So it's a fight against a young whipper-snapper with those fancy little clothings and her perky transformation sequences, is it? Well then, it looks like old mama Sprigg is going to have to get out her underoos and go to battle against this dismal tide of youths! While Paine may think she has some sort of upper hand in this battle... she doesn't, no sirree! No matter what Paine can dish out, old Sprigg has seen it before in her travels. Don't try and trick this old lady, she'll see right through it! If Paine tries any weird moves on her, Sprigg will simply take on the form of a fearsome dragon or other monster and gobble up the young'n! No matter how you look at it, Sprigg's crusty tenacity that's been around since before they had records will get her through this! (You see, she's old.)