius[/size]

HP: 15943
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 95%
Vulnerable to slow and sap
Weak to water, absorbs fire, halves other elements.
Ignores evasion below 50% HPs.

Attack: 135. 175 below half HPs. 75% speed.
Saber: Physical attacks now deal double damage, but Belias now gets hit by the same amount of damage he deals. Usable below 80% HPs, dispelled below 50% HPs. 100% speed.
Fire: 82, fire elemental. 55% speed. 100 damage, 110% speed below 20% HPs.
Firaja: 330, AoE, fire elemental. 52% chance to inflict Oil. 150% speed. Usable below 50% HPs, and only every 12 turns.
Greater Barrier: Reduces all damage taken by 30%, and gives both Protect and Shell. 100% speed, usable below 50% HPs.

Average HP: 814
Average damage: 335. Vaan 215 (Cypress Stick) Balthier 320 (Ancient Sword) Ashe 594 (Aero) Vossler 210 (Sword)

Comments: Jesus! Belias has a pathetic damage output. Uh... Middle. So much for hopes. He's not good enough to really put Oil to use.

[size=20]Mister Spoiler[/size]

HP: 9318
Damage taken from physicals: 85%
Damage taken from magic: 95%
Vulnerable to stop, confusion, sleep, slow, sap.
Begins battle with Shell and Haste cast.
Ignores evasion below 50% HPs. Reduces physical damage to 1/3rd below 20% HPs.

Attack: 70. 83 below 50% HPs. 98 below 20% HPs. 8% chance to combo up to 12 hits. 100% speed. 210% speed after Enrage.
Reflect: Reflect. 60% speed.
Enrage: Physicals now have 0 CT. Usable below 40% HPs. 110% speed.

Average HP: 814
Average damage: 376. Vaan 215 (Cypress Stick) Balthier 320 (Ancient Sword) Ashe 594 (Aero)

Comments: This boss fights with three scrubby Imperial soldiers, and Fran begins that battle with Berserk cast. This boss is another hard to gauge tank. Good HPs, Reflect, nice damage reduction. Middle. The damage only ever gets decent at low HPs. Factoring in mist quickenings is reasonable, and makes him scrubby.


HP: 49993
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 95%
Vulnerable to confusion, slow.
Weak to earth, absorbs wind, halves other elements.
Reduces physical damage to 1/3 below 20% HPs.

Attack: 240. 10% chance to combo up to 6 hits, 4% chance to inflict petrify. 80% speed.
Aero: 390, AoE. Wind. Usable once below 80% HPs, and once below 60%.
Reflect: Reflects spells. 55% speed.
Disablega: 36% chance to inflict disable. 130% speed.
Rake: 340. 150% speed.
Breath: 670, AoE. Physical/Fire. Usable once below 40% HPs, and once below 20%. 20% chance to inflict Sap. 110% speed.

Average HP: 1137
Average damage: 469. Balthier 510 (Lohengrin) Vaan 385 (Osafune) Larsa 340 (Sword) Ashe 643 (Aero)

Comments: While Tiamat is mostly just Larsa bait in game, his durability makes him not care about things in an one on one setting. On top of that, Reflect and incredible physical reduction at low HPs. Godlike.

[size=18]Elder Wyrm[/size]

HP: 71692
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Vulnerable to confusion, sleep, reverse, silence.
Weak to wind.
Begins battle with Shell cast.
Ignores the status resistance stat (vitality), but not the status lowering effect of Shell.

Attack: 210. 17% chance to combo up to 5 hits. 65% speed.
Slow: 82% chance to inflict petrify. Usable above 80% HPs. 50% speed.
Break: 72% chance to inflict petrify. Usable above 80% HPs. 50% speed.
Blind: 82% chance to inflict petrify. Usable above 80% HPs. 50% speed.
Silence: 82% chance to inflict silence. Usable above 80% HPs. 50% speed.
Sleep: 87% chance to inflict sleep. Usable above 80% HPs. 50% speed.
Confuse: 72% chance to inflict confusion. Usable above 80% HPs. 50% speed.
Sporefall: 72% chance to inflict poison, confuse, slow, silence, blind, oil, sap, AoE. Usable below 80% HPs, every 15 turns. 200% speed
Rake: 320. 150% speed.
Fireball: 700. Usable below 80% HPs. Fire/Physical. 100% speed.

Average HP: 1137
Average damage: 704. Balthier 630 (Flametongue) Vaan 385 (Osafune) Ashe 1460 (Glacial staff Blizzara) Larsa 340 (Sword)

Comments: Elder Wyrm fights with two Treants, which are your usual crappy randoms. (Decent HPs though) Note that he can be skipped to be fought much later, but that's not really intuitive in game.
Pretty ROOOOAAAAAAR worthy boss. Decent 2HKO with gobs of durability. Sporefall kills the PCs foolish enough to try. Note that Esuna doesn't cure Oil at all, and if you don't notice it you might well get hit by 2x overkill Fireball. Godlike.

[size=18]Earth Tyrant[/size]

HP: 70892
Damage taken from physicals: 80%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Vulnerable to confusion, sleep, reverse, slow, silence, blind.
Weak to wind, absorbs ice, halves other elements.
Reduces all damage taken by 30% and ignores evasion below 50% HPs. Reduces physical damage taken furthermore to 1/3 of that below 20% HPs.

Attack: 350. 450 below 20% HPs. 10% chance to combo up to 11 hits, 4% chance to inflict poison. 90% speed. 140% speed below 20% HPs.
Ram: 530. 140% speed.
Sonic Fangs: 460. 5% chance to inflict ID. 100% speed.
Screwtail: 720, AoE. Wind/Physical. Usable every 16 turns above half Hps, every 8 turns below. 85% speed.

