
Author Topic: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2  (Read 2090 times)


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Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« on: February 12, 2009, 09:43:07 AM »
Beowulf 36-20 (13-15, 24-5)
Kazan 17-13 (7-8, 10-5)
Magdalen 16-13 (6-9, 10-4)
Lexis 24-27 (4-21, 20-6)
Yulie 28-32 (11-21, 17-14)
Poco 7-15 (1-10, 6-5)

Flay 13-15 (4-11, 9-6)
Jessica 11-18 (3-12, 8-6)
Roxis 10-18 (3-12, 7-6)

Physicals types trumped pure mages in both the regular tourney and the addendum. None of the MKers did well enough to move on in this part.

This Week!
2. Mathias- Wind Rune variant tank~
4. Sharon- Wind Rune variant tank~
5. Nash- If Beowulf can move on, can Middle's other noted status slinger!
7. Kresnik- Can he avenge his fallen sister!
9. Mizuki- Underdog 1, who barely qualified after the first round!
11. Jude- Underdog 2!

And the MK trio again of course.

The Matches
Mathias (S5)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Maya (P2)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Maya (P2)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Maya (P2)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Maya (P2)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Maya (P2)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Maya (P2)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Maya (P2)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Maya (P2)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Flay (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Flay (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Flay (MK)   vs   Maya (P2)
Flay (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Flay (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Flay (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Flay (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Flay (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Flay (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Flay (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Flay (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Flay (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5)

...into the nightfall.

Jo'ou Ranbu

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2009, 02:11:34 PM »
The Matches

Mathias (S5) vs. Edge (FF4) - Edge MDef makes Mat's ID turn one while Mat's status resistance makes Edge's sleep turn two. And, due to tankishness, it's quite probable Mathias gets more than one turn anyway.
Mathias (S5) vs. Gau (FF6) - Faster, begins Rage nonsense. I'm sure he has something good that immunes ID.
Mathias (S5) vs. Lyon (S5) - There's a notable speed difference here, and Lyon's ID will connect first anyway.
Mathias (S5) vs. Toadstool (SMRPG) - Hm. The status resistance makes this interesting. It's mostly a matter of Toadstool being able to kill Mat before he connects the ID, since she's hitting Silence turn two... buuuuuuut. If I voted him against Edge, I'm not sure Toadstoll will fare much better, her MDef is not that good. Can be argued.
Mathias (S5) vs. Lucian (VP) - Lucian is a bit brutal here, I don't think Mathias avoids that 2HKO, and since Lucian goes first...
Mathias (S5) vs. Lani (FF9) - Kneejerk is that S5 elemental nonsense doesn't go -that- far, and Mathias isn't an MDef god last I checked.
Mathias (S5) vs. Leehalt (WA3) - HEALER VS. LEEHALT
Mathias (S5) vs. Vaynard (Brig) - NOT SUCKING AGAINST VAYNARD
Mathias (S5) vs. Argilla (DDS) - Oh lord, the wind weakness makes this ugly. Granted, Argilla MDef... could make the ID turn four, in which case, things could get admittedly ugly the other way, since uh Argilla resources. But then, I think Mathias can resist Earth anyway. Cooooooooool.
Mathias (S5) vs. Lo Wen (S2) - Mathias is tanky enough to handle a Silent Lake go, and past that... well, ID solves problems.
Mathias (S5) vs. Nelis (S5) - Suikoden 5 elemental nonsense!

