
Author Topic: Beowulf (vs Lavitz)  (Read 323 times)


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Beowulf (vs Lavitz)
« on: December 12, 2008, 09:22:58 PM »
A battle between knights, sword against spear, skill against skill. It’s all well and good to hold up as the ideal of chivalric warfare, but frankly that isn’t really Beowulf’s style at all. He’s always been more inclined towards a battle of wits then sheer muscle, and with his effective, if somewhat underhanded, status skills, he’ll have just what he needs to force the rather dense Lavitz into a match of the minds. Obviously the Dragoon has a very large advantage with his ability to completely immune Beo’s tricks once he’s taken his Dragoon form, but that’s assuming that Beowulf even lets him get that far. In order to don his mighty dragoon armor, Lavitz still has to be capable of normal action, and with such insidious attacks as Sleep, Break and the ever popular Chicken, there is simply little to no chance that the Jade Dragoon will be able to manage any such feat.
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Re: Beowulf (vs Lavitz)
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2008, 09:48:02 PM »
A battle between knights, sword against spear, skill against skill. It appears to hold up as the ideal of chivalric warfare, but frankly that isn’t really Beowulf’s style. He’s always preferred a battle of wits over sheer muscle, and with his effective status skills he’ll have just what he needs to force the rather dense Lavitz into a match of the minds. Obviously the Dragoon has a large advantage with his ability to completely immune Beo’s tricks once he’s taken his Dragoon form, but that’s assuming that Beowulf even lets him get that far. In order to don his mighty dragoon armor, Lavitz still has to be capable of normal action, and with such insidious attacks as Sleep, Break and the ever popular Chicken, there is simply no chance that the Jade Dragoon will be able to manage any such feat.