Party (Level 26):
Average HP: 1217
Average damage: 742. Balthier 780 (Icebrand) Vaan 505 (Kogarasumaru) Ashe 1400 (Glacial staff Blizzara) Larsa 285 (Sword)

Comments: This one's completely optional, I missed him first time through. Standard FF12 boss offense, and a real tough nut to crack, getting Fou Lu like reduction at low HPs. (90% x 70% x 1/3 = Taking 21% from physical damage!) Oh, and halving elements. Yeah. Godlike.


HP: 15138
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 90%
Vulnerable to slow and blind.
7% chance to counter. Ignores evasion below half HPs.
There is a magnetic effect during that battle. Each piece of metal equipment slows a character down massively. That field effect is gone when Vinuskar dies, so I assume he creates it.

Attack: 260 above half HPs, 260 damage being also done to Vinuskar. 130 below. 10% chance to combo up to 2 hits. 4% chance to inflict Sap. 90% speed.
Slow: 38% chance to inflict Slow. 60% speed.
Break: 28% chance to inflict petrify. 65% speed.
Gnaw: 400 above half HPs, 400 damage being also done to Vinuskar. 200 below. 150% speed.
Crown: 530. Physical. 50% chance to inflict Confuse. Usable below 80% HPs. 90% speed.

Sword Dance: 420, AoE. Usable below 50% HPs, once every 10 turns. Nearly instant. (~300%)
Lunge: 400 above half HPs, 400 damage being also done to Vinuskar. 200 below. 150% speed.

Average HP: 1437
Average damage: 1020. Vaan 770 (Yoichi Bow) Balthier 840 (Ice Brand) Ashe 1450 (Glacial Staff Blizzara)

Comments: Yoichi Bow and Ice Brand are gotten from bosses far thougher than the following ones, remove 200 from the average damage if you want to ignore them. Vinuskar is the easiest normal boss in the game for good reason. Bad damage and durability, unimpressive tricks.
DL Middle; he spoils Kwandas, durability works for a middle boss, and Crown/Gnaw are alright enough in a one on one.

[size=20]Mateus The Corrupt / Emperor of Paramekia[/size]

HP: 34259
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Vulnerable to Oil.
Weak to thunder, absorbs ice, halves the other elements.
Ignores Reflect and the status resistance stat.

Attack: 310. Cannot combo. 360 below 20% HPs. 90% speed. 150% speed below 20% HPs.
Blizzaja: 750, 35% chance to inflict sap. 850 below 20% Hps. Usable below half HPs and then every 12 turns. Nearly instant.
Slow: 86% chance to inflict slow. 100% below 20% HPs. 60% speed, 110% speed after Chain Magick.
Reflect: Reflect. 60% speed, 110% speed after Chain Magick.
Flash-Freeze: 750. Ice elemental. 850 below 20% HPs. Usable below 80% HPs every 8 turns, and below 50% HPs every 12 turns. 80% speed.
Chain Magick: Magic CT = 0. Usable below 50% HPs. 60% speed.

[size=16]Ice Azer[/size]

HP: 2708
Damage taken from physicals: 80%
Damage taken from magic: 70%
Vulnerable to sleep, immobilize, blind, oil, sap.
Weak to thunder, absorbs ice, immune to the other elements.
Ignores Reflect and the status resistance stat. When it gets damaged, 5% of the damage is sent back to the PC.

Curaga: Heals 1020 HPs to Mateus. 1550 below 20% HPs. Usable if Mateus' HPs are below 50%. ~50% speed.
Blizzard: 60. Ice elemental. 70 below 20% HPs. 50% speed.
Sleep: 91% chance to inflict sleep. 100% below 20% HPs. ~50% speed.

Average HP: 1437
Average damage: 1020. Vaan 770 (Yoichi Bow) Balthier 840 (Ice Brand) Ashe 1450 (Glacial Staff Blizzara)

Comments: Fights with 5 Azers. Even if taken alone, Mateus is alright. The main offense is low, but Slow, Reflect and decent HPs ensure s/he's getting the Blizzaja-Flash Freeze turns. Heavy.

Bubble belts became available to me at that point. They give a character Auto Bubble, so permanently doubled HPs. As it's a spell I don't include it in the averages just like the Protect factor of the Auto Protect equipment.

[size=20]Judge Master Bergan[/size]

HP: 17200
Damage taken from physicals: 95%
Damage taken from magic: 105%
Vulnerable to stop, sleep, slow, blind, sap.
Reduces physical damage to 1/3 below 20% HPs. Around 40% evade and a little (~10%) mevade. 60% counter rate below 50% HPs.

Attack: 510. 14% chance to combo up to 4 hits, 5% chance to inflict blind. 620 after Battle Cry. 50% speed.
Battle Cry: Raises physical damage. Usable below 70% HPs, OPB. 100% speed.
Kick: 780. 940 below after Battle Cry. 120% speed.

Average HP: 1437
Average damage: 1020. Vaan 770 (Yoichi Bow) Balthier 840 (Ice Brand) Ashe 1450 (Glacial Staff Blizzara)

Comments: Bergan fights with 3 juges, who have 3179 HPs, do around 120 ST / 250 AoE damage, and renew Protect and Shell on Bergan. Bergan's pretty fun. Water Spout spam with him attacking behind can be rather overwhelming, but after the regular judges die he's rather hamless if you take things slowly... However, Kick is devastating, and he's a master of the physical game thanks to high evade / counter rate. Heavy.


  • Ara ara~
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Re: Final Fantasy XII (Bosses/Temps)
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 11:19:43 PM »
From Fenrir

Well, it has been a few weeks, though you'd post the topic by then. Go ahead of course.

NOTE: While hunts often begin with some status cast, unlike regular bosses you can just stay far from them waiting for the status to wear off before the fight.

Oh yeah.