Sharon (S3) vs. Edge (FF4) - Way too damned much evade. If Sharon gets a charge of FW, things just get ugly. If you allow Sharon to use Yellow Scarves, then...
Sharon (S3) vs. Gau (FF 6) - Yeah.
Sharon (S3) vs. Lyon (S5) - On the other hand, status resistance+being faster works well here.
Sharon (S3) vs. Toadstool (SMRPG) - uh.
Sharon (S3) vs. Lucian (VP) - Evade.
Sharon (S3) vs. Lani (FF9) - Was Sharon actually magically tanky?
Sharon (S3) vs. Leehalt (WA3) - Healing vs. Leehalt. That pans out nicely.
Sharon (S3) vs. Vaynard (Brig) - FOGG
Sharon (S3) vs. Argilla (DDS) - Sharon hits a weakness... and it's absolutely irrelevant, since her damage really sucks with wind and isn't much better with physicals. She could have a case for a heal-lock there, but how long can she keep up with Argilla's ridiculous MP?
Sharon (S3) vs. Lo Wen (S2) - Tanking.
Sharon (S3) vs. Nelis (S5) - Nelis heal-locks with a crappy spell really easily with that damage, and her Magic/MDef stave off bigger threats due to S5 equip nonsense.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Edge (FF4) - Faster.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Gau (FF6) - Faster! Sleep+fatal status does its magic. Paralyze should work.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Lyon (S5) - ... hmmmm.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Toadstool (SMRPG) - Immunes Silence and Sleep at once. The turn two status are still a bit problematic, but her Silence hits turn one and she 3HKOs past that.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Lucian (VP) - Statusin'.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Lani (FF9) - Heavy-level boss.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Leehalt (WA3) - Leehalt owns 3HKOers.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Vaynard (Brig) - Ahahahaha Vaynard hype. Nash status is still turn two at worst and he only needs to connect one to win.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Argilla (DDS) - On the other hand... Argilla immunes the turn one stuff, turn two stuff might become turn four, and Argilla still 3HKOs. Weird.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Lo Wen (S2) - Statusin'.
Nash (LSSC) vs. Nelis (S5) - Nelis needs to OHKO or die here. Not sure if it happens.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Edge (FF4) - Sleep immunity doesn't help matters, either.
Kresnik (WA 4) vs. Gau (FF 6) - Gau.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Lyon (S5) - Now, this is sorta funny. Kres makes Lyon's magic utterly fail, and he gets to keep up well enough against the physicals.
Kresnik (WA 4) vs. Toadstool (SMRPG) - Hm. Resource war here. Kres needs to heal more often, but he also gets more turns, which... might end up not mattering. Hm.
Kresnik (WA 4) vs. Lucian (VP) - Yeah no, this is a bit much.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Lani (FF9) - Lani's counters make this fight interesting, but the speed edge after Adrenaline and the fact Lani isn't really applying that much pressure makes me kneejerk his way.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Leehalt (WA3) - Healing.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Vaynard (Brig) - Um yeah.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Argilla (DDS) - Another cool match. Kres makes Argilla's damage fail, but... this is a resource war, and both are very deep on their reserves. Kres' damage also blows, which relieves Argilla's problems a lot.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Lo Wen (S2) - This one hinges on Lo Wen being able to kill Kres before SL runs out.
Kresnik (WA4) vs. Nelis (S5) - I think. Kres avoids the 2HKO very easily once Adrenaline is in place, and even if the healing isn't particularly close to full, the gross durability against spells makes it fairly easy to manage.

Mizuki (S4) vs. Edge (FF4) - Goddamnit. Unless Image < ITE.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Gau (FF6) - Gau getting turns.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Lyon (S5) - Depends on whether Lyon can stave off Mizuki's 2HKO or not.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Toadstool (SMRPG) - Toadstool can't handle Mizuki's insanely fast 2HKO. Sleep can buy her turns, but it doesn't help enough.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Lucian (VP) - Mizuki gets 3HKOed in effect against Lucian due to evade (since she juuuuuuust avoids that OHKO). And she 3HKOs first.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Lani (FF9) - 2HKOs first.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Leehalt (WA3) - As well.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Vaynard (Brig) - Vaynard.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Argilla (DDS) - Argilla -loathes- that spammable 2HKO off Mizuki speed.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Lo Wen (S2) - So does Lo Wen. This pool sorta plays to Mizuki's strengths, with all the "lacking durability" thing.
Mizuki (S4) vs. Nelis (S5) - And yet again. Mizuki's surprisingly brutal at what she does, but she mostly loves the fact this pool mostly lacks people who can survive two of her hits - or stave off that speed.

