
Author Topic: Skies of Arcadia  (Read 3769 times)


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Skies of Arcadia
« on: December 18, 2007, 07:23:50 PM »
General Notes

1. Characters get the magic damage of the weapon they start with. Vyse gets Red, Aika Green, Fina Silver, Drachma Blue, Gilder Purple, and Enrique Yellow.
Gilder and Enrique have some low level starting magic in other schools.

2.Weapon status is 20% except for Swirlmarang. Magic status for Sylenis, Panika, Slipara and Driln is 25% accurate (if that). Basically has no dueling worth, at least Eterni spells and Fina’s Lunar Glyph still have passable accuracy.

3. Vyse's stats are slightly juiced. I used seeds on him the entire game, so.. yeah. Take his stats with a grain of salt.

4. SP moves ignore all types of evade.

5. PC's can gain SP two ways. They gain 3-4 SP a round (Based on starting SP). They can also focus instead of attacking, to gain SP.

6. Stats are mostly self explanatory. The only notes are that there is some random variance in speed, as well as a large number of initiative moves (Every PC has at least 1), so that could be taken with a grain of salt. Also, MDef has some effect on status resistance, but not an extremely large one.

7. All Magic Spells cost 1 MP in addition to the SP cost.

Dhyer’s Notes
8. The PCs have a number of elemental equipment options. Since MDef is mostly useless as its straight subtraction and the differences are nearly negligible, these are somewhat situationally useful against elemental damage.
The equips are as follows:
Insulated Mail: 145 Defense, 145 MDef, Cuts Ice Damage by 20%
Daccat’s Tunic: 121 Defense, 121 MDef, Cuts Wind/Water Damage by 20%
Ixa’Takan Armor: 109 Defense, 109 MDef, Cuts Green (Arguably Posion) Damage by 20%
Nasrean Mail: 66 Defense, 66 MDef, Cuts Fire Damage by 20%
Elastarmor: 54 Defense, 54 MDef, Cuts Thunder Damage by 20%

9. Vyse/Fina/Aika is Level 51 in this topic, and the other characters aren’t listed. I’m unsure, but its possible that Gilder and Drachma come back underlevelled (I believe this may be the case if you do the majority of side fights before the rejoining). So take their levels with a grain of salt, because they have an a deficiency in game depending on how you play. Just to note, if you wait until the end of the game for those fights, then Vigoro/Galcian will look much better stat wise (Gilder gets his 4th SP point at level 50, followed by Enrique, Drachma, Aika and Fina at 52, 54, 56, and 58).

10. All techs take the element of the weapon the PC is using. So if you allow them to switch weapon elements its not a big deal; if you don’t, they’ll be elementally locked into the type of magic they get.

HP: 5483
MP: 18
SP: 4 
Power: 531 (505)
Defense: 389
Will: 176
Mdef: 362
Quick: 246
Hit: 200 (100)
Dodge: 16

Vortik Blade: 200 Attack, 200 Hit
(Soul Sword: 174 Attack, 100 Hit, 20% ID on regular attacks)
Plated Armor: 181 Defense, 154 MDef
Captain's Hat: 80 Attack

Physical: 682 Damage (947 with Increm) (630 with the Soul Sword (883 with Soul Sword and Increm))
Cutlass Fury: 1705 Damage (2368 with  Increm), 7 SP
Pirate's Wrath: 5115 Damage (7103 with Increm), 21 SP
Rain of Swords: 1364 MT Damage (1894 with Increm), 14 SP
Counterstance: First strike. Halves All Physical Damage, and auto counters, 1 SP
Skull shield. First strike. Blocks all normal physical attacks. Techs and S moves ignore this, 5 SP

Increm: Increases Attack and Defense by 25%, 4 SP
Incremus: Increases Attack and Defense by 25%, MT, 16 SP
Pyri: 115 MT Fire Magic, 2 SP
Pyres: 185 MT Fire Magic, 4 SP
Pyrum: 255 MT Fire Magic, 6 SP
Pyrulen: 335 MT Fire Magic, 10 SP

HP: 4888
MP: 26
SP: 3 
Power: 372 (308)
Defense: 362
Will: 250
Mdef: 362
Quick: 261
Hit: 160 (250)
Dodge: 22

Hydra Wing: 168 Attack, 110 Hit
(Swirlmarang: 100 Attack, 200 Hit, 100% resist ignoring confuse).
Gaia Robe.:168 defense, 168 MDef.
Critical Vision: 19 attack, 19 Will, 50 Hit.