[size=24]Rank I[/size]


HP: 380
Damage taken from physicals:
Damage taken from magic:
4% chance to counter, 16% below half HPs.
Vulnerable to stop, confusion, sleep, disease, slow, silence, blind, oil, berserk.

Physical: Physical. 4% chance to poison.
Lunge: Physical.
Fangs: Physical.
Cry for Help: Summons a wolf.
Saber: All three physical attacks now deal double damage, but Thexterra now gets hit by the same amount of damage he deals.

Comments: I'm overlevelled for that fight. Should have fought with Vaan/Penelo. You, who are playing the game for the first time, get some damage numbers. I'll let you sleep at my house one week for 5 american dollars, no credit card.

[size=18]Flowering Cactoid[/size]

HP: 755
Damage taken from physicals:
Damage taken from magic:
6% chance to counter
Begins battle with Haste cast, and maybe Protect (50%). Evasion improves by 25% below 40% HPs
Vulnerable to stop, sleep, disease, slow, disable, immobilize, silence, blind, oil, sap.

Physical: 4% chance to blind.
1000 Needles: 1000 damage, ITD. Unlocked at 20% HPs.
Potion: Heals 100 HPs. Only used if the team is far from him. 2PB.
Cure: Heals 53 HPs. Only used if the team is far from him. Becomes Potion's replacement once he runs out.

Comments: Same deal, someone get those stats! Those limit and evade are killer no matter what, though.


HP: 5146
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 85%
Vulnerable to stop, confusion, reverse, slow, disable, immobilize, silence, blind, oil, sap.
Weak against thunder, absorbs ice.
Reduces damage from ITD weapons to 12.5%. Ignores reflect with his magic. Evasion improves by 25% below 50% HPs. Undead.

Attack: 80 above 50% HPs, 80 damage being also done to Wraith. 40 below 50% HPs. 95% speed. Relatively high (~10%) chance to combo up to 6 hits, even at high HPs.
Blizzard: 88. Ice elemental. 110% speed below 20% HPs. 75% speed above.
Blind: Blind. 60% accuracy. 110% speed below 20% HPs. 75% speed above.
Dark: 127, dark, AoE. 110% speed below 20% HPs. 75% speed above.
Doom: Inflicts Doom. 70% accuracy, 90% speed.
Sleep Touch: 31, inflicts 50% sleep. 110% speed.
Poison Touch: 31, inflicts 50% poison. 110% speed.

Party (Level 9):
Average HP: 334
Average damage: 130. Vaan 132 (Fire) Balthier 165 (Assassin's Dagger), Fran 94 (Stick)

Comments: Doom seems to have some animation lag? Ugh, CT nightmare. Anyway, Wraith does the status & tank thing well, sleep is completely unfair on a tanky mage. (See status notes above) Physical is bad, but with the combo rate he can win a fight or two. Heavy.


HP: 6079
Damage taken from physicals: 75%
Damage taken from magic: 110%
Vulnerable to stop, confusion, sleep, disease, reverse, slow, immobilize, silence, blind.
Weak to fire, absorbs water, halves the other elements.
Begins battle with Protect cast, and maybe Shell, Haste and Bravery (50% chance for each)
Reduces physical damage to 33% below 20% HPs.

Saber: Physical attacks now deal double damage, but Nidhogg now gets hit by the same amount of damage he deals. Runs out below half HPs, but he can recast it. 110% speed.
Attack: 64, 75 below 20% HPs. 10% chance to combo up to 9 hits, 4% chance to poison. 105% speed.
Gnaw: 89. Usable above 20% HPs. 150% speed.
Tail Spear: 390. 25% chance to add slow apparently! Usable below 20% HPs and every 10 turns. ~180% speed?

Party (Level 10):
Average HP: 376
Average damage: 185. Vaan 313 (Dark) Balthier 148 (Assassin's Dagger), Fran 95 (Stick)

Comments: Pretty damn scary on paper, Saber then Gnaw spam ruins lives, and what he gains at limit range is impressive. Can't really handle ball lightning opponents or fire though. Low Godlike.


HP: 7509
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 85%
Vulnerable to stop, disease, reverse, disable, silence, blind, sap.
Begins battle with Protect cast (100%) and maybe Haste (50%).
Weak to earth, absorbs wind.

Attack: 60 above 20% HPs. 10% chance to combo up to 5 hits, 4% chance to inflict slow. 95% speed. Raises to 65 damage, 200% speed below 20% HPs.
Stone Gaze: 40% chance to inflict petrify, AoE. Usable above 20% HPs.
Poke: 80. Can combo like a physical. Usable above 20% HPs. 185% speed.
Mucus: 100, 45% chance to inflicts Slow. Usable above 20% HPs. 140% speed
Purify: Heals status. Fast, 160%ish?


HP: 3067
Damage taken from physicals: 120%
Damage taken from magic: 95%
Vulnerable to doom, sleep, disease, reverse, slow, disable, immobilize, silence, blind, poison, oil, sap.
Reduces physical damage to 33% below 20% HPs. Evasion raised by 25% below 50% HPs. 30% chance to counter.
Weak to earth, absorbs wind.

Attack: 23. 90% speed
Poke: 28. 180% speed

Party (Level 12):
Average HP: 456
Average damage: 214. Vaan 358 (Dark) Balthier 158 (Assassin's dagger) Fran 126 (Stick)

Comments: There are 1 Cluckatrice and 4 Chickatrices, if you fight one all the others come. Note that they can't pull poke spam at all if they're all there at once with the queue.
Scary boss in game. On its own, Cluckatrice isn't that good, though still relentless with impressive durability. Heavy.


HP: 17548
Damage taken from physicals: 75%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Vulnerable to stop, sleep, disease, slow, immobilize, silence, blind.
Weak to wind, absorbs earth.
Begins battle with Haste cast.
Above half HPs, Rocktoise ignores evasion, and his straight physicals deal double damage, but Rocktoise gets hit by the same amount of damage he deals. 22% chance to counter.
Sends back 1/20th of the damage dealt everytime it's attacked by anything.