Jude (WA4) vs. Edge (FF4) - This is one of the rare places where MYSTIC POTION BERRY sees use, is my kneejerk. Immuning Sleep helps, too. Which is to say this is still a very neat match, since Edge can throw up Images forever and is not a lot slower than Jude. Still thinking.
Jude (WA 4) vs. Gau (FF6) - Yeah.
Jude (WA4) vs. Lyon (S5) - Lyon OHKOs through Mithral Guard. That's that.
Jude (WA4) vs. Toadstool (SMRPG) - Hm, neat match. Sleep basically always hits, and that screws up AB strategies. On the other hand, Jude getting in a single physical => AB ends the fight. If Jude chooses to immune Sleep instead, Silence handles his shenanigans, since now he's relying on a basic physical. Cooool.
Jude (WA4) vs. Lucian (VP) - Jude's retardedly fast 2HKO works wonders here.
Jude (WA4) vs.   Lani (FF9) - Hmmmm. He probably wins if he still 3-2s without a second physical. If not, things get messy, but... hmmmm.
Jude (WA4) vs. Leehalt (WA3) - Pelt with SL+physical, finish off with AB at -worst-. Sounds like a fine strategy to me.
Jude (WA4) vs. Vaynard (Brig) - Range screws counters, and hyping the freeze spell as above average damage (which Vaynard -needs- to 2HKO Jude) doesn't ring right to me. This means Jude can manage it to me.
Jude (WA4) vs. Argilla (DDS) - Yup.
Jude (WA4) vs. Lo Wen (S2) - Can survive a SL at worst, and risks outslugging Lo Wen under it anyway due to the speed.
Jude (WA4) vs. Nelis (S5) - Nelis, however, just screws the rules and OHKOs.
Jessica (MK) vs. Edge (FF4) - Mage healer who immunes Sleep against Edge. That's ugly.
Jessica (MK) vs. Gau (FF6) - Um, yeah.
Jessica (MK) vs. Lyon (S5) - OHKOs.
Jessica (MK) vs. Toadstool (SMRPG) - Toadstool is faster regardless, and immunes Silence. Jess can last a while, but... Toadstool healing resources be deep under my interp.
Jessica (MK) vs. Lucian (VP) - BUTBUTBUT BLOCKER HYPE
Jessica (MK) vs. Lani (FF9) - The speed catches up eventually, really.
Jessica (MK) vs. Leehalt (WA3) - TIMED HEALING VS. LEEHALT
Jessica (MK) vs. Vaynard (Brig) - Avoiding counters is really important here, and that, Jessica can do. Vaynard probably scrapes a 2HKO, but that doesn't matter here.
Jessica (MK) vs. Argilla (DDS) - Jessica hits weakness... but Argilla immunes Silence IIRC, and she also 2HKOs, while Jess... can't say the same in practice. The resource disparity proves to be too much.
Jessica (MK) vs. Lo Wen (S2) - Blocker pathetically may win her the fight.
Jessica (MK) vs. Nelis (S5) - OHKOs.

Roxis (MK) vs. Edge (FF4) - Immunes Sleep, goes to town with Chrona Drive.
Roxis (MK) vs. Gau (FF6) - I guess. Granted, this is such a bizarre fight.
Roxis (MK) vs. Lyon (S5) - That 2HKOing thing. Roxis no likey.
Roxis (MK) vs. Toadstool (SMRPG) - Roxis has to immune Silence here. However, he is wasting his time if he tries to use his status immunity move, since Toadstool 3HKOs. Sleep may actually end up winning her the fight here, in the end, since it -does- give her some room to heal, and she won't have problems outpacing Roxis resources with that breathing room.
Roxis (MK) vs. Lucian (VP) - OHKOs.
Roxis (MK) vs. Lani (FF9) - I think she still 2HKOs. If not? Roxis probably gets by, since she's not 3-2ing (I am not respecting FF9 speed -that- much, even if she's Kujatastic for speed -unscaled-).
Roxis (MK) vs. Leehalt (WA3) - EDIT: It's an auto-counter, yeah. In which case, Roxis just Trick Edges and gets by, since I allow him the nearly 2k damage figure for it.
Roxis (MK) vs. Vaynard (Brig) - Vaynard.
Roxis (MK) vs. Argilla (DDS) - Ohhhh, neat match. But, while Argilla's MDef helps a bunch... Roxis gets in one of those rare third turns due to Quick, and that probably seals her fate.
Roxis (MK) vs. Lo Wen (S2) - Silent Lake. Ow.
Roxis (MK) vs. Nelis (S5) - 2HKOs first!

