
Author Topic: Chris vs. Ryu1  (Read 1110 times)


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Chris vs. Ryu1
« on: February 25, 2009, 04:48:29 AM »
Due to a recent discussion. I was curious just how close of a match this was. Chris has a decent amount of Full-healing, and Rudra doesn't OHKO, and it might not even heal-lock. If it doesn't, then Chris would force Ryu1 into detransforming and retransforming for healing, but he can only do this twice, so Chris might actually outlast him. And that's assuming Silent Lake doesn't stop dragon transformation, which uses AP, so that's an interp call that I'm not sure about.

Anyway, just curious what the general DL opinion was.

I know this is more of a question for chat, but I don't have access to chat easily.

So... yeah.
 Ryu1 vs. Chris.


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Re: Chris vs. Ryu1
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2009, 04:51:45 AM »
Ryu1 transforms (which has initiative so beats out any attempt to Silent Lake), and then just spams his attack, which is a 2HKO and counts as magic (that isn't nailed by SL) so it certainly 2HKOs Chris. Chris can't do jack squat.

Match to Ryu1. It also helps that Chris can only hurt Ryu with crits, and not healing is suicide and she definitely doesn't have enough healing to just smack him on doubles. Also Ryu1 can crit and kill her outright. This would be more of an issue if Ryu's dragon attacks were physical, but they're not so it isn't.

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Re: Chris vs. Ryu1
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2009, 05:15:55 AM »
Breaths run into Chris' parry rate, since they do check physical evasion and all that.

Ryu has about 2x average pdur, not Mog-like, so "can only be hurt with crits" isn't true either.

That said he's got a decent shot at winning. Chris has limited shots of healing while she waits for an attack opening (8?), and it's possible Ryu1 could pull off detransform and retransform, though he'd better hope Chris can't sneak in SL while he does that.

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Re: Chris vs. Ryu1
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2009, 05:58:13 AM »
From what I understand of BoF1 mechanics, Dragons are status-effect immune. That being said, if Ryu has any status effect inflicted on him, he is unable to transform, not just silence. Now I may be way off here, but from a FAQ I looked at, it sounded like being a dragon and having a status-effect are incompatible, and if Ryu as a dragon somehow gets statused, he is forced back to human form?

Maybe not, since I imagine that's impossible in-game, but Silent Lake is weird.

Here's the excerpt that made me think that:
Although dragons cannot be poisoned, cursed, etc., having those condiditions
already in effect will prevent transformation.  Furthermore, having these
conditions in effect on *any* of the party members will prevent Agni from



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Re: Chris vs. Ryu1
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2009, 06:05:51 AM »
Yeah, but I for one see Silent Lake as a field effect, not "Global Silence."  In other words, you can still CAST your spell just fine, it just has no effect.  It's quite similar to Anti-Magic Fields in, say, Dungeons & Dragons.  So...  it wouldn't really matter as far as stopping Ryu1's transformation.  Unless of course Chris "guesses" right and SLs a turn where Ryu1 de-transforms, which would stop the re-transform the next turn....  but Chris won't know to set up that Silent Lake until it's too late, and Ryu1 can easily vary the turn he de-transforms which would make it a guessing game Chris is likely to lose.  If he even needs to de-transform ever, that is.

Dark Holy Elf

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Re: Chris vs. Ryu1
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2009, 06:07:45 AM »
Dragons are immune to status (except ID). In other words, in the battle between dragon form and status, whichever one is applied first wins.

EDIT: I agree with Snowfire on how SL vs. dragons would behave.

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Re: Chris vs. Ryu1
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2009, 06:10:46 AM »
Wasn't S3 Silent Lake a field effect?  That's different from a status.

EDIT: Looks like SnowFire EDIT2: and NEB cleared it up.  And Chris doesn't need to "guess" when Ryu de-transforms.  He's going to de-transform when he needs healing.  Chris knows when Ryu needs healing because she knows how much damage she does.

Not that I agree with forcing TB characters to "guess" what the opponents are going to do before them in the DL anyways.