Attack: 120. 10% chance to combo up to 4 hit, 4% chance to inflict slow. 90% speed, 170% speed below 20% HPs.
Stone Stomp: 460 Physical/earth elemental. 160% speed. Usable above 20% HPs
Sonic turn: 190, AoE. 150% speed. Usable above 20% HPs
Focus: Recovers 300 MPs. Uh... Probably 65% speed.
Flash: 55% MT Blind. Raises to perfect accuracy below 20% HPs. 150% speed. Usable above 20% HPs
Purify: Cures statuses.
Fire: 75, fire elemental. 90 below 20% HPs. 65% speed
Thunder: 75, thunder elemental. 90 below 20% HPs. 65% speed
Blizzard: 75, ice elemental. 90 below 20% HPs. 65% speed
Dark: 160, AoE, dark elemental. 190 below 20% HPs. 65% speed

Party (Level 16):
Average HP: 631
Average damage: 261. Vaan 200 (Cypruss Stick) Balthier 170 (Assassin's Dagger) Vossler 270 (Sword) Ashe 405 (Dark)

Comments: Wow, I thought he didn't close in at all at long range, but he actually does. Ubergodlike.

[size=24]Rank II[/size]

[size=18]Wyvern Lord[/size]

HP: 18669
Damage taken from physicals: 115%
Damage taken from magic: 120%
Vulnerable to sleep, reverse, slow, immobilize, blind.
Weak to earth, absorbs wind.
Reduces physical damage to 1/3rd below 20% HPs.
Noticeably bad accuracy. (~65%)

Attack: 71, 10% chance to combo up to 7 hits, 4% chance to inflict petrify. 90 below 50% HPs. Not using much below 20% HPs. 80% speed.
Aero: 260, AoE. Wind. Raises to 330 below 20% HPs. 50% speed
Ram: 95. 110 below 50% HPs. 140 below 20% HPs. 110% speed.
Gust: 101, AoE. Wind. 110% speed
Breath: Fire/Physical. Apparently a bit less damage than Ram and similar speed, AoE, and 17% chance of inflicting Sap. Hurray for not using this more than once in three fights. OPB, usable below 20% HPs.

Party (Level 18):
Average HP: 710
Average damage: 276. Vaan 207 (Cypruss Stick) Vossler 253 (Sword) Balthier 223 (Fists) Ashe 420 (Dark)

Comments: A pretty pathetic joke... Flying pathetic joke. And a freaking wall. Heavy.


HP: 19449
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 90%
Vulnerable to disease, reverse, slow, immobilize, silence, blind.
Weak to fire, absorbs water, halves other elements.
26% chance to counter. +25% evade below half HPs.

Attack: 135. 200 after Growing Threat. 250 below 20% HPs. 10% chance to combo up to 8 hits, 4% chance to inflict sleep. 70% speed.
Gnaw: 200. 300 after Growing Threat. 370 below 20% HPs. 160% speed.
Aqua Bubbles: 1240, AoE. 36% chance to inflict Sap. Water/Physical. Usable below 20% HPs, OPB. 100% speed.
Growing threat: Doubles Croakadile's level. Usable below 40% HPs. 100% speed.
Angel Song: Regen. 60% speed.

Party (Level 20):
Average HP: 828
Average damage: 376. Vaan 215 (Cypress Stick) Balthier 320 (Ancient Sword) Ashe 594 (Aero)

Comments: He also has the more than questionable Renew, but no. Gnaw spam, limit in Aqua Bubble, lasts a while. You could have better weapons by then, but I only had enough LPs for armor, and as usual, kinda quickening bait. Scary boss all in all. Godlike.


HP: 18709
Damage taken from physicals: 95%
Damage taken from magic: 105%
Vulnerable to stop, confusion, sleep, disease, slow, disable, silence, blind, oil, sap.
+25% evasion, reduces all damage to 2/3rd and ignores evasion below half HPs.
Weak to wind, absorbs earth, halves the other elements.

Attack: 235, 235 also being done to Enkelados above half HPs. 117 below 50% HPs. 160 below 20% HPs. 17% chance to combo up to 6 hits. 90% speed.
Gnaw: 290 damage, 290 also being done to Enkelados above half HPs. 145 below 50% HPs. 200 below 20% HPs. 150% speed.
Spin Kick: 170, AoE. 110% speed.
Protect: Reduces physical damage by 25%. Usable above half HPs. Also automatically used if you stay away from him. 60% speed.
Shell: Reduces magical damage by 25%. Usable above half HPs. Also automatically used if you stay away from him. 60% speed.
Purify: Cures statuses. Usable below half HPs. Also becomes status immune for 2 minutes after using this. 110% speed.
Restore: Restores 5613 HPs. Usable once below half HPs and once below 20% HPs. 100% speed.

Party (Level 22)
Average HP: 943.
Average damage: 485. Balthier 445 (Blood Sword) Vaan 380 (Osafune) Ashe 625 (Aero)

Comments: Croakadile and this one are one area apart, but big weapon upgrade. Enkelados is still really durable with healing, elemental protection, etc etc. Low Godlike.


HP: 22562
Damage taken from physicals: 105%
Damage taken from magic: 110%
Vulnerable to stop, confusion, reverse, slow, immobilize, silence, blind, sap.
Weak to holy, absorbs dark.
+25% evade below half HPs.

Attack: 180. 10% chance to combo up to 8 hits, 4% chance to inflict stop. 95% speed.
Watera: 180, AoE. Water elemental. 100% speed.
Doom: 91% chance to inflict doom.
Ram: 280. 160% speed.
Annul: Full MP bust. 80% speed.
Aerora: 325, AoE. Wind elemental. 100% speed
Dark: 280, AoE. Dark elemental. 70% speed.