Flay (MK) vs. Edge (FF4) - Immunes Sleep and timed cards are a decent way to bypass Image. So it goes.
Flay (MK) vs. Gau (FF6) - Gaus it up.
Flay (MK) vs. Lyon (S5) - Just 2HKOs and has the damage to bypass Last Stand range.
Flay (MK) vs. Toadstool (SMRPG) - This is sorta brutal, though. As usual, Peach can buy turns with Sleep (Flay's blocking Silence period), but no bypassing Last Stand range for her, and Raiden Charge can make things really ugly.
Flay (MK) vs. Lucian (VP) - EDIT: I said I could be argued, right? Good match.
Flay (MK) vs. Lani (FF9) - Lani can't avoid that LS range herself. While the speed edge is big, she probably ends up dying first.
Flay (MK) vs. Leehalt (WA3) - 2HKOers, Leehalt is not such a fan of.
Flay (MK) vs. Vaynard (Brig) - Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.
Flay (MK) vs. Argilla (DDS) - Ugly.
Flay (MK) vs. Lo Wen (S2) - Lives through SL and booms.
Flay (MK) vs. Nelis (S5) - So, if all four stars from Buster Star goes through, Flay kills Nelis. This is worrisome. However, Nelis leisurely chip-2HKOs, and the speed advantage turn one is not negligible. I think she can manage before that fourth, fatal star connects.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2009, 01:29:20 AM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2009, 02:17:59 PM »
The Matches
Mathias (S5)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Mathias wasn't an HP god, I don't think.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Don't think Lyon can overwhelm Shining Wind.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Funeral Wind.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Shining Wind.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Shining Wind.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Healing.
Mathias (S5)  vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Shining Wind.
Mathias (S5)  vs   Argilla (DDS)- Funeral Wind against a weakness. That'll go well.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Mathias (S5)  vs   Nelis (S5)

Sharon (S3)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Edge is likely too fast/accurate here.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Heal lock.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Should run her out of FP.
Sharon (S3)  vs   Lucian (VP)- Evade.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Don't think Lani can run her out of MP.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Healing.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Sharon (S3)  vs   Nelis (S5)- Nelis needs a OHKO from Final Flame, she isn't getting it.

Nash (LSSC)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Definitely faster. Endgame Nash is is quick but not uber fast.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Mblock.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Status having/might be faster/might OHKO.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Vaynard's got mage INT, which means he's likely heavily resistant to status. Think he manages a 2HKO here as well.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- Nash gets three shots at status here.
Nash (LSSC)  vs   Lo Wen (S2)- Physical ID.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Don't think the physical Id is turn two.

Kresnik (WA 4)   vs  Edge (FF 4)- Krenisk be toast here.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Should, at least.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Status.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Kres defense is enough here.
Kresnik (WA 4)  vs   Lani (FF 9)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- These fights are all slaughters.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Nelis (S5)

Mizuki (S4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Evade/Image/status.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Here be the end of the scary heavies.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Think this will hold.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Evade and speed.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- I think.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Mizuki (S4)  vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Kneejerking this way.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- Brutally heal locked.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Not 2HKOed.