Physical: 364 Damage (236 Damage+100% Confusion. Confusion lasts 1-5 turns, but usually 2-3, and forces the enemy to physically attack Aika)
Alpha Storm: 290 Fire Magic, 4 SP
Lambda Burst: 375 MT Fire Magic, 8 SP
Omega Psyclone: 505 MT Fire Magic, 12 SP
Delta shield: First strike. Stops all magic on a party (one round silent lake), 2 SP
Epsilon Mirror: First strike. Restores 10 MP. Immune to damage for one turn, 10 SP

Sacres: Restores 1000 HP, 4 SP
Sacrulan: Restores all HP, 6 SP
Sacrum: Restores 1000 HP to all targets, 8 SP
Noxi: 290 Green MT Magic+25% chance of Poison, 3 SP
Noxus: 370 Green MT Magic +25% chance of Poison, 6 SP

HP: 4022
MP: 41
SP: 3 
Attack: 444
Defense: 325
Will: 289
Mdef: 425 (341)
Quick: 228
Hit: 100
Dodge: 13 

Final Cupil: 300 Attack, 100 Hit.
Robe of Faith: 161 Defense, 161 MDef
Cupil Ring: 100 Will, 100 MDef, Halves Silver Damage and Instant Death Hit Rates
(Silver Veil: 16 Will, 16 MDef)
Physical: 508
Lunar Glyph: 440 Magic Damage+85% Stone. Stone lasts for 3 turns, including the turn it hit on and it can be reapplied on that third turn (but not before), 3 SP
    -(Approximately 284 Magic Damage+50% Stone if you don’t allow the Cupil Ring)
Lunar Winds: 540 MT Magic Damage+Dispel, 6 SP
Lunar Blessing: First strike. 200 Set MT Regen, 12 SP
Lunar Cleansing: First strike. MT Status Healing, 6 SP
Lunar Light: First strike. MT 100% Healing, Ressurection, and Status Curing, 18 SP

Curia: Cures Status Effects, 2 SP
Riselem: 100% Resurrection, 8 SP
Eterni: 50% ID, 5 SP
Eternes: 50% MT ID, 10 SP
Eternum: 100% ID, Approximately 1000 Silver Magic against ID immunes, 15 SP
HP: 7059
MP: 11
SP: 3
MSP: 16
Power: 508
Defense: 528
Will: 130
Mdef: 463
Quick: 176
Hit: 80
Dodge: 4

Silver Arm: 190 Attack, 80 Hit
Plated Armor: 181 Defense, 154 MDef
Shard of Purity: 38 Defense, Halves Status Accuracy
(Black Eyepatch: 7 Attack)

Physical: 636 Damage
Tackle: 1908 Damage, 10 SP
Hand of Fate: 100% ID. 5724 damage against ID immunes, 25 SP
Spirit Charge: First strike. Doubles the effect of focus, and halves damage, 0 SP

Quika: Doubles Speed, 6 SP
Wevles: 120 Water/Wind Magic, 4 SP
Wevlum: 210 Water/Wind Magic, 6 SP
Wevlen:  300 Water/Wind Magic, 8 SP
HP: 5141
MP: 26
SP: 3 
Power: 376
Defense: 368
Will: 248
MDef: 368
Quick: 208
Hit: 125
Dodge: 31

Serpent Strike: 179 Attack, 20% Stone. 95 hit
Robe of Faith. 161 Defense, 161 MDef, 30 Hit, 15 Dodge Imperial Crest. Adds 20 to defense and MDef. 