Party (Level 24):
Average HP: 1137
Average damage: 742. Balthier 780 (Icebrand) Vaan 505 (Kogarasumaru) Ashe 1400 (Glacial staff Blizzara) Larsa 285 (Sword)

Comments: Generic with MP bust. Your damage can get pretty high if you spam Curaga on him, he's immune to Phoenix downs though. Heavy.

[size=24]Rank III[/size]

[size=18]Ring Wyrm[/size]

HP: 128648
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 90%
Vulnerable to confusion, slow, immobilize, blind.
Weak to fire, absorbs water, halves all other elements.
22% chance to counter, 27% below half HPs. Ignores evade below half HPs.
Begins battle with Protect and maybe Haste (50% chance) cast.

Attack: 350. 10% chance to combo up to 5 hits, 4% chance to inflict confusion. 75% speed. 180% speed below 20% HPs.
Fira: 390, AoE. Fire. 50% speed.
Blizzara: 390, AoE. Ice. 50% speed.
Thundara: 390, AoE. Thunder. 50% speed.
Immobilizega: 37% chance to inflict immobilize. 130% speed.
Rake: 550. Usable above 20% HPs. 160% speed.
Fireball: 900. Physical/Fire. 100% speed.
Breath: 850, AoE. Usable above 20% HPs. 110% speed. Physical/Fire.
Restore: Heals 38594 HPs. OPB. Usable below half HPs. 90% speed.

Party (Level 23)
Average HP: 998.
Average damage: 474. Balthier 530 (Lohengrin) Vaan 385 (Osafune) Ashe 637 (Aero) Larsa 346 (Attack)

Comments: If you close in though, he only uses evadable stuff, so he's not that hard to wall with blind. (which seems to particularly lower his accuracy) Otherwise, he has half of the durable final's HPs, and 30% healing. Yeah.

[size=18]Feral Retriever[/size]

HP: 22559
Damage taken from physicals: 100%
Damage taken from magic: 105%
Vulnerable to confusion, disease, reverse, slow, immobilize, silence, blind.
Weak to earth, absorbs wind, halves other elements
45% counter rate. Ignores reflect. Ignores evasion and +25% accuracy below half HPs.
Begins battle with Shell and maybe Faith (50% chance) cast.

Attack: 220. 260 below 50% HPs. 310 below 20% HPs. 110% speed.
Balance: Max HP - Current HP = Damage. So it should be around 18000. Ignores the damage limit. Usable below 20% HPs. 70% accuracy. OPB. 110% speed.
Purify: Usable below 50% HPs. Cures statuses. Usable below half HPs. Also becomes status immune for 2 minutes after using this. 120% speed.
Stone Gaze: 71% chance to inflict Petrify, AoE. 150% speed.
Rake: 300. 360 below 50% HPs. 430 below 20% HPs. 150% speed.
Blaster: 25% MHP damage. 71% chance to inflict slow, sleep, silence and blind. 140% speed.
Mind Lash: 510. Physical despite the name. 140% speed.

Party (Level 26):
Average HP: 1217
Average damage: 742. Balthier 780 (Icebrand) Vaan 505 (Kogarasumaru) Ashe 1400 (Glacial staff Blizzara) Larsa 285 (Sword)

Comments: Uber Coeurl. A boss having Balance is pretty cool. That limit is pretty hard to dodge, godlike you go.

[size=18]Gil Snapper[/size]

HP: 86956
Damage taken from physicals: 80%
Damage taken from magic: 95%
Vulnerable to disease, slow, immobilize, silence, blind.
Weak to thunder, absorbs ice, halves other elements.
Ignores Reflect. Reduces all damage taken by 30% below 50% HPs. Reduces physical damage to 1/3 below 20% HPs. When it gets damaged, 5% of the damage is sent back to the PC.
Begins battle with Shell and Protect cast.

Attack: 480. 10% chance to combo up to 4 hits, 4% chance to inflict Slow. 570 below 20% HPs. 70% speed.
Blizzara: 660, AoE. 730 below 20% HPs. Ice elemental. 50% speed. 100% below 20% HPs.
Blizzaga: 1250, AoE. Usable below 20% HPs. Ice elemental. 100% speed. OPB.
Disablega: 70% chance to inflict disable. 130% speed.
Flatten: 800, AoE. Usable above 20% HPs. 100% speed.
Purify: Cures status. 140% speed?
Flash: 79% chance to inflict blind. Usable above 20% HPs. 150% speed.

Party (Level 26):
Average HP: 1217. Much higher with Bansat taken into account, however if he is the only one in your team left alive you get a gameover.
Average damage: 742. Balthier 780 (Icebrand) Vaan 505 (Kogarasumaru) Ashe 1400 (Glacial staff Blizzara) Larsa 285 (Sword) Barsat is also there. He has highly random damage, if you hurt him he really starts dishing out though.

Comments: Pretty much like Earth Tyrant except better! Status that doesn't matter, a cool limit, etc. Note that in game he only uses Blizzaga and ra below 20% HPs unless silenced.
Supposed to have decent evasion but I haven't noticed it at all.

[size=24]Rank V[/size]

[size=18]White Mousse[/size]

HP: 69469
Damage taken from physicals: 55%
Damage taken from magic: 100%
Vulnerable to confusion, sleep, blind, berserk.
Weak to fire, absorbs water, halves other elements.
Begins battle with Shell cast maybe (50%).
Reduces damage from ITD weapons to 12.5%. Ignore the status resistance stat.