Jude (WA 4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Assault buster versus someone who's fast and evasive, this'll work.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- See above.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lyon (S5)- *CRUNCH*
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- AB versus healer.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Jude's good against physicals.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Fast boss mage.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- OHKO from Assault Buster.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- 2HKO. Vaynard's defense and some evasion means AB won't cut it in time.
Jude (WA 4)  vs   Argilla (DDS)- haaaaaaaaaaaahahahhaa
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Nelis (S5)- OHKO.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 02:33:06 PM by superaielman »
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself"- Count Aral Vorkosigan, A Civil Campaign
<Meeple> knownig Square-enix, they'll just give us a 2nd Kain
<Ciato> he would be so kawaii as a chibi...

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2009, 11:13:30 PM »
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Maya (P2)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2009, 02:39:33 AM »
Mathias (S5)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Edge
Mathias (S5)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Gau. Likely.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Maya (P2)- Maya. Hama works here.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Lyon
Mathias (S5)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Toadstool. 50% Status res doesn’t cut it here, I think.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Lucian. Faster 2HKO.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Lani. Mathias can get 3 of the 4 elements he needs at one time.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Mathias
Mathias (S5)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Mathias
Mathias (S5)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- Mathias. ID hits on turn 2.
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)- Mathias
Mathias (S5)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Mathias
Sharon (S3)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Sharon. Blocks Sleep.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Is there a rage that nulls ID, has magical damage and maybe healing?
Sharon (S3)   vs   Maya (P2)- Maya
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Lyon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Toadstool. Blocks Sleep, and Sharon can’t block both Sleep and Silence to me.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Lani
Sharon (S3)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)- Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Sharon. MRes kills the OHKO
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Edge.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Gau, I think?
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Maya (P2)- Maya
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Lyon
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Nash
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Nash. Assuming Sleep or Confuse aren’t cancelled by magic.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Lani
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Leehalt
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Nash.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- Nash. Stone.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)- Nash
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Nash. Turn two status here.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Edge. No equips change is not something Kresnik likes.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Gau.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Maya (P2)- Maya. More no equip change sadness.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Lyon. Setting Sun is getting him turn 3 at least since one shot Pre-Adrenaline.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Toadstool
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Lucian
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Lani. Maybe if Lani didn’t those counters.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Kresnik
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Kresnik
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- This may never end.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)- Kresnik
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Kresnik
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Edge. Slightly faster to me.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Gau
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Maya (P2)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Lyon
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Mizuki. 4-3 and Toadstool can’t 2HKO.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Lucian. Gut reaction says he manages to 2HKO.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Leehalt
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)- Mizuki
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Mizuki
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Edge.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Gau
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Maya (P2)- Jude
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Lyon
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Jude
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Lucian. Believe he takes the physical, AB and AB, and Jude can’t fit in better damage before Lucian’s second turn.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Lani. Comes close to PC HP at least! Lives through the Assault Buster and then Counters it too.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Leehalt
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Jude
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- Jude
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)- Jude
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Nelis
Jessica (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Edge. 2HKOs, ITD and ITE likely means ignoring Defending and the 25% effective physical res to me.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Gau
Jessica (MK)   vs   Maya (P2)- Maya
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Lyon
Jessica (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Lucian
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Lani. 2HKO on a double.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Jessica
Jessica (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Jessica
Jessica (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- Leaning Jessica. Could get enough crits to activate Burst Mode?
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)- Hmm
Jessica (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Nelis
Roxis (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Roxis. Edge would win if he wasn’t ITD!
Roxis (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Gau
Roxis (MK)   vs   Maya (P2)- Maya
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Lyon
Roxis (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Toadstool
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Lucian
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Lani
Roxis (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Roxis. Guess time cards do this!
Roxis (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Vaynard. 2HKOs.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- Roxis
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)- Lo Wen
Roxis (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Nelis
Flay (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Flay. Blocks Sleep+Timed Cards get around Image quite well.
Flay (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6)- Gau
Flay (MK)   vs   Maya (P2)- Maya. Hama.
Flay (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5)- Lyon
Flay (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)- Flay. Break her defense, then have some luck with time cards.
Flay (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP)- Lucian. Last Stand would work here…except for that pesky first turn magnifying speed differences.
Flay (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9)- Lani
Flay (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)- Flay
Flay (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)- Flay
Flay (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS)- Flay
Flay (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)- Flay
Flay (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5)- Nelis. Flay wishes Last Stand gave a better speed boost!
Sharon 7-4 (2-3, 5-1)
Mizuki 7-5 (2-4, 5-1)
Nash 6-6 (2-4, 4-2)
Mathias 5-7 (0-6, 5-1)
Jude 5-7 (2-4, 3-3)
Kresnik 4-7 (0-6, 4-1)