Physical: 370 Damage (558 with Increm)
Royal Blade: 1480 Damage (2232 with  Increm), 8 SP
The Judgement: 2960 Damage (4464 with Increm), 16 SP

Sacres: Recover 1000 HP, 4 SP
Quika: Double speed, hit all allies, 6 SP
Increm: Increases Attack and Defense by 25%, 4 SP
Curia: Cures Statuses, 2 SP
Electri: 285 Thunder Magic, 2 SP
Electres: 365 Thunder Magic, 4 SP
Electrum: 455 Thunder, 6 SP
Electrulen: 555 Thunder Magic, 8 SP 
HP: 6086
MP: 18
SP: 4 (3 at any lower levels)
Power: 452
Defense: 449
Will: 165
MDef: 384
Quick: 221
Hit: 100
Dodge: 14

Warrior’s Pistol: 176 Attack, 100 Hit
Plated Armor: 181 Defense, 154 MDef
Shard of Purity: 38 to Defense, Halves Status Accuracy
(Gilder’s Amulet: 11 Attack, 11 Will, 11 Defense, 11 MDef)
Physical: 524 damage (750 with Increm)
Gunslinger: 1572 damage (2250 with Increm), 9 SP

Quika: Doubles Speed, 6 SP   
Increm: Increases Attack and Defense by 25%, 4 SP
Curia: Cures Statuses, 2 SP
Crystalum: 340 Ice Magical Damage, 3 SP
Crystalen: 440 Ice Magical Damage, 4 SP

Three Turn Damage Average
1. Vyse: 1023 (2 Physicals+Cutlass Fury)
2. Gilder: 873 (2 Physicals+Gunslinger)
3. Drachma: 848 (Physical+Spirit Charge+Tackle)
4. Enrique: 740 (2 Physicals+Royal Blade)
5. Fina: 518 (2 Physicals+Lunar Glyph)
6. Aika: 368 (2 Physicals+Lambda Burst)
Average: 728
Kill Point: 1820

1. Drachma 7059
2. Gilder 6086
3. Vyse 5483
4. Enrique 5141
5. Aika 4888
6. Fina 4022
Average: 5446

1. Fina 41
2t. Aika 26
2t. Enrique 26
3t. Vyse 18
3t. Gilder 18
5. Drachma 11
Average: 23
1. Aika 261 (+1.22 SD)
2. Vyse 246 (Likely 240 or 243 with the Speed Seed) (+0.72 SD)
3t. Gilder 228 (+0.12 SD)
3t. Fina 228 (+0.12 SD)
5. Enrique 208 (-0.55 SD)
6. Drachma 176 (-1.63 SD)
Average: 224.5
Take this average with a grain of salt. I remember using one than one speed up seed on Vyse. *shrug*
1. Drachma 528
2. Gilder 449
3. Vyse 382
4. Enrique 368
5. Aika 362
6. Fina 325
Average: 402

Defensive Durability
(Considered against an average damage attack, and assuming as multiplier of 2.5x. This is usually were average damage attacks fell in game)
1. Drachma 0.66
2. Gilder 0.85
3. Vyse 1.02
4. Enrique 1.10
5. Aika 1.17
6. Fina 1.47

Magic Defense:
1. Drachma 463
2. Fina 425 (325)
3. Gilder 384
4. Enrique 368
5t. Vyse 362
5t. Aika 362
Average: 394

Magical Durability
(Magic Defense is only factored in once, so its effect is much smaller. Because of this, dropping magic defense in order to equip elemental resistance is usually fairly effective against magic- at least effective discounting that the equips aren’t very potent).
1. Drachma 0.75
2. Gilder 0.90
3. Vyse 1.00
4. Enrique 1.07
5. Aika 1.13
6. Fina 1.34
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Skies of Arcadia
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 07:24:18 PM »
BOSSES (From Dhyerwolf)

1. Levelling: My levels were several below Super’s (I finished the game two levels lower). I’ll note his stats for Galcian and Ramirez. Super’s leveling adds about 200 HP to the PC’s HP, and cuts off about 100-200 damage for the two’s best attacks. This information should also hold true for Vigoro.

