Author Topic: Season 48, Week 6  (Read 1013 times)


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Season 48, Week 6
« on: January 17, 2009, 04:39:36 AM »
Team Heat (Heat, Alicia, Eileen, Oulan) vs. Team Sephiroth (Sephiroth, Claude, Lin, Titania)

Downgrade Pools
H/G: Riou, Freya (VP), Rosa, Leopold, Claude, Alicia

M/H: Lavitz, Moltres, Ashley, Seed, Lin, Eileen

L/M: Zynk (SF 2), Viki, Elena, Darksol (SF 1), Titania, Oulan
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Season 48, Week 6
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2009, 04:44:10 AM »
Leaning Heat in the team match, better support.

H/G: Claude>Riou>Leopold>Rosa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alicia>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Freya

Only matches really that are debatable here are Claude/Leopold (Walling ice+good defense is enough, very arguble) and Claude/Rosa (Rosa speed check here pretty much.) Alicia is a decent Heavy and Freya is.. Freya.

M/H:  Lavitz and.... oh hell, Ashley down. Ugly field. Can't vote on Moltres.



Darksol I have at least a little respect for, whereas I have zero for Viki. Elena sucks against people she can't status but Viki's worse, hence the 2-2 record. Oulan is a solid light and smashes here.
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<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
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Re: Season 48, Week 6
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2009, 05:02:20 AM »
Team Heat (Heat, Alicia, Eileen, Oulan) vs. Team Sephiroth (Sephiroth, Claude, Lin, Titania)- Gut of Sephiroth goes first and inflicts massive pain/status on the non-Heat PCs, leaving Heat mostly alone.

Downgrade Pools
H/G: Riou, Freya (VP), Rosa, Leopold, Claude, Alicia
Riou beats all but Claude, and maybe Leopold. Not 100% sure either way there.
Freya loses to everyone, and blah be booted and go away plz.
Rosa's bad defense and evasion means she should be Mirror Slice bait, and she crushes Alicia. Loses to Leopold since he's faster.
Leopold loses to Claude. 3HKOs thanks to Claude's defense and Ice halving, and Claude should take him out in 3 turns. Alicia...uh...this really depends on when that crit kicks in.

Claude 5-0
Riou 3-1
Leopold 2-1
Rosa 2-3
Alicia 1-3
Freya 0-5

M/H: Lavitz, Moltres, Ashley, Seed, Lin, Eileen
Lavitz loses to Moltres, is likely IDed by Ashley, magiced out by Seed, IDed by Lin, and Lavitz versus EQ!!!!
Moltres 2HKOs Ashley first, loses to Seed thanks to Fire halving, is IDed turn 1 by Lin (who can halve the Fire even if you don't see without Magic halving), and is mostly pure attacking against Eileen. Nulling Earth makes it closer! But no. Seed, surprisingly. Accelator+Bolt Fang two times (Which he should get given the FP gain) pre-empts Seed killing him! Less successful against Lin. Eileen...if he tries Accelator+Bolt Fang, then she'll Copper Flesh. She then 2HKOs quicker, and she wins.
Seed loses to Lin thanks to physical halving, beats Eileen thanks to being a little faster (I think!) and having SL

Lin 5-0
Seed 3-2
Eileen 3-2
Moltres 2-3
Ashley 2-3
Lavitz 0-5

L/M: Zynk (SF 2), Viki, Elena, Darksol (SF 1), Titania, Oulan
Blah, just going by Viki 4 for whatever.
Zynk loses to Viki, beats Elena who likely 5HKOs, loses to Darksol, beats Titania by 2HKO, loses to Darksol 2HKOs faster, think he 3HKOs Oulan first. the rest but Elena and Darksol. YOU LOSE TO ELENA. FAIL.
Elena is a puny and therefore is crushed by the rest.
Darksol beats the other 2.

Darksol 5-0
Viki 3-2
Zynk 3-2 (And yet I will cheer his downgrade!)
Titania 2-3
Oulan 1-4
Elena 1-4
...into the nightfall.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Season 48, Week 6
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2009, 10:21:56 AM »
Team Heat (Heat, Alicia, Eileen, Oulan) vs. Team Sephiroth (Sephiroth, Claude, Lin, Titania):

Eileen needs to Copper Flesh Heat turn 1. Seph probably smacks Heat around, Eileen has to do that or Claude/Titania kill Heat. Claude/Titania instead kill Alicia. Heat gets a turn, does whatever, Lin survives, IDs Eileen. Seph at this point has extra turns, DeSpell, Wall, and so on. It turns into Heat/Seph 2, only this time, it's way easier to break through Heat's barriers as Seph has some friends, even if they've been damaged some by Heat.

Downgrade Pools
H/G: Riou, Freya (VP), Rosa, Leopold, Claude, Alicia

Claude loses to Leopold. Crit lets him one-round except maaaybe if Claude is at full HP, but Claude can't fight that defensively so he won't be. Beats everyone else. 4-1.

Leo has some issues with Riou. I dunno. Kneejerk is he may just sneak by, but it's... really close, a little less durability respect is all it'd take (FS + physical is scary). Still, kills in two rounds as usual, I -think-. Hm... actually, Riou can probably survive a crit turn, he had good HP, and he can fullheal repeatedly until he gets Berserk, so it's FS + berserked physical which... better chance of working. Otherwise he beats the rest. Probably 4-1.

Riou is spoiled by Claude but beats up everyone else well enough. 4-1.

Rosa > Alicia > Freya for the uh-less-good people.

M/H: Lavitz, Moltres, Ashley, Seed, Lin, Eileen

Eileen OHKOs two people in the field (Rock damage against Moltres, Earth against Lavitz). I feel she should have beaten Lin but whatever. Copper Flesh owns Seed, I -think- she outslugs Ashley. 4-1.

Seed spoils Moltres, one-rounds Lin, magic beats Lavitz well enough I'd think. Loses to Eileen, and I think I may buy Dhyer's hype of Ashley over him, weirdly. He does get two turns, which is usually good enough. 3-2.

Moltres loses to Eileen and Seed, but spamlocks Ashley and Lavitz to death easily. Lin had fire res? Don't remember that. If she does, she probably wins. If not, fries. 2-2 for now.

Lin already beat Eileen, also beats Ashley and Lavitz. 3-1.

Ashley beats Lavitz. 2-3, 0-5.

L/M: Zynk (SF 2), Viki, Elena, Darksol (SF 1), Titania, Oulan

Titania arguably robbed her way to a championship, but hey, it works. Doesn't work against Elena, granted. Confuse-locks are fun. 4-1.

Elena beats PCs but loses to DARKSOL. 4-1.

Zynk I think can outslug Oulan, beats Viki, beats Darksol. 3-2.

Darklol beats Elena and Viki which is impressive enough. 2-3.

Oulan beats Darksol and Viki. 2-3.

Viki is Viki. 0-5.

Erwin Schrödinger will kill you like a cat in a box.