Flay 5-7 (1-5, 4-2)
Jessica 3-8 (0-6, 3-2)
Roxis 2-10 (0-6, 2-4)
...into the nightfall.

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2009, 02:28:45 PM »
Regarding Flay vs. Lucian, remember that Flay dodges turn two (Blocking + Guts added up), so he's surviving until Lucian's third turn, not second as people seem to be implying. While it's possible that Flay may fail to kill Lucian during that time due to Lucian's own evade, it doesn't seem that likely as a kneejerk. It gets even worse if Lucian can't chip around Last Stand.

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2009, 05:36:33 PM »
Regarding Flay vs. Lucian, remember that Flay dodges turn two (Blocking + Guts added up), so he's surviving until Lucian's third turn, not second as people seem to be implying. While it's possible that Flay may fail to kill Lucian during that time due to Lucian's own evade, it doesn't seem that likely as a kneejerk. It gets even worse if Lucian can't chip around Last Stand.

Blocking is checked per hit, Guts is checked per chain.  Don't know if this actually changes anything, but throwing that out there.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2009, 10:07:21 PM »
Isn't Guts just a 30% chance to revive upon Death?
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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2009, 10:39:02 PM »
Isn't Guts just a 30% chance to revive upon Death?

Yes, but he's saying between the chances of Blocking and Guts, he survives turn 2.  Against a fighter than 2HKOs him, Flay has a 73% chance of either blocking at least one of the two attacks or reviving with Guts on turn 2.

Lucian, however, has multiple hits, and Block is checked on each one, which may mess with the odds a bit, so I'm not sure how it holds up here.  Just note that Guts is checked on a whole chain (proven in-game), so that 30% chance to survive turn 2 is straight up 30%, regardless of where in Lucian's attack chain Flay's HP hits 0.

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2009, 11:36:41 PM »
Jessica (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Edge. 2HKOs, ITD and ITE likely means ignoring Defending and the 25% effective physical res to me.

Edge 2HKOs with -what-? His damage is ITD, ITE 4HKO. Jess HP sucks, but not nearly to the point it gets her 2HKOed by a 4HKO to average. Unless this is FF4DS Edge, who probably just OHKOs due to the whole "2x spammable average damage that isn't ITD" that makes Jessica explode. Which makes things moot.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 11:38:17 PM by Jo'ou Ranbu »
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> HEY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> LAGGY
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> UVIET?!??!?!
[01:08] <Laggy> YA!!!!!!!!!1111111111
[01:08] <Soppy-ReturningToInaba> OMG!!!!
[01:08] <Chulianne> No wonder you're small.
[01:08] <TranceHime> cocks
[01:08] <Laggy> .....


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2009, 11:45:47 PM »
Jessica (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4)- Edge. 2HKOs, ITD and ITE likely means ignoring Defending and the 25% effective physical res to me.

Edge 2HKOs with -what-? His damage is ITD, ITE 4HKO. Jess HP sucks, but not nearly to the point it gets her 2HKOed by a 4HKO to average. Unless this is FF4DS Edge, who probably just OHKOs due to the whole "2x spammable average damage that isn't ITD" that makes Jessica explode. Which makes things moot.

Yeah, I completely misread the FF4a topic there. He loses the 2HKO and then loses there.
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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2009, 01:27:03 AM »
Tal: Well, Lucian's own attack only makes one hit check per chain, so it could go either way. Although I suppose going with VP you could hype Lucian Guard Crushing. Hmm.

