
Author Topic: Lavos>Teepo, Saturos>Lucian, Eiko>Volke and Kid>Alenia  (Read 491 times)


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Lavos>Teepo, Saturos>Lucian, Eiko>Volke and Kid>Alenia
« on: February 06, 2009, 08:15:15 PM »
Lavos > Teepo

"Oh Teepo!" Myria called out to her servant as he was heading out to his match, "Here, I got you a present. Just a small reward for all your years of loyal service."

Teepo accepted the small giftbag with a flourish, "I am not worthy, my lady."

The goddess smiled, "Go on, open it."

The young dragon did so...only to find a small bottle of cologne, "Ah...thank you?"

She kept smiling, "It's a very special scent. Nothing else like it in the world. I do hope you'll wear it for your upcoming victory."

"Of course, my lady! I am honored to receive any gift from you."

As Teepo applied his gift, Myria made her way up to her private box, giggling the whole way.

- - - -

Hrist and Jade looked down on the match in what can only be described as disturbed horror. Teepo was running in circles, fleeing from Lavos at top speed, though ultimately getting nowhere within the confines of the arena. For her part, Lavos was chasing him, though it didn't seem as if she was exactly trying to kill the young dragon at the times she managed to catch him before he squirmed free.

Unlike her servants, Myria was laughing hysterically at the whole thing, "Hehehehe, he's so cute when he's terrified."

Putting two and two together, Hrist's eyebrows went up into her hairline, "M' didn't..."

A lilting giggle was Myria's only response as she put on her best innocent face, "La la la~"
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Re: Lavos>Teepo, Saturos>Lucian, Eiko>Volke and Kid>Alenia
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2009, 08:19:40 PM »
Saturos > Lucian

Saturos cringed as the dreaded Round Rip Saber slammed into him, sending the sturdy adept sprawling across the floor.

Returning to his ready position, Lucian raised his sword, ready to repeat that performance...and blinked at his blade shattered in his hands.

Saturos stood up, brushing himself off as he regarded the enherjar with a curious, if somewhat baleful, gaze, "Are you mocking me? Is this your idea of a joke?"

Shaking his head, Lucian took a few steps back, "No, no, I...I must have..." hanging his head, he sighed, "I...must have grabbed the wrong weapon. I feel smart right now."

Never one to let an opportunity like this pass without capitalizing on it, the Mars Adept shrugged and advanced on his now helpless opponent. This was going to be quick.

- - - - -

Turning the Ice Coffin over in his hands, Jet shrugged, "I guess it's a nice sword. If you like swords."

Opera sipped her drink and shrugged, "I can always get Claude to look it over later if you want. I...think we should just slip it to one of his castmates so he can get it back, though. I don't want to make any more enemies then are strictly necessary."

"Eh, sure. I'll let you handle that part. I stole the thing, you can put it back."

Scowling at Jet for a moment, she snatched the sword, "Jerk. I'm not so sure we should have done that anyway. I mean, Saturos isn't even one of us, really."

Letting her have the sword, Jet knocked back his own drink before replying, "Eh, and Menardi asked us to keep it that way. I kept him out of the pool, he's on his own from here."

"Still, was that really the right thing to do?"

The sullen ARM user's only reply was a silent shrug.
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Re: Lavos>Teepo, Saturos>Lucian, Eiko>Volke and Kid>Alenia
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2009, 08:20:14 PM »
Eiko > Volke

*Orcha's pub, two days before the match*

"Excuse me, Mr. Volke?"

The assassin for hire didn't turn to face her, but Eiko was pretty certain he heard her anyway. It wasn't exactly crowded in here on a Tuesday morning. Despite his lack of response, she took the fact that he wasn't throwing knives at her yet as encouragement and continued, "Well, I've talked to some people and they all agree that you don't do anything without being paid for it. So...I was wondering if anyone was paying you to fight me?"


Eiko blinked, "Ten?"

"Ten thousand."

"You're being paid ten thousand to fight me?"


Under normal circumstances, Eiko would start getting upset at being treated like this. But frankly, this guy scared the crap out of her, so she kept her temper in check and continued with her, well, what amounted to a plan, "So, um, if someone's paying you ten thousand to fight me, could I pay you not to? Like, maybe twenty thousand?"


" want fifty thousand?"

"That's what I said."

Eiko smiled, "Do you take gil?"

- - - - - - - - - -

*The Middle arena, day of the match*

Guy yawned, "Man, it's been twenty minutes already. Is Volke coming or not?"

Jade shrugged, "Who knows? Frankly, I'd expect a bit more punctuality out of a professional with his reputation."

Tear flipped through the pages of a incredibly large book, "Hmm, well, it says here we have to give him a full hour before we can call the match."

"It's an hour now? Man, I swear the rules in that book change every week."

Jade chuckled, "It's every six days actually. And the rulebooks are all magically connected to the master book, who's whereabouts are unknown. When it is changed, they all change."

"Really?" Tear mused on that a bit, "I wonder who has control of the master rulebook?"

Guy snorted, "I'm more interested in why every six days. Hey Jade, why is it every six days?"

"It's because..." the necromancer was silent for a moment, then sighed, "Guy, you explain."

"...I'm asking you. How can I explain something to myself when I don't know the answer?"

"Figure it out."

"I reaaaaally hate you sometimes, you know that?"
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Re: Lavos>Teepo, Saturos>Lucian, Eiko>Volke and Kid>Alenia
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2009, 08:20:58 PM »
Kid > Alenia

*Tifa's Seventh Heavan, the day after the looting of the BtS studio*

Kid chuckled as she had another drink on Alenia's dime, "You sure you don't want none o' this? We got some pretty good stuff in there."

The Queen's Knight turned her nose up at the offer, "I wish nothing to do with your filthy spoils. The loss of those insufferable fools is quite literally the only gain I desire from this."

Kid couldn't help but just bust out laughing at this, "Suit yerself. Spite's all fine and good, but won't put any gold in your pocket."

"I have a prestigious position as a Queen's Knight, as well as...well, significant funding from my patrons in the Godwin family. My pockets are quite well off enough."

"No such thing, sister." Kid drained the last of her drink and stood up, "Well, been great doin' business with ya, 'specially since you're lettin' me keep all the goods. I tell you what though, I feel like I need to pay you your share somehow anyway, so I've got an idea."

Alenia's interest was mildly perked, "Oh?"

Kid grinned, "Well, I don't like to beat up on my business partners, and I've got a couple other guys I owe a favor or two to anyway, so 'ow about this. I set up our match as a doubles match between you and your pal Zahak against a couple guys I know. Don't worry, they're both Lights too. I figure you and Zahak fight best as a team, right? Give you a chance to show that off. If you guys win, you move on. You guys lose, I move on. How about it?"

The Queen's Knight laughed, "Allowing me to fight with Zahak? Well, I'll take your offer, and offer my condolences on your first round loss now."

- - - - - - - - - - -

*The Light arena, day of the match*

"We did it! We shakin' DID IT!"

"That was our most fantastically fantastic performance ever!"

"That'll teach those shakin' knights to take us lightly!"

"Indeed, we have proven ourselves as most powerfully powerful warriors this day!"

Rei chuckled as he watched Solt and Peppor attempting a victory dance while Alenia and Zahak were out cold on the ground, "Well don't that just beat all? Suppose I'll call Kid and let her know she won..."
« Last Edit: February 07, 2009, 01:41:33 AM by Gatewalker »
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