Attack: 330. 390 below 20% HPs? 10% chance to combo up to 5 hits. 4% chance to inflict sleep. Usable above 20% HPs (and berserked). 110% speed.
Slap: 450, AoE. Usable above 20% HPs. 160% speed.
Waterga: 910, AoE. Water elemental. 80% speed. ~150% below 20% HPs.
Slowga: 80% chance to inflict slow, AoE. Usable above 20% HPs. 60% speed.
Toxify: 80% chance to inflict poison, AoE. Usable above 20% HPs. 80% speed.
Flash: 80% chance to inflict blind, AoE. Usable above 20% HPs. 130% speed.

Party (Level 26):
Average HP: 1217
Average damage: 742. Balthier 780 (Icebrand) Vaan 505 (Kogarasumaru) Ashe 1400 (Glacial staff Blizzara) Larsa 285 (Sword)

Comments: General damage reduction is vewy nice. Waterga and Slap are practically identical in practice and allow for some limit busting. Myria like HPs but it's becoming common. Godlike. High caliber in game, you are simply dead if you have him unberserked below 20% HPs.


HP: 87141
Damage taken from physicals: 55%
Damage taken from magic: 95%
Vulnerable to sleep, disease, blind.
Weak to fire, absorbs water, halves other elements.
Reduces damage from ITD weapons to 12.5%. Reduces physical damage to 1/3 below 20% HPs.
Begins battle with Shell, Haste, and maybe Protect, Bravery and Faith (50% chance) cast.

Attack: 510. 17% chance to combo up to 6 hits. 110% speed.
Thundaga: 905, AoE. Thunder elemental. Usable below 50% HPs.
Slowga: 42% chance to inflict slow, AoE. 60% speed.
Break:  47% chance to inflict petrify, AoE. 65% speed.
Bleed: 67% chance to inflict sap, AoE. 65% speed.
Immobilizega: 35% chance to inflict Immobilize, AoE. 130% speed.
Disablega: 33% chance to inflict Disable, AoE. 130% speed.
Darkra: 620, AoE. Dark elemental. 65% speed.
Phantasmal Gaze: 37% chance to inflict confuse, AoE. 130% speed.
Lunge: 780. 170% speed.
Slap: Usable below 50% HPs. 160% speed.
Flash: 42% chance to inflict Blind, AoE. 130% speed.
Mythril Bubbles: 2100, AoE. 37% chance to add confuse and poison. Physical/Water. Low accuracy, 60%ish. Close range only. 150% speed.

Party (Level 26):
Average HP: 1217
Average damage: 742. Balthier 780 (Icebrand) Vaan 505 (Kogarasumaru) Ashe 1400 (Glacial staff Blizzara) Larsa 285 (Sword)

Comments: How kyute <3...
No. This is sheer brutality in flan form. Can't handle reflect + ranged fira + charge in game, though.


HP: 54921
Damage taken from physicals: 85%
Damage taken from magic: 95%
Weak to water, absorbs fire, immune to the other elements.
Vulnerable to confusion, disease, slow, silence, blind.
Ignores evasion above half HPs. Reduces physical damage to 1/3 below 20% HPs. +25 evade below half HPs.
Begins battle with maybe Protect, Shell and Haste cast.

Attack: 640, 10% chance to combo up to 9 hits. 770 below half HPs. 921 below 20% HPs. Fire/Physical. 100% speed. 200% speed below 20% HPs.
Gnaw: 950. 1140 below half HPs. Usable above 20% HPs. 150% speed
Tail Spear: 640. 25% chance to add slow. Usable above 20% HPs. 150% speed.

Party (Level 26):
Average HP: 1217
Average damage: 742. Balthier 780 (Icebrand) Vaan 505 (Kogarasumaru) Ashe 1400 (Glacial staff Blizzara) Larsa 285 (Sword)

Comments: Marilith doesn't bother with variety and that's not much of a problem. High HPs and way too dangerous, godlike.


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Re: Final Fantasy XII (Bosses/Temps)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 11:20:25 PM »
From Fenrir



HP: 134
MP: 35
Attack: 13
Defense: 4
Magick Resist: 4
Evade: 15
Strength: 24
Magick Power: 22
Vitality: 23
Speed: 35

Attack: 35. 110% speed.
Thunder: 78, thunder. 80% speed. 8 MPs.
Cure: Heals 89 HPs. 80% speed. 8 MPs.

Other guests at the time:
Average HP: 329 (Dalmascan soldier 160/170/180, Basch ~1000)
Average damage: 50. Basch 125, Reks 78, other 3 guys 16

Comments: Whoops, HPs.
Um... There is an argument for not taking guest characters at all I guess? Light anyway.


HP: 231
MP: 53
Attack: 30
Defense: 8
Magick Resist: 8
Evade: 35
Strength: 24
Magick Power: 31
Vitality: 26
Speed: 25

Attack: 102. 110% speed. (Average speed for a physical, but it gets compared to Dark)
Potion: Heals 100 HPs. 95% speed.
Hi-Potion: Heals 400 HPs. 95% speed.

Party averages:
HP: 308
Defense: 8
Magick Resist: 8
Evade: 21
Damage: 159. Vaan 295 (Dark), Balthier 147 (Assassin's dagger) Fran 92 (Stick) Lamont 102

Comments: Lamont's still a kid, so he's not exactly stellar in battle. Still, with all those Hi-Potions, he's FF12's version of Boco. Except he has overall better stats, ignores silence and brings some evasion. Low Middle.


HP: 619
MP: 66
Attack Power: 29
Defense: 16
Magick Resist: 13
Evade: 5
Magick Evade: 0
Strength: 43
Magick Power: 26
Vitality: 24
Speed: 29

Attack: 210. 110% speed
Telekinesis: Random damage, long range. Damage is a random number between 0 and (43 x Enemy level), enemies being around level 16-20 by then. So 0-800 damage. 90% speed. 75% accuracy
Balance: Deals MHP-CHP damage, AoE. 75% speed. 70% accuracy. Costs 18 MPs.