Anyway, if it's evenly distributed, my guess is Lucian now fails to 2HKO. Also fails to build enough energy for a Soul Crush, so yeah... definitely fails. To me anyway. Your VP views might make things different, I don't know.

Either way -most- ways of reading the fight will have Flay surviving two turns.

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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2009, 07:28:24 PM »
Tal: Well, Lucian's own attack only makes one hit check per chain, so it could go either way. Although I suppose going with VP you could hype Lucian Guard Crushing. Hmm.

Anyway, if it's evenly distributed, my guess is Lucian now fails to 2HKO. Also fails to build enough energy for a Soul Crush, so yeah... definitely fails. To me anyway. Your VP views might make things different, I don't know.

Either way -most- ways of reading the fight will have Flay surviving two turns.


Blocking is more like VP guarding than VP evasion, buuuut, it doesn't do the "get hit once and can't guard for the rest of the chain" thing.  So I'd probably just see it as nulling swings in the chain, but not stopping the chain (like evade does).  Or maybe not.  I don't even know yet.

My views have no one energy storing, so the damage average is lower, but I'd have to check to see if he still needs the PWS and then what are the odds he gets one (and no energy storing means he can't rack it up over the two turns either!).


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2009, 07:54:00 AM »
Update on Friday hopefully! Vote!
...into the nightfall.


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Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2009, 06:58:08 PM »
Mathias (S5)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Maya (P2)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Maya (P2)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Maya (P2)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Maya (P2)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Maya (P2)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Maya (P2)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Nelis (S5)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4) - Healing.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6) - Probably outstalls or something.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Maya (P2) - Magic reflection?  Not sure if I see it hitting the physicals but Mana Khemia physicals.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5) - If nothing else, ID, but she probably just OHKOs.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG) - Outheals.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP) - Might not OHKO turn 1 (due to Blocking), but eventually the odds are going to go his way.  Probably before Jess gets off a KO (he gets like five or six tries or something).
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9) - Defend can stop the double.  I think it might be enough in this case.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3) - Haha Leehalt.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Jessica (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS) - Defend -> Minimum Wind + Donor Bomb KOs?
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2) - This won't hurt... I think~
Jessica (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5) - OHKO.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4) - Outdamages eventually.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6) - Stall stall stall.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Maya (P2) - Magic reflect.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5) - Blitz blitz blitz.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG) - Immunes status + overwhelms with timed cards.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP) - Overkill.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9) - Probably 2HKOs.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3) - Haha Leehalt.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Roxis (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS) - Hm, probably overwhelms at some point.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2) - BUT BUT ROXIS A-SUPPORT HAS SEAL!!1
Roxis (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5) - Probably OHKOs.  Or 2HKOs.  Whichever.
Flay (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4) - Haha Edge.
Flay (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6) - Gau vs. physicals.
Flay (MK)   vs   Maya (P2) - Oh right, Ma-ya had ID.
Flay (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5) - Goes first, 2HKOs.
Flay (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG) - Same as Roxis pretty much.
Flay (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP) - I'm... really not sure.  Lucian might 2HKO through Blocker to me (no energy charging damage average), and I don't know if the Guts odds push the odds in Flay's favor or not.  Kneejerking it does though.
Flay (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9) - Goes first, 2HKOs?
Flay (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3) - Raiden Charge + stuff for lols.
Flay (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Flay (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS) - Hmm, Raiden Charge + Screwdriver OHKO?  If not, Screwdriver's Knocback might just buy him a double?
Flay (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2) - Uh, don't think I'd see SL hitting the physical techs anyways.
Flay (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5) - Goes first, 2HKOs.