2. Damages against bosses: I’m only including Vyse’s techs here. This is because in game, the majority of your damage is funneled through him. I personally consider the three turn average to be Vyse’s CF+ 2 PWs (seems like the best doable damage with Vyse attacking and other characters focusing).

If someone else wants other particular damages listed, feel free to ask!

3. Defenses: I’ll probably list a few ways to take the defenses (assuming they aren’t like Galcian's, are nearly completely irrelevant). For physical defense, I’ll compare it to the damage Vyse does to average, and the damage that all PCs do to average. +%/% will be the extra damage boost Vyse gets against below average defense/the extra damage boost the average PC in game gets. -%/% will be used their defense is above average.

I’ll list magic defense differently. First, I’ll test how much more or less than average they take, then I’ll list the best damage you can do to average twinking magic, and the best you can do untwinked. I’ll use the highest level of Purple spells my characters have available.

4. PC Choice: Since you have a choice against Ramirez/Piastol, I went with Enrique. The main reasons were that he wasn’t horribly underlevelled like the other two, and Justice Shield is a key part of beating Piastol (Doing it with the other two would be hellish).

14,000 HP
Defense: Below average (+4%/+7%)
Magic Defense: Above average (Reduces magic damage 60 points, Average Magic Damage then is 470 (~600 if you assume Crystalen is learned). Twinking adds 100 to the average).
10% Resistant to Fire and Green/Poison, 10% Weak to Ice, Wind, and Water
PC Damage: Cutlass Fury- 1660, Pirate’s Wrath- 4980
Three Turn Average: 3873

Suspectible to Confusion, and possible other non-ID statuses

Turn Order
Aika: 1.64 (224 Speed,
Vyse: 2.16 (211 Speed
Fina: 2.68 (191 Speed,
Gilder: 4.16 (164 Speed,
Vigoro: 4.36
Average: 197.5

PC HP: 4038

Vigoro’s Moves
Physical Attack: 655 Fire Physical Damage+60% Confusion (This is cancelled by any damage that doesn’t also inflict Confusion, and often wears out at the end of the round. Very little DL use).
Cannon Fire: 3275 Fire Physical Damage
Random Fire: 1638 AoE Fire Physical Damage
I never saw Vigoro’s Charm

21,000 HP
Defense: Marginally Below Average (+1%/+2%)
Magic Defense: Below Average (Takes an extra 30 damage from spells (max is 500, 700 twinked))
10% Resistant to Poison/Green and Lightning, 10% Weak to Wind, Water, and Silver (Arguably Holy, Dark or Non Elemental)
PC Damages: Cutlass Fury- 1790, Pirate’s Wrath- 5370
Three Turn Average: 4177

Speed Tiering:
Aika: 1.6 (236 Speed, +1.01 SD)
Vyse: 2.15 (223 Speed, +0.54 SD)
Fina: 2.6 (201 Speed, -0.27 SD)
Gilder: 4.1 (174 Speed, -1.27 SD)
Galcian: 4.4 (Guessing around 160-165 Speed) (-1.6 to -1.78 SD)
Average Speed: 208.5

PC HP: 4235 (4500 at Super's levels)

Galcian’s Moves:
Physical Attack: 560 Thunder Physical
Terminal: 3080 Thunder Physical Damage
Eternum: 100% ID, 610 Silver* Magical Damage against ID immunes
Neglora: 90 MT Thunder Physical Damage+Dispel (I can’t even imagine how bad the multiplier is on this move)
Electrulen: 460 Magical Thunder Damage
Devolver: Halves All Damage for the Turn and Counters Regular Physicals with his own physical attack.