Average HP: 765
Average defense: 14
Average magick resist: 13
Average evade: 14
Average damage: 335. Vaan 215 (Cypress Stick) Balthier 320 (Ancient Sword) Ashe 594 (Aero) Vossler 210 (Sword)

Comments: Vossler suffers a lot from NPCs not gaining exp unless they leave the team, as his stats are less than stellar by then. Telekinesis is still a decent light trick.
He's rumoured to have Hi Potions (400 healing), which would help him quite a bit.

Code: [Select]
Larsa, who's completely different from Lamont:

HP: 790
MP: 97
Attack: 39
Defense: 14
Magick resist: 15
Evade: 25
Strength: 32
Magick Power: 41
Vitaility: 37
Speed: 30

[b]Attack: 285. 110% speed.[/b]
Hi Potion: 400 healing. 85% speed.
X Potion: 1600 healing. 85% speed.
Telekinesis: Random damage, long range. Damage is a random number between 0 and (32 x Enemy level), enemies being around level 25 by then. So 0-800 damage, for him too. 90% speed. 75% accuracy

Average HP: 1110
Average defense: 20
Average magick resist: 19
Average evade: 15
Average damage: 699. Balthier 605 (Flametongue) Vaan 505 (Kogarasumaru) Ashe 1400 (Glacial staff Blizzara) Larsa 285 (Sword)

Comments: Same but worse. Items don't get any faster. Free full healing is still good no matter what, though. Light.

Guest characters!


(Joins for Gil Snapper)

HP: 5000
MP: 999
Average defense and mdef
Begins with Haste and Faith cast.
Weak to fire.
Vulnerable to slow, immobilize, confusion, silence, oil.
12% evade.

Protect: Reduces physical damage by 25%. 60% speed.
Shell: Reduces physical damage by 25%. 60% speed.
Physical: 500. 130% speed. 300% speed below half HPs.
Ram or whatever: 810. 150% speed.
Hi Potion: Heals 400 HPs. 85% speed.
Esuna: Cures statuses. Except oil.
Blindna: Cures blind..............

Party (Level 26):
Average HP: 1217
Average damage: 757. Balthier 780 (Icebrand) Vaan 505 (Kogarasumaru) Ashe 1400 (Glacial staff Blizzara) Larsa 285 (Sword) Bansat 800

Comments: You might not have realized it but Bansat is the man, for real. Damage is lowish, but he's fast, with absolutely ridiculous HPs for a PC-like thing. Protect and Shell are usually pathetic, but here they actually do help too! At half HPs he starts pummeling your face at mach speed. Near status immunity too, only confusion and slow are problems, and even then... I am overwhelmed. Godlike.


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Re: Final Fantasy XII (Bosses/Temps)
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 11:21:22 PM »
From Photocide

These numbers were tested on Dark lords so the numbers may be a little off.

*Note: I equipped Balthier with a sword due to his Z spear spoils everything*


HP: 3490
MP: 233
Attack: 75
Defense: 53
Magick Resist: 35
Evade: 30
Strength: 74
Magick Power: 49
Vitality: 44
Speed: 43

Attack: 2045. 110% speed.
Telekinesis: Craperly random. I think it has a 50-150% damage rate.

Party averages:
HP: 2784
Defense: 40(Blame fran)
Magick Resist: 30
Evade: 28 (Fran again)
Damage: 1985. Balthier 1585 (Sword), Ashe 3041 (sword) Fran 1331 (Bow) Reddas 2045

Comments: A better Vossler in everyway, also he’s pretty fast. Middle

[size=18]Gilgamesh (Second form)[/size]

HP: 472346
Damage taken from physicals: 80%
Damage taken from magic: 90% (Not 100% sure on this one)
Immunes all status’s.
Halves all elements.
Can parry, adding to his Evade.
His attacks Ignores Evade.
Reduces physical damage by 25% when below 60% HP.
At 60% health he gains protect status.
Reduces physical damage by 50% when below 40% HP.
At 40% health he gains protect, shell and haste status's.
Reduces physical damage by 75% when below 20% HP.
At 20% health he gains Reflect, protect, shell, Haste, Bravery and Regen status’s.

Attack: 2536. With bravery. 4245. 5% to stop, Petrify, Sap.
Bitter End: Unlocked when Gil is below 60% health. 4225 damage. Loses it at 20%.
Now, Enkidu! - Has Enkidu use Growl
Fly, Enkidu! - Has Enkidu use Dash
Lv 2 Sleep: I think you can guess what it those. Instant.
Lv 3 Disable: ^.  Instant
Lv 4 Break: ^.  Instant
Perfect Defense - At 20%, Paling + Magick Barrier, wears off after monarch sword is used twice.
Monarch sword - Hits target for 7000. 9999 with bravery.

*Note: He uses monarch sword right after Perfect Defense and again after a minute.*

Party (Level 59):
Average HP: 2784 (Without augments and Bubble) (3784 with augments)
Average damage to him till 60% health: Damage: 1734. Balthier 1285 (Sword), Ashe 2315 (sword) Fran 1537 (Bow) Reddas 1800
At 20% health: Damage: 625. Balthier 536 (Sword), Ashe 891 (sword) Fran 431 (Bow) Reddas 645

Comments: Get’s two 3X Overkill Monarch sword’s for free makes him Godlike instantly.
Still like all FFXII bosses his damage can be nerved. If you allow Bubble and the augments than his Monarch sword is reduced to just an OHKO.
Has no attack magic and is therefore spoiled by physical immunity, except for Malik’s as Gilgamesh ignores evade.
Still a High Godlike


HP: 140162   
Damage taken from physicals: 90%
Damage taken from magic: 90%
Vulnerable to Blind, Sleep, Slow, Silence, Poison, Oil, Berserk.
Normal resistance to all elements.
Begins battle with Protect cast, Shell and Haste.
Reduces physical damage to 33% when below 20% HPs.
High Evade/Parry at 20% health.
Ignores Evade at 20% health.