  • Guest
Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Semis 2
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2009, 11:08:12 PM »
The Matches
Mathias (S5)   vs   Edge (FF 4)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Gau (FF 6)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lyon (S5)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lucian (VP)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lani (FF 9)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Vaynard (Brig)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Argilla (DDS)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Lo Wen (S2)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Nelis (S5): He could halve fire.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Edge (FF 4): Sharon, scarf hype or something.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Gau (FF 6): Sharon, sleep -> ID before he Rages?
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lyon (S5): Lyon.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG): Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lucian (VP): Lucian
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lani (FF 9): Lani
Sharon (S3)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3): Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Vaynard (Brig): Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Argilla (DDS): Sharon hits weakness here.
Sharon (S3)   vs   Lo Wen (S2): Sharon
Sharon (S3)   vs   Nelis (S5): Sharon, since I don't think Nelis could get status? Also fast healing.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Edge (FF 4): Edge.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Gau (FF 6): Nash?
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lyon (S5): Nash. Connects with status on the second shot?
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG): Toadstool. Status immunity.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lucian (VP): Lucian. Might Charm.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lani (FF 9): Lani.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3): Leehalt.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Vaynard (Brig): Nash.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Argilla (DDS): Nash.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Lo Wen (S2): Nash.
Nash (LSSC)   vs   Nelis (S5): Nash.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Edge (FF 4): Kresnik?
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Gau (FF 6): Gau.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lyon (S5): Lyon.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG): Kresnik can't stop sleep and silence? Toadstool.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lucian (VP): Lucian gets a stun in there.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lani (FF 9): Kresnik...
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3): Kresnik.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig): Kresnik.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Argilla (DDS): Kresnik, I think.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2): Kresnik.
Kresnik (WA 4)   vs   Nelis (S5): Kresnik. Mdurability after buffing should see him through.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Edge (FF 4): Edge.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Gau (FF 6): Gau.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lyon (S5): Mizuki 2HKOs first?
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG): Toadstool.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lucian (VP): Mizuki avoids the OHKO and 2HKOs back?
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lani (FF 9): Lani.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3): Leehalt.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig): Mizuki.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Argilla (DDS): Mizuki.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2): Mizuki.
Mizuki (S4)   vs   Nelis (S5): Mizuki. 2HKOs first.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Edge (FF 4): Image. Edge.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Gau (FF 6): Gau
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lyon (S5): Lyon. OHKO.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG): I think Jude could block Sleep, so phsyical->AB -> Physical->Physical works.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lucian (VP): Jude isn't OHKOd and should manage it.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lani (FF 9): Lani. Fast and damaging with magic.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3): Leehalt. No healing.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Vaynard (Brig): Jude.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Argilla (DDS): Jude. Before she moves.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Lo Wen (S2): Jude.
Jude (WA 4)   vs   Nelis (S5): Nelis. I think she can survive physical->AB?
Jessica (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4): Jessica.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6): Gau.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5): Lyon. ID.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG): Jessica.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP): Lucian.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9): Lani?
Jessica (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3): Jessica.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig): Jessica.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS): Jessica.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2): Jessica.
Jessica (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5): Jessica.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4): Roxis immunes and smites works.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6): Gau? Kinda iffy here, but Nightshade probably works. Well, maybe not because Roxis has Prevent, which stops things that otherwise pierce boss status immunity.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5): Lyon. Blitz.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG): Roxis. Setup to bypass the healing.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP): Lucian. Just smash.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9): Lani.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3): Roxis. Timed cards don't trigger the RoV.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig): Roxis.
Roxis (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS): Roxis, I think?
Roxis (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2): Roxis?
Roxis (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5): Nelis.
Flay (MK)   vs   Edge (FF 4): Buster Star gets around Image. Flay.
Flay (MK)   vs   Gau (FF 6): Nightshade I guess. Other strats could get Raiden Charged?
Flay (MK)   vs   Lyon (S5): Lyon.
Flay (MK)   vs   Toadstool (SMRPG): Flay.
Flay (MK)   vs   Lucian (VP): Flay.
Flay (MK)   vs   Lani (FF 9): Lani.
Flay (MK)   vs   Leehalt (WA 3): Flay.
Flay (MK)   vs   Vaynard (Brig): Flay.
Flay (MK)   vs   Argilla (DDS): Flay.
Flay (MK)   vs   Lo Wen (S2): Flay.
Flay (MK)   vs   Nelis (S5): Nelis.