22,000 HP
Defense: Below Average (+7%/12%)
Magic Defense: Above Average (Takes 10 less damage from magic with a max of 600, 800 if magic is twinked)
10% Resistant to Silver (Arguably Holy, Dark, or Nothing), 10% Weak to Lightning

PC Damages: Cutlass Fury: 1775, Pirate’s Wrath: 5325
Three Turn Average: 4142 (Defense rose more than Vyse’s attack did in the final dungeon)

Speed Tiering
Aika: 1.7 (259 Speed, +1.23 SD)
Vyse: 2.4 (234 Speed, +0.28 SD)
Fina: 3.33 (217 Speed, -0.35 SD)
Ramirez: 3.67 (Approximately 200 Speed)
Enrique: 3.87 (196 Speed, -1.15 SD)
Average Speed: 226.5

PC HP: 4500 (Probably about 5000 if you consider all of the other temps) (4700 at Super's levels)

Rameriz’s Moves:
Physical Attack: 850 Silver* Elemental Physical+50% chance of Driln
Silver Tundra: 3400 Silver* Elemental Physical
Silver Eclipse: 1700 MT Silver* Elemental Physical
Destruction: 640 MT Silver* Physical+Dispel
Eternum- 100% ID, 1000 Silver* Damage against ID immunes
Drilnos- 60% MT Chances of Lowering Attack and Defense by 25%
Lunar Blessing: Regenerates 600 HP a round. That’s almost 3% of his total HP!

*Silver is a nebulous element. I see it as a mixture of Holy and Dark, but many may just see it as non-elemental (Which would be ironic, as the best elemental reducing armor is Silver Armor, and as far as know, it’s the element that can be halved in game). This footnote is also at the bottom, but I included it here since Ramirez is basically only Silver elemental.

I’m going to list two sets of numbers for Piastol. The first set is if you tackle her before the final dungeon strings. The second is if you go at her at the end. She does partially scale up, so there isn’t a large difference in how you take her, although in the first form she has better damage but worse defense.

Piastol- Pre Dangrel Island
13,500 HP
Defense: Above Average (-4%/-10%)
Magic Defense: Above average (Reduces magic damage 390 points, Average Magic Damage then is 470 (~600 if you assume Crystalen is learned). Twinking adds 100 to the average).
10% Resistant to Fire and Lightning, 10% Weak to Ice and Green/Poison

Note:  Piastol comes with a Deathhound. It often heals her, so it’s a likely candidate to take out first. It has about 5,000 HP, but horrid defense (I’ve done 9999 to it at this point). Take at as you will for HP scaling.
PC Damage (Using Dangrel enemy stats): Cutlass Fury- 1260, Pirate’s Wrath- 3780
Three Turn Average: 2940

Speed Tiering: Piastol always goes before all but initiative moves.

PC HP: 3901

Piastol’s Moves
Physical Attack: 797 Blue** Physical Damage
Tempest Dance: 3985 Blue** Physical Damage
Deluge: 1993 Blue** Physical Damage
Wevlen: 660 Blue** Magical Damage
Eternum: 100% ID, 725 Silver* Magical Damage against ID immunes

Piastol- Endgame
15,000 HP
Defense: Above Average (-33%/-49%) (Tank!)
Magic Defense: Above Average
10% Resistant to Fire and Lightning, 10% Weak to Ice and Green/Poison

Note:  Piastol comes with a Deathhound. It often heals her, so it’s a likely candidate to take out first. It now has about 6500 HP, but picked up horrid defense somewhere along the way (Incremed PW was doing 2500). Take at as you will for HP scaling.
PC Damages (Using Soltis Enemies): Cutlass Fury: 1775, Pirate’s Wrath: 5325
Three Turn Average: 4142

Speed Tiering: Piastol always goes before all but initiative moves.

PC HP: 4500 (Probably about 5000 if you consider all of the other temps)

Piastol’s Moves:
Physical Attack: 875 Blue** Physical Damage+50% Stone
Tempest Dance: 4375 Blue** Physical Damage
Deluge: 2188 Blue** Physical Damage
Wevlen: 1200 Blue** Magical Damage
Eternum: 100% ID, 1300 Silver* Magical Damage against ID immunes

*Silver is a nebulous element. I see it as a mixture of Holy and Dark, but many may just see it as non-elemental (Which would be ironic, as the best elemental reducing armor is Silver Armor, and as far as know, it’s the element that can be halved in game).
**Blue is defined as a mixture of Water/Wind, as the game sky is its sea. Take as you will DL wise.
...into the nightfall.