Lunge:1700. 4% chance to Petrify.
Crushing Fangs:2246. Chance to instantly Kill.
Dash: 1900 * Gilgamesh must use “Fly, Enkidu!” for Enkidu to use this move.*
Growl: 1900 *Gilgamesh must use “Now, Enkidu!” for Enkidu to use this move.
?????:Move has no name. It recasts all of Enkidu's buff's. Useable once at 60%, than 40%, than 20%.

Party (Level 59):
Average HP: 2784 (Without augments and Bubble) (3784 with augments)
Average damage till 20% health: Damage:1907. Balthier 1286 (Sword), Ashe 2935 (sword) Fran 1500 (Bow)
At 20% health: Damage:1338. Balthier 800 (Sword), Ashe 2000 (sword) Fran 1215 (Bow)

*Note: Reddas never attacked Enkidu once in the entire fight*

Comments: He’s alright, 2HKO plus insta-death is nice. Heavy[size=18][/size]


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Re: Final Fantasy XII (Bosses/Temps)
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2008, 11:43:48 PM »
Disclaimer: This is just a preliminary thing on the final boss from what I saw. Some of the numbers could be somewhat off, etc... If anyone wants more concrete notes, kick me.

In case you forgot/want to know who this is...
Vayne Solidor's final form. The one with the giant mechanical wings.

PC stats: Lvl 57
Base HP: 2820
Augment bonus to HP: 1000
Light Armor bonus to HP: 1170
Bubble Belt: HPx2. Other bonuses are factored in first. (Bubble Belts are purchasable at the guild shop after a certain number of Marks have been hunted)

Yeah, HP can range from 2820 to 9999, depending on what you consider against him. I had around 8000, myself. Augments are a definite to consider. Light Armor and Bubble belts are up to you.

Damage to average defenses:
Save the Queen physical with no buffs: 3100
Flare with no buffs: 5600. (somewhat long recharge time)

Available buffs: Note that all bonuses stack with multiplication.
-Berserk: 1.5x physical damage. Halves CT. (Lose control of character. They attack the enemy relentlessly)
-Faith: 1.3x Magic damage.
-Bravery: 1.3x Physical damage.
-Haste: Reduces CT to 2/3rds.
-Full HP bonus: Damage x 1.2
-Critical HP (<25%) bonus: Damagex2.

A few notes:

- I tended to balance the damages towards the better defense category, since you can easily hand someone a magick armor helm and Heavy Armor body-suit to get the best of both defenses.

-damages listed are without his buffs (Faith and Bravery) in effect.

-"Piercing" refers to the fact that his spells ignore reflect. They still smack into magic evade (except Dispelga).

-FF12's magic attacks tend to take a while to animate. This does hurt their effective speed, in-game. Take that as you will.

Final boss:
The Undying One:
HP: 225000
Innate: Auto-Haste (wears off with time naturally)

Defense: 38 (cuts physicals to 86%)
M.def: 33 (cuts magic to 98%)
Speed: Numerically below average, but enemy techs (not spells) usually have 0 CT, which means they come off very fast.

Divine Sword: 1900 physical damage
Physical: 1300
Piercing Blizzaga: 1150 Ice damage.
Piercing Firaga: 1150 Fire damage.
Piercing Thundaga: 1150 Thunder damage.
Megaflare: 1600 (ITD) damage

After being reduced down to 60%, he does the following
Chain Magick: All magic CT=0.
Faith: Magic damage x1.3.
Magick Barrier: Magic immunity. Wears off after 2 minutes.
Ascension: 1900 physical damage. MT.

Physical defense improves to 79% damage taken.
Gains the following moves.
Piercing (WHY!?) Dispelga: Dispels buffs. MT.
Piercing Holy: 2300 Holy damage

He tends to only use his magicks while under this barrier.

After being reduced to 40% HP, he does the following.
Agressor: Physicals have 0 CT.
Bravery: physical damagex1.3
Force Barrier: Physical immunity. Wears off after some time. Bears testing. OPB.
Gigaflare Sword: 2450 physical damage. MT. Blockable.

His physicals naturally increase in damage by 20% here. This stacks with Bravery.

After being reduced to 20% HP, he does the following

Physical defense improves to 73% damage taken.

Perfect defense: Immunity to physical and magical damage. Lasts 2:00
Teraflare: 3000 ITD damage. MT. Used when Perfect Defense wears off.

Comments: Well, he's about as much of a headache as the PC cast of this game for DL purposes. Where you see his damage and durability can vary wildly. Hard to argue that he isn't fast, especially after Chain Magick/Agressor come out to play. His barriers definitely help him on durability, as the first two can stack and the last one is just outright damage immunity.


  • Denizen
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Re: Final Fantasy XII (Bosses/Temps)
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2008, 08:31:54 PM »

Missing some gear and augment info on the NPCs.


Nightmare has a higher hit max (14 instead of 12)
Armguard Accessory (doubles Def when critical)


Weapon (Joyeuse) when he's Lamont has a higher combo max (15 instead of 12)
offhand (Swordbreaker) grants  Parry
Tourmaline Ring (Poison-immune) 
Focus (Attack x 1.2 while at Full HP)
Last Stand (doubles Def when critical)


Weapon (Chiriajiaden) ignores Evasion and has a higher than normal combo maximum  (14 instead of 12)
offhand (Ninja Knife) grants  Parry. 
Battle Harness:  Counter 
Adrenaline (doubles Attack when critical )
Last Stand (doubles Def when critical)


His special is Heave, and it can inflict Immobilize (works exactly the same as the enemy ability)
Last Stand (doubles